The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 27, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Image 20

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    fmn\ Pirwwrift*
^ill Be <»i •
of ('.liamltcr Hrrr
Martimn I* |rHlff,Nt«r Ymk
Rinktr, Jams* Ti«»*
ill, Walmok Hm»I, in
Omaha May ?,
MwiUmii |* fMilff press tnenl New
terk hanker and phtlantberptei, and
Ja«nr# MtttN Tauartg. ptxaldest of
fh* Wahaah re dreed at Si limit*,
Win he |n*Hi of honor at a public
affeit* luncheon al lha fhamher ol
f'emmetv*. Wedneedey peon, May t
Mr. Behltt will maka ih* principal
addten* «t the Innrheon, hi# WkJM
being "Well Strait."
rmiowlng In Ih# fOolelepe of hie
father, Jacob II. Bohlff, who with 15
H. Harrtman, financed and euper
need Ih# recrganlaallcn of Ih# Union
Pacific gyetetn In HIT, Schlff hae
gained a high place In financial and
banking circle#, and haa carried on
and extended Ihe philanthropic work
fhal brought th* elder Mr. Schlff to
become beloved by thousand* In the
Beside* being a partner In the bank
Mg firm of Kuhn, I,oeb d Co , since
UMin, he |* director of all line* of th*
Union Pacific system, and th# Amerl
can Hallway anil Wella Fargo Kx
press comps nice; Western Union Tele,
graph company. United State* Mort
gage and Trust company, United
State* Safa Ireposlt company. Pacific
Oil company and New York founda
tion. He la president of the Jewish
hoard of guardians; trustee end treas
urer of the Provident Loan socloty,
Now York, end vice president of the
Netlonal council of Boy Scouts and
the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children.
SoJilff has tnken nn active Interest
In the Boy Semite and recently mndn
an offer of |il,000 each to the 12 re
gion* of scouts in tho country on pro
vision that they would raise similar
amounts themselves.
Eight regions have so far taken ad
vantage of tills offer, Including the
eighth region, headquarters of which
are In Omaha.
Welter W. Head, a personal friend
of Mr. Schlff, wll preside at the
Engineers’ Club
Directors Named
New Technical Organization
to Elect Permanent
Officers Soon.
The Engineers’ club of Omaha haa
completed Its directorate of 16 mem
bers by sleeting the following dlrec
t.ors at large: Tt. H. Findley. Roy
Page, R. FI. Kdgecomb, H. I. Dodson
and J. A. Bruce.
The other directors are as follows,
representing as Indicated the local
(tranches of tho national organiza
tions: John Eatenser, Jr., and
Homer V. Knouse, American Hoclety
of Civil Englneera; Pa.ul H. Patton
and C. R. Robison, American Insti
tute of Electrical Engineers; D. C.
Beull and R. N. Robertson, American
Society of Mechanical Engineers; F.
C. Stern and E. B. Rhine, American
Association of Englneera; Charles
F. Crowley and William M. Barr,
American Chemical society,
. The Engineers' club, recently
established and now functioning un
der a temporary organization, will be
*>n next Thursday with permanent
officer/* to be selected by tho dlrec
tbl-s at luncheon in the Chamber of
At tho next general meeting of the
Club In May, tho subject for discus
slon will i/e, "The Softening of “City
Water Supply." Oita of tho speak
er* will be Theodore A. (.Risen, gen
eral manager of the Metropolitan
Utilities district. The olub will give
* program during one session of the
Nebraska Academy of Science annual
meeting here next Thursday, Friday
and Saturday,
. Th* standing of Tiny Hcout troop*
tor th# Cl yd* W. T)r*w, jr., efficiency
tup for th* week ending April 21,
Wa* reporf*d hh follow*;
Troop. Meeting PI or#. Points.
31 First Presbyterian church.171
4 Jxithrop school ...
4 Clifton Mill school . j r. Si
M First Methodist»C
#3 Vinton school .,.i;i|
7* Westminster f'reshy terlsn <;hurh..J27
2j t s st els r f’resby terlsn church. .. 1M
Y Omaha.......121)
fi Armour A Co...U?
7f Field school.....112
47 Millar f'srk school.100
Jl school, first troop. >7
I Ml Is rut school . 9|
23 tVntrsI f'erk school*7
It Dundee school *7
% Windsor school . 32
f All Faints Kple* opsl church.. 7a
■0 Immanuel Kept let chur< h. 74
73 Benson Methodist church. 72
3* Yates school ..,71
If Beall sottool . r,",
9 Ft. John school. 33
• t Mason school, second troop. 47
IT Ft. Francis church. 47
J33 Ft. Cecil la. school. 13
Corn and WHmI IUiIimi Bulletin.
^ For tha 24 Houm tinting .•» h »• m,
Saturday, April 26; I'm* fpltatIon
Station#, Omaha lnoh*a and
Dlatrirt, 'Iflah. hIjow lOOtha
Aahland ..47 4 o 19
Auburn ... ■ 96 . 0 42
,protean Bow . 40 29 o 07
Cmarfvbua . M
rulbartaon ........ 63 90 0 06
•Fairbury .. 4S- > to*
•FaWmoni ......... 4f» S3 1.02
Orand Inland 49 it o.;ja
nartlngton ..... #, » 47 9* I o*
•H*af|n#a .......... 40 94 0 90
W«ldr*f* .......... 41 22 000
Uroin . 40 in T 07
^Worth Loup ....... 45 94 013
'Worth Platta ..26 20 0 0«t
Oak da la ..4,1 22 or,4
Omaha ............ 64 29 or, 1
'O'WallT ... 47 it 0 24
'Rad Cloud .......... 36 0 1&
Takamnh .......... 66 96 0 74
^Vatantlna ......... 7>1 26 0 12
. fHlfhaat yantarday. xl.owaaf during 12
hfUrm andlng at 4 a tn 75th marldlan
Tima, axcapt markad thu**
t'Nrlnf* Inrri'dM
* Wow Tork, April 24 —Tha actual rnndt
firm of elaarttig hmina banka and front
rmripanloa for tha vraak fthowa an ax
f•§* in raftarva r,f ft*.607,300. rhta la a
d tier an «o of |13,645,000
f hlrxco Poultry
Chicago. April 24.—Poultry—Allva. low
rr; fowln. 23026o; broil ara. 44f>66r.
tooatara. J5r.
* riin~ *
ttulufh, Mlnr... April f4 Ooanj Fla*.
JWv, 12 31%; July, 12 17*4; Saptambar,
Mlnnaapolla. April 24.— Flour- changed
lu I6r h Ik bar. family patanta, |4.•&©»<; 70
Bran -$ 21.00.
t'Wwrr Tork, A-prll 26.—Catton—flpot,
<|ul#t; middling. *0.60o.
*, Bar Wlw.
Now Tork, April 30^-Bar alird* .
SlaaJaaa dalinia, tl‘4d
W -A* ft
(fm.ilu (it.wn
Sill i. mi-...hi in ■» mi /
t*.** »MI **»« *• I
I >M <l> • tM f«i •• M - * | %
I- ■«^ ",»% #>**.
,, .1 * .< *. . « ,» * »fe» »«. «♦*
I*!'* * ft# •*»?“• *** * • **«
* • 4 ' ft «'* * * *
i •.-<• *••••« < ** Mt *♦*•* <T%m
* ' *■ * * »
<H>i Mi lie Me* PhHM#
• * •* M eari
H«e f»| kHff |«et*4 e»wti>H* M
OwmMmi l *»M IMm
« Mi l t
Ha I hi?* I «t* if Mi I ***♦ M f*
W* i ft|*4 I MM Ml
N* t »i**e | I t, ,»*# tii,
K« % tMHM I I e«t l#f
k* I. I *11*0 * I ear, fftifi v ea»a, tit
k* * Hflt* • • a* If*.
ia«or*a »«Mnot t *af. if#
Sa f, miiMi I rata, tee,
k* |j oitftai | m*a il»
N«. 4, fit I tail I 1 rar. Mi,
No |, m«ii»! I rat*. Ma
N« I. whiia* 1 rat. Mr
Miopia ahi*ai t rif, Me,
I Hill t taefiarfiAft of f train IrrrliM,
tfari otnteri ti ra»a Na. I. I ram No
I, I rata No. I, I rara Na I, 1 ear
*•*" fte
Mfaait I rar No, I.
mtlafi 1 rar He t.
l armn- I »ara k<>. I, t rar No 4,
Total II rare.
Yellows 4 rara No *. ft rara No t. II
rare No 4 I rara No. I, I rara No. I,
4 rata eaittpla.
While |n .are No I 4 rara No 4,
I rara No. t>, 1 car No. 4,
Mieetf. | nr No S. if rare No. I, I
car* No 4, | rar No. k I rara No. 4,
Total 14 rara
White ?« cart No I. 7 ear* Na. 4. I
ra»a earn pie.
Total S3 rara.
1 rar No. I.
Total t car.
!lrr#|pt« Today. W’k Ago. Y'r Ago.
Wheat ..20 37 44
Corn . 60 ]65 ?;{
Oats . 2* 64 14
Rye . .. 1
Harley . 1 1
Wheat . 13 ?0 *7
Corn . 69 134 60
Oata 3i 60 44
Ky» . S3
Harley . . . 3
Receipt*; Today. W'k Ago. Y'r Ago.
Wheat . 404.00ft 579,non 747,000
Corn . 734,000 1,270,000 639.000
Oata . 620,000 1,029,000 673.000
Wheat . 444.000 691.0O0 637.000
Corn . 495.000 966,000 991,000
Oata . 472.000 942. non 614.000
Btiehel*: Today. Y’r Ago.
Wheat and flour. lt>2,nno 627.000
Corn . 35,000 .
Data . 145,000
Week Year
Carlota— Today. Age ak«
Wheat . 10 19 23
Corn .101 60 104
Oata . . 63 61 6s
Week Tear
Carlota— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat . 20 66 4 4
Corn . 60 125 21
Data . 24 29 14
Week Year
Carlota- Today. Ago. Ago.
w heat . .75 73 66
/«rn .127 174 62
Data ...74 no 36
„ . . - Week Year
..Carlota— Today. Ago. Ago.
