Hiirton to Hr rhoirtiiiin of (>.(). I*. Mrrlinjz irm|mf*n Hrgil II** Mrrit in H< |»hMh an i uttnril* fnf 1*i I pgr* \h i)r«M»r t»f Stiff, W A (oil M ..Mete. u.o «fj itcpteWnMIf** Tlw*li r» Hatton «f iNltoi m H th# I. |miMm nft HtMoHnt *** It *ft*r * fmttttrftl rwnfiNW*. flrtluv It Otl \\ Ml# Itl’UW I ’llitit tltftfl Attain* «f iIt* mpuMli an nnihatl rum mitt*#, and t*e*M Multan#, repub I lean national committeeman for Kan *,t», amt i lialrman of in* convention rr»ni#mente *tih rnnimllif*. pr**ent ml Mi*. Mnrton’a name to tha pte*( drnt. who approved tha selection. 1te|n cental I v# Morion line held n i ommendins poattlon In the ooum lla of the republican party for more than M peers. Ita has always been con sidered ''regular'* from the organisa tion standpoint, and he I* a skilled orator, fully capable of delivering an old fashioned republican campaign speech to start this off at Cleveland, which la hia home town. A lawyer by profession. Burton first served a* a member of the house of representatives In 1888 and from 1905 until 1915 he wan a member of the Vnlted State-* senate from Ohio. Beturnlng to the lower house In 1920. Burton Is now a member of the American debt funding commission, having been appointed by the late President Harding and as Indication of the admiration In which he Is held by President Cnolldge he was offered the navy portfolio upon the retire ment of Secretary Den by. Girls Will Play Leads in High School Operetta, “All at Sea" tf f ti k • Mtthu WrHt/v MttM 111.-i (ill- Mill |iliit Imil* Hi llir 'm.iiIIi fll«lt trhnnl niinrlli "Ml (I Mi’(," ,, lil.li Mill lir |immli4 In I hr nrhnd miiHIndiini Mil I (ml t Mslirl .t.1,1.1 1,1,., llir par) nf J„,rt,hlnr lonorilli Mrlli* l’il((r, •>, IIIHIIII. riirht llir I»lr ..f I’nllrti.r, anil Irrnr Mint (I'l l«tri|itr|, llir |0 women In delegation* horn I.re Korhy camp auxiliary, Span IHi War Veteran*. (leant po*( o. A I:.. Woman'* Belief Corps and central i mmlttee, Itegree of Honor, called upon Henry Dunn In Square Six head quarters yesterday to wish him sue [•ess anil to tell him they will support! hint for re-election. They were not satisfied until he sang "Ault! Lang Syne" for them. Comments on the efficiency of the police department brought J. C. Van Avery to headquarters with a copy of ■t national publication. “.Motorcycle ind Bicycle," in which appeared praise ter the Omaha "pill-box" system as-1 tahllshed by Police Comntlsslonei Dunn. City Commissioner Hopkins jester day entertained two officials of Kan •a* i'IIv. Tltry were \ H HI rick land, fiwnir i«nimiidiMff aataal Bat lata with da air ab la aamaamiamaaa. Othar Naaamaa Birdt,"34 m.,3f «a.. 43 m, amd §0 Im. wida. Tkraa fimiahaat taldam aak, amaw wklta amd rramak trap amamal. Visit Our Big Exhibit on the Floor NAPANEE DUTCH@K1TCHENET Holdor of th* World'* Roeord for Saving Stop* A Wonderful Sale of Framed Pictures and Mirrors Also a Feu) Standard Frames at the Low Price of •1 Many of these frames can he used for photographs. Also a wide assortment of standard frames, complete with glass and back. Some hand carved. Formerly priced as high as 12.00; special at— it' ‘S ; ?/. i Til* Brondot* Sforo—Sixth Floor—South 8.50 Black Enamel Suit Cases For Men and Women Suit Caia* — Patent blank enameled, with tray*, with nr without *trap*, cretonne lined, and linirle and double lock*. Sixe* 24 inche* in lenirth and 7x8 Inrhe* deep. Hat Boxes to Match, 5.50 6.95 Tho Brandoi. Sloro—Fourth Floor—Wo.t Portable Electric Sewing ^MACHINES V KOI Portable Electric Then* are Kelt driven Willard machine* fitted with a Wciting houae motor. Guaranteed for 1R year*. Sale Price, 40.00 Manufacturer!!' samples at prices next to Impossible. New Willard Domestic (new) 4 - (new). Now, drawer, .. AA e 45.00 5800 _ Norwood r,*“. Now, <»•»)■ *•». 