The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 21, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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Krlief Measure
(•uining \Hir
f*(laii anil Srrifil Amettil*
meals Overrmit* Him* —
llnsw Mas (1*1 Rill
ThU l eek.
n«w may i a •• »*• huh *•»
» «»im«****> April *• —at"»ty V*»<
»«>•** IN IMMIM •#»*■ otlMAl nwWI
im t* tmmStnf iii« M*>f*rr M*»t*o
ntrwt t*tl»f Mil ln»" A form that "HI
• 1 ml"*** of III* "ppo*ttl«n I*
H Will.I" AAOlhor w**h, H to *t<
p'-lH llial *n *t»*"4m*m will M
(44«t iMl will twit**-* mtn4# of r*r
.In *n.*il »l*valor *n4 mill man **
,t *M *ftnt II will M** on iMIf
In lb* lari w**k, fromor* of IM
III. pul4*4 by Chart"* SrAfiS of ih*
’nn*4 Ptoioa DopiiHmoni of Atrirul
»in»l, **r**4 l« *llmln*i* milon flwm
h* pro4uct* lo bo eoniroll*4 by Ih*
ni-poration to b* **t up un4*r torn.*
if lb* bill at III* b*hr«l of »o.i«h*rn
limwtli oppo**4 to ih* bill for
mnomlo rrnoon*.
Their objection to Inclusion or cot
ton w*s prompted by the feer that
the ratio price to he fixed for cotton
might be below the market of that
product. Framers of the hill hope
that the elimination of cotton will
l-reak the solid southern opposition
to the hill. It Is believed that any
number of southern congress men
were really anxious to afford relief
for the west, providing cotton was
eliminated. However, there le a de
•rmlned number who will look upon
it as a republican measure and wilt
vote to kill It to discredit the ad
Another opposing block has been
won In the last week by Insertion of
an amendment making It optional
with the corporation whather acrlpt
shall be used. The compulsory acrlpt
provision of the bill was opposed bit
terly by certain members who be
lieved the work could be carried on
without acrlpt. Under the amend
ment, It le left to discretion of the
corporation heada to use It or to
handle the proposition In a different
Next week, the committee will con
sider an amendment which. It la
hoped, will pacify certain millers and
A strange start) of
a murder.
A start) of a Hunter
of Love.
A storuof a Spider
and a fit).
Mat) On Sale
• tmm Mil Im»lw»fi Ml
»ftft*i *»<t «M»t fat f*ft**«*ftft
1 M MM* M UHlWft *M ♦ ***#<«* ft***
•ft# M*ft >»t ■ »»«> I • ft#
t# ft >4 if pupil **•
Pftftft* ftrft »■«♦» ft* >lftft«1i»ftl<t Ift #•
ftMM H,
iw»tft#4ft<l*ft l«f ft*»+
tin# «f I Ml ftnuMmuM «Htl Mi IM
ftftftbft M MM* M 111* mm Ilf HM
ftMM* fMMMIIM. ftftft I* Mil 1ft •*
|amlM ««* ft*It •#** Ml **ft**ftftM
ftiiM m Mm Mftftt *4 ii« imim t>*
• wfl ft ’ft* M» lift 1**1 ft*+ft H*« « "ft
Ift* ftiiHtMMl kMM *•**« l> t lift
Mil, t‘t 4rt*ft4* •••#**
Oil Firm Asserts
Dome Id'ast* \ aliil
Mammoth Company Denies
Government Allegation*
of Krautl.
Cheyenne, Wyo, April I* —The is
sue between the United Sittee nf
America end the Mammoth OH com
pany concerning tha validity of the
Mhmmnth e lease on the Teapot Dome
naval oil reserve, Wyoming, hecame
Joined Saturday when the Mammoth
filed Its answer to the government's
hill of equity praying annulment of the
least on ground that H was obtained
through collusion and fraud. The
Mammoth Oil company filed In United
States court s direct answer denying
all allegations of fraud and assailing
the validity of Its lease, thereby the suit squarely to Issue at
a date to be set by Judge T. Blake
Kennedy of the federal district court.
