Nrlita*ka Cih lV«**lni#>r* MmM. Mating al \li*«amtria »•**»•. * *• N« *|MS| II Ki ****** »'«» H***" •»** MM • •*■•** Ml* !*:• **••* I* IM «*»• !**»**•**•* 1* rtMfl *4 I *»*•**-1* ********* IM M«H*i «**• Hi*, r»tti i* l**m* **• *•• *. »f*M « r*H I* IM *t**< (omtumni A.itii «# fmft im * I*****> A *4 (M • «l t»i* H*' « I l»*rt «f A4**w* *• In*-# mwA-m■-♦ A»» *«*M • >*<«».-# Mt ««l!* AIM* A91 A4«t*m ••• |t!M t>* Wh M M <»*mi *4 tut* I**A M» >9lrWuMllt| H# M«I9*I *» *| K*« 1(9 limit if IawMi •« mu *4 »»-«49i#im Y**, It Hoc* r«*n| II* wwk tn rnnkr Vwl*wl toKm'co mil for thin rw*«»i— ll‘« lh» hM K mi i nrIt Bmlfr ittlttnn wnw» ewnlwivMitlibwiii‘ Ml H »»»(><***« •nil NlirfniHwi m** tmtim «| Ji t miM «nH wile*, Ywi will r*»dlly ttylkw lb* ritffmn nizm 14 to 20, all the new col on arc included. They are easily Omaha's greatest values. Extraordinary) Close-out Specials For Saturday *< 100 Sample Sweaters Slipover styles, fine all-wool knit; while they last, your choice at but.. / * * 100 Novelty Sweaters '] Plain and fancy colors, many styles, all-wool knit; just the thins for school and sport wear. Each ... / * 50 Tweed Sport Hats Smart, rakish hat* for outinf wear; Ideal for wear with your knicker suit .. 25 Knicker Suits A closeout of all knicker suits at this ridicu lous low price; buy now, no better invest ment can be made. All sizes to 40. 50c 1.00 50c *10 AH Skirts to Go in Three Lots $2.50 $5.00 $7.50 Haas Brothers Jgf *' OAe S/iopforUfomen” •£«* »•* r ijsSiSi*-.■: j IWk\ Mountains Swrpl bv Snow Vbti*k( In l*Atb »f < «M Inr Irmrlmi I idkinli Main 4** Sotilh, tw»' at, I44ia Aged It ****** ji •W i boo. Arm ««• sight •*>♦*♦• tel, 4»p«h Mtetmd On etiMia lt>»H j, .vwntHia aegtww tutor A-wa at •»*■]< •Moth a* Pheatdaa, W*»'■ , la south! • attain Saw Matte# »ehc 1 • j a ) Th^ next alorv ''When BUt* and | Might Dldn t Count. ' Typewriter Which Pichs Up News Oat of Air Exhibited to Publishers i« t*4«4 *•«*•** t lift tMl, 4|*mk< itlMi here, l«dt| pe«t<*4 With iw»a»etti>nl iHe pup nePN* PPkel 4 new* ttenemiaet-ip ehlmil *•>** He radio itpwplH fble t»«ht«e machine I* 1 «»wn a* He Ini ►cweihaeiat K*« perrtra h»*h il*M automatic i a dm prleimt *»P** ind la Heina demonattetM Hr III In ewteca and M K"*nlr*Huet at tt*| per cent The "ntory" from the air waa aenl iy an operator In the exuerlmental ahnratnry of Ihe newra aervlce a mil* imt a half awray and II waa delivered nilomatlcally and perfectly written Mi a typewriter. It can he apeeded up to tranamlt loo word* a minute. Klectro-radlo I'glneera experimented three and one lalf yeara before the device waa made cady for comnierclel uae. , Veteran newapaper men who wit reaaeri the demonetratlona declared hemaelvea aatonnded and pointed nit that the Invention makea poa ilhle the Iranamlaalon to any paper, in matter how remote, of dally newa ■♦porta without the expenae of tale staph wlrea. The ayatem haa been In dally opera IMM Ml>»» 1vo**»* K t i **d i ninnkil IA**tA hf ft Mi* ii i* . nd.iiam* liil ftMd M* hi* .