|J5a=>l The Omaha Morn ng f ;ee I’rrrfl1 CITY himiow VOL M. NO. #7« OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY A, 1M4. “ TWO OKNTM » rr XIWNXJC** l **""* - J . >t *,»*|l[|l p*'1* *** >»<»♦. H I* •* tM ♦** >Mn «*h »■«« At*|*'* I* ***** »«»«.. >■» nil H win ii^i m PRINCIPAL AT FAULT, BOY STRIKERS SAY Disregarded Request for Exercises Work Dpvntctl to Ynlltlg'trrii Ton Mlirll Diarruiirflrtl nl South High, l.cmlrr* (Haim. (. Punishment Threatened Th» "walkout" of 200 boy* nt ,'touth High achoot early Friday could have been averted by R. M. Marr*, tirlnrlpal, IimU be *o dealred, declared hoy ft who led the recalcitrant* Friday night. "He knew that we felt there atiould he at leant exerclae* to commemorate "Hoy*’ Day In the Dome" and had we bean given them there would have been no walkout,” one of them aald. Hoy* claim that Hoya’ week ha* been too much dlaregardcd at Houth High and that they have a Juat grlev a nee. Not Vet Blowp Over. tie#pit# threat* of Superintendent uf School* lieverldg* that "punlah inent will he meted out" th# boy* are not in n peace-making mood. The "walkout" took the form of a parade through Mouth Hide hualnea* dietrlct* followed by a rnaa* meeting nt Athletic park. It, M. Mnrra, principal of Mouth High echoed, declared In th# afternoon that two-third# of the boy* who walked out In the morning had re turned to achool and had been rein itiated under the condition that they Make up In extra hour* the time luat. The "home day" atrlkera main t in that not mor* than Mi etuden*.* i# caiia# thl* w»« Hoy#' day at home' Hot more than half of them were I aek within the hour," Ileveiiilg# Take* Hand. "Will any punlnhmetil l/e mC'd out In them?" he waa aaked. ,JVe», air, Indeed there will he," h» an Id. "Whaf will II he""' "Thai I won't nny, They will find nut In due »eHaon " U. S. PUBLIC DEBT IS $21,282,717,427 Wanhlnaton, Mny 1 —Tha piddle field nf lha I'nlled Mtalea la now 121, 2*2,717,427, Ih* Trenanry department announced today. florin* the year ending Mar t.gov ertrnienta receipt# were *3 I4l»,'^3*,• k 4'ff, exreeding enpepdlliiree hy |l*7, 47**73 The politic d»hf waa reduced a hll linn doltara during the year ending May I. We f/a#e WifA (/* Today (icorga \. Isit eland, Lincoln, 4 lilcf id the Nehraaka *4cellnn af Ihr I . M, Weather Korea li. A m«t*ornloglat of national repute, ffi-orge A, Jsrveland, "weather man" el Iditcoln, In charg* of tha .Vebraaka urfbm iff iho f llmalologleal dlvlalon t,f the ITnlled fftate* government and Invfrtjrlor at the fnlveralfy i.f Ne hraaka, la In Omaha to addreaa the .f-braakn Academy of *c|eme af da annual meeting Mr tsiveelnd ha* recently been irenaferred to fh» headahlp of the ,Vew England weather bureau »«rv. •ce under the governtnen' An honornrv doctor'* degree will he con* ferr»d upon him wh»n he rear he* Boaton. The are* to he under hl« Jurladlc* Mon la fwnfhlrda the alr,» of fte hraaka. Cherry county In Mila ata*e, being lai*er than the entire alete of i 'cnnectlcpt. With hi# lemlly, he will motor *acf tale In Mny, arriving at hi* dealing HtOU before Jone 12 Mia. I-o'/eland 1 wa* an Omaha Kid, Mlae I,Milan fltaeie, aiater of Harry Heel* of Ihla Mr._ Girl, 12, Believed Kidnaper's Victim rswi Dora Irvine, It, mysteriously dis appearing from her home In Brook lyn, N. V., was kidnaped by a man in an auto, woman told detectives, Senate Committee Votes to Inspect Rio Grande Valley Derision of Land Fraud Inves tigator* Made Over Protest of Heflin, Who I.auurhed Prolie. Washington, May 2,—Oyer the pro test of Henator Ifeflln, democrat, Ala bama, prosecutor, the senate commit tee Investigating