U. S. MAY FLOAT PART OF GERMAN LOAN Morgan in Conference on Project American Banker, in Paris, Insists France Must First Give Up Ruhr Railways. Wants Total Debt Fixed By FRANK E. MASON. Hr International News Service. Paris, April 26.—Following a con ference between J. P. Morgan, the world's foremost International bank er, and the British and French mem bers of the Inter-allied reparetlons commission, It was reported this eve ning that an attempt might be made to place half of the proposed $200, 000,000 loan for Germany In the I'nlted States. Morgan conferred nearly an hour with I.ouls Barthou of France, pres ident of the reparations commission, ;ind Sir John Bradbury, the English representative. Girls’ Bands Aid Drive for Citizen Military Camps ’’aradc Through Downtown Si reels Closes Week’s Cam paign for Summer Army Recruits. »r the boy* fall to attend the ilzrna’ military training rainp* In r» numiter* thl* summer It won't - (he fault of the girls. T\-«t of the many Interesting fea 'iru of the parade which wended Ita wav through downtown streets Satur day afternoon were girls band* from Central and Technical High school*, those from Central quite gorgeous In their purple cape* and those from Tei h equally gorgeous In maroon ea pea. The parade was the windup of a week devoted to acquainting resident* of Omaha with the advantage offered by the citizens’ military training eser*ed wife planning to keep Claude Rn«sie in lafi for life. China frtrfdten by English-speaking people*, H. G. Well* declare*. Page 10. VfappXland for the kiddles. « « j « Page 10. T.Ioyd George write* of Fawea com mission reparation* report, "Advice to summer visitors." by u, O. McIntyre. Page 17. Features on stage and screen In Omaha. Page 10. News of the movie*. Music memory contest. P*«» lt(. Music. PART FOIR. Four pages of must popular combs AI.COGRAVI RK AKCTIOV Four pages of pictures. $50 PRIZE OFFERED IN BEAUTY CONTEST A rwwh prlre of f."»0 I* tn \te given the women winning the Kalou girl beauty content at the Brundeis Store Omaha Be# Toilet flood*' '*x poult Ion. The prize |* offered liy the Burn ham company, f'hlrvtgn, world*# largest beauty e*tahli*hm^nt. Full particular* of the ronteat can he ob twined at the Burnham bnfS h or *t the toilet good* section of the Bran del* Store. Married in Council Hluff*. The following p-nona oMalncil fimr rlfigw Itrenaea on Council bluff* >c*ier <1* y : Alphonao Reece. Orn»ha . 4a JC’eunof France* f’raaton Omaha. . 'in Frank Mwoboda. Omvhs.21 Mary Ratio. , iminIih II* Kyeratt )fH*klna. Fullerton. Neb 22 Alma Hlihird*. Onlral (*liy. Neb 21 John Donald Orim*f«-*d Omaha.2! Kvh fieri rude Well. Omaha . .In VtJllem J. Braden, Omaha .I Mae K t.yt le, i »niN hu.71 John Krowllk. Dinah* .?7 (tladva Hanford, Omaha.,, ... 27 Roberi Avtfy. Omaha... 71 Vlennle HtiVena. Omaha I* Hay H Jon«*» Omah<« * 4 .laid* e M. Her kandorf buyer. Neb n ('hr)atlan l.ettrf* Koi. <‘oun«ll Itluff*. .. 2 l Herma Helen llill. Council bluff* ...l* J B Mr Am. Omaha.. . .V» Oladya flre#n, Omaha .... . ?4 John B While Omaha . 21 .leaaie Farlee Omaha. 1* Harold F. OllleO. Omaha .*...|4 Vf£ro* Rath Lou*. Om*Ua*.M,.. .11 $1.37 Spent to Get $100 in U. S. Tax Nebraskan* Paid $741,731 Theater Levy in 1923; Tn barrn Duty $93,515, Report Shows. Claims for Refund Less The United States government paid (11,083.19 to roller! (151,907.08 In federal taxes in Nebraska In 1913, or (1.37 for each (100 collected. These figures complied hy the local revenue office In charge of James J. Drukeford leads all revenue dlstrlcta ill the United States. Nebraskans paid for Ihe privilege of going to the movies and theaters, (741,731.41. h'or using the telephone and sending telegrams, a tax of (739,352 was paid. BIe Narrotlr Tax. Uncle Sam made cigar, rigaret and snuff users pay r tax of $93,615 while consumers of oleomargarine paid $33,. 