«<• and In* Angara# IM anile* ft* |ftl« I in* Mu HimaImi And M#HiM d CM MulfWiii'l *r# ft** h tr Ilium A kl«Mi And A M ••*>•*** tMwrft* t mwm mmm i «*•< Uh '"JJJL ■ « _ <*>' -** k*y |h |«a Inn* IM< t Wait nf *nu>a whom y»*t navay dteamM nf •* »a n»t#tnat**f nf »H y aanna« aa* Mia nf IM •Innate in tha Imel let ranttat la*< aaal' W all, ywu II pmh iMf find thta in ha tha «en» if »"« If« tn yn«r fa, nrlia mnfOn plat tare th»aitr am) aiirli M li«al laf I Ml, Hand in aa many John* aa tail wuh, Karp wa*k a Oral prtaa of ft la of f»ri*d an*nnd prtaa «f II third nf || and II additional prlana nf H amah. I.lrmt P'k*a In M wonta tarh. Original p»kta win lha prlaaa. M»nia nna aanl na a Joka atm it a man, aakad lay a frtand If ha wta married. whn rrpiled that ha did not knnw, l»e»» tha Jury we* net In yet. Ifopaat, In jun, wa haard Ihla Joke In IO*. Krnm tha Jokra that do not win prlaaa lha tapral laaf adlfor aala< la Ihraa aarh day for Ihla mltimn. To day'a ara: •mint, th#r# «r# two of f*k* nt» th« lahlt *!!%• on# to Uor'’|o #hft t«k# th# «»b#r f»l#»# for >mir#otf'‘ Thr«# Mtnnto# *’ Wtlll# — "No Orontlfn# —"W#!!, *H«t wt# • •b*o.# Why 4t4f»'» f »•'# you p#r» of n#«rfi# » DlKft" Mra O#org# Whiff, Norfolk. V#k. •lud*a—' What did h* «l*e r«« lea* nlaht*' _ „ Aeenaad—"1 far*"' •1uda« "Wall, I'll al** van *nm»thtn» ft-**# h • *t * 4 4 4 t . _ . »♦ w ***** *♦*•*♦ *♦*«#*• IfHP* « , ♦ I | «* I* *4>iiH*»Hf Mi* «>|l»l* lip, MoipM tM R titewibaf M MM# tip# p i ft wa* opt* #(,#• Pa *r*W* pr#4 ,114 #MptWe*# #b**t# th* ** ini*.# ip#i p# »u i*#p»*4 #11 P"W»' fill h*#4 nf IP# #0*1*1 * Nm *1 lb* n#nt## «wwtMMM4 •* • f«i##tt!* #im . o»#o* * #1 • ft"* #m***i MtPMp #P4 Tin# ' fe,t#v, MurpPi # ll,HI Mp4 man f*t **##• TP# ,«p*i#t will I# *11 ptoPtMH Hr# po held firm Nt ,**trPh "*th* Hf «ni»»n ai aa t«te«atpwnwi*'11 >||VPtPll today It IM S*«M PIWII • M Mtlotl ptmMiMIM, TM ISMtoM ptnaitea Imp M it** prtjtett, Mint * • alln* •tHtnut adtllMftal Pit**ea In li t |"t*IM>ihl nf pm* lltM(t * *t thoriiwd, and for *>..*♦ *.*ft*p» fit* HI) %!*»< ttfilot I! 11* "to |o* t|nMt(.m hetW. Ml* Hast flit too r. t irtnhfnti «mm h i miIm, i Pop iM ttuteamlth waterway, Mettle hartetf, anil I lit.tot fnr IM Man IHtl* ha rl>*> i Among Ih* pro)er1a Hated In Ih* Mil trt th'.aa fnr . ..n*ti m l Inn of an 8M terpatlonat waterway belwean tM Vieele. i) |.| river at »«r Or lea II a, **mI Corpus rhrtati. Ttal t mat nf III,a tnt.aoo- a wmerway connecting Ora* a* send and Jamaica Itaya, New Toftr; If,000,#*10; Improvement of th* Pets war* river Iwlween Philadelphia and Trenlon, N. J. add Improvements at Hilo harbor, Hawaii, If.ioo.ooa. I ten.