The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 01, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    Duh Intuit Muir
Mrriln Sii|i|H»rl,
Drrlurr l<riuln>
I'riMiil Ailmlnlilrillnn llm
|*rnvp«l tuelf Safe ami
Tt ml worthy,
I am for Mayor NMw*r and hi*
i uhat," mid rvaMi t*. Judn*«, »•«*«*
ef tha iiai* irtwaif **d prowHtaai
whotraatey. "Tha *u‘ •‘rddl
dal** bay* bad W>art*nf* Th*v at*
*f# and ennaervallvn,
"Tha idly government under lh»lr
direction run* smoothly and I hr men
on th* 1'a him an ticket hav* *h«wn
(hay ara f«r Omaha, dr**, 1*** and all
• ha dm*. No an* of thelra *'*r l*d
anran* la t-ll*'# they were Irvin# i t
build thanrsehe* tit* *• *h* *t|**M»
nf their hom* town. XV* who live
hara know ih»i* la no founds I Ion for
tha raporle that Ihle la tha worel
tuwn on earth "
"1 hava known Mavor Dahlman
avtr alnca I was a boy punching
cattl* up In I loll county," *M<t Dr.
T. 3. Ow yrr. "fhnr* coming to
Omaha t huv* held him In high regard
and think of Id* admlntalration a*
one that devoirs Itarlf to tb* ell!lie
public. No matter wdicro onr gxe* In
Omaha he hearit prsleo for tho Dnhl
man ticket.
Joseph Votava, lawyer, raid he le
aupportlng the entire Dahlman ticket.
, "During tho 10 year* l have been a
realdenf of Omulia I have checked up
pretty closely on tha police adminis
tration. Commissioner Dunn far ex
[' cels all the rest In handling this Job.
■\V. J. Foys, onr of Omaha's lead
tog lumbermen said: "You can't make
It too strong for th'e Dahlman six:
.Tim Dahlman'a elate sulfa me."
Sophus Neble, former county com
missioner, le a firm supporter of the
"aquare six" candidates for the city
“IB my business life, whenever l
dealt with a firm that kept lit con
tracta etrlctly to the letter, I wvnt
hack to trade with It again. I be
have municipal government should be
gauged In the some way."
Nebraskans See 1,200 Lows
Killed on California Farm
Trenton, Neb., April SO.—Two Tren
ton young men working on a Callfor
nIn dairy farm have written home that
they saw 1,200 cow* destroyed after
hoof and mouth disease attacked the
herd, A steam dredger machine,
thoy gay, was used to dig great
trenches, then all the cowa, their
calve* and the pig* on the ranch were,
driven In those trenches and shot and
l> tMlfllH'MI N M<l I
r» a Mv«f, (M htti'Mi win (•
MM TtiwMi* ii (<M ii
MM » I«• n will l« ••
MniN lt MaiiUtln*, IinM HltHtti
%I«I| » W M*<* ♦ I • '* *
|mm, f* K Ultrt M I*
H n «p*l tmi***r !*»*••'
|Im |( || Mill Ml* *•• AI
• ha
IHlMtt .|< | Mi l- ' H H
la l« I*. Il| HA AAA 11*1 p|r* ti
Iiim-iii Jam II II* plAf* Ha* ♦***>
• Iwl »..(( I| la HI#AI* f»*4ml<l* IHM
Real Music
tutting & Washington Teledyne
An Instrument of TONE!
The Console Model—1924'a greatest set in a beauti
ful Early English Period Console. Four UV-199
tubes, A batteries and Magrovox Loud Speaker, com
plete, all in cabinet ready to operate—the RADIO
Dislancc, volume, extreme electivity— tj)ese mean the
ability to get real music in radio. No distortion—
you get what the microphone gives you, with the new
Cutting & Washington TELEDYNE.
Dr. Cutting and Mr. Washington have at last made
it possible for you to CHOOSE your program and get
that program AT ITS BEST. You’ll never be content
with a less perfect set. Choose it now.
