Ir;:: rT] The OMAHA Morn MG DEE CITY KDITIO* " VOK hll* NO. 878. ^ OMAIIaTtI’MI»A\\ AI*WII. W. * TW(M ENTS-Tm*4 V 1——♦♦ »«»♦♦> >» »« *M »■» »«« ■*««»«♦« ■»« »*<♦ |< »*>•; »»•'« ’ -•»! >«» »«»*M »»'> »» ._ . . _ | „ ■ r , LEADER IN DENVER JAIL BREAK NABBED Police Take Fugitive Highwayman 0 "Slipprn" Doll Hanlon C.ap tuml a*t (Colorado Spring*; Vi arden and Guard* Discharged. “Outside” Suspect Held Colorado Spring*. Colo., April 5*.— Charles Ridge, said to he wanted a* the outside man who engineered the Denver jail break last Thursday, was raptured by Colorado Springs poller this afternoon. Ridge, said in he * St. Paul gangster, had a watch be longing to one of the escaped pris oners. Colorado Spring*. Colo . April 2V— William Dntlhunt, alias Slippery Dell Ifanlon of St. Paul, who led a sensa tional Jail break In Denver last Thursday night, was raptured by In spector Irvin Bruce and Patrolman Heorge Kmeitck of the Colorado Springs police department hers today. Hanlon wns walking along a street in the business district'when the of fleers recognized and arrested him. A large caliber revolver was taken from Ills pocket. "The newspapers said we had It guns In the Denver getaway.” Han lon told police, "but we had only ons —the one I had-until we took one away from Livingston (an assistant wardent.” Rewards totaling $1,500 had been offered for Hanlon s arrest. Hanlon waa convicted In Denver of aggravated robbery, which in Colo rado carries a minimum sentence of 10 years' lni|>ri*onment and a maxi mum of life Imprisonment. He was hi tlio Denver county Jail awaiting » sentence when he escaped. Hanlon was . .edited with being,the leader of Hindu aane that terroflrid Denver for two weeks previous '« his cap ture fie liver, Colo., April 29.William Dallhunt of 8t. Paul, arreated in Colo rado Hpringa today, engineered tha drat and only auceeaaful Jail deliver/ over made from the Denver county Jail, on In at Thuraday evening. Th< jail delivery occurred during a blind fng anowatorm. Fourteen men gained their free dom, but one aurrendered and waa re turned to Jail. Frank Cameron of Omaha and W. H. Wllllamaon, who eaeaped la tar, were arreated. Harry Llvtngaton, acting warden: A. E. Hutchlnga and Oaorga Con nelly, guarda on duty at tha Denver county Jail when the prlaonera made their break for freedom, today were diacharged by Manager of Hafety and Excise Tteuhen Herahey. Their die charge reaulted from an Inveatlgatlon conducted by the manager of ssfetj>. CARUSO’S WIDOW QUITS NEW MATE New York, April 21.—Mr*. E. A. Ingram, wife of the lata Enrico (‘aruao, through her lawyer, today confirmed reimrt* that aha had aepar nlcd from her huahand, a captain In lha Brltlah am./, whom ahe married Ice* than five month* ago. Her attorney, Alfred K. Hellgebeig, eald: "The report* are correct. However, no divorce acilon la pending nr con templated.-' ► f We Have With Us Today >lr». N. F. O'Rourke. , hhenandoah, fa., Hotel Proprietor. When Mr*. O'Rourke wa* only a little girl *h* enjoyed m**tlhg and chatting with people. Today eh* haa jirnple opportunity to meet new peo ple, for »h# la manager of the Hotel Itelmonleo, a leading hoatrlry of Hhenandoah. , , Mr*. O'Rourke wa* horn In Hara toga Hprlng*. N. V. but It waa only a few yeara until «h# rarne weat with her parent* and aettled In Beloit, Kan., where »he attended *<3hool and lived yntll ahe waa grown. Her flrat experience In the hotel hualneaa waa acquired In Halt l,ak* City, where *h* managed one of the largest and flneat apartmenta of the city. Hhe then became manager of the big hotel in Heguln, Tex., Which la controlled by the T. H Baker Hotel company. A little later ahe became aaaoclated with the Muehlebach Inter eata In Kanaaa f'lty. Hhe then Joined force* with her »l*ter *nd they bought the Moreland