Mlnneapolla ... 64 1 30 1 54
Duluth . 40 36 92
Winnipeg .SIT 111 109
f “ j —' " >
Chicago Grain
V. ■ — —— *
Chicago, April 26.—Wheat emerged
from a choppy aeaalnn today with moder
ate gain*. A aharp bulge took pia«o
early In response to the strength at
Liverpool and Winnipeg, and also beraueo
of t ho establishment of German credit
In this country. May liquidation filtered
Into the pit steadily on the hard spots,
howev. r, and when the demand waa
saffgfled a reaction occurred. Tha mar
ket firmed again at the cloae.
Wheat closed % to V higher; corn,
H to He lower, and os'* % to %c lower,
while rye waa H to He higher.
A surprising feature of the day waa
the active buying of May wheat at
time*, part of which waa agulnat the
selling of July and regarded as the
shifting of hedge*. Of late, a good deal
of May buying haa been attributed to
ahorfa. Igrgejy (orated in the e*st, hut
aa the week ended, the trade was dlvld
«d aa to who were really tha beat buy
ers of the nearby month*.
May corn developed Independent weak
ness and dragged tha later month* lower.
Liquidation In the nearby month waa
apparent owing to the henry cash out
look The weakness in rsah corn waa
confined to Hie Chicago market.
Oata met with fair commission house
demand on the weak spots, but rea Using
aalee gradually took the edge off the
market. The demand for offerings on
spot wag less active, and premium* at
the Inst were unchanged to %c lower.
Rye was affected by the Gorman
credit new* In that short* became uni
loud and alarted a covering movement
which enhanced value* appreciably for
the day Rye being a popular grain In
Germany, It waa only natural that l«
ahould he affected, especially since ry# it
selling at much cheaper levels than
Provision* were slightly easier at the
close. Lard cioeed jhj fa So lower and
ribs, 7H to 22 Ho lower.
Pit Notes.
t ill'ago. April 24.- Wet and cold
weather over th* prairie province* of
Canada. U causing great renoern. accord
ing to Winnipeg advices today The wheat
seeding sesRon I* already alarmingly late
and if. w»n predicted that unless weather
t fears up presently a aharp reduction In
acreage la inevttafde. Anv fur'ner delay
in the feeding of grain in Canada I* bound
to attract widespread attention, for the
Henson la already two to three week® be
hind schedule.
Rains fell over tha spring wheat ter
ritory northwest, although there have
been Isolated complain'* of dry soil and
uneven get ruination. Low twrnpefeture*
prevailed over wi<lg area* of the winter
wheat belt, hut failed to affect the trend
to any noticeable » «i<*nt* The trade fe*f*
fairly aura that aside from Illinois, In
diana and Ohio, winter wheat crop pros
pects are unusually flattering.
The movement of wheat for the week,
while somewhat In created frr-r the previ
ous week, remained materially under last
veer's run Very IJftle graftl 1* moving
from the farms or country elevators of
the northwest. tflocks nt Kan*«s r’lty
end Minneapolis decreased considerably
over 1,069.600 bushel* for the we*k. and
the fr*(J* looks for a further sharp re
duction in the total supply figures Mon
Legislators at Washington «ra being
watched i*y th* grain trade Thar* are
several farm rail*f bills pending there,
some of which are regarded a* highly
radical, auch •* the WeNary-Haugen bill.
Moms trader* hear that It I* possible an
entirely new hill will be drafted, which I*
liable fn "bob up" on the floor any day.
Advice* that soma of th» country's lead
ing legislators have come out strongly to
the effect that th^ra should be fees gov
ernment In Iniftnes* **ofn*d to c**t a re
freshing bree»a over the tired wheat pit.
Th*re was considerable doubt heard In
the trade regarding Winnipeg messages
that there ere I4,00n,f)0i) bushels Canadian
Wheat a t the he^n of tho Nk-e yet to
he Imported Into the United Mt**e* for
domestic use, TJ|# Canadian report* had
It that the duty of 47 cent* a bushel cut
llttlo figure at, present prfr* differences.
< IIM AfiO CVtAll ritl( EH.
Hy drain fo. AT *113
Art I Orian. I lllnh. I J,t,w. I dluaa I Taa.
m.h; I awl > •* I'^l
July / ,«•«*/
Sap. I I 00%| I.07 ) l.»»HI f«4%( 111!.
I I or,SI f I i
tirr. I 10*14 1.A9A4 J 1.01%' I 09 V, I 1 94%
Ilya 1 I I
May ! .01S .OSSI .00 SI .Or,SI ot
July I .07 s 07 %1 .or S' r.7V 07 S
Hap I ,09 .01 SI .« ' .09 S’ .04%
May I .77% ,77%l .7»%l .70%) .77%
. I .710,. | I IT,
July j .71MI . 7 4 % J 71SI ,74V
flan. I '.74 SI .71 SI -7TS' .77%' jJs
I .79 si I I
Oaf. I I | | |
May J .40%! .07 j .40*1 00 * .04%
July ! '.40%| ,00%| .00',! oov oos
Hap I 09% .0"%' .OO’il .00',.! .40%
JUS ''0 47 lit! 97 ^1 a 47 tllfl i,|0.47
Hap III.10 III.Ill III 01 lit 07 III 10
July I 0.47 I * 47 I * 47 | 4.47 J *97
H»p III.IQ III 10 III 10 (ll IQ IIO.I7
Kmi«< 4'ltjr fimlfi.
Kini»« f’lty April Jjfl *Vli*il No t
hard, tfrfrli.tS; No. 2 rad. II 10, May.
- < <1 luly, 67 -fc* aNfc*fl,
M»pf*rnb*r. $f>%i millt n«k*d.
Corn No 3 whit*, 72^74p; No 9 yal
low, 77to77V No 3 yHlow, 7*tt$l'7«f.
No 2 ml*M, 7*%a*7»r; May. 72 V . .luly.
1$%n split aakad, Haptambrr, TH\n *fifIt
Hay—Unchan r *4
Omaha Limtock
Afllll IjMM II (Hi
, jrjpi .*4;, i ivy* ,f nf *rm
A fif ft M| j* »M
I I j »*» • ik t *Hi It *|f fl.fl! || l«|
M i* 6ft e|$ M ?M
Eiiilu*:!: tl53 ttm Piti
I |N fce*4 M ws»l
JJatimt* M»fMt **# A# Inn
L*v .
HI the *fc*
» • *
Us an Fall to * Nn t« |»!mi
1 * » fit Mi 9^*4
****** It 11# it tft, foil »• a* 4 b*fi*a
I f 1 w M I I 11
Mi III It I'tiw# iHthntk |l Ilf
Hl^.a in ..ft,
iiil to mm ™»»
In *o.d fml ft *00 If; * nmfflnt) la
fair row*. good la rheftca
fe*de»g, II lift llj fair la i««1 fsedeta,
17 1501 ••, common to fair readers, I* $a
Will; ion! la rntlct nwliffi, |7 110
« II. fair »« go *d Ptocketa, I* 64 0 7 »•;
common la r*lr stork era, |r. flfl 60;
li ashy *ta> Hats. |l «tf I H. a!**, k helfar*.
14 560* .10; fee,In,* row*. It ftO0ft Ift:
• tack row# |a 5604 It; lltri calves, 14 56
05 60; veal » alve*. M 0001 06; bulla,
■tags. ale,. 94 no# 7.6ft.
llng#~ ftereipta. lo.ftao head Frlatt
again •cored a move toward slightly hat*
ter levala In today'g session A fair
shipper demand, only moderate •uppllet
and favorable reports from other renters
att tended * to strengthen tha undertone,
nod trading In both shippers snd peckers
was on a 8010c higher basts, with the
emphasis on the short end of tha advanoa.
Hulk of tales wrss at 16 9007.1ft with t«»p
for the dny |7 16. The week'* closing
spread finds price* 160He lower than last
No. At. Ah, Pr No. At. Ah. Pr.
77 2“7 210 l<> 75 49 HO .
47 330 70 ti 36 8.1 136 ... $6 ir.
64 204 70 30 206 40 7 00
40 314 . 66 826 .
73 240 ... 7 05 66 253 .
f.6 263 . 62 304 160 .
f>9 3.14 ... 7 10 51 266 .
61 307 70 64 326 ... 7 15
Sheep— Receipts, none. Fat lambs prices
fluctuated erratically this week, with
values regaining part of the sharp losses
noted on th*» initial days and closed the
market around 16 026c lower than last
Haturday. Shearers weakened In sym
pathy with killers and are off about
15025c. Under an indifferent dernmd
and drastic breaks In the east aged sheep
suffered 11.5002.60 decline for the sin
day period.
Quotations on sheep end lambs: Fat
lambs, good to choice, 11 5.500 16.00; fat
lambs, fair to fond, 114 60015 60; clipped
1 is mbs. Ill 00013.60; shearing Iambs,
115.6001$.65; wethers, 19.00010.60, year
lings, 116.00012.26; fat ewes, $7,000
I 9.50; Clipped ewes. $7 0006 00.
4 lilcngo Mmtork,
Thlcago. April 26—Hofi— Receipt*,
4,000 head; steady to ftc higher; <levtrable
light show moat advance; bulk good and
choir®, 260 to 300-pound butchers. 17.30©
7.40; top $7 45 ; better grade* 160 to 210
pound weight mostly, $7 2007 35; desir
able 140 to 150-pound weight. $4 7607.10;
bulk packing aowa. $6 4006.66; killing
pigs strong to 26c higher, bulk, good
and choice 120 to 130-pound weight,
$4,00 0 4 40. estimated holdover. 4.000;
heavyweight hoga, $7.1607.46: medium,
$7.10©7.40; light. $4.0007.60, light light.
$5.90© 7.25; packing sows, smooth. $4 76
hi 6 90; packing sows, rough, $6.6006 76;
slaughter pig* $4 6006.60.
Chicago. April 24—Tat tie—Receipts, 600
head ; beer ateera, very unven ; btter grade*.
60c to 76c lower; spots, $1.00 off; kinds
under $9.60, steady to 16c lower: fat *he
stock and moat grades bulls, 60o lower;
cannera and cutters, 15c to 26a lower;
veal calves. 76o to $1.0© down; extreme
top matured steers, $12-60; best at the
close. $11.25; xtrrne top yarllngs, early.
$11 60; bulk prlc-ea follow: Beef eteera
and yearlings, $1 26010-50; gtockers and
feeders. $4.26©S.nO; fat she stock, $1,600
4 00; cannera and cutters, $2.7602 16;
veal calves, $7 6009 00.
