The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 20, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Hits Ik * picture of th* roroid
l>iMhlr| class ehlrh was confirmed
til Kountee Mrmwl«l Lutheran church
on l'-alm Sunday. Th* members of the
■ la** include;
Mr*. Edward L. Altrwh, 4*54 South
seventeenth fclreet. Cart F. Anderson,
c,;2 South Thirty second avenue
Carl O. Anderson, 3120 Gold street,
Richard J Avery, 1112 Capitol ave
ruts; Bert A. Barger and Russell H.
larger, 3S2I Gold Ktreet: Mrs. Edna
|). Briraetl, 2525 North Seventeenth
Mreet: Mrs, Arthur A. Blonkenburg,
2624 Davenport street; William .1.
■Bockhofi', !t»2 Rout! i Forty-fourth
street; Charles D. Bogenreif, 1533
Bark avenue: Miss Laura H. Bolin,
-.703 California street; Mrs. Selma A.
Itottomley, 2665 rinkney street; Mrs.
Augusta Brandt, 2022 Lake street;
Miss Eleanor M. Brinkman, 816 Mouth
Twenty-eighth street: John H. Brit
tain. 2853 Spalding street; Robert T.
Ill-own. 102 Stanford Circle; Mr. and
Mrs. Paul F. Bucrkle, 1803 Ontario
Mrs. George A. Carlson, 554 South
Twenty-sixth street; Miss Grace Car
penter. 1114 Miller street; Miss Edith
Christiansen, 3S36 Hamilton street;
Mrs. Charles Christensen, 3859 Frank
lin slrtet: Mrs. William Christensen,
'.833 South Fourth street: Mrs. Bror
A. Christenson, 1459 Mouth Fifteenth
‘■treat: Miss Mary Cicko, 5025 South
Nineteenth street; Joel N. Clark, 2936
North Fifty-fifth street; Arthur W.
Clausen, Fort Calhoun, Neb.; Harry
c. Clausen, Florence. Neb.; Harry E.
Cook, 210 Cedar street; Milo E.
Cowdrry, 2414 South Eleventh street:
Mrs. Arthur E. Cronemeyer, 1712
.Sprague street.
Frederick and Allred* r. Davis,
::i)09 Harney street: Miss Julia A. Del
linger. 1913 Douglas street; Miss Alice
!■;. Dennison, 162* Burdette street;
.Mrs. James Devaney, 1734 South Sev
enteenth street; Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam D. Dcvereaux, 2821 Jackson
- treet: Mrs. Sadi* B. Diesing, 2ICS
< umdrn avenue; Mrs. Josephine M.
Dittrich, 142414 South Sixteenth
street; Mrs. Harry T. Downs, 3*0*
t'astelar street; Peter W. Dulo, 2711
Pacific street; Francis M. Enstlack,
:t68 Seward street; Mr. and Mrs. John
F. Engler, 1412 North Thirty-second
street; Mrs. Robert W. Eriksen. 2449
South Seventeenth street; Burdett*
. It. Evers, 3501 Mason street; Miss
Irene O. Friedrich, 4712 North For
tieth avenue: Miss Helen Funk, 2457
South Twentieth street; Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Funk, 610 North Twenty
l rat street; Benjamin F. Oaasaway,
219 South Thirtieth street; Frank E.
Gearheurt, 4535 North Fourteenth
avenge; Richard Geisler, 2906 Dodge
street; Frank J. Gibson, 9030 Bari
more avenue; William Gleselmau,
1458 South Eighteenth street; Claud
H. Gillespie, 4811 Capitol avenue; Miss
Eaura M. Gorham, 3819 Florence
George S. Goss, 1420 South Eight
eenth street; Mrs. Gustav E. Oran,
4200 William street; Miss Florence M.
Gran, 4206 William street: Mrs. Harry
O. Grant, Seventieth and Woolworth
■ .onue: Mrs. George B. Gray; 2116
Wirt street; Mra. William R. Grinnell,
822 South Twenty-fourth street; Miss
Msrgsret J Orlnnelt. III B«u'h Twen
ty fourth ati art. Mtaa l>ther I' Grub
rr, Jill Chicago street Mtaa I tort* W
(itidath, till North Thirty-fifth street
Herbert W Habsrstroh, III fioutb
Twenty eighth street: Ml . end Mr*
I .outs W. Ilanaen. 1903 Gold etreel;
A an AA. Harman. 14 A'oorhta afreet.
Council Bluffs, la.; Miss A’lolet M.
Harwood, 8009 South Twenty fourth
street; Mrs. Rudolpli A. Helgren. 1631
South Twenty-seventh street; Mrs.
Paul E. Hempler. 6375 North Twenty
seventh avenue; Mrs. Oscar P. Hett
ner. 3411 Boyd street, Miss Marie A.