hotel at Hia watha. Kan,, which they operated for a-Vwo year*, then aold It and In March of 1»23 acquired control of (he Del m on loo. Hhe la » member of the North weat ern and Mlaaourl, Kenaa* and Okla homa Hotel Men’* association* Wo men, *he eald, should alway* h* auc niMfiil hotel manager*. becau*e they ■ra natural home maker*. While In Omaha Mr*. O Koutke la* (topping al „Jiol«i Conan t. Nebraska Woman to Be Director of League [ /7/fr. Chets, Dietrich Charles Murphy Buried as Fifth Avenue Hushed Thousands File Past Coffen to Pay Last Respects to Leader 1 of Tammany. New Tork, April 21.—charged with carrying a bomb and a loaded revol ver, a man who gave she name of Alegsnder Klee, wee arrested this afternoon In Htuyvesnnt park, near the home of Charles Murphy. A few hours before the neighborhood had been filled with thousands of persona, many of them of national prominence, who had gathered to pny final re Xpert a to the dead Tammany chief tain, ■ ■ - *■ - New Tork, April 2*.—City and na tion today mourned Charles F. Murphy and honored him In death as few have been honored In the metropolis In living memory, From the teeming Kast Hide, from the -homes of the wealthy, from every social station, from the manifold walka of life of the greatest city In the world, there came to the bier of the Tammsny chieftain In hie modest Rest Heventeenth street home and to great St. Patricks cathedral In Fifth avenue men and women united Iri their grief. Police Guard House. Before the house *5 policemen kept the crowd In orderly lines as the men and wtrtnen silently filed Into the house and passed the mahogany eof fin. At 9:M I he doors of the Murphy home were closed to all but relatlvea and Intimate friends sod an hntir later the casket was borne down the brownstone steps on the shoulders of the pallbearers, The police detachment snapped to s military salute while the onlookers bared their beads. Honorary pall bearera were Governor Hmlth, Mayor Hylan, Governor Hll/.er of New- Jersey. Mayor Hague of Jersey City, United Hlales Kensfor Copeland and high of flelals of the state, city, army and navy. Fifth Avenue Hushed. Fifth avenue, ordinarily hectic, gay and colorful, was huahed. Heores of thousands stood, heads laired, sa the procession passed. At. Forty fifth street Governor Hmlth, his staff end the pallbearers left their motor cere and fell In on foot behind the hesree. in and around the cathedral police estimated IS.Wt persons had gather «d, H.'lOO occupying every available inch of space In the structure. As the solemn requiem tns«a was held In side, the crowds oufdlde bowed their heads In prayer Burial was In Calvary cemetery. Frrrf Platr Goe* With Omaha Flour Mill* Cm. Ford Plate will go with the Omaha Flour Mllla company May 1, taking charge nf the newly organized linkers department. ♦mar flour la well known aa a family flour and It la new proposed to market a flour rape dally suitable to the peculiar needs of the wholesale Iwker. Mr. Plate came to Omaha two years ago nn manager of the Jay llurna Raking company. Kotaa Fail* to (rive Monti. Oeneva, Neb.. April 2*.-Writ of error scoured by sttorneya for Km 11 3. Kotaa, under sentence for forgery, failed to release him from jail as no bondsmen have been found Kentedre of three to seven yeara In the pent tenflary was given Kotaa In dlstrbt court April 12. fls was remanded to Jail during a 20 day suspension of sentence for appeal to the supreme court Ttie amount of ball necessary to give Kolas hla freedom was flgttl At 17 ,m. ' t . . «• 1 Nebraskan Gets Office in League Mr*. (ilmrlcA II. Dietrich of IlHAtingA Nanml Regional Director of Women V oterA. Birth Control Plan Loses Buffalo, N. Y , April 2d—Birth rnn trol aa a subject of etudy far the National League of Women Voters tin defeated