The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 01, 1924, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Morn \g ! ee (S f]
i CITY EDITION J VOl, ftM, N<» i‘7 \ OMAN* l1 ROW MVYI.1W4, * TWoSB^KlSBPn, TZ\JT * **
_ _****!£—?? * **♦» * ••»• ... *< » <1^ ttt i^^tg*** »»* >»»*♦» i^r mim »»h>
Unable lo
Live Up to
IBcgg Polirr lo I,ork Him I |>
P Hrforr Hr Commit*
Somr Violent
ed With Revolver
Bttbla to live tip to the teaching*
Vi HI hie, whi« h he hail read rever
for yearn, ami belief that he
*^El commit a murder led William
^3rW urater, 33, Creeton, la., to re
f»«l Captain llert Thorp that he Ire
^Vited In a tell w'edneadgy night.
Wurater entered the pollee atatlon
did walked up to the de«U aergeant a
"I feel aa'though 1 »ta about to
I oante a hardened criminal, ' be an
nounced In a clear voice. "You had
better lock me up right now."
The d»«k aergeant looked up In aur
prlae, Harly aprlng It an unnaua!
time for anyone to requeat att oppor
tunity to "pull a trick In the monkey
.tonne,” am the offlcera t»rm It,
' What wag thatr' the deek aer
s-rant aeked,
Wurater repeated the atatement.
"JiHt Bed."
• f am Juet bad. 1 hava read tha
ftibia and then r»»d It a*aln but 1
i m not live lip to tha t*a'hln*a It
< .,i tain*. No matter how | atudr my
l'il i« as «o«n "* I atop I want to do
►"inathln* bird"
tnaf at*p In hare," tho daak s*r
e<ant ra/|Tj**tad, "l think you want.
• ar» tha captain."
In f'aptaln Thorp's office, with tha
poors abut, Wurater told his story
a-id plrad»d with tho captain to
•loop hitti up before hs committed a
rr, order."
I was sauted with s daalra ♦« kill
*om» one atcuir five month* **o for
tll» fl o lima." Wuratsr asld. "That
rare on waa mv father I foufhf eh#
/decIre ;i* much a* I could hut It «*S
loo »* ' n» for m*.
' Tb»n I left home. Th* first thin*
I d d *l *n I reached Omaha waa *o
r iend my last IS for a revolver and
t'lall*.'' Th* r*vo|var, vary real and
•*ty apparently loaded, was to***d
r .m halanfly onto the captain * d»*k
ms In f ad.
W uretar'a r«<jt**'t waa granted. He
* ia placed In a cell. Then word of
tho detention waa #*nt .to th# sheriff
lif f'reeton.
letter F. W Hwanaon, Kro'h*r In
law, telephoned to th# polbe that h«
and fb* sheriff would afart front!
i re*ton at. one*. He said that Wnf
at*r waa a war veteran and had been
passed while In Franca, I'pon hi*
<<turn homo b* Had aajjtbllabed a
J n«ln»«e whb h had later *on* Into
h* hands of the r*'*lv*r.
18,000 MINERS '
;Srr*Oton, Fa , April SO A strike
i f is/.Od miners went Into effect b»r<
t dty, rloatn* down II of the It M*
rdillarl** of tha OI*n Ald»n f'c/al com
ps oy. I.'nion leader* termed »H» walk
nut a radical tnova and called upon
tha m»n to atay st work
fhStrlct officer*, It la said, threaten
to revoke tha charter* of 'Ha tjelon*
I- that hoed th* atrlka call and d»ml*a
sit Ih* local union officer*,
We Have
With Us
4. V. Naylor.
(mini ( Hy, »b
•aheap Buyer.
It a g tar <ry from le-irur a ./bool
feather In SgW York afofe to a cheep
herder In Wyoming, but Mr. Naylor
i .«dn the Jump I* yeara ago and l«
vail aatlaflad with the rbarge of
*/rne» and oc« upatlort,
Horn In J<»ur»na, N. T, In 1*77,
V* r. Naylor at fended *#hool In Oneonfa
and was graduated from atata nor
rial arhool. Ha thereupon act. out on
a -aree.- aa an aduralor, and event u
ally he/ijne *uparln»»ridan* of erhoole
»f Bavporf, on lon| faland
The rail of fha weat wan afrong,I
however, and wllh hla wife, whom
he marrltA afler * eehooldgjr ro
rv.anr*. he aet out for Bherl-Un, Wyo,,
v, here hie un< le, If. Hurna, waa and
at III l« a aheep rant her.
