The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 20, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 9-A, Image 9
Heal Kslalr Transfer* Herr in I hi inter anti Nnrilirm linlliiin nf thnalia M»»l \ilivt in l*«i| ^ erk. Ahot l»t i n##k In # hi* H fmir# that* IlM.IHm Hniib nf raal #«iai# Hiatt* #4 ii<tikli tin* i*##n itortriM in lb# «»ffi<# of th# r+*l#trar t»f 4#«m1# In #11 ##rttnna of umaha property MtoV« *| |*|thlt) THrit* tutf ttllh^folt# l!ih*frri In Ih# litiltd## and Ihf itfttlhrrl fltatrk t# of th# tit v. Th# majority «»f th# tr#n»f#ra *#rr h ft tor*. Kvw hu*ln#f># building# fig tired. Th# total amount nf th# trait# f#t# wan $?:’# KMt, r.nrxrr, m f>#trnl. •f II amtav to lUthrlatn Yogaam, III* <‘#«*it«i| ivoiup tl0,|6n. Vivian M Klt« t* to .Ton»ph Hu} kin, 1791*6-7 Howard ntraot, lino. J. J. Mith'i to Johanna Kmlth. 2*i» f»*# ntrmi. fl.OOO. N#rfhw#at. C*. f. r»)n tn W. i: Afrhinan, 3601 (3rand avrnon. 9ooo t'hnrlon ttnopca to Jop#ph IM«-k. Forty* AI>VfCtlTI*RMKKT KILLS ASTHMA GERMS IN THREE DAYS To prove that Asthma Tabs will ab solutely rid you of Asthma anil Hay I'Vver. and that Jerrlble sneezing wheezing and shortness of breath 1 will send you a regular $1.00 treat ment of my famous home remedy ab solutely FRKK and postpaid. Nn obligation—no coat. This wonderful prescription will remove these trou bles In a few days. Mrs. C. H. I,eu. Hoberg, Mo., says: "Jly daughter had a light attack the third day. hut has not had any since. May God’s blessing rsst on the ills voversr of such a boon to humanity." Since this does not cost you any thing and does not obligate you In any way, simply send name and address for free treatment today, and prove at my risk that you can be rid of asthma. R. N. TOWNU5Y A’HTlIM A-TAB I.ABOUATORIKH, Baker-Vawter Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. APVKRTISKMKXT OILY ONE WAY YO CHECK PYORRHEA You cannot cure, or prevent, pyor rhea by putting a pleasant-tasting compound on your gums, or by using some compound containing such chem icals as carbolic acid or creosote. To treat this dangerous and pain ful disease successfully, you must use a healing antiseptic, which will PKN KTRATK through the gums and into the alveolar cavities. #.To do this, you must use "Pyros” ifftrr pyorrhea!, a non-alcoholic, non poiaonous, odorless and stainlesa anti septic, which is certain to relieve the aevereat case of pyorrhea If It Is used secording to the simple directions with each bottle. Regular vlsita to a reputable den tist and daily use of a little bit of ‘’Pyros” are the only two things neces sary In healing or preventing pyorrhea. Ask your druggist for "Pyros." In sist on that name. The dollar size bottle lasts you a long time. If you can’t reach a druggist at once, send 25 cents for a large trial size (only one to ft person) to the Rhea Chem ical Co., 1271 Curtis Ht.. Denver, Colo. ADVKRTISK.M K NT CUNT BEAT "TIZ” WHEN FEET HURT .Tust t.ik* your shoes off and tli'-n put thOae weary, shoecrlnkled, ach ing, burning, corn pestered, bunion tortured feet of yours In a "Tlx” bath. Your toe* will wiggle with Joy; they’ll look up at you arid almost talk and they'll take another dive In that "TI*" bath. When your feet feel like lumps of lead—all tired out—Just try "Tiz.” It’s grand—It’s glorious. Your feet will dance with Joy; also you will find all pain gone from corns, >al louaes and bunion*. There’s nothing like "TI*.” It’s the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up your feet and cause foot torture. A few cents buy a box of "TI*" at any drug or department store—don’t wait. Ah! how glad your feet get; hn* comfortable your shoes feel. Humphreys’ “Forty” Induce)) Repose and Natural Refreshing Sleep. -— ii Iiwpw'f~r ■ tsr. /- .3SZ “Seventy-seven” For Coughs, Colds and Grip. Tonic Tablets (24) For General Debility, Weak ness, Want of Strength, Lassi tude, Tired Feeling. Price, No*. 