Proprra* Mmlr in Farm Week: Soil Pnvonihlr mmimmmm j ll«li ill IVi I mil 1‘lltilnl In MhMIr «*( MiittiKt • niilf • ml Mtrr|i Inrilnf* I Mi nut ngi il. I, IumMmI I(*m I iiimln tprtl H l nn*t*t*>i *t*la i .«*,##• ha* I* ♦ n mad* lit Mini *«it •imina th* la at twn »nt», a***-*!* .tin* I n |k* (HiitmntMh <»»p I a |***i t if IM *M ut-xn #*f *1**1*# »i**t IH**t*wtt **tl v at** tt IMi th* tat* aawann, |*t* itaHI uni***mnt»l** naalhar fnr farm *mi a **»nt nnaw**l ailampl t« «*t ti.ii* wlthnut hlirtt lahnr, fat mar* Mr v*rr Iniav itnilna th* twn waat*p l*lnmin* *w*la *n*1 harlay amt flu* li*r iha r>*|«*rt atataa. "A* an nvar***, farm wnrh I* Manrt |« *ln>* Itahllut Inal yaar, whan II .ntlh* waa alan tala," aay* th* r* in*il. whh*h fnllnwa In part: "Atmilt half nf Iha out* war* plant *i| tiafnra Ilia inlililla nf tha innnlh in4 IS par rant nf Iha linrlay. ttnta icrtlliiB n*arnR**a talar than uaual. Winter Wheat lined, "Poll and weather condition* have been favorable for (tooling and growth of winter wheat. "With the Increased feeding bf rot He. Nebraskn'g corn surplus will he further reduced. Sheep feeders nnd cattle feeder* who produce -quality nnltnala aic encouraged b.v present price prospects, In view of the de creused feeding In the corn belt slntes. "Hay acreage will he Increased as planned. There Is morn thnn the uiual Intercut In sweet clover. Some favor the crop even If for no other purpose thnn to reduce grain produc tion and restore soil fertility. "The market movement of potn lo'* continued moderate. A few re port shortage. Farm labor Complaint. "There Is more complaint as to qual ity of farm labor than quantity. Most of the counties report sufficient farm labor. A few report a shortage. "Most reports Indicate some In dense In dairying. Home fear Is ex I ressed that dairying will be over done. The Idea of utilising the roost efficient milk cows on hand, rather than heavy investment* In stocking up dairy herds Is generally expressed in comments < n this Industry, "The conditions of livestock Is re ported normal for this senson. More i arc will he given to the pig crop In flew of the prospective decrease which in 111 bring pork production nearer normal. With more skimmed milk, alfalfa and the corn supply, Nebraska can Increase pork production even With the reduced numbers, If prices wirrant." Livestock Range* Two Per (lent Below Normal TJncoln, April 20.—The United States department of agriculture ofH nlaI grange and livestock report for this month shows Nebraska ranges to bn 89 per cent of normal as com pared to 98 per cent of normal last year and an average condition of 91 per cent of normal for the 17 states In this section. Cattle In this state are listed ns 91 per cent of normal, as compared to 98 tier cent of normal lust year and 92 per cent of normal for the 17 states. Breaks up chest colds at once Apply Sloan'* gently- you don’t have to rub it in. Immediately freah blood begin* to circulate awiftly through the obstructed pataage*. The congestion break* up—»oon the cold i* gone. Get a bottle from your druggi»t today and have it at home— 35 cents. Sloan** Liniment-^pg*"^ ADVKKTfMKMKNT Your Pain May Be Neuritis VI*»ny auffarere v ho nr* treating for h umatlam. neuralgia, lumbago or acl i f|ca art really affllctesl with neuriia. Hit* dlaeaae of the nerve* < a tinea pain*, '•baa. and aorenera In different parti of ih» body, Juat Ilka tha allmanta men tioned above. Tha moat common aoureea of nourltl* sre eolda, Injurlee, brttlae* Infactloua llaegeea or * rundown narvoua ayatem. '/Ortf-/Handing rase# of rheumntlam or sciatic* freriuently attack tna narvoua. setting up Inflammatio.i and producing leurlfla. No matter what Ita origin, negrltla la alwaya acaornpaniad hv aharp, fderclng pain, u*ually(tn th* ahoulder, forearm, ntek, thigh, leg