110. Tax on various forms of nnrcotlcs amounted to $12,451, tax on estates totaled $760,577; excise taxes, $239,100, special taxes amounted to $486,994 and stamp tax, $413,265. The Omaha division Ineludep the states of Nebraska and Iowa with an approximate total isipulation of 4,000,000. A. 13. Allen Is rollertor for Nebraska and D. K, Bladino, Du buque, for Iowa. Ther# Is one estate tax officer for each 60.000 and one Income tax officer fog'each 40.000 population. The gov ernment records show that the claims of taxpayers for abatement credit and refund was reduced from 60.362 taxpayers In September, 1921, to ,4,173 January, 1924. The tax of one to 25 per cent on estates In excess of $50,000 shows 14, 272 rsturns filed for 1923, showing a tax liability of $82,266,951. kield In vestigations and bureau audits of these returns from all over the coun try yielded $145,031,381,83. Another feature of the Inrome tax Is the adverse appeal court decisions responsible for large refunds In taxes. 118,000,000 Refund The total amount of refunds for the entlrs country for seven years and three montha of the rqieratlnn of the revenue bureau was $262,165,238. Two court decisions stand out prominently. One ts where a refund of $70,000,000 was made after the supreme court had upheld that stork dividend la not Income. This was where an employer gave hia employs stock Instead of dlvi (lends. The other case was that of a wealthy man named Schwab, whose heirs sued an Internal revenue col lector. He had transferred most of Ills property to relatives shortly he fore he died. A refund of $18,000,000 was mail' In thla ease, NORTHWESTERN TRAINS CHANGED Norfolk, Neh., April 26.—A new lime card goea Into effect on the Chicago A Northwestern railroad he ginning Sunday. Train No. 3 will stop at stations west of Oakdale to discharge pasaengers from points on the Athlon line, as well n» from points east of the Missouri river. Under the new schedule, train No 6 will leave Igmg Pine at 1:10 a. m. I fiat end of 2 a, rn,, arriving at South Norfolk at 6:25 a. in. Instead of 6 40 n. m„ leaves South Norfolk at 6:50 a. rn. Inatead of 7 a. tn. and arriving In Omaha at 11:25 a. rn. JrffrrHon Kcpnlilican* Denounce Primary Law Fslrliury, Nrb., April 2 In convention assembled that the for* ent primary law Is detrimental to good government, and that tf should he repealed at the very earliest pos sible moment." The dell gallon to the *t.i|e convert tlon w as Inst ruled bv unanimous vote to present u. similar motion In the state convention and us** cver> honorable means to secure It* pas sage. The chair appointed la w Khel ley arid J. A. Astell a committee to draft a resolution to hr presented to the state convention, The following are the delegate* elected to the state ((invention f barbie Thompson. Louis Jarehow Dr. It. W Murray, .1. \V Fouls, AI f’ross, II, J Lvnns, Mis. <\ L f’birk. Mrs. Henry Htutsvoss, t’hiirlcs II Denney. Kd Warren, Ft. N Mi e shown have, through advertising, heroine household words In Omaha Head over the list of exhibitors on page IIC of this paper. Pipe Line Levy Is Fixed for State Comity Ahsetisorg Meet and Agree mi Asseawnent for Oil Company. Hr Asssrlslesl Press. North I Matte, ,April 26 —County aasr.-sors, who met with Slate Tug Cammialsonec Smith and representa tive* of the Sinclair Pipe l.ine com pany, In North Platte Thuraday, agreed upon the ass-ssed valuation which th* nil company properties will lie taxed upon. Th» plpa line paaaes through If count lee of western and central Ne braska, the counties being I.lncoln, Keith, Thayer, Clay, Buffalo, Ihiw son, Hrotta Bluff. Adams. Nuch'ds Morrell, Harden and Kearney. The total mileage In Nebraska Is 377 ml leg. The assessors agreed upon the fol lowing valuations: Ten Inch pipe to he gesessed at 10,non per mile; 12 Inch pipe at $7,000 per mile. Hitch of the nine pumping plants to he assessed at a valuation of $100. 000, each of the huge oil tanks at $».0no, two of these tanks being to rated at each pumping plant. Cottage* at $7,600, of which there are an average of five at each plant. Telephone lines, following ths pips line al $10* per mils Additional real ratals arlll hs as *rs*ed separately and will hs added to the total valuation The total valuation of ths Sinclair I'lpr line Interesla In Nebraska Is $3 770,000, nr an avrrags of fin,000 per mile Thomas \\ intrrhiirn, HI. Dir*. Thomna Wlntarburn. *4, iIIomI Snftir iliiy th# hom# of hi* brother, Henry. In Klkhnrn. Th# funeral will Ik* InM Mnmliiv at 1 30 In Klkhnrn. Princess lleana May Be Bride of Prince of Wales gRlMCEflf II^EAITA % PRIKCg, cgr VAW. j % It