The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 22, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2
Spciikrr (lillrlt Drnirs IllcgnI Liquor Krrript "AttMilniflt I>'iIh)H Ilf Toll* I hrclft I nmmlllff, In Wo* |»lv in To** llmtHtt. Aptti ti t til* pmtaHeh It. M M.**i ■*«»«, apeaber r4 th* Hewe* (t ii ,*i, »># irfMrH today k* t i * ■ ha Wheeler It melt hart ce*m i, in to defend hlmeetf egatnet th* * < *i that ha tei-eiyed mnfieceted i. i*,. > • from 1'apertmrnt ct l»MW • ! itrdi t rended the tg«ry ka "eh*« 1 ,i> f ,)*e " It# waa permitted I* ( -min* M I* Aralf*. former Ino> turnout n» .tuatlc* agent. a he tuin*i. the rhar**. i alb it demanded tn know where r. .life *pt hia Infnrmatlmi that 'It* i inftm*«t*d liquor waa #*nt to hla office. !'inm ttrpreaentatlv* Woodruff trepublican of Michigan)," Ac*lf* a*ld( tint Liquor t lalm. "Did Woodruff tell you f received liquor fmm th* Department of Ju* tire?" OHIctt demanded. "Yea, and fmm other paraona," aald fScalfe. "What did Woodruff tall you?" "Mr. Woodruff told mm you had the receipt* to ahflw th* dlapoaltlou of thla liquor. "Dd you *•• them?" "No, Judge Dental T. Wright **ld th* record* of th* department ahowed • trunk of liquor waa aant to your offloo," aald flaalf*. "Do you deny that?” 01 oartalnly do," aald Oltlett. Beard Reports. Ha aald ho heard of newspaper r* porta In tha aprtng of 1919 that tha Department of Juatloe had record* of a trunk of liquor being ahlpped to hla office. "I never use liquor and there never baa been a drop of Hquor In »*f eg Acat." said Olllett. "1 Anally decided to Investigate tbs reports. I found that a constituent en rout# to Florida lost ona of hla trunks containing golf clubs, golf elothas and several bottles of whisky. "This was before the Volstead act became effective, but It waa Illegal to transport Uftuor through a dry state. I Investigated tho missing trunk and 1 carried that In the station hers one of the bottles broke and the trunk was seized by the Department of Jus tice. This constituent was going Ash ing In Florida and he had taken six bottles of whisky with him for use on I lie Aehlng trip. I Anally arranged with the Department of Justice that the man's trunk and his golf clothes ihould be returned to him. It was mt to my office and turned over to **iy constituent." Olllett then produced his correspond run with ths Department of Justice i-'-gardlng hie constituent’s trunk CLARA IMPROVES AFTER OPERATION Fort Wayne, Ind., April II.—Clara Kimball Toung, noted actress and r i ten star, who undarwent an opera tion for removal of a tumor hara fol l wing her breakdown during a par formanc# at a local thaater last weak, was reported to be getting along ae well ae could ho expected today. Phy aiclene said eh# probably will ba able to leave for her home In California In about a month. BRITISH AIRMAN REACHES BAGDAD Bagdad, Irak, April 21.—Stuart Mac Karen, In the British round-the-world plane, arrived her* Sunday night com pletlng a non stop flight from Zlze. I Palestine, a distance of *00 mllee. In eight hours. He made a perfect land l Ing. Tomorrow MacLaren will start on another leg of his Journey, to Bush Ire, about *00 mllee from Bagdad. Cambridge Prepare* Camp for Auto Tourists Cambridge. Neb., Aplil 21— As has been tha custom for several years citizens of Cambridge armed them selvae with rskee, axes end spade* end put In the day trimming and cleaning. The park, 1* acres, at the edge of town. Is the pride of the community and Is well equipped for tourist comfort. This yaar shower baths have been added. Part of the park is reserved for Camp Fire Girls' camp and 300 girls are expected at the camp In June. Republican City School* ' Win Harlan County Content Republican City, Neb.. April 21.