Hheep—ltc«.|pts, 2.000 head; receipts
mostly direct; market nominally steady;
for week around 4,00® head direct; 170
cars feed lots; compared week ago; Kat
lambs, gteady to around 26c low*r; in
botwcn grades and heavies showing de
cline; fat sbcpp. 02,000 ' best
fat wooled lambs for week, $16.60; top
clipped lambs, $16.00; bulk prices fol
low; Kat lamas, $16.50016 60; short kind,
$13.760 14 76. wooled ewe«, $4.60010.60;
Hips, $4,0009 76; bulk spring lambs,
$17.OO022.OO; few out of line upward to
finnsM* City Livestock ,
Kansas City, April 26.—Cattle—Receipts.
$00 bad; calves. 25 head; market for
week: Jletter grades beef steers of value to
sell above $io oo around steady; other f.-<!
steers, steady to a shade lower; Texas
steefa, fully steady; top matured steers,
$1200; yearlings, strong to 26c higher,
top, $11 00; batter grades she stock, 10©
16c higher; ape** up more, other grades,
steady to sirong; hulls steady; handy
weights and heavy < lives. steady, other
grades, 60c to $1 lower, afockers and
feeders, steady in a shade higher, bulk
prices follow: Ked steers, f*nQ©1100,
Texas $6.0004.00; beef cows arid heifers,
94 6004 60, cannera and cattera, $2 25©
4 00, bologna hulls. $4 260 4 60; bulk veala
to packer*. $4 0000.00; atm kra and feed
ers, $4 0001 00; top flea by feeders, $9 60
Hogs—Receipts 2.000 head: !0©16c
hlgbr to shippers; top. $7 30, hulk sap a.
$4 9007,26; packer market, steady to
strong, packer top, $7 no© 7 15; bulk good
to choice 2100 300-pound butchers, $7.16
07.26; bulk 140 to 140 pound average.
$6 *006.76; bulk packing sows, $4 60©
6 0n
Hheep Receipts. J.000 head; today's re
ceipts mostly dire'-r to packers; nothing
of consequence on sale- market for week :
Kat lambs, 26 to 6 Or lower; dippers
showing most decline, aged sheep dreggy,
unevenly $1 00 to $1 25 lower; sputa off
more, feeding lambs, st in * sround 26c
lower, weeks top. wooled lamb*, $16 25;
springers, $16 35, '- lips, $16.10; bulk of
wooled lambs, $I4 60©I4 ■'», shorn lambs,
913 36©13 46, beat dipped wethers, $9 40.
bulk, 94.1501.3$; clipped ewes, %i 00; bulk
$4.00©4.60; few wooled ewe*, $9.60; beat
feeding Jamba. $16.26, others, $13 00©
hi. lauds LbcsiiMk.
Lae© Ht Louis, April 24.—Hogs- Re
ceipts, 4 500; fairly *< five, I0 to l5o high
er, ono load, $7 60; bulk good and choice
butchers, $7.46©7.65, light weights selling
no top, bulk 130 to 160-pound averages,
$6 7607.60;' 110 to 1$0 pound pigs, $6 60
©4 7c, lighter pigs $'.7504 76, bulk
packer sows, $4 60©6.40
Tattle Receipts, too, compared with
week ago, native beef afeere and light
yearlings and heifers steady; Texas steers,
26n lower; good and 'holes beef « owe and
bologna bulls, 26c, big tier; other beef c own
and c-enners and cutters, 16 to 25c lower,
light vcelers, 26 to 60c lower; top# for
week, rri ^ur$d steers, $1140; long ve*r
llngs, $10.76; light mixed yearling* $9 46.
bulks for week, native steers, $7.60010 26.
Texans, |6 60 0 $ 26; light yearlings snd
heifers, 97 2604 60; cows. $6.2606.76; can
nera, $2.2603 00; bologna bulls, $4 60©
Hhesp and Lambs- Receipts, $00, tnsr
ket for week. Kat Is mbs. sround #ie*dy;
fat sheep, $200 lower; fop lambs, $16 60;
bulk wool lambs, $ I 6.6b© 16.60. slipped,
$13 60014 $6. bulk clipped ewes, $7.00©
7,60; most wool ewes, $9 00.
Nftiit 4ltr 6 ottls
Rlou* City, la, April 24 Tattle -Re
celpts, LOO head, market compared with
a week «ago; fat afeers and yssrlings,
36o to 6Or lower; bulk. $4.O00IO,6O, top
heavy steers, *1160, yearlings, $10 76;
fat cowj and heifers, 25 to tOn lower,
cannera snd 'utters. 36c lower; veala
sisady; top, $11 60, bulls 26c lower; feed
ers is to $6e higher, sto'kers, 26« higher,
stock yearling* end calves 26o higher,
feeding cows and heifers steady.
■ ffogs- Receipt® 9.000 head. market
mostly 6c higher fop, $7 06; bulk, $6 46©
7 46; lights, $4f6©4 95- butchers. $7 0t»f#
7 06: mixed. $0,9106 96; heavy par kera,
*4 3106 40, stag., $5.00©fi26, good pigs,
$4 00.
Mheep and 1«atiibs Receipts, nominal,
market compered with week ago, larnhe
2 60 lower; woof lamhs, $14.00; c||p(>ed
lamhs, $14 00, ewes $f 00 lower, wool
ewes, $10 00 dipped ewes, $4 60.
At. f,f*aatork.
Kt Jogaph. Mo. April 24 lht»—Hr*
raipta. .1.404 band, at«ady fu I»»#• hlghar,
fop. $7 76, hulk #.f anlaa, $4 46 0 7 20
< attla - Haralpfa, 800 haad markaf,
alow, hulk afa#*r anlaa for wa*k, $7 600
10 26; ">w* and h*lf*ra, $4 8609 26;!
'.tlvaa $16009 00, aforli'fn and faadara,
9 . '» no |
Hhaap Mmlpf*, J 700 hand; inarkaf.
af**ady; lainha, $16 21014,04; awaa.
$1 76 0 4 64.
ff iiflar.
Now York, April 24—Huffar—Rfagdlar;
m«lpl|, 4,64S tuba.
K*#a ’Irragtilnr, raralptf. 87 81 1 ^aa«a,
fraah gafharad **fra flrara, aforaga
liA'kad, 24**0 27'- dlffo flrafa ragular
pa» kad, '!4©2'.r, ditto iron'll and poorar,
21 ** 0 24'-.
frha#«# kfagdy; raralp‘4, 141,140
1 III# ago rnalmr
f'hlrago, April 24 Miiffar J.nw»r,
r-raamarv aiii*.. 24 <4 r; afandarda 84*40;
»*tfra flrafa 2'.*40'f.r. flrafa. ZiU%lr,
garonda. 2801866#*.
Kg*n Kaa\ . r#»# a |pfg, 17.164 raaaa;
flrafa, ?I *6 ♦/ 2?r ; ordinary flralg, 20ft
2J»Ao; aforaga park attraa. 84*4#. flrafa.
Naw York. April 24 Mv# rouffry
Afaady; im freight quotation* f*rl#-aa on
« Inn gad Drtaaad pouMr> firm: prira« un
inancud Ntwt *]
I tt»|| n ♦» Ml IN Ml N
*****| M *1
| mm 4|* H H
p *h MM »*i (i Nt H tl
V«**M >i MHlI •*•1, H*t
•■ •-* 1*9 Ift M
M ,= * (Its M Mi (*•, II to
' (f»9 fw* 4a* *« H (m«m Ium **a la*
a W |i>i **-*•< «**jt t«
# ♦ *»■# ******* *# tM 49- • f***ti*t
to SM9 t*9 A**9 •*•»*• Nf IfYrM Mt* III
*^**4i4 1*4 vmi *♦*♦ Pet*
*P< lift Mil toi'r'»
♦ *9 la IM Nun •♦**! at *** *mI
i(*a pwirto ^
#•* !*•*#♦* v**»t9*4 th*4 m»**i *t
!*4*f • tMt***i apaataaMy ram* IN
I * *4 ’*** e«r*tl*f fey tfc* ft***
IM afc-it warn ta+ffiMat WaaSia#***
<Im iM •in w* th#
M *-»•«* Mill **4 |i#*4*rMo«| af H*****»9
4»M»*pfa<*it ll |MI 9**l I *1
til l’ | dl**l f*fp*N»t** 4l*tH**l
i a p***l «*n>m«a f*»t***4 tfe* t*§d#|
•i f * t IM ia4a*4H*| iliito |*a»ai*a I*»
** * talar* a i*t af II eatitet *a ill* **n
♦ **h*r i-hhii laduMHaw faNa»*4 ta H*
♦ * •
ah‘t# A matt, an ra* maeed
«p mwi than a petal la (ifV
V. A «’••! Ir*m rift • *a ini I*4hI
*t ion up naatiy l »
»ftS Ph • * ■» ««ll rm ' I•*' f 1 *•» 1
a* p-«»t r petit Inna, ml a »unntnt la *f
♦ h« tlioH Inlet *#i, Th* *t#*^|i M tM
about a pal*! from th* lap at tha etna*
Hurt** wtiri war# ttll totriMlM
th»rtuth« **t th* lta« Mat th* • *uttt*
and motor* t*v# th* b*»t exhibition* at
trnup etrmyh Amnnt th* many to
rue* ta elo*# * paint nf mar* MfMr ••?•
Met Ml# tieut ateel • j*f r e*nt preferred. Iron
I'toducia, M*k Ttii'k*, N**h Malar*,>rrt * *rtitiret»r, ihihe*
Put*r, *hib* ran* preferred and American
rh«ti*-« in iha railroad troop ••»•
mi ted and narrow, h^avlneea etatn erap
ptne mit In Norfolk A Western.
♦ nvertn* nf commitment* due an %faf I
ini parted a ftfrotia Iona to the foraitn
eihante market* l>*mand *t*r!*u* moved
up ahoul |*4e to II MS and French
franca wer* minted nearly 24 point* hither
at • 4!« Other allied •irhang-'a Im
proved In aympathy.
Tha weekly rleerlnt houaa •♦element
•bowed an Increae# of tl2.647.00Q In loan#,
discount* and Inveatmenta; 11,914,004 In
caah In awn vault*; 13.471,000 In net da
inand depoaltu and 112.204,04 In tlma de
pnalt*. Tha reaerva nf member hanke 1n
tha federal reaerva hank dropped 112.*
393.000 below a week a*o. A**rre**,te re
serve totaled 1**41,322,000. leavln* tuce**
renerva nf 119,607.200. a deer#*** nf |12,>
1563,600 aa compared with laat week.
| New York Quotations
i - '
New York tock Exchange quotations
furnished bv .1. ft. Bach* A Co., 224
Omaha National bank building.