alleged land frauds In the lower lllo Orsnda valley of Texas voted today to visit at an early date that section to pursue Its Inquiry after examining sevej-»| rnora wit nesses In Washington, The decision to shift Ihe scene of the Inquiry followed sn executive ses sion of ihe committee «t which Hena for Hheppard and flepres-H^atlve flarner, Texas, democrats, appeared to urge that lha (ormriltlee Inspect llr«t bund the lands involved hi the alleged fraudulent sales. The commit tee decided to confine further testi mony Here to that hearing on alleged misuse of rh» malls and under present plans wilt conclude that phase after hearing three more witnesses, Includ ing Will Mays, former postmaster gen eral, Henafor Heflin, author of the In quiry resolution, entered vigorous oh jeetlon to this program of procedure and served nolle* thof I-- would carry bis flgut to tha post-,litre* and post roads upmmlttce, of which the In vestlggtlnff body Is a auhromirtltlee, and, if necessary to fb« floor of ih* senate Itself, • la-cisring the committee members would "not lie able to get to Ihe val ley until tune or .Inly," Henaior Heflin served notice thet "I'm going lo flghf lo have this caee heard here and at Kansas fitly before we gel, lo the valley," The senator explained he desired lo move Ihe Inquiry to Kansas flfy be cause he said "leitars from wbnesses say ihev would testify if permitted to leeilfy elsewhere then In the valley," HAROLD KNUTSON FOUND NOT GUILTY Washington, May *- fleprssenta tlva Harold Knufaon of Minnesota *»a found not guilty hv a jury In Arlington cotinfy, Virginia, of charges growing out of an automobile ride In Virginia last March with l-eroy M Mull, a Washington govern ment cierk Testimotty agalnel Hull had not fi»en atarfed and the proe*'Ullng at torney announced he would move to nolle prosse the case In a statement, after the verd'ef, Representative Knutson said If was "just wnat I have expected and I have be«-n confident of the outcome r,ght along," Tha jury was said to have taken Hires Ira Hols. |U. S..Fliers Nol to Wait for Leader Tiirrt* Plane* to Prnrcrtl Without Major Martin. He lirvrtl Forrril Down in Storm. Boats Continue Search nr IntemalloMl !*»w» Hervlce. Washington. May 2.—Th« American round the world airplane flight will lie continued without tbs leadership of MaJ. Frederick I* Marlin. It was announced at the War department today. A telegram was dispatched to Lieut. Lowell Smith, second In com mand. to proceed wllh hi* three plane* on the flight from Dutch Har bor, Alaska, whenever he Is ready and to disregard Martin. No word ha* come to the sir service up to late this afternoon concerning the whereabouts of Major Martin. Lieutenant Bfeaell, advance officer, w»a ordered to etay behind at l.'nalaa k», to continue the search for Marlin while the other three planes, piloted by Lieutenants Smith, .Nelson *nd Wade will probably bop off tomorrow for Nafsan, In ths Aleutian Islands, their nest lap. These three plane* have been ready to proceed for about 10 day* snd have been held up by Martin's varl on* accident*. Hr Asseelsl'd Press. Cordova, Alaska. May 2,- MaJ. Fred erlek L. Martin with hi* flagplane Seattle of ths 1’nlted States army's round the world flight ws# still mis* log today, Despite the fact that !h# cosst guard cutter* Algonquin. Pioneer and Hsld* and all available tannery hnata havs beep searching for 24 houre they have Secured no irate of the miaefng airman The Algonquin I* sending small boat* along the shore and Into small bsv* that larger vesaeis tan not en ter In order that no nook along ths Alaskan peninsula from f'hlgnlk to Shumlgan Island may remain ones ploretf. Lieutenant Rlssell, advene* officer of th* flight, I* directing th# search from on board Hi* Ha Ids which Ha* been stationed st Dutch Harbor, The llalda tarries all the spare part* [needed for outfitting th* I4g Isingle* plane* being tieyd In Ih* flight and will be able to furnish needed repairs If »he Seattle I* found disabled. The weather remain* unchanged fold w.ndtr are blowing, carrying snow from th# mountain tops, HOWELL URGES SENATE RADIO Washington, May 2.