With tha enrroat hroanl of home
eteariera and tba toneerjuene ehorfag'
„f free landa for grazlntr howevar,
Mr, Naylor fr/tind tha a/<,;* of hla
work narrowing, and 10 eara ago
l,e and Mra, Naylor moved to f>nfrel
I'lly, where Mr. Naylor le, title aaao
/lated with Maher Iford a* buyer of
|a mite.
Thla o/r Itpntlon takea h 'O prarti
,.lly every weelern «l*t» latef rea I
•on he purehaaad aln t 100,0001
I, mbe, wh./h »'r» f»d dur rg tha win I
ter In Nebraaka. and a , jorlty of I
«hleh ha»a barn ahfp; 1 to the)
t.rr.aha II refork mark**
Mr Naylor la afoppir at Hotel
rme. He la raeoverlny om an III
aa whirh forred him - remain In
noaptuU bar a for a tier*
Farmer, 72, Weds
Widow, 83, at
Kearney, Neb, April W.—Menry
I,Vbarter nf Maaon City and Minnie
Dodaon nf Kearn*» were married here
hy Rev. P t. Conn, paalor nf the
Baptlat ehurrh.
Th* bridegroom, a farmer and eat
tieman, la "2, hla hrld# la *3.
> Mr. t.ybargrr l« the father of erven
Aire, t.ybnrger I* Ihe mother of five
—-.- .— y1 ■ '■■■
Governor McCrav
on Way to Prison
for 10-Year Term
Indiana Kxrrntivt* Also Fined
$10,000; ,Jinlgr Pronounces
Sentence After Scathing
Arraignment of Prisoner.
Hr A .eeriefed Pma,
Indiana poll#, Ind,, April 3d.—War
ren T. McCray, who reared to lw gov
ernor of Indiana at 10 thla morning,
a grant half hour before he received
one of the heavleet aentence* ever
Imposed In the United Htatc* district
court hy .fudge A. B. Anderson, to
night fa *n route to Atlanta, Oa., to
begin hi* 10 year term In th* federal
prlaon. Found guilty Monday of us
ing tha malla to defraud, Mf-r'ray pre
sented hla realgnatlon yesterday and
thla morning received hla aentence and
a fin* of *10,000.
Waving hi* hat and forcing • wgn
smile, McCray bade farewell to a
group of friend* a* the Cincinnati
bound Big Four train left tha union
elation her* at 1:2* p, m. H» we*
traveling In th* custody of Harry
Wert*, deputy United Htafee merahal.
and Edward J. Fogarty, warden of
the Indiana *tat* prlaon. who had
le*n apee'aiir deputised to accompany
th# prleoebound party,
Robert Burway, alias Ixmbert, an
other federel prlaoner, wag aboard
the train In charge of two officer*
Faring only a two year aentence for
violation of the national motor ve
hicle art, Burway teemed to h*«# )*aa
courage than th# former governor.
Branch Take* Office.
Th* day brought to an end tha ad
rr.lnlatr**lofi begun by McCray In Jan
uary, J*21, and brought to fh» gov
ernor'. chair, Kmmtt K, Branch of
Martlnavllle, Ind, the lieutenant gov
ernor. While McCray aat In federal
courtroom awaiting aentence, Mr.
Branch enter'd the egecutlva offle»a
at the atate houae and took the oath
of office before lymlg B. Kwbanka,
chief Jtiatlce of the Indiana aupreme
court, becoming the ataie'a thirty
aeoond governor.
The aentenclng of Mcf'rey attract'd
thronga of < urlotia, who Jammed the
federal building and the walka aur
roundlng It,
Judge And*r>»n pronounced aen
»»n-e after a »'a thing arraignment of
Met"rav hr hi. conduct while in of.
fue The Judge', remark, failed to
aheke the pri.nner . placidity e.cepf
for a fleeting moment of nervoua
n»«a when the word* that were to de
' rt* bit fate teem'd about forthcom
n»r« nt»u mart*.