We Will Accept Your PHONOGRAPH or PIANO •»
a Part Payment and Arrange Convenient
Terms on the Balance.
Radio fans who visit our radio department will receive,
absolutely free, a Radio Map of the United States.
Write or Wire for Our Exclusive Dealer’s Proposition
Bedroom Suite
: S'>l”.$99.50
Eight-piece Dining Room Suite, American wel- AAA PA
nut of the bed finieh, fined workmenehip ^Kft ^11
throughout, in period design ... ▼
At Tki
You buy for
Um—our low
root location
lata m do it.
Your cradit it
food — wo
cbarfo no in*
taroat on time
lead oithor from tHa lop, lha
•Ido or from tba front.
Varying In oino from *01011
ttonoa to complotaty oquippad
largoat oinoo—
912.75. 915. 910.50
927.50 •«* Vw
FREE—A MO-pound tea
booh froo with rofrigarntor.
$1 Coupon
Clip this coupon
and bring it to our
•tore. It is good
lor ana dollar on
any purchase of
$10 or orar. Only
one coupon good
on a purchase.
Mahogany Smok
ing Stands, CQ.
at .. wv
Thursday Specials
Bridge Lamp* complete. .$9.89
Walnut Dreeeer .$24.79
Genuine Cedar Cheat. . , .$9.79
Oreratuffad Roclaar ,..$19.79
50-ft. Garden Hoa*. .. . .$6.27
25-ft, Garden Hoae.$3.27
Good quality Lawn Mowar,
at . $7.79
Hardwood Porch Swing, $2.79
Raed Baby Carriage... $19.89
Golden Oak High Chair, $2.65
Steel Baby Crib .$6.89
All Cotton 80-lb. Mattreee,
at . $8.98
Electric Iron (guaranteed),
at . $3.69
Electric Weaker (guaranteed),
•t $56 50
Oil Stove (3-Hurn«r) .. .$15.75
4-Strand Brecmt 35c
4-atraad brooma of eitra
quality. Plain, imootli
handla. Special
12-Quart Buckets 27c
Hoary golraolaod huckota,
12-quart aiso. Strong wood
handlaa. Spacial .. 27c
Complete Outfits
Wa caa furniak your homo or
apartmoat caaiplato. Tor a»
ampla, a complata 3-room homo
Dinner ware Sale
of better grade sets.
set, 42 pee.
Martha Washington de
sign, too *on 7c
pieces . I tl
$400 Down
I $t Per Week
Vary largo atotb, latoat pat*
taroa, finaat qualiliaa la all
aiae ruga.
9.12 Valvat Rug (Afi 7£
for only ..poValv
9.12 A.minatar MR 7C
Rug at only ...
9*12 Bruisala Al 7 7C
Rug for only. . •
Gas Ranges
Forcalaio KWrb
• n TaKlo fra*
with Can Ranga.
I I ■■■ 14th and Dodga Sts.
nu w»*k i«
H«*i' Waali
AM llw H**m' twill *4t»»,
t«lliiiiliiii| aM at
fatvtaraM t*»#m l» ItMing
a mw •anfciHitfi in ifc* hwt>
awat maw »f (Maf,
jMBMf t§ % 5? iBmi|P^B■''.'
W^S*’ ^i, s4 *■- pi iWlBk. Bl II nn^BPIBlJlB^^H
Permanent Waving
Unnil nil #wf
hrml, 21100
IfljjQr Department on the Floor Offers Merchandise at Economy Prices
100 Sample Crepe, Satin and Silk
Specially Priced in Two Rig Groups /
922 1350 '
Made to Sell to 22.50 if
?\ wonderful assortment of kimonas and
robes in exquisite materials and colorings. j I
Made on smart lines of. the latest ideas. I \
Lace trimmings or contrasting color piping,
facing or binning. These price concessions I H
are remarkable. ^
Georgette Satin Crepe Glosheen
Lavender Blues Peach Maize
Pink Turquoise Black Copenhagen
Tko BroodoU ftoro—Third Floor—South
Quilt Blocks
In four beautiful design*,
frr Is ty <)»•• - and I- ranch
knot embroidery.