24, 40 and 70, SOr earh. At Drug Htore*, or sent on remittance (Our Kirk t or C. O. D. Parrel Post. Hum phrey** Ifomeo. Medicine Co, 15S Will’dn Mi., New York AH V KftTMKM KMT Hit Many Pounds Would Yon Like to 6ain InaWtek? If you are thin and scrawny and would like to fain weight, I will «»n<1 you a *4 in pie of the genuine Illlton* Vita iiiinea abnolutely FRKR, Do not *en(! any ^4<uoney~~Just your nanus and mldr*** to W W. Hilton, 144 Gateway Mta . Kansu* 4*1 ty. Mo__ AHVKftTIMKUKNT Huv Many Pounds Would You LikitoLosainaWook? If you ■ (•• fit in* wsnf lo Ion 1 will «*n<1 you • iimple of thf fimoui Rld-O-Flt fr»itm»ot ibiotutlly Kr*. Do Kfit Si n't Any Moniy—Jolt your nlm« ar>4 A-Mr.ii lo Thi BAyni Company, 713 Cue* Cols BI4f. Kiniu City, Mo. t . • | » MM «IM 14*» it» i«i * m ^ '-nr - . li ' * t «*.# *• a*,M » ■•» *» * * • j !«•*§ M !*«♦ j|*'( RMlfe fttMl'Hl Wl iMMiH’ltl Mf*H fl'Mi *er*»»*4l •«! iHib I•»»■*■**«l fi u* HrH l| ft (*••. «knm a M A * Mki* RM j I IHNl kthiMI) ]Mh|) Ikl I t###t* fifth M r H tpiMH 4 I it:* W(Miami life#* |» Iff f*4l*1«l Fetft** !• 4* f Kllll til* Hiikff Alans* If fa* Mfeidi)4 |i* ret ##**»**» t r»n p»lf 1* I M l fill I"** lit# UlMl, I* •*• Nwiilt *44# j a m Mm t# I A IlH v*»tth „ I I t a H M*i># i*» ** " 1 ttmsbf, *!**■ Vnuh S t*i*» iitR (4i#*"l, fi »*•# t mil** I KHk In A «' llani#*. Mil *v#en* If I®* Mm, I M Nall* In K It Hull IIP I | unt#ft#M# bout#' ni.I !«.••• H S Wnlf . .|i.r.) «** Ain attain PhlA» 1*1: i* Flam • * *» it **• IlHMitfr llynda# N*i)H » mviuhv Id I A M»4la* li*l laatd •!#*=#« |l si'" Hurkrf * imp*ny Ih A 4 44lliu. Flf*'• «#>**«tH amt !on«*« »ir#*l» |1* .«•»" Sat( m **.....*,nu Id .«■ hn I > * ftt9 S<'9iim«n *lfa#i. II* •mhiiIi Hitmhi I Ftank Im|i k t»i • H <*brtima. •?* !' laffrpt. |l *f»d i <1a»>rl**l Adorno l** W I Duka, I'M Souih hi*ht • • n< li atr#»t. I6.*0*. Snot hr-it»t It ^ Hagan io August «’laar. SIM n#ii#\u* itoalrvifi Is*Aa® Anna Ttinttu In Frank Krl##. lli'W ory atr##t, 16,60®. \| I till*- l UM Talmas** Tlnraton mm puny In Bulb A I'ollsiiil. |*U Ida air**»t. I* IV #«t Fartiam. Kaaf#m Mnrtng# A b*u»n • nmnnnv lo f'tat'A FlPk#tig#r, 143 North Forty tniru |5,4M , . t’laiH Fl''k#na#r to Murth* .1 Hoiw iiinrt. 143 North Forty-lhlril #tr#rt, »«.«««• II A Wolf rotnpMny to Arthur Hyl#n, r»17 South Thirty fifth avcBttr. 14.360. Cnthrdrnl. r r Bunderlsml t«» W#b*»er Mills. 16 North Forty flrat street. .VI A llanapu to Anna * Vdama, »ZI North I’nrty-first street. 14.600. Cole-McKay Is Moved in New Funeral Home The Cole-McKay mortuary, one of Omaha's oldest funeral establish ments, is now located at Thirty-sixth and Farnam streets. The building is three stories and hns n rooms, reception hall and basement, affording ample space for f— .. —-—- ■ .. i . show rooms, sleeping quarters of em ployes and storage for equipment. The rooms are decorated In oil. The Cole-McKay company was or ganized as a corporation hy it. V. Cole and W. M. McKay In March, 1903. Mines 1919 L. E. Kltch has bean financially Interested In the buslnees and Is now secretary. It. V'. Cole being president and active head of the business. Cleanup Week Leaders Set Good Example ,.