< rittctglisg ih* etgte court* for th*lr
failure to convict KcCriy *h'n he
wee on Irlel for embezzlement end
larceny, Judge Andereon declared It
»a» evident McCray had committed
r>l»ln perjury," had forged note, *nd
committed other felonlee a I *.,*ped
unpunlehed, McCray, he aald. had
v*o|ated the law many tlmea and had
'dually aa many opport unit lea fo ra
pent. Ha declared he had never eeen
a man arraigned In hla court who had
admitted aa many felonlee and on
whom aa many had been proved
Judge Andereon then Impoeed the
maximum aentence of five yeare' Irn
prlaonrnent and »1,00(1 fine on each of
the |« counte of the Indic tment under
which Mct'rar aa* convicted. ||>
provided, however, that the eenten.e.
run cumulatively only until they
reach ill yeera' Impr eonmenf and
110,000 fine,
Having been eenteitced, %1'f‘ray
*at taken thremgh the c rowda to fh»
I nlted Htatea me rebel * office, where
he remained until teken to the tram,
farewell wee aald to hla family at
the governor a gianalon I eat night
Mre M't-ray and her eon end
daughter, Caoyge and Marten, left
the man* on today and went to th»
home of another daughter, Mre. Wil
Ham f*. Kv*n«
Boy Parade
to Move at
2:30 Today
l,o\alty Day Climax to Work'*
OliMTvanee; lii.OOA
Youth* to PaȤ
in Review.
Prizes for Best Work
Boya' txtyalty day today, the fifth
lit Omaha Hoy#’ week, will be fea
tured by a parade of 15,000 youth*, the
great eat demon*! ration of boyhood In
the hl*tory of Omaha.
The parade will *tart promptly at
2:30 from Sixteenth nnd Dodge
atreet*, and will march 15 block*
through the downtown afreet*, A re
viewing and grandstand erected In
front, of the city hall will «cat city,
county and elate official*, and the
Judge* who will award prize# for the
beat delegation*.
Boy* who will participate Include
all above the fourth grade. They w-tll
be di»mt*«»d at noon to go home for
luncheon, then return to their achool
to board ape.-lal afreet care for the
place* where they will assemble for
the parade.
John Hoger*. I*, eon of Arthur
K. Huger*, 1*10 South Thirty fourth
*tre*t, etudent at Field Flub achool,
fa to be boy marahal of th* day.
"Wl aelected John hecauae he can
ride a hora# anfely, aa much a* for
anything elee," mid Fharlea H. CSard
ner, chairman of th* Boy*’ Royalty
day committee.
Safety Measure* Taken
Kverr precaution ha* been taken to
avoid teetdenta and car# for boya who
may become 111 while marching.
School nuraee. accompanied by doc
tor*, wilt he atatloned at every afreet
Interaection along th# pared# route.
They will wear badge# marked "aaf#
Police will begin at noon clearing
th# parade *»re#t* of automobile*. Au
tomobtle driver# have been a*ked to
refrain from parking their car# along
the parade rout* after noon.
Clifford Byberg. hoy mayor, and
hi* »**oc|atea on the city cdnimtaalon,
will rid# at th# head of th# p*r»d#
A# the boya arrlv# at the end of the
parade there will be at reef car* wait
ing to return them to thefr achool*.
from which th*y will go to their
Th# achool# are trying to outdo
each other tn banner*, uniformity of
appearance, dhwlptlne In tin* of
march and aplrltedneaa In carrying
out the purpoe# of the event.
Prize* Awarded,
Prize* will be awarded for the fol
Meet float expreaalng loyalty.
Judge* r. O. Stauffer, B. F. Marti
Ord*r1ln»#e In formation and march
Ing, Judge*, MaJ. Ben. Oeorga B
Bun can, Randall K'. Brown
perfection In marrhlng. Judge*, H,
V, Buchanan, M K Thom**,
Be*t elogan. Judge* K C Kpatcn
n A Youngerman.
Beat banner. Judge* r*'h»r Bowd,
c .1 Lyon
The prize* are banner* for the
*» hool*
The float* In the parade will In
elude the following:
Boy Scout*. Creighton High whool.
Tech High #rh«ot (two float* bull* by
th* boy* fh*tn**|v«*l, South High
•chord, T M C. A
There will be elx band* In the p*
rad*, Ineludlng Central and Technical
High achool band*, Father Flanagan *
hoya' band, a boy*’ band from Ne
llgb, Neb,; a band of colored boy*,
th* Seventeenth Infantry band and
M *rad* achool drum rorpa, mad# up
of drummer* from 7 lo 17,
Army I bmmandere.
Col Clifton c. Kinney, commander
of th* Seventeenth Infantry, will
have command for th# day. with mobi
lization of the parade under MnJ. V.
