The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 30, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    (HI Tank Rlnrr
Thrrnlma Town
IHIim tlnmra I > t* Halt
'|.»ra*l nf HImim*
w I i't'ii'l.
Taft Is*I, ApM* (•-»!«* **#MM
n «* at* fMTH«M» 1»>r*«H(*
I* HrM*M ilk# *f>*»*d hmntnf *>a
#rn*n f*«M Hr n't** tVIroHwn
t* i**na**y irMki ti**t k*tt t» th# *at
*rf t»ei *«a M** await*# rwKwnnttt**
ntr «m < '*»■*
iHi* w( th» 1** tank# "f ml whtrti
li | IwMI #M*## lit **I*M N*I»M "»** ;
Hi* toe mn«, m# mh*t
Hull* Th* W**m* nil al II aTtnrt
1 .,1 nvartopiM m* Mr*1 *’f Hun*
*«nt«*n a»k#a thman hi* la r*
i* a w, j
th* tinki lanltM tmlav *>• MM
n h t . a*l*r ml ana #t* Hiitnlnf war*
• ton l» Mini III* flr#l ItM. Th* rrlat#
i th» fuht aa«tn#i th* fir* I# *a
l<n i*q *rh*H mi* or (ha mh*r of thnn
lmil* nv*f. It I* faaratl th* a*o*a*
of furt Hit! #*na n *tr**m of hurnlna
ilqii.t nv*r th# ntH*r tw ilyk##, and
vn hap# into Korrt i'Hr. not th*n»i nf
hr otl tank* ana nom* f*#t Iow#r, nr
Inin t’noo, a nrarhy rallniail ramp.
Th* tnirntna tanka ar# approxlmat#
|y a quart#r of a mil# nutalrt* th#
• III I.f Taft. Mama** thna far la
ntimntad at Moo,ooo. half In oil *ti*l
th* f#mnlin1#r In rtiln#*l tanknRp.
Burgess Bedtime
V_————— -—e
Jerry Muskrat Moves,
There waa no doubt about It, the
time had rnmr to move. The water
was already up around .Terry Musk
rat’* ankles In his bedroom. "Well,"
said Jerry to himself, “I guess I’ve
got to go. This water may not last
long In here, but It will bo pretty
damp for a while. I'ftt glad I’ve got
that snug room high up In the bank..
If I hadn't 1 would have nowhere to
Me dived down through the tunnel
leading from his bedroom to the hot
tom of the Smiling Pool. He swam
out and up until his head was shove
water. Then he started for what he
called hla castle In the bank. "My!”
exclaimed Jerry Muskrat, "It Is all I
can do to swim against this current."
Now, Jerry Is a good swimmer. He
la a very good swimmer, But though
he swam with all his strength, It was
elow work getting over to the bank.
The water was rushing down through
the Smiling Pool go awlftly that It
was all Jerry could do to move ahead
ngalnat It. At laat he got out of the
ewlft current, and swimming became
easier. When he was right opposite
ihe entrance to his castle In the bank
be drew a long hreath, dived and
swam to the entrance, which was un
der water. He wa* surprised to find
bow far up In ths tunn»l that water
was. But at last ha came out of the
water nnd ecrambled up the long tun
nel to the snug room he had prepared
<,ulte n distance back, and Just under
tlie grass roots on the Green Mea
"Phew!" exclaimed ,T»rry. "That
»vn* n bard trip. But now I'm here
1 huvn nothing to worry about. I will
live here until the water goes down
cud my house dries out. I don’t'like
the. spring flood*. No, sir, I don’t
like ihcsc spring floods. I'm always
Had wh< n spring comes, but I do
bate the*" floods. There's one thing
about it nnd that Is, they do not laat
tci-y long."
Tiuly It seemed that Jerry had no
enuee to worry about anything. His
cei l* In the bank was a snug room
far bock, and as I, hav# said before,
lust under the grass roots. From it
n tunnel led down nnd branched Into
several short tunnels, each with an
opening under water. This was Jo give
him more than one way of escape
should ho find on enemy In there.
Tdrn them waa a very prlval* hack
rntranee from the Orecn Meadow*.
——■-1 ■ nr»e«
“Phew." egclalnied Jerry. "That was
a hard trip."
Jerry had worked hard digging that
raetle In the hank. H* ev*n had aom*
food atored there.