Similar answers previously had been
filed by the Sinclair Crude Oil Pur
chasing company and the Sinclair
Pipe Line company. Joint defendants.
Tha Mammoth's answer prays that
the government’s bill In equity be
dismissed. It contains sweeping de
nial of the government's chargee that
tha Teapot Dome lease was executed
by Albert B. Fall, then secretary of
the Interior, without legal authority,
or that there was any Illegal collu
sion between Fall and Harry F. Sin
clair concerning the lease.
Should the government’s hill he
granted and the Teapot Dome lease
be annulled the Mammoth's answer
asserts that the corporation should
be reimbursed for the 15.000,000 It has
spent in development of the lease and
for all obligations assumed In connec
tion with the lease. Date for hearing
of the case will be set after the gov
ernment's special counsel, Atlee Pom
erene and Owen J. Roberts, assisted
by United States District Attorney
Albert D. Wslton of Wyoming, have
had opportunity to reply to the Mam
moth’s answer. The period for reply
will expire May I.
■pastel Dispatch to Tha Omaha Baa.
Geneva, Neb., April 20.—Winner*
In the declamatory contort of the
southeast Nebraska association held
here Friday were:
Dramatic: First, Madeline Whit
man, Fairfield; eecond, Vera Stephen
son, Aurora.
Oratorical: First, Howard West
wood, Tecumseh: second, Peter Bond,
Extemporaneous: First, Howsrd
Hamilton, Geneva; second, Wyman
Ken nagy, Beatrice.
Humorous: First, Huth Oliver, Su
perior; second, Doris Sickles, Daven
Winner of first place In each class
received a silver cup for his school
and a fold medal for hi* prise. Win
ner* of eecond place received silver
Adale Garrlaon
MM» NwInh^'i ! •«"
MM ¥*«** «*W IIWm %k»*o Mm
tut MHI, H*.V|
|M ,« . .« *» | < ••«« M4 Mi*
j Mod* M4 »••* #**an iM IM i
M* 4Mll i i|i'K f***» «• M* *•*• *M
It MUM IMi IM* Mi remi in**
liM ... if In* Mi'ii tMMMMrt
I »mt*iM ihm n»* M**n*i Mil# ll
• M titan* 4* •» iilM
j«M .♦*,« y I MM «*n IM Md MU
Mi|i<imi Mi I •*! intife #*'*, tiHI.
Me hrlyn m* 4 in mil* Mm And
II ii r*in*MiMr »*M*U»ia* > **« Mi4
l Pwl | hi Mm4 1
**( M ••• you »t*ln Mw»a MtIWi
•Mure* Mm, and ti • f*« n *»•
mid* | Mod *M Molt* iMtr ela**
Ut**i iitMMr eitllnd »*#*» talma IMI
Ulllan ••• •• •*■»• i* dad flnn *•
Mi* ar«n*im, *M iMi » *•> in mm*
| npMimt IM fcllrhan drer Mt*t
ttniiity •• yill*i Him* pi** II. tnd
nnfol*Mlv frllo*»*•! P»r ta tM Hvtti*
**t am aimply burning wild eurt
nail#," I Mhlapaiad «Wn t h*d
tlooj Ilia duoi. "Of tour** I know,
;«u Mlpad l.«r eany Hi* fuia i*a*k,
0 d from h*t wm d* and InflMUIana
1 ran •*• you tuna ho aalln* out of
your hand, but mhat did you find out?
Or don't you want to tall mt”'
lilHan I* Reaaaurlng
I added tha query because t had
caught a familiar ezpreeaton In Lil
lian'* eye*, on* which mean* that
ah* Wahea to work out * problem
on her own. I had not realized that
Mr». Mai k» and her peculiar aur
rounding* presented anything more
to Lillian than a chnnct to aid me
In dealing v.lth Dicky'* protege. Hut
In Lillian * suddenly lined forthead
I aa w that something beyond any
personal problem na* Interesting bar
and 1 regretted my qulazlng.