— Republican City achool* have been nwarded the ellver loving cup, having taken flrat place In th* Harlan county exhibit held at Alma recently. About 150 gueets reglatered on pa trona' day* fKrldey and flaturday) In th* Republican City achool* and a tine program wae given by tha puplla. McCloud Win* Every County. * York, Keb , April 11—According to ccmplet* return*. C. A. McCloud, can didate for republican national com mltteman, carried every county In the atate. * "■'*■' ' '■ \ Kiddi-a in Drove* Lured by Offer of Free Flitter Egg* k _ Kearney, Neb., April 21.—Mr*. H. H. I5»adle, owner of a fine flock of Whit* Leghorn bene, ndvertle»d that the children of poor famllle* would lm furnlah*d with Kaater egga for the aeklng. They came, alngly and In pair*. In gioupa and In drove*. A barefooted urchin trudged over tha Will for hi* f|U0l*: a little Lord Fountleroy, with Id* chaperon, drov* up In a car for hio contribution. 1 Mr*. Keadle dlacovered that the great preponderance of "poor kid die#” cam* from what might he i termed Kearney'* "gold coaet” In ataad of th# Flrat ward. Than ah* j celled a halt on the Beater egg offer Ing, limiting It to thoae actually In ' peed NORRIS DEMANDS KORI) APPEARANCE M fN gMtiii#*4 jtfett Nttttf !*♦ [ i|f4r^Mnf| iMHiiBMf iM ft fi»«t Mutt »*« ***** Aw mmtM MtttaH wet VW- *d twd*» bt Ht*IU iegntAMrett id SflMraMi*. »h*b MM. Arm*!*' t*g**H Am FbtA * *pn*»t im« t#*e in iitict la * 1*4 tw M»i fHwn »• (1 M»t*M AWl* tMMMit, frHirtai W *>*# iiii|mwb Aw tin taint -Mi wtiiilHm t( iMti* t* [Mr* '>.» rwmtltw Bunkers Want Charge l)rop|MHl t.inroln OfflrUU \»k Their Indirlmenl* Be Di*mii»*>i| in Federal l.iMirU Argumente t« Hart th* Indictment* dlatntaaed again*! t»oj-*l W llowey and L** J, Dunn, president and vie* pr*a Ident, reapertively, ef tbg a’lty Na tional hunk rf Unmln. rhargad with mlaappllcatlon of bank fund*, I# h* Ing haard b*fora Federal Judge Elli ott of along rail*, a. D. In court hare. Attomeya for th* dafrndanta ar gued that th* Indictment* wer* void under th# national banking act be oaos fhe misapplying of fund# must allege that either tha officer* violated th* law without knowledge or con tent of th* hoard or they w*r* put In certain place* by th* hoard to misap ply funda of tha hank. ‘ J. C. Kinder, United State* district attorney, waa to argtia for th* gov ernment this afternoon. Nonogenarian Diea at York. York, Neb,, April 11.—Mr*. Elian Evan*, 14, died Saturday at her horn* In York. Mr*. Evan* I* th* widow of Elijah Evan*, on* of tha pioneer ••t.tlera of York county. She came her* from Wisconsin over 40 year# ■go 'lorn Spring Bring* in Inf* | imr nf (w Miflli !«• H'lpn Hn|tww j i ulM Nnh. I tkgi I* *M the Uw»l 'of* »««*». H<>n the* tat. twwaha j |H.