Bo moving waan't really aohndaf'er
all, He could be Juat aa comfortable
hare In the hank aa he hud liern In hla
houaa nut In the Mm III nr; Pool. Btlll
he did dlallke to leave that houae, and
he waa worried for fenr the water
might waah It away. He had wotjted
go hard Imlldlng that houae that, he
couldn't hear to think of loalng It,
Jerry flrat carefully looked and
arnelled all about In hla tunnel* ami
hla bedroom to make aure that no
eti anger had been there unknown to
him. There waan't. a trace of any
body. There waa no odor of another
Muakrat or of Billy Mink. Batlafled
of thla, Jerry opened hla back door
and went out onto the Ore*n M*a
dowa. He enlffed the aoft, warm air.
"It l» going to he warmer then
ever," aald he. "That will mean that
the anow will melt, faater than ever.
There certainly la going to be n big
flood thla year, Well, I hava nothing
to worry about over here, and flooda
don't laat long. There la nothing Ilk*
having two hom»a."
Th* n*gt gtory: "A Watery World."
, Absolutely Pure
MMM§ tfct Mit (MUImh
my—«l- ni FrMth
Wi -
It* HUM l»ni*« »M«r • I
tit* tt* Ktt KMH •>fc*"W **•
tt* u lli •Hi**** M*****! n» t*
•«*4 *•*!** >■♦*•* S I. ■* >**♦*••*
!>**•<• «*• #M*** I* *
«I|VF «,!**«.* I«*l M*«lw
iihiiM»*» ••
t •**•*>•*! IM*. *W til* *,l***§>
>4 th* MMunriil 4*| *«
Mil W Th» **'«»•" •
*«ii»i»rj> *m **« «*!*♦•• 4«rt»# Ih*
•am* ***k IM***i.t ••»*m**I *•*"*
•t«t*4 *>> m<«m*n r*M •»« **»*!«**
It* Witt i
H*ltn» > limit* Wunit*? MM •••** i*
IIMI |* t« t* «hi»nnl *t it* Rl>'*i
t:i**n«*lti*»l i hurl'll «**t "f Dh Will.
Th* |*r»Br*fn Mirtiit *'*
ntn* *t><1 mntinur* Wwtmrtlj.
Krarnry I. F Burl'H, •ln «
1»lf head of the department of tn
•tuatrlal training * at the *tat«
Teai her* college, haa resigned to a<>
cept tnemberahlp In d firm of general
rontrai tor* and builder* at Muncle.
Ind VertW C, Fryklund, graduate of
Htntt Inatltute, who ha* been con
nected with the i hilege alin e Fetiril
ary, 1*22. will aaaume th* petition
which Piofeaaor Burton leave*.
Franltlln--Before a crowd of near!',
2.too here, an Olklahoma apeaker de
llvered a lecture, netting forth the
principle# and Ideal# of the Ku Klux
Klan. Th* lecture w«« given for
Senter Park people, many driving So
mile# to hear him.
neatrlce — Fir at concert hy
Beatrice'* n#tv aymphony orchestra
of 25 piece* under direction of Will
S. Fulton, wa# given In the Hilbert
theater to a large audience. The pro
gram Included claaalcal and aacred
number* with a vocal aolo hy Mra. J.
Pugaley and a reading by Mr*. Jack
Kill*—Funeral nervier* for the late
Mr*. Mary Powell were held today
from th* Methodlat church at Kllla,
and burial wa# In Ellla cemetery. Mr*.
Powell wa# SO ye«ra of age «nd 1#
survived by a daughter and several
#lster# and brother*.
Heliron—William L. Mlttan, for
merly r-f Cage county, died at hla
home here after a brief lllnea*. He
nil a brother of I. B. Mlttan, old real
dent of Holmeavllle, to which place
the body waa taken for the funeral
and burial Tueaday afternoon.
Bentrlr*—Mra. Beaale Ward of Red
Oak, la., who haa been employed by
the Weatern Telegraph company for
tha laat eight yenra, haa been ap
pointed local agent to aucceed I<. A.
Simmon*. tr»n*ferr*d to Brand
Byron—Fire, which alerted from
burning paper! and kindling In a coal
bucket In th# C. F. Voea hardware
et.or# Sunday evening, caught the
flooring and did a email amount of
damage before It wa» put out by
citizen*. It I* auppoaed that a match
or a clgaret atub careleaaly thrown
Into the coal bucket cauaed the fire.
Junior-. theW*a'AaaTh,T.»tarted
XVf more— Flelda of wheat and oat a
and all garden truck ehowed a won
derful growth In aouthern Bage coun
ty during Ihe paat week, rain putting
a healthy color on all crop*.