<• . .* i i.ingetn cleanup brigade, aruird with the naceaaary implement* of cleanup warfare, ami lacin I" get hu*y. They are member* of the cleanup week committee, which la working under auaplrr* of the health committee of the Clumber of Commerce. The cleanup campaign begin* Moml.n. On the left I* Mias I. Ilnlen, chairman of the committee. In the center I* Ml** M. K, Alvord and on the right i* Anne Krixon. The Inf. tihicli I* In the background, anil which need* cleaning up, I* directly weal of tile poatofflce. Typical Small Home Designed for Comfort C. CS. f'arlberg, builder, 210 Bran del* theater building, lookin'.' for a banner year In real estate, ha* begun construction on 20 home*. The places are scattered about the city and are various style*. A two-story home, roomy enough for a medium-sized family, Is one of the types of homes greatly favored by the builder. The plan of one home In particular has proven Itself highly satisfactory. He I* not using thl* plan at present In any of the place# under construction. The porch of this home, shown In the photograph. Is designed for com fort. It Is roomy enough to make an extra sitting room by the addition of windows. Across the front of the house, on the first floor, Is the living room. The room Is 20 by 11 feet, A fireplace on the aide opposite the door give* a homelike air to the place. The dining room and kitchen occu py the apace at the back of the house. A breakfast nook ha* been planned to open from the kitchen. Plenty of closet apace ha* bean pro vlded. There Is a roomy clonk closet In the front, opening from the living room at the foot of the stairs. In the kitchen, cupboard* have been designed to care for everything needed In that part of the home. rpxtairx there are two bedroom* anfl the bath. Hpaclou* Heart* oi>en from the bedroom*. and opening from the bath la the linen Hoaet with shelve* and drawer* for *1! linens and apace to store clothing and blanket*. IJke other Carlberg homes, the house ha* hem planned for comfort and convenience throughout. Yankton Steel Bridge Nearly Done __———————w The Meridian highway bridge aeroaa the Mleaourl river at Yankton, S. I>., ia nearing completion. Tliia picture aliowa the ateel erection completed April III. I’art of the high railrond grade on the .Nebraaka able la ahown In the foreground. The lower deck of the bridge ia for the railroad. The upper deck will he the auto road. . - The Meridian highway la the only highway acroaa the lulled Mlatea from Canada Into Mexico. BOY JURISTS FOR/ DISTRICT COURT Boys may serve a* Judge* of the district court In Omaha a week from next Tuesday If plans of Kohert K. Bruitb, district court clerk and Joe Marrow, bailiff. In charge nf placing the youths In position In the court house for Boy's day In Industry are carried out, Tl 1* their plan to have every dl* trlrt Judge relieved from office by an edict from Governor Bryan "vacat ing'' for a part of that day all the county benches and appoint mg youths from the tdgti schools In (heir places. The court* will also be administered by other youthful attache* that day, as sheriff, court clerks, reporters, .