Is reported In the highest ronrt circles in london tlfbt the romlng visit of the king and queen of Rumania to the king and queen of Knglanri has for its principal object the betrothal of Queen Marie’a youngest daughter, I'rlnress Ileana, who is not yet IA, to the bachelor prince of Wales. .The prince. It is said, has changed his atti tude toward marriage and has consented to marry if his parents approve Ileana. fleeause of the youth of the princess the prince insists on a prolonged delay of the wedding. Cameron’s Arrest First Clue in Jail Break at Denver Man Formerly Held by ( Omaha Poller Recap tured at Leadville, Colo, Denver, Colo., April i*—The ar lest of a tnan at I .rail villa answering the description of Frank Cameron, on* of the 14 rnen who escaped front the Denver county jail Thursday night In a Jail delivery, led by tVB IIani Dnlihunt, alls* "Klipp»ry" l>ell llnnlnm Is, according to police offi cials, (he first tangible clue they have obtained of any of the men who still ar* missing. Cameron was brought to Denver last month following hi* ar-reat In Omaha, where he wa* known as the ‘'Dundee burglar." Hlnce a car believed to be carrying Dalthunt, Thomas Edwards and Her man Herbert aped through Bovina, Colo., yesterday afternoon, no actual trace of them has been found al though It 1* believed by officials that the car crossed the Colorado Kansas line early thla morning. SENATE ORDERS BANKER’S ARREST Hf Inlrrnttlnmil News Serilre. Washington, April I* The t'nlted Slates Semite this afternoon ordered tha arrest of Mel S. Daugherty, brother of the former attorney gen ersl, a* a reetilt of his defiant refusal to testify before the Wheeler Jlronk hart committee, either here or at Waehlngton t’ourt House. O, Daugherty will he arrested hy the sergeant at arme of the senate stid tield In custody until hs obeys sub poenas Issued by the committee Daugherty's arrest was ordered un der terme of a resolution offered by Senator Rrookhart, republican, of Iowa, chairman of the committee, and passed by the eenate. The committee recommended the procedure as an alternative to Insll tut Ion of contempt proceedings tie rouse of hi* refusal t.i testify at the senatorial Investigation of the He partment of Justice. Daugherty, however, may yet face prosecution on contempt proceeding*. t'nder Ihe term* of the resolution, Daugherty w-lll lie arrested "wherever he la" and brought liefore the liar of Ihe senate" for arraignment. If he again refuses to testify In Ihe open senate he will he remanded to the custody of th* sergeant at arms and held In confinement until he does ront ply with the committee's demand*. Soulli Omaha Hoy llotiorrtl. William Hergmun. Tech student and son of Mr and Mrs. Henry Rergntan. 4746 South Klghteenl It street, has been selected to take charge of (he advertising department of Hrnltdcl* stores nest Tuesday in connection with Hoy* week Millville* April 28th to May 3d Op«na Monday, 10 A. M. Brandeis Store-Omaha Bee Toilet Goods Exposition Knlira Eighth Floor, Briadiii Slora. Popularity Conloat now open. Clotaa May 2. Win a fra# trip In Yallowitona Park or $2110.00 rath. ^ Shumway Wars on Cattle “Scalpers” Dairy Cattle Shipper! Into State Must Be Certified at Onre. fly AyMtlalMt Pkm Uncoln, April IS—The atate de partment of agriculture under Secre tary C. \.. Shumway today lamed art order to atop the alleged "cattle acalpera" who are alleged to have sold canner and cutler atock In thle atate aa good dairy cattle. The order follow*: "No breeding or dairy cattle ahall l>e ahlpped Into the atate of Nebraaka [until they are provided with health certificate* a gned by a qualified vet erinarian and auch certificate* and notification forwarded to the Nebraaka department of agriculture Immediate ly when auch ahlpment la made. Such certlflcalea ahould contain th# name of the con» gnor and conalgnee and the point of final deatlnatlon and copy attached to the waybill. ‘Public carrlera within the atate ahould Immediately notify the depart ment by wire of any dlveralon* from original deatlnatlon and upon arrival of auch car* at point of dlaperaement before delivery thereof to th* con algnee." Shumway declared that th* order of Inapectlon certificate* waa con tained In the