I’lelnvICw—Conatructlon of a new
Methodlat church at Crawford Valley,
haa begun. Joaeph Rodgera, contrac
tor of Pllger, who haa Juit completed
the Methodlat church at Stan*an, la
th* contractor.
Ktromburg—Raptlat young people’*
dletrlct rally will ha held at the Rden
Raptlat church here thla week, begin
nlng Friday,
Bloomfield--Bloomfield Rand and
If’hornl aoclety, numbering TH. will go
to Norfolk Friday, May 9, lo broad
c-irt, n program from the aendlng eta
tlon -fhere.
Ntromabtirg.—On# Inch rain fell
here, put th# crop# her# In *gr*ll*nt
t ondlllon,
Churrh »
Smith 14imli<hm
for Pn^idfiirv
r I
Mf tll«i.|l*l I .*ttttttlll» r till*
II im "iVratinlfii'alinn «f
KptNt «f Tamman*"
in SiNtumenti
n* imuhU *»•«♦. •
\t Iprtl t* It** I*'"'*I
nf t«n|wi »»***, |***IMIn>* and put41' |
tuotwl* of th* MMhMtai Kp'W'Pal!
I’hl*»»h, th • f*HUat tt»(MH**i <M
tn4*i AHhllMt IP* . *hdt.l*. f ft tin*
«HU<< At Pmtih «*f hf*« Vmh
Th* M»»oap*t (t»*<t*»|.>« of th*
po**tW* nominal Inn of At Potlth * o t I
mint nf N*« Y*th. »* • 1*0414*1* I
for th* prattdanoy, i* «ur»ty tnt*f«it
M only aa A n«At-* *»•*, ' th* »t*t*
m»nt d*rl»r*d
Mr Until It I* th* t*tv p*i*t»nlh>*
I loti of th* *pltit of T»mto*ttjr, Hi*
nomination notiM tn**tlahly .an**
th* n**l riNtMl t« b* fnnght attd
won on th* iwttira nf almpl* ttairlot
lam, Parlv ttn*a would dl»*pt'**r
Tha rawlmtlon of Mr. t'ootid** would
t«> di-omrd *aa*n11*1 to th* boat lnl*r
**ta of th* country by llt*rally mil
Ilona of damorrala, a* wall aa by m
"The men who are counting tti pt#
election rstlmntea the aollil south os
a certain asset In case of Mr. Hmlih's
nomination are utterly deluded The
nomination of Mr. Smith would be
vend the shadow of s doubt wreck the
solid south.
"Neither the republican nor the
democratic party can afford to con
sld»r the nomination of any msti who
Is not Ih# sincere friend of the United
States constitution. The proper thing
end the only thing thnt can he safely
done la for both pottles to nominate
men in whose discretion th* country
hay he safely animated so that the
campaign can be fought nut on politi
cal lines, not on the Issue of loyalty
tind morality."
Boys* Week in Columbus
Directed by Rotary Club
Columbus. Neb , April il.—"Boys'
week" la being observed In Columbus
The activities *r* under Ih* general
direction of the Columbus Rotary
club aided by th* pastors of th* varl
eu* churches.
Thursday will be known *s
ally day." Th# general program will
he In charge of Attorney C. J. Oar
low. May 1 program close* th* Ro
tary Boys' week activities. At 7 p
m. Thursday a parade of hoya will
be held. This will ha followed by a
program et the Federated church at
» p. m., whan eight reel* of motion
picture* will he shown Ih# hoys.
Widow Awarded 14.800.
Red Cloud, Neb., April J*,—Dlitrlct
Judge Hleckledge hie announced a
daclalon awarding Mre. Krmlna Brun
er rompenaaflon of $4.J00 for th#
death of her huahand, according to
Information received by the plain
tiffa attorney, V. J, Monday, of thla
city. Th# declalon ta practlcatly an
affirmation of one rendered by the
elate labor rommleiloner from which
th* railroad company appealed,
Clothing Store Bobbed.
Nebraaka city, April J*.-Th# .7. C,
Penney department ator* her# wae
robbed of 7S »tilt a of clothea early
Monday morning. The good* wer* re
moved from th* city In a car owned
by XV. H. Brown, proprietor of tha
Grand hotel, and taken from th* ga
rage of the Morrow Auto company.
Bherlff Ryder and chief Cook have
notified police In all nearby town*
to be on the lookout for th* thlevea.
