Continuing tht mif of (iuftrtntttd l/’/SS SHEARS AND SC/SSORS A CVTTINO |ihiII n( ill* Unfit t rutlefy ateel and petfe«i •tlnmmf nt are Ifthire* ©fiSeae Ummie a heart and actaaort. They lait a lift lime, lliwwlwld n ftO *| ( f»H prof tt ten, ft lb forme! Rtij IsNtnitl bate *mM foil Mil ever the itbsil tin of me da to e makeup •If I* blasphemous fur wntneo »« tty In Implore oh Walttre iiailll lb* Ira i • h**p 1 fliil men share tbftlr fate# lb# mint thin* whn ut*a t |»t a louch f btlghf lip etlrk quietly aftawen • That • different, prftteetft Ih* man. , ' tVhr dlf/erenl? Vt'U fpeo think that ynu ah»y* and wear elean rnl lira and bright eravata tn plftnae your •elrea, and w* women try to keep our youth and beamy In plena# you, too," tha vlgorott* upholder <>f ih# equality of ■#< aaarit* "Well, whether you women at# an charming to attract men, or merftlv to gut jottraehea th* eaauranc* thnt oniea ftotn being well groomed, do»* nut mat let The fact that you are inch chat met a and ao attrattlv* la the thing." Title atafement from tha handaoirt* and tactful young man uaually end* tha deflate, and everj woman present aerretly decltled tliat for etich a man aht woulil glntlly he charming always. Origin "I M.-lt|tiillag*. One might well any that/ the art of maqulllage la aa old aa tha world Th* author of the Hook of Knno a* aurea ua that, before th# deluge, the Angel Agellel taught women the rudi ment of thla auhtle art True, the women of Asia and Africa —Assyrian* and .few* of Paleatln* and Egyptlana of the time* of the pharaoh*—had for centurle* made up their eye*. Hlatory attribute* the In ventlon of blanc and of rouge to the women of Greece and of Rome Ovid hlmaelf In acme of hi* books gives *»/-r*t» of the makeup of the Roman women. It 1* considered In France that the flrat bonk on maqulllag* waa publish *d In 1552 by Michael N'oatradamua. No copy of thl« hook can ft* found to day, "l.a Mod# do Maqulllag*" waa In troduce,) in France by the Italian* ■ ttiched tu the court of Catherine d< Matilda. Hut It* genera! u*e did not atatt until the earlier pait of th* 17th century. Mine* then France haa ac. qtilred and kept the supremacy In the |u epurmloii of t uarrietlca that make them more beautiful and preaerve the beauty ao generoualy gi\#n to them by nature. Modern Perfumery. Gone la the day whan. In 1771, the Chevalier d* Jancourt warned women of Ih# «f glneg ti»e*i tM el* hen v of r netifgf 1* a bet I*' fsnc an eggtt a* tew* e IMpt in tbelf w .alt |>y ilia at peileh'# of AoctniS rtf hia'aeiata. of , kemlsi* and Man In it omen amlmi# In taialn thHf beauty and INHt health, pet turners In Parts barn dn \ntad >hair lima in making eg* meiique* that Brim Ha protect beauty and that ara fra# from any Ingredient ibal might Ihltp# the mrst delicate enmpleyten Paint Anga nf I'srte, lha great ap* I rlallat In rnsroetlquga, haa succeeded in producing a Ida* In baauly which ara pitta and ft-na from danger, with shades antlraly nan and Bulling avarf nuance of lienuty, perfumed with an appealing fiagrance. In hie numerous and exhaustive te ararchet, Paint Anga haa bean helped considerably by lha knowledge of certain secret formulae need by women of great Mid Imperishable beauty, auch at the famous Countess de < aatlgllone, a niuileru Nino da J-enclos, who remained beautiful until her last moment. Nubile Shades. Paint Anga apent a long Mine study ing the effect# of various emotions of Women. After much study he wn# aide to determine th# dellcaia color Inga of the complexion Induced hy the effect* of any mor« or less #rute ty felt emotion. Therefore, with this In mind, he did not turn Tret to the painters’ palette for shades for his rouge#, hut rather to the gamut of the tender emotion# themselves Consider then: I. * Rouge Candid*, suggestive of a