■scessors, commissioners, register of deeds, etc. SALES OF HOMES DURING WEEK I>. K Buck ft Co., realtors, sold 10 houses last week for a total of $tlO, 900, Only two of the houses built by the firm In Btandard Place remain unsold. John Ixivgren, salesman, sold three houses on Friday, located at *017 Onk street, 7010 Mlrine I,usa boulevard, and **79 Ida street. Maurice B. Griffin Go. Enlarges Sales Force Announcement Is made of the addi tion of llnrlan W. Iluaker to the city real estate and Insurance department of the Maurice It. Griffin Heal Fatale company, *04 First National bank building. Mr. llaaker wss graduated from Central High school In 1*19. Follow ing nls grsdustlon h* hs* been *t tending Creighton college of law. He Is a son of the 1st* ft. H Hanker, founder of the Hsgent Hhoa company. 24 Hoiirx a Week Held Ample for Scrub Woman Ixmdon, April 1*.—Twenty-four hour* a week I* look rnoutth for any woman to *<-rul>. That'* official. The London county council educa tion eubcommlttne ha* met. pondered and decided that the ecrtibwnnrutn In London *<-hool» ahull have their hour* of work reduced from 22 to 24 hour* a weak. Laborite Fi>#*ed Wlirn Kinp Adjust* Fed Tie Jarndon, April 19.—A member of the labor cabinet at Bttcklnirham palace became quite embaraaaed when the klnif Intimated that the Inhnritc wae deficient In hla attire. The kina am lied and then adjuated hie tie. It waa a red tine. Orman Coin* Retive l *e of Slot Marliine* Berlin, April 19.~Hlot machine* are making their reap[>eriranc* In Berlin, after a lap** of 1* yeara. Berlin haa he*n on a paper money haala. and the •lot mar hill* haa had a long reat, hut metal coinage I* now lielng reaumed. iXt Hota'lfc^n*. } t rjiliftalPJsgiM 2403 North S2d Plant Now Anythin* in the Nursery lino we have it. Special price* on Cherry, Apple and Pear trees. Come and *ee us or phone. Gate City Nursery WAInut 2945 Thrra Block* South of Krug Park Always the Most for Your Money Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Plants, Bulbs, Seeds MENERAY NURSERY & SEED STORES OPEN EVENINGS OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA ISIS Faraam St. 2S05 "Q” St. COUNCIL BLUFFS 34th St. and Waal Broadway Phono: Council Bluff* 16SS 7 Are You Planning a New 5 Home or Some Improvements? I Let Us Assist You We can refer you to reliable con tractors and aid you in many other ways. It I« Our Buiinets to Serve You UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. 4500 Dodge Street WA lnut 0300 Rpully Oowijwiiy RrjiortH Big $ rrk |l |, Kin k Rilnnxn Hi*|»«*»r iif |M 11 * ill Hay *. 11 R Kuril <>f IIm I*. K l»*t» K < «**> Imp** ifaH'iH. i*finM* (ImI In !*•’ ,ini ha iwMiht Ml Wf |*| no* wntth nf home* In »'** *«». Ft titty. nti* Bf hta •*le*ni*n Mr Id** f, *n. o lii i hr** hnm** Tine *i* ii**l* IW nl I he hottt** we hunt in ptandsrd pl»»* Mft *»n • old ' Mr NwK an d "Th* Ida- e* went Ml fuel W* feared for a «t»n* Ihnl non* would In* * ..fitpicted Is I"** a IrpflPfer of the deed wan requeued “ The hooaea that l***fl*11 sold ar* al Sol? oak street, 7#l# Minna l.uan lumlrtard and fa?* Ida at reef Idtv grrn de. laird lliat "old limes" were iiark when h* rtperted thla day’s work. The three places were Valued M KSP.r.on, The fullowing I* a list of propel ly sold this week: i: 4 Willis urns# In N **•'•- ^ M 7447 1 #srlaiors In Veil Trishe 4 tJJJ'll 4*,»S W nulwi.ll h AVI- In * Tucker i.slesa ISIS Booth r«rir-suih Mi. to I* H, hell . ... „. ».•*•»* C!» North Forty esvenlti »•. to P l.srkow . ■ * t»* a* »Ju* North Thirty third Are. (o I. H Hpillers . ..... *.•••■•* >111 h'onienells Bird In K II Mush .... .... "M " this vtlnne I.ues Bird. to O. Peterson s, 1017 link Hi io Ttioe' .. 