The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 22, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Cooks, Bakers and Waiters
* See Advance Show
Carpet (Meaner With His Vacuum Wears Oul a Spot
at Hrandels Heataurant While Junior
league Hehearaal Hrogrreaaea,
_ -— .. tfcsair ■ - - -i, i.i - m
Th# Hkft flight tH#t W
i*«rr# imalhit |#i Nhtit nH
t t ♦»%!<*># th# #i t«M# Itt fit#
I vHftil t%+\ y# Rail V* »*•% iM PMif
>Uf hlght* g| th* Ht**#w f#*t#n
tgfift. Jttfttot ini i«e mMakeit a*i
ih»v Hass already (*<n| • f*Hng lln
«-f never* nWc* when they teas! *t
pes-ied It, and were unsttpplied with
those reiHagr nalilai aljumit. * o*
t time* and iimkrutv
Mim Adelaide Kiel who I* diverting
th* twite, tailed a after lei rehearaal
tit* eth*i' evening at the Itrandeta,
II waa I 0‘clock, diner* were leaving,
dancer* had tnd arrived. Randall waa
*t Ilia piano, and the tlanc* Root1 was
< halked out lo Ihe exact *1*# of the
lulling stage which rover* half Ihe
dunce floor and haa liecn bull! three
feet high In order to afford an tin
hindered view to supper* at the
(able* In the farthest corner* of the
■ estaurant. The east of r.O waa going
through th* Intricate step* and Ihe
popular songs of their 10 number*
with Mias Hogg standing watchfully
hy, criticising and suggesting, when
suddenly she noticed that far from
directing a private rehearsal her per
former* were playing tu a compara
^tlv* throng.
Thoms*, Rlrhard and Harold were
*11 tlier*. as the formalist* would say.
They were there, and were not miss
ing a single trick. Whatever was
eaten at the Rrandels restaurant next
day was cooked after 10 o'clock that
light, for there were cooks hy the
logen. bakers of fine pastry, waiters
n greater numbers than were ever
observed on the premises before.
Over In one corner a fascinated ob
lerver waa wearing out the carpet
vlfh his vacuum cleaner, which he
vag rocking like a baby In time to
Ih* music. Dusky elevator boy* who
jouldn't make their feet bahav# were
an doubt thinking they could show
Ih* chorus men one or two neve ones,
ind at the piano Randall wore a
tn-oad grin. The applause was not
vidy vociferous, hut spontaneous, and
he opinion as audibly voiced eeemed
to be It waa the best show which
•intaha haa seen In a long time.
Rehearsals will h* held In the
Rrandela grill every morning at 9,
*nd every evening at 9, during the
i*xt week, but unfortunately for the
general public Invitations are not
>*lng Issued for these affairs. They
snn, however, make reservation for
Iprll 29 and 29 for the revue, supper
tnd dancing at the restaurant. Junior
‘vague girls will take reservations at
he lunch hour and after 10 In the
waning, for they will be on duty
dally all week.
Trinity Cathedral
^ Young People to
Give Dance
The Toung People'* Fellowship of
Trinity cathedral, will give a May
danee, May !*, at the Burgess-Nash
tea rooms. The Blackstonlans will
Th# proceed* will he used for gen
eric church work. The organization
also expects to raise enough money
to aend two members to the Episcopal
church workers’ conference at Bloux
Kails, 0. D., the latter part of June.
Although, but a year old, thla or
ganization has been very active In the
church. At the time of the Japaneaa
earthquake It raised over half of the
cathedral's quota.
The dance Is the cathedral's big
gest social event of the year. Many
of the other organisations of the
church are arranging parties to at
tend. The sponsors have not yet been
Tickets a re selling at tt a couple*
and may be purchased from any mem
b«of the organisation.
itephen R. Barker la president and
'Tayne Clark Is chairman of the dance
0 ■ ■■■■■
Hirst Outdoor Swim
\ of the Season
#he TTnlvrrally of Omaha glrla' I
■Wlmmlng claaa. whloh haa bean
■Wjmmlng all winter at Creighton
pool tinder tha tutelage of Fletcher
ftlafer, will hold what la believed will
tWthe flrat awlmmlng party at Car
ter lake next Thuraday, whan tha
gllte win meter eut to Carter Lake I
club after their regular awlm and try
the eool watera of tha big outdoora.