—Th* whole reunify soon may lie granted lb# boon of drinking st th# fountain* of sen* torlal wisdom without even watting for th# t 'ongressional Record to come from the preases I'bder a resolution adoptSd today the senate Inquired of the War and -Navy department* whether It would be ‘Tee id hie" to broadcast It* pro ceeding* by radio through govern ment stations If was protested by Senator Howell. Nebraska, sod m»t with Install! and unanimous approval WALLY’S WIDOW OPENS AN OFFICE I/OS Angeles May 2,—Mr*. Dorothy | Davenport field, former aefress snd j widow of the 1st* Wallace Held, has : entered the tesl estate business lier# | under the fl pi path* of the M<*. i Wall*'* field Iteslty company, ape Mails) ng In Hollywood ptofierl y, II Iecsme known today, American Warship May Transport Famous Statue From Greece to U. S. fly KOHP.HT » I'RKW. f Mfiomf a*#»if* mhitr r wrr*>n*adr*f. I/Oltdon, May 2, Th* tranyporring of fo.t«it*|/*' rrfatu* of ■ llrrm** " from fir**" fo th* l nl»*d tttai** In an diofrloan wrtrahlp ha» t»**n aog f**r»d hy ih* Mallanin gov*rnm»n* Thla nnn«trno*m*nf. waa mad* h*f* 'oday hy Hanry Morgan! halt, who ar rlvad tn l/rndon on hi* way fo Jfaw Turk. Th* Ath»na au'hort'l*» a**k only a guarani** for fh* *afaly of tWa. aw of th* world"* gr*ai**f maa f*rp|*r*a of aoulpfur*, wM*h »h*y have agr**d to loan to Ih* tfnitarf Miaf** for nation wld* *«MMfIon aa a tokan of fir **<•'« grailtud* for A to*r loan aid lo daatltlll* flrh a national tr*aa or* " W* than offornl in »hftrga* f| a hrad admir tin In lliftar ah'* afohM Id ln*p»>» I hr y Mlftfofc, Inn pr/a'a'd# l'» la d'vntad |n lUr'U i ‘,af h*|f Iha pr*fn>i, with * fin* «ri» nf f»»ling, dmlln'd ip mak* * l"g*»r nf Harmaa,' In na* hi* nwrt w nrd* "Ha ih»n grarlnualv nffar»d tnj Inan Ih* atatn* In tit a* a mark »f gfpr#'lat|nn. nf Maudlin*** nf ih* Iwn rmmtrlaa and nf Am*rt'*a 3»n • rnalfy In f|r**<# ".Vat urally. It la hi* duly in »»f* gnard II from In** nr damag* M< f«< nthan la aaillpg on May t In fi* *e aervlre, .lieger waa told that he could not become flr*t foreafer, a place to which b* had aaplred, "Marriage l» heaetly attiff under • ueh Hretimataneea," **ld Ml** B***» ld*e, who ha* * number on the Va rlety *tage here. "I am a poor gam bler on th» matrimonial roulette wheel, hut th«e neat time I will put fny bet on the color* red, whit* and blue." She wn* (1r*t married to an Kngllah man and had lived In I^ondon. hut the marriage w.aa annulled beraun* It wn* never ron*umm*t*d. Kite now declared ah* ha* been per aecuted in her mountain village largely hc<-ati«e ahe opposed Bavarian •eparntlon from the reloh. A* her father disinherited her, ahe aald, ahe la compelled to return to the stage to make a living. She Is a sister of Kuhns Beveridge, one-time famous beauty and noted American eoiilptr*** General Strike of Actors June 1 Will Be Averted Proiluring Manager*’ .Woria linn, in Conference.; Claim Compromise Vi ill Sblve Problem. Hr IrlrmtlMil Arxxi Berrte# New York, May 2—There will h* no general strike of artora June 1 s/llii It* consequent disastrous effect on Ihe theatrical