or back. Don't bother with medklna* that re lieve for today only. A«alat Nature to "•move th« ceuae* of inflammation and uiiln by taking Knfia Neurit le Tab late .1 ffclantlffn treatment that haa often brought laatlng relief offer other math uda failed. Price, ll.Oft. Mold In Omaha bv Sherman A McConnell Drug Store*, . nd all other leading druggie** Bo*rlck* Ar Itunyon *'o . Mfgre . Hsu Krsndsni Corns No Paring—End Them * Don't let the agony of corn* destroy your comfort. Apply Blue, jay— and instantly the pain vanishes Then the corn loosens and comes out. Doe* away with dangerous paring. Get Blue-jay at any drug store, epa w ^ CH* Hirer Blue=jay If omen Hold Hey to Social, Political Welfare of America, Says Writer II«M llruinatra*.'*,* •#*#**•»*• »* | ••lit taaMariMl t HI I* Atkwmm* a «im i i »lmo * N |a»*tA» nl «M tt« »* irtMt imIiH( ifc* HI. •hhh numii fit Mif IhH I!. •»*<■ m Al*»M W IlniMttitl <|naatl»fta akillin *nw»« »*» nkiai Manning* *4 IM «f*|antt*ml» «4 a<|H»l *«#!#«*. In ihlt pnll, I'ntMiM i iB.ltil** »a .anal II lit tntaa #M M' Ilk*’ tk" mil mhwM Ms»«lta*l »**«» Hfl a*n nlhat liniantanl t fjtnH*Ulaa gat* tntaat M iM lit all tVttt t»la# «a?a rgtl In minlttlng (hi# t»*la. IlMtnllMl Mill 'Tit* iUmniiMnltinnl laaln In t)M i • i MM - l it n»mil M M of Ilia gnwan aim t*til»a*l ilia 1*1 lot* ttata tattling In In ha Hit Inmlila lit ntilk* n nhaa-k Hint ll nlmmalila nun nmna, "II It nub hamynn ilia wrltar lm Havaa an almtttlg In n|iinl milft «*•*, n* Hall nn tin |Hia*lli||||l**., Whirl* II MlW «M he*** nr».(Mi»l tt*Ml wntwrw »*♦**• WHIM Ihnl • |*#«f*er i(h««i|i l« the twMl nml HIINI |wwMe***M (M*| l* tlii.lrttelln •‘IVinneii tlMl mi *n i.ilftee# MAIII Mvnuil. r-f them mMtle I* 1*11 ml Ihel liter meant In h**e II Ami neither Will I her *rhle*e Ml Hint IIiH ttf • eftttm tltilree lit. t InMliII ni'lttll* tilnlime Ihel Ih* i Ititeml In l»»*e II l•hlllM■ltt|**• • l«llM *i|» nil *•>* I * nl riniilMn p»h*n*eAj i*i* of no *ppronlmiit'-rf Inventory, th* flrnt Mijarfrr ahown a •mall .£r"rM Wlfh » pnM up * e pit* I of |#r.'o th* *■ roriHtu.n ha« a net worth of 19,706 41 Frank fltandovi la ne.retory of • he *aao< la Him anil ft, J. J#lin*k In man attar. Omaha— A n»t profit of M.4,4 waa mad» by th* Karmara union aiai* at i h*n*» h*r» In rh* Oral >i•> hoard or dl ra.'lora at iha i**nlar ouariarly maatlmi on April 17 I .aai yaar In i h* ■ »rr* apondln* period Iha InatiltiUon had a loaa of |t,f,2l. Thla ahanga In ahowin* * <1 na lo an Ini in Iha vnlunaa of hnal lain and a darraaaa In atpariaaa or «P*f*' Hon. Mr M'latlhy raporlad Th* flrat nilarlar of Iha la alwaya tha pim,**l on* ha aald, and thla la tha flrat lima i protlt haa haan ahown In lhai parind alna* Ills M* rapori.d that for ih« rainalndar of iha yaar from Iha alnnilpnlnl of iha ha*ln**< or IB# at 'hang#, ara vary amonraglng Rad rioud -A nat profit nf l*,»l» SB on a VI,luma of ms Hie nt In Ih* »l»»»'or flfi/MrUnmi, and • nM profit or 92,410 %■> on n vofvm* of IIK. IOI M Jn '** "'*•*’ depart rr,*ni waa Hi* abowlnif wad* by tnn Kwriorr. I'nlon «o op-rallv* •••oHufJnn of 11.1- ft!urn for iha y*»r J*Z*. ».t".rdlr(y if, m t,fin iff! n ud 11 rfo#r»f|y «*i»tplff»4 r#y «ho r»rm#rn union nudlt dapartniant of Omaha With «* »-old up mplfiil of 9/4 too, Ihn prrxfnt n« t worln of Inn aorlailon lo »2« <23 27, and lit total dahia ar* only a lull* »*»r It,S'* lhar I1'* , owa and harm of Ihla tormounliy ar# do in* lhair pan la ahown hy tha fad that of th* I11 a, I**4 71 of hualnaaa don* hy ilia .Ion ,* At aonalalad of *««a and poultry, and Ml.TBI.M of mam 'V It MaPharaon la manager nf th* ainra and j,; c, Kall.y la In ,har*a nf Ih* alavalof. Wabraaka. Clff Murhanan log* I of 1b* ! Karmon union b#M a vary •.rmaaaful ! m'rilnir, with arnokar and lufi'h, a* Iha, horn- o/ tba praaldanf, Kd «*aat of fhta illy. Twf'My-thra#. oyi of /» m+to li#ra warn with tbair aiv** and fa mil Ian. All of f ha roairibara pr***ni pr.ld • half doa, for I #24, nnd fr.arnbara warn addad to th« roll, fa ill <#ltttin«af, tha aa*rHary, raporta Orifgr* for 4 OAO pound* of twin* and I ' • ■ worn, of prorarla* war# mad* up Mr (illtl»na*,r raporfa that fhay hava rnur-h p#t|*f raaa gaiilotf in* n*l»lb#f* »u atland rnaatiriga in th# hom*'a than In tba com rnunity aahool nouaa T/nulavllla—Tba aamnd riiiartarly eon yantlon of (ba f'aaa f'otinly V.