■“SJViWfW AYUWt.Y iwfcftHMi • Mitf HmH lt*«w fWi I k**>«k H ♦A* Mrtii • ***«•* !ll ***** k **•»** t HUM m #«*• W» 0'# tk** ♦••wH »*'k ♦*.» Am|4lll0 .**..»*»•»« #*l Ik* \***¥ !■«*• It l hi •*•*■ **>k **■ ■ f»* « m*iU * >|w* INP» M ***<*' ruit i i—m mm ► r"* H |1« M ♦' * »>»ww ** !• • #»* tfctfll AM AMI \mi»' I *m •♦! ***** ♦**♦****«**• H r H •* **' » <»* i m M*« I *4»4* M(M tl>M W u I ll W1* *fl «»»*#* «►** A* Afl*» Aftfl. •-Mr . Radiance of • * . Perfect Health The woman who is the center of attraction wher ever she goes is vivacious, active, brimming over with buoyancy. She keeps well. . . . Most illnesses are the result of bacterial in fection. For this reason a vital health measure for women is the use of an effective antiseptic for personal hy giene. The antiseptic recommended by physicians for this purpose is “Lysol” Disinfectant. In proper solution with water, it will not irritate the delicate membranes. Complete directions in every package. At all ding stores. Be sure you get the genuine. The Ideal Antiseptic for Personal Hygiene The Ihandeis Storv-Omaha Bee toilet Goods Exposition April 2&loMau3 " \ jiluuMr (*»fls ;it ItniiiU Slum \ intlnr* Wmlr 11 «*|«|«a In "*|»* I idl Set* uf l*fwl« tirl*. An AiMMIIf | loonrll v gift box n a* nW of the gift* pr»-*cpl#d at the ft! *ndM» afore t tfp.Vlvi th e toilet good* *x|**itlno Ktlihn llrabgtM IPother*, who tank* the Ih'imell) line gnd I eonon Cut tie ew|t, hex*' pee milled ' tlv net tide of thunban* with llteit •ample* and rinsed the. weyk will! * gift Ihi\ to a vieltoi I'rldav, and an other will he given Mnttintay. toil if I lie beautiful Irlinp* of Mel lin'a, whhli have hern admired an iiiueli during the week, wit* nlpo glvdl away Friday. Miilhena and Krooff, who make tin fninoua f.T11 glycerine aonp and Hu other 4711 package*, preeented a box of their produi'l* to a Itu ky vlxltnr. The I, le Caulk, one of Ih* oldest firm* In the limine**, who have |u*t put “Merdrex'' on the mnrket, gent out a man happy with a l»'X of their product*. The .Nymftuin people are making Mine girl n |irc*ent of one of their t hln eompiot* each day and Hu Itnylau lilndstrom me antlHpgHng warm weather fur aome visitor by giving him or her a gallon Itoyal Thermic Jar. * Men Not Forgotten. The men were not forgot ten by *nmc of the firm* at the exposition A. .1. Krnnk company gave alm»*t every man who entered the exposition a aaniple jar of Fix a Oloa*. a prepa ration to keep the hairy ehlny and In plaee The ladle* were preeented with a earn pie of Krnnk'* J.emon Cream and Hkln Health face powder. |2|I See Our Booth at the Eapoiition | I ASK FOR OUR FREE BOOK ON HAIR Interesting farts on hair and how to take care of It, fully told in this book. Just the in formation you want if your hair needs help. Reatorea gray hair to original color-removes dandmfF-stopa falling of hair and itching scalp. 5aa tha Kolor-Bak Ditplay at Our Booth /Science Triumphs Over Gray Hair Kolor-Rak is a clean, color less liquid, as pleasant arid easy to use as water. An aid to Nature—a tonic which puts hair and scalp in a healthy condition. Why con tinue to have Kray hair when Kolor-Rak works such won ders? Just a few applications will show you that it is possi ble to bririK back the youthful appearance of your hair and to keep it in perfect condition. HYGIENIC LABORATORIES 3334-3338 W. 38th St., Dept. 878 Chicago, III. With The Omaha Bee Staff Artist at Brandeis Toilet Exposition PINAUD WILL INCREASE LINE The name Kd Plnaud has been known In this country for tine* gen eratluns