bualnaaa of the country. It waa predicted In well In formed quarter* today a* the Produc ing Managers’ association met to con aider (ha crisis. What probably will happen, It was asld, la this: J The manr.gcra will decide fleet ef VII, fh.u a strike fr/usl be averted 2 The” l«eu* with the Aartots' Fqillty association will be comprom ised rynd a Id year agreement signed, 2— The comproifitaa will mean. It waa said, that theatrical companies for the near 10 year* will he com posed nf Id per cent equity member# and 20 per cent Fldelty or non Kqulty member*. The Fldelty members are mostly comprised of stars, who resent the Idea of working under a union con tract, preferring the old method of dealing personally’ with tba manage ment. While officials of tha Kqnlty an nounred they ara still determined on a complete Kqul'y shop. It fe regard ed aa a certainty they will agree to a compromise If effected on the usual basis. The unsettled condition* *a a re suit of the present crisis I* beglnn'ng to show It* effect along the Rialto, Floret)* 7,|egfc|d, who la opposed to the Kqulty shop, announced todey that Ih# "Follies' will close May 17, because of existing condition* The road lour of the Kolllcg of 1911” will terminate at Newark. May Id, and he sold, the company'* 1’aclfte , oaet Kit»r waa cancelled because of the probability of a strike. THAW’S SISTER NAMED IN SUIT V*w YnrU. May i ■Hiippi»mfntin* h*> illriMlIim «ult *y;»ln»t th* fount*** l th* fount*** with lurln* h*r hu*t,imd with *lft* ■ nil «i!f**fl th* p*|r w*r* sullfy of lndl*< r*f|on* on « trip to Pari*. In **lh*r. Th* dlyorr* p*U4lon all**** th* co inte** **v* Mord*<*l *n agtomo Irll* *nd 14,404 1.~ l-i farndoti J-l ».tnf" r;*' Thom** I'hllllp* Moptiff nun 111*r of Mtoontahorv, *#y* it I* *rU In* *t Vorwlrli, h* *ald f win do* nrl*h« fr!*h**o»d *imot fHn*« »nd *om«tim** wl*h f w»t* not n th* tnihtfri london ha* >•* font* p***n iiodfr nur t *ry *•,*». Th* dolt**r I* that otl,»r plum* m*y h* fom* th* **m» A poirun ho* *o't<-n Into tho \rrv roixtltutlon of th* world," Married in l.niim-il llluffn. Th* foil'twlmg p0t»ott* >.M«**tf in»rti,t|> liter,*** a«ll Bat afiatifi, Kaanaril ? BlMar Om»h» *,*, -I Mat OmaHa » ,, . . 1% Milfdf* f#. / f .-HIT A / ft , * *«* . I# Mm • r**ft*>. f ir../, *t IWilliam Butler Withdraws From Race for Senate I’reMtlent** Choice for Repub* liran National Fhairtnari sliip Inane* Statement Following Conference. Washington, May I,—William M. Butler, selected by President Coolldge for the republican national chairman ship, announced tonight hie withdraw al from the contest for the republican nomination for t'nt/ed States senator in Massachusetts. Arriving h»re today from X*w York, Mr. Butler conferred with the president and then Issued a formal • atement In which he aald: "In antic pa Bon o* arrive sendee in tha presidential campaign In ermine Hon with tha national committee, It hg* seemed to me beat to announce a* this time that I will not be a can didate for the republican nomination for I'nlfed Statea aenator, I am In terested in the election nf a national and ata*e republican ticket end In a personal way, more than all el»* pm lit leal. In the sucre** of Calvin Cool idge I fully appreciate the honor and distinction attached to the great office of senator from Masaachtiaetta, hut the opportunity for party eervl- a ba* come In another way. "I am deeply grateful for the many evidence* of generou* support of my •xpecfed candidacy after the Cleve land convention and I hop# mv good friend# will not he disappointed he cause of this turn of event#." Tb» withdrawal of Mr. Butter from the