“Frankly, I—don't—juat now," Lil
lian replied slowly. 'Tv* atumblad
upon—something—eurprlslng—to me,
and I want not only time, but the
sense of being absolutely unhampered
hy personal relations while working
the thing out, I will tell you this,
however—" she flashed a brilliant
amlle at me—“you were partly right
about thoee fur garment*. They are
not half a» guilty aa they look.'*
A Timely Interruption.
“I am glad of that." I returned
heartily, hoping that Lillian would
not sec my Involuntary chagrin that
Mrs. Marks evidently had confided
far more to her than ah* had to me.
“I knew you would be,” Lillian
answered? and followed her aaaertton
with a question.
■ \V*lien la Dicky going to Michigan
with hla mother?"
“Just aa soon a a Mother Oraham
can get ready, probably In two or
three days." t
“And when 1* Dicky going out to
tha farm?"
“I don't know," I replied. I had
not confided to Lillian tha datatla of
Dicky # abrupt departure.
Bhe threw a shrewd glance ct c*
"How would you Ilk* to sublet
your apartment to me wlu.e ..
and hla mother are gone and you
are at the farm?" ehe queried with
a entile at the word ' 'sublet.' Bhe
knew that If she had used the word
seriously I should have bean deeply
I grinned Involuntarily.
"It waa what Dicky auggeated
.whan he went away thla evening," I
aald demurely. "It will be an—
eapeclal—delight—to me to tell him
that I have followed hla advice."
She gave me an anawarlng grin.
"You aura are learning how to
gentle that broncho," aha aald. "When
do you expact him back?”
"I don't know,” I returned truth
fully. "Ha ahonk tha duet of tha aa
tahllahment from hla feat whan ha
left, and announced that ha would
Leave Omaha 606 p.m. Arrive Chicago
7:30 a. m. A Chicago train with service
you’ll like. Latest design Pullman sleepers
chair car, coaches, observation car and
dining car meals “the best on wheels."
Two other Rock Island trains. Leave
Omaha 2:40 a. mn 3:22 p. m. Arrive
Chicago 4:15 P* m. and 7:00 a. m.
Comfort and Courtesy are your fellow
travelers on the Rock Island.
Most convenient Chicago Stations—
Englewood Union Station for South
Sick and eastern connections—La Salle
Street Station in the heart of the city
(on the Loop).
For information, larae and raaarvationa, call or
addran—Conaolidatad Ticket Office, L. Bein' •
dorfl. Agent, Phone Atlantic 9214,1416 Dodge
SL St* Omaha, Nebi; J. S. McNally, Div. Pam
MW, Agt* Rock Ialand Linea, Phone Jackaon 0428,
raa*810 Woodman of the World Bldg* Omaha, Neh.
Terminal Firm Saves Shippers Money
Tha plotuia ahowa on* of Omaha a latgeat and moat centrally loratad
warehouse*, tlia Terminal Warehouse mitipany, Tenth atraat and tha rla
duit. Tha building I* e<iulr>|>ed with owntnodloua nfftrea, anaMIng tha
bmker if anlra agant to tarry apot ttm ki under lha anrno roof Tha firm
pnlnta out lha ronvenlenra of thfa ayatam lo lha agant which anablaa him
lo auparvlaa and obtain aamplaa of bla atnrk naar tha office,
Tha Terminal Watahouae company haa a I an a furniture department da
yoted to parking, atorlng and ahlpplng lioueehold gooda. Thla department
haa mat with much popularity dua to |ta method of "Pool shipping," The
firm cnllerta hmiarhnld good* from a number of persona ahlpplng to tha
name destination, making a carlot. The mat la than divided among tha
Katlmalaa on tha eoat of parking, aiming and ahlpplng will gladly ha
Novel Breakfast Food Trucks
The Uncle Sam Breakfaat Food company, 4201 North Twenty-eighth
avenue, la uatng a novel mean* In advertlalng and dlatrlbutlng Uncle Sam
Health Food and O-Kay Bran flake*.
The firm haa equipped two trucka with apeclally dealgned bodlea
capable of handling 100 caaea of their product.
