The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 27, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 4-B, Image 16

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    Mini Survive* !
KmluruiHT Tim
Inuring Mihiii Irani
^ hr#! null Mil 1'rnntmii
Mwn l«nVr«l In High
«■ ■ ■«
4 || h*nt fnt he • fcn*
i eiptftM by * etwHi Fhat • * imm
(*f iff ififni On ?*i ft kevi iUfi
iM • ' f On imiMMwnOww IwlO In
li ti f t IlntM l| 4 ft.»##»,liftf
IMfftmi of th* > dktff fVidt off
Ih# -«r uitlfl Ml thm I*•! »i
gttird-iy iflrtdiM «h#n On i ht. #g.
traffic mi On MniM," Mil an st
fii tel of ih* nmaha Pimi mmpiM
Tin ear lit* mini Mik n Mtehl
• • ** Menu* * th * parade «tf Itii,*
■If nimMi, then Mttih thmugh th*
* limit” a ltd fi,»m |h*f# If tutII nf each
if th* si othe* Flint dealer# m t*hi
Tit* twit driver* d>4 net !***» th#
r#r timing ilt#,u»l Viiiuliy *f
ifftuMiti Ot* echedille bed he#n mm
pi# ted end lit# r*r returned to th#
t hlc«gn Flint company, Ho trwiMf
having been experienced on th# entire
During th# night th# ear averaged
IT mile# end hour nbd lee# during the
day, due to th# traffic. Th# Flint
traveled a total dlatanca of SO mllca
during th* 24 hour*.
It waa unnecesaary to malt# any
adjustment to any unit of the car
following the teat.
Thla l» one of the aeverest t##ta
which haa ever been completed by
nny car, officials say. The fact that
the ear was driven on three wheel#
seem# almost Impossible, but this Is
made possible with a Flint si* car
by the 'tubular backbone,’ which Is
a feature exclusive In Durant-built
Locking the transmission In high
gear was a sure way of giving both
clutch, transmission and rear axle
an exacting test, which was aug
mented by the slow speed at which
the car traveled.
F. X. Adgate, western sales man
ager of I-aticaster Steel Products cor
t>oratlon, a General Motors suhsld
ary, leaves Detroit May 1 to join the
General Motors Export compuny at
New York. Mr. Adgate has Ireen since
'919 In the position he Is Just leaving.
He will travel South America for
General Motors Export company,
which has offlcea at Buenos Ayres
and at Rio da Janeiro,
W, J. Clucas, recently district man
ager for Lancaster Steel Products
corporation at. Buffalo, comes to De
troit to succeed Adgate, with the title
of district mnnnger. Mr. Clucas wiH
»• succeeded In his former territory
!»y W. K. Jones, who will, however,
naks his headquarters at Cleveland.
Engineering practices as applied to
modern motor truck construction will
be Imparted to youth* of Egypt by
Mustapha Ibrahim, who has Just
completed a practical training course
at the General Motors Truck com
pany, Pontiac, Mich.
Ibrahim Is ag raduate of the Col
legs of Cairo, Egypt, snd Is under a
seven-year contract with the Egyptian
government (hiring which time he will
make use In his native country of the
experience gained In factories in tho
United States,
Bee Went Ad* Produce Results.
a t*a im t>r-« M t»* if.:
iyiRlHRf tn*#a annaiin»aMftafct a•
MMyi *** <4 HI fhkl lot MpaMM 1
•Mil I Ha lomnltf tloo tilt amnion
*4 a mod*!aidt pilod Ml at Itpan
| • Hand m»t pMNOMt ft
n* n»» .*t HnwMI in «*> »ft***
iha ntanwiKNOtna of tH# n-1 a* t * am ,
maafwt t'.nat talta tt»dl*l of *4 t*HH*
Iffft* M"*t«r Haiti id motor Horn**
TH* aata tr*nd *4 IN* t»***«i kt|N
at r»*uni H.iat Alt* mi Mnr« iha an
i.oai amaot la a drill Inf tMkalMi
nf iha ratotpanl a laMirf that lt**t'»
at«ma atilt la a d*M*tit* tttatkal fat
a fioft Mtftift# rar of IM lit* ia*
aaniH hr IH* dual tatra Mt arr**rd
trtt I* tVanntaitl Mrnm Is l oth##;
t*ltw* »* anontittf *d oil* |i<i-ttftt
of f\|atn«t. tt. a* Id !'• raitlfttl »t*ltf»
aataa of iha itroarnf rar Itat a mni*
than h*pt para |ttn|t«»t tlottM*ly with
motor rar aataa in **tt*tal
' Tfc I'tttapn for thia la plain. Thar*
at«a>’* haa h**n and that* aiwaya
nil) |» In Amatlra a rartatn Rrnnp
of motor rar owoara who «i*mand th#
utmoat that monay ran huy In
luatnlmia aittomoMl* rnmfhrt and par
formanr*. ri*rr*-Atrow haa m*t this
d*m*nd for tnor* than *1 yanra and
trill roptlnua to m*»t It."
