THE SEA-HAWK 1 llM***'1*_ H% N«/W MHi nMMI * k___ ..._____ .--~~ - -* , Ml* *»»** >4 ImuMM* *> *>'«»• MMIUm «fc*h**-l *Mt l'l« **••« • » r>» III* *»f**<«* *•» »■.*' 1<»« **» ***** ***"*»•* H **♦* «* MWtt *M mmmM m hi i*» *4 Mi M* • MM !*•* fct* *•**< H*»4 *M M* *».4 *■ K.N4 *> *» (*.4***4 HAM i%M>M |*(*(l »(■* H»t4 M «(►«*. ((*• *>* (*»i >*«» «gM<> M Mini) (a*MI »«4 Min*) r*'1**"* W* ■ 1(4 • *t*N> • l**t )«> « «* Mttl ► • IMM »4***i (* ‘ MM m tWH* *Ml M 1 MM IN *••• > I •** *«-M l-> »*" * **4 «4» fc»»M t» 4 Hv MW f%* MW « »** *,*« ^«* * MM* •* H *•** ’ y-.-g ,*.,*< Mi* ***** m MW* *4*1* •«►* ***** m* mi r**»***w **M*i **«'•' • ** MW ***#»♦* 14* *|1* * • W*W MM W*M** .*4 4t«* *M#I[ Mil *.♦*«***• ***** * **.♦*. Ill • *♦►•« Ml •** **H I* ft* l **Mn»'» ** *■■> • • •» Ml *4 **M*|' *» *M »*» prtl l*k<* WWHt HMII *r*rt*H** *W* Ifc** HM* * M A* '*• It*!* N*< t**M#w*H *** Ik* Wtlw ••**« t4 k*H •«*#■» #*.«»** I,<•*.! **>•* M *~t(**4 r*‘* +* •** •#** IH HM i*«HK| MM*V ****** H Ik* %l*tf )i #!■* tom i*m tm Hul* Mf • *■«*- f» | |M H ( wwi IM* M •MR to. |*M IM l»M I « »*MMl tM • MM Mt m* »»M»« »*»>M Ml HtoMM I* lh»l ►to |«R* Thtn r.»t ». IlfM l.nMM IM to! ... *..»• .« IM .< m !»»***• «*•*» » M* | *». In toll •«* MM , ... • • * • • • ’M [ i t <-!■- 4 iffi ^ t i iiflif VMM I M [*»* | W(» t *' ♦** • ’« /** *•>• *4 m* Mt*l i ate i*H ft twd, **>4 • 4«| lint t*t*taa IMt* hft *♦' "'ft* t», | (raw, «* h •,», (ml mft (■ (kft <**#4 Af4 «ft vft (■:„* ft («•*( (I tMif t*Mt WrMttad adk a* M a* faftft ? (ft 44 wetted |(yt aft i( »«a ( •>■*» • it ft * MM I HI ft aft* # ft (wtftft HaftN U * ft ««|p**w , V%a 4*e# (.(a taih »«ftaftft [(• ftti (On a* a wd* and alarbaft a'( | i.mfta ftftay *tth».i|i tai'bat «*»i4 [an tdttft* ii-mI an ftft e.,*Me*i*i 0*1 |«, *»,i* au a*'-I aaalnat ia» a« all at af me paMa and a»* aai (■** i aftaift ftl hm* dad (a that aHHaaal i (a•***( kilim ftt*d etwee Ikaa **a»» ft elf ftftllril aanl (aft ftlitppftr ift IM aim 4**a Oft 4uaa H epew and an M aa l« IM l**p <(*■ a and 4if (Kira* -ftsmefttHM himeelt ft! Nknlf In d« ft* MI»*M aim In Ihft walft* hftlnft 4 MOW (met *>» •hnaai aeaman w*ta crowding i* IM leil-n’l hulftftlkft. looking ftftl ift ftaa ,,n Ihft fnrei a ftl W lhatft waft att«lh*r airnllai a*aen>l>l>, all Staring Inland! i ahead ftltd toward# (M Wad. They I ear* off Oftpa It™* lit IM lima, ami whan (kiplain led the Spaniard. He aaw her veer a point or no to atart-oord, heading straight to Intercept them, and be ob served that although thl* maneuver brought her fully a point nearw to the wind than the Swallow, yet, equipped aa aha waa with half aa much canvas again aa Captain Leigh's piratical craft, aha wa* gaining atead ily upon them nona tha leaa. Tha aklpper came back to tha poop, and stood there moodily watching that othar ship's approach, ruralng him •elf for having sailed Into such a trap, and cursing hi* mat* mor# fer vently atlll. Sir Oliver meanwhile took atodc of ao much Of tha Swallow's armament as waa visible and wondered what like were those on the main deck below. He dropped a question on that score to the captain, dlapaeelonately, aa though ha were no mor# than an Indifferently Interested spectator, and with never a thought to hla position aboard. ■ Should I ha racing her afore tha wind If I waa properly equipped?" growled Lstgh. "Am