The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 26, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Hijrh School Girls Week
End at Hush Parties j
* hi I # a) . i. .,Aa *«*A* « |<nMl 00 ll<|k *>S«w< #♦*** *ki»s • *** M*1*
kMiMHi ♦ **<*•* • *•« Msi iwwiwfWiM *** («*<• ** |******. **••**•
1*4 i«k Mirf St SMt* »M *•««l4** f*t**4 *0 IS*** Mt#
, **ht * M «*<<» An** *«* • • *♦* **« >0 M '*•• ««*•*• 00 **♦ Its”*
tl **>**«» _
M tiwi *»!>•< A* *■ IS* *m*tn* Ml *>**«< "Ml * l»* S*** 000 ***** »***•♦*
»* **• M*r*i* **1*1 I* «*• •*•***<■** »*•* *<* • **• A**i* *t *Mtf
i *»!»*** ***** »M I* IS* •***»*# ***♦ *W Sl«* l|*W, **•* ***** •* 1*1 |
.• *»t«**«l )****• ll»mm» RtHhl ***** ll IS* IjN***H*
«.,*A*> IS* **.«»*** *111 *n*4 «M»« *»«*• »*•» *** l’*l*•*«**»' *******
•M h*«* *•!•*** f**r **• **«**• t*f *** *"•'*'* *•*«•** *m***it!♦*•** nil *•**
* t **•*•« *• |M* l***M1 *• I** V l*»t«M« **♦*•»• l***t l**«t*t
Tm )«•*»*. In.*...*• M *•*• Mitr !•**.# »!*!**> I***i.*»al U.ihl****
ItmtalM. i*»tilln» tl**«#****. Itl ******** Rum, Mm I****»1# **lh**Hi* *!*****•«
*****H*** l»*«IM*f I'ltiM*!* 1'atim.lw lift** kllll, »**!* 1*111*1 R1***’" j
'•<>n«l# Wi*i***i*, IIHm* mA l*i**» V«**i*n
. Al*it««* *l*iv **H *>**A **IH M f»IIM Mil* !**>•• •Il»**ll*« *• *1* 1*1** S’*
SM IntiWiI, AM min* <tMtr**tM ill l*|tMllB| **» ***** ***l **« **< 1 **'*♦
xiIMM, la |H#V lt» I1I*HM hv III* Vlrlnii* Ilia** IHI** **l|*HlMllBM N***
%**»h ***• h l**l« I'hl »(**-*»ill}' Mill MRlHIIl,
Marriage of Miss
Maude Miller to
Stephen Brown *
A fitprles marriage of considerable
Interest ws» announced Friday at a
luncheon given by Mr*. .1. .1. Dodds
nt the Brands!* reatauranl*.
on August IS. 1222, in Kansas City
the wedding of Miss Maude Miller
and Stephen O. Brown wa* solemnised
The marriage has been kept secret
from everyone except th* bride's
sunt and uncle, Mr. and Mr*. .T.
.1. Dodds It Is announced at this
time because of a change In Mr.
Mrftwn's business plans. He haa been
transferred to the New York office
of his company and leave* Immedi
ately. Mrs. Brown will follow in a
Ml** Miller took her pre medic work
at the 1'nlverslty of Nebraska and la
a member of Kappa Delta sorority.
She studied a year at the University
of California. In her professional
career here. Mlsa Miller haa been as
sociated with Dr. Harold Clifford.
• Mr. Brown wa* a member of Pi
Kappa Phi at the University of
Georgia* He haa been with the local
office* of the Kuuitahle Life Insur
ance company of New York.
Children's Theater.
Children'* theater at the Burges*
Nash auditorium, Saturday, 2:20 p.
m., will present "Hnlckerty-Nlck and
l he Giant,” also "Mix Who Pnaa
While the Dentils Moll."
The C.ias school orchestra will play.
Mrs. Price Hostess.
Mr*. W. C. Price will be hoslesn
for th* W. W. club at a 12 o'clock
breakfast to lie held May 2, at the
I’earl Memorial church.
| Your Problems J
Against Hair Or*.
I'ear Miss Alen: Will peroxide and
ammonia hurt one's hair? Will
peroxide alone? If so. will you pleat*
tell me of aome good hair dye for
light hair. Thank you.
Peroxide and ammonia will bt*aeh
the hair, but they also dry It, and If
you get the least bit too much, all the
life will go out of your hair; it will
become brittle and fall off. I do not
know of a dye for light hair that Is
really harmless. Consult an expert.