\nn*r* union * bald bara In tba a^anir.g of April IfcT with a vary far/a aitandanra In tba fMi*in*M aaanlon r»f fbn rnnvantlon th* dalagati-n voiad to Inatfiirt th# fount* praaldanf and aarratnry to **» In toil'b •viib lb*- **< rafary of aar b loral union In fb# rounfy In i* rampalgn to far rn f marr.bara. both obi and new *!»*• 1 'V* dent llaborn K*ve a alior* falk, n wh>'b ba alr#a««d lb* pow#r of b*y*lty f7 operative Inalimtfona, and tba !**''! f"f ,i Mail I, Malar*, rriwnagar of th*- K-. rni ,-rd I'nlon friauran'M inrnfHifiy, Omaha, I si.oka briafly of Ibaf ann rpfi" A pm ! irrmn of r'liiM and raad»o**. arranged by M If |l*aro*a of fhla ' ornmrinMy, w»a wall rendered. with aper-tdl ef»d If to tba lit f la folka who took part Tba Pf"»ram > |i *p.I with a ■h«*rt akat' b by Mr and V|-a (Tlatld* Mr*oU*nf«id wfcUh brought u.oat *utUua<*#Mc appiau##. Farm Paper to (iivr Club Trips Boy* ami fiirls Offrrctl Op portunity to till to State t'.oBrgo for Week Frer. Idnroln, April 20.—Th* Nebraska Farmer Is offering to th* highest rank ing member of the boys’ and girls’ calf dub* of each county In Nebraska In 1924, n prise trip to the 1925 club week nt the state agricultural college here, It was announced from the col let;. The winners are to t>e determln ed on the basis of the quality of the products they produce, the records they keep, the story of the work which they write, and the Interest they take In the tilth work. A com mittee of disinterested parties will judge the work and decide the win ner*. No one who has won a trip offered by the Nebraska Farmer In previous years Is eligible to enter thl* com petition this year. Boys snd girls from 29 counties won a similar trip for being the best calf ral*»rs In their respective counties In 1922, Titey will come to Lincoln for the clufc week, during the first part of June with railroad far# f/aid by the farm paper. Officials predicted that this representation would to Increased In 1925. flub wook I* an annual affair at ili» Agricultural college campne In th* flrat w«'k In Jan*. About MO boye and girl*, who hav* won ov*r follow club member* In th*!r horn* club* or won the trip* In aorn* othor man ner, rom* to tdnroln to play and l*arn more of tholr work. They bring the noceanaria* for ramp Ilf* and *l**p and oat on th* rollog* rampu* under otrlrt xupervlalon of oxtonalon agent* from the varlou* roiintl»a. Two after noon a of the work are *p»nt In »**lng l/lnroln and all of Friday la apent In Ih* (dockyard* at Omaha, and In trip* through parking hou*e* and manufac turing plant* there. According to agricultural roll*g* official*, many of Ih# boy* and girl* who hav* vl»lt*d th* roll*** during th*a* club week* hav* returned to th* college after high acbool graduation to complete tholr education. SKINI INNI in I .anil Slid in Karmen of III (iitiinlitu Hnnr* •*( KihihIIn Hhi*n« Niuiil.i l «f I nr|ie I and Hale* In* I a »• 'I erli. A •<<•‘1*1 ititOn l*»l *#*tt «f »***«l |«M MlN III I* (ttffMMII . M.mio. »|in«M inH I*** iwih .if fnnn« •'l.l in th*** WMtlUM I" fm him • nh« Nuahl tt**i« N lh*if ii*n «•* I lit* titi tif it'M** gitt |tiH»4* hint t|i ail* of IhnttUlhd* of dollat* worth of fa rift I* tol ila*l* In other peMa of the *1*1* not il'»« ll IhelMd* the Ml* of two rnnrlta* near