as etnnding fur high finality )n toilet preparations. Prior to 1S70 the Ed Plnnud products were Im ported direct from France by mer chants In the Inlted Htates. The demand for them Increased so much that It was decided to place a resident agent In New York. In iseo the business In this country wns placed under the management of Kmlle I tard. who believed that with pioper direction the name of Kd Plnaud Mercirex b a n i shcs skin defects by help fhjf the true skin do its work. If your skin were a simple covering, nny good «oa*i could he depended on to keep it healthy and attractive. But it consist* of two layers. The second layer is known as the true akin. Nearly all akin traublaa take root in thia true akin. The T,. P. Caulk Company, one of the oldest scientific in stitutions in the country, has developed a treatment which penetrates to the true akin, and there acts promptly and positive ly on the deep center* of skin disorder*. Thia treatment will pnaitivaly rid the akin of pimploa, blackhooda, aczama and many more aerioua diaordara. MERCIREX Soajfand Cream Merclrex in beinif demon*!rated at The Brandei* Omaha Beo Toilet (ioods Kxpo*itinn. Vinit Our Booth i-oiilrl be mad* a* f.irnou* In the l.'nlted Hint** as It had for year* been In Kurnpe. Mr. 1’lard brought new ideas of merchandising toilet preparation and perfumes and the practical applies tlon of them to the Kd PInaud prod net* accomplished rexnlts even la> yotid his expectations, It wan about this time that the Lilac V „eta: toilet extract was placed before Amer ican buyer* and It* success has been so great that practically all lovers of toilet waters are useis of ISd PInaud Lilac. t Kd PInaud'* Knu de Quinine I lair Tonic ha* always beep * moat promi nent and successful hair preparation. It hits the advantage of being the standard, which all other hair tonics are measured, due to the superior1 IHAffflt lltr h *»** ft If**** tW#n '*'»H *" "« . Vbe MMM I* i •■%♦ ■ *»**.nm Meent aiMUMna U» h» Id Pmjttrri I n* gte | Jt*« Tate |M Itath IhHI IV**- M» • N«fitiiittaH> ti nf talciitvi and • n ?»* h Nltc |#rfWi a and baa fmwla a iffil imptfilan titwtil *tta« nod r* t* ng ho ♦»* t l I -Mb NflHa ar* I ha vat) e«aett*a nf refinement at In auality ui4 flagman* # and in hilMt i "m manned t«« pa* tb utar Parfnmarla 1*4 Pinaud will allbin a few weet, ■ |»||< # on the mar Wei two i m prrparaimna that ate iur» of attire** Aromatic 1 uniat « »p*m and al*o l;d Ptftaud'a rthavlng t team In |*r«•In* tog the*# two new artlrlee Mr, I turd mm the Patia hmiM had In mind tnaking something nut of the ordinalv by 1 ha Pimple method of iuaittitift the fine#! quality poaaHde tu amh product*. l’»e»« of i;d Pin and a \n»rti»fid itefital f'ream and Hhavlng fraam will immediately per <*ri\a the difference between Kd Pin and quality and tha average run of aimilfir preparation*. Word from royalty ha* It that Prince** Mary nf the Hritlah house la reviving the fashion nf wournlg a tiny watch In n ring. Her * la the gift of he, hmdtind and combine* diamond* .ind other atone* Face Powder Esi^uisitely perfumed; remarkably adherent; velvety soft. Thit I* the famous powder supplied to the theatrical profession from our London Heymarket Store. It is especially recommended for Sensitive skin—75c the boa. See the Kalos Booth With the Girls in Costume I TP 7°" he* the flortoue eativlacriofl '• X of the per la. t complexion which reeulte irom e IrW \ week#' toneoemicua ute ol BURNHAM CUCUMBER CREAM ttruf BURNHAM SKIN RE/UVENATOR 7 AskmlooeJ tad ni(htnv«a, M Skui Heallli 2Sc~-*____ fltlfl Arenanr AatnnetoiiMwn—Tenee endeekda> aB /wT , . ram, tl.’O 1 t/1/r/AI Jecnie Roee Petal#—A cold men route, <• c la tehee. Poudrr.roee face Powder—lavtaihie yet ht|Uy ed twelve, »L>0. ObtemeMe at leedlnt Department Store#, Drue Stone end Beauty Shop# ■.BURNHAM, lac.