I the man to run before a Spaniard? As It la I do no morw than lure her well away from land." Sir Oliver understood, and waa si lent thereafter. He observed a bosun and hi* mate# staggering in the walat under load* of cutlaaaee and amall arm* which they stacked In a rack about the malnmaat. Then tha gun ner, a awarthy, massive fellow, stark to the walat with a faded scarf tied turtegwlm about hla head, leapt up tha companion to tha brass mrron ada on tha larboard quarter, followed by a couple of hla men. Thereafter followed a spell ef mo Ing, the Spaniard ever lessening tha distance between them, and tha land dropping aatem until It waa no more than a haay line above the shimmer Ing aea. Suddenly from the Span iard appeared a little cloud of while •moke, and the boom of a gun fol lowed, and after It came a apUah a cables length ahead of the Swal low'# bow*. Unstuck In hand tha browny gun ner on the poop Stood ready to an swer them when the word should be given. From below came the gun ners mate to report hlmaelf ready for action on the main deck and to re ceive hla order*. fame another abot from tha Span I ‘t t t *»#♦ ShVMMM ta nea - a »• sat* *« Wit*i tM aailp4* # tsai a ' a*-, pas a wag** tgag* than I'liai *ca» t«>*a 1 SeM he h *t I >• K1 *i«l (a a**" |»* M *>1 •« * I hi *• n*«* *» *r**a p* ##■■*!» M4 M atP-*Mi eha* a lit,,« at,.) tmH* TMta •*• a Iapttn*mieg ee sett at •< a**d M* ' fa ***«gft and a * * **i a# the »-*!**' i ** Upg i in | | 'Hnpg la IM d* - * a l a i*a *a*1 (a*i**l a **>»p*a * w» in 4a«i* laaiM* a aa ataal |aeewtrd V*f itaptet*' I.*-gv did a#** lag i* g hsvrv (Inn tM** M **ata* la In# •«» Use iM #•«♦># M# Hgd»* a* *M< tot-men* Ml |* if»a***ao MM* »*a I -am* waa gg g taan'l •* IM( curtailment of h*t mainmast, gad I Ms Spaniard ««ms nM awiMr aa* At teat IM Shipper g***’tia*ad her hasr gaaugM. *M g**g IM »«*d •UN aa mOi Th* gHillaa d*ad Mat Hr#* amt tea* Mil* In iMat mimihi* af>» IM* deafening thunder *f ti a O'i thrruif h IM rl-itd nf itiMlHni •nnkl, Ml* ftlhee aa IM* high fa* rastte nf IMS Spaniard fan* open, Mneter Ijatgh til cttralrg * i» g.,n nar for Mating aimed 100 high Th" ha signaled la lh* maid In Hr* 11 a riiltaHn "f whh h h# Md chart# The* a*".ini ah'.l Hal in M 1M d|H*l fn* lh* who)* bmadatda from th* mail dark Main* But th# Spaniard antlct paled thgm. Kvan aa tM » kipper nf th* Swallow alscaled «h* wha tide of 1 ha Spaniard Murat Into dam# and amok*. Th* Swallow aiaggarad undar t» • Now, recovered an instant, tMn Mr M ominously tn larboard. "HaUf* roared l-»l*h "Mha» Mil* !ng'" and sir Oliver saw th» Span lard standing off again, aa If sail* fled with what aha had done Th# mats'* gun waa never flrad, imr waa th# broadside from below. Indeed that sudden list had set the muni** pointing to th* sea, within threo min ulna of It they wer# on si level with th# water. Th# Swallow had re celved her death blow, end ah* w** settling down. „ Ratlafled that sh* sould do no fur thar harm, th# Spaniard luffed am* hove to. awaiting tM ohvtoue rasult and Intent upon picking up whae ■laves ah* eould to man th* galleys of hi* Catholic majesty on th* Medi terranean Thus th# fat# Intended Sir Oliver by Lionel was to be fulfilled; and it wa# to he shared by Master Lslgh himself, which had not been at all In that v»n*l fellow’s reckoning. (To tie I wllnel T»wsw» I I New Tork. April M.