AUlanc# for yioii.nitn Tha 10 aoimtla* In Which a detailed mirvay of deal* wa* made *f* IMalta, I tut t«r. t'liming, lloon*, Otoe, Thgyar, Johnaon, Haundaig, Madlaon and Had \\ lllnw, I lalall* In Ih* 10 anunlla# *lmw*i1 land aelllng from $1*0 tn 1150 par acre. Among th* riatie onunty deal* War*: Harlhn FI* to John Hall, 1*0 acre* for $#*,000; William Mayer to Pena Janaaan, 10 acre* for $17,000; Joaapfi Curtanbarh in W, A. Curten her-h, *0 arra* for 115,000; Otto Krurn land to I/•( of N» braaka raihar than from tha ano h or r«#f pori in of tha iminify, ih« oiwnr »*»«> ,„I,| h* addad that Mtvrral farmara of th»* rOOBty had llalrd /allow arrd ' orn for aal», huI that no w»Ha aaad wan a*ail ahla ao far. Mprfng waalhar ao far haa t*aan faror ahla for fruit tr*r«, a-" ordlnf to I. A Wllaon. tha roomy ag»nt. who itamarad ihai .praying th- trr»a aoort would in ruia a good frott aupply it* far* a jplgiura for .praying tha iraaa and aa'I o,Bird at * to in rrnia, tha prim of aprar mg raih traa onra. 7,oa«*a In (hr mmln* potato crop m*y ha prrvrntad 'o a graaf aatant hy dip ping tha a*ad potato*. In a imrroal*# aohltmata aolo'lon, tha roonty aganl ad vlaad. gyrai oar—Tit prarant Mndara and mow Ing marhlnro from n.i'kln* Ilka foronebo*.' 'ha roonty og.nt ndvnad farmara In do away with tha amall l''f"aa In Ih"ir flalda Thla. ha aald (oold hj dona hy Itaroialng op tha llirhra with attrka ond atraw and tatting th* taint waah dirt Into th»rn, of ’"af from tham "Th*.* dlt> h»a ran t,a f.nrrd ill and atlowrd to rod dawpar dividing dm fla'd into many Irfafo ar fir Id or th» flald ran ha malntamad In tart hy imiId i.g aoll aroaton pra rnta '"rha h*i*"i oonty farm •oraau mat at tha I oonty again a offi. a to ooaltfnatlim 7oi (hr atata and fad*r*l anil ooalnr lolmi» o.ala laatlng W. »* flrokaw, *tat» dirartor of agrt litoral at tanaion Work waa whan tn« no iaaii dandad tinanlronualy lo taka i p thl* work I'rtltlona will roon ha ' lr“*l»'*(* for narraarry alghatorra of *»• /’"‘I* ownara, praparatory to tn# toarlng op 'Wand glrla af tha roimlr wara ggfjad to aand In thair namaa for antry In int rat Iona agrl< oltofal rloha to pa opmad M lha roonty, ao that a* *»l4 f>n ihm NmK«I fnrtn r»*«f >-•>■*» >*r* N*#*l ***• *l«l*4 bf#bbf*ry m-'» »r. r »rift If-f.fl#r f.f lb* wbi*h »***• »»p h'ffn* noth iiti4#r *b + t nt,t,mi'* 0ti*tiBlf»n **r*»f * Tb# f'lafY* V*ll*y I'fyf fl f l»ib **•* '•fl*'| >/-f| h*r* »bl» w»*k If I* for lb* promo lion *>1 |r*M*f rotn t*l*!bf fallf rny Tb* **ff»b4 *0t*l#n«Mi>lff 0fNMt »•* •f*»»f*l by fh* *»r4 lb*'f f• fiiill** *rf»Mfi4 V\9B I'.ftbf•, *b4, «f«'ff4 Ing to (ha coanty *griit, »l '• *f*«t •#"#•• #n*1 fh# ffrtgmm w## aft joy *4 hy a hoo## full of tranpl» " Vo*r#i# v.olla, at,4 i orn*t aoioa. rnAtnga 4#fnon#fr#f to## mt,4 ' 'immunity *'n#ln# maAa up »h# program ft Ma# «rfif»r#ly #f*#*4 by MI'AI f#l»#t Th# n#«t m«#tln# i# to b# th at* > it. thrma w««p#, Ft!#tr Attamay tar 4#f#n#« in4 pro## '-ttfioii, 4#f#ni#fif0 #f»4 pi#ift*lff» foo##*, ' iarha »ndI *#r# • « pr#«*nf and In A#ftop #f fh* f#*#nl frtAl of ♦ h# "#uil fobh#r," •*»#•'! In J/fhroln townfhip IP# •oil roMnr frt*4 for f#ifttr# to t# «• ptupat - *r* of hi# farm l#nd anA »h#r#by onti tailing gramtiy la It# 4•llnou#n*y, Mor# fh#n If #tufc# of fhl# roonty h# • ##nf woman to th# hat #*f#«tlon #*hool •»«•#*'! h#r# for th# *rorn#n Th# rn##f in# wa# haiA far tha flrat tima fhl# •••h Woman brought frflm## for h«f# #n4 w#r# ln#fru'f*4 in th* » on*f t w t|on of tha haaAgaar »v*r fh* frama Th * Aalagatm from tha r!«h« w*r# fh»n piaAgaA »o r#t#y th# ln#eruMlon# to lh*ir f#f»o*» club m#m h#r# fiatA number of In'jwiflea be*a be*n r*'*lv*l by ‘b* farm bureau liar* mm tn tnafho4e of fi44»*.g *#14# of par Wat gopher* a 4rJy# afelnat fba !