The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 30, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Ut-rmhfhl I miH
tlrtil f'»rtttl>/*«,
'iMfll ttf IIiMiJiii
1 ha It M** i|| H fAiftMliMil I* I Hi I
«f IP#*! ftnfn
•m|)H I tnlllfnfi ftMft fe
thiii11 f• d fHp mm( l«(, TH# Mm **
in pt tM|| ihft high ffifN *'f »m» a( PtiH
rHti(i Tmtf| (of (h#
In IHp nf (hi h»»ly
* if III a ptiil |«fly ftmtnfial 1
*tIcf |nil |V#f huf "f fl(i]r(h(M| Vtlntr
'hutmifMv MrtrMnlMif, in*n hiMIc
»ni (Hun Ihplf 1.M H‘
fifty Ihil no atteh Idea of invent* 1
m#ttt may over roach I Hi* happy
Mr*. William Jennlng* Hi van
give* an Interview eapreaaing groat'
fallh In Raymond T. Richey, te
vtvalial ami "healer by faith. ' l*n
able In move from her Invalid rhalr,
Mr*, llryan goe* long distance* to
hear thia enrneat man preach. Ami
<ho feelo much betler already.
If her fallh la at tong enough alto
will he healed, any* Mr*. Bryan. If
not, "I will almply arrept It a* evi
dence that I do not believe atrongly
enough In Ood'a power to cure."
I'he ordinary mind fnlls to un
derstand why Divine omnipotence,
nhh* by mere effort of will to re
lixfe misery and cure disease,
ild refrain, regardless of (titer
ing revivalists, and of rvery
g except the natural impulse to
- jeneve pain and misery.
Hut whnt can a human Insect on
this parth understand of divinity?
There ia “money in art" when it
rpfflly is art, and also other things
more important than money.
Long ago, 1,800 years bpfore
Columbus sailed for America, Prax
iteles, a Creek sculptor, was study
ing the still greater Phidias, dead
before Praxiteles was born. Among
»»Hier things Praxiteles made a
statue of Hermes, Creek god, cor
responding to the Egyptian Thoth,
inventor of arts and science.
What Praxiteles got for that
statue, from which the right afm
is now missing, nobody knows—
probably just enough money to con
tinue making other statues.
Vou couldn't buy it now for 20
millions, or any price.
The Creek nation, in a friendly
mood, thinks of sending that mar
velous statue to the United States
to Inspire artists. It would inspire
other things, and might lead to a
study of Crepk history, not by chil
dren that hate history, but by men
that long to know it. That statue,
aa it travels through the United
States, with the beautiful face that
Praxitelea along could make, would
take American* hack to the day* a
century before Praxiteles, when
Pericles was building Athens, en
<g»uraging Phidias, the admirable
^■pil of his great master, the
’ philosopher Anaxagoras.
Mayor Hylan of New York, anx
ious to build a magnificent art cen
ter for that rich city and opposed
by the foolish, might deliver a lec
ture iri New York, using the Greek
statue, to remind the public that
Pericles, who was to Athens what
Mayor Hylan is to New York, was
also attacked on the ground that
he was spending too much on fine
Pericles, a plutocrat, although
leader of the democratic party, did
what Mayor Hylan couldn’t do. He
offered to pay for all the work him
self, if they would allow no name
hut his own to appear on the build
Don't fail to see Hermes if he
comes, and don't he prejudiced by
the fact that his relations with
Venus were not in all respects reg
ular. They didn’t know as much
about morals in those days as we
know. f
Fn laying old cornerstones it is
customary to nut in certain coins,
great praise of the ruling monarch,
some expression of religious faith.
That was all.
The future will be enlightened
when it digs up the cornerstone of
s hotel-hospital just laid. That cor
rierstone contains films of moving
pictures showing surgeons perform
ing modern operations, also “glais
strained" specimens of germs that
produce disease, and a collection of
drugs now called “specifics” for
certain diseases, with a list of dis
eases thet we consider incurable.
Those preserved microbe* will be
^Kwpeeielly valuable as curiosities, if
they survive, a few thousand years
from now. For* In tim# disease
irerms will become extinst on this
planet, as the dodo, the great auk
end the mammoth have already be
come extinct. And those microbes,
preserved, will be as precious to fu
ture scientist* a* are, to ours, those
dinosaur eggs dug up in Asia.
fCeyrrlght, I
Stricken Minister’s
Condition Critical
Columbus. Neb. April 2*.—Uttle
hope Is held out for the recovery of
Itev, I/Mhan ft. PeWolf of York, for
merly In eharge of the Methodist
church here, who suffered a stroke of
paralysis. Mr. PeWolf Mad bean
>-hosen *» one of the nine Nehraaka
mlrileterlal delegatee to the oiiadren
ntal eonferenee of the Methodist
rhnreh, to be held at. Hprlngfleld,
Musa., during Mny. lie and Mrs. Pe
Wolf planned to make the trip east
by automobile and had reached a
point In Iowa when flev. Mr. PeWolf
■ omplalned of not feeling well. It
van then decided to return to York,
leave the ear and make the trip by
naln. They reaehed York Friday eve.