C, ls>on*rd of th* Seventh rorpa
are# Vm< h dlvUirn ot the parade
will be >omm*nd*d by an office* of
the Seventeenth Infantry, and ea< h
battalion will l>e under a nonromml*
*lon*d officer from the Seventeenth
Among the delegation* In th* P"
rade, a»id» trmn th* *r hool unit* will
he H4 Bov Seoul* In uniform, 2.V> Be
Molay hoy* In uniform, Y. M C. A.
bny*. JI hoy Jockey* riding hot***
from th* Ah Mar Ben field.
Tha boy* from the Maaonlc hove
Jtmn* will march In a unit with the
Wlndaor achool, where they fiend
Girl Suing for $500,000 Caused
Auto Crash, Defendant Asserts
Naw fork, A Ml 11 in ll<l<n» .f**
formarly of H» at tl« »nd former
t!f»(l*Wl Villa** Kolll** (dr!, wa*
I.Iam*d by Philip Morgan Plant today
for I ha automobile *<<fd*ot in whl<h
»t« wn* Injured an<l w'i|<h <aua*d
her to »>i«! Plant for fMd,f>nd Han'
•*»t|fl»d In hi* own d»f»na*
Th* ear, drpen hy Plant *ra«h»d!
|lr«to a tr*» by a country road, mh*r !
- rn**a*t l**t|fl*d, and Mlaa .framer
all#**d ah* waa Inrap*/ltat»d for i
*h»r work, In addition to arjfftrtn*
ptllhful Injurle*. Plant declared Mite
faamar, who had haan alngtng with
o|h»ra In iim <»r, auddanly ttirnad
In tha front and granpad tha
whnal, making It Itnpoaalhl* for hlrn
It a*aar ||a aald ha had takan ona
drink of whlaky. whlla lha nthara
had aniptlad |h* hotlla.
Mlaa Jan tt+r pravloualy laailfiad
ih«t aha h»d haan urgad lo tnh» a
•'n*la drink to avoid ratrhlng cold,
and daplad aho had Inlarfarad with
•'»»rlt'it tha autnmohlfa.
f’lant la hand t« an *atala aald lo
vgjynd ,t »h,90C,M0.
Evidence of Maybelle Bossie Leads
to Husband’s Indictment for Bigamy
Ofr*. *ACa\jielle
. i e_
Coolidge Sweeps
Two More States
in Primary Vote
Ohio and MaMarhiinetf* Drlr
gatr« Will Ba Solid for
Pranidrnt at National
Oltimbti*. O., April 3#—Pr*«ldrnt
Calvin f oolbly* and former Got.
Jama* Cnv malnt*ln*d thalr lead In
th* rapnbllran and danmrratlr prl
maria*. reepee fit aly, a* latar refnrn*
were lahnlatad hara. Figure* front
1,544 nut of A,3.>0 prarlnrl* gara f onl
Idga I29.46I; Johnaon 51,6#*; to* 56,
637; Mr 3doo 21,351.
folumbu*. O, April 4" rr*#ld*nt
Calvin f'oolldga defeated Senator HI
ram Johnaon In th* Ohio praaldantlnl
prlmarl** yaatarday by a vot* of *’4
to J, while farmer Governor Janie*
Sf Co* waa maintaining a nearly I
to 1 l»ad over William Olbb# Mr.
Adoo In tha demovratle prlmarl**,
ret’irna raralvad her* today ahowed:
In 6.144 preOnrfa oiit of A.37,0 In
th* atata, f'oolldga raralvad 127.954;
Johnaon, 26,977, f'n«, 66,446; MrAdoo,
An **!r*m*ly light vote waa raat,
not more than nn» In a*van of the
qualified elertora going to th* poll*.
Former Attorney fianaral Harry M.
Daugherty made' th* foral point rf a
bitter aftark by Johnaon lrad*re and
fart|on»l anemia* In th* *tata, ran up
wall with other CooJIdg* randldataa
for delegate atlarga
Every rongr»**|rn*l dlatrlrt in the
•tat* wa* *w«pt by th* organ!r.a'|on
forre* aupportlng foolldg* and Co*
re*p*rtlv«lv, and th* pr**ld*nt will
have the aupport of Ohio a 51 dele
gatea from the atate, while Co* wltl
rerelv* th* Vote* of a *Mld delegation
of 62, raatlng 44 votr*, the eight del
egat*« at-large In the demorratlr eon
ventlon having but one half a vote
In a number of «*rtlon* of the atata
voter* wrote In tha name of Senator
Hobart M. Ha Follette aa a republican
praaldentlal candidate and arvaral rr
ported a larger vota for him than for
Ihe California arnator.