* carried In the hill Include: lit,R00 for the Mltetaalppi rlver at. Natnoo, 111 : tll.Ooo fnr Ihe Mlaeieeip. pt at Fort Madlaon, la.; IT4.OO0 for hitjalaw river Oregon; 110,*0o for , 0»*p river, Washington ISO,0*0 f' at Tort Orchard hay, Washington. Ree Want Ada produce reeulte. H I s I New Apparel—Cool and Summery The First Spring Frocks Are Delightfully Refreshing Tub Silks $16.50 Tailored of pin-striped tub ailk and styled for summer comfort and smartness. One may be certain that one of these frocks will prove practi cal for half the occasions of a summer season Twelve styles. Dainty .Voile* $10.50 Sheer, fine and delicate ly tinted, each with a bit of drawnwork, a lace edged collar or filmy ruffles — summer time frocks of loveliness, in which one may appear at her best. Til ran rroom Accessories Hand Books are the bags that smart women carry. Of leather or of silk, they are equally smart when carried in the hand rather than under the arm. A tan pigskin handbook with suitache braid at— $8.80 • THEFT n OOS Jewelry Beads and bracelets for each costume: inexpen sive, but as effective as precious jewels, which are seldom worn even by those who may afford them. Many at— 80c and $1.00 STREET EI.OOR Parasols Chinese parasols, such as the figure in the upper left is carrying. They’re of Chinese oiled paper so that showers will not fade the colors. $1.80 and $2.00 STREET ri.OO» Gloves Kayser, of course, in Mi lanese quality in 16-but ton length. The shades you desire— $2.80 and $3.00 Novelty gauntlets, heavy quality Kayser silk, pair— • $1.$$ to $3.25 New Summer Silks Patterned and Striped Printed Crepes $2.05 - $3.05 Twelve patterns of tiny flowers, dots, cross-stitch effects and conventional designs; these in two, three, four and five-color tones. Other printed crepes, $2.45. Cinderella Silk Yard $3.05 Printed patterns, of course, but of soft pussy willow' silk. There are tiny repeated patterns and gay sports designs for blouses and scarfs. 40 inches wide. srsERT rt apa 0——--• N ew Sorosis M odd The Pittsburg ' $ JJ Sorosis newest model for • either street or informal afternoon wear. The straps are attractively designed to cross over the instep; the heel is of Spanish height for com fort, and smartness. Yellow beige suede with matching kid; gray kid. STBicr r ri.oos Sheer and Clear Chiffon Hose $1.69 Pure Ihread silk with sandal sole and lisle garter top. Each pair perfect. All fash ionable shades. *rsr,r,T n.oos i Smart Spring Wraps Shipped by our buyer who is in New York and offered at sale prices Fourteen Sport Coat# $29.50 You may b* certain that when Mr. Nicoll person ally selected the roets that they are the smartest on the avenue. 0 Tailored Suits $39.50 " Navy poiret, plain or with hair line stripe, is hand-tailored to make hoviah suits of amartnea*. Seven Better Coats $39.50 There are only seven of these coats, hut they are well worth the effort of shopping during the first hour of the morning. Wash Blouses $1.00 Trim little overblouMt of dimity with Peter Pan collar or *'V" neck. Kach ia well made and daintily trimmed. THinn nooa f - -—— " 9 Specially Priced Fur Chokers Brown Fox Soft, silky skins of deep, rich color— $29.73 Hudson Boy Soble— $59.75 Stono Morton— * $29.75 Storage Vaults located in our own building, will clean and protect your furs throughout the summer. Re/tairing nnd Remodeling charges are 25*• less during the present season, g -Jinan nooa I.„■ ■ ■ ■ --"The But Place to Shop, After A11" - uiiw^PIbBTii