by a vote of 2 to 1 at the convention today, after a spirited de bate. rteglonal directors elected Include Mrs. Charles H. Dietrich, Ilaatlnga. Neb., and Mrs. Walter H. Hljockley, Keno, Nev. The proposal of birth control study was uot Included in the section of the league program submitted by Mrs. Ann Webster of New Mexico as chair man of th# social hygiene commit tee. Mrs. Webster's committee lim ited Itself to recommendation for1 study of methods of bringing Into effect sterilisation of th# unfit. The birth control atudy was offered ae aa amendment to th# sterilisation rlattee of tMi program In a reeolu tlon presented from th# floor. Advocate Hist# Artlon. The majority of speaker* opposing birth control study for th# national league disavowed personal opposition to it, and several advocated He etudy ^ Individuals and stal# leagues where possible without treating dlseenelon In national league rank#. Th# program of the social hygiene committee aa approved Included atudy of sterilisation of th# unfit and advo .-ary of social hygiene legislation to eliminate discrimination egain«i women. After voting to kill • proposal far an amendment to th# f#d#r#l consti tution to glv# congres# power to lata upon the subject of marriage and divorc#. th# l«a«tl# adopted a program aeaklng uniform state law# concerning women. Approve HorM Court The recommendation of the com mitt*# on international cooperation to prevent w«r was adopted without change. It recommend# America’s entry Into th# permanent court of In ternatlonal Justice, support of resolu (Ions permitting United Hlates’ repre sentatlvea to act on International #co nomlc committees anti In Internation al conferences, support of measures to secur# disarmament, and support of prompt publication of Btate depart m»nt reports. Meveral amendment* were made to tbti education program, chief among {hern being a proposal far legisla tion in all state* making compulsory education far children between « and l«, nine month# yearly with Kngllah the basic language. SENATE INQUIRIES REACH LOW EBB Washington, April 21—Tha fall log curve of th« aenet* Investigations reached another low level today. It was on# of the few Investigation tioll uay# In week*, with *11 three of the major senatorial Investigating corn mltteea In receas The committee Inquiring Into the Indictment of Senator Wheeler did not meet, because of the »t*#ence of th^ particular witnesses wanted by Chairman Borah In hi# effort to keep the presentation of evidence In logl cal order. Both Ihe Uaugherty and oil committees were occupied with other thing#, while th* revenue hti reeu, ftnselen, Msyfleld, propaganda end diploma mill committees con tinned their Indefinite recese, A see slon of the Tegas frauds committee spoiled a perfect record on that aide of Ihe c*pilot On the house side the shipping board Invsailgallon continued, but the bribery, engraving bureau, aircraft and Northern Pacific and land grant Inquiries remained quiescent. First While (lliiltl to Mr Morn in Wyoming Is Detul Ixtramle, W'yo,, April 2» - Is-wla J Porter, t«,rn at Korl Mallei U, W'yo,, July 2, 1Sf>2, and believed, from rec ord* so far studied, l* have been Ihe flrat while child In what la now Wyoming, died et a. luaipllnl here leal night. Me lenvee a wife, Iwo dauglt lere and one eon. f 1 h'irnt Haiti Inniirancc In Collected by Paper _—-/ Milwaukee, Wl« , April !*,—Th* firm Urn* In hlatory that a m*lro polltan dally n*w*p*p»r ha* rollout ad tain Inauranr* on an edition of lla newapnp*r or#urr*d h»r* today wh*n III* Milwaukee Journal company #ol l*rt*d MOOO Inauram* h*d to rapubliab all ad* tit nut Hun day, # First Bobbed Hair “Sailor” Arrives at New York After Five Weeks’ Cruise (tint of Kinif Reveals Larks of Pretty Miss Disfiiiseil ns Jnrk-Tnr ihoard Rntlleship 4ri :onn -Girl Tells of Other W omen "Gohs.n .