With the Increasing popularity of
hnlloon lire* hn* arisen the necessity
for revised Inflation pressures. And
with new Inflntlon pressures hna come
sn added necessity for closer check
on this Important phase of fire life.
It Is obvious that with no decrease
In load per wheel bn a car and with
greatly lessened air pressure. It Is In
evitable that the motorist must not
permit the nlr pressure to vary to any
great extent.
If 10 pounds of air escapea from a
high pressure tire for which the
manufacturer recommended an In
flation of 60 pounds, for example,
there Is a loss of 16 2-3 per cent or one
sixth of the entire amount of air. On
the other hand, a lose of 10 pounds of
air (an equal amount! from a balloon
tire for which the recommended In
flation la only 30 pounds, means a
loss of 33 1-3 per cent or one-third of
the entire quantity.
Holt County Republicans
Criticize Governor Bryan
O'Neill, Neb., April 26.—Resolutions
deploring the deaths of President
Harding and former President Wood
row Wilson were adopted by both re
publican and democratic county con
ventions of Holt eounty in session
here. The resolutions of both con
ventions deplored malfeaeance In of
The democratic resolution* compli
mented Mo. -administration of Ctpv
empr fTiHrlcs^BTOWn, While .pie re-'
publican* criticized him for not co
operating la ts* reduction with the'
republican legislature and"Also criti
cized his road progrsfh .and hta op
position to livestock health protective
measure*. * - *r‘ V,
The administration of President
Coolldge was heartily endorsed by the
republican convention and condemned
by the democrats.
Legion Men at Red Oak
Launch Community Club
Clarlnda, la., April 2*.—Red Oak Is
to have s community club, sponsored
hy the American Legion. At the In
vitation of the legion a delegation
from the Clarlnda Community club
went to Red Oak Tuesday night. ?»
ryislst In organizing the club. Two
hundred Red Oak men attended the
dinner, Tran Turner of Corning told
how Corning had successfully op
erated a community club.
may inform us of many
changes in political offices,
some for better and some for
the quality and performance
of Durant and Star Cars will
remain as in years past.
More than 200,000 owners of
Durant and Star Cars are each
day voicing their approval of
the Durant and Star perform
More than 200 service stations
on Durant and Star now in Ne
braska and Iowa.
Andrew Murphy & Son
14th and Jacknon Street* Here 54 Year*
Traffic (.ontml
Signals I i j'itl
< lit** Nh< I king
Mean* «f Nrltrniig I nwgi •*
U*m, Nu fain i If filial.
"in I*'*** Ail All*A nil fAkfiAl
A|I*AN Atilfl* Ih* li a».|*A|
**<•*'• f»A lAkffti *aM*# IA is# . II*
nf IK# t ill in* I A* AMA «Kn M*
*BAAAh AAAI* r In An* lit #ai*a* ■ ' a*
Ann4*i# Ah*lh*t i ».!!#*#*Inn |*tt I A'
|iNI IA#I A# to#a h*U*r lull III*
Avan** liiln MAAMri *l» " Ml*
W lllif P, l*h*i#l*r. * Haliman nf Ih*
ton* 14 nf fHntwl nf Ih* III* alt*
• •*4 MiAia *n*|*nrAlh>n»
"Th* Imih I# lh*l nw ill!**
h»v*nf h*iun In iim lnmi*ill»i* I*
• vAllAht* t«*#h* nf t*ll**ln* li»ffl***llim Th* **Hi-hl*i»»iMl|nH nf
I•*♦?*■> H taw MM taW*ta«
>*l * «4 4*1* * M l't'4 *«H *
> >• l#t «n Hl>4*4*4 M*lmi4
ll Ml |MI*H *■*-»* I* ta
m*4l la| M** Mife li *lf* i# 4 41
tall *iifil »* II»|*I4 tall* I Id* tam*
■ ill *4 **«4 r*4*idl»<4 *4 I'M H4rt*.