Hettger, 3411 Boyd street; Mrg. Roy L.
Hill, 1609 Lake street; Mr. and Mrs.
AValter C. Hlrsohler, 539 South Twen
ty-seventh street; Miss Mabel E. Hol
dren, 1811 Vinton street; Mtas Helen,
M. Howell, 910 South Twenty-fifth
street; Mrs. AVilltnm Hutton. 1824
Podge street: Miss Katheryne B.
James, 2346 South Thirty-fifth avenue:
Albert Jensen, 2306 Grant street; Miss
Irene M. Jensen, 2306 Grant street.
Miss Alice Jensen, 1102 Redick ave
nue; Miss Clara M. Jensen. 1812 Bln
ney street: Miss Christina E. Jeneen,
1102 Redick avenue; Harold A. Jen
sen, 3413 North Thirtieth street: Lewis
A. Jensen. 2212 South Forty-second
street: Henry F. Johnson, 2336 South
Eleventh street; Lawrence E. John
sen, 2336 South Eleventh street; Albin
E. Johnson, 2057 Deer Park boule
vard; Mrs. Buuse W. Johnson, 2606
Dodge street; Mrs. Elizabeth M. John
son, 2606 Dodge street; Miss Esther
V. Johnson, 2864 Cass strept: Miss
Laurlne K. Johnson,,128 North Thirty
sixth street; Mr. and Mrs. eLonard C.
Johnson. 2833 south Thirty-fourth
street; Miss Paulin* J. Johnson, 2421
Spencer street; Miss Maude E. John
ston,_ 131 South Thirty-ninth street;
MIss'Amanda P. Jorgensen, Florence,
Neb.; Miss Christina M. Jorgensen,
Florence, Neb.; Miss Edna C. Jorgtn
sen. Florence, Neb.; Harry W. Jorgen
sen, Florence, Neb.; Martin W, Jorg
ensen, Florence, Neb.; Eugene E.
Kahre, 3823 Arbor street; Mrs. John
H. Kahre, 8833 Arbor street; Mr*.
John H. Karnett, 2018 Lake street;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Keim, 2881
Cass street; Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.
Klene, 6S40 Ohio street! Mrs. Richard
D. Kilby, 4681 Mason street; Vera F.
Kinkenon, 2444 Spalding street; Miss
Alma Kllndt, 3019 Titus avenue; Miss
Clara Kllndt, 3019 Titus avenue; Wil
liam A. Knight, 1018 South Twenty
eighth street; Miss Doris Kueker, 2116
Burt street; Gustav C. Kuenne, 1018
South Twenty-eighth street.
Miss Lucille J. Kuhn, 664 South
Fortieth street; Miss Dorothy M.
Langbehn, 2302 South Thirty-fifth
avenue; Harold R. Larsen. 718 South
Twenty-eighth street; Harvey J. Lar
sen, 718 South Twenty-eighth street;
Miss Helen C. Larsen, 1906 South
Twenty-ninth street; Miss Ethel E.
Larson. 625 Lincoln boulevard; Mrs.
Oscar F. I<ee, 2207 Sixth avenue,
Souncil Bluffs, la.; Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob B. Letz, 3724 North Forty
fourth avenue; Paul W. Llndberg.!
3083 South Thirty-third street; Ralph
V. Llndberg, 3083 South Thirty-third
street; Miss Katherine E. Lite, 3010
I South Thirty-second street; Mr. and
'Mrs. Russell A. Lorlng. 2461 South
I.ltklmth street Ml*. Artlitli
1,uehw*wnsi>n, IMS Brown* street
Mrs. Alvin P lundlu, MeOook, Neh.;j
Mim ftuth 1. McLenlthan. *0i Pout It
Twenty sixth svetiue; Mr*. Frank W.
Mi4)usn. *321 Charles street. Air. srvl
Mr*. (Mitr B. Minor. Silo Cans)
street; Robert P. C, Merten*. 21171
Plinth Forty-third street; Alfred F
Messina, ltlll South Twenty sixth; I
Herbert D. Mlehselsen, 30t>a South)
Sixteenth street; Mine Verna Michael j
sen. 3005 South Sixteenth street; Mies
Lillian <7. Miller. 4517 South Nine
teenth street: Otto W. Miller, 1*22
South Twenty-sixth street.
Eaton J. M llcrborsr, 2912 Kart;am
street; Miss Bernice E. Millikan, 30.31
Newport avenue; Mias Maude K. Milli
kan, "031 Newport avenue; Clarence
W. Minardi 517 North Thirtieth
street; Mrs. Mariam M. Miner, 111
North Tivent eth street: Burgess H.
Allnter, 2715 Dewey avenue; Byron H.