<—«>■■■■ •BL.'IM -" WM . .11-■ T ■■ ■*-!! New York, April 2k,—The Ural IhiIiInhI lialr "anilor" of t*nc|n Hum'* navy arrived on Ih* Print oh* I from Pau.-ima In the person of Mlaa Made line Itlalr, pretty and Hi, who apent live week* di*Klll*od aa a jack lar nn the Inittleahlp Arizona of the pacific aqiindrori, Mlaa Hlair looked and acted the part ao well Hint her preaenee on th* man o' war waa nnauapected until Policeman PantOmuto of th* New York force, ori vacation In the canal jone, turned hi" on * |e *y* on the fnlr aallor. Kiintotnnto, alao a paaaenger on Hu Prlatohal. aalil lie noticed a group of aaUoi-N aiTUbhliiK Ih* quarterdeck of the Arizona when he wna vial Unit (lie ahlp In Balboa harbor. A Riiai of wind lifted *e\ernl hut* and lha po llceman auld he aaw n Bailor with a woman a bolibeil hair. The unuaual maritime coif waa reported to an of fli er and Madeline waa relieved of her duty ne a aallor Kill. Bundled up In a hUKe cloak and wrarlna a veil, ahe wa* buatled hur riedly away from the ahlp today. I’o lice anlrt that Mlaa Bl/ilr, In her "allot-a Riirb, miiat have Rone abonid the ahlp when the yp*acl left thla port five week* bro. Mlaa Blair told the police that while ahe wa* on the Arlsona, two other women, also df*RUl*ei| aa aallora, I were ntioard. Theae, ahe aald, were 11he wlvea of two member* of the crew r_ Johnson Demands List of Packers’ Campaign Gifts Minnesota Farmer-Labor Sen ator Charges Secretary Failed to Oppose Ar mour-Morris Merger. Nr I'nlteraaJ iMtlM. Washington, April 2*.—Benator Magnus Johnson, farmer-labor, of Minnesota, In a resolution Introduced before the senate today, called upon Ills republican national committee for Information as to what contributions the "Mf five" packers of Chicago made to the 1920 campaign fund gnd to subsequent funds, "directly or In directly.’* Johnson charged In the resolution that Secretary of Agriculture Wallace bed failed to oppose the merger of the Armour and Morris packing In toreate and also to compel the Instal lation of uniform amounting system* 'Jhe senator sleo directed attention to the efforts of the packets to oh Inin an amendment of the ronaent decree whereby they agreed to with draw from unrelated llri<-s of Industry, failed to pey adequate prices for live a took. For the** reasons according to the resolution, Henalor Johnson felt war ranted In demanding to know what cuntrlhuthm* the "Mg five"—Armour, Hwlft, Wilson, Morris and Cudahy— had mad* toward republican finance*. The resolution wa* referred to the committee on agriculture. MAN KILLS SELF ON BABY’S GRAVE York, Neb., April 2b—Word waa received In York from Kullton, Net,, Ihla morning lhat Adolph Hmaha had committed aulclda on tlm grave of hla baby eome tlpia laat night. Ilia body waa found on the grave early thla rtihrnlng. according to information re calved here, Mr. HtnahS waa well known In York, aa ha waa In the meat bualneaa here for a. number of yaara and played hall In the city league, Kuilroml Tax Collection <,>uc*iion (Joea to Spillman Hr InlemllAMil Sewn aerrlee. Mncoln, April 2* [teprity Slate Traaaurar .1. W, flelnhnrt, whan In formed of the United Htatea auprern" court’e daolalon at Wnahlngton today auatalnlng the appaal of the Chicago & Northwaatern and tha Chicago, Ht, f'auL Mlnnenpolla it (ininhn rallroada, inking for an Injunction to raatraln tha Nahraaka atala traaaurar from collecting 1*22 taxea, aald that fhe entire matter would he turn'd over to Attorney Oanernl flptllman. Kxpreaa Off Streets fur . Kimt Time in 40 Yearn Itaetilce, Nab., April M. Kor the tlrat lime In more than to yaara, tha llantrlca linlly Kxpreaa failed to np pear on the afreet of the city Mon day evanlng. for the tenaon that K M Marvin of the fPalrlce linlly