High. Low. Close. Close
Ajax Rubber.... 6 6% 4 4%
Agrlcul Chem. .. 4%
Allied Chem. 70% 70% 70% 70
Allis*Chiilmbere .. .. 42% 43%
Atner Hg«t Huger .. .. 40 33%
Am Brake Mh Fy 74
Amer Can. .102% 102% 142% 101%
Am car A Found. .. .. 167
Am Hide A l.eath .. 7%
A ;rt*r H A Lea pfd l>4% r.4 1-4% 64
Am Int Corp. 21% 21% 21% 21%
Ainr-r I,Infeed Oil. . ]&%
Amer Locomo... 72% 72% 72% 7J%
Am Whip A Com. 12%
Atner Mmelt . 61% 61 61% 61%
Am Smelt pfd. 97% 14%
Am Kim.-1 Foun... 36% 26 36% 26
Amer Mug... 42% 61% 6J 61%
Amer Humatra . 12 13
Amer Tel A Tel. 126% 126 126% 126%
Amer Tob. .. 141
Amer Woolen. 66% 66 66% r.e
Anaconda.. 32% 32% 32% 32%
Assoc J»ry Hoods.. 94% 94%
Assoc Oil. 30% 39% 30% 40%
At * bison .101% 191% 101% 101%
At I Guif A W I. . . 17% 16 16% 16
Atiaa Tack. 20% 20 30 % 30
AustlnMc hols.. .. 20% 29 20% 20
Autu Knitter..... .. .. 1%
SOT,W:::::1Hit ‘Hg 'll* Hi*
Dittk Htei-I . til M % ill! 11
Uruolt ilun Ity .... .. .. )t!4
Host li M»« .HIM 2*% U
Hrook Mm pfd .... .. .. il
Ckllf l'*ck .. .. ... fl.
C.llf I'.l. .. 24U U% 24%
C.l * Arl. Min .. ii% 4(1! 4iH 44%
i:»n i* .cilia ...... .. .. .. (4t
Crr,I d. .. 44 44% 44% 44
<»nt er . .. 11%
Cent l.»ih pfd. 44% 21%
( h.ndl.r Mutor... 47 44% 47 4i«
Cho. * Ohio . 74% 74% 74% 74%
Chi * N W. 41
C M It «l I’ ... 14% 14% 14% 14%
0 M »t C pfd.. 24 24% 24% 24%
U II I * I' 24% 24 24 24
r Ml !■ M * O By. il
Chita Copp.r - 27% 27% 27% 27%'o.body .... .. 44% **7»
Chino .. .. .. 14% 14 % Penbody Pfd .. .. .. Jb2%
t’orn-Coltk .il % 44 44% 44
Colo Ku.l It It on. 26% 24% .14 34%
Cotum carbon . ,. 60 49%;
Columbia Gas ... 36% 36% 84% *6%
Congoleum ...... 41% 41 41% 49%
Con Cigars . .. 12% 14
Cont can . 41 47% 4« 47%
font Motors .. 6% 6% 4% 4%'
corn Product* ...lf0% 170 170 170
Corn Prod (new). 24% 84 %
coaden .24% 36% 33% 13%
Lruclbie .64% 13% 63% 64%
Cuba Cane Sugar ... 13% 13%
Cuba Cane Mg pfd. 6»% 6*% 79 61%
< ut>-A in huger ... 22% 32% 33% 32
cu>arnel Fruit .. 46% »<4% 66 46
Iranlel Boon* ... 26% 36% 26% 26%
Lav Maori chem .. 46% 46% 44% 46
He I A Hudson ... .. 1°*%
Home Mining. 16% 16% 16% 16%
Hupont He N.123% 131% 121% 121
Kastman Kodak... . . 197 197 %
Krie . 26% 24% 24% 26%
Flee trio H Hat... . 67 67
Famous Players... 71% 74% 74% 7»*%
f ifth Ave. Hue I... .... 11% 22
Flak Rubber. ... • ... ... .... 4%
Klelachman'a Yeast 60 49% 49% 4‘( %
Freeport, Tex .... .. . . .. 9%
Gen ! Asphalt. 36% 36% 34% 26%
(Jen‘1 Electric.214% 214 3t4% 2(2%
Gen’l Motors...... 14 13% 14 13%
Goodrh h . kH */5
Great North*™ O. .... .... 17% 37%
Great Nor Hr pfd ..., .... ... f<6%
Gulf States Steel . 71% 79% 79% 74
llsyea Wheel. 31% 2R 34 34 |
Hudson Motors,... .... .... 23% 23%
Hartman Trunk .. 34% 3.% 34% #'•%
Houston OIL.. 44% 44 4-i 46%
Horateafeke Mining .,43%
Hupp Motors . 12% 12% 12% 12%
Illinois Central.... .. .. 191%
Inspiration . 24% 4% 24% '-3*!
Inffl Kng Cm Cp. 22% 74% 23% 21%
Int'l Harvester . .... !• it »4%
Int'l Mere Marine. 9 4% 9% 4%
Int I M M pfd .. 24% 83% 32% 82%
fhCI Nl'-kel, .... ... 12% 12%
In Cl Paper. 39 21 33% »i%
Invincible Oil.,,.. .... 13% 13%
Jordan Motor.. 24% ?4%
K. C Houtheru 29 J*% 19% 29
Jones Tea.. ... ... ' I i
Kally-Kprinaflnld.. .. J6% I i. %
Kennefott . 11% !■ % 14% *•%;
Keystone Tire..,, .... .... 3
Leo Rubber . 14 % 14% 19% 19%
Lehigh Valley.... 49% 4'»% 40% 49%
Lehigh Rites. l'l% 26 24 2« %
Lima L'womotlve. 69% 69% 69% ft%
Loos*-Wiles ..... .... <•«, .... 64
Louis. A Nsah. 99% 9ft %
Mack Truck .... II 49% 41 69%
May Hept. Mtores. .... 94 44
Mas well Mnfor A. 43% 43% 42% 42
Maxwell Motor II- 11% 11%
< .. 41% 86 46 36
Me*. Hen board..., 29% 30% ?n% 29%
Miami Coppsr . 22% 23
Middl* Htalas Oil. 1% 1% % 3%
61 Id vale Mteel . 2i%
Me. Pacific. 13%
Mo 1 fd.. 34% 14% 34% 39%
Montgnbery-W. ,.. 23% 33%
Mother Lode .... 1% 8 4% »
National Kamel,. . 24 fi
rvA'innm .m. .... us b,*
n«m™.i pi pm ip
Null Mntors. at J7<* »7H
N. Y. Air Itr.M, P »7't 31 17 S
N. Y, font. It it*.., I <4
N V r>nlral.....1t*% PDS PD* l»»S
N Y„ <:. * *. f,. 7« 77 H
N Y , N H * H.. 1« 17 % U PS
North Am.r. ti% P ilti i»%
No. 7>«olf|o. ... ... . »7
N, * W 7«y.Ill* PI lim Pi
Orphouvn ....... .... .... .... 11 %
Owen* Mot f la ... .... .... ... 42%
Pacific OH &4% 40 »4% 40
Packard Mol or. lo% 10% |0% l«%
Pan-American ... 44% 4 4 44 % 4*
Pan Amer tl 47% 44% 4*% 44%
Penn, It R. 44% 44% 44% 44%
people. Oaa .... ....
per* Ma rf|U#t fa. ., 44% 44 44% 44%
Phillip* P«fa • ... *•% 3»% 34% |t%
flare* Arrow .... .... .... 4% "N
poatum Cereal. ...» . 4*%
Pieeaed Hfeal Par 44% 44 44 % 4* %
Prod AH* . 17% 27 27% 27
Pullman ......... ... .,117 114%
Punf* AI Mugar . 4»% 34% (,»% 3a%
Pur* Oil . 21% 23% 22% 21
Railway Hire! Mp. ... Iff
Hay Ponaolldatad lo 9% fo a%
Heading . t,n\ 33% Mtt • »%
Heading flHea ...If 14% 14% I*
fte| logic .. ... .. ’•
Republic lr « Ml , 47 % 4i % 47% 47%
ll i mji* h. MV... 3 % 34%
HI. f.oula A 0 r . 24% 24% ■■'•% I»%
Hi I .furl# A M W . 34% n% 14% **%
M» hulle Cigar 0*. . 1 •
Hi *f a •!(o*bi|' H ..14% 4 4 * I 41%
Ah# II Pn Oil .... 17% 17% 17% 17
H rnmona r« . :l % 21% 23% IT-1 %
Mli - lair Oft . 21 % 31 % 21% 21 %
0|oaa Hheffiald . 37% 37
Mkally Oil . ... . :i% 24%
Hour hern f’gctfta , *9% *4% it i»%
Mouther# Hallway. 4'4% f.1% 1-1% : %
Mtan O Cal ..... 40 39% f*% l«%
Mfan Oil N J 3 7 M4% *4% .14%
Mtawarr - Warnar 74% 7; 7.1% 72%
Rfrorn rarl/u»*ior, 44 43 % 41 r ,
Mfudebaker ... 44% if.% 43% 43%
Hfitdebeker <N*w» 24% 14% 34% 14
Tana Co 41% 41% 41% 41%
Te»a» A Pacific . 17% 27% 17% 27%
Ttmken Hollar .. . 34%
Tobacco Product* 44% 43% it. % 44%
Tob Product. A \ 14% 44 In 14%
Trans, no' <*H 4% 4%
P IflO ... I ('•% 123%
i i iuit its i*n
f H ♦ aa( Iron p . •#% • % kt% * %
|T M Ind Alcohol . 44 % 47 44 47 %
V « Hub ?*% 74 * ?»% J*%
If M Hub f.fJ 7• 74% 7f 73%
IT r MU .101 104% 100% 100%
. nul
.. MS
* * • -
4, 4
HU I t
t*MI MU| a# At««tiA llMH ******
New York Bonds
Linn .l»i --- - „>
N#» !«♦%, SfH ; (I »
that . ^s|n»s- »i Mtim 9, r
*M tit AaaaMAtit** *4 tha *11**4 go*
?* l*i*l» i*«M W«4 to ft tot
• M» 4»*tlayp»»u f«f t wrt.j * AMroa'***1
• 'Mr* of htttrl Aba Utifita
hondt *twt# of at ilt* «| AAMt *t tha 1 |h
mi filmt of tha «-a*f 'A today § b»»*f
trading NfHafe,
a*tHlaf» *• «t*o *#*<1*1*4 tfcaif r*t***b
• Hi taiif• mMWIMimmi ilfiNn *»•«* tfil
t«p ptl't At A frt«t*ntng f**bMf
demand fat iH»mi frafidt fo’ioWtd lir tf •
• *m Aotioan*ati**ttt tbit r#t**na* wafa
at ••ding tha t* (AlrtHiaAtg thr»a lima*
I'wbltraltatt of fatafAMa aa'fflfigA f*
PAHA by « nnmh*r of t«Hfo#d« dltfflad
trading intataa* (ft d<tfn#*uo hand* from
• ha t‘nit*d HiAtaa govatgmant flat to th*
low and tnadlum fftr*4 tail fff«rt»*taa
Hohatanttal gain* wara rag1#*rtad hr Hi
Paul, lotarna! |f-oa| ahd «ttna* *aft|iatn,
H*aho*rd. \tnlatb and frit Han* ftar
aral auger company boo in d*vit*f»td *n
dapandant atrangth In lb# Industrial
group With an etpAnalott tn n»*r fiaaor.