*o* «h**t#t, IVmPHI iHutt* ptMlfa 0>*«*»M Wn,»uh ilunl theater nMta Met theater AMoti V«h |ow«Si theater, (led t«ah 1* Keith theater, Worth matt# Vrh rttattd theater, (kehwrtar, Nah In tha m»rtt apt ingitme la tha lint* | ta ha rheerv Thtr ta tha HIM le eepd j tone tot*# ta tha Idral t«af M«m j of Tha Omaha Me* Win fame and1 forittnr Pend lit all tha h-haa you j wlah Tha Ijoeal Idtf editor haa noth ! Ihg ala* to do hut loot them over and j •alert tha hrat for lha weekly t'aah j rrlaaa Rath weah a flrat prtra of || ta of fared; there la a aaeond prlae nf tl. third of fl and II additional pHaea nf It eirh. !» |uat tahea a llllla effort Peeing your print Joke end name on a moyta arraan la not an empty honor. You Will ha ittrprlard how proflrlent you may become at Joke writing with a little practice, submit only orlalnal lokea and maka them to tha point. Limit your Jokea to *0 worde each and uae lha hlanka which appear in Tha Omaha Bee, Attend the motion picture theater# Haled at the head of thla column each day and get a Hn# on what other* ar* doing in tha Local Laf conteat. Tha editor aelaeta for thla column each day three Jokea that did not win caah prl**a; She—Why did they dig up King TutT Ha—To get a atyla for tha women to wear. William Hubbard, 41* North Twen ty-fifth etreet. Johnnie—(Vlaltlng *oo) What la thla, auntie? Auntie—That la called an aunt aaler,' Johnnie—(Whlaperlng to email pla ter) Let’* pu*h her In, MR* Rant tM'iha WMi 1 hi- II «MM t ’ I »• Mil 'Id tarn* m a M* yaw** npu I* mi |mm Hdiigwi-ii# Hwli. trf khoiiR mi ••Ml iw Sliiilrnts Ktmlilril lo'WorkThHrW W ''mill liem In It* 0f*f*l*4 •I Kr«r«M f»l«l* |V»«ti Ml' * nllrjR. |ut na* ItH, April I* HrH aim a grmtr lahad apt*’nfotittnn food from lira atata on ah**d< la maintain iha Mata tanrbara' ontta#* hit* paral Iliad It an Inot-aaalnt dnmind on Hi# ran of th# pmpli for imfir l’t*»l dent H*ot I a Marlin Ml liMlrd t ppntirT. thl'l la Miam with ll* klip of ryiatodian ilanif* Arnold will prov# profit ahli tn th# (roof *1 odaftlt who mult work limit nay thrnoah Mflllfy Tlirtr loro* In ronnrollon with th* p<>||a*a oamptt* have l»»n turn*-*! Inin l anrall farm on Whlrh alfalfa, e*td*n ptodnri* and llvaatork *r* ralaod A flo< k nf hotta furnlah o**a for tha wllrgi dlnln* nKim aufflolint to out down th* *gg Mil. A hard of Hoi aliln row* will tlva milk and allnil naia a hill of t<M »*- h month. Hav mtoan Barahlr* ho** will mrtt a« pork and lard In tha fall. Two and a h*lf arr»* of garden truok will tarva tahla* during th* anmmar and th* ampin* will hr oannrd for fall ronaumptlon Boy* will ha anahl*«l to work thrlr way through oolle** hy oaring for llva atork and working In tin garden* tnd about tha building*, fllrl* will h* •mployad tn ran vegetable* under •uparvlalon. I’aymant will ha mad* In hoard. |j n»rft tTttvtttTtn^rvvvn^TTVTTVT? rvvvTVTTTryrvvrr p Why Pay More? j Men’s Suits, #1 AA ; cleaned and pressed ....vl e W , Ladies’ Plain Suits. £1 E ; cleaned and pressed ....! Dresses, cleaned and #' CA ; pressed, up from .W k''' ! Hats, cleaned and blocked #] O E (new bands extra) ...W * ; 0x12 Rugs thoroughly 0O CA • .leaned .aPAeOU We clean pertiers, lace curtains and upholstered furniture. We guarantee, call fer and delfoer on short notice. PALACE CLEANERS! DYERS AND HATTERS aiSO North adth St. WE hater 4001 ! How Kill Teeth ' Are made whiter—all teeth tafor by film Film la the gnat ta that Warns film yam taath and moat too* resalts of film. Under old-way hroMig, on* film eHnga and stays. fiaon It be comes discolored, forming steady coots, making tea* iridgtalj Film aim hoi* food bol* the add In aontmf wl* *e tenth to caom deaay. Omnmhraod by mfflfiflna fat It Iby, wMt tar tar, are the chief caom of pjentiaa fioefa trooblea ere elnwat mdeea eal among people who don't fight film. Landing dmhrte amyahan be gin to adatea tWe tooth paate. Now emM people of eome 90 nations m Papoadant twten drily. Tito tastwO bring yon the eom Mnad affects. and yon will marvel at than. •and tha oonpon far a Id-Day Tnbe. Note how alaen tha taath feel altar nalng. Mart tha absanoe of tha viaeoai fUnt See how teeth and delght yon. Cot ont oonpon now. 10-Day Tube Free nr» rmiMmvirr roann, m.