Boston, Mm, April SO.1 Th* *l*c
(Inn *• democratic d*l*«nt* at lure*
or Brlr n*n. t'hnrlea II. <‘ol*. pledged
In support (lovernor At Smith of
New fork In th* presidential race and
th* d*f*at of Dwight II Mnc< 'orrnnrk,
candidal* for th* r*puhll<»n ddegata
and .upporter of Senator Hiram John
ann, waa r*»*rd*<1 todav aa th* out
standing f*ntiir»a of tha ittat* prl
Mgrt’ defeat will send a
■olid block of 3* coolldg* delegate*
to f’l*v*!and
Th* a*l«rtlnn of Co!*, who was *ec
ond In th# ll»t of * *ht delegate* I
larg* cho#*n hjr th* dcnifvrnta, Sena
tor David I Walsh heading III* tl< k*t,
waa fnk*n a# proof of Smith's
■itength among Ma.aarhusef ts demo
Voting waa e.tremelv light.
Married in Council Mluffa.
Th# 1o\\om\r\M p*'*u*9 «bfaln#l mar
nan# li##n#*a in founcll muff* y\*i
rImij/I# fAnA—v Omili* *'’>
f/1* haane. f.lncoln. %>>* <
F*4ar»'n I’oufv *1 rCuff*
K*<b*rin* If#rnan4»»*. OtifiHI It'uff* II
TMmM F**h*r. II Hluf* . Jl
(; I a 4 > a W#r»4la. CiHtfirjl Mluffa ... I»
tab* H'ib#f. FH**'4 N#h ■ 2l
K'h#l Walkar. Milled. N** I
Wtftlam firmham f»n ah*
lr«ra OMI#y Oreiaha
QiJhart i arpafi*#r. Omaha . !'
1s>vr*nm r»h«hfi frntanHU Vah
William Hubbard Omaha M
Mar*are» B*afi»berry. Omaha *. V
| ftrin (Jillaaar. Hf«|«an pd* Sab 37
L«ry »• tier bar* Il^k#* Nab. .3*
Ora V#lkinlmr« |d*-#!n Nab, . .. II
Tharp. LIRcoln. Neb
Swindlers Take
Life Savings of
70-Year-Old Man
Aged Minnesotan Invests
f1,000 at Ogden, l tab,
to Found “Bank*1
in Omaha.
Ungertng faith tn th# two man
who Omaha pollc* *ay »w!rtdl*d him
out of II,099. h'« Ilf#» saving*,
prompt# Chari## Marquard. 79, Man
kato, Minn., to took wtatfully from
hi* room In th# Pullman hot#l at th#
train# a* thay draw Into th# railroad
A# a reminder of hla dr#*ma of
pro*p#rlty #a a banker, he cling* to
a telegram blank addreeaed to Harry
Devan. fl**d hotel, Ogden, Utah. *nd
liearlng the penciled message, "Will
arrive today." It I# «lgned "Charlie."
Two men, representing thema#lv*a
aa federal reserve hank operative*,
prevailed upon Manquard In Ogden to
.loin th*m In founding a bank h*r*
In Omaha. ,
On# hanker waa to com# to Omaha
first, Marqtiard waa to follow, and the
third partner wa* to arrive later.
Marqtiard arrived In Omaha laat
Wedneday. When hla "banker" aa
aoclntes had not mad* their appear
ance Himd.iv he Informed Chief of
Detective* Van Deuaen who ha#
wired Ogdon authorities
Marqtiard la th# father of five chil
dren now living In various parts of
th# country. 11* atlll hold* hop# that
th# "partnsr*" will *how up.
Springfield, M*a* , April 29 e_n*v.
Dr ciarenc* True Wllaon of Wash
Ington, D. C . general **er#tary of
the Methodist1 hoard of temperance,
prohibition and public moral#, today
telegraphed a challenge lo Prealdenf
Mlcholna Murray Duller nf Columbia
university to present th# prohibition
question before Ihe Methodlat general
r(inference here tin May 22. Dr. Itut*
ler. In an address In New York laat
night, railed upon "men ami women
of rtllglou* fnllh, moral principle and
public spirit lo alrlke the mth amend
ment from the constitution."
Bossie Is
Indicted at
Kansas City
Mann \rt True Hill on
Kvitlenre Presented l»v
Wife of Kx-C.ity
Bigamy Warrant Issued
International news Service.