mg during tha mat waab Walt *»r*gi tooha
for a ait ill turtnar in'i***** ** tn# return*
of bond offering*. Wa«#tlAtl#t»a wat*. ft
ported utidat nay today fur a $•§.#»*•,•#•
loan to tha l’Utrh ft#*t India* by an
Am arU an a> adnata.
I . H. Hfiltd*
9 A Jurgtn M Wki (• H«4 11 11
It Argentina «*•» 191 I'tlS
U Ar*«ntt»«Oov «*..'»«*, »*H *»
i Am Out gtu !9i <* to’. 99 '#<>
•i gr, tiMjxTfr. if* tu ii*
21 City of Lyona 6a... 83% 13 82%
37 city of Marseilles 4a 82% *2 82%
4 Cfacho H Itep 8a.. 87% 17 97
19 Dept of Heine 7a- 89 87% 88%
1 !> of C 5%a *29 ...ln|% 101% 101%
27 D of Canada 6a '63.100 ]Oo 100
16 Dutch K I 6a '62... 94 91% 04
* J>utrh K I 6%a ’f* 87 84% 87
7 Framarlcan 7%a .. 90% 90% 9<»%
61 French It. public 8a. 100 99% J'»0
103 French Itei. 7%* . 90% 90 90%
131 .Tapariena 6%s. 91% 91 % 91%
17 K of Belgium ae .103 10|% 103
44 K of Balglum 7%a.l02 161% 10*
10 K of Denmark 6«. 95% 95% 95%
11 K of Netherlands 4e 91 »o% 9!
20 K of Norway 6m '43 44% 94% 94%
17 K of H 1 H 8m . . . 80% 60 80%
2 K of Hwaden 6a... 102% 102% 163%
172 rarla-l.yona M Cm. . . 76% 76 75 %
17 Rep of Bolivia a a . 86% 88% 86%
10 Bep of Chita 8a '41.108% 103% 103%
14 Rep of Chile 7a.... 96% 96% 96%
2 R of Columbia 4%t 96% 96% 96%
68 Rep of Cuba 6%e. . 04% 93% 94
6 Rp of El Hal a f 9a. 106% 100% 100%
17 Rep of Finland 6a *9% *9 89%
14 H of Queensland 6a. 100 100 loo
6 H of Han P a f »e . . 99% 99% 99%
7 T'KoMRAl 6%a'29.104% 104% 108%
74 L'KkgORAl 6%m '37.101 100 % 100%
7 11 M of Uracil 6m 94% 94% 94%
1 U H of R C Ry K 7a 81 81 II
26 Am Af Chm 7%a.. 99 17% 97%
3 Am Clin «f d 6a. 92% *2% 92%
1 Ami Hmelt 'a ....I04 104 J«4
8 Arn Hmelt 5a . 92 91 92
10 Am Hugar 6a . 94% 94 98 %
29 Arn TAT 6%a reti.100% 100% 100%
12 Arn TAT col tr 6a 94% 94% 94%
33 Am TAT col 4a ... 94% 94% »«%
10 Am W W A El 6».. *7 87 87
a Anacon Cop 7a 21 97 94% 97
24 Anacon Cop «a 61 94 96% 95%
18 Armour Dal 6%a.. 89 M% 88%
7 A T A H F gen 4a . 87% 87% 87%
J A T A H F ad 4a at 81 % U% II %
3 At Raf d 6 . . 91 98 98
19 Balt A O «a .101% 1-1% 101%
• 6 Halt A O cv 4 % a.. 88 87 % 88
24 Balt A G gold 4a . 84% 94% *4%
10 Bell Tal Pa la ... 94% 94% 98%
10 Beth Ht con 6a A 94% 98 94 %
4 Beth Rt 6 % a . 89 94 % 8|%
It Briar Hill lit 6%a . 96% 96% 96%
1 Bkin Ed g» 7a D..10|% 108% 1oi%
47 Ilkln-Wan T af 6a.. 77% 77 77
37 Calif Beta 6%a ... 97% 97 97 %
1 Can North d 6%a .113% 112% 113%
4 Can Pan d 4a . 80 79% 80
3 C C A <*hlo 48. 9 4 94 94
24 Can of Georgia 4a..161% lot % 1*1%
2 Central Leather 6a. 94% 94% 94%
2 Ben Pacific gfd 4a.. 86% 86% 85%
10 ches A G cv 6e... 93% 93% 93%
2 Chi A Alton 3 % a . . 34% 36% 34%
114 C B A Q ref 6s A 9* 97% 94
33 ('hi A Eaat III 8a .. 74% 76% 74%
3 Chi 0» Weafern 4a.. 63% 63% 61%
It O M A Ht P c v 4 % a 44% o4 64%
16 C M A Ht B rfg 4%a 65% 65 66
74 r M A Ht B 4a '36.. 81% 83 83
14 C A N W rfg 6a 91% >2% 93%
1 Chicago Railways 6a 76% 75% 76%
1 ( R f A B gen 4a.. 90% 10% 89%
I'M' R m* ref 4a.. 7a 77% 77%
7 r A Weal tnd 4a.. 74% 74% 74% I
9 Chile Copper 4a,... 100% 100% 100% I
„ 4 Colo A Ho ref 4 %e. . 85% 85% 86%
* 4 Col O A K 6a at pd. 9«% 94% fi %
6 Corn Bow 6a ...... 90% 9f*% 9*%
6 Con Coal of Md la.. 87 a*% 67
6 Cuba C H db 8a efpd 99% 99% 49%
2 Cuhan-A Huger 8a .107% 107% 107%
14 Delaware A II ref 4a 87 80% 87
8 D A K U con 4a. ... 49% 49% 49%
8 Detroit Ed rf 4a 106 1*6% 104
7 Detroit In Ry 4%e *9 »» it
9 DuPont de Ne 7%s.l07% 107% 197%
4 I'tiqueane Light 1 *% 104% 1 b4 *
40 F.aatern Cu H 7%e lot lor.
67 Empire O A K 7%e. 91% 90% 91%
17 Krl« pr lien 4a .... 46% a. % 16%
31 Erie gen lien 4a , . 66 *5% 66%
3 Flak. Rubber la.. 100% 100% 1-o%
4 Gen Ei*r ,jeb 6a...100% 100% 100%
16 Uoodyr T *a 1931 103 10}% 10}%
18 Gr Tr Ry C 6a_103% 193% J03%
13 Gr Nor 7a A --107% I#7 % 107
1 (it Nor 6%a B ..94% 94% 94%
3 Kerahey thorn 4a..192% 10|% 10|%
17 Hod A Man fa A 87% 8 % 82%
6 Hud A Man 41 *•.% 4»i%
9 Hum Oil A R 6 %a, 98% 97% »* %
4 III Bei: Tel ref la. *4% 94% 44%
13 III Can 6%a ..... 191% 1*1% Jol%
6 III Can 4a 1961,... 81% l|% 8|%
1 Indian* Htaet 6a ..191% 1*1% 1*1%
16 Intar Rap.Tr 7a.. 84 85% 84
9 Inter Rap Tr 4a.... 44 41% f|t|
tl Inter Rep Tr 6a 4*% « >% 40%
92 Int A Gt Nor 4a... 44% 46% 44%
14 Inter A Of N lai 4a 96% 96% 96%
14 Itit Merc Marine 4a 14% 14% M%
1 Inter Pap «vt fa A *1% 17% a %
9 K C r H A If If. 97% 97% 97%
3 K C T A L la... ft * 91 91
St Kan C Hou'h 6a... to«r 89% 90%
6 Kan G A Kin 4a.. 96% 96% 95%
3 Kelly.Hp T 4a . 94% 94% 14%
1 Inula A N 6a 14*63.191% 1*1% 1*1%
2 L A N unified 4a . . 9| 91 91
I f.oiila c# A Y. fa .. ••% 81% i«%
16 Maim* Cop 7a ..111% IIS 111
7 Mana'l Hug 7 %• 100% (06 ]*o
I 'far o 7%a w w.100 160 jot
17 Mid fit I rv 6a... . 99% »a% 89%
9 M F, Ry A Lt f* 61 *1% 93% 62%
8 MHtPA.HHM 4 % a. . 1*3 |«?% 1*3
• MKAT pr Han a (7 99% ft 99%
SI M KAT n pr H 6a A 83% *2% *2%
47 MK A T n ad I 6a A 61% 81% 63%
3 %M f*ac 1 at 4a #4% 94% 94%
34 Mo I’a/ gon 4a ... 66% 64% 64%
3 Mont Pow la A.. 96% 91% 96%
3 N W T A T 1 at la.. 9«% 94% 91%
10 N (» T A M Ine 6i. 94% 64% M%
• jv Y * o.»* nm... pot'* jor i"bv
to v T r rtg A imp »• 4« 47% #»
13 N. V C A A I. 4* 14f <4 10| 101
17 V T. Pdlin.n «%# 111% 111 311
41 V Y. N It A ft 7% 74% 74 74
4 V T, N II A If 4... 44% 41 »4 4IU
tl N P T#l. 4*. *41 . .101 *1 |0S io»a
3 N Y. T.|. |»n. 4%. 44% 44% 44%
4 N. Y W A M 4%. 44% 44 44%
to Nor A W nv 4. .13! ]f 1 % 121%
14 N«. Am Pdl.on *• 42% *1% 43%
4 No O T AT Off A * I % *0% || %
4 No. Pgr. r.f Oo ni0| 1*1% 10|
* No Pa.-, nrw hm f» 92 92 41
1 No. Pur pr I|nn 4a *1 \ alii *1%
4 No K'*i.. p 4. It 102% 101% 167%
f Nn HHI T.l 7. 107% |0f% |07C
1 Or. A r .1 1 at 4. »4% 4»% 4«%
7 Or. *hor» f, r 4. 44 *3% 4f
H M W ft ft A N 4. tl 40 % 4 1
4 Vmr <}.. APS- 41% 0|%^9I%
7 Pat* TAT 4., if 4| % #1% 4|%
1 Pun A PAT 7. 100*4 inou 100U
3 P.nn. 1i ft 4%. 104*; 10f% l«f%
4 P.rin. II It I Iff 100% |oo% ]00%
14 P.r. Mora, r.f *• 41% 1M% 44%
4 Philo «*o. r.f 4. 101% JOO*. 104U
17 Philo Co fc %• . 41 ••% 4«%
t P A It C* A 1. Iff. 4-% i!% 41%
|1 Pt.r«*. Arrow ... 71% 71% 73%
7 Prod A H.f, •• I0|% f0|% 10|%
1 Puli n*rv 4* 99% §o% 40%:
ftt Punt. A Iff Muff 7ff llt% Iff 111%!