■ring and the next piomlng Mr. Ire
'VMf suffered the stroke from which
M^pvalelans are doubtful If he will
^^er recover.
Child Pneumonia Victim.
Catherine MefSInnls, daughter of
Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Mefllnnls, 4241
Mason street, died Monday afternoon
a* the horn* of pneumonia. <
Funeral services will be held today
at 2 p. m., at the home and at t:V
p. m. at Holy Cross church.
|# rur.iVi lit Is#.ti.M Mm
4t»l# 1*1* I *t«*4 l*l*(* »H# I *t«M
MKIM *#■!( I# *|l MilMitil It I*
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M»# ttiNil !*#«••"* Ill* Hm'I
Hi**t Mm ini’iit*) **l IN tt!>
m* ft iimi*. ***t*M NtNiM
\ ink I iilltpr I lilt till
^ tti* Oraiini <
iwl NlN **.« M !<**( I««l
Mini, I mk . nil**# . »t*it**ni#l|. • »**
flit* fl*. * It It* Mtt* Ml***"**
m*i«ii h*M Mr# Mi 11*1 •
tlltli. f*ft»*mlHHf l*l*M i*»ll*t*, *11
tlvtti m«Ml i'l*. ♦, tint Mi lliiitlrli
t*f M**llm* (hlM Th# tmli
mi* aMMtl Ik* V ( A I* #ald
mMM k|.*«k»i» .*«-*(v*<1 ih*if #nh
l*nl« I* mlt'it** t**fnr» *t>»*UIn# h*
Adele Garrison
“My llmliaml'ii I.ovr”
. ■ —.. *i . .■/
With • «*nnll#l InvIlMlon from III
II* Mr* illr.1 In rn|i**l nitr vltll In
li»r, and I 'Irtiv* r*1unl*nlly
• fiwfti I** uMl
••• 4 m In Mlf If
*M I MUtti Ittfct t*»*N
Mil MiMM 4*M«t t» N hit i(MM
► «( •>! *»MM V t» , Ml t*M »♦•*> IM
r<t>« iM t< • MMlti w >i | t »*
•» im*i it m* Mi» m.titi ii-ii it
p*« *«W>M H*tlf of it*** N *
'*'*>mM( diiii •***»■* tn Mt Itfl ht*
• tnAi* Ml IM* I Mill'll IM (nth*!
• Ml tit It lltt p#*! H*ttM t*t I '
• lltk tutHti It HMIMIII tIMI (IIMlt
•<M h*m Ihtfirt IM Mi>lW it I III*
IMM M «MM*I| Milt tl t
■ •MMtilit itMtnHuMM • hm ittli
K*mf M *(»•♦ *lti«l*tl M •« **l t*M
I* i tndtf IM pith tM »«nM**liill»
UMf4 iMltpt W Him ft*Hlt# IM
•* Ht* Fluff ***#' Muaiii in lit*
Ihttt,** ht ttM tt III* Mitt fMMp|t*tl
III MM up, tlnl III Wt ♦«♦<* MMt III*
I* Mil** • M* tit t*l**M »«
lh» lllilt worn** tf whom Mt ti# »•
Pood "I Wnndtt If tllt't M *11 IMDtll
IM rnfii* Im Him Hum tl won I mm*»ii
llht **'lli« Ihttt If tht d«t*n I *i Ml
lit ttllh Ihtl MWlMf, 'Wtll, Itnll »hi«l
h»t*r ’*
tuft, r«M fnrwtlMy.