—Th* high ■pot of wealth In New Tork to me la embtsmaUfsd In a Fifth avenue hab erdashery. It special!*## In ons-ds • I an -to a eustomer neckties, silk houso robes, walking sticks, shirts and hosiery. Th* placo crackled with opulsne*. Th# clerk# ar* mors than salesmen They ar# diploma!# and a few #f them ar# paid as high aa 110,©60 a year and commission* They ar# IM hast dressed men In t»wn from bright •pats to highly pollshod nails. AH of them go to tM Pari* and IdSdon branch shop# one# a year. On# Is not supposed to ask tbs pries of any article purchased. Non charge patronage la discouraged. No lass than teg hand mad# ahlrip may ha secured at on# porches*. In boy- *< Ing collars on# Is measured as matt culously as though h* were buying a soft of etotbss. . Th# collar maker Is a Tan Wte. gentleman who measures yon wbli# hie assistant Jots down the measure menu. Buying a scarf takas on all tbs glamor of a lady buying her trousseau. There 1# a mahogany finished room that Is flooded with an electrical daylight glow. Mika ar* carried by uniformed myrmidons from mysterious cache*. There Is only enough material for on# aoarf In each dategn. A study le mad* of tM compleglon and on# Is matched up for a scarf aa carefully as a painter tints hie canvas. I was never In tM shop—Ns. that I* cruel, ‘•a*#!l#r.M Is tM word—when eorns clerk was not calling My name some Illustrious person who## flnan rial evplolts had boomed at me from th* first page*. Only tM eery rich or perhaps a few of those who have worked for Mr. Doheny ar* regular patron*. Tners I* a ponsneu »i»nnr» everything from th* h|g hraa* outer door-knob to th* long gold tipped cigarette* In hand*"me taakwood hogs# Inlaid with paart. Th* pro prlelor to an urban*, pot helllad gen ttoman with a decidedly Pleadllty In aouclanc*. Fred K»11y and 1 hara aiway# chertohed th* a mbit ton to clap men oclea to our eya# and "tilt thla hah ♦rdaahery ahop aoma day and tpr to buy a alngto bon* collar button. Tha monocle* might aar* ua from tnatant annihilation. If w* §ur»lred we #*• parted to ha emboldened to aak If thay had any knitted wrlat warmer# In Ptock. . . 4 In Haw York old friendship# hae# developed among »tranger# talking oyer th# telephone Thl# to haratt## of Haw Tork'a #otil hungry IMr*t acquaintance. IVhen one get# a wrong number h* or ahe need not be annoyed, for It might mean th* be ginning of a beautiful friendship. A man ( know had mat a ladr at a din ner. Its promised to call her th# negt day. Ha remembered her laat name, an he called eeery ntimber lleted under th# laet name. Thar# war* 41 of them. Twelre of them j.romleed to bar* lunch with him th# negt toy They all rams, pet know •ng of hto tltll# Jpka. How they bold a dinner annually and all hara be come good wlanda T'nconrenttonal va. Hut aamaflmea th# lonely mu*’ batter flown th* contention* her* or far# InaufferaM* ennui On# of my friend#, who*# loyally to alwa»* warming, wa# picked up on a lele rhr>n# wire. It ait a rroa# connec tion and we chatted about a catae trophe that had *ttrr#d tha nation. Then w# aarhanged namaa and mat. Ha at tha ttm*. Ilka mrwelf. waa tonaly I became a god father to hto child recently. Innumerable mar. riagea hare remitted from casual tale phon* contact. If to a