The trucka are manned by a driver and aaleamah who are vialtlng every
atore In weatern Nehraaka, After a complete tour of Nebraeka the truck*
will cover Iowa. The algna on both aide* of the trucka are electrically
Illuminated for advertlalng during night driving.
- <•
tell tha Janitor to gat hla aultraaaa
and keep them for him, But—be
went atralgr.t out of tha door and
didn't atop for tha Janitor."
"Tour vantaga point tha front win
dow," Lillian commented with an
amuaed, but kindly, # grin. "Wlaa
lady! You can learn a lot from that
elation. Then you think ha'll be back
"No-o,” \ anewered. "but I Imagine
ha will telephone."
Aa If punctuating my anawer, the
telephone rang.
fCeprrfgtit, 1M4 )
Prapar* for fly tlma by having
screen* made or old screens repaired
now. says P. H. Turney of ih* T. H.
Turney Screen company. TflT South
Twenty-seventh street. Th* Arm op
erates one of th* most modern
equipped factories In th* city devoted
to making screen windows, doors and
screened porches.
"Do not wslt until you see a fly
In th* house.’’ warn* Turney. Th*
way to keep them out Is to have
screen* put on now.
"W* expect a large demand for
screened porches this season," aald
Turney. A screened porch not only
adds another room to the home, but
provides a retreat from th* hot sum
nyr evening*. Katlmat** will gladly
be furnished on screen work by the
Th# Omaha Battery company, till
Harnay atraat. ta dlatrlhutor In thla
territory for th* famoua Olll platon
ring. Th* firm report* a larg* de
mand for (hi* ring during th* la*t
month, due to th* fact that many mo
toriata are overhauling their motor*
and replacing the old ring* «IW> Olll*.
Th* Omaha Battery company eon
duct* a moat efficient aervlea. cater
ing to *11 need* of motnrlet*. The
firm carrlea th* Vaeta tiattery, hut
will axchang* and repair any make.
Th* electrical and battery repair d*
partmant I* manned by experienced
workman and give* a guarantee for
*|g month* on all work don*.
Tha P.aarh official hnaolwll guldafor
1)24 )• now out and can ha obtalnad
at tha Nabraaka Mntoroyrla and HI
ryela company ftora, 1(12 Howard
Tha Raach gulda oontalne tha naw
1)24 haaahall rulaa, tha complata atory
of lha world'a aarlaa, tha malor laagua
pannant racaa and tha complata da
talla of tha minor laagua racaa,
A complata atock of ftaai h' haaahall
gnoda la on dlaplay at thla atoca, Tha
Arm alan faatuiaa tha famnua Hill
Dnak haaahall glovaa and l/Otilavllla
ffiuggar hata, both of which rank high
In tha aatlmatlon of all hall playara.
Two Barn* Burn.
ggaalal fttapatrh la Tha Omaha flaa.
at. .Tamaa, Nab . April 20,—A bon
flra. rarrlad by a at run* wind, lodgad
ngalnal a barn nwnad by William
Hawaii, binning thla barn and an
olnar balnnglng to Hobart Nat*ton
Tha loan of tha barna amountad to
aavaral thnnaand dollara
Hina hprltifa—Alva Thoman. rural
routa lattar rarrlar of Plrkrall, for
tha paal aavan yaara, hna bran ap
polntad to tha roula nut of Tllua
ftprlng" formarly rarrlad bv Ilia lata
Ralph I’oraytha, who d^ad two waaka
Bostwirk to Show Picture!.
Picture* of the Caribbean eea will
be flanheil before the Omaha Triangle
club by I.oul» Bcetwlck at the club's
meeting Tueaday goon at the Ton
tenelia hotel.
IIMM • iH M MW* *»»* M»* -A
«*«* lit** ****** IA*M *»*i i«li n M«i .