*4 Wakaa(l '~ Mail »-Uav Tate *f Naatol te 5Sr aaiiTSaia U «T *SmSmT~ I>r|cs Toni by Riant Ihirh ) Raiw* Roof \ Mini N»l I i|»#rlril Ih Wo mmi limit* 1 Itilt H» j»aiti**( l*» to in $Ho|* Th# **|M#*l"rt of #n *.*1% t**» ttlih thtl* h# *11 »#*•*>«** *n «.it*n*#»«l# In Ih* ham In th* ' **i of hi* Kona* t«#»h*hlr f*l*M* lnli"*4 ln|alt| 11*1*t*It* If, tiff tiHlfc T**alfM<wtli ivmm* *1 I *N** I #W*nnm** III* rlfhl 1*« * W«*n ntf *"d hi* i#f* !*• «•* **f* h*Hama hy in* n**h II* Iwtll’lf bit*a#d yi»m»* fnttoamt Ih* *»p|n*t«« of Ih* tlr*l Unit nyNm I omul Hniti-hmm from Ih* railroad ittrt* nraihv »i«i i*d fm ih* hnin *1 »h* Oral »»plo#lnn, hul r#tr**l#d »t ih* Th»> h*»n1 Ih# lad* #i i**m» *mt manaard l« dr*a him nut Ini* Ih# yard ana b**t mil ih* fi*m** *n valopln* him Th# l*<1 *lt*mp»*d It dr*a hlm#*lf In 1h# hmi#n hy hi* hand* Ilia tmilh#i *nd f#th#r, Mr and Mr* .1 II a In Rani*. »• mmpanlad lh#lr boy to St. .To*#ph ho#pli«l wh»r# Rfi op#i-mlnn wa* lmm#dl»l#ly p#rfortn*d. No hop# !R h#ld for hi* itcov#ry. Th# #xplo*|on* ld#w th* roof from th# h*rn and ih# fir# badly rh*rr#d Ih# atruotur# Dillrr lo Haim Park. Dlllar, April !1—By ■ vot# of the rltlr.mi th# vlllaR* ha* purrh*a*d * hlork of# around for * park. Sl*ly *lm tr»*a hav* hr*n pl*nt«d for »had». Burgess Bedtime Stories ^ IN dWNBSTBh M IM MiM* I# *h» t ««m to w m ?*• <«*•* •• ***** M *«* 'W | |«« .« «*4 ♦** H ****•# *»* *•*,TJ* • ” .Th ImM Mrf BUM' HrwdMit Htf **( *►* • t-umr wb*»* hi #»*«M w*(. h (N #«•» I (It* »<*•«! hr-ntt M MN B"*« I arwat Th* Mat It **»##«• • hM *• «adt «•>#*• ita lit«* F't«at leh *a4 av*n IIm IMM tM*H*t wdtar* *ha Uttar hniM waa • *#»*« *••'«# t« **' I Hath Fat !***♦ Brown*# B*v waa b# IiMhimi i* M rhrtty let tha a'thit am tUM MlH rwM IM a* 1 In*t* n**« io*td# ini a .*-*» hn««* nil It a air* warm Sr* f t*ir( Bill Ihaia ha aaa aaltlB and all bn7 ana* |a ratlaia tanall #ar***n In a Mar* and ) a hit# ratal. Who ahmild hat* Man •ttilMda, «a* inald* II aaa Jlmint' skunk Farwtn BtwWW'a Bra had in la»i»h Ha juai had in Tha Jwk# aaa im him From lha doorway of ih» au#nr houa* la Had ar»n Jimmy Skunk '«m* mil of lha ailt# «f lha Hraah Foraat II# had «->n* nvar and Ml on that alums In walrh Jimmy, and h# had lafl lha door of |ha att#ar houa# «|t*n. Satan nnr# had II anlarad hi# head lh*t Jimmy would #o Inald* that an**' houa*. Whan Jimmy did #« In Farmrr Brown * Boy had tbnu#ht lhat h# ■would #oon com# out. But h# hadn't torn# out. and Farmer Brown'# Boy waa baglnnln# to wnnd*r what h# waa *nlng In do about It. Karinar Brown'* Boy and Jimmy Skunk had b«#n vary Rood frland*. hut It waa a long llm# alnca thay had mat. Thla waa th# Aral lima < inr* hta In lha aumrnrr bafora that Farm *r Brown # Boy had avan aeen Jimmy i Skunk. "I am afraid that llttl# arjrott Mf M»* teifA**** *M • •«*« • tel *1* I *♦« IM* te HWiite a* M 1 »hmNN>I te itllM *• *a » *»w Aa ft <« I A*ai ' Mai U #» I »«WA» I artfte Hxri tte AMM *M