fn-m of hereditary actor*blp < to seek the "spot"*—th* center of the •tags It to human and f- -rgt\ able vet one cannot help but He a ttMle annoyed at an actor In a IV«»d play who In making a curtain *u*erh delicately suggest* h* i* unable to "newer hi* thousand* of daily mash not#* tOapyrigbb MMt THE NEBBS THK PHILANTHROPIST, ntr^u«< 1™ ywwM ' 0M M** l V imi Cl oil 5. wi waKit a GOTO MAAAt ron. "i«*4 u>OMDtRroi UjA-TEd AMO wm»U. Qi\l\. A tlSO^'VNATCM W11MC. loAKSt SELECTED ADDttEii <3uDv Mtaa CAdt or tmis PAvro 4-22_ ww*n * mu*vi*KUS«rt>\ v cw4t or ^Nt>ntvi» 1 UKf t DOutvJtVt O uxus } C m»s -uMinw * ~y / TM*. H «#\ a Aoat m*T aynwia / vT'Scftuo^a <^>ch oa • Mil \ wwcr tat noo oonu X vou.wutikoH tocMwmjt nooiu dnocmrv tmm w^nal ► '«U*«U HOT 0A»0 TOO WAWKt AND CimiNS !k, 1U.M1 v / WON’T COWNOU t U M* M. T© UM ',*« ' ( NOTHIN' O»0 IT f ) Milt NOCWT t©U \ taunt ClWtNG \ # touwn \nu o* « lit .moiviNG 1 tMTHt \ IT *****1 J\ To rt\L Of 1 n / 1 ton Ut TMC OMVt Gut *N /"■—Sw r ■' l>4jC wOQtO TmM can \ • \brfwr, ucrw ^ f \ f * ,0^k * ‘iV'5 C*n±Ao~ |(C^I<|>I. HK>rW»M lac) _________ Barney Google and Spark Plug Barney Didn’t Mean to Carry the Investigation so Far. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by B.iiy PeBeck 1 A'N'T MS ABO A YIOBO FROM MACTAM'SV* WMO* or* W| WAN UE<( FROM SWnAMQ *0 i VJS. (tons avwao and made all -fa» AROANftEWNTS FOR A PRYMAT* N\AT«U RARC B«TVUtVN SPARK PLUG AND THAT MAC, *M©4t mwi* - crop* Country, from NRvm York TR Bottom , ''N "Thbv trll Mr 1 Tli* Boston post road \ 13 TVlB QBVT I oTAETCM in TV«t VNORLO , OSCAR • Movm about it 1 "TAW* * \ Tak®. m* up TUm. N Boston po't Road *OA A p«vn > X^PAtt-tS Owddfci. w. W f«m— »>■*-«*»— l'&OVTo* hm \ M.V. <»Q Mi <^3?^ * 21 BRINGING UP FATHER U. S*P*trat*OIHw PAGE Ok'cOI.OPS InVhE BUNDAY BEE Drawn lOT (**!U* __M_ .... —--i WH*T OO 'YOU WANT-] MAC,Gte?? L____* OON'T ANSWER , ME (SACK COT COME HERE ’WHEN I CALL -2iVo° an HOW Oo *roo LIKE: THIt> HAT ON NE^ tW—= MO HO! HV-H/V mThy tcou-v • tHAT’fe fE^a HE A. CiOOO I LAOCH JJI^F A.' / itM \nf-t. ftaruac Srmnet. Inc WELL HCRE*t> THE BILL TOR IT TR't AMO LMJCtH AT • JERRY ON THE JOB - the speed limit ^ii«. Dt*wb “**by Hob*“ / MiGOStt* Loovc.\ I 'Ar'wt Staro J ( OF OLD /VAM 7 ^*7 '3icrrC>4at Sunmh*J Om h»«h! v_/ r,'Neu,.wa.^o«7»Tiu \ \ Sssu Such Swd / I as ts on '■ftt'S y I gwmofi cf N / Ltfrt. »e*r \nrk fO' j^->r F t-' *1/ / % : umitv v «C 4W6.W1, r o TWn [IT OftXlJMwT jHAlt /4M MOVIES l,-to Grr / I«i>» r. Iwt txnn. I ml Movie of Golfer Opening Season of 1924 By Briggn HASN'T HAD loCKtR OPCivj SihjCE &***.**. wuTfiS Moths:* TmC SiAiCATCrt ' Tmc KNiCKffftS Jh« 5MOCS DectPe3 To 4o OUT AhYWAV A3 OWt-V A revw OW covase ccGt HCAD Fuas'orV 'Oo, «•»»»■ MM. »• r. MUm ta» -r—- ■ SACK To LOCKIA room - DiCtDSA 'HCilS ILL PK«PA««0 ABIE THE AGEIST Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Herahfield Proof PoolMro. # Twfu., awl,x'm \ To KBE? MV PROMISE AN* PAV YOU A VISIT bO YOU WANT ME J \ UP TbNI GHT? ^ f *\T> 1 SAV MO? - CERTAIN Come op v t* WXfisj VI* EfcSOUJTEL $\JET> fcVS COM»W TH*Y A CHAtB M HotO OL6, ABt^y POSIT IVGL A \ QtNUINfc AMT 100%*' 1 MM> rr APPRAISE) ANt) TXEV think IT S FIVE HUKfcR® I / DON'T BE i \ABEJ^ (WHY, Wl'VJt HAS rr in OUR family ALONE FoA ZZ nears - And vm PRETTY SURE IT WM 1 SECOND HANDED WHEW \they boueht iy*»u^