(Eetabliebed IS7I) it peerr’ rtpmlsHam w faede pen National Brand “Sheeps Wool Sponge” Suitable for Household, Automobile and General Use Our apongn are all carefully •alerted stork*, obtained for ti* bjr experts and have that life and reallenry that mrans long and satisfactory usage. 5## our display of spongrs and « hamoia. Il is ana of • h# intarasting Kits of tha foil#! Good# F spoilt ion. Chamois piece* that are rljrht, Kor household use and for tuilo mobile need* our special brand* will prove the cheapest in both first and last cost. Nassau Sponge Company Importers Newark, N. J. Chicago, III. New York City I "JAMS ill ik&m • 6r-^ PP.E DU NIL /«f Mf a»tt thumb of Iht. ini.iltnDuiUtt imprtiontA a irytUhiul bn>nf*t Id uou by o> »»«•• r»rrif< p«i. . .$^.50 tltrirl, Mr < r * V) T•• Luxe ht rr-llrndy Haxnrs ore Intill In S't.OO sppri- ! firnlinns, mul *rll mm />IpIp for $1.00 Ammun Safety Bator Torpor At ion. Brooklyn, N. Y. The Secret of Her Charm —a skin satiny smooth, always fresh, always lovely. You. too, should know the se cret of a skin that is always youn? and beautiful. Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay, the dainty almond-scented pink complex ion cake, will do wondera for your skin. SEM-PRffy JO-VE-NM used daily as a cleanser and powder base, will keep the skin velvety smooth and clear. When you motor, use Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay as a powder base and after your trip as a cleanser and your akin will not show the effects of wind and dust. Be sure to visit the Sem-pray booth during the Brandeis-Omaha Bee Drug and Toilet Goods Exposition. Special offer on Sem-pray Powder during Ex position. Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. - 10c BOX FREE ]——— MAY BREATH To |if( the breath Spring odor* May Breath is a mild antiseptic mouth wash in randy tablet form. It is carried in vest pocket* or the lady's hap. It instantly kills all offensive breath odor*, whether they arise in mouth or the st..i«ach. In the stom sch it also arts as an aid to diges tion. Bad odor* arise from cigars or cigarettes, from decaying food*, from stomach disorders, from cer tain food* and drink*. They de stroy ail charm. They make eon- ^__ tart an offense, yet the offender “ _ rarely knows it. One BOX FREE Whenever vnu meet people eat a May Breath tablet. Re sure that JZ the breath ta right. Kill all offen- Male rwr. live odors and substitute the odor of spring. Simply Present Coupe* C,,f eut Oil* offer .M ... *• *' A*oli. eelr-Oe. be. to • fee** fh« 4rwt 4*p*rim*nl W# will r»»# fr## * JO.t-pftf ho* of M«r ih# ti*mm *i»r If Involvp# no nMigttion **************.. *fhi« ho* of Hrpntli owr *»ft t<* rna. .... Special Sale of Guaranteed /riSS SHEARS AND SCISSORS for those who appreciate the best The cpttiwo soon of these famous shears are forged from the finest cutlery steel, and their ad* justment is so perfect that they cut just as well at the extreme points as at the heel of the blades. There is a style of Wiss Shears or Scissors for every purpose. Every fair is guaranteed It give abstlute setisfaetitn. r HcniaghnliJ Six art JI.JO up I ’rraamaking ” 1.40 up Buwiac SciMora ,,, 45 up V ... Embroidery k . . W of Manicure Mooie 1.00 Of Nail k Padicura 3k. .10 Of -J