*44 lwii*| 4 W*.4 4*41 Id I*'**
IM# rt Ulta Id 1*4 4 Unit **»»»4 I*
*t*Mdat* MtalwWi*,
niir i*i«ii* id* **% t«
MtaHH *411*# Ihitl, mltlr »-4 *d
I4M Mm d »l4*d Mftall |4 i • nil I HIM
d# wMtal li«l*U *dd li lit 4*4
4*II4*4 t»'wfn Id* mM4I* *f 1 i**m*M4*
1 in** 11,1,1* #** •*taHr«4t*4 M 4 |**»
Ml nd*-i4t*dfe Mil 4«l«ta***M*ll*
4*4 4* d<4 l*4*m Id* ,n*** ti. • ml
i4fli i i« #t *•*■ d t *4*,*i, IV d*« Id*
Italdl* »H* dm IIWlIN Id*** Ml 4
i**»4*n« * **d Id* 1*4*1 «f 4rt*n* 4(1* ***
In 4rd«r* IdMta. tall 4 f** 411**1* Mil
d**VJ tin** MM 4ld *M*I IHl*
• Nr* Inti, d44 fet**llv *li*i|4lfl*>d
M* liurfd |ii*dl*l*ii* |,v Id* li*4 *«t
mi* «*l #1 ***14 IHIl*r rlld* adnllld
prnfH dr Mm IMIn* *4411111**
‘Tl*ffl* |ir*4>l*fn* irtal li**t-|r *d
Ml— Ml PA PM fW*fM Mt •* HiMI I
IPX At* AH l>A< M |>AMHl4 aim
Ml MriMHtt* AM* •«'
MHW»f tt IMW «* H ' »*4i ♦ At*
JAM U AJummmV «h« In
'ii«i |t« »IM |i h itw Up ■-#*
IJM I HP I Ml A* Ml* * 1 |l *1 It* A J***'M P11* * i
«A f t* >«inl Am4 #»«*■« *1 «(]
i|t* MliHfltM(**| ill if
i *n**Ai
Miit#lMI ilrHMi ft tin* AmH I* ■
mJ WW* IAJM pffrtff#]
nf M*>mpM t 'ltl**i«M In Ht* i AHml
n*thp| ihnn i m lw*n Hi
t(M» HUM
MiitHIdoAi MH»t«<*A A lA*f»
Itifnlf IH \l lni|».M, ‘ tin1* !Hi U* I'll |
AwhUlifluul nf 'HI* <•* I MHuMUM npii
**l*nii Ail* Mum-ii.i s- til mHiI.Hi ii J
h™'1.111*1 ii i* *i in* m ill** i* Wi!
Mmm <4 Ik* **«•* frill MM
(•**■ »■ l»r M. « *#** h** * ' n**4
• It* pM ft* III* KM ftM-4 I* III!
In# •• 1*4* ti*» ♦ Id* ' ««*♦»'»
(14 •• *** «* * itHMi. Uiimt
f.* m *.*• »i t«
#1* #«*** Mil i Ml »1m Ml*
ft* !►» HHmIMWiI IN l»if,
kP <tf Ik* fstttli «MM
) Aft | |tt | •>..«*.* **.I M it* ntfct*
(ft f*«M jtrM't* •*«» M’« t»#*'‘itl
Mt* * »*4 •♦*»> «h# «>«*** M4
• *#M «**• 11 iflwt i MM MM * l**j*
VMli «f tf*tiMt*l *t*-4rf»
■ (M*t**4 f»# H**(i !»#* *1*1* Ik*
dw i'f lit* >**» * mu i: li tt'
ciiiv f*nMti an.« tMM* * ».# ua
S*M ** t«i|t**ir, '**• I-**-*
a>* • '**1 a** a** ••iittatfra «** •» »'M
f*it*(i MNffi Atrti ***< M*i*, fit
*<>••* ' 4MB • H*»* fr>*
l<M** tU| MMi *( ih*.