IM« w«a Ml (Ml, •* < •*»•« «« Mw Mattw »»• <n *i**A Mwfi iteaa Ma<a m 4 •tea a«n»ut« »«> ft1 ta ■ «* aiaaM tert If | tewMA f* bMM *►< **•*• •MMMr ** p»'ii« * te *te »«*•# Man t m«M wwt teat »**a a*4 4 It team, ft* faitite MM II# a«M tte N« »te t'wtaR mi ArM»ti a* M tea* aiHni MM t aaiMM * r »M'*aai *»*A (te Mpaa A., a at tte ai>a«f "I Mil afraid that lit tie at amp ma> hat a fnrgntten me," «atd Karim < liman'* Hoy, house lie peeped tn*lde, li waa al ready dark in there. He couldn't ae* .limine Skunk. Thia mad* matter* worn*. lie tea* afraid that If he ahould tentur# In he might get too rear Jimmy and accidentally frighten him. He knew what would happen In aurh a caae So for a long time he hung ahout that doorway, getting chillier and chillier, yet afraid to go In. Meanwhile, Jimtny Skunk had made hlmaelf quit# at home Ha liked th» Inatd* of that sugar house. It waa i we ten gw# ■ ■< 1H1 to **•*»• ?*• * eaa tto tout'11 atoa* *>4 to»4 i**t ;e»i— <i #«.-wa a #>>» tod *'-**4 f * jet-fa** Haatt to**4*4 toe* • [■mM to a §i» i to** W a*«i •** ! 04 • f| ft# |ilM0| M »| flfc »** 0 jtttol iwi4*»i.|| W IImMV lift#1, | to* ii j fjtR i§ >j#i4 H* Rif*4 til#** If# #•#»¥* *##4 h m • M #* # |l^ §i *t*fc tif ruHrQl*f Ml I pi IlT if ►'.- 0 t^^utiNM t* #*«## Hit A ^ I im|| #fifl t -to to#t f*tiH *• M »*4 lit 4 It N#| **’|i |M m*t * «#4 M itiliii |*« hi* § *• f* ^ m » ‘fMI t-'f unit* *tH Hi ti|i#<# Iih^w t Hitt I tti Ml Ht MM M * ■ —pH > TIm* * «• *t*#r fimi! 1 > im inh t*m* 4ni —• j«—r R** j > H#r# i twf Hr* I1»n y ***** t«Mt iM R'fcrfti** Hr#** • 4nt r m#—# *a H0«| flit tMtllHii |t*uM M »• t#* flit t«Nt t|f irttt4 ifvltt ItM I THt n*l| *|%»#p4*Mp R* ' wi»M MAN ENDS LIFE IN GIRLS’ DORMITORY Chicago, April It - Walter Kraatii II, 1 rdvereile *»f chiceke ittrtwtt frew Valparalae, Ind. whnae W> wee found early today, took hie Ufa by alaehtng hie throat with * raa<ir police ware rertaln today f■ lowing tha dl*< ivary of a latter in Kraahln'a room addreaaed tn A Krankllt, Philadelphia. Kraahln a body waa found early to day In a linen oloaet in tha baaement of Monett hell, a dormitory for gfH • indent* of tha Chicago MethodiM Ttalnlng achool by Mlaa Mary Phleld«, a atudent. Kraahln lived In a mane dormitory neat door. Tha letter to Kranklfa waa written In a foreign language which police found difficult to tranalata. It an cloned 15 and aaked that relatlre* abroad ha notified. “Sale* Here Are Never Dinap pointing Gowns Stamped to Embroider Etch *JOO Of cross-barred dimity in delicate shades, all made and stamped in attractive patterns. Desirable for gifts. SECOND FLOOR Boudoir Caps of Silk and Lace 1 Reduced $1 00 Exquisite caps in neglige* and lingerie shades, the most of them trimmed with laces; plainer styles for those who prefer them. SECOND FLOOR Women’s Teddies of Nainsook Made of fine white nain sook and trimmed with Val lace or with embroi dery; plain style in flesh color. SECOND FLOOR Step-in Drawers for Women r.