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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1924)
i'toolidfgr Imir Worries Sftwh*: Fear Reprimand ^mrnmmam May (W« MMI«m U» krrp 1 tiM* Rata* TMnl iwa Vi Belting loo. ti. t? , A|»»l I® Tt»# m«mm« M trvuhlwt about the twin < cr-IUga hea rawed Th»r Mheve tha aaoata weaker then the peaetdeM «rtth tha country, On*third tha •»" ate, tt. almost eguaUr divided hr t ween ropuMlrdee and iamwraie. '« taming tip for re slot! Ion ill* >d*r ihair epprebanatun la bipartisan. Al teedy, anma ef tha moat powerful t eenalnra have Inal In the rerly prt mariea Tha eenate would Ilka to re •tore Haelf la public eatoem. They would Ilka ta act la safeguard them eelvce agalnet Cooltdge’a rebukee to oangraaa. eonoernlBg failure ta act oe tha Income tag before March II, delay af ether legislation, and the way they ara eondueUng eome at their Inreatlgatlena. They ara apprehensive elan about tha rourta Already, two actions of the senate Investigations ara under review and thara la a widespread uneasiness leat Coolldge may rales a third Issue. It Is believed that. If tha aenate committee Investigating Mellon refuses to eonforra to tan and reason, coolldge may do as Clave land did, erder hla cabinet officer to rafuaa to give testimony and docu ments tha senate demands. Beneath tha truculant bluffing from some senator*, thara la a cautloue Inten tton to eet themselves right. The nourta are now reviewing the effort ta convict Sinclair for contempt and tha etniilar propoaal to put Daugher ty and hla brother In contempt for their refusal to allow access to the books of Daugherty’s bank. Senatorial Investigation Improper The ultimate purpoee of an Invest! ration of a cabinet official, if hr be found culpable, la to impeach him, and, in an impeachment proceeding, it' la the senate that sits as the court. This being so. it is held to be improper for the senate to conduct the preliminary Investigation. The constitution provides that In Impeach ment proceedings, the lower house shall first make the charges, and thereafter the senate shall act as judge. For this reason there is ap prehension that the senate may be exceeding ita power*. In the case of the committee In vestigating Mellon, one of the best lawyers In the senate, who Is sympa thetic to the Investigation, believes th4 committee Is exceeding even such power ae the senate gave it. The resolution gave the committee power to acquire information with a view to amending seme of the tax laws. The committee haa gone beyond that and la Investigating Mellon'a fitness for office, which function is In the nature of looking toward Impeach ment and properly belongs to the lower house. Few now defend the Mellon com mittee's conduct which called out Coolidge’a rebuke, namely, the em ployment of a lawyer to be paid by Senator Couzens. To let one member of the committee pey a lawyer's fee and make him a private counsel is described a* the last word In the sen ate’s loss of self-respect and dignity. It Is probably even illegal. FeeUng With Mellon. To impute lack of personal Integ rity to Mellon would be a jolte if It were not an outrage. It is beHjved that a good many things In the In come tax department have been done badly, and that there should be no limitation of revealing conditions in the department. The general feeling is that Mellon has administered this department, which Is about one-tenth of all hie duties, exceptionally well. Mellon Inherited an Incredible mass of confusion ond arrears of work, due to the sudden expansion of the depart ment. It la felt that whatever trouble there Is In the Income tax situation Is due wholly to congrese. because congress wrote the Income tax law making inevitable confusion and Ir regularity. Prohibition enforcement is a minor fraction of Mellon’s responsibilities. He doesn't want It and thinks it should ba In the Department of Jus tic*. There Is a strong feeling that in the detail* of prohibition enforcement there have been many grave scandals due to politics and otherwise, which should be brought to light. DIOGENES’ QUEST MADE TOO EARLY kirelsl IMspstch In The Omsh* Bee. <!lenwoo<l, la., April 19.