There may he some harmless dyes or
bleaches for light hair about which 1
do not know.
I do not approve of hair dye for
anybody because all natural hair Is
pretty, or can be made pretlv If kept
clean and healthy and well miffed.
Dye* make the hair streaked, ugly
and altogether distasteful.
Hobby and Millie: I think I 'll an
ewer your laat uueatlon drat. I'm
doing thla becauae, abvloualy from
ilia ton# of the other queatlona, you
nre too young.
. Queatlona about klaaing boya good
night are really nhvlniia. too, hut I
will humor you and tell yon, "No,
don't kla* them.” I'm afraid the r*a
non would he a bit. above vour head,
*o I ahan't bother with that.
I think Id o'clock would he a good
time to leave a da nee of the type you
deaerlbe If you were chaperoned
you might dance till any hour. The
chaperone would Judge beat, but 111
would he wlae for Jt yearolda, other
There I* no rule (o follow about re
turning glfta. However, If the boy
wanta you to keep hla little preaenta
and you are atlll friendly. It could do
no harm. If they were of a high
monetary value, you would return
them aa a matter of courac,
M. K. M.: I auppoae there la really
nothing wrong In It, M. K. M., but It
would certainly lend to other thlnga,
end nil In all la beet avoided Heacrve
and dignity about aurh thlnga are n
gll'l’a moat loafing charm*, and with
u "friend" one want* to command
There nre many way* to ahow one'*
appreciation, ao I hat you can avoid
an out and out thank you after an an
gng»m*nt with a peraon whom yon
nre with a lot
Yea, you could write flraf. It would
he a matter of rourteay to drop him
n line. Baying where he can reach yen,
and that If at any time h# I* In the
city ynu will be glad to renew your
Brown Kyea: No, I do not taka you
for a allly girl, becauaa I think girl*
of your age who are aenalhle can
care very truly fiir anrne one. Rut
if the boy doean't care for you what
can you do about It? If you haven't
been able to attract hla Intereat In
two year*' time, I think th# beat
thing for you to do I* to fry to for
get about him.
Dear Junior (ilrl: Yon ran't be fnnny
when extending a polite invitation.
Word the note almply, and rnora or
lea* formally) giving time, place, etc,,
for the occualon, < 'orreapondence
curd* and the Ink need might be In
your claaa lOlora, provided they lend
themaelie* to am h treatment.
4'liriou* Htarnp Up aide down In
.right corner mean* "I love yon "
Rlnmp placed long wl*e mean* I ml**
you." Hlantlng, "I need you" and In
the left hend lower corner, "1 hate
, yon,"
Black Milan bat* often have clr*
ribbon trimming,
* . —
f Retiring Office^ |
■ i . .. i
| 1 tkti J. 0. Jtktman. ~~*7
Mr*. ,T. H. Ackerman I* president
of the sixth district of the Nebraska
Federation of Women's dubs, which
open* it* annual convention Tuesday,
April 39. at Alliance. She will retire
from offlc* at the clone of the conven
tion, this being election year for the
alxth district.
When In Omaha recently, Mr*.
Paul Perryman, atate prealdent, es
pecially complimented Mrs. 'Acker
man for her efficiency In office. Mrs.
Ackerman arranged a schedule for
Mrs. Perryman, whereby they were
able to vlalt nine lowns In six days.
They Were the guests of 20 clubs on
this trip, at a cost of M per club.
Mr*. Ackerman ha* served as offi
cer In ths Woman s Relief rnrpa and
in Jhe American l.eglon auxiliary.
y 1 1 ”"n
v__ J
Dr. and Mr*. O. I. Dakin of De
troit, Mich, are guests at Hotel
Mr. and !ftra. r. F. Terrell, who
have been th* guest* r>f Mr. and Mrs.
II. L. Harris for sSversI weeks, lesvo
Monday morning for their horn# In
Dallas, Tex.
Mrs. Ida A. Miller has been spend
Ing her Faster vaeatlon with her old
Indiana arhoolmate, Mr*. C. W.
Fvans, and huaband of Lincoln, and
friends at University Place.
Newe hae been received of the
birth of a son on April II to Mr. and
Mrs. T.. Hammond of Han Dlege,
fat. Mrs. Hammond waa formerly
Mrs. I .ester Drlshau* of this city.