** ITuth Fraaer. whe la planning the
affair, aaya the water will he line.
She aleo announced that the glrla
.are going fe give a heefateak fry
gaveral ef tha glrla have already
1 raved the water thla aprlng and aay
It la great. Alice Everaon, Laura
lledgwlck, Helen Seareon and aeveral
uthera are planning to dive off the
hlgffeat aprlngboard.
Family of Mia* Water* See
• Her in Act.
Mr. and Mra. Oaorga Watara and
Mr. and Mra Leland Watara apant
Hilnday In Omaha. They drove from
l.lneoln to aee Mlaa Flavla Watera,
formerly of that rlty, In her dance
net hi Ihe Orphetirn thla week. Mlaa
Watera gore lo l»ea Molnea from
( inn ha, thence In Chicago. Hhe will
■ .-turn lo Lincoln June 1 and plana
lo attend Ihe tlnlveralty of Nebrnaka
l*i the fall.
Club Calendar for Today.
Omaha Hnni*n'» Huh. apaaeh ad tie#
tlnri department, Hiii jr and I
tarflim. Ttianiidy, April 22, ffl IK a. m.
S] i lloi Hca .1 111• lifiC'•*, lender.
lla||i|il«N ttluily ( lul* TU'-arlMy after noon.
2 ■'(% tipifeaa-Natali #• at room. f.i'#rori will
l»*. ’Ar» of tha V'lfii/iH nti'l northern
Imlr Mil, Klnmr II IcarUr.
(anrge A. f'uairr Woman'# Kallrf
tnifim, traa plant lii# at O. A II. plot,
For#*t f.aivn camatfry, Tucartay tiiornlnt,
lOi'Va flervifea for U. H. Omni at 2.30
p rn , Memorial hall, rourt lioitae.
Mr# Kaant Abbott, Mr# Hanry Jlnorly ,
□’rua Maaon will mart rnanu*
ha aaetlon#! meeting of tha
maa'a Praia flub Tuaaday
e'eleelb Merrli tpartm*it> 1
National Meet
of Leaguers
in Denver
The Junior league malt Jang halt.
a hrtliiH foi A|wtl tl and H, el
the Rt-andela reeaurant, will Kwwly
he over Mart it will he time for
ttmaha league delegate* to the tie
tlonal convention In Itrnver to pack
Ihelr aullcaaea attd aally forth, for the
convention dale* ara May T to I#.
Mrs. Albert Blhbernsen la Omaha
chairman. The delegates are Mlaa
Marlon Towle and Mra. Glenn
Wharton, and among others who will
attend are Mesdamea Henry Bottling.
John Ijoontls. Conrad Young. Guy
Klddoo and Mlaa Kllaatieth Pavia.
Pelegatea will he there from *S
cltlee where the Junior league has
branches, a chain which stretches
from Portland. Md.. to Honolulu. The
business of the convention will In
clude reports from each city, a dls
c.uaalon of the methods of admission
for new leagues, the unifying of the
fiscal year and the making uniform
everywhere five classes of member
ship: provisional, active, temporarily
Inactive, sustaining and honorary. Na
tional offlcera will also be elected.
Not all of the time In Denver will
be taken up with routine work, as the
convention alwaya include! a whirl of
social affalra for th# out-of-town vis
itors In all their spare moments.
f--- ■ —" s
- - - — v
Mr*. R. H. Thurston Is 111 at the
Presbyterian hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fraaer have
returned from a two weeks' trip to
Mr. and Mrs. VlcA>r I. J#tp will
leave on Thursday to motor to Ex
oelslor Springs for 10 days.