Kansas City, Mo.. April So—Claude
F. Bo»»>. former city clerk of Omaha,
was Indicted by a federal grand jury
here this afternoon on a charge of
white slavery. The Indictment was
returned on evidence presented by
Mrs. Maybelle Itossle. his Omaha
The charge against Boaaie was
brought bv his wife after Boaaie was
married to Ruth Warns ley, at Law
rence, Kan., last December. The
!Omaha wife claims aha was never
divorced from Boaaie.
Bossie and Miss Wamsley followed
the l^wrence nuptlala on a love pil
grimage to Italy. During thetr
alisence the imuha wife began making
her charges against Bossie and threat
ened to bring the action which result
ed In the Indictment returned today.
Bossie was charged with b gamy
In a warrant sworn out yesterday by
hia Omaha wife at Lawrence, Kan.
Governor Gets
Blackhand Note
Letter Offers f.yO.OOO If Ex
rfutivf Spare* Live* of Six
Doomed Mea.
Baton Rouge, lA.. April *0—Gov
ernor Pirker, wh« fixed May * aa
the date for execution of the eix
Italian* for th# murder of Dalle*
Calm#*, received eevertl alleged
"blackhxnd ' letter* today threatening
hla Ilf# unle«» th# live* of th# *tx
men are upared
The poatmark on th# envelop* was
hardly legible but official **td It ap
peered to be Grenada, N. C. Avail
able postal guide* failed to show a
poatofflca of that name In th# atete,
however The letter wae typewritten
on a telegraph Wank and dated In
dependence. Th# text wax a* fol
"Fifty thousand dollar* ha deposited
for you, certsln place Decatur etreet
next Saturday nlte If five our fellow
countrymen manage to eecape. Twen
ty-five thousand dnllsr# to Mr.
Moloney, chief of perllce.
“This money now In our hands snd
w# will leave it at addiaas to be mailed
you If newapaper* keen quiet.
"We intend to wreck th# train If
our R citterns are to b* hung at
Kmtte iSIci.
’ Better accept this fortune snd live
I "W# stan now.
I "Italia."
New Orleans, let . April 1**—Th#
hoard of pardon* today denied a plea
fop clemency for th# six Italians sen
fenced to h# hanged May * at Amite
for th* murder of Dalle* Catmea
l arger Sugar Bert Crop
Predicted for This Year
Salt I-ak# City, Utah. April 10.—
Mora sugar heel* will be grown thla
year and more beet auger produced
than ever before. In the opinion of
Stephen II. love of Salt laik* City,
president of the United State* Sugar
Manufacturers' association. Mr. Ietv#
said he expected 1924 production to
he about 10 per cent over 1*21
Feminine Nude Replaced by Undraped
Male in Paris Spring Salon Opening
('flange Attributed In Scarcity nf Girl Model*
('.ampdrrd to Superfluity of Athletic Young
Men— Imerican■* Represented in Exhibit.1.
I nltMMl Xertlr* "lull f erreepoaiteat.
I’arl*. April .AO Th* tiadltlonal
femlnln* nml* l» t*plnctd largely *by
th* tindi api'il mala In th* apilng aalon
opening today,
A nummary of the ratalogu* show*
I ha l of n lotnl of * . ,000 pnlntlnga,
MW are male and only 1.7*0 female
One explanation offered la that
there |a ;i ». ir< lly of girl model* com
pnred In what nrnounla to a aupar
flully "f athlelli- young men willing
lo glte llo-lr service* to the art
school* while ih* Olympic game* at
moaptieia la aleo derlared lo hav* In
flltenreil many artiat*.
Tlie rnnrenaua of pie** opinion it
that Ihla year# «nlnn ootncar*a un
favorably with prevloua on** In qua!
II). although th* nuinlier of {minting*
,.itd aeutpturgg *xpoae<i is th« 4*rg##i
on itcoriL
Mora than 100 Americans, including
Jn women, take prominent places on
the walla. Frederick Bridgman's or
iental subjects are given considerable
praise by French critics who name
him ihe dean of the exotic arhcol.
Reginald L. Oroom's "Bathers" la
called one of the finest nude group
Inga exhibited, while portraits by
Hllhert White, Manuel Rarthold and
Anna Klumpks and t'harlea Williams
show ntrlklng portrait work.
The Americans, however, chiefly
dlatinguleh themselves by their land
scapes, among the artlats hung on
the tine with scenic efforts being
Frank Brown, (leorga llnwland. Jules
Page, Charlton Fortune, (leorga Fv
ana, Kleonors Hay. Florence Kate.
Phil Rawyer, Cameron Burnside and
Clarence Olbaon
One of the moat remarkable fen
t urea la tha larga number of California
•rests exhibiting. Ran Francisco
alone claiming II.