Frederick Hornby, who has recent
ly taken examination to enter Annap
olis. surprised his parents by arriving
home from Washington. D <*.. Thor*
day morning, to spend a vacation
.Meaarfl ami Mesdames John ftedlck,
Blaine Young and Maynard Hwart*
will drive to I.lncoln only Kiitiirdey
morning to attend a meeting of the
Nebraska Mtata fJolf association
They will be entertained by Mr, end
Mia. Boss t'urtie* at luncheon and
dinner Saturday at th* f.lpmlh Coun
try club. They expect to return
hdtns Saturday evening.
To V. W. Coiivpitfinn.
Omaha delagatea leaving today and
tomorrow for New York to attend the
national convention of th* Y. W. C.
A. April So May », Include Mra. Frank
W. Carmichael, prwaldenf of tha Y.
W. C. A. board; Mra, M. D. Cameron,
aecretary of th# board; the Mlaaea
Mtry Patton, eluh secretary; Ixiula*
Hatch, f Sir I Heaervea aecretary;
Kdna Stratton, north branch secre
tary; Kllzabeth Howard, religious
secretary; Kthel Thom peon, president
of tha club federation, and Mary
Parker, high school (llrl fteeervea’ ad
“They Are Wearing”
All white hats are being worn with
black nulla. They arc usually of faille
and frequently appear in helmet
An evening frock worn on a hole!
dancing floor was of silver brocade
printed In a cretonne design of large
flowers In various shades.
A coat of black broadcloth trimmed
with bands of hand embroidery In
hlack and another of jade groan with
dull tinsel thread border and summer
ermine embellishment wars types
noted on Fifth avenue,
A dark afreet green duvelyn skirl la
cotdned with a crepe blouse of the
same shade; bands of leopard akin
finish the aleeve and law waistline
with two flounces of pleated crepe
forming a flare over Hie hips and th*
A high stool In the kitchen I* e
back saver; and so la a low chair with
a comfortable back.
Porrh 'fray*.
Odd shaped Iraya for aeivlog soft
drinks wbh low wicker or reed a,dee
com* In all colors and color combine
tlnns as well as she pee The predomf
nan'* of favor seems to he for long,
rsrrow trays odd shaped glasses sod
decanters or pitchers or thermo* bot
•lea complete tha seta.
Washington (JhV
Benefit BrUlfe
kit*.» IM M MK 4*|U*» *> 1
IM kiM ****** * ktrk k*tt
l*M AattalMI kt nrtmti m*»M ft> **1
•nt IM ****** |k t# *»'♦«
kt Ik* k t*kt*|1** utctt H*k .># S'
MmIi htwAi* »H*Mw«* April t*
•I I * i M* V fk* Hrttir |«***Mt
IA«* ft** \ t * a t«k**A fttlawhina »
aatA *1 Ik* AM* •!In* Atktl H**' >»
Tk*ia a»a Ml kf M «i**il*ii ■ f Ik# i
*l«k at lit* iHfsnti i!»»* wik m*k» i
m*tr» » ittkl* Tk* * litk ia
fin*»d ttf Mtl* «**« a*a fm*' kiw*«*
*»Hlr* Ik W ■•kikplttk Amtfia Ikr
Ptauna «III Mart |ti»w|«iy *1 '
ntknk and kill *it»l» *t l. K'nit
ittttM It kanA#, at* «h*Aul*A, aaA
KmM kill I .it tak*k lip kl I ntkwlt
t*aaidl**a *if kn«p lal* via* in* alafl*I
PiIppp will It* awarAkA, of r-ntiia*
only 1« Ihoaa |»raa*nl.