Mrs. H. Joe Cohn arrives Tuesday
morning from Denver to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mr*. Morlts Meysr.
Mlaae* Eleanor Bonnie Browne and
Edith Saddler will be guests at the
Delta Gamma house In Lincoln Satur
Themae Hopkins, Fay# Pollock and
Qene Dlnsmore attended th* Sigma
Nu frstsrnlty dance In Lincoln Sat
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Freenatan an
nounce the birth of a daughter, Lo
rain# Beverly, en Saturday, April 10,
af the Wlae Memorial hospital.
Mr*. John Bentley of Lincoln wa*
a weekend guest In Omaha, having
com* here to attend the wedding of
Mias Florence Dow and Rex Fernald.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Whalen of
Orand Island were th# week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Oerln,
who celebrated their silver wedding
anniversary on Eastsr,
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. ,I*rrod are
guest* of Mr*. Jsrrod's mother, Mrs,
B. t,'. Sinclair. They have been on
an extended southern trip sine* their
marriage In Steptember. After June
l they will reside In Kansas City,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbey of New
Vorfc City will leave th# first of May
for a motoring trip to Omaha, They
expect to reach her# May 10, when
they will stop at th# Rlarkstone a*
guests of Dr. and Mr*. Alfred J.
Mr*. John Brown Frasier, Jr., of
Omaha, formerly Ml«v Louise Leonard
of Lincoln, attended a bridge party
given In Lincoln on Saturday by
Mias Maryloulae Bryan and Miss Rim,
Atkinson for Mia* Helen Burkett,
who*# marriage to Maryln Meyers uf
Omaha will take place May j,
Mr*. Higgins Hostess.
Mr*. E. A. lllgglns will entertain
Informally at her home on Tneaday.
a i 'nv.iritininiiiiiiimnintmuimmuimumiwuinmimi
Soloist at Musicale 'Pea
ItomtoM** t* Mk* M* towto Ml
ftomtoi, Mm to*« toiiiii to I to t*M
mmmi *- ■--»*»-—- * — IhA 4.tkmaa I.m
J* ■“ • IlllllWIIfW lw “ * fto toWifto "'"
*♦*• i*«m. i ih wto'ii to
•to to»Mn to (to mm *tot ikmm
WMIWHII* to Ito hto PiMknlkHM
Ceoi'^e WdkL
Mr. Wahl, who lim Hung a* hurl
tone soloist utKler Damrosch with the
New York Symphony orchestra and
with various other stellar musical
organizations, has been a member of
the Shady Side Presbyterian quar
tet in Pittsburgh for a number of
Waitresses for the tea will In
elude Meadames Ware Hall, Jack
Rummer*, Roderick Clarke, Kd Busch.
Kdwln Bannlater, J. C. Tlahel, Mel
Miss Catherine Burkett to
Wed on Saturday.
The marriage of Miss Catherine
Burkett of Omaha to Dean Ixtwry,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lowry of
IJncoln, will take place Saturday aft
ernoon at 4:3(1 o’clock at the home of
the bride’s parent*. The ceremony
will be performed In the presence of
Immediate member* of tli« two fam
ilies by the Tier. Mr. Smith of the
Congregational church of Omaha, Fol
lowing the ceremony Mr. faiwry and
his bride will go to their n»w home
at Burlington, la , where he Is In
business. Both are former students
of the University of Nebraska, where
she Is a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma and he Is affiliated with Phi
Gamma Delta. Mr. and Mr*. I,nwry,
Miss Helen Burkett snd Mr. and Mr*.
C. M. Loomis of Lincoln will come lo
Omaha for the wedding.