A II ***• j
(IMWM lit Itowifc t**«*» ♦»«««* 1
Mf*M MmIihMIA 4*4 (Ml *»*• I*#
lM m*i 4m h w*»H m,
»p IM* >*» *» »'* x' f
•t|4*MM4 ’ M4M “ HA •• 4M «4 <*»■'*
AA A AMD **M Am*** *•(»»
A*I!*• Hamm Hi lA# INMAN«« tf H
• *Ai • I'M M'- f* i * II I 11*4
i A* •‘fmiMADi i»f t-MMiA f*<* I A* AMI*
AwHM ti I* h*»* Ikll «H* <44 U|t>
»*4 Mi* Imp* IA* «M * •*»A *bi Ml
Bi *A|.n * AA4 ft MM* *1* *H*M
A** Ml *M H*f- MWI*«**»*»f l*
*imb*4 *H A A Bf* *f*4 t«'lii*U*
IM* ft **«l r*i*«IAt M*l*H*lt *a4
* Ml furpMA * A nM«H* b* npA»l*i*f
||| IB* mi *»•! Mi*i|*| **iA IM Mr
•M* imi*»*»'<4
A A*# im*4* tfnm • |«Im1b4 i<*|»
A* n4A*f ■ Al*f I* * |**tl* *pi4«f
Special Factor Sale an our
Lead Speaker, 4'Tabo Lent
Dicta ere Radio Sato. Com
plete with taker fCCOO
aad batterioc , . . OO
Hayden Bros.
W 1
Spttiil Priwi to
Mph Oar Stock
tWiliP Ai>m **• 1
I l I I * »
mm ak**
- ■
Pnw to**** ***k • ■
PPwt M »*«’ ***** <M *■ •* •*»
k •*>• In) too******
** < !«*! ***** ** **«* »*• ******
Am ***** •■•* t*n*t ******* M *•*
**••**4 **t ***** ***** I* * »• **4
Ml* a*P*'i A\**»*>* * i*»*4
•Ml IM|* « ** mm
Owllit, N »P>
l. d
With Ravbfito*
A n#* wlinl«t
IMr|||«P hp| bPP« III
•tallm!. A v »iil pffj.
d*nt« that afn rnunnH
by faulty HraliM,
PilH |M* U»»
into Eiictdt l Radio
••If Hi**m HA Mil
Cenrrata Block*
Mortar Joint*
Build a
To Ba Sura
31 II and Spauloinb St. Phone KEnwooc 0456
k _
Vibration vs. Vesta:
Vibration cannot hurt a Vesta Battery.
The plates are locked apart.
2212 Harney Atlantic 3394
_ -
Made in. Omaha
The Famous
Overdraft Furnace
Every pert made ia our big factory. We
cell and iaatall our Fureaoe* ia Greater
Omaha direct from factory—olaowhoro
through dealer*. The Overdraft *avo* fuel.
Pboaa Ralstoa 82 for repreieatativa.
Howard Stove and Furnace Co.
RaUtoa (Omaha), Nobra»ha
"Watch for
Blue Lights
at Night"
Call AT 3322
Ba.iaa.. and paapla at all .la
liana in Ufa ara ridiaf ia Blua
Cab*, aa a raaalt af aar Law Rataa
aad Caartaau. Saraica.
Blue Cab Co.
Expert and careful packer*
of fine china, palntinga, etc.
Our method of carload ship
ping lave* you money.
10th and Jone* St.,
on Viaduct. JA. 1104.
Tha Fraaak Syalaai af Etaa
tricily Will Cara Caaear (if il
kaa aal baaa aal.) Caaaali
Dr. Alice B. McCanns
321 N. 22d Si. JA 8S3I
* y
Spread All Over Face.
Cuticura Healed.
** I «uff*Tad for three yaara wfth
plmplea and blackhaada. Tba pirn
plea were large and rad and apraad
1 all over my face. They Itched aad
burned and whan I acratcbed them
| It cauAd them to apraad. I did not
go out much.
“ 1 read an advenleamant for Cu
ticura Soap and Olntmant and aanl
for a free aampla. It helped me ao
I purchaaed more, and after u.lng
flva cake* of Cuticura Soap and
' flva boiee of Cuticura Olntmant I
era a healed/* (Signed) Mlaa P.