Mr*. W. A. Kill* anA h*r A*ti*hl*i
Mi** RurA*il* Kill*. *•* *nl*ri*lnlnB
Ian I*h1*« nf aii**l*
Th* fnlloalna «otn*n at* arianaln*
la hi**: Mr*, n, W, Ahull*. Ml a#
n»*a llnalnn, Mra. fl N Oould. Mra
M. II. DltAI#y, Mra. Ilarrv Hall'll
mainly. Mr* Arthur "'ilk*. Mr* l>!n
»*»**-. M u M*»A MiMyt#. * *
|*<t< lit* 4*** '■«* th*
lt<>i * Ht«M MU |m h-♦<< (»t
Him if*|Si§y|
H k« I hniNMIi • *» *4* liMI **‘1*1*
■I * ***** N(« Ml ♦ <***•«* M*
yHitt Mi«t Min#* HtWittM
tl ||M» ^ *1 'M
H«ft» Mu ♦ tM*»» M*ttu ha»
>•<(<•• of IM h***M t*rt part*
i» oyw* t« hot It mM> tliPMK
Htttaht \t\ • ,
IN AptW *»■' Mint *♦ t***h4
Art rtnttd • *# h»M Th»t*d*» **»4ht
•I fit* *»•<•. of Mr **4 Mu loaaph
A I hhnnuhy, IMI Smith fMftt
l*fih *unn*,
|n«i »t%# Htilmt* «f IH* iulM
• r* titnMHM |ptn*» h*>i *• *•♦*
MM« l*y THpmt»w« »M
plttifnl H} *tnt*|#ir t.HrtMkl
t»lilt■ H * Mi *rf*M trt l* aftH
i ***•#!•
^ Miking ( lull I Iv'NUti|»
Hu Ft. f Winkrlroan, i Hatmian
nf tha rommlitaa nF th* Oma
ha tValkint rlnh. haa daMfnatad Sat
urday. April t*. aa ' rlaan up dav" ah
tha rluh a "ahark" on Wllay Point,
and taqiirata that all mamhari who
ran < onvanlrntly arrant* t« do ao
\ lalt lh* 1 ahnrk" that aftarnoon to
aaalat in pultlnt th* around* and
litllldlna In ahlpahnp* ordrr.
Woman a < mb
tti I iM- . tf j
«t in lit niHi t anin nl
I f|r|$| ih# aF
| Ht%H • M«a * U *»M l»* *«# «M rt«t j
! mh**# furri t»fii fcw*4**4 »M f**»t j
j itii ifiia*
*fir a ms l i It
, it t. . v, ». ■ , r |
! % I* F rn«*iiifhim HhMF
I tVitai ttiaul U ilHiMI M H Mi'OH
fit Jt tt*oto* 1 m hfM
Mr* i J tin#* ft# l.mroln w*w
, i#i nt lit* OiM !ii f t lw*tt*i :
-;«»• to Kill «t (own ((»*■*»
TO* Huh i*wMf»i hiiift'l# * amt j
I' l*|M*f«t* M'.fi'l* 1 H|«M 01 Ml*
(tta>*4v Ihwlw, Olit rto*» ill* •***•*
,f„f (It* Omaha Woman • • Inti
TO* < lull how On* “n* m*mO*i*, 10*
I my foot In lit Oiatory.
Thorne Boyiih Suit»
Saturday 49M1 aturday
Eaqulilt* Taillaur*
I ^ Ull rime ^
Store Open Until 9 Tonight
The Sale Sensation of 1924—Our
Easily the greatest buying oppor
tunity ever presented to Omaha
men and women. Quality Mer
chandise greatly sacrificed in ,
price, and offered on the lowest
possible terms of payments.
For Saturday
Chic, new, jaunty suits, in modes
of the hour. Smart, mannish cre
ations, beautiful dressy suits a
wonderful assortment for your
Can you ra«i«t tuck a buying opportunity?
Every mil a raal araalian—plain twill* and.
naval tlripat and ckaclt*. All go at llt.M,
and only $* 00 dawn.
Ona af tka Smartaat and Mott Cnmplat*
Outfit* In Our Star* Will B* Awarded
la Som* Man and Snma Woman
Ne Purckaaa Nacaaaary
On Saturday, May 3, at 1 P. M.
Aik Any Salaaparaon for Full Detail*
Li pj DDEO .4
1415-17 Douglas Street
. 1
... I inmiMH I*' ITT- - • **
In Trcr*Shaded Garden or on
Your Porch These
Hardwood Swings
Will Re a Real day
A* pictured, rnmplrt# «Hh ruidproaf rhnln* *nd honk*
for hnmritiK. dm R ft., fi tnrhr*. Thl« Id not * \rry
Ini ki' d«inf. hut mrt Ainly n vnry h**«piUhli» QJT
nnr. and n wonderful barfnlll »t .
Heavier tvppd in lurim dime
4.50 5.50 0.75 7.85 8.75
For Porch Comfort—This
Maple Rocker
Is Just the Thing
Finished natural, with double, hand-woven cane seat
and sturdy stretcher arrangement. A truly excel
lent value—
Steel Da-Bed
In American walnut finiah
Kaally converted from De-Bed
to full aize, aanitary ateel bed.