senatorial contest Is regarded hy soma political leader* h»re as paving the way for entrance Intn the race of Chinning It Cog, governor of M i*»a chuaette. Idiot* A. Coolldge, former assistant eecretery of the treasury, t# an avowed candidate for the nom (nation Mr Hitler made public a revised Hat of convention delegate* aa select »d up to and Including today. It show* the Cord Idge campaign mans ger* claiming *60 delegatee who have been Instructed to vote at Cleveland' for Mr, Coolldge or hav* endorsed hi# isndldscy. Tide total I* 31S more than n»< »«*ary to hrlng about Mr. Coolldge'* nomination Nenftfor Johnson of California t* given 16 delegates op the |t*» and Senator 1,4 Kollefte of Wisconsin I# conceded J* delegates Minimi Rrgfrifn (.beck Forger N'gbbctl g| Lincoln Beatrice, X*h . May I — Archie Shepherd we# arrested at. Mncoln today and brought hark to Beatrice on e non fund check charge. It la alleged he passed a Worthless check at the Owl garage at Wrmore, Neb Shepherd is aald to be a railroad man and frtrmerlv worked at Wvniore President Halts Arms Sale to Cuba t I'.rtihiirgA Drrlnrpfl on Sliip. mrnt nf Munition* In Ri*lirl Knrrr*—Vii*w«l VI itli Marin. . .ii. mm U. S. Battleship on Guard Hr I nlirnwl *er*lre, Washington. May 2.— President Coolldge today declared an embargo on the aiilpment of arms and arnmu nitlon to Cuba. The embargo was or dered at the request of the Cuban government through Ambassador Tor rlente her* Revolutionary forces |n Cuba bad negotiated for the purchase of a large quantity of war material* from prl vat* concern* In thi* country, It was revealed, and they were lielng ac cumulated In various part* of Florida prepsratory to shipment to Cuba. Ksception Provided In th# president r proclamation I* provided that an exception to the embargo be marl* In the cane of Bales of arms by the I'nlted Hbit'-s to Ihe recognised Cuban government. At the War department It was admitted that a certain <|uantlty of munitions »l ready had t>een sold lo • the Cuban government. President Zeya* yesterdiy asked the Cuban legislature for an appro priallnn of $400,000 to It# used In the purchase of war supplies At least one American warship with a full complement of marine* aboard la now anchored In a Cuban port and other battleships o' »h# nr* la! **rv |ce septadron are within easy aailing distance of Cuba. TTepert* that ms rln** already had been land'd were dented bv the Hint* department loday situation t«ra»e. The Irsi report 'fis prpgrys* of the e'ubsn revolution made to th* Plat* department by Ambassador Crowder declared that only ?% sol dl»ra had revolted The m it break, he d»r|ar*tt occurred In th* province of Santa Clara leader* of political factlona at tempting to overthrow th* Zayas ad ministration declared yesterday that tha revolution has spread over the entire Island and that fhe r»hel furies greatly outnumber the federal troupe. The Plate department hsa been advised that thege reliellious or ganisations have a large jrtembershlp In Cuba and offirlfil* h. wliiHInfi laat night at Ibn nfmra nf ’Martin*" nt Naff* a i«>*t btirooint npnra nr Arrt*« f..lta, (titpaa/Hl thr ripartailttnt f thn«* whn for mam- d*va had hann Waiting to haar thla am a nf thr dead rr,a »'*r Tfta n|»rra reran lad a Ingn-al ran Imitation i f Hnltn'a rharanat |»fln«. Tit* nnt« »»t r*flii*<| and rlrvarly emoMnad with tha atriaing dlrnrrtty and rh* tartar of aarh laldeati. Thr llbrcln «ta» magniflrant from a Ilfarary atttndtailnf, whlla (ha <-»«( nf th.iniit*f« a n'datita «tw», To.# anltil londtnlad with rrmth ft Ivor It -.i Halt.. to tin f,,. )».