Hill *htn t htd MnitMl m* *nr
tl ihM v»mnttn tMil Iili-liv had httpoil
m» oul, lhtt» wt* no tinldonly Ihrotn
n|>*n ilimr, no llllln* rnll of wtlmm*
oddly 4ltnlrltinf, w» M*m»d nn Mi*
Hop* .toil In tntwtr lo fMiliyt |tnll
** «*t» M« 1W M* URU' M »#**'
• MtWMtt* I 4*»> Ini* I > *t« lid llrf
wi|i"f M* t • ->*n • km I *M
(• uMi il ti ii rf iUMmfiii mi
• iw in t*«i in IM h*«l 4m »*
*M !•»«**
<• Ml* IHMH •( MM* 1 I MtPH
• •*•►* *» *. * (»" I-*4 •! In* *|t
tdiHk* Ikn #*»» Ik* •mk4 I ill
it >*M M>« i*n>ik* **1*1 * mM
Mi* • h« ki»4 *m wflnn 4M*IH>*I
•*••*** IkM* I* **nnt **»4 lmt*l| H
kilNI lMl *M »n»*4 **4 Mi* M*
in IM kiHiii
I Mil **• iM Unman **ImMM|
m tn •%«!, knlml>M |«M
RM *»*»Mr* * MM II III* Wl nl
Ml *M Mikilkl Ml • Dim ni4
It#? »kkk I t*i*ngfii*M •* n**» n#
Mi* t*M*kn* * |ntM>4 MM*Mik| InM
• Writ iMi*** *nii 1 Mill Ml lnllm*l*
I mil In* In Ih* Mw n*vnr Mi*
• m.1 )M|I1 mnfn**4 ( |.»*an in *i|*n
my M* m »# • nnr4 , «Mn
nil'lly kniiai m» •itnifiinniii
I flam ail up *1 Him In »»» HI* *y*»
l*m*lh» MIh ml*r Hi*# MltMl MiM H
lh*m liiiHM Ih* aknlinav »n Hi|.
n*rt-*ni*4 «*»iim(i**nn nf dinn'iy nr
n-.iihnrlty nlnin* unfi** in HI* fllil
H* 414 n»l "HJ*i'l in IH* rni|u**l n#
tl,n unman #nr mir mt-tl*. I «*ll kn*n?,
lul h*r »l*rn, 4t**|i|irnU«* m*nn»r
rnw*»4 III* Hill* mnnhlk* <l*Vll whirl*
ninny* lurk* In HI* *»ll>n«n*rlnii*n**n,
j "|>n ynu hn»* In n*y In g*t In h*in,
Hi« * lit flip ft pn if ft ft *4 Hft I
tf pf ftft* * p it) Hft I ft ^ft| ♦ Hup ftp |
IfMH l«ftPft
It# 4>« h ftmift iftipi ifttmt Hi h*%
fp* ft#i »#*»•«# ft IP**# h«‘ 4 •* 4 *J
Pftftpftl ftp<4 4* y* *M'M iH*Ml ftp I Hft 'Ml
^ t ftftft»»*p‘ i| ftftft ftft I P ifft M| t *1
Hull htft ftft*9 ft Ml jlfHififtft ftft M
pftftfpft4 i t« »l| ft Hi** |Hft fcPftMl
ftl Mhp ftft If lift «Hft *p pft* <iff4 Iftpft
it# |M *twp v|ll ft m4fftp ftpftfft p
Hft* ft pip If i ftl ftft ftHft dpyftftftlftli
Mip t*»pft»4 M4 4**p 4 eft# pp
if 44H i ft ftp4 | ft Mi MIN i
Hft |ft |ftfftftt ftHMHfti ftp# H4M| »**
lift«#4 Hftf ft ||ftft|Hrftf Hftl pf Hft P» I
i hftfh> i ft Hft ftiiP iHfffgft Hlft VVftr<,
• p4 ft*ft4 him Hi Iiip4 i-p!
•If ppl Hftf Hftp4 tt|pn I Hft 4vM»f ft m 4
*ft«»*§ H Hft > || l*«ft |f4 Hft
ilififtH Hrpft4l| , •* ftp p Hflft
ftilH • 4ftfi t ft ft* ti ftnfiH) pf (Hft Mvh
j fftftit^p pftpift4 Hft I hft fp*l4 Hft f*»»*
Ihift fti<«* Hiitiifti iHft 4<«f
‘ Mill I m Hftf fftinfitft >1/'
Hft HPtiM ft I. H ft ftp* Ipui fti •
Wednesday—A Rare Treat for Women and Misses
. * __
* Just 250 Beautiful
Imported Frocks
Made in France
Chic and Picquantly Pretty Frocks
of Linen, Voile, Cotton Fleure, Ratine
Many Models Daintily Trimmed in Drawn Work
Many of These Dresses Are Worth More Than Double the Sale Price
While They Last
Women's Sizes
36 to 46
Maize, Copen, White,' Rose, Apricot,
Pink, Poudre Blue, Com Flower, Nile Green
And Many Lovely and Harmonious Combinations
Straight lines predominate—and there are models with and without belt
with elbow sleeves; necklines show the Jenny, square and collared treat
ments. Distinctively new, charming and beautiful.
Tucks, embroideries, laces and hand drawnwork are used to trim them.
Also some pretty models in beaded crepes in styles for afternoon wear.
Also 175 Frocks From Our Regular Stock
Better frocks fashioned of newest summery fabrics in every colorful
shade make up this charming selection. Sold all season up to 29.75.