44 R..d g.n 4%. «4% 44% • *%
4 M..d «r-n 4. *o % 4o% 40%
4 Arm. » f 4. • % 11 4 %
I ft I A A !, 4%. 74 74 74
4 *f.1 MAMMA'S div 74% 74% 74%
23 flf.AOP pr t| 4. A 41% i«% 4«%
II M* f. A * It A.1I 4. 71% 71*4 71%
13 K» 1, A * 4* lm- 4« 43% 4 1 43%
■ Rf P 1*h I*. 44 *7% 44
*,• M.a Air I,lo. r«n 4. 7»% 74% 74%
Ik*.a Air l,lrm i«1| U ?4% 44%
31 • Air r.f 4. 41% f.2% 41%
4 *lfir| fr»n ill| 4%. ««% 4 4% «4*.
f, Mnr.fl Con Oil 4%. 14% |4 % 4*4%
7 Mlrm Pip. 1.1 4. . 41 41 41
*t Mnti P.r f» 4r *4% 4 4% 44%
1 *Ot| f’Bi rnl |r 4. 17% 4?% 4 J %
47 Moil II.11 .* n 4%. 104% 10||. 101%
II Hull ft All ff.n 4. |0O 44% 10o
10 Mon Hull ntn 4. 44% 44 % 91%
rt Anti .... 4. 75% 7 1% 11%
74 Mnti 11.11 T.| rfff 4. 93 % *1% *14.
4 Ml ..I Tub. 7. 104% jo4% 1*4 «*
11 Muff l>* of fit?. 97 *7 47
4 Tom* Pin tf 4. *4 44% 40
10 Third A v. .1 0. 41% 41% 41%
I Third Ay* rf 4* r« % 4« % 4*%
4 TMwlr Of| 4 %.. . 101% 101% |oj%
• Totffdu Pd 7. 107% 107% 1 "7 *4
? Tnl tO UW 4. 74% 74% 7if%
11 In P.r »f 4ff .101% 101% 101%
• f n Pff« t v 4* 94% 44% 94%
Ift V ft Rub 7%. ....101% 1*1% 101%
• %* » * tim ft U% * j H
m «•*<*** it* »a ni Mi hi i
I M N IHl Hitt i||a |
I ft fit*-to t |»1 *t )vt tMi iff % I
[I Ihimii i * f# ii 11 _ if it
• Ml *t «1 «1 Wi
***** M»M *# ImH i»tt*H
I AM*M Nt Itt It f)i HU
If SKitMifetiHi tj H lifl ijll H|%
4 At* Ml* A kl 4* M M M
| A«* **»•»< t4 }H * i*4 Mi 4«tt
4 A •’Ml* Aft IHl ?i» Itf Iff |4f
ft Aim ami mi« §tt* i4|a *' tt *;%
I* |ri r W I tl II M
t *•*%•* IN *• , it Mi II ft
t Math m ft M ... l||tt ill IM.
I I H f A I* Ittt MS MS M*
! « *I» fetll |%4 Mi MS Mi
It * *A Hat B«n it % ln>S HI S l';Ji
' 1 iL ** i1 I!
* * ♦*» r « a4* Mi hi Mi
■I—MM> I^B.ifir.frA
I _I
• 1«"i* 'Hs ’»* *
...... . .. la ■>• II t»
* f.lbby ta ......Util* lof l«*
1 »tai>lt«ha la , »«S MS MS
it worn* * Co I Ha. »* Mjt Ms]
IMt Molh *• **H MS MS
I N O IhlH Hri Si *»S IIS f|S
II Nor Hia I* i 9* t«S *9 ■
i niiio p is t • > ns ns
1 Park 6 TMtnrd *a »oS **•» »*H
10 P.nn t* » I. »• >»S "‘l »IS
I Phil K I So tt l"l 1*1 1*1
It Pub Hrv ff N J 7a lo«S tons IMS
I Hhaavshoan 7o .. , 1*3S lll’i 1*3S
11 Hlosa Hlirfflcld «■ *»S 0*S 9tS
7 IViulh Cal Kd i„ *"S **S ‘»S
J HI Oil N V 7* r. I"IS 101S Ml S
(, HI 1)11 N T 7a SO I'M 1»4 191
1 HI fill N T «Sa ,.I"*H l"*S COS
1 Hun ull to mi M3 1*3
f Hwlft * Co 6» 9IK *IS 91 S
3 I n K l fc P *S». »S« *> 95’*
a rid oil Prod la , MS **S 5»S
3 Vanillin ihi 7a .1*7 MBOl 107
3 Webater Mp la «f,aM*H 1*0% 10*S
1**- elan I food a
B Cranch flov fa ... 3* 3B 30
7 ll-n Peru *a . 90S US **S
B Holvay Co Ba . . 99 99 99
I 91 wlas *S» ..% 97S *751
11 H* Its &a IIS ll< llii
Nrw York Or tier# I.
Naw York April 34 —ftyo-—firm; No. 2
WMUrn, 71 *4 r f o, b. Saw York and
76%c r |. f export
Wheat A pot steady; No 1 dark north
ern spring • t I New York laka and
rail, ft 39% ; No 2 hard winter f v. f
lake and rati. $1 20%. No 1 Manitoba *Y* ,
$1 14%, and No. ; mixed durum do,
$1 14%
<*orn Apot steady, No. 2 yellow, and
No 2 white r t r fra<k New York do*
n*eat|c all by raiJ. >7%c and No. 2 mixed
do . 96 tyr
<*ate Spot quiet, No 2 white, 93r.
Hard—Kaaier, middle* 4t, III HO
Rye—Rarely steady : No. 2 weafern,
77% f o. b New York, and 7l%c t. I.
f. *-*porl.
ffa> — Firm; No. 1, 933.00024.00; No. 2,
i '<■ on fir on
Flour- Quiet; ar-rlng natanta. fr. ©«0
4 65 aoft winter straights t*. ©©0 6 30,
hard wlnler atratghta. 15 50 04.00.
Ifopa--Klrni; etats. Ifli crop, M0C6c;
1922 cron. 23029c; Pacific , oaM. 1923
crop. 36029c; 1922 u/op /6029c.
Ilya Floor -Quiet, f# - t» good, $1 ©40
4.2n; chon • to fancy |4 !• 41160
t’ornmeal—Quiet fine white and yel
low granulated. 92 22 % 0 2 2*.
Tallow -©"inn; apecla! looaa, 7 •, a*lr».
Ve«d—Ateady; 100-pound u-ks weatern
bran. 924 5O0 29 OO
Pork -Quiet; mesa, 124 73 021 21; fam
ily. 127 oo
Rice Ateadv: fanrv head, 7%0lc
Other artlelee unchanged
f hi* ago fllnrlt*.
Furnlehed by .1 A liecbe A To 224
Omaha National Rank building. Phonee
Atlantic 9H7, I1»l, 91*9
Bid Aaked.
Armour A fn , III. pfd .74% 77
Arm«>ur A f*o , Del , pfd. 97 % *4
Albert pick . 1* 2*%
Raaalck Alemlta . 1©%
far bide . 67% 67%
F.dlaon, f.'orri ..,,,,,,,,.1)7 13i%
continental Motors ........ «% 4%
fudsby . 69 69
Daniel Boon* .............. 24% 25
Diamond IfaArb .. 119 124
Deer# pfd .... *6 *4
Kddr raper ..... I* 21
Dtbby . «% 6
National Rea titer .2% *
Quaker flat# . .263 245
It r o Motor# . 114% 117%
Awlft A t'o. ..lit 1*2%
Awlft Int i .. 26% J©%
Thompson .. 4 3 4 4
Wahl ..... *7 27%
Wrtgley . . . .... . 24% 27%
Yellow Mfg. fo.6f% 67
Yellow r*b 46% 44%
foreign F.grhange.
New Y-rk. Aprtl |4 -For ign ^change*
•front Quotations tin cents! •
Ortat Britan Dsmand. 4 14%; rablea,
I II, 4© day bill# on bane#, 4 34%.
Kranre, Demand 4.44 cable* 6 44.
Daly. Demand, 4 44; cable*, 4 44
Tlelgfttni: Demand. 6.31; cable#, 9 62.
Germany; Demand, ,13. Iper trillion).
Holland: Demand, 37 14.
Norway: Demand. 13.91
pweden • Demand. 34 2©
Denmark: Demand. 14.71
Wwitaerland Demand, 17 74
Hpain Demand. 13 4©
tit#-. • Demand, 1 ©3
Poland; Demand, ,©©4©17
f'xecho Kinvakia D»m*»nd. 3 91.
Jugo Atevif ; Demand. 1 74.
Austria' Demand, ©©14%.
Rumania. Demand. 61%
Argentina Demand, 12 73.
Mraril Demand. It •©.
Toki« Item and, #.9 %
Montreal 94 6 14
Haw ©agar.