Kifijr blocks for | CQ
full *Ue beds, 4 swae
IR block* of (he -«mr design,
for children’s »>eds, 89c
Lunch Sets
SS-inch square cloth, and
four napkin* to match; beau
tiful design stamped on un
bleached muslin of extra fine
quality; three attractive de
sign*; finished with —
blanket atitch, tUS*
Polly Prim Aprons
Six designs; stamped on ex
tra fine quality unbleached
muslin; all are made and re
quire only a little CQr
embroidery to finish,******
Tb# Breodeis Store
Third Floor—Weal
Madame X Reducing Girdle
You Will Look More Slender the Very Instant You
Put It On—And It Actually Does Take Off Fat
Worn In Place of a Corset
A safe and sure way to reduce, without the discomfort of diet, exercise or old
fashioned methods of corseting. The Made X Reducing Girdle fits like a glove
—has garters attached—and is so constructed that it gently massages every part
of the body that it touches.
Made X is made of scientifically treat
ed rubber—encircling the thighs, hips
and abdomen. Gray color at $9.85. In
Flesh color, $11.85.
Worn over a vest or step-chemise-it $
stimulates the circulation throughout
the body. Its smooth, unbroken lines j
add much to the appearance.
Specially Designed in Front to Insure Comfort—The Lace Back Allows Adjustment I
Tlu Braadei* Stara—Third Floor—North ||
Specials for Baby Day
New merchandise for the bsby and his
brother and sister is arriving daily in a
delightful array of eolor and cunning
styles. We will enjoy showing you these,
lovely things and are anxious to be of
1.f0 Pantie Dresses, 1.00
Fashioned of eturdy gingham in pretty cheek*
or plain colon; finished with band* of white
at neck and sleeves or scalloped st hemline,
and elererly embroidered In many smart design*
on the skirt. Sites 2 to S yean.
Infants’ Silk Half Hom, 4ftc
With pretty crochet tops and ribbon ties; spe
cially priced far Thursday.
Teething Rings, 39c
Of rubber, bona or esllutoid.
98c Infants' Lightweight Vasts, 49c
for spring wsar. Of cotten and wool mhiture
or silk and wool; single hreaeted. 1 to S.
Hand-Embroidered Feeding Biha, 68c
White material, embroldend fn pink or blue;
*p#el*’ly priced for Thunday.
Ribbon Bonnet Rosettes, 98a
Suitabl# for trimming baby’s bonnet or drees;
special Thursday.
The Iraedeit Stare—Third Fleer—Cast
Springtime Slippers
From /. Miller
Shown Exclusively at
The new Spring Footwear fashions of 1.
Miller are now awaiting your selection.
They include beautiful models for morn
ing, afternoon and sports wear, well
tailored models to go with the vogue
for tailored suits. Prices are surprising
ly moderate for slippers of such rare
TW !>»■<>« Sl*r»—Third Flw l.ul
Munsing Wear
For Women
Ragular 1.25 and 1.50
Knitted Suit*
of Fine Cotton
wear as
sures the
wearer of
in materia!
and per
fection in
Specially priced for
Thursday are union suits
with band or bodice tops,
tight or loose knees and
closed skirt styles. All
are full bleach. All sizes,
34 to 60.
Tk* Rr«n4«i* Star*—Third Flonr
Thursday An Extraordinary Sale of
New Princess Slips
Finest of 159 Sizes
Fabrics I .. 36 to 44
This is an event of exceptional values offering tha very kind of slip^
that women and misses require for both spring and summer attire.
Thse slips are shadow proof. It w ould be wise to supply all your needs
here Thursday at this very low price.
Five attractive styles of excellent quality material. Daintily trimmed
and well made with slight fullness at hips.
Lingette, Nainsook, Lace and Embroidery Trim
Tim R- andci* Star*—TUr4 FI aar—Cratrr