Mrs. T>. K. McCulley will give a
bridge at her home on Wednesday.
ii hi p i Miiiii kumhm
I M*< * Miiaiua* N|*f* M*M| Ma*
I • nMW »»**• «*#*.*«
| M»t*ar avr> I **•* #od
j n«<h M«a>>
1%*r an M aMMM to Minn
' Mattoata Rair4 Rath (ktom*i Janr*
1 in* r.atih mm in. imii K> **«•».
i • i*i. ht* taahnna inmoIM nr*h»m
11itaHti* N'ara* Ml toll*
(toMly ftoili »M Mrlrn
littmln Hrlntlkal.
AN #NN«tln«O0*an1 of tHt#t**t »«
lOmtlnK* la that mail* by Mi ao<l
' Mr# O, IV fiUMaiHinM nf t.lai'oln »>f
l hr oh*#»#in#nt anil IfitoM hint u>"
i rl**# of lhair danthtar, Rdna, in
! t'ahl# Jark*on, aon of Mi anil Mr*
\\ altrr R, Jarlcann of that HI; , Th*
f wtMNf a III tak# I'la--* Ih# luttri
! iuni of May. Ml*# Kltaalmmona ami
j Mr. .laokann at* both gradualo* .>f
1 thr Ualvaralljf of Krhraaka tv hr it
•hr la a mrmbrr of llrlta Mamma anti
hr of Drlta t.'t>*ilon. Thr hi Id* to b*
ha* vlaltrd Mra. Mrlvin Mr kin* frr
qiimlly In 111# part fro ynar*.
New Spring ModeU
Thorn* 128.00 Spoil Coat* 812 08
Thorn* 828 80 Fancy Dr**««t 818.00
Thorn* 888.00 Sport Suit* 810 08
Khaki Knlrhrr., $2 80; Wool. 83.73
your unrestricted choice of any
in the
Queen Anne Shop
You have seen these beautiful bals—you know
they are different—now you ran buy them
Tuesday at exactly half the original price, which
means hats that were $7.50 to CO 7C C1C
$30 will be.<P«J. IJto «plj
Our •■mu court**? and attention will b* **t*nd«d during
• hi* *al*. But wa cannot firomi** d*liv*ri«*.
The Queen Anne Shop
1710-1712 Farnam Street
Next to Peters Trust Building Entrance
* P. ARMOUR 4k CO.
Your Problems |
igMiw i *1 If * Mwt *lik
MMl iMkH IMI hath Mil l» matrh
AM far AM fai1 nlrw minded Him*
IN III* tea r It a It It Bright Biol fced
Mtlm of MlIBnet* et lan>te* ape* nr
I lilt la men and aomao tat) faM ml
et at Then I Bet* era B«» k toarla IB
tklti with meaale Bordet* of imm
nnd ether ileatgtte it1****nt *rtthlefit»
Ifaf the talhronto khit ititlet' tittle
f'tattrh tea ell with embroidered let*
knot* let not the hrht* tick
her future |ti|t|ttitw It; pterlni the
4Mintv little lienrlt 411**1 toarl* on
her lord • rack to win* hi* lordl;
fa 1» nn No trotltaeau » complete
unleM It contain* »v*r*l dor*n l*rg*.
kliaorhtng hiirk face towel*.