<•**a a fra year# ago fbar ware lea* pimiro'Ji la fb»a "runty If aaa fall Mat th*« y**r lb»y bar# r*turn*4 lb full far*# 'fba bureau a4v»a#4 fba farmer* m fa tb* moa' a/aclly* polaone far fba lift la digger*. Twanty flra different varfatlea af potato** ware planted leaf w**n on *b* farm of Our Mfown name bar* <»«» fWw of 14# bHla af *** b varf*'y war# planfad 'fba ab|a»« of fba planting la fn rornfttre yield* of fba different rarlaflaa af pofa to*# lining grown horn Tba county agent. in line with rarant e»»f g*af tana from fba ataf* agricultural tolfngn, a 4 r > a* 4 farroar* that fhay ran gr*atiy Improve ffie gtiglllf af fhair fruit tht* year br apraying ibalf ff**a Tbtg, b* aai4, will go away with worm* an4 dl* aaaaa I bat apoll fba fruit* M«rflao4 bararai farrnara af Ibla •< gfbborli'^..) erf with *>.* county Igfgl and 4a^|4*4 upon « program for fba 4 • Irt# t for tb* * oming planting aeaaon The Vafin** projer t# of tb* *'*fa agn/ulfutal *«t*naiun a*rrb a war* gar** over eo4 aev •ral of Ibaaa war* ** *< (*4 aa particularly of )nf araaf ta Ibla lore Illy, Mnroln After fba firaf rualt af aprtng »erb, **.4 wb*n net* «ra aewe4, aow* time ahouitf ba given for 4n«frtf*fton of po* g*i gopbara, f l' f'orbaogb. tb# county agent, 4ac|ara4 Tb* ag*nt 4* r l.»r*4 tbat fba little animal# ware I* coming more of a nuiaaro * aa*b year, and »naf after farm**a of tb# county got good atan4a of affalf* they abou»4 In the toalnfananca by n44lng fba fl*i4*| of nopharn Ha auggaafa a communlfy ; drtv* gyafam of pafeonlng the p*•<• an«l g i< v a r*c* Ipta for rnlttor*# that woul4 *«t*r mlna'a gopher# fine farmer *att ro*<*d the* goohar# 4atr»ag*4 crop* In thi# county afana fa fba e»'*r>* of Wah*<*> 4rra«#»maa»a ara ha|a« fur fmimmta *»f ih*a »<*»if»*y ♦« allamt m *t*m**r>af ration af Omaha April ?1 f'lffh from yhlnffy hf «'a*far Mluffa ami M'-ra*» Hblft* ara fr» ha alas##hfararl fh*ra lo ah**w fha MMfMi raa*«a '«»< lnhW'Hiar ' affla fforna r*f fha m**af .in|*»*twnf r !*,,».* a If* ha 1*m'.Bf'f»t*-| af fha rnaaf ,*g ara Whal a»#*#hyar#1a f1#» with »*# haranfar aaffla, why *"r»»a |-aaa for fa#>4 haw fliay ara fi»pa*-fa4 a* I why Ih* ft fa lafaraaiaA fa ara4 - aflon of uhar. afar |r»la'4*i»n Taaffa* haa h**n '.r»ip|afr4 *» aara* pra* In* f# af th' 'ttuniy. Twa hnya* ar1 a•* * - *» • ha*a h*a* *»**•* ’aa4 for »'i*"«i»f *<*r» -anfly Tlia * f*#f> f**r alrla w»l« - * la «■' *»n» **r* f if,a h## - •-a «•«»! *a«*a • *r- *. * »*'. ttf'.'i h-"ff\ fha#a ara a' * *nr\ • I ah i 'fha #/*«»afy a«ar>f Hafa#l a# a "farm Hilf*a*l A#hla»am*nf rha r«**aaf t»«mh lag *,f »« * a**rpa« fhV I ,«f i* ff*ar r**ar hara I'aflrtf fhaf ff*a af*#*» i,i»*iaa «a'| la fha l*wr»*h*a« warh a -** ##f#t*lh»4 ff'*m »ha fa#far a I W ** *f *i4 ilia ***ra*a | man from Ihla 4l«trl«t. NEBRASKA FOURTH IN SUGAR BEETS lan-Mn, *hM M Nan* IfntMlfe m Mat) Imi 1*1 Mill In iriMp i»»i r**r, •*>'«<<** in i miM m«4t i> *Mi* m»* N ih* I nll**1 *I«)M Nn*» »♦ *<“r* ***4 inmwli ••umaiM tin i#ti*«* 4* iInina that Ih* aiata |>(MW«< I 1*" HNI Mill «♦ *»•*! in *1*1 HI p- imtla |.«r nanit* In lilt, N*>l«n*ii* **nn**l IhhA In (*n*i1»iHh*»» ill Niili in ai inna*, m . millH* in ihn »•» i»n ’ NUnnahn i*»*in- * • • a* M aan,*#n lnt>* «t aitffar •***• !**• lani, halnff >a»am*i| in aalaa ha ihlin*1" I t*h anil Ml>*li Iff an in lha «4*f «i*#n " i«>nilnn*a lha NWt “A atnttnff atnl# «f |tarni*ina ata mail* i*1 •« far lha la I! 11 |t*i Ion, lha f«fal Iwlni 11 T*» nan Thla la an »• i>raaa lanint *tf 1*1 fwr aria'* I’roriiH'tion of Poultry Attains Now High Murk Thirty IVr Grril lnrrrA«r Over 1920 Stork* of Stor«gr l' h. In tha iwo-dav teat#, a I'nlveralty lit Nebraeka llolateln cow, Varalty Pontalc Karmlne produced the moat butterfat of any cow on tho Honor roll with a record of 4 074 pound# of fat hhe la In th# aenlor 4 year old claaa and waa then In tha aeeond month of her rrdlkln* period