law. but that th* alleged "acalpera" withheld the certificate* until It waa too late for th* depart ment to take them up or look after Iho rattle ahlpped. Th* order de mand* Immediate aervlr* on these hill* of health. MEMORIAL FOR FLOOD VICTIMS Old setters of Furnas and Red Wil low counties are erecting a monu ment In Richardson canon between Cambridge ami Hartley tn memory of s fund of tmmlgrantr who were drowned In this ranon In IKH. Rohenilans were en route from Paw nee county west and stopped over night In this canon. A cloudburst swept the country and not being ac quainted, these folks stayed In the canon and were awept away. A few took refuge In trees and some were swept tp high ground, but 11 of the train were drowned, some of the bodies being swept down the Repub lican valley and never recovered. If possible, this monument will he In place and an unveiling lake placa on the 25th of May. The stale his torical society Is taking actlv# In t»rrst. < onlidgr and \tk i«rrs Itnnnr (lotinly Harking Vlblon. NVh , April Itepolntlons ndnpteil by Itnone county republicans decln re: “Notwithstanding the entiitnalla of pnrllmm blarknmil, gossip and hearsay evidence, which hna recently Ix'cn promulgated hy our opponent# >n llie eye of a national campaign purely for political effe, t, we view with admiration, reapert and confi dence our great leader, Presblent i oolldge, and Ida able assttanta. lluRhea. Mellon, Hoover and otheia. Whom the deluge of |Mitlaan muck ha a fulled to wimlgh. We demand the trial, conviction nml punishment of every pulillc official, trreapertlet of parly, who deiwrta from the path • f atrlcl honesty, and In the Itnanage rf the Immortal Urant, 'last no guilty i man escape.' ** Menntnr Norris, K. f*. Huston for congress and the slate tlrket headed 1 hy Adam McMuUtn wera h*«.rU.y auJousd. % Howell to Fight Guarantee Clause of Railroad Act \rhra»k*n Plain to Help ♦ ’.apprr Delay Adjourn ment Till Repeal Bill J» Taken 1 p., By P. c. POWRU. HVlilitfln* ( arrHpMSnt The Omaha H#p Washington, April SI.—The anti Kwh Cummin* factor in me aenata I* determined to do everything poralble to hold lhe present session until ac tion la taken on the bill calling for repeal of Ihe so-called guarantee clause In th* Kach Cummins taw. Such I* Ihe announced Intention of Senator R. R. Howell of Nebraska, and Senator Arthur Capper of Kan sas. who are leading the fight against thl* da use. In anticipation of this action. Sen ator Howell !■ questioning the Inter atata commerce commission on thr alleged failure of railroads to return adequate fund* to the government under the recapture section, alleged padding of eipendlturea to cover up earnings and alleged unfairness of permitting one railroad with no re turns to tie used as a buffer to build up excessive earntngi for another road. Capper Addresses Committee. Senator Capper went Into detail on this subject today In an address be fore the Interstate commerce commit tee He aald. In part: "It la common knowledge that many ralmad* are notorious financial failure*, Some of this class of roads were built as purely speculative *n terprlses Other* were built with the view of promoter* to avail them selves of public grant* or public fund* or for th* quick and tempor ary boom exploitation of a region Yet othera were built aa outlets for mining districts, once bonanza pro diner*, but whose diggings, today, are exhausted. Some othera were built to serve transportation need* of limber area* long since denuded of aaw limber, "It naturally follows that such roads perform ao little actual **r vie* to the public In traffic movement that they ara able to earn little he yond operating roots. If even that Some of them are In receivership he cause of their Inability to pay even the coat of operation. larger Rontls Profit "So It ensue* that th* road* that move the major part of traffic are al lowed to earn more than the fixed percentage return to overcome the losses of the unsuccessful road* amt lo make up their deficiencies in fall Ing to earn the fixed return K«r Instance, th* Atlanta. Rirm Ingham A Atlantic railroad leas than in ve*!