Fall* City,—R»na Cog and Georgia
Burlingame, ISyearold runaway
girl* for whom a wldeapdead *e»rch
had be»n conducted for **v#rat week*,
tver* picked up her# and held for
I heir parent*.
For Wednesday Only!
A Most Attractive Assortment of
Specially $ /0 9 5
Priced at Pair
Those Torchiers are regular $4.50 and
$5.00 value and come In six attractive de
signs and colors, Mandarin, Blue, f'anary, Reel
etc. Just the thing to add a pleasing touch to
the living room or den.
A combined purchase make*possible this
liberal offer of a pair of torchiers, QC
Including lamb bulbs, at.<PL.tJD
Thin Offer In for Wednendny Only
Nebraska ® Power €.
Mm tin It* ( n»»4 »
«^ • *«! f (Hum# • Mtttfi ft
| | a M MWl »* Mltfiin*1 ":
M<n tet I «i*h mn *4 im **4t
Imii * tm ** at 4t* la)*4 lute*
Mi* I iM MiMI M ntintm
Mm |t*t ItiiMmaA a* •mt-«M* 1 WM
•atA *<'• *»t»»t*4 t« 41*. t»«* l*ta A>
«*■• a atitt Mm Mf>-*a lalm# **4am
• t Itat» m4 »*» m* * larfi**, trn<
aipMl i# Aa an anA alt W Mi'4*4
In It* a4t*<* a'* aalA ”1 am nal
It miHai null ite At*mra tana la Mata
\mh Mali, tml 1 tM**A la • **•»•
4l Ml tin*
t,«l*U laltMi hM >»ai»t4a* ftaun
IM ai*t It* taf*ta**4 la Aam m An
Mm t*mHt tail M t»taaa*A la aim
riftt* ttWter Ma team Ifni 1**4 a*
1*4% 4 • a* fnatti |tt«taa4ia*a at*
atn • aaafnl
t milt IM S'**r TaMi ta*a 4»a*Hi«m
la a •■a'taila fa* Al'Mra afl»r A'*
> **)*
I nntlitlllimi Mrnirril,
Mi ltoimlil Tell* ^ "turn
Kearney, V*h , April »•— Mating
pi t pored theme* Ives hr taking up die
r-ueelona of the Declaration of IM«*
pendem-e and th# mnetltutton at
prevloua meeting*, th* !,***'»# of
Women Voter*, together with th#
Woman'* Huh and the Huelnee* and
Professional Olrl*1 Huh, gave N, P,
McDonald an attentive audience when
he apok# on the constitution,
Mr McDonald's main point In hi*
discount* wan the menace In our run
etltutlon and to our government by
the attempt, sometime* inaidlnua, no
rationally In the o|ten, to pervert
what w a a Intended for a represent*
live republic Into a demnerary, a form
of government proved lime and again
to be Impracticable and Impermanent.
"Of thla the at present popular pri
mary la an Illustration," th* speaker
stated. Hi eald, referring in the ron-1
atltutlnn maker*: "They dirt nol pro- j
vide for a democracy, but for a re
public, a government by the repre
sentative* of th* people. TI|U Is not
a democracy where Ih* people rule.
It Is a democracy where th# people
rule by their representative*. And
the constitution guarantees to every
stnta In th# union a representative
form of government,"
BuainrM Men Dinnis*
Harding Highway Route
Nebraska City. April 2D—At a din
ner held at the Grand hotel last night
the route of the propoeed Harding
Memorial highway, pasting through
thla city, was discussed bv Chamber
of f'ommerc* man and Shenandoah
and Sidney (la.) buaneaa men. Thla
highway I* to run from Washing
ton, D. (*., to San Franrlero, and sc
lection of a point to cross th# Mis
souri river Inin Nebraska was rt*
bated at th* meeting here.
Rebel Force Routed.
■r Associated Brim.
Vera Tru*. April f*.—Gan. Anareto, with «on federal troop*, at
tacked and routed a force of 100 men
under th* rebel flan .Tuan J.eehuga
yeaterday at Jrfi Kerla plantation, near
Han Kranciarn, on th* Intaroreanlc
railway. Twelve of tha federal* and
X* yehel* ar* reported to hav* been
wounded In th* fighting which lamed
jkn hour.