Hun, who purrhaae.) the plant Saturday evening Btiapended publication of the paper Kor the preeent, at leant, lharr will Iw one dally In Ihla oily, tha llantrlca ftnlly Hun, which la t morning |raper. Farm MhimI Fill lay DImi, Nahraak* t'lty, April 2k John Mil lar, a farm hand, v,»• aavaraly In Jurad whan lha taunt ha had haan workln* alta«had t»< a dlar harnnir frl*htaji#d and throw him tindar tha marhlna Tha aharp dlara rut him ahoijt lha haad Ona ahouldar alao waa dlalorntad and ha waa hrnughl to a hoapltal hara for tranltoont Mt’MiilIrn Murk From Tfip. ftantrlra, Nab , April 21 Adam M Mullan of thta rily, rapuhllran randl data for anvarnor, «*lll addraaa tha hl*h a< hool aludanl Imdt navt Wart naaday a fin noon at 2 donna rha pal ayarrlaao Mt \h Mullan ha* ra turtiad flop a tarnpaldi trip Ihiough tb« tkMUiu perl of tb« atate 4a Governor MeCrav Found Guilty of Plan to Defraud Jury Deliberate* Only 14) Minuted—Indiana ex ecutive Sent to County Jail. Indianapolis. Ind. April 2*—Gov ernor Warren T. McCray waa found guilty of lining the mail* in further ance of a at he me to defraud Ijy a Jury In federal court here at (1:30 p. m. The caee waa given to the Jury at 0:20 p, m aent to the Marlon county Jail, lie will aenlenco Mc-Ciay Wednesday morning at d. When M, A Hy-in. one of the gov ernor's attorneys, waa ashed regard ing an appeal, he raid. "We don't know. Wa ar« not sure Hut njy guess would he 'no'. ' HELL LESS HOT, PASTOR DECLARES New York, A pi II 27 la hall grow log ooldar? Tha Rev, Jrr. Parry Hll' knay (Irani of the ni'Mlarnlat* In the Rptacupal rhuroh, liallavaa that It la. In hi* aartnon today lia aald: "Th* human mind la dlarardlng tha < ruderiea* and rrueltle* of halt, Hall la an Invention of th* human mind Tha Idea of hall aa a place of torment did not pom# frotn th# p#opl* who gave tta our ciiltur#„the Roman* and th# flreak* "The ld#a «#ern* to have coin# from th* Kvvptlana, who want clonaly Into th# ratalogiia of what hafitiannd to aloftil man, and th# Peralan*, who be lieved In tha aplrlt of evil, and than from a lot of dllfo/r-nt aect* In Rome hefor« th# tlm* of f'hrlat "In other word*, theie |. nothing f'hrlatlan about hall 1* not Ih* Idea of endlea* punl*hrn*nt haootnlng modi had all Ih# lima In fart, lan't II being given up by tha r'hrlatlan church?" EXPLOSION BLOWS MAN TO PIECES Kan*a< (Ity, Mo., April 21,—An un identified man waa blown to place# li#r* early today In an explosion which rocked hulldlnga In a radlua of three block*, till* of the body war* ptrk*d up for a dlatanra of a block. Pollr* hallav* tlie man fall while cairylng a >|iiant!ty of nitroglycerine or other high explosive*. Harvey Again Ktlitnr of North American Review New York, Anrll 2* f'ol (ieorue Harvey, former amtmuador to Hreat Itrltaln, ha* re*iini*d tha editorship of th# North American Review. II wee announced at tha publication'll office ('•day. Ill* Orel article, on Pr#*!d*nt I’oolldge, will ha published In the June l**u* of the ton an *1 no Arizona (», 0. I*. Delegation I n>l nut oil for Coolitlgc Pbotfilv, Aril, April 2*. Arlftona i IHffff'itlon iif nhm In flit* i #|>tthllr nn I naflnnnl t'oitvenMnn mnn Irtafr*ir*l "to ti*ft i h«*lr utrnont to • or* fh#* nornlrmtluft of (Tilvtn (*oo| iifKf* l»y th« i#»|mililir*i#id#* Harr Imrlm# f'r-Ur llafi*1«. N*h . tt C'fna F*rnlr>p i'oiurviliiia. N#ti ... la Mw#f< A nil l.lmaln, N« h SI Myrlln Olhaort»#iln hpb .. SI Arnha K»Mn-i. Mn'-nln, N#l» ?< Mr*r# TlH'd, I.lnrnln, S»h,tM,. II I'hifttf f*nrl#r, Omaha ..••*«••«. t Annla T«*lMnah« ... . . b /flM • **4tt|l« MlllAh* • 31 |C.r» Inin, Omtlu ^^.