Winter. 2715 Dewey avenue; Clifford
E. Moen. 2967 Pacific street; Mrs.
Frank L. Myers, 40* South Twenty
fourth street; Mrs. Alex Nelson. 2914
Saratoga street; Orville A. Nelson,
2914 Saratoga street; Miss Ros*!la M.
Nelson. 2P14 Saratoga street; Mr. and
Atrs. Carl W. Nelson, 361* North
Fifty-second street: Elnar Nerness,
2911 South Twentieth street; Miss
Olga At. Nevey, Florence. Neb.: Mrs.
Frederick W, Niehaus, 7008 Mlnne
Lusa boulevard; Clifford W. Nielsen,
2330 South Thirty-second street; John
W. Nordqulst, 6006 North Thirty
first avenue; Mrs. Frederikk# Olcott,
2448 Fontenelle boulevard; Miss Mal
vina L. Olcott. 2448 Fontenelle boule
vard: Norval N. Olsen, 1208 C street;
Theador A. M. Olsen. 2208 C street;
Miss Ethel H. Olsen, 4*48 Hickory
AmKR"rl**M K\T
A $1.00 PAIR
AIm a free trial af Rheum Alterative.
I want you to try this remarkable com
bination for I baltara it will prove ta be
the molt wonderful treatment poo aver
ueed and bring results that hare baffled
your beat effort for year.. It has dona m
for such a host af ethers I want you to
try it frro. I
Drafts are worn on tha feet (without!
the least inconvenience) but are used for
the pain af Rheumatism in tnusclaa and'
joints by their counter-irritant influence
through the gnat foot pores. Thoueandsi
arho suffered bare made use af this free
Mir and trial and have written me about
> heir recovery. I want you to try It. and
I feel so positive about it that I am
salting you to pay nothing before you get
Send your name today and giro the
Drafts a trial. If you are satisfied with
tha trial than sand me one dollar. If not.1
hasp your money. You decide. A splendid I
new booklet on Rh an mat ism. illustrated'
with plates, comes free with the Drafts.'
Write today to Frederick Dyer, 4Ta Dyer1
Hide.. Jackson, Mich. Send ns money, only
your name.
Join Our “White” Club
Make the Small Payment of
25 Cents and We Will Deliver
Q .
Easy Gradual
Payments .
1'be attractive pert of our
club offer, aside from the
fact that no large cash
outlay ia neceaaary, la
that the "White" la deliv
ered to you IMMEDIATE
LY upon enrollment. You
have the use of the ma
chine while you pay for it
tn 49 easy, gradual pay
The largest and
final payment, ia
only 12.10. .
Mickel’s “White”
Club Plan Offer!
It la kail la ball*** that la* tha laatcaltlaaat aaat at M
Caata a kraal aaw "Whlta" Rat ary Pawtaa Maahlaa w«U ba
plaaah la yaar Haaai that fa* a aart QUARTER raw bar*
at yaar taaaRl tha warM'a Beat bawtay Maahlaa—yat thta
aaa ha aaaaatyllahaA alatply by aaralllaa la aa* “Whlta"
Utah. It'a alwyla ul aaay, lair aa4 ayaar*. Hara'a bawt
Taa BMraly fala aa* "Clab," at aka yaar laltlal payaaaat af
SB CBRTI, aa4 wa will 4*11*** a Maw, laipr*t*4 Typ*
"Whlta" Maahlaa ta yaar haaia IMMEDIATE!.I t
Glob Membership Is
Limited to 800
Don’t Delay.
We bare baaa faraaS la
limit tba tlaa at tbla *aa
fraaa attar. Tba "White**
macblaea are (dai feat*
ad tba “dab** la arawlaa
at aa amaalaa ratal Tea'll
hare ta harry la Bad tala
tba elab It yaa waal ear
at three "Wbltea" tar tba
email tarn paymeat at SS
Crate! Pbeae aa If yea
are aaabla ta art tana
Don’t Delay!
Gome to
10th and Harney
"The Howe of Pleonat DetUnfi"
t.eet, George A Olsen. flottgrt I
V»b; Marvin I’ I Mean 2622 Booth
Eighteenth street, Mis* Wsmli R
Olson. *622 South Eighteenth street.
Miss Helen C, Oetlund, 164* Booth
Twenlvetghth street; Paul H, Palm
qulst, 4*62 Iterator street; <»rand
Peradv. 211 North Twenty first street
Council Bluffs, la.; Herman K Paul
»eri, 526* South Sixtieth street; Mr,
nnd Mrs. William T. Piulren, 2}0*
South Sixtieth etreet; Ca;l M. Peter
sen, Benson, Neb ; Harry K. Peter
sen, Benson, Neb.; Mrs Martin A,
Petersen, 2916 Gold street, Rlrherd
E. Petersen, 4349 Seward street. •
Orville h. Pierson, 2227 South
Thirty-fifth street; Miss Eunice V.