33.75 28.50 Club Plan, per week . .541,00 No latere*!. i4*9 • hi §4M| fit Hi* lUtN 4 wjfi ■riitnlH IliM tf M i tlrt»l I • t# *-**«•« M *t» pa« < »*■*•• .*uM > i«*t> |*»tl «*» M 4a *4t«tn* •*«M Ml t mu l»t<*>n4 i initial t f*r« >1 >«• iw •■ Mpm him mi fc> wl ii' **tlli *•» lit* 4*‘*i • ••it iiMiwm.» •immllllm Inn * * Ini# it tiM n-t.i ifenfi taf i*'t# «» ft-4 i rtwitti«4|itn* Mu* Uni l#t» *n**t • •• -t*. tmt n* !•••* ,.i,t,i,ifc*< if •Mitt ft I«4II. t ■ 1 4t ih»t* Ihril Mii'tiMl ht |ft< wtttl In Mitt Ml i»Mf iitti Minlitt i* niah* up f-»•• t nttiH Nt4t Ktlht, •ft,, f»* it•• i hi -I'liilit rdl t ntttll MM • ■ itrf *1 I hi* IMtir U' Ktlliit • 'itMw-tMui ttnitkl intr**** r*prr»« hit* IIM>M mttlliH It* <'MllllH*li lilt I'llt* I* • HMMtlnn \' * IwMtri• lain ran la • Miafifrii Hit Mh*r •H4#l nf tnri • HantH** niitAut a HaittaHit* «tt *M •*tt* "If tiintniif hull ihr pnlltlral mur 9*^>l WM ft | ft In* H *i|l I «H Mfi«4 i ftufapmiMMi *t »*•«*• *•#*’* mo** 1 9AfttM|0V $h * IM IW MM tfc*< Ml ‘ *#* 1 |n KMM ft ft*** 4 IM tftfHftftft §• < % if,# l| itHtf* MO t* fit It AD-SELL TO HEAR OF GOLDEN GATE MW ##M tig!*" t* *iw •„M.rt «,fi m tti, h P*»»*»* iM IMIhm n» I *1 wilt iiMtrftft It*» AAvftH WIMg »•••'•* Viikilif ftVftHftg la IM '»Mi ! '* k rW* Hmilli Omaha M*»v HonnrrtJ. tt'inmk Hftiamin. T*« n *i«a*«i iM •rm lit Ml ft It*! Ml* IlMtr MftHI«*H till wmiiM KlgltlMtallt (Ml*#!, hfti !•*»« nlntif In Ink* rhftigft nf tl'ft •atftriiftiitg a*i»«tiimnt nt nr»Biifti* •|r>i Ft BMI Turgfiftv IM rottltfi i IMM Mi'li It- * ft. lit MWg, Ind'lmt' in Lift* of lli'ho|t I'oltl Ill I Kill 'lllllll 1*11* III lall***'* I «WI •! Ilnimf H«lii|iirt I- «•** l*il ?*>*•■ n 'H 11** HI* *t M# llm*i i' «*«*•» ' ••• |t*** j lit* ith'i1**1*! 1 *iii** *# ii1# u i HnkailM rh«it*|i** *1 HW M I, i h>*l< *i hMtr *>*•••< TH* #*«** *1* wfi# 1*t.#*i*# I* Ik* wuni( hmlli Hr iki M*tk«#i*i *w«* nl (knlki *M l*i *1*#* »i«ni* *"11 ol il*# Mih«i> fu, ni»n«l Ik* * inf* i ! MBlM,** Mt*knfl HI HA I * «»* *1111 Inn III II •tl*n# Ik# Blnn*r. Mlltll imtlllnl In* III*til* *M. Vl-lna #wiMig ik* llw* Ml*ll*p *tu«t« »n * mi»»i*:m*r>- in In'll*, nliti# kl* #•» # ••**!* HIM • ♦ • I*'* • #i m? iM M# A i#ai' # • • . •*• |« t. ♦ I* •#> I IWMitt * I*#*, i « < m * *f>4 • MM-# lilt feft$ ji i|1ft. Il l )#»! »« ».««# •» • »r*wm **•♦*'• fl*M M IM I'M* Hft*** (• •#< # I*. f pi. fi* I* * *1 • II -«*# #< ► ( »»* !«*••' *4 *l*ti • l#t * *1 • 1*1 ft*»»«# •# * i»Mat *.# I|«# • #ilMf« |d •*#<# M M 11 M-M«*H*I rrtdffdfUtdd# »t i.d .1. . Rt» AmMh *».*, M* tot . I ikt li t k .,,, I'll)* . hut h lit*lit Id# {Hdtfitdttnd *!»*>’ h. It |Mr* Hd • A diait dMl l,*.i ■ n*»**nd f t iMil an# * f 4 flat T r W*b#i*i i>i|il»l* *t ih» .Me >1- • hit i,.,t|«i«' i«l* iha M * 'V t>*l* i I, iffri*tl * It* • * *(i|n. Ot«r*« ~h..li* t,f Tiihily thuMh a** l«Mt* R««Ur. _ Monday—Remarkable Selling of NEW SPRING COATS SSs= 25Q2 3975 and 4975 Higher Priced Coats All our finest and exclusive models from Hickson, Milgrin and various famous makers have been greatly reduced for this exceptional coat event. Extraordinary Savings A wonderful selection of imported and domestic ma terials in distinctly individual styles for every occasion and in every wanted fabric and color. Came/ fs Hair Twill Charmeen Flamingo Tweed English Checks Coats for Dress Coats for Sport Coats for Street Coats for Motor Coats at 25.00 Newest spring models of the favored colorings and materials, beautifully tailored, silk lined, in regular and ex tra sizes to 52. Regular 45.00 values. Coats at 39.75 Finest Flamingos. Charmeens, English Tweeds and the like in all the high colors, black and navy. Summer fur trimmed; regular and extra sizes. Actual values to 59.75. Coats at 49.75 Of imported and domestic material, many beautifully fur trimmed. A great manv imported models in this group. Every wanted fabric and color. Actual values to 79.50. This Is Not a Usual Sale This Is an Event Tht BraadaU Star*—Sacaad Flaaa Children’s Apparel Specials Our Infants’ Wear Department is now completely stocked- with a wonderful assortment of all Infants’ Accessories; all priced extremely low. We are anxious to be of assistance with suggestions for outfitting all younger children. Infanta* Hand-Made Gowna—Combinations Kmbroidered or with pink and blue bound edges; some have dainty insets of fine hemstitching. Made of the finest nainsook. Sizes 2 to 6 years, at each, 1.98 Sizes 8 to 14 years, at each, 2.98 Boys* Wash Suits In popular middy style; with two pairs of pant#, one long and one short; made of lovely quality linene, in white and colon. Sizes 2 to 5 years, at each, 3.49 4.98 Infant*' White Poplin Creeper* Made of eatra Rood quality material; trimmed with a touch of pink or blue. Some are embroidered in front. | CQ Sizea to 2 yeara, at each, * The Brandeia Stare—Third Flaor—Eaat .- ■■■■ — ...— -■ -' - 1 ■ ^ Daily Arrivals in Women*s Spring Slippers New slipper* are arriving daily from New York. All are of the finest qual ity and the newest pattern. The “Pansy" Black patent leather and in black aatin. with auede trim mi np: aquare Q French heel*; Alao in pray or * O airedale kidakin; 1 "Doris May" Patent leather or tan Russian calf, hand-turned 1 soles, comfortable be* heels. 11.50 The Brendei* Store—Third Floor—Ea»t Women’s Spring and Summer Munsingwear You may buy Munsingwear with confidence and assurance of comfort and quality. A complete line shown exclusive ly at The Brandeis Store. Cotton Union Suits In tight or loose knee; closed sent styles; bodice or band top. Regular sixes priced at 1 .OO Fxtra sixes priced at 1.25 Fine Combed Cotton Suits In tight or loose knee; closed ■rat styles; bodies or band lop; flesh and white. Regular sixes, 1.35 Fxtra sixes, 1.50 Fine Lisle Union Suits All full bleached; tight or loose knee; hodica or band top styles I.isle suits, 1.05 Mercerited suits, all sixes, 2.50 Women a Veata and Panta Vests come in sleeveless and half-sleeve styles Pants to match vests in tight or loose knee styles. Regular sires, S5«‘ Out si i^s, 1.00 Athletic Union Suita In white or flesh; Rodice or closed shirt styles; extra fino nainsook. Sites to 44, Sires 46 to 60, Other Athletic Suita Made of cross bar. dimity, voile and mercerired quality nainsook These suits priced at from 1.50 to 2.50. Tht Brtn^tit Start—TkirJ Flear—CmUr A Perfect Wave in Perfect Comfort The I.annil Permanent Wave—No borax pads, pastes or tube*. No , tieing or jerking of the head. Only seven min utes of heating leaves every bit of natural life and lustre in your hair. l>one by an experienced operator, personally in structed by Mrs. Nestle, who has also had a wide experience in per monent waving. Phone for Ippointrnrnf*. TC- RrmJtii Star* '••ulT Parlor .1 Floor—Waat