Save Money
Bur roar tree*, enrobe and plaata "J
now - Have money by buying gaod.^
hardy Mehrafka grown stork thatM
will grow and produr* la thia part
of thi* country. Tome down to
the lergrut nureery diepley aver
held in ttmehe end Investigate our
landscaping service. Reasonable
10th aad Hodge
C. K. Baldwin, Mgr.
AT. *IT4 ar BA. MM
Barth »!4e—<labl# rtawrr MM
HUH ». *4tb
Itila of Humor
Lurk iu (orm’iv
I *( I MlllMil llltf I
(Mini Ittlll 1 Krill* 1*4
initiw4 I NKh*i
M Ml •« *»* *•*• •»** ■
rifiwi ?***((» jwn*
IWMI ?*•*#(*• MiWW *•*
PWww It *« Mm* ilia <*• p**Md
I* aaiii lit I 0(1*1 |*t inaliW b* i*§ !
.(mawiiM *• 1M M*» ■ « ’ba
of tatbn** w na ib*at*ia
t h»ta aka Mia *wt*(wd bay* a*t**t*|
|**rwd , nai.ii i am* *!►«*.oa »M
hay* t* i»l pMll ibi»'i(|b lb* »**i j
la iaih pi no* (*f ikiiiM. yi*iywfi*!
.annnl win ll>* w**hly iM** bn*
that* l» **at in Hi mi »n*l *b*i* I* *
t hi 111 wb( o i*uir ink** dn*a win a
pH#* and roti •** I* with >#ur naiw*
Mi |W* moil* **(•*#,
Rvwrjr Work a flrat nil** nf Ik t»
. ff*r*.l for *h* h**t Job*, a**<m4 pH**
nf II, Mtltd pna* *<f It and 11 oth»t
i>r1(*» nf II *«• h II la »n«i*ihlna nf a
tilt! I nil Inn In hav* ihmiwiiiid' nf
tnnvt* fana i*ad your Ink** nn lb*
a«’f**n and nm* Hi* nam# of lb* ati
ibnr, It may b* *h# alarilna nf a
mr**r for you. Th*r* la alwaya a
mark*! foa original humor.
Vink* your jok*a and limit
th**n tn k0 worda *arh l**nd In aa
may a* you wish |o Ih* l«n<'al l,af
*dtlor. Pink up hlla nf hiimn* alone
iha way. Mnk a your Jnkna annppy.
I'.rnvlty |« th* *oul of nil.
Pmm Ih* jnh*a that do mil g»t In
ih* prU* Hna* Ih* Loial l»af adllnr
»*l«ia i h m* *a*h dav for «ht -
lolumn. Today a ar*.
tiad l|( (I m*
inland iVhai kind nf an •(* la
A* inra ann a nn* a mad a coward
Annr— A cowardly Had *aa air, I*
>n» Hiai hna yau -and -h*n mu "
• 'ail Han**n. Haiilaon. !a
' nid anyon* * irninunl nn iha way ynu
drna your ml"
• V»a on* man ramarkad. Twenty dol
lar* *nd nn
l.iartnri Martin. Valpsratin, Nab.
■tcihnny- "Why do flah awlm?"
.Iirums ft*. *ua* th*y ant walk *
I v*r I., .Tohnann, (Sti Mouth Nln*
faaiiih atr»a*.
r i
with motor drive
Thi« new feature makes
perional * ‘movies’ ’ with the
Cind-Kodakall the easier.
Point the lens, press the
button and the motor drive
cranks the camera steadily
and evenly. You can leave
it all to the motor.
The Cind-Kodal with
motor drive hat just been
announced but it's here,
of course.
Let us show you.
F««iman Kodak Co*
n rrv« Robert Dempster Ce.)
1013 Fereem St.
KM Brmmek Jtw.
U\J jRbekiaaj
till#** IVM 4*nH m
M »■ «•« |m...l4n m Ml MM* < **•»
pAtW.# 14m# »» | N#«( *'*4*» • NtA
• *# *M 1**41 t*
**4 <1*4 f***n ***** »"*•* *>*«•
ft* ft * <t i II**
f!*#• tl»M W M«
i hM *•*# I ft# Ht4h ‘ M
>»# ■ |k»« A tttUl w*r#»l !*»•** *ilfc
|| *»» miwtrt IMI !**•♦•' • rt lit*
IMNIM 1*1 iMnitlHi** IN
Mk«*n« »»<• *■» ** * '
|lrl|l(H Mi'lltfll* III Mill
IliirlinpOMi M minimi lnl*
•*#»M*t H#N *(*■<• *» WiMinn*
f Iwn't.n nf IrfAiwIn. »*A***I iNitf'
pin ff ill# om»*i nt RiRHi T*l#
tlkflNtl# f**l 'h# |l*»* lilN# "##1*, ’ *'
l In lhl« (toll ** NIIMl **»#•
far IN# Hwtlinfinn iNlMMir lirtlA
Mllllv 4 l|l|n»*». NNn II
t*»n •<4it*«r *• #«»ni *>#'# l»'i '*’•
ftnM III# ##*!• Ml'. tlNNION *#•
■l#tinn #«#«! h*r# In l(ll» nN#n
#l#i'i*d In- IN# iMN*NiMlt«n ■» I*# C*n
Not only hm*- wn A full and
cnnifilcta lino of
New Victrolas
and Brunswick!