The mettreaa ia covered in at
tractive cretonne aa ahown.
Price complete, at
* ^. ' I'
You have an extra bedroom
* when you have thia
Da-Nite Bed
Thia popular bed is the moat
covenient, practical and sturdy
we have ever seen, it is shown
in a wide range of styles and
A special value that includes
Bed Spring. Mattress and
Cover complete is
offered at .... j _
I Simmons -
Steel Couch
Complete with all
coltea haters pU
Touch haa a strong twisted
link, rustproof spring, re
inforced by eix heavy spiral
springs under the center.
e w »i
Mattreas pad built of 20 pounds
of selected eotton lintere cov
ered in fancy art ticking.
Prent'iitinsr an L'nuauwl
Opportunity to Purrhaet
At Suhntnnlial Sat ing*
0x12 Axminatar rug* in a good
aaanrtmant of desirable pat
tern*, some alightly miamatrh’d,
hut ntherwiae perfect, are of
fered Regularly 0\eae rug* *e|l
a* high a* $17.50. Special price,
A few 5-1x10-0 Axminatar* in
the above. ,
0x12 Velvet and Axminatar
Kugi, many of them aeamleaa,
in roplM of the Chine*e rug*
and tap#*try deaigna. Theca
are all of exrellant quality, hut
mime are alightly shaded. Val
ue* up to $47.50.
Pxl2 K*tr* Heavy Axmin*ter
and Wilton Velvet Ruga »in a
large a**ortment of color* and
design*. $00.50 value*. *
Slightly miaprlnted or with
edge* broken, will b# aold at
the very low price* named be
low, The defect* mentioned
will not Interfere with the aerv
|cr the rug will give,
1x0 Congoleum Hug* 2.7%
4 0x0 Congoleum Rug 3.7%
0*0 Congoleum Rug 41.2%
7-0x0 Congoleum Rug 44.2%
0x0 Congolrm Rug 10.7%
0*10 0 < ongideum Rug f 1.7%
0x12 Congoleum Rug 12.7%
Secaad Flaoe
♦ -«•
Our Annual Spring Sale of
- 7#'*'
Should be attended by all who have windows to drape
)verdrapery Materials
Almost any eolor ran ba found
in thia offering.
Many of the material* ara ra
durad in prira and are m-iked .
to *ell at, prr yard
1.00 to 6.85
In axeellent a*aorlment—many
of the pattern* juat raralvad—
grouped to aell at, par yard—
25c 38c 50c 68c
75c 85c 95c
Ruffled Curtains
Dotted and figured marfjuiwtte,
P«ir.1.05, 2.05, 3.23
Plain voile, pair .2.S5
Dotted and figured voile*—
3.25, 3.50, 4.75, 5.00
Figuced and dottad awiaaea—
2.75, 4.75
..— ■■■ ■ ■.
Fringed Curtains
In many style* at many prices;
for living room or dining room.
Figured filet.4.8*, 8.00
Punto Tirato..5.50
Tuscan .4.85, 8.00
Kscola ..'-7.00
Of special interest are el* pat
terns of ecru colored rears#
nets. Regular values 6.04 and
7.66. Per pair— ♦»
Curtain Materials .
In almost endless variety fo\
any style window, room or feai«
dence. including VOILESr4*UU
NETS. Grouped to sell at, per
25c 38c 45c 48c
58c 68c 75ci95c
-aam .jA
All This Week
the 62.HO Range illux
Irnh'd uill Ite add r*
Aad Wbita Nrtaliia
Tap Tabla illuatralad
will ba |iraa FREE.
FEATURES—Whit* parea
lain parta at ahnwn. Ovan
lar*a anmiph for WEAR
EVER turkajr roattar.
Gas and Oil Stoves
are the mean* to BETTER RAKING. BETTER
LOOKING, greater kitchen efficiency and a
SMALLER FUEL RILL, lndoraed aa the BEST
regardleea of price for 25 yeara by Omaha women.
There ie a aiaa and kind ta fit year
kitchen, your household and year puree.
Arrounte opened for tho»e who
wmh to defer payment* to the
firat of May and thereafter
you may pay a» little COO
a*, pet month .9
FREE w'-t
Fiery woman who purchase* a
Petroit Jewel iia* tfange this
coming week will receiv# a
White Porcelain Top kitchea
Kuol llnr and cnnn*. linn* KREK. A liberal allo tanca
mad* on your old aiova. j