Oerben tie*la Pled** Ifoae, a mature llolateln owned by lha I'nlverally of Nebraake »u®d® of fat Another good record wae made by Varalty Piece Klernif. Pnlverelly of Nebraeka llolateln, who, ea a aenlor 6 year old, produced 6.446 pound# of fat Thirty ala cowa gained the diet Inc thin of twin* on th* March Honor roll. All lit thek* war® llolateln* with the eaceptlon of one Jereey and two t Ion fiery# Fifteen of fhern lie longed to the I'nlveralty of Neliraaka, nine to Woodlawn dairy, lAltrofn; aeven to I'nlverally of Ncbraaka ante elation at North Matt*: three to II I,, never*, and two to Union nolle**, College View, N'liirtltrr of U urk llnr»r» Ki ( |mi|f I |i U ilh llrinaml Unmin. Kali., April l» Will Ihara lia a ahoraxa of work horaaa liafnra Ion*? HU tlal Ira of (ha bureau of rropa and lltraalnrk aetlmafaa hara allow a 10 par rant dauaaaa In h' raaa and rniitaa tn tha paal flva fwi Klturni a» Iha bureau, hnwavar, ahow that tla- laonnl iln rraan In horaaa la In Ilia of Tall In in Stair I iffr Mink* tif ( HIH mill lint % (lit Orrfritartl I'tmllli•« linn I lii’klirtr (mini fur N**lir«»ltit, Unmtn. A |» il (•,-TNg .atil# f*M Ing mmntt.n In IN* t *IM Wait* aii y**ca favnrnltln fop \ ibi NM»r* aat v tNa f*#4*r fpfwnt I*.’ll 'I I’..* Imlay Ny IN* 1‘hIIM fatal.* it*|iait m*nt *f A*rii i.iiinif, N»ii»«« <*f r** t>* •M tlamloiti Mllltial*. Tha r*t**rt rl. > l*f f.| ll^al S’aifr'iabn *n#t Woiilh I'nk”la aia l»v* only •tat** in IH* roan li*ll having *n|i*!»nll*l |n*tr****, • Nila In Ihl* i*rrlt«ry aa a nhol* lh«ra l« * it*.i*»n» of 4 t. |>* i rant, "t*rlr** fop wall flnlahp.1 mill* hav* l'**n gmwt." **»» 111* r*|Mtrl which follow*: "Tha call!* f**«llnif allnailon look* blight for Nihraakw f**.l*ra. rTirlnn* al»ly th* *i.'it* tm* a i*t i*nl Inor* milt* on f»*il IImiii Imt yam. All olh*r corn b*lt »lat*a **<*|»t KoillN I'ukot* ahow .|r.’<”*• n ranging from 5 par cant to 15 |i*r a*nt. f alt I* Kcrflng. .t*» rant *mifh l».kota ..........114 p.f ’•*! Knn.a. .. at par <**« Wlnourl . »1 p»> f«lU Mlbbnanla .. p„r * not ln»* .. ** P#r r»m iihl* ,.. 92 |t *rtt tfitilftna ... P»r t*ni lllinol* ...9k pmr rmni Michigan . »S i>** r*nt Wlaroncln ................. P»r rtttl Hnl»h tattle Hr»t. fattl* fowling remit* to dale have he»n favorable to feeder* who flnlahed rattle properly. The apread In prlcea between feeder* aid •"II finished cattle h»a lieen the rnoal favorable for winter monllia In four yearn. However, the market wa* overrun nIJed with partly flnlahed atuff on which price* were not good, "Fortunately the receipt* of cattle at Nebraaka feeding atatlona during •January and February ahow a *ub e'antlal Inr-reare. With the large •took* of corn and hay, and the de rreaaed feeding In «M except on* atate, X'ebraaka feedara who produce quality atuff aliould have their In nlng. Home of the dealer* antlclpnte a ahortagn of grnea fat < attle thla *ummer„nnd If realized, thla will fa vor further the late feeder. "While mu<-h of X'ebraaka corn la larking In feeding quality. It I* of bet ter quality than that of moat of the corn belt atate*. Thla give* the Ne hraakn feeder an advantage of the euatr-rn feeder to prrelur e quality atuff that demand* top prlcea, Ilrrl I'rirra Kltortlllr. "In apil* <>f lnAill« during Ilia winter montha, ^nd the heavy aupply of pork, the average prii > a of le-ef at'-i-ra for January, Kebruary and March were the hlgheet for three year*, which Indlc-alea a fa v oraMa all nation for cattle feeder* for tha neat ata montha. * "Idi/ge auppMe* of torn and hay frith ciuallty and freight rntea agalriat the ahipper, encouraged feeding In Nebraska, While eterefc* of old rom Inat autumn were nil, laat year'a corn crop waa 272,004.000 burhel* aa com pared in 112,040,000 buahela In 1522. Th# 1522 crop matured early and the 1521 crop