| >,n '• pf Aalarw. t»a« In auprilt vole# and ana in *>/"|Mtonal (w rfi.1 man- <• of an a*ttamely dlffli tilt tola, Imih anmlty and Malt Ion trail). I.nla* fWf.ir** mm R1JM4. wmm hfyfcN r*I % faulty h#r voir# «!»#.* log tl»1lra‘* Moirmt in hm reitlll'nn of f h# virgin* »on* AnrtlUn* P*til'* pluvnl III* rm> of N*rn ill'll »r r»|Mlhlf. M«r»*l ,fotirti#f *m a powerful hfnvnri Mago. wtiil* >H* l|»*|M* voir* of rarln Hnl*ffl •• K*nu»l «a* full of Irodrrf!*** Th# tmaari Kilo f*inaj tuf II** port of Tlgolllno Th# op#ia wa» nagril with *» r*lt*nt d#r orat|v# finish «n<1 nvlimiM A •(rlltIng *.<***» wa* the Via App.a < *m#t*rp In Ih# flral ai l, wh#r» N#ro liuflra *hr A«li#« of hia ino*h*r. Mnr* Ilian Ton |.*t «/i)i w#r# tin the "I a a# At lli« tim*. TH* p*tf«rritani # H*g*n al * ,** IH IH* r«(nlni nml *ml*tl a I IV* Hit* miirnli’i TH* rIt'*!{>(« for 'tit pm formant * a'miunlnl In I,pop Poo Hi* Joyride May Cost P. M. Plant $500,000 Helena .learner, former churn* beau ty, la anlnc Philip M. Plant fur I.VIMI, <100 a* reault of a joyride In which Mia* .learner claim* ahr waa Injured In an aitlo rriah that marred her fraf urea. Judge Refuses to Dismiss Charges Against Bankers Fir*! Five Count* in Howry Dunn liHiictmrnt Qua«brd lav Court. How ever. IJn« uln. May 2 YaAarm I Diulrlr! Judge KlIMt tbi* evening dented tht motion of th# tld^rtM that he dismiss the charges against I*. II. HoWijr and I a, t Dunn, former uffb isla of th* City National l*nk, charged with Mo lating th* national bank law. Judge Mftoft said ha would not »*# justified In taking tha run* from the jury in tbs fries of * lie cvid*f*cc brought tr> the government sfrbk h announced fha comptetiof) of Ha cane, a*v* for rs bitffal iMpiimoov. The court, however, did n*4 dismiss and announced It will I«t#r order a verdkt of a«norln|r nf rhe. kI ; payable in com etna In which llowev I *fd Ib.nn were said In le Intereafed The Court held that by i liu act I he hank had no! been deprived of Ha ! fund# unlawfully Today a feetlmony w n a rhleflv from ! *nvernmenf eypert* and employe* ef j lh# hank. The defenae l» area an ! n minced at adjoummeni of court* will open tomorrow Bfilrirr (iivil War \ rtcrin Dir* il Home Tea nmeeh. N'eh . Mar 1—William Wallace .lolv*. 91. a r-at'lenl of j Johnaori county for Mi year*, died at | til* home In Termnaeh today Mr Jobe* waa a native of New . fork etate. and aerted with Company tl, IJd volunteer Infantry nf I III j nm* durina the civil war, enltetlna at t'ntontown. Mr. ,1'ihea te aurvlred ha fhiir rhil drrn William K. Johca. Jaa I.. Johce and Ml»# Nettle Jete. of Tevumeeh. j and Mra John Irvtn *.f Hanford, fal I Mra lobe* d ed In !>:? M- Jnfe* ■ located -on a farm here in 1471 Th* j funeral will he at the H..iu' Rattir ■ day afternoon at 4 o'clock f The Weather I ' ,f M k **• •» ft**# • s *n Hi? t rr##l*t«alt«w lt*> hee mnA t|itMf»4flw T»IM T TtM»i CM* jin,Mir> ; 4 4? I 4«'fir iM0<*y. I 41 •l**«9f I* T *«**•* cm f «rr« I • n * » fn : 0 •** * • M * • *». i • m, m. 1 p »•> ft * ^ lj « ». ». .!1 * »• M .*« * «• >« . • I ► ™ .Jl * l> ■»- 1» President Included in Criticism KvKrtlrral HfiHMinrrt I'nliliral l*rr««nrr I ***«l In Krrr Conxirlrtl < liirgRO Salnnnkreprr. Denies Scanty Evidence By U IVNK III MPMRfcT. Set-tire *Mff Washington. May I — Kenesaw Mountain l,endl«, In a fiery spirit typiral of bis beet day* nn the fed eral bench, gave llie Itnugherty lm»< titrating committee of the 1‘nited State* eenate today hla verelon of iha pardoning of Philip I. tiroaeman. In hie criticism of thoee respon sible for the pardon, he Included’ President Poolidge. Hpertatore hurst Into applause again as the white