|| Kt*bl w
(M#**1 §•*•**■* «*♦ Mh> wnm
Iff III l^l IH« Nf lit*# |#»M ItNl
\ I f « I l » *1 Ift*
|»<xt** 1*** *» IN* 1*1*** *4*ftthl» •• IN*
Mm KM 1 lit Kwl| *KKK I* H**>wM I
1*4 t*i * M* • < i h»m< i« *•<•*' I
•H* 4< • < x** •* (*•••*§**
(IINK IfftftfftiixiM** * MKKMK
>4**» >4 »•'I H a i(» *114 I*'
!n*rMr«t»V<> >*MI*4 N **■**•< **WNH>
IKnwlM KM 14*** |I**K I*
i•*••***#»" puMtfi'H, *• ****ftt|*l In IN*
M»lM*«MHr* «f Nil* **l*l'*
X|l4 *1 IN* ****** lift** ***** *4**M*t*j
fpp»*<lil> Kft K|ta Nik hi Ih ullMt* IN*
*u*«*i fo* |M* |i.• KiNit ThiI* »h<>« ]
(Nal if Kaftii«|i*i «4N It* ***l*4 min j
f»lt*t<tk I* IN# t**l»* MNI* h I* 4l» 14*4 j
iM« ♦%**# 4l#Hftr| *«4i*|l*Mlli*nl* j
<Niv*r‘» *i*l Nxft***! |* ■*•!«»*»• *n*1
If t» k* *«« MM I*
HMt #* lh* ****** fl IK *
ftlNk itti Kyi* imiii tM • hii
i »imM i i■ • »**.. *~ik in «•« m*»»
.... M (t IMlI •• *• <i It It *•»
imi it Im Hot* k M** ’ 1
i. . In • |t#4<|ll|*| > MM f>»Mt
IK# Mini IntlHni* *t
KihMI • »*w#rt *11 • 4*. Ml
III l*.» Mintattlt M mlNMI't tk*
|n i:« ttt»II"f1 ,,( 4 , l-lr»l
Ihn* kit» It mm III lh# rllN
•Kill flllM It In t*l«m In
Ik* || *l»l*« «KlrK lh»v l*|*miilkl,
kfmwiny jh»i Knit tlul* k mi tlmuM
In Miltl nnil miitfl
T*»» rum IfiMHnii . f I ■ 1 • I •
MHtitiiMt hjr Ih* M11I1 k Molnr Mini
Imni, II* fni Mil uiil'Hiiny Milk 1 •«
#1 ill!*#-* *« n*tl »» tll*lri nor* «ti
tniHi lli*ir milHum In Iht m-linnl
*- - ■
One man bought a used car with repairs
built in—the other bought j unk.
^ Qualifications
of a Member
If* ahall be a reputable buai*
| neat man of good atanding in
the community.
He ahall reflect peraonal in*
tegrity in every tranaaction.
He end hia employeea ahall
be courteoua to cuatomera and
deal fairly with them.
He muat handle merehandiae
of merit.
S1 He muat advertiae truthfully.
He ia building hia buaineaa for
. He believe* in the Golden !
Rule and agree* to follow it in
hia buaineaa.
He muat be a it,ember of the
Omaha Automobile Trad* Aaao*
’ • 1- .3
No, this is not a corned v—but rather a
tragedy. Undoubtedly this picture reminds
von of countless instances von have seen in
* •
the past. It is hard to take a ride on a Sun
day afternoon without running across a
situation similar to this. The sight has be
come so common that seldom does a passing
motorist stop and offer help. Possibly, if
we did, we might see the tragic rather than
the comic side of the picture. Perhaps years
of savings are represented in the ear that
phould have been sold to the junk man rather
than to some trusting citizen. - The “dope”
that was used to quiet the motor or the rear
axle long enough to deliver the ear can no
longer disguise its true condition. Possibly
the differential has given out, after years of
service. In any event, it means the tow
wagon and a large repair bill and lie liad not
figured on that. He may be unable to pay
both the repair bill and his forthcoming note.
He must either lose the use of the car—his
entire investment—or both.
Help the members of this bureau send
such cars where they belong—to the junk
yard. Buy your used car only from reputable
dealers and protect yourself against such pos
sible misfortune. An automobile, like any
thing mechanical, reaches the period when it
has outlived its usefulness—it should then be
sent to the ‘‘Automobile Grave Yard.” That
is where we send them. Don't encourage the
sale of “junk” and take the unnecessary
chance of lasing your savings.
■— ■ —■ "-^r ■ 1 —
Safeguard Your Investment
When Buying a Uted Automobile
By dealing with reputable houses. Only cars sold by members of this bureau carry the above
emblem. It is your protection against such a tragedy. Read carefully the qualifications of a
member. In addition, every dealer named below further pledges himself to deal honestly with
buyers of used cars, to make no misrepresentations of value and to stand back of the title of
his car.
Look for the Above Emblem on Your Used Car. Only Members of This Bureau Use It. It Is an Emblem of
Honest Business Practices and Square Dealing
fionney Motor Co., 0. N.
Dietz k Townsend Motor Co.
Hannan-Van Brunt, Inc.
Hanaen-Cadillac Co., J. H.
Jones, Ralph W., Inc.
Killy Motor Co.
McCaffrey Motor Co.
Marmon-Hayward, Inc.
Millard Rose Motors
Murphy & Son, Andrew
Oakland Motor Car Co.
O’Brien Davis Auto Co.
Omaha Flint Co.
Omaha Hudson Essex Co.
Opper Motor Co., J. M.
Richardson Motor Car Co.
Smith Chevrolet Co., J. W.
Stewart Motor Co.
Willys Overland, Inc.
Members of Used Car Bureau • *