New Tork. April 24 14#*” . if*t *il
quiet today. N'» freah bu* n*aa *i« r»
Ir.*-t#d and price* were un« hanged at
2*c for • uhas duty paid
Raw ei.gsr futures were r*e#dy esrlv on
eoveyln# but es*#d off tinder scattered
liquidation anl mutmlaeien haua# aefling
rif >ruo<e>1 bj report* of more favorable
tbor development a In « ub# F nal price#
We** J to 6 point# H ’* |ow»r, May rlo##d.
4 4© July 4 4>- . Am * ember, 4 tie. De
cember, 4 27
No change* eere noted In refined price#
which ranged from 7*< to • Jlr („r ffft#
granulated Th# d*m#nd *ss fair at lhe
lower figure
Refined future* w#r# nominal
New York, April 3d — Augar—-Future*
closed e#*y; apprnvtmat# **ie# • ©©• ton*.
Mav 4 49c, July, 4 it' . September. 4 71c.
Be cam bar, 4 27r
Dry t’oods.
New York April 2* t'nfmabed cot
ton good* today wa# reported In tnodarata
demand with buyer# r#fi»#lng to follow ad*
v#nc#« resdtlv Tart* held ateady with
•plnnera firmer In their demand for bat
tgr price# I mar# w|th the eieapt|nn of
fha draaa linen dtvlalon w#r# v*ry nutet
Burlaps continued hsratv ateady Wool
r:ooda ahowed *r»m# sllflillft improvement
n fh# demand for fancy nr novelty flna
draaa good* Men's near we* in flight
demand I ight weight knit good# for un
derwaar war# in better rail, but outer w##r
wea not as active a* * year ago Alika
wera being bought wall from fha Jobber*
^aw Yum fnllnn
S»w York «>t*on Pat-ban*# quotatlo*,*
furMahad hr 1 k M*< h# A «*o f ?4
Om*|ia Natl-mal hank bid* Phnna J A.
1 Op*« I fflfh I l ow I rinaa* <
rar if* 'A *A7$ ilk AT k ft 1A if.
i»y '*•*■'. II** -• ?«4I **
Oat lit «| 'IM hi 47 11 4 47 (74 t«
IH# '24 tl *14 2* 31 *A .*■! »f !*4 1*
■lat* Til >A f| a7 ;* m 'll aA 14 aa
N aw Ynrli l irffr#
N*» York. April 14 <v»ffa« fntpraa
1 an# t < t n' ti a fi a a I * •
on « IIMIf rov^rinr hut loaf tha advanr*
aftar th# Initial d#rnand had Man aup
«l#6. Hill' t *«f« bar #«•»»-* off from
lln In un-’ar raal|*tn* ha. am
bar rdnaad at |3 J.1 »|i|i tha fanaral
rnarkat rtoam* «*•' un.banaad kata#
•• ’
If Iko; .Tfltr. If fAo• *ai.«*mbar 1141#; (V
♦ I" * l1# 17llr War#b.
11 II# npo» r nffa# dull, H''» la, l&0lfc^a,
kantna 4a. I» \ N If ,
Mlnna«i»«i|la brain
Af Inoaa po|t« Minn . April 54 Wha*t
«'a*b N« 1 nnrlharn. Il IIHifl Ilk; No
1 dark northatn aprtn*. rfmba t » fa*
fl 14%01 It •*, a.I lo r|»n|oa It I• «k CT
I V A4; ordinary In fond 11 11*0117*4.
Mat. 91 11S- l«»r. I 111 ’A .'-i'a
ft lift
Porn—No. Jl > allow, 14 A| *r 71 \ t
0*1#- No 1 '♦ h It a, 44\«0l*r.
TtarJay 4A0l1o
flyw No f. MStlPS"
Mai-No 1, II 449117
lonilan liar Albar.
Tendon April !* I*ar rUrr, fl p*r a
par nunra
Alopay IH'Y*r ran*
DUrottfll rataa MmH kill*. 31» 140t
par rant, (bran months bill* I I 1191**
par rant
Nan A mli Utird Yrtill
Kt* York April 14 Ktaporalnd Ap
plkk dull 1 (plat ■ i" ■ -ta and
paa* baa, c|ii|at, ralatna. ataady
AA l»r»l i Hh.rM
k| April 2* Kutnr ra U liul
May Ilft'H, twiy. II *«S
t*nrn May. Tl* Inly If * 0
Oita—May, 44fcc. July. Upnk.
Omalt't 1‘hHltKr
A(*k |#
| * M *•**• -f M • M {«
4* »» ■ * i | * *t t*•■*# f* •* V*
\*\t t*o*4**ce Itfi p|ti lie
[..*ri,h!4 t, .It.’W-i-T;
» *.~0*«* ■ * * ‘# pi**-1! W *d WMl HIM*
VlU |m tq #gK,_
h. H> I • ..M •- **.« *') lit
It** f f«* *1 ftt ‘tkttf *'***<**♦ • **
**’-** *4 ‘^IWl
♦1 *fM| _ . _*
j fill (•» t* » • »**♦* »• I **ft*k# M
I* f *J ****»♦*# MH !f0 iitki H"|4t
*** §*•«*-4 i*#lO V* •*♦*#! Na I *♦••
[•* p^M *»M*M * a*, *• ***** » »M
*!*• H f**s*4i ftnao. *# M f*»* 4t ***
S« f *§*• ItHtrt M •'wait. • ’«*»•(
4>m *-a »»4iM a***k itowf*1-*9
I *1*4 **4, *f * *f| %»h»M* 4 »■**•
»*4 a!«rr**« **♦ nr**d ♦ * • iad*
[«•*.» »tt* H* 4iHp *#•* an* ?**♦
Mx* and eb'p
Par No » ft Ml *g*a4 4#H*NM t* **•
ease* • « II aw ►**4*jl# • *-*•##* Me
It.Mftrifl **»■*♦ in tiiiHiwif V a **•
■* * * ■ *t«t*» tiftMttWf k - • r
** H , mntetfp ran, via, ho I
mail, ftiti i#
•*»»f*| t wt _ ^
f*»*#** •»• |*Mm ptaal III htlaaiki
fat N*» I •«a»li!
A tM e |4*»li*t*, «p t(i ft |b* tft*h
rr (ft,; h*a%* mm ft » *114 ft, 11* .
to I JH« 19?, tight Mf A Iftej apt let*
w «th (*a« tf<ftle| M»f» l*f. lefhctn
apt mss !•» rwwataHk ll*( du*fce, fat 1*4
full feathered tlftlllo; »•*♦*, ffti and full
(•atb*»*d !t0ll<:; I«t bays. >**u»*g toma
pad baba lit *14 tema and N« I not
> all* II. pigeatta ll fe* per d-»ar» **
i.or* I lb# and a»»r. |i- per It* , undar
9 Iha tin per IP *«* rulla, pi* It nr crip
ple# |*t»llry want**! .
' fttr.w.4 ItHtt* a»a p4f1*f for dra*ae«4
*-|»t#4ia«t« datfc# and **••**. l#*e above
at|*a pftrta. and fnr df*#**d t*rk*)a. H
III* a bn* a ff^* Itf-c*. barn a 4#<H»ra ar*
nr raj'1 ii>r shipments of dta*S"l poultry
and tailing aattta un It par rant commit*
a ion haste.
Jobbing prices «f dreaaad poultry Ho
rat* tier a t nprina* soft, 2i« iratlafl, No
I, 41* . No 2 SI* ban a. Hr; ront'af*.
2ftif*2ej dtit'ka. Il#llc, «aaa«. 2»»«t26r,
turiiaya. lie; No. 2 tarlia>a4 conaidaraktly
rrtKnif Finn
Jobbing prlci** qu*»tabla aa follows Kane*
whM»* flab, J0f . laha trout 10* . halfbat,
Iftc. norlherti l»allhead«. Jumbo, 22ff24c;
• atlfab 20® 21*’, flllat of haddock. 27c ;i
block cod • abla flab. 14c; foa ahad, **><’; |
flounder" 20c. crappM. IfftH*:, black!
baas. He, np*tii*h mackaral. IS to 2 INI.,
2ft*-. Frosan fish, *®lc laaa than prlcaa
a bora
Jobbing f-rlcaa atotibli *>n Antarinu |
cheats fancy grade. «* follows: Plngl*
daiaiaa, SOS* , doubla dalslaa, SfM5* Young
America a. JiVft*-; loaghorns, 2fc; ac]iiaro
printa, 21Uc; ftpick. 2lc; llmf>*rgar. l-lb,
atyla. |4 26 r>«r dotes, •wise, doinoatfc,
is* , lmporfad Roquiflrt, lie; Naw York
whlta. Sic.
Who leas lo prb-sa on beef cuts effective
April 21 era aa follows; No. 1 Hba, 27c;
No. 2. 24c. No I, He, No 1 loin*. 17*.
N** 2, Sic; No. 3. 22c; No l rounds.
l»'4r. No 2, Hr; No 2. fie; No. 1
* bucks. llHc; No 2. I2e; No. 1. *4c;
No. 1 plates, Ic; No 2. 7 4c; No. 1, 7c.
Jobbing price*
P)oeMpplea — Per crate 94 790* 0®.
Apple*—In barrels of 14ft Iba ; Iowa
Wine*ups, fancy. 9ft 2ft: Missouri Black
Twig. fan*-v, 16 60. Jonathans. fancy,
fft.00; Ben Davie, fancy 94.7ft. Jonathana,
Iowa, extra fancy, 94 7ft; Oanoa, fancy,
lemons—Tallfomla. fancy, par boa.
9ft.ft®; chotca, per boa. 94 ft®
Avocado*—(Alligator rears), par dosen,
9ft ft®
Applaa—In Hoxaa. Washington Wlna
a* pa *K!r* fancy. 92.7ft; fancy, 92 21;
• holes, 114ft; Roma Beauty, axtra fancy,
92 ®0* fancy. 91 76. whlta wlntai Paarmala.
extra fan* y. 92 I0®2 7ft.
Htrawbarrlaa—Louisiana, plntll, 94.71 per
Urapafrult—Per box, extra fancy. 93.6*
fto. fancy. 9*2604.0*; Tlorlda. fancy,
per box, 93 ®002 ft#.
Ora n g aa—California, naval, fancy, ac
cording to aixe, 99 9604 00 par box,
rho|r«, 126c lea#
t*ranbarriea Jeraey. ftO-lb. box**, || 00
Bananas-Per lb. Ic.