—The MIIIh C iunty Power company wras repre sented at Ihe last meeting of Glen • v.ood'a city council, requesting that their assessment for taxation be raised from tC.-’OO to I1S.000. An error had been made In their as •rssment, which meant, had the com pany not reported it, a loss to the city of *1.300. The mayor and members of the city council are still able to lie about. Horse Kicks Fatal to Child. Special Mapnti'li tn The Omaha Bee. York, Neb., April 19.—Ttex Inbody, 3. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ttaymond In body, died at the I.utheran hospital Thursday a* the result of a kick by a hors* received at the farm home Tuesday. An operation was performed In so effort to save the baby's life, but he never regained consciousness. Tit* machine guns have been beaten Into tractors, so to speak, at old Camp Funston and the trac tors are tearing up asphalt streets and pulling up concrete posts on the "battle ground,” where thou sands of Omaha and Nebraska vet erans marched and countermarched in the stirring days of 1817 snd 1918, getting ready to "un-hneh dcr kaiser” and make the world safe for democracy. The work I* to be completed In time to sow a crop of osls this spring on the old camp pound. Nebraska (J Grads to Reunite With Former Mates at Roundup Th* I Riierelty of Netiraaka Rill IiaM third annUHl Roundup, June (, 1, f nnd f. The Roundup la a heme mining and reunion of me unlverelty alumni. Th* festival open* on Ivy da> on which la named th* queen of May, (hna*n by the vot* of th* **nlor girt*. Th* coronation I* an annual event, Thuraday, .lime i. council meeting la bald, offtrvra f«f llw alttmnl a*ao •Math* nowmatr.l and apnial l»«l» latloti •uifaiird. In tha avanln# 'Itnllh' Thnoufli" mil bn pt»nnntnd by tha I’nlvaralt) I'lajara, C'nmmmeamtnl la to lm on Satur d*j It la napa.dnl that rommanr* mant atarclnaa will l>a hald In th» mnronrlal atadlum. Glann Frank, adltor of tha Cantury mattninn, la to ha eotnmanramanl atiankrr. Shriners Plan Big Ceremonial for Next Friday 9 Oue of Largest Classes in History of Local Temple to Cross Hot Sands. Tangier temple, Ancient Arabic Order, Noble* of the Mystic Shrine Is making big preparations for the spring ceremonial In the auditorium of the temple next Friday evening. Illustrious Potentate Homer O. Wilhelm says one of th# largest classes In the temple's history will cross the burning sands, many being anxious to get into the temple In order to attend the International meeting in Kansas City in June. Omaha will entertain many visiting delegates then, because of Its proxi mity to the convention city. Initiatory ceremonies will begin In the Masonic temple Friday at 7:30, preceded by luncheon In the dining room at S. Tangier temple Is preparing to seek new honors at the imperial council meeting through Its famous slylne band, patrol drum ebrps and drill team which have won fame at ptevious meeting* of the kind among th# 130 temples. COLLEGE TO ISSUE LAW BULLETIN A committee of the Nebraska Bar association, consisting of Ralph P Wilson, Lincoln; J. L. Tewell, Sid ney. and P. K. Boslaugh. Hastings, at a meeting In Omaha recommended that the Nebraska College of Law publish the Nebraska Law Bulletin quarterly