Maranville’s Steal
of Home Wins
for Pirates
RlMNl" Msranville slot* home In
the Itth Inning with the run which
gave Pittsburgh i I m I victory over
the Chicago t ub* end an even break
In the aerlee, while plteher KImer
■launbs, Beattie rookie, stood on the
mound with the hall In hi* hand *p
patently not knowing what to do,
Harry Dee was In great form and
Ihe Buffalo** evened the series With
Wichita y extern a v, d> fi .ting the
I six'll crew, 2 to 1. "Chief " Robin
son scored both of Otnal u * run*.
1'lula won the City and Suburban
1,00# pound handicap at Kpeom
Downs Wednesday. The race was
for 1 14 miles.
The first of a series -if elimination
contest* to elect a western heavy
weight fighter as a contender for
-lack Dempsey's crown will Ire staged
In Oakland, Cal., on the night of
May 14.
All the latest new* in llte world of
sport will he found on pages j|
and IV
Jail Fugitive
Kills Self After
Wounding Two
(.tinman Fatally Shoot*
Farmer Aiding Officer,
Then Turn* Weapon
on Self.
Denver, role., April 31 Joseph
Russo Is de«d and Samuel Dlttmlere.
60, farmer of Castle Rock. Colo . who
aided officers, Is near death in a
hoaptta! at Littleton. Colo., aa a re
sult cf a gun fight shortly before
noon today when officer* (ought to
arreet Ruseo and Carmal Erigo, both
escaped fugitive# from the Denver
county jail, Virgil Stevena. day mar
shal at Littleton also Is confined to
the hospital suffering from wound*
he received at the hands of the
fugitive* during the fight. Erigo was
captured and now la in the county
The men, who eeraped last Thurs
day night in the Jail delivery, led by
William Dallhunt. alias Del Hanlon,
cf St. Taut, were surprised today In
a shanty constructed of railroad tlee
near Strubr. Colo., where they had
been living since laa| Friday. Mar
shal St»vena, Informed by railroad
men of the prwenc# of the two
fugitive*, went to arrest them.
When he approached the shantv be
called to the men to come out. The.
responded by firing a volley et the
officer* and then fled down the rail
way track*. Mltmtere, who was pass
Ing In an automobile, was summoned
by Marshal Steven*, who soon over
took and passed the men. Once ahead
of them, h# opened fire on them. They
teturned the fire. Steven* and Dltt
mlere were wounded In the exchange
nf ahnts. Exhausting hi* ammunition.
Steven# left th* automobile and
rushed to a nearby camp where he
secured a rifle, returned despite hie
wounds, to give fight to the stiepect*
As he appeared with the rifle. Rusho
placed hi* own gun to hta right tem
pi# and fired. He died a few minute*
later st a Littleton hoepltal.
Strtiby, where the men had been
htdtng out. I* ahout four and a half
mile* aotith of Littleton, which I* a
suburb. 10 mile* south of JVnver.
Summary of
The Day In
Senate ami houee conferee*
agreed on the subtler bonua MU. (
Tha senate »ll committee Inquired
Into geological aspects of naval
oil reaeives.
A aepata committee began hear
Inga on tha propoaal for American
participation In tha world court
Preeldenf Cootldge received from
tha Hungarian American aootety
statue* of Washington and Ko*
The senate agreed to Secretary
Mellon a proposal for a 2& per
rent reduction In the tax on earned
Federal end state quarantine of
flcere In conference agrred <>n a
program for coordination In plant
quarantines and embargoes.
The federal grand Jury continued
Its Inquiry In rrlmlnal case* grow
ing out of th* nil heurlnge and than
adjourned until Monday.
Judge James T. Kleche of Haiti
mor# told th* bouse Judiciary com
mltte* that some of th* driest mem
her* of congress "relish their liq
The Ihtugherty commute* heard
further teatlmony from Huston
Thoniaon, chairman of the federal
trade comm|ggl»n, a* to antitrust
pollct** of th* Department of Jua
8e< ret ary Hoover In a statement
charged that fhoag who have a*,
sailed hi* Alaakan flaherlaa pnltnea
desired to defeat legtalatton to
**'* the flahertea from exploit*
1 (Ion,
Five States
Are Swept
by Twisters
■» ^*
Hundred* Mode HnmeleM in
Storm* in Snuihp«*t{ Many
Injured Kxpcrted to
Damage Set at Millions
Atlanta. Da. April *0 — ftlttv threa
person« are known to hive been killed,
an undetermined number of other* era
reported dend and mlaalng, more than
400 were Injured many perhapa fatallv,
hundred* were made homeleaa and
untold property daniare was eauaed
t-y atorma of cyclonic proportion*
which devaatated section* of th#
aoutheaat today.