At Standard Prioa* — hut
many u*ad marhinaa of hitrh
Quality and Standard Maka
at Reduced Price*.
A Conaole of High
Quality for $69.50
I»ok over 1 li« following H»f of
Their* Bargain* with FREE
Vietrola.I 35
Columbia ..... 125
Rath* . 125
Brunawick .... 150
Vietrola . 150
Kimball . 175
Vietrola . 225
Every Oollar you pay in addi
tion to our low tarmi will giva
you a Fra* Record up to |10.
Payments to Suit Yon.
April 30, 1924 - 8:15 P. M.
The public i« cordially invited to attend a concert given by
Professor Frank Buckingham and the Omaha Plectral Symphony
Orchestra at the Schmoller k Mueller Auditorium. The follow
ing local artinta make up the program: Mr. Hatch, Mr. Tipton.
Mr. Buckingham, Mr. Richard Hoffman, Mr. Smith, Member* of
the Omaha String Club, Member* of the Plectral Banjo Club, Mr.
McMaitere, Mr. Taggen.
Bris PIANO CO. Bare
Our Interest
in the American Youth
American boya and girla grow
to manhood and womanhood under
a wide variety of surroundings.
Moat of them have a good moth
er’s rare and a devoted fnther's
guidance, but many are without
desirable environment.
In a few years, the boys and
girls of today will be in charge of
America's telephone service, sup
plying this important means of
communication and safeguarding
the investment of more than .500
thousand men and women who
are financially interested in the
telephone industry of this country.
Because the future's telephone
service rests with American lw»vs
and girls, this organization is keen
ly interested in International Boys’
Week, and all other movements
which tend to improve the pa
triotism. ideals, industry and thrift
of America’s youth.
□ “Boy*—a Nation’s Greatest Asset”
Orta Policy - One Syttrm - Unlreraml Service
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lllm «*« |n>» mu «M« ‘ii«
Our Siutaaatli
Street Wiudewi
Dieplay Them
The 52 Most Fortunate Women
Will Be the First to Attend Our
Sale of Dresses
4, $3950
A Saving of One-Fourth to One-Half
Especially Purchased frees ana
of New York’s fashionable
houses, to offer Wednesday in
one of those genuine Thompsoo
Belden’s sales. The purchase
will result in a saving of ene
fourth to one-half on lovely
frocks for the summertime occa
sions of
Opening Club nights. Luncheon,
Tea at the club, Dinner Dance,
Successful Vacation Frocks.
White *port* froek*
with brilliant ocarf*
Headed Georgette»
Printed Crepe*
Printed Chiffon*
Dyed Lace Gown*
DANDRUFF Aaatfaya *•»» A T»
rwl Will* •<
sill day II. I Mtf Ink MbM Iha
hair fra* lAlefc aaf draaf t-rny
Dm# Star#
. I
Mr*. G. W. Little
An You In And of i Tonic?
Health la HoaHh Imt I atmd Afford
to OttflaaltlWard of iMil/ltw
_. t
i edar Rapid*, la— I ran hifhly
recommend IV. Plrrr# ■ Holden Medi
cal Plerovery and a Ian th# 'favorite
Preerrtptlon.' My fathar kapt I ha
Roldan Medical Plarovary’ la taka
whanevar a fonte waa required and It
ale-are par* entire aattafartlon t
took Iha ‘favorite Prearrlptlon' for
woman'* weakneaa whenever ner*a
aarv and waa alwaya araatly benefited
It)' It. Aa I eav. I know aU about
theae two remedlra and t ran hl»hl*
re.-unmend them Mr* O W IJt
tie. ItAl ff fifth lltreel
All drupelet* aell theae module*# of
Hr. Pierre a In tablet* or liquid
bend I* rent* to IV pt*r»# Pre#
Invalid* Hotel In Ruffal*. N T for
a trial pkp af aav o( til* naadinnaa