* ago was In receivership. It cannot earn Its operating costs Yet the Interstate commerce commission ha* announced a tentative valuation on that property of approximately 135,000 000 and that sum goes Into the Bggreg.it* value' of |he transpor tation line* within the southern rate making group for rale making pur pose*" I The Weather v---/ t4 Hiuira ***»1«w« ! f w Af»»!l t* I'rw pi'*l!rtli In. h#* »n/1 hunl f *u|i|.4 r..»*i ‘ r«Mal Nm« Ja«mm * l. 111,. 4nf»« r«i > * l». Nutwrlv T rmmermlntr* • • m ? • »i* i • w » • m. 1# • m It • U M«« i i» m i p m • p m. 4 P »* I p m • pm I • «• Constitution Amendment is Provided Measure. Pa****il l»v House, Now line* to Senate Wlirrr Iti Fate Is l nrertain. Manufacturers Oppose Hy \. o imwtim iHtrOMtlnul Nrni Iff staff erwre •ticndest Washington. April -The propo#. ed constitutional amendment to pro hibit rhild labor In the In,fed State# was approved tonight by the house ot representative.. The vote wail to (!> The resolution carrying the amend ment now goes to the senate, w her# It* fate Is uncertain. The amendment, marie necessary, according to It* advocate*, by the de cision of the United State* aupremg court holding the federal child labol law* unconstitutional, gives congresg power to enact legislation to limit, regulate or prohibit the employment of rhlldren under 1«. State Academy of Science in 3-Day Meet This ^ eelc Atom*. Fooili, Geology I)** ruasrH; lecture and Pic ture* on King Tut'sTomh; AdmiMion Free. Atom*. fossil* and King Tut will bg no the program of the Nebraak* *cad*my of Helene* at t'rejghton uni versity auditorium O' *1 Thuraday, Friday and Saturday f«r ft* tttti an nual meeting. In association whh the academy th* Engineer* club of Omaha Onlkr ha Doug la a County M-db-al aortety, the Omaha nedkm of the America® Cham Ira I aortety, the Trl-clfy D*n tal society, Audubon society of Omaha and the Omaha council of ac etal agencies trill attend. Th# first of three lecture* will b# on "A tome" by tha Rrr. Father David F. Hickey of Creighton uni versity, Thuraday at 4 p. m. fimih of Nebraeka. The second feature lecture will b* given b,v Dr. E. H. Barbour, prof*® aor of geology of t he Vnlveralty of Nebraeka at * p. m Thuraday on "Fossil* of Nebraska.” I>r. Barbour has made * study of Nebraska fossil*. Sectional meeting* will be held Fri day and Saturday mornings ,n math ematics, physics, engineering, earth science, medical and social scienog, followed by the general session at 11 a. m. at which the Rev. J. F. Mo Cormlck, president of Creighton uni versity; I»r. D. E. Jenkins president of the Fnlverslty of Omaha, and Thomas R. Kimball, architect, will speak. Dr. Jenkins' subject »• ' Morals and B»bav!or In Psychol ogy." and Mr Kimball will speak on ' Professionalism * Annual Banquet. Th# annual dinner will ha held W Hotel Rom# at * p.'m Friday, *n<| at * p. m, at th# Creighton audi torium th# Rev. C. W. Mci'aaWlI will give an Illustrated lactur# on "The Tomb of Tutankhamen" Th# Rev. Mr, McCaektll Is one of thg few persons admitted Into the tonsil following 11 a discovery. The plctum* ware taken by htmeelf and ha also exhibits many Interesting relic# hg collected on his recent tour of Krypt« Europe and th# Orient. A dm las Ion to ail of tha lecture# of the session, which will be of Interest to laymen aa well as scientist * will be by ticket*, which may be obtained free at th# Cham liar of Commerce. Political Club to Mrrt. Th# Croatian nonpartiawn poHtiml I club will meet Monday evening at th« club room#. Thirty sixth and X street*, nr* member# will be urged tq rote at the coming election. 10 Largest Realty Deals in Omaha Last Week Th* J# lar^oM rail o#tat# *»'•#« rfcontrd law work In th# offto# #4 llratWrr i>f IWiti IVarvo. iir: *S« Mouth Thirty aarnnd avrnno, T J. (arrj I# H \ Tumor ST'-Mh !f!l llivoln boulrtard. II. J. I imfu-r to I'annlo t »hrn. Iltttt SM> Hamilton *Iroot, Ruth H. (Srtffln 1# J tt lliutr. STA-TA. ISAM It Turnor boukt aril. HI ra in-ill Koran |« Sbo olnsi-r. III.W Northoaat inrnfr TwriHf fourth and Ida. Iltrrr HUou to Ian* M. Nndeaard. SA.?M. ISI7 l*arh Wild atrnno, Rntwt Koal KMalo ('a., t* I atria tl»» Cattam, ST AAA ?SIJ K »tr##f. \nn* I Miiaat# la J. T Hat noil. SI A.AAn SI IS I ndornood atrnno, I ndora N. Mkaw la Inn* f M< I ullo«*|^ SI A. MW SAIS ( an Mrrrl, K. lira both II •*A««n % K. K. rsmtik UMM>