Nominal quotation*, carload lota;
Upland Prairie—No. I, 91? 20011 90,
No 2. It ©©0 11©©; No. f. |7©©C*©o
Midland Pralrl#- No. 1. 911 00011 00,
No 2, 9t ©0 0 I © 00; N« I, 19 0007 00.
lowland Pralrl#—No. I, 9* 0001 09;
No 2. 9* 00 0 9 00
I'arkin* Ifar—It 2©07 29.
Alfalfa—<’holn#-l2900021 .#•; No. 1.
Ill •0019 a©; a»andard. 914 ©9017 ©9- No
2. 91120012.00. No 2. 19 00011 0©
Atraw—Oat. 91 0009 09, wheat, |7.9f
01 00.
Jobbing pr1c#B‘
Eggplant—P»r dot, 92 09; 29c par lb.
flhalloie -flouthern, fto par dog; home
grown onlona. per dm . 22'
Cabbaga—4'alary cabbagt, 19e per lb .
new Tnaa cabbaga. 4Hu par lb ; cratea
♦c par lb
Naw fioota—Tc«aa beat# and carrot*,
par do* bunehaa. 9*e; buahel. 02.99
onlona—Tellow In rack a, nar lb. IU«;
red. ea'ka. whit*, eacka, par lb, 9€.
bpantih. par »rate. 9:2©
Tom• toga—Maftcan. luga 22 100 4 4©
Celery—<‘a It for o'a, par dog, icrorBlri
to ai*e, 91 7'♦#7 00; Pur Id#, r ought. ^
4©* crata. 93 71.
Ultiim • Mr* 4 per crata. 9* 3*; pec
do*, 11.19. hefbeuaa leaf. 72011a par
Roof# Pa ran If*# and carrot#. In #aeka,
te per !h
pepper#—Green Man*. r#r lb. 22a.
f u* umber. Hot holier, 12 90 par d#g;
ehoji*e aa low aa 92.0©
Pareley—flout harn, par dog bunehaa,
99 »•
Rhubarb—f.Mg. 4© Iba . 91.22
Hrua«#la flproufa—Per tb , Ife.
Mean#— Wa* or gr##n. par hamper.
91 l#ff I 49
Aaparague ffnme grown, per dog
buneW 91 4©0I 72
Potato##— N*bra*ka Uh!#a. par 190 Iba.
AIM «t **s*- •% r* *% ttjfi W»M
1 |s*% < * * ffib Ha#*** ■ »•■
I-* |i m *. •»* f ts ' * * »»rm
j 4* »- I I« «*%♦• • bV| H p.H
N|j*»* %**♦•* * 4| *d*tl t*‘# p#
*• ► I * 9 tr'i> iM
»Mt *f Hi# h 4*1#., |ii «fg *•♦****,
aw **»-• H *1 * ***»,*♦ * 111*9
H|*id H.414 If t** |lt^
W %»#l h|f| * ,.»„,**» a«*t#cn *
y~* «f«-y# At up* !>#. Iff Hi If**!
jl'1** III #4. |H| fi-t^ lilH ♦ eai* g,
| Mn if ip wv M( I* #
9 4^*4#+*** >,9 f*** * *a
IM I# l.H# 19* As mi fk 1 ail tin 1 #*4 -4
^ |nm U*
ft* I #^e9 HN9j.-* |H ** p# I If
MiBi '*^4 if # P* I f##f
19 *' fin* I I |w#*9f #f s» ••»«#»
i>'h Ilia -1 Map *6 >1 ta A
hM*a i*»»* iMtt *; *4f hi im am
| k*i * «
4t*»isM is w«wa%i 9 mH Mg*, tan#
9a H**,**-4 y** ** v*4*»#* wheat
i»*4a ia M — t up »* i: b«» h§m pfe*
4"-"-a I- t -M '• i ks* *• t*f a
If h|99‘# 1 # fl* * *iit< ikti ia
I- • 41 m • f|..,. * »l *be ft*** d lit*#
(Ml »Hen ft If 9 |*99 »•*>! if > * p*» «t 1
M* b!»i* fF*f h.itfcM *• ifcf Kiiif*4 aw
While, |*»« the I t* * lAinisbll P»n9|«
at; it# * *p| lb lb# lit## »o*h f»f
i *
»■• It *— b • ' * * n. * 1 »■ i »>»• | f g #*.
»r aM ia H- lAing up •»!
*i»ik»i» t 'Mit* tk fllr f
IK# *»*- 11 I j ♦ « *** Uf h|t|*.| TIM
rntikiry it gti!i u«.» g '*<•* gwafUflt** gr A
'kw*n# !• b*« *ir»tit# la fait »tf* t*rf
'*»**' k until, tbs last of May
I tf.i.M AM If
Nominal *!«Miii.iM omaha apd Ceuw*
HI tiigff* t!iraah*» lun jwr iAi IH AM
filfa, I iR ^ €j i «■ ■ 1 f.-t rinva*. Ilf y|
St AA; awrrf f|HM f 1 T «" 4» I S a 6. I!fd*.
thy, |« **»g Ms, hudah |nn
can* ee»d It « ft t is mntVMHI mllitt.
|l A#, Ummih millet 12 II
egflnl*) f e |. Oman*. fallow f^r»|
fami in yi it* !.*». M MAH 36 per bb
fan > <'ear in 41 m hags i 5 |A% f> :|
iwe tbt white or >*tiow ewrumsal, ter
lent-, |I •"
lllliK*. woo U tallow.
Pr»f»g quota hie •• M:a»i, Aeil\»rtA
Crush«. dealers' weigh'a and *eta< (tons.
Hide* - M* **onable, No |, h* , ?fg L
4c; green. 4o end 3c: bulla #c *f.d ? ]
brended. «c. glue hideg, fiat. aalt. 1't
and lOiar; kip, toe gnd 1*4' . glue »k;na
4c. dry flint hfd*« V*o; dry tailed. Tr,
dry glue, deaion*. 16c gaeh. hora*
h*de». #s gnd 12 26 t*. b. pofiiea an j
glue*, |i ia each; cells, 26o each, ting
aklne, I w each
Wool-P* ■ II to to fi 75 #Rrh. Umbi
(fr lo II bo each, cllpa, no valM; weel
• Off .tec
_ 1 allow fin, -\», 1 t.llsw, »i,r »*
n tnfto*. tr. S.,, 2 t.lionr, «c; A ,r*»t.
«**'i H «'**»«. 6«: x.Untr
hr- «n gr*«**' 4r , portc crackling*, f ,<• *■(
per ion. Mef * ■ acktlnga, SCg.AA Iff ton,
bt rawax. 12V 00 per lock
Meekly Buffer
Chicago Anril -*•—Btarrion from fb«
de* line jrd itj steadier feeling and ad
vanced pro-** in the butter market for
the week ending April J4 all markets
showing adverteAa of from 2 to 2*g^ a
cor.llrg to the review of the Inlfed
State, bureau of agricultural geonomica
iaaued today
In the four big markets AJ acor# bot
ter closed April 24 at 31c. a* Chicago
Boat on an]
39 at Philadelphia
At tho low levels of the previous week
butter stocks were depleted operator* rc
fused to reduce nrlrea further, and an
psrntly under the belief that the bot
tom had been reached, buying in feres!
developed Speculative s-tlvity was rs
aumed also and with a shortage of rsti
f rail zed cariofg an d buying of foreign
butter Checked bv low leve], 0f domes
tic. the mark* was steady for the moment
near the Ho*#, with reports Indiratinr a
alight increase in production, but with
a beginning of withdrawal of buying In
terest on Thursda*. an unsettled tona
resulted in we«kn*»s and g declina of
1 to me yesterday.
V*ntato Market
Ch(Uk,o, April 2%.— Potatn»a—Trtdiff
■low, market waak; r*'*ipi*. J# car*,
total United ff'atea »btpm*nta. Ill cara;
wlrunfln »««-k«d round whit** IMOtt
1 21; bulk. tl.O^fpl It; Idaho aarkad ftu*>
12 *©42 2 46. accord in# to oualltf:
Mlr<n**oia *nd Nr.r*». r»*kota tacked ft*4
K|v»r Ohio* f 1&0I 19.
AIM mrv*KMr*T.
*M bur* lu-utM option an it m* omtwie
•Twbaat or ran. Ale Further ftiaA. A awe
but •( b from option prvr ftv** pan an
•pportumtr tot***lM*:4r l*0'i: ic Mm ate.
write today rot particular* *ad
I*ve*t*r* Daily Guide. S. W. Iraack
S-E, lOtd Baltimore Art. K. C„ Mo
{keep POSTED
Important development* roniained
in fht* week'* marker review re- f
| vardles I be following eeruritie*: *
Republic Steel Miami Copper
Caai Iron Pipe Califernia Pal.
Continental Meier* General A»pbeit
Alii* Cbalmer* Utah Capper
Letllfh Valley Colorado Fuel
Texa* R Pacilk Cltie* Serrtee
Writ# for Ire# copy.
Dealer* in Stock* and Bond*
I 38 So. William St.. New York
We are operating three larer, up-to-date terminal eleratora in
thta market—now at your arrvice.
Write Ua for Detailed Information
* Updike Grain Corporation
Omaha, Neb.
J. S. BACHE fep CO.
Eatafcliahed IttI *
f Hear York flock Ex-hang*
, a* ._I Chicago Hoard of Trada
MimMri,K(|1 York I'oMoa Exkanaa
land othar loading Eickunci.
N»* York; 41 Braadway Chicago! 108 S. LaSalla St.
•ranch#* and eorreapnnd.nU located la principal cfttoa
Stocks, Bonds, Grain,
Cotton, Foreign Exchange
Bought and Sold for Cash or
Carried on Conncrvativc Margin
324 Omaha Nal'l Bh. Bldg., Omaha
Tetephwnes JAiIimn 1117 M
“Ths flaehe Review*' sent an appHeaflen— Cor respondent# Invited
Updike Grain Corporation
(PfiviU Wir# PtparliMiO
rClii<A«A Bf*««d «f Tr Ma
V Ail Olh«r L.rad rf t t.hftnffN
Orders for grain for future delivery in the prin
eipal markets given careful and prompt attention.
Phone AT Untie (1312
filfi-25 Omaha Grain
724-25 Terminal Building
Phone B-1233
Long Pittance 120