„ $100 Fin* nainsook trimmed with lace or insertion makes summer step-in drawers that are rtainty and cool. SECOND FLOOR Summer Gowns for 8 to 14 Each $J00 These gowrta for girls art made of soft nainsook and have stitching and bindings of orchid. SECOND FLOOR Very Fine Linen Handkerchiefs Each $1°0 Our very fine while linen handkerchiefs with beau tiful hand-embroidery in white or in color. Re duced to $1.00. STREET FLOOR Sleeveless Creepers for Babies Reduced $100 Mothers like this sleeve less creeper to keep baby fresh and clean while she dresses. Of striped fab brie with plain. SECOND FLOOR Women’s Initialed Handkerchiefs » oo for White linen handker chiefs with corner initial embroidered in white. A Dollar Day items of im portance. STREET FLOOR Every Item Really Special You may depend upon it. each item in this Dollar Day advertisement speaks of merchandise that is new and specially priced, or of articles which bear reduced markings. —The Advertising Department. Little Tots’ Pique Hats Reduced 00 to Cunning little brother and sister hats that mothers may launder very easily. For tots of 2 to 6 years. SECOND FLOOR The Sale Event of the Spring Season Women’s Oxfords and Pumps Each $ 1 00 . Shoe X Women’s Leather Pouch Bags Specially Priced. Each Odds and ends of stock in which there • re only one »nd two pairs of a kind. The majority in small sizes. Women who can he fit ted will obtain a remarkable pair of shoe* for S2. No exchanges. STREET FLOOR Women’s leather bags, pouch style in tan, black and brown, with metal frame. There are four different styles, each represent ing an unusual value at this Dol lar-Pay price. STREET FLOOR Fine Quality Fabrics Yard ^00 Radium pongee of washable quality in ivory, light blue, rose, rameo, tan, gold, orchid, navy and black. (1 AA Yard .$1.UV Silk vest tubinjr in ivory, orchid, pink and flesh color; reduced to, #1 AA yard . $1.UU Wool challis, 27-inch width, in small printed patterns that are particularly attractive. 18 patterns, *1 AA reduced to.yl»vv House Dresses Stamped to Embroider Special, $ 1 00 Each X We have just received a special ship ment of these attractive linene dresses, stamped in simple patterns that may be easily embroidered. In the .most desir able shndes. SECOND FLOOR Tompson Belderi s Women’s Fine Cotton Vests 3 for Bodice and regulation topped styles in white ami flesh; a seasonable sale of vests for women. STREET FLOOR Specials in Toilet Articles 17 cakes Haskin’s hard ’'"p $1.00 Jerjren’s almond 1 AA lotion, 3 bottles. «PI»vV 2 larjre bottles AA bath salts.*pl»Uv STREET FLOOR Serviceable Rain Umbrellas M $200 April raina are not ahow era in Nebraaka. You'll need extra timbrellaa of aerviceable hlark rotton, auch aa theae at $1. STREET FLOOR Hemmed Tea Towels °° 36x36-inch tea towels, | hemstitched ready to use. This is a good sized towel that will not leave lint on glasses. STREET FLOOR Fancy Turkish Towels 3 $100 for X Generously sized towels, made of fine double* twisted yarns. 18x36-inch towels, barred in blue and red. STREET FLOOR The Vogue Brassiere Dollar Day Of excellent quality silk striped batiste made on long lines and well boned over the diaphragm. Flesh color. SECOND FLOOR Creepers for Babies Reduced $ J 00 Of plain colors, each with a touch of handwork. Pink, yellow and blue in sizes for 1 to 3 years. SECOND FLOOR | Summer Socks for Children 2 $100 Pairs 1 A large assortment of one-half and three-quar ter length socks in plain colors or with fancy top*. Special! Pure Thread Silk Hose Special, $ 1 00 Pair A A variety of stylta and colors in full-fashioned pure thread silk hose with lisle tops and soles. Splen did hose! STREET FLOOR Women’s Athletic Union Suits *1°° Made of fine quality mad ras and batiste, these ath letic suit* become more popular with women each year. STREET FLOOR A’o C. 0. D.’s or Phone Orders