The Mtrhen "ltn*n»" are fun lo
.chooiM pethap* Berauae indirectly
I they have to do a* It la the “atoklng"
Irf the ntyaterlotia huabantl to he. Dl*lt
|«*MM 4w*t *MM NMM* l'«M |M
•»•»» k»** tM tto>hht
t*f (M| M tMt# MM M*» tM IM
m •*»<«§ m hMim'
tM MttMtWt *4 tM M pn*n 4*
ttttt • (IMMI M npMt *M IMM
M'MW 4 ptAtn notion «t MM •htl-i***
«*»»*< M«MHttM MM At*
(MM Ihrmsph tM *M *4 M 4*>
4 *On- *4*1 • twi n • Mo «M
*•*«#»#• t*M, tm** *M *•**.«* tM#**
p'*ln Mm4 itnlnif#>i*4
4t tM tM tMt ttMMM tiM) tniM
>*•** tMt tM pnlwlim «4 HtfM#
j »« MttfMHHM *•* >» tm*t't Mtttl
.'•*•»• M fMt MM ttttfMntMMt t« tM to*
>**M *4 M plt| M* IM •**•'*•* *>f *
tooomwf **«n A #*n***fc t*w*
Hath tMt MltMtapTMt *4 Nn*n»- t* at
' •II M >»«# to***'a no A I Hi! fr«M
I* wtMf* *M ft**l # random! ton* km«
Hit* AM ImI pit#* lit ttotr #»m**» •
t****tnf th#m mi In th*ir #*y*t«t#t»
Mtth tttl *"*i ti«n 14>ng tofnin it*
»*r* torn * "pArtf" *!«*«• tn*»M
tl**t tM to»l d*m**k «Mf tl M to*t*
ptlt *»*Jr lit lav*ndrr for w**kt was
Prwpftit oyt MM narnfyiif attmottod
and aprtod. In Milo* •>-Tl 1 > In tit* lltltl
nf hum* map c*ndl»s Itamarlt I*
alltl an #mhl*nt nf hn#pttallt) 44 ton
nyr f>*n#<tau«M*r» pop intn lh*lr
Ultl* nlrplntoa tn an n ahnpplnt for
thrlr twyaa*au Ilf nrddlnt* ar« Mill
Hi* raahlnnl l*t u* Imp* that, ntmrlah
Inf a vatu* n»*nmrp nf ‘‘frandnmtti
*r * ilnar old f»»hlonnd tahln," tto)
will not forf*t lh*ir dumaak* Irish
Fr*nrh, Snotnh—lh*y *r* all rli-h In
d**l*n *M d*ll<-al* to th* toinh Two
!!««M 4mm«M 4»4 4mNn»*f •**
i«m #<»* 4 bMtr W*»«M ##*-*
It !*• immt* %*4 <MW*a !•»
#*4 * .«■ »*. f* •*-*».* *■»■* |»l«;
* I«||| ‘ m( tM »•••«•.• !M»* *>
iKtal tll»MI«, |*<**«* Iwtrtrtw* ***
<•« rw»k M»*M Art* <>«'
Mm *M *»4**a *4 fMri 4* I***!*
■» |n4*rt 4* » ***•» »m4 (MI#** *»
***»» *4*m wiwMmm *• mu
tm mu ^ wir i iinr irrrl
MknfcttbM *<* 4Mrtt**«Ht »••••"
AkMM f»»» it *»t*f Mrt (• t 4*** '
tm »w1# «• || MM *»<k
luN'ItMH | tiMMda V.
„,.*.*►* ■» ***»«**«• *~*'4
,4 |M M*» • !•«*•• <WrrM> *• M*'
int **<«• > ► »« tm 1*«i***t *• *^
,4 • v* **»•-*• *»»*«*•« **r« • »
IWHI IHI M bM te »*•
a**** «.«•** !#«• *» Hrtiprt
J H «.*«* *»•*•» T***
|ji|k |>m«« MW»| t%*mM
i .*..♦« » \ Fn**** »'««*♦'
|1*t • M »*■* tH****-**! •**•*
* u *t*» M •*»*4 tM ten** M<« •*
Oaaaflpanaa lay* yaa wMa apaa m anar
ilaaaaaa—railava N «Hh Kalian'a In*
t»o0*l »*k* *Mb Ouottipa
1 Woof TM* to**tbtO allt«H«t •»* t*
iwtMM Into nir *whh oht'h tt*o>
wad to oorl**«t dlooaa*-*, Tbo limi t1
IhntO poltnna arotimulato, tho n»t»
ilMtft«M I boy booonio. (login at km*
to froa ynnf ayotom from tloin.
lot Rotlogg'a limn. If oobn rogti
tatty, It la gnnraatood to wiiooo tho
moot ohoofibi moot of oonttltintlon, or
yowt gtnri-r will rotnrn your monoy, It
it otturo’a own way to m«ko tho In
trot loo function naturally and fogu
tarty—for Kellogg'a lttnn aota
aotly at naturo aota. It make* fnroaor
uanorootary tho uae of habit forming
druga and pill*.