• Wednesday, 18.75
The Brandeti Store—Second Floor—Weet
• H MW <M IM» «N k«HI MMl]
I Iwkl ta <M •*< M Mi
hi‘» III* •»*>< MWM IM mM * *
»•*«■» Mii'i>4i' 4 ka«lM«M m I
Mi »*4’ *k t »«-4«Ihi>4 *4# *t.
**■4 (**t MMI It* IM I
tlklkM M»* iMM I*
tt*« »»» • Mil* m t4 #*4«aM
*» *• IMI *4 ■ i«mM 1i«>#
• »M Mi» IMMk •
nm(M (httii m |
in * l»'j
t9« i.*f1M ,( (• | M* #•*♦
Mai • i((Vt* tm »»4 mm j
t mi (In itm*** f%9n 9M*|| Idl» 1
lM4r9» »14 »i«rU4 Mfii M* (lit IHiInft 1
MN| M l^( IM llfri **9 9 lnW*9
‘ • •
4 r-t « a**!**. • ■*.#» Ml •*«! •«»
Mito-iH# •> ♦«** *4,. • affa' WJ
im >(#t Mill ie# wia<1 HWi ** 4
,, a ,, »,* () a*< *> «M»*« w I 'aipMH l«
til F * M W
^ i^if % mi i flinti tM
K * ♦# 4 « • t*"* * •** t
In the Second Week of Our
Million Dollar Sale of Home Needs
Wednesday Furniture Specials
225.00 Bedroom Suite 149.50
Four parfartly matrhad piaaan, 4Kinrh daaaaar,
/ill! *ita vanity, roomy rhif/oratta, and a baauti
fill bo«-»nd bad. Flnlihtd in tha dark Amar*
Iran Walnut,
22.50 Felt Mattress 15.00
Contain* 50 lb*.
I of selected layer
? cotton felt made
up in a high grade
ticking with four
extra row* of side
7.00 Amy Cot 3.49
The*# rot* have been re made and re-painted In
the gray enamel and will give you yeara of serv
ice. Originally priced at 7.00. While quantity
laata, very special value.
75c Camp Stool
A hard maple frame wedged in
top. Limit of two to a cus
16.SO Steel Spring 10.00
Double deck steel coil
spring made of heavy
gauge wire, finished in
French gray enamel.
Has the hinged-locked
top that holds it per
manently in place.
Regular sizes.
L Tka Brandeit Store—Stfttlli Floor
___— ■ ■ ■ — ■ -
Home Needs Sale of Curtainings
Make Your Selections During This Exceptional Sale
Beautiful Filets - Nets - Laces
Thousands of yards of attractive curtaining* offered during this sale at
unusual prices. Fine quality filets, imported laces and casement nets,
cream or ecru. Specially priced for this selling.
\ 36-Inch Cretonnes
Par Yard
N e w decorative cre
tonnes in a variety of
patterns. Ideal for dra
peries and furniture cov
1.50 values, per yard,
1.75 values, per yard,
2.50 values, per yard,
Widths from 40 to 72 ins.
Th* Rrandria Stor*—
Sixth Floor
40-In. Kapock Silk
Yard 2.95
Beautiful for draperies,
of striped and brocade
effects in varied color
ings and patterns.
Wednesday-Attractive Oriental Rugs
Daily throughout the week's sale of Home Needs, the Rug Department
makes special prices upon its merchandise. You will find it extremely
worth while to visit this section.
Imperial Kermanshah Rugs
Priced I/3 Off
An unusually largo purchase from the manufacturer
enables us to ofter these genuine Kermanshah Rugs
at a fraction of their value. It is a large assortment
of discontinued patterns, in beautiful and varied col
orings. All are perfect rugs.
75.00 Kermanshah Rugs 49.95
8.50 27x54
Kermanshah Rags
In heaqtiful and rich coloring,
thepa ar* ideal for throw, couch or
Broad Carpets
9 feet wide; can b. cot |S QC
for any length rug. »q. yd., V.575J
7K« Braudel* Star*—Siatk Floor
Here Is Your Opportunity to Own an
Electric Washing Machine
A Voss Copper or Wood Tub Floto-Flana Washer at Terms
So Low That the Washer Actually Pays Its Own Way
“ 1.50
Than wRikan ara
mada by tha oldoat
man nfacturari of
waahing machinal.
Tha f iral waihrr
mada aval a VOSS,
ovar 41 yaari ago. i
Comparing thla mo
china with competitive
machinal of Ihii If pa
maam a laving lo you
from >0.00 lo 30 00
1 4
A*k Your
Neighbor How
She Like* Her
Capper Tab
Wead Tub
sire to
..- p~