haired crusader against lawlessness arose from the witness chair and pounded the table to make more em phatic his denunciation of political pressure brought t" hear to save from tall the Phlrago saloonkeeper whom he had sentenced for violation of the Volstead act. Judge Ivandls nailed as un'rue the statement of Assistant Attorney den eral P. W. Mlddfektuff. In recom mending the pardon, that Orosarnan was convicted and sentenced upon the uncorroborated testimony of only on* witness, later discredited , Producing a record of testimony In ihe trial, he pointed out that four other witnesses fold of buying whisky in (Iroaaman's saloon. hiiepiriuo* of Merita. 'Clroaatpan ran a aaloon, a ragular aaloon. In that <1l*trW of Chicago which breed* crime and erlmlnala." ha “Xi-Mimed. "Ho waa running It whan ha waa pardoned " lla pointed out that Homar K Hal pin, Kr»d 1'phatn and Judge darrelt wrta aetlta In afforta to proaura a pardon. Thaaa gentlemen a-a *U frlanda of mint, but I would la auaplalotja of tha tuerite of an apple 'lion for par don If I hay wara on II. ha mapped .hulg* l-andi* apar*«l no ona. At torney Paul Howard, rapraaantin# neugherty, uuegtloned him aa |o whafhar ha wan tad to ha planad In tha poaltlon of rrith-ialn# Praaldant Conlidge. who a ra n f a rt tha pardon, Judea I-andia rapliad that thara waa an outcry In Chicago foltowln# fha nawa of tha pardon It waa ra pot'ad tha tail* had hean mlarepre •anted la tha praaldant. "I hoped tha pardon would ha recall ed." ha added. •apartatoca Applend. Mr Howland preawed hla <|uaalIon again. ' With tha knowledge or ahaane* of knowledge you hare, you wontd »«t wleh id Ira plead In I ha poaltlon of rrttlclr ng 'ha egecutlre would ymt* ' Judge lanitu herniating for a mo ment. fumbled with hi* cigar *" ' If you call It crltlcem I g->»aa t will hate to let It aland " ha rapliad. doeci*tor* who lammed 'he room applauded. Judge I.»rd'a « plct'irtadUe figure, hi* wealth of ailter hair, high while collar, and a white four In Hand tie In aharp contra at with hi* black ml, wo* alnglel out hv apectatora aa ha entered I ha door There wa» a burat of applauaa dm ling broadly, ha ahock hand* with donator Rnekkifl, chairman of tb* i 'inimlftee. then other aanatora. Prarc in Hfiniliirpa. Washington Mar I A "*tata of p-acc now obtain* In Honour** and *11 facto'n* hate daPnlleb ge. epted tha *e|ectb-n of f.enera! Toata aa prot |atonal praaldant, dttmner Wetlaa. *i>e<|*t r»pre*»ntatt*» of Preeblent f'oot dg# raporiad today at the dtata ddpat tmatft f-» Summary of The Day In Washington The M Xary Hattgro farm r»tl#f Mil rrpmi#d to th* h*»u#r Th* Mil for r*vlalng »#*tal mi ll iea w»# report rd to th* hmiw I'rmidrnt ( 'ooltdg# d#< l*r#d in *»n tiorgo on arm* #hlpta>#nla to l*uhn. Th# dtatffcf of I'olomhia no pr-m# mttrf heard a*tuman|g In th# Htndalr eotitunpt »•*#. Th* a*n*t» anted an «|t»< o#0 for Iti <-ontin**nt fm4 rl#pt#t#d hv tnv#»ti«atioo». K ti. 1-tfhoM J<*nry Korda »#<* r#tary, »t»tniriH hv th# mo at* agrlrtiltitral pmnmttt#* mnatd #rttig Mu ml# Mtm!a Wdt Murry M thuiherty f11*d a* ‘n Jonnlon #utt to pr*r#nt th* m*. at# Daughrrtv rommltte* front fatnirtg ht* telegram#, fi»ngrr#»t< ral art ton on 'h* aot. itIri hnnita hill tana nompteled with final adoption of th# mnfrrenm report hy th* hou##, l*r##ltl#nl i'ooltdg# ram# mil Mr Japan##* #tilu*Mn Mil, It *>« «t#t#d. h# I# trying to arrsng* It In * imiltrf oourt*»••!• to Japan h#tv#*ott Mountain landt* an* th# mnet# Jtaughrttv rnmmltt #a ht# opinion of prohtMt ton tmfamh h »nl and other i|»#>tl#Ka Read [[This Week’s Choice Value Real Estate Page” Sunday’s Want Ad Section*