4.BO0 O'* .0.7* Id* Hi to I. A. Holiday t.lit.00 68 OF 100 C. OF C. MEMBERS SIGNED With of their quota of 10# new members for the Chamber of Com merce in April already secured, rivalry between the two membership teams has become (fern, and the re maining 32 are expected to be ob tained early next week, two week* before the month ends. The team led by F. T. B. Martin, vice chairman of the council, started the campaign in the lead, but last week F. N. Croxson, chairman, and hi* team, forged ahead. In the re port made by the two teams last night, Croxson'* team had a lead of 10 new members over Martin. The prize Is a spring hat for the captain of the winning team. No Britain* Held Now. Hr International Kf»l Wert Ire Je.ndon, April 1» — NotwIthatandiiiK all report* to the contrary, no Jtrltiah aoldlero are belnic detained aa priaon ere of war or otherwlae a train at their will In any former enemy country, according to the Brltlah War office. There la no foundation for rejiortf* of aoldiera e«capln»t after year* of captivity In Germany or elaewliere Tornado Insurance L. J. Goodall HAMILTON A CO. 303-4 Navilla Block Model Home Shows Building Material A novel plan to exhibit the aort of building material they consider be*t for the homes they design has been adopted by Benson A t'.arret, sr< h'. Ostrich Rates Latest \ iennege Sport Craze Vienna, April 19.—Ostrich racing is the latest erase of the fashionable people of this city Forty birds arrf expected her* shortly from Rome to participate in an ostrich derby this Whitsuntide, for which a big program of races has been arranged. I tacts and builder*. 21# Bouth Nsn«* taanth street. Tha compafly has placed s model homa In Its window to show prospec tive customers how types of material may be beet used. Hanson A Oarret now have seven houses of this type under construction. When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome ARBOR DAY GET OUT AND DIG Tuesday, April 22d. U National Tree Planting Holiday. Celebrate by planting a tree or shrub in memory of some friend or comrade. We are assisting you at this time by patting on a sale, at a great • iiscount, of ornamental, shade, fruit trees, shrubbery, roses, as sorted perennials and evergreens. Drive out any time and select your stock. We reserve the right to limit quantity sold to each customer. Apple tries, 2 years old, 4 to 5 feet, each 50t: cherry trees. 2 years old, 3 to 4 feet, each 50f strawberry plants, each It: Concord grape vines, 2 years old. each 10^1 hedge plants, each St. The BYRD NURSERIES “I-et Is Iti-antify Tour Home* «Ht»l Dodge St. WA. **:«. On Ibe Lincoln highway, West of Pairseres rBLUI> GRASS SEED Garden and Lawn Fertilizers; Annual and Hardy Perennial Plants; Summer Flowering Bulbs; Asparagus; Rhubarb Roots. SEEDS AND PLANTS THAT GROW; BULBS THAT BLOOM-NEED ANY? THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. Corner 15th and Howard AT 1739 GUARD YOUR CAPITAL BUY REAL ESTATE AND DON’T WORRY Any investment which leaves even the slightest doubt in your mind about the ABSOLUTE SAFETY of your capital, is not a desirable investment. The one and only investment wherein your capital can’t OET AWAY from you or be TAKEN AWAY from you, is Real Estate. Real Estate is the only com modity which is ALWAYS and ABSOLUTELY safe. Many fortunes have been made in Omaha Real Estate. Many more such fortunes are being made in Omaha Real Instate. Thousands are independent, or are becoming inde pendent, by ownership of Omaha Real Estate. No man has an income so small that he cannot bug. or begin to bug, Omaha Real Estate, invest ments or a Home. OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD Consult a Realtor.