late, and i*atll* reached the feed let# later a# the elation receipt# ahow, Thla worked ter the cattle feeder#' advantcire Iteratra* cattle were alow In coming from th* range# laaj autumn due tif a combination of the fly plague and aoft waahy gr*a# that de layed th# graaa flnleh erf cattle, with the reault that feeder i-attl# were high early In th# autumn and much lower later when tha rattle feeder waa ready for them. NEW SYSTEM WILL DEFY JAP ’QUAKES Mr l*l»r»»tl««*l how* *or*ioo. Toklo, April V) — A n*w nvthod of building houar** and oihr*r building*, radurlng tha danger of damage by •artimuak*, I* rrpirlol to hava law atolved by Mlrohlto Kakuma, a Jap aneaa grrhltwt. • Th* taial* of lh* now oofintructlmi la a»ld to b* lh* o*o of a triangular rolli rat* bar, with an Iron eor*, Tha liar I* »l« foot long, on* aid* Irrtng fotlr Inch** and th* oth*r two aldo* thro* Inrhoa wlda. It I* atalod that by ualng th* bar th* labor r* nulr*d I* only on* fori loth of that noha*ira WfM Mafia* Smi (474). It If.I p. m, oddrooa, I 14 t |#, t.«cHa«(iL Ww«l, MalmO N»»a (ftlf> 4. muafrai | WC?R, Matron i If 7 >, ft, ronrarl, 7 I*, mvalf WTAft, Klfin (140, • it it. Ourofia orrbaafra, rouakal. Won Jaltmt-m Cltf <44# ft), I, Mia •o*M atatm ptlaint or>h**fr* H Mr*. ft(*ifi|>H<« l ommarrlal Appral (ft##), l II, orabaaira H I.Ai Ni«r WaiiMflf W>IA H of.hMln I 4*fft ?».*»•»', <’!»•»»•• Lana, baiilafta. i data »u#4rfi i-4»u»r*vi* \«m irii* ro cult \(.o BEEF CLUB PRIZE I *•>*!**, AptH H »****• yH ,B IK* l *♦»♦«*#* §h,.* *1*1 ***** *■* *fH***,*« 44*** *• p* I* ll illi ** ’** 'Kilt* pi *r>4 Wf M Hi* I* I Ml ****4l»t |« *f*P***•#**#**I tut** 4u**l Ih* |<>41il 4<>it ™4 (*•» |* |t **4 I**" tint* *1 lir* *«flt !<♦(• | it****** *< <••••>• I* 1*4 |l| !**• *1 P-nM Mi** *K#lti|M**f*t *1t* ••*• **lrt t , ' • ml llnmlh* Nttt|l* III l4»«r*l, ***** In t h***#n #• IK* * n*»t* • *4 IK* *ht*» «********H«n# tr**i )**» tm firm* r«|«*tril th* nff*l* 4t» till, * |j*« h *init*f •• i*»i'ilr»4 l« Mhmlt • Mnry «4 hi* n* h*f irtp, l« lit* mm puny from *hl«h *H#y ih* Itm* tup, In #>l4i*l«n i*n«»4* •** Ittrnml In In Ih* h**tl ft Ih* rlnlt* »* IK* tnllpf* St 1*1*1 Substitute Is Promised by Shoals Bidder New Metal W mild ‘‘Revolu tionize'’ Transportation, ll»i Trlli Com mittee. Washington, April SO.—Production nf a metal, which tt* sponsor claim* would "revolution!** transportation” is one of th*' feature* of th* Ilooltcr Whlre Atterbury proposal for opera tion of Musi le Hhoals, It o«*l| Is appear Ing. Th* two met In Washington In April, 1917, while Mr, Beattie was In the uniform of the Mack watch of the Itoyal Highlanders. He opposed Mies flowed'* going on the stage, and when h* heard she had disregarded hi* wish**, cam* west after her Mr*, fteattl* will leave th* stage. It was understood h*re tonight, Rhe ha* been appearing oppnel** Walker Whiteside. Markrl Firm i»* Ili«li (•null* Has Itrmaiii' Snmv \t |lr»w*i»H C«r I •*♦»• ••tlit At Ml I’immI* ^ nil Nrti*«U I Ifht lnfrp«|nrn» » • r Maeet* April *•.—Th# fc#» **•**»» «f th* l*nl«M **•!»• »*wntw f u during iki »«k ml Aj-> tl f l*> II, k<' Its* firms*## »*• Bwrt prtwrip# Ip by Ihn imAlif nf lb* b*ri»f |tl4u of Kay #1 tha HP*M tnStkei* iwk tag la »b# l'nll"d l»Uri*« l*ep»ittw*t>» »f Asrb nlltn# revise mad* puftl* I hat# Tha rarieW state# lh*t they# • an #rtlY« demand hf Ihe l»ri trade# of timothy nt pn»>il «tly *11 mark*’* ■ but aa n usual al this lint# of y#ar. only a email portion of *ha nrrlyaia nara of thla bind of hoy."