Death. Injuriea and property
dratrurtlon dotted aectlona of four
aoutheaatern atatea, according to
(i par pin Town If i/nd
Off Mii/t by Tornado
\ugii*ta, <«»., \pril JO.—Flrklen,
(.a.. «a* virtually wiped off the
map by a tornado thi* morning, ac
cording to report* received here to
night, Po»tm**ter K. ti. Patrick I*
dead, aeveral are Injured and dam
age* e«tlmated at WO.OOO.
meager dUpatche* received over crip
pled wire* after a aerie* of tornado-*
anfl windatorma had *p»nt *helr fury.
Total property damage wae uncer
tain, but la expe-ted to mount Into
million* of dollar*.
South Carolina. Alabama and
c.eorgla bore the brunt of the etorma.
One death waa reported from Arkan
»a* last night and two were reported
from Ls>ut*lana. with two other* In
R»rl Cmu In Charge.
Southern dlvlatnn headquarter* of
th# Tied Croea h»r# were In charge of
th# e'tuatlon at Andereon, S. C.,
w her# a email mill village waa
partially demolished. R»! ef meae
uie# were being gotten under way
there. It w*« a*a*ed.
Near Sumter. 1? Hve# are reported
to have h*»n !->#t In rural comtrunl
tie*, while at Horr*ll HU1 near Colum
bia. a tornado that wrecked a achool
houa* la laid to hat* claimed IS
Six Alabama town* reported atormw
with a total of IT death*, two p*r*«n#
ml«*lng and 27 Injured
Jn Georgia, four towna repor'ed
ca»ualt|e* aggregating five deatha
and 1% peraon* hurt. One town waa
etruck In Miaelaalppl. but there *U
ao km* of Ilf# or Injury.
IJ«t of Caauattf**
Th* tabulation, nee*e**rtly Incom
plete. wa*:
South Carolina —Morrell H.'t. It
dead Sumter, II dead: Walnut Grova,
* Injured Andereon. * dead. I* In
Georgia—Macon. * dead H Injured:
Warm Springe. » injured. Chlpley, S
killed. 1 Injured laiwrencertll*. * In
Alabama—flpellka, 4 dead. * In*
Jt-red.. Greenvltte, 4 lnltir*d. I mim
ing Auburn. 1 Injured fnlon Sprtnga.
< k Uteri 14 Injured. Smlthville, 7
killed Clio 2 kilted, t Injured.
Ijoufetana—take Chari##. 1 killed:
.etfave’te, 1 dead. 1 Injured Shreve
port. 1 Injured ,
Arkanaae—Texarkana. J kilted.
Fragmentary report* continuing ta
trick'* In from th# *t »m area went*
a ateadlly tnrreaMng li*t of dead and
Injured early tonight aa th# distur
bance awept Into North Carolina. Mta
fifth atale to aiiffer
Three KlHed
Florence. P f\, April Ml.—Three
per*one were killed and a number in
jured |n a tornado which •truck the
Rffmgham aertIon of Florence county
title afternoon. Many house* were
uemoltshed and the dead and Injured
were carried through the air a* far *•
110 yard*.
Columbia, S P„ April 10—Incoi®
plete report* tonight from half e
dotten South Carolina loealltlca vl*tted\
by tornadpre today showed a knows
death toll of II, with 71 reported In
jured errlouelt many othera injured
to an undetermined eytenl and d
heavy property loep.
Rocky Mount, X C , April I* —Cut
ting a path eatlmated at eight no lee
In length and about lao yard# width
a tornado etrurk Martin county, near
h« r* thta afternoon, doing Ct>n*lda^
able damage in the town of r-'herfr
eonvllle. ^
Ftrat report* received here were ,
that SI pereon* were Injured in Rob
erteonvllle and probably IIMI.Sl
property damage done
W allare Seeking In Hlnrk *
inquiry. Solon Declare*
Washington. April 10 —Secretary of
Agriculture IX altar* wae . barged ta»
day by Repreaentatlvp 3. f>. Reck*
progressive republican cf XV i». . natn*
with trying to block rongrenaional It*
veatlgatlon of the admlnletratlee of
the packer* and atockyard* act.
f TheWeather ]
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