Mackey, R. D. 6, Hetner'a Boa,
(Overview Ave., Warren, Ohio,
July 7, 1923.
Uae Culkura Soap, Olntmant and
Talcum to keep your akin (laar*.
Bm Wunt Art* Pr>u1ii<-« |{««till*,
'yoi warm
wTirhaberstroh & Sons
Th« Furaaca'Paapla ef Omaha
(Ealablith«4 IMS)
Phone WA Inut 2971
h ___y
I.ifht or heary
ehell or fold
frame. Cryatal
lenaea. Work
2102 Norik 241k Slroot
Mlb ao4 Lobo Straata
(0»ar Turkman Braa. Gmaarr)
Pkoao WE katar 44BB
for Car, 6il u4 Rrpair«
Um •
for Drlivary
HA 2404 2701 Utf—rtb
Screen Doors and Win*
dowt Made and Repaired
f. H. Turney Screen Co.
707 S. 27iH Si. AT 4737
Scraaa Porchti a Sparialty
f 1
Stationary that Satisfies
Oaiki Stationery C«.
307*9 S. 17th Than* JA OSOi
a m
frafMitoMl Card
Dr. W. R. McGrew and
Dr. O. F. Peebler
1 Aaoattfira T>»tr Rants* al Tmm
Tb# Ka*hn. HM| la
Dr. T. E. Sample
M. b.
Using Dr. Abrams’ meth
ods and practically all
forms of electrical treat
ments except X-ray.
106 Arthur Omaha,
Bldg. Neb.
!« It Good for
10# Cash Discount
on r11 ordort of Troat. Radf**.
Fimri avid Rhrubbarr To tilt
•mount of 119.00 o» •▼or.
Gate City Nursery
1 Blark. Baulk al Kru* Park
1X4 a ad Er.klaa S«». WA »tt
v ____y
Pleating Button*
Hemititching Braiding
Embroidering Bonding
Button Hole*
Mall Order* Frometly end
Carefully Filled
Free Circular*
20S South 16th Street
OefMitite Braadela Stare*
rhaaa IMPQuran*. Neh.J
Ratal! Marckant* Skauld
U.a tka
J. J. Cameron
Credit Bureau
>17 BM«. AT. 7**0
Send Your Welding te
Omaha Welding Co.
Electric end Osyecelydene
1501 Jeckten JA 4397
Auto Top* — Seat Cover*
*12 5. 24ik Si. AT 36*3
k J*
Ufp Mavp —-14 G^‘ -
ft C ITlUfC cilr er Oimrr
•I the
Lowest Rates
WKjr Pay Mora?
Phone AT 1866
“B” Line TrintferCo.
1813 St. Mary* Ava.
After 6 P. M. Call WA 2874
Tbit Ad Good for
50% Discount
Wall Paper
Wo Giro Eitimatct on
High-Cla*i Decorating
Fred Perks Paint Store
4708 S. 24th Si.
MA 0101 AT 7404
r -«
Niagara Wall Papers
Work Dona on
Ea ij Pafntnl
Writ# far Fraa
Wall Papar
l«II *».»■« »Mt. JA 4180^
Northwest Ready
Roofing Company
3122 LM*«Bw«rtli HA 2574
>_ ^
To net your money and ret
quality on typewriter!, adding
machine*, duplicating machine*
or dictating machine*. ••«
All Mikes Typewriter
Cewpiay, lie.
"Where Quality and Low
Price Meat”
205 S. 18th St. AT 2414
A palatable
and tatty
product of
Made by
Uucle Sam Breakfast
Food Co., Omaha
Where Fresh Farm Eggs
Are Always Sold
Automatic Printing
Saves You Money
AT 2381 list mmd Cuming
V _/
f '
Nebraska Motorcycle &
Bicycle Co.
Mataurtl** Iff*W■ and CmI* 5up
pltaa Mall Oxtail KlM*«l l»taia«pltT
1512 Ha ward, Opp. Cast Otlw*
k_ ^