(^..11 Brother of Daugherty Is Arrested Senate* \\ arrant t liargiiif: eaa corpus, previously prepared by the attorney* he brought with him, and hearing was begun at once Itefere United Htates Judge Smith Hickenlooper to effect Daugherty's relase. The warrant was served In the presence of Assistant Attorney Gen eral Iteatty by John J. Ah-Graln. ser geant-at arms of the United Ktate* senate Federal Judge Smith Hickenlooper allowed Daugherty a writ of habeas corpus, under a personal bond of 85,000. Coolidge Denies He Favors Ford! Dinpiifition of Shoal* Should Be Derided on Merit*. Say* Fresidenl. Washington April 2*.—Categorical denial w.ia r»Mi*t« by F^ dent Coolidge in a statement today that he wits '‘trying to deliver Muscle Htioala to Mr. Ford or to any one else.'' Th" president In hls statement Mid he did not think Mr. Ford's favor was for aulc, and Hurt the question of dia position of Mmole yhocla ought to he decided on its merits. "I have no other method of dealing with It,” Mr. Coolidge said With ref erence to the Muscle Hhoals question ' The congress should have none.” The president * statement was is sued after a telegram s< nt l>y J. Mar lin Miller, a Ford representative here, to Ford repress nilHives In Michigan, had been produced at the senate Muscle Hhoals hearing. Tills telegram quoted tlis president as saying last October he was trying to deliver th* Muscle Hhoals properties to Ford. Detroit, Midi, April James Martin Miller, reported ns th# sender of a teleiirvm that quoted President Coolidge a* la-log ready "to deliver" Muscle Hhoals to Henry Fprd, hut never been on any Ford payroll, and never wae authorized lo act as Kord a agent In any matter,” an executive of the Dearliern Independent, Korda weekly, said today INSANE MAN KILLS SELF IN CITY JAIL Tilden, N#b,, April J*.—Hlnslilng hie throel with a small penknife after he had become violently Itisene and was locked In the clt yjall, Jesa Ash burn of this place Hunday morning look hi* own life. Cputfly Attorney Itnlph M. Kryger and Hhertff Hutton of Antelope county, after viewing the body, announced that no Inquest would tie held, It being a plain case of aulride Man Killed in Raid Hnrird at Bratriro Beatrice, Neb., April 5*. funeral services fur Charles West, who was shot and killed near Casper, Wyo by an officer in a raid on a gambling room, were lield here at the Hrott llarnmn chapel Iter M la-* Horey gave the eermon and burial waa In Kvergreen Home cemetery Weet wns It and leaves his wife snd one son He formerly worked here and at Wy more aa a tailor He was a son In law ef Harry nibble of lleatrlre < dtilrl Bitten lit But*. Ite itrlee, Neh . April 2*—Tit* hand* of the year-old child of Mr and Mr*. I’attl Beckwith, living four mile* aouth of inner were knaweil by rata while the balie waa asleep lit Its erlh Hearing a dial in bam e In the night. Mrs Be. kwith arose and found that the child s hands had hern bitten In a doyen plnrra A physician at Hiller dressed the wounds and It l« thought | no yrilous results will follow Illinois Bank Btddtr-d. Ill I'frM Mro \bi »111« III April rob l*rrii iftvniN (hr HMvlrvUll Hd»(r bunk Pul nin lit «»r roily Irxlny, hmnisi tb#ir Huy Intn (hr Mfr ind ro«*ii|MM h llh $2.41*1 In «*tirr*9U’y nftil rofnmrr* *-(*! pdptt <*f n fair IhIm« **f }f$,9$$ No 11 m u of Iht liua Urn oh uuo*4 Ruth Slams Out I Two Circuit Clouts ftnl>* ftuth houela hi# total of horn# run* to five when he (tout* out two circuit drive* Monday afternoon. The omnlm Buffalo#* and H iih Ita Wllilie* open the WcMein longue non non her# thi* Afternoon at H:3n o'clock. I,oi* Klrpo win h* will not fight f<>r Tex Itlckard. South American enid to be well fixed, financially. Creighton trai k*ier« preparing for annual Dakota relay sain** •cheduled for Hloux Kali*, H. D, j next Saturday. Coast Solon llrjres Coolidjre to Sijrn Immigration Bill Seimtor Shortriflpo Daiic* Fx elusion Provision* \iiik-«1 al Japanese or \ny < Mlier Nation. Washington, April 21,—Approval of j immigration