fullblown June rose. Rouge Emotion, expressive of a sudden vivid blush, bringing a glow to the fere. !,« Bong* Confusion brings forth a slightly deeper glow thim Rotfge Emo tion. J. e Rouge Andavlou, the warm end sunny coloration of th* dark girls of Spain. Ear’s Powder and ( oemetlqiie. Th# Saint -Ange face powder as well ■■ the compact# soften #hlnv (or brilliant) complexions, giving a lovely, cooling sensation, an Impres sion of ioa| test, protecting ttire com plexion agalnet tlie rigors of wind, sun, too strong lights snd dust. The delicacy, the eoftn*#* and th* sdhe rency of these powders era Inrompat able. < osrnettque Indian sdds more charm to a glance, without In any way hurt ing th* eyes. It also facilitate* the i t H l I I j i«f iMlhr f Mn*|| I f ItHfUitt frftuM* I .*?• «M •] hi» mmm« t. f v* »tn*t!ifM§«m Mint tnUdiltlt t WtllMif WHO KNOWS WIIKN I. IT WILL STOP ft ft , f tbs Amet'egn 1 * f * t V 111 '.i rottftllU Win It IH 1 | 'hurt* nf Ih* Hem and |,i*rt ratty, •af*ty di»|d»v, hegthS In think I that h* I* • watchmaker H*> hat jt rtnrh hung nn lha nail nf h • h'mth [and nffer* a prise in the nn* who ran truest when this eight da v cli ck, w hlrh in** Wound tip nn Mi I* . e I stop j Mr ftii«*w*!n lint probably th* ffm i etl tlllpl iv nf shaving brush** which J lint ever Itecp shown In Ihlt city The ordinal v hruah, coating a nind**t sum 1 i* thee* and then !h*r* ar# iha fin I Hit made, letallll g •! prices from I 110 Up. InforniHlion Toltl on i uciil Manage Howr to mattagt Ih* fa**, each movtmttit pl/unly described, la found 111 III* booklet* distributed by the Hsr rlet Hubbard Aver company. A aafe method for reducing a double chin, develop mi the neck and permanent^ preserving youthful contour and polar 1* told ns follows: Inhale deeply, l»nd the h“nd forward, letting It fall n Ih* chest; exhale. Th» mil*' lee should be entirely relaxed When the heed Is down, Inhale; then stiffen th* muse]**, slowly ral*e th* head and let )t drop backward as far *n pcsslhle; exhale. Bring the heed htek to th« erect, natural position end re pest the movements until tir»d Next, make ell th* muscles nf th* neck !’ense, Inha 'e deeply and h»nd th*! head sldewa'va to the left exhel* Regain th» first position, Inhale and reverse ex*rc1s*, bending the h»ad to tl » rlaht a* far as po *Me. exhale Repeat »*> h movement five times i Inhale, make th* muscles nf the neck ten** and turn th» head, looking up and hack over the right ehoulder, move slowly snd turn «s far as, the muscle* will stretch; exhale. I|^| rn to natural position, then repeat above, turning the head over left shoulder i singers at Show. Tommy Malle snd J*i k Utile, writ , *tt • « 1 M»(> • f fn t> iMt *i.i §* • t'f at* Iw th>t*ki ft • I out tlitwntti (It* • • t» »a4 •* t.i»“«4' •»«)«<• *<• ,.*>*, t«*« « t Mrttll ft < Mtr tt„n* at iit» T*.H*t ttt»«t» a* t * )| ai>t..»t iiiln *•**• «*►* Amntii lit* anna* »hl«tl lh*| l ava *Htl»H * ft Will al«g In timaha at* laalnua " Ji«iHi*«tv ••**, ’ •*»** i ■ * VV it. *. l*»v “ 'V at mu" a*t4 "(H4i1l*|» J«* * - - | 10c BOX FREE f * MAY BREATH To giv* the breath Spring odor* May Breath is a mild antiseptic mouth wash in candy tablet form. It is carried in vest pockets or the Indy's hag. It instantly kill* all offensive breath odor*, whether they arise in mouth or the atomaeh. In the stom ach it also acta as an aid to diges tion. Bad odors arise from cigar* or cigarettes, from decaying foods, from stomach disorders, from c*r tain food* arid drinks. They dc stroy all charm. Thev make con tact an offense, yet the offend*' rarely know* it. Whenever you meet people est a May Breath tablet. Be sure that the breath il right. Kill all offen sive odors and aubstitut* tha odor of spring. Tat aut thla offar a«r#«ant 11 »ha drug daparim#nt. Wa will giva fraa • 1 i-Mnt bog of May Braath tha porkat ilta. It fnvolvaa no obligation whatavrr. ThU hog of May Braath la aur gift to you. — One Box FREE A 10-cant boa May Breath fbU weak only -a! aur drug depart, meal. Main Floor. Simply Prtitnl Coupon Adtrffa only- One bon to a family Nama ..