* I'uiflnulng th* report aay* “Th# j merer trade# ennllnttel dull and in tnoat Inatanes# could only 1 # sold at rather wld# discount a under the better trade#. Tha approach ,f warmer weather and the nearneaa »f the pari it rat# seaaon waa principally reaponalble for the light demand f' the hay uaually known aa fording hay and which la naed to carry stock through the winter. Mad Itomls a factor. > "RAM road condition# restricted movement In name sections of the central west while In other sections farmers took advantage of the wet weather to market the remaining sur plus of their hay while they were un aide to work In the fields. “While alfalfa prices held fairly steady at about the same as last week's prices, there was a tendency on the part of buyers to restrict thur purchase* to their immediate needs. lUairymen In the central w» st wrr# rather conservative becauae of exp, C tation of pasturage In & short tin.-. New alfalfa Is beginning to move to market in southern Ariiona and Cali fornia. Prairie Hay Weaker. “The prairie hay market showed a weaker tendency. The demand was •lightly le«* active, while receipts continued in fair volume. Producer* In the central west were endeavoring to dispose of surplus before th# de mand was too much curtailed by the spring pasturage. “Representative quotations at th# close of the week were aa follows: I -S'-. 1 Timothy—- It'.-tec, 12***; New York, 12* 6*. Pittsburgh. 1:7 #•: die r - nst: I2i **; Chi »g„ I27.M, Minnsapo: •, Hi it). St bouts. 12* *o. No. 1 Aifalf..- Kanui City 12* »*-22 t«; Oma be $-’2 ** Memphis, 122 *0. | Vo I Pr.irje Klr.iu C,1r *21 ; Omaha lit**, Minosapolia, lit St; t”. I. .,..- I2Q *0. An%MiTi*r.%ir*T Man Made “Young" At 84 Tells How He Regained Vigoi -■ Another remarkable report of being made ’'young" without a gland opera tion come* from 3. U. ftowelt. 84, of Kaw City, Ok!. "It ha* *imr>ly been wonderful" nay* Mr Uow»ll. "My eyealght la dearer and my muscle* feel auppl-. I walk with a firm, springy atep and now can do a man # work. I am en joying a remarkable re-lnvlgoration and r eat oration of gland and ner-e activity, and X feel aa young and vig orous a* I did at SO. I have found a real ’fountain of youth.” Mr. Howell aay* he "rejuvenated ’ himself in only ten day* by taking the recently discovered korex com pound In tablet form. Many other*— young and old—make similar repnr’# of their experience with this cot pound In caaea ttt nerve worikn* -* lost vigor uni premature age In fact, letter* praising korex are ten ► received in such volume that full strength 12 treatment* era I-ring <<< fn-ed on trial, under a money t guarantee, by the Korex Cob|*iu. ]472 Mellon Iltdg , Kanma City, M< American dlatrlbutor* of the c< ■* pound. The understanding la that tt - purr hate price will be refunded. UP* request, to any user who report* within ten day* that he la not entitl'd If you wlah to teal korex under thi* guarantee, aiinply fill out and tn il the coupon below. uniiTTOti tint imroT, Korn (•„ ItTt Irlln *M«, Knnnaa (My. *«- • ilnilrman fund n** a karat trati rr-*nt uodar jour aunrnntae Vein.. y..u find !-• nnrt-.wiT I ndfen. In Pur »; and on datfrrary; Mil tf I report within I# dn»a n*«t I am net an 11 af ind r»*t art tn refund mjr I upon rattwit Varna ... «j»er ••••* - Addr-aa ,.t.a. irarrah raatuU ha pat f <*■**• to loaelan t oimlrtre. When you think of GRAIN, CONSIGNMENTS, SERVICE }'ou think of UPDIKE •• OMAHA—KANSAS CITY—CHICAGO— MILWAUKEE Ample finance* aaaure coualrr aklppera ** Imme-iwH* pepmenle •# tkelr 4ialu an4 balance 4u* alwata remitted nilk retnrnc. Talepkane AT laall* Ml* Updike Grain Corporation “A Reliable Ceaelpnmeal Haaaa** pUtQQ£BUCnK^CS3BS3S3 A *. ' •*■*«* ni »M If men* * H*» e>n*« Pi #• I *' • • ■« nt\ rt Hr. <• ( 'i*r %♦*#.« • W.rrl m» «►». • n • M«» • • * |Mfl IMWlMMI n. J 1 aaaikam iwc| A ia» im—nl 'inn i»hi»himH«iiiii«iu • ,nJ w«*'*~** a^r**l •Mil nm4 Wnta fat Iih kaok M ^arlJ Paaaaaa.-ah hmi aa<4 »»a« i«Miili «f ll.imt—Aa •* inaaM »aimla «k.> kaaa baaa |ii»liw|ll IKTM DR.E.R.TARRY SANATORIUM, DR. R.S. JOHNS TON, M#A»J fWtt* , Fatara T ratal Mila . Oaaaa iha^NaW^^^^I