hill a-. a great -erv- j Ice to our country" tm urged today upon PrMldcnt Coolidge by Senator Short ridge, iwpubllcan, California. Denying that the delusion provi sions were aimed at any nation. Sen ator Short ridge. In a letter rent to the White House, declared the presi dent wan n a ponton to fissure .lapun the measure was designed solely to protect "th<- economic, racial, polltl cal welfare,’* of the United Staten. "I conceive my dut'- nail the let ter. "to addrnen to yau a few ejrnent words concerning the tnmil trillion bill which, a* to certain provi sions. im now In conference. '**rhe two houses having agreed H to provislona in the i»U which j latien. of the Rrltiah royal air force , thl* afternoon Macijtren I* making j n round theworld fight. • * j (lottlitlgp Only (lamlidatr in W f*i \irginin Primary) Charleston, tv. Va,, April II — Rrealdent Coolldga’a name today atond alone aa candidate In the presidential preference primary lo lie held In \Vt at Virginia. May *. after a letter front William Oran! tVebeter of New York, withdrawing hi* candidacy, n< t*. celverl by the secretary of Mate No democratic candidate for the preal dency filed an announcement Townie) Hearing Redpeu*. hiriMi, N. V. April II—Th* h*nr In# of Arthur C. Townlay, format hand of Ih* Nun partisan trams, and J. J. Unsung*, charged with amha*. rteinent of fund* of Iha I'nttad Con autnar# (ttnra*. ranpartad hara today Tha charge* ara prafarrad hy J. W Rrlngtnn, fnrm*r secretary of Town lay, who allege* Ihat Ih* twn dafand anta emhmlad 172,rtpo of th* atorr's ftutda Henna linnk K;ii*r» Capital. Oamta, Apt II !*—Th* Cradlto Itallnnn. tut* of th« laru**t hanking Institution* In Italy, at a hr ting to day decided to litera«** tta capital from JOO, Hr* to Hr* It al*n derided ta Isaua <00 ooo new share* of stork r~TheWeather j Fni* i 4 hnuia tnHtnf | f K1 April f» f*< tr inti •( |a*t #« M»ln» 9 \pril . • 'tannin jttftN*# r#aHn cl h vfffi i t n nrrcuiiH anil hy * verging fh* rl»lm# they n* r# willing to altn *nd verting MpCtft lh*t nmouri*. lit# furl tloilg*, tV,f Atf*ln^» «i ^ H#1 n i tllrcwid (J »y a fi^v, fetifi #*f th# #■..•*# a wHe b He'**o Antft %>n n t* * j #orij#d *1,1** f .r m/urle* MiMa>»4 In #ti at’* idem { Tl»# jijrnia *f * i> id, di f * v. ,i»v ;fi th#ir \ *Mf# h#ft # t*># 1ft # *»f Nvrragr# vryf in r#iird. MMiit «.f tin m nhiiing *n p«y d» • v .* of V * • f.nd either# **h ng, th# ttr* u*4ta*tyt«4 *• high &« $1 iH,rtH ids** ,M#S< r f ■ * * th* fa## utHhr , <1% i rnf* t after hy,*,' Irg how th# v< nl « #•«* i r 'ihtd •• OMAHA BARGE LINE MAY ISSUE STOCK Hr %**#r lit *d Mninin, AntII ^ \iiih*h*r fr» r#* an# and nil 111.^ riore itarl; t*» n»#»»|*k*t# th# buiMing of it* ft#~u'r t rimin' *mf anti j», r for four bsi tF« Tilltnaiid to «t ffli )lar|i IJne A aiork twin ra< approvdl la«t fall, Not mine thin halt of tfco new Hork la to he aoM In Xchraak*. Summary of The Day In Washington Th* aenat.- approved a number of amen-lmenta to th* tax bill. A conference oft Hint qua ran tilt* ■nit embargo** hegan at th* lb INtrtment of Agriculture The Wat* department was in formed that revolutionist# had cap tured Tegur fgalpa. capital of lion dura*. t'unitnleatoner llnnr> of th* *hip ping hoard le»tlfl vd before the holler committee Int« migatlng the ■ hipping hoard. Preaidctil C'oohdg* wan prlnct pal apeeker at th# dedication *T (he new building of th* Nattonal - Academy of HtbncW, Prealdent t'oolldg*. after twins quoted aa aavlng hq waa trying to deliver Muerle Pb«ala to Henry Ford. I«eitrd a «wt*fot1cnl denial A number of ewfeneno#* were held on the Jtapaueee exviudon proileton* of th* Imratgra'lon hiH without any anncunt-emeiTt of r*» • nit* denatPr V.ignite Johueon f.\: -oexn '■tnir. M Innewota, Introduced a reaw* lotion **Mu. whether meat pat h* r ■ .j reput