*.▼.*«.. i • «•• ....irri.MM • .«••• :L.—. i ■■■— i ' - Paris VIVAUDOU New York The great Parisian beauty specialist and creator of exclusive toiletries. : : : Narcisse de Chine B1 AT exquisite creation that personal fragrance. Appeal ing to the most discriminat ing tastes. Of subtle charm to enhance the personality. For years the choice of the exclusive women of France and America for the toi let. In demand by the most select elegant and prop er, Individual to the fashionable •lientele. A charm mo re precious than beauty Beauty loses Its attractive ness unless one’s person has a fresh and cleanly atmos phere, .Amolin, the personal deodor ant powder, d»«troys all odors, but positively does not close the pores or stop perspiration. It is the one safe and effective deodorant for alt u«es, everywhere on the body. It is not only harm less, it is beneficial to the akin. It heals and prevents chafing; it does not injure gowns. Wi/ ^ Use Amolin la tho morning Afttr yoar bath AAtr a day of work or play Baforo you go out la tba ovonlng For fntfmato • poroonal uooa For Baby aftor tho bail) f Toll Fatbor and | Big Brothar about It for r«ropi ration AHMMLIN The Personal Deodorant Ponder AVw Ml SKSA ('(impact mill (blight you A»k to in- thia vary at tractive Hyhml Double Compact, fragrant with that famoua odeur -Mi Nana — the perfume every one ii talking about. Royal Thermic Jugs and Bottles HERE'S the new popular and moat complete line of large size Royal Thermic Bot tle* and Jug*. One for every demand and every occa*ion. Keep* hot food* hot and and cold food* cold; a!*o retain* temperature of liquids equally well. Guaranteed to give equal satisfaction with any insulated Bottle* or Jug*. See Our Booth at tho Eapoaitton NATURAL BEAUTY! Keep your akin health? I LANA OIL Complexion Soap A. BOURJOIS & CO., Inc. Fabrique de Par Junta NEW YORK United States Office POUDRE JAVA, that exquisite im portation in many shades and deli cate odors. A face powder with individuality for milady's toilette. In White Naturelle Rose Rachel Including the Famous New Shades Peaches and Peaches and Cream. Nrrtiiilirt for fh«» Toilrf _ The Brush for Bobbed Hair I/K ATI R* * ISO the special rare of bobbed hair. The II it ghee "Idrsl M bring* new life, health and beauty to hair worn in this popular style, Girl* with bobbed hair appreciate the Hughe* "Ideal.” It« genuine imported bristles penetrate to the - alp, yet it* soft, re*ilient rubber cushion conform* to the shape of the head without fri<»i.,n or irri tation. A Genuine Hair Tonic O r d i nary brushes will not sat isfy people who know vuic/hcs dUoaffl&i/Bru$he9 , that, the Husrhea "Ideal” Hair Eru.»h i» the h<»«t hair tonic. For Thoee Who Care Henry L. Hughes Co., Inc., 300 MaHifr-n Art,, N>w York Citjr. OCT* "^fioudoir Creatioy GOOD taste suggests that you use toilet preparations of the same odor. The de lightful Day Pream fragrance is obtainable in the following products: Day Dream Face Powder A velvety-soft fare powder, perfumed with the delicate and lasting Day Dream fragrance. It is practically invisible, and it at ays. Day Dream Perfume There is a subtla suggestion of dain tiness and good ta«te about Day Dream which lends a pleasing person ality and irresist ible charm to tha user. * Day Dream Poudre Creme Day Dream Poudre ('ream, rubbed lightly into the skin before apply ing the powder, lends an additional protect ion and I makes the com plexion doubly at tractive. Visit Our Booth at the Exposition ami Get a Coupon FREE! ,,7,,[i