RoHofS^a Wraa. coohod and Vrum
Mod, hta prorod auerooofut when all
olao ha« failod. This la booauoo
Kollocoki la ALt, bron. ltoetora
n*rt*hM* atm that only ALL tell
»at ha |C*i |«f ml rfwuw ttef
rorotaamd AaUafgte Aria.
Rat at twit t*» tahlmflaaafmla
daily—in rhronHi ram Irtll* wary
meal. Yh «tll Ilk* tt. Van wnl
* njet tb* daliotowa ant Ilk* l*»p>—
lb" ear lu*it* Rolloff flavor.
I at KaMnaf'a Rraa, tubal aa4
kmrot'M.«iill milk or tr**ai. ApriakJa
It OTOt otbar oaroala. (took it t»HA
tn.t >rroal*. Try It la woadotfal bta*
nv.flin*, broad, grlddla rako* **4 atbar
rorlpra (Iroa oa tnty packaf*.
Rolloff *• Rraa la tb* road bad t*
health. It i« mad* la Battle Croak
and I* aorrod la individual padafta
at th« leading botala and tluh* wry
whore. A*k t"f It at your raataaraat.
It ia aoid by all arocara.
A new short story
every month by
TT" • | •
Rudyard Kipling has broken five years’ silence with a group
of new stories, as rugged as a Rodin statue. All of these will be
published in Hears?s International Magazine. First comes "The
Jancites”...a story of the strange fraternal side of fighting men; a
striking example of Kipling’s penetrating sense of fact, vivid,
almost coarse in its bite and humanly interesting. Read it...
in May Hearst’s International.
Hearts International, seeking fiction as
stimulating as its articles, brings America
the outstanding literary event of the season.
Hearts International also is first to publish
the novels of H. G. Wells... and the short
stories of W. Somerset Maugham and
William J. Locke...and will soon bring out
more of G. K. Chesterton’s famous Father
Brown mystery stories.
Besides this new story by Kipling, there is
fiction as vivid as life by Mary Roberts
Rinehart, Beatrice Grimshaw, Peter Clark
Macfsdanc, Inez Haynes Irwin, A. E W.
Mason, and May Hearts Inter
-.BcfgdolTs Famous Foe of Gold Was a Milk.
Pail. He says he drove away from the United States
Treasury down crowded Washington streets with
$40,000 in gold in a pail in the back of his car. While
Bcrgdoll was dickering for his return he undertook to
implicate Army people very high up as being respon
sible for his extraordinary escapades before he left
America. Whether these charges are true the furore
will cell. They arc published as Bergdoll related them
to Leighton H. Blood, .in May Hears ft Interna (tonal
...Why Was Grossman the Chicago saloon
keeper pardoned? Washington for months has been
torn wide open with investigations. Now we arc on
the eve of having liquor brought into the excitement
Louis R. Glavis gives some of the astonishing cases
that will be brought out in Congress... in May Hears ft
JWhat Did Henry Ford’s War Contracts Total?
The quickest way to £top war is ro draft wealth, .as
well as men. And Ford to prove his belief in this plan
says "Take My War Profits .” Norman Beasley gives
a complete record of Ford s war-time contracts and his
ideas on drafting wealth... in May Hears ft International j
—The Eyes.. What every one should know about
them by Dr. William Campbell Poaey; My Ream
to the Theatre . a comparison of the stage
today with the theatre of ten, fifteen and twenty yean
ago, by Norman Hapgood; The Intimacies of Mary
• Garden; 24 outstanding features complete the May
issue of the only magazine that gives fiction as stimu
lating as articles and articles as interesting as the best
ft a ion of the day.
Hearst s International
A Liberal
May Issue
Sow On Sale