and that the bulletin I* the official organ of the association. The following committee has been appointed to act with the law school faculty s* a board of editors: Judge P. J. Barron, Scottsbluff: R. W. Dc Voe, Lincoln, and Anan Raymond, Omaha. The July number will be the first under the new arrangement. TUKEY HOME IS CAUSING COMMENT p One of the attractive homes being built tills year In Happy Hollow, which George & Co. Is developing west of Happy Hollow boulevard and north of the present Happy Hollow club house, Is that which Benson A Gar rett. realtors, are building for Allan A. Tukey. Mr. Tukey's home will ho on Izard street. Just east of Fifty sixth. POSTMASTER AT BLOOMFIELD WEDS Special Dispatch ta The Omaha Bee. Bloomfield. Neb.. April 19.—Dr. K. E. Simmons of Norfolk and Mian Mary I,. Hoyt of Bloomfield were marrlff at Sioux City Thursday. The bride has been postmaster at this place since 1919. Dr. Simmons Is an optometrist. Doctor Must Pay Damage*. Special Dispatch ta Tha Omaha Bee. Geneva, Neb.. April 1*.—In tha suit brought by Miss Lucille Owens of Geneva for injury to her spine through treatment by Dr. A. J. Guenerlch, local chiropractor, the Jury allowed the plaintiff $3,500. Miss Owens sued for $10,000. New Legion Pavilion. Special Dispatch ta Tha Omaha Bee. Bloomfield, Neb., April 19.—The Hay Lamb pont, American Legion, here I,as voted to build a n*w pavil ion on the fair grounds. Work will i start Immediately. 150 Tots as Roses Will Take Part in Pageant ! gfts& j(.Vdti { An anniversary pageant, a duplica tion of the national pageant at I>os Angeles last year, will be given by the Women's Benefit association of the Maccabees In the City Auditorium, May ft. It will be s state organiza tion production. Between 500 and 600 persons will take part In the presentation. Mrs. tJelia M. Hall, state commander of the association, and Mr*. Jennie IJttle are directing the affair. Mrs. I,ittle ia from the supreme office of the or der at Tort Huron, Mich., and Is here to tnke charge of the drilling and team work. One hundred and fifty little tots between the ages of three and six will take part In a special attraction, "Or der of the *Rose." ORD WILL PLANT MEMORIAL TREES Special niapatrh to The Omaka Be*. Ord, Neb., April 19.—An organiza tion ha* been perfected In Ord to plant memorial trees for aoldfera killed during the world war. The park hoard ha* aet aside a tract In Russell park to be made Into a memorial park. A landscape garden er will be brought to Ord to lay it out. It Is planned to dedicate this tract on Arbor day. Judge E. I*. Clements of this city will be principal speaker at the arbor day program here. NORMAN A. IMR1E AD-SELL SPEAKER Norman A. Imrl, lecturer of na tional prominence, will address the Ad Sell league at It* meeting Monday evening In th# BurgesaNaah restau rant. Ople Rend, Tom Skeyhlll and Thorn ton A. Mills rat* Imrle as on* of the beet speakers of today. Imri* served three yean overseas in the world war and attained the rank of captain. He has appeared at large banquet* the country over. Attorney Wilson Seeks Federal Appointment Shenandoah, la.. April 19.—Denver I,. Wilson, attorney. I* a candidate for appointment a* United State* dis trict nttorney for the southern district of Iowa, the position recently held by Ralph Pringle of Red Oak until hla death. There are at least IS randl dates. President Coolldge 1* expefted to make th# appointment aoon. Mr. Wilson'* daughter, Mr*. Jos*# Patty, live* In Omaha, and a son, Ivan Wil son. attend* the University of Ne braska, Lincoln. Children cry for .———— MOTHERFletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teeth ing Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imiutioni, alwaya look for the *i*nature of Proven direction* on each packer. Phyriuans everywhere recommend it HE is required by law to safeguard the health of your family, yourself and your community. His is a sacred trust. Upon him rests the responsibility to faith fully and honestly carry out the orders of your physician in time of greatest need. He is more than a merchant. No other line of business is demanded by law to attain and keep the high standard required of the registered druggist. You have the right to KNOW whether or not your druggist is registered by law. The health and well being of your loved ones and yourself is far . too precious to trust to an irresponsible party. These Druggists Are Registered by Law to Protect You! Thie druggists whose names appear on this page are registered by law to serve you. You need have no doubt as to their qualifications, their advice or the quality of their merchandise. Buy ALL your drug store needs of these druggists. They deserve your greatest respect and confidence. This campaign will tell you, through a series of fifty-two advertise ments, WHO are the REGISTERED DRUGGISTS of Omaha and Council Bluffs; WHY they offer the highest standard of service, and* WHY they sell only merchandise of proven worth. ARMSTRONG’S PHARMACY 2201 Military Ava. WA. 0400. AUXIER'S PARKVALE PHARMACY 3024 S. 324 Ava. HA. 4*07 BEATON DRUG CO. * 14th a«4 Faraam. JA. 0041 BENSON PHARMACY 4104 MUMary Ava. WA. 4300 BENSON.WILLIAMS DRUG CO. 3424 Laavaawartb St. HA. 3404 BERANEK A SON 1402 S. 14tb St. JA. 33*0 BLAKE DRUG CO. lot S. tStb St. AT. 3240 BURT-WAY-BURT Ml* Cumin* St. HA. 0414 CALIFORNIA PHARMACY 3227 California St. HA. 0404 CASTELLAR DRUG CO. 2332 S. 20th St. AT. 411* CENTRAL PARK PHARMACY 413* Gran* Ava, KB. 0302 CLAIRMONT PHARMACY 4737 Military Ava. WA. 3140 CLIFTON HILL PHARMACY 2213 Military Ava. WA. 2*43 CREIGHTON PHARMACY S24 N. 24th St. JA. 1244 * CROSSTOWN DRUG STORE 1223 S. 24th St. AT. 04OI DUNDEE PHARMACY 4423 UaOrawoad Ava. WA. 0443 FONTENELLE PARK PHARMACY 3024 Am*. Ava. KE *000 GORRELL’S PHARMACY 3*27 Farnam St. HA. 321* GREEN'S PHARMACY 40th A Farnam Sit. HA. 197* GREEN'S PHARMACY •Oth A Military Ava. WA. 34It HAINES DRUG CO. I«th A Howard Sta. JA. 0I4S HANSON PHARMACY 4M7 Dndga St. WA. 1130 JOHANSON DRUG CO. 3(1* N. 24th St. WE. NM KENWOOD DRUG CO. 4904 N. 30th St. KF.. 9.100 KNUDSON'S DRUG CO. 20th and Cuming LAKEVIEW PHARMACY 2S2H N. 14th St. WE 0422 LANE DRUG CO. LATHROP PHARMACY .3002 N. 24th St. WE 0477 LEE’S RIALTO DRUG STORE 117 9. 14th St. JA. 1914 LOCKWOOD PHARMACY 5203 UivMwcrth St. WA. 2470 MARSH PHARMACY 2001 I .aka St. WE. 02M McAULEY DRUG CO. 114 ft. 14th St. AT. TI23 MILLARD HOTEL PHARMACY 13tk * Dauflaa. JA. 1004 MINNE LUSA PHARMACY •710 N. 30th S^. KE 1177 NOYES PHARMACY 101 N. 40th St. HA. 0021 OHIO STREET PHARMACY 2401 ft. 45th St. WA. 1125 PATTY’S PHARMACY 1044 N. 14th St. WE. 54.1.1 PRETTIEST MILE PHARMACY 4430 Flamaca Blv4. KE. 1754 REID-DUFFY PHARMACY 24th aa4 Laha St*. WE 0000 F. A. SCHILLER 574 aa4 11**1* St*. WA. 4704 ROLLIN C. SHERMAN 14th *n4 Cumin* JA. 0441 sherman a McConnell DRUG CO. SHERMAN AVENUE PHARMACY MM N. Ittk St. WE. MM SUN DRUG CO. 1*01 Ftnua St. JA. MIS TECH HIGH PHARMACY 134 m4 Coatee VINTON PHARMACY SMI S. 14th St. JA. MSI WEST SIDE PHARMACY • II S. Mth St WA. M47 SOUTH OMAHA DRUGGISTS BROWN PARK PHARMACY SIM Q St. MA. 1744 CITY DRUG STORE 4S*1 S. 141k St. MA. *171 MELCHER DRUG COMPANY 4»M S. 24tk St MA 0*07 PUBLIC DRUG CO. 4104 S 24th St. MA. •!!• COUNCIL BLUFFS CLARK DRUG CO. Rraadwa? and Maia Sta. 4tR CEO. S. DAVIS TOO W !•• A. W. OARD 701 14th At*. 4*3 PUBLIC DRUG CO S3! W. I.wiitr 731 S. E. WHALEY *44 W. Rr**4o»7. INI I