Plotta, 3046 Arnes avenue; Eewls M.
I’off, 3629 Seward street; Mr. and
Mrs. Retnhnrd H. Pomy, 2716 South
Tenth street; Carl Q. Pomy, 2716
South Tenth street; Miss Marie R. j
Trenosel, 2117 Bouih Forty-sixth
street; Miss Ellen M. Prouty, 927
South Twenty-ninth street; Miss Ger
trud# E. Prouty, 627 South Twenty
ninth street; Miss Helen 12. Rapp.
4S05 Hickory street; Miss Margaret
V. Rardln, 1614 Otin avenue; Miss E.
Roberta Ray, 2446 Pratt street: Miss
Ituth A. Rhamey, 3336 Pacific street;
Mias Ruth E. Ring, 310* Cottage
I trove avenue, Mr*, Frank A Rtlt«.
(205 Florence boulevard; Marry R
Roe**i», f* 10 Francis street; Ml**
Fern I. Honberg. I0$f Park Avenue.
Mt*. tieorge I) Hork, 1010 South
Thirty second itrwt, Mi end Mrs
Aiel Ron In, 3724 North Forty fourth
Avenue; Mr*. Kdwerd F Rothg*.
*8*9 t'Bastelar street, Carl O, Hud
loff, 1012 Corby street; .William C.
Rudloff, 1012 Corby street; Mr. snd
Mr*. Ijawrenee V, Sandberg, 2725
North Kotty-ninth, etreid; Ml**
Fiancee It. Sounder*. J5I7 With*
oven ue.
Mis* Dorothy M Sanderson, 403
Park avenue. Coun-II Bluff*, la.:
Orville K. Sanderson. 403 Park eve
nue, Council Bluffs, la : Mr*. Mary
.1. Schpc|, 974 North Twenty-seventh
street; Mrs. Carl L. Sandstedt, 2810
South Thirty-ninth street; Mrs. Carl
c. SehUngirmn. 390* South Twenty
sixth street; Hubert C. SchocnlnK.
Ralston, NeluC Mrs. Charles Sebron.
2512 South Thirty-eighth street; Kay
rnon t». Sebron, 2512 South Thirty
eighth street; Mrs. Joseph R. Selgren,
1518 tii-ace street; Miss Mabel E
Shawler, 403 North Nineteenth street;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Sheets. Jr.,
4024 North Thirty-seventh street;
Mis* Charlotte M. Smith, 1424%
South Nitwnth Hr*« 1; Ml s ft P
H. Si lm»td« r. 221 Park avenue; Mr*
liriirft 17. Sirrtinrt RowtC*, Neb,*
Ml** flnmiltv A fit it tny»r, 4(16
Franklin street
Ml** Emms 9 Wetnhoefef, I ,l.»C
South Twenty ninth Mis* M*r
garsf If. fitime, 2626 South Thirty
rl*h*lt street Cilen W. Swaneon, 2207
Sixth axenue. Council muffs, lx
Ralph E. Terry, 7«4 South Seven
teetttli avenue: Mis* Ruth C. Thomp
son. 110 South Twentywieth avenue.
Mis* Charlotte A. Tobias. 1736 South
Seventeenth street; Milton T. Toft
3007 South Thirty-second avenue; Carl
C. To!»nder. 1*16 North Twenty
eighth street; Kttrene A. Trstier, 2117
South Forty first street: Mis* El
eanor M, Terhnmer, 2"0# rlough -
street; tiny W. t hrlrh, 4SJ3 I^eaven
forth street; Herman Vander loan,
3711 Nprth Twenty-no vent It s'reet;
Mr. rrd Mr* Kdw'srd .1. Ward, 3917
South Twer.ty-nlnth street. Ralph It.
Wellman. 23«2 South Thirty third
street; Mis* Evelyn A. Welna, 4914
South Thirty fourth street Mre.
Michael .1. Williams, 2110 ,T, ktreet,
, Mr*. Eeomj'd t). Wlnterton. So7 South
Fifty-ninth street; Werner If. Witt
ges, 2619 Fowler avenue: MW* Mar
guerite Wolff, 6004 Florence boule
vcrd: Mr, stul Mt# Charles I Wwd
ward. *1* aU«(il Tast*t% aavanlh
svrnn*, Mix Anhui D. Wunnar, JUS I
(tolith Thirty smth Mmrt, WMUi
Town*, II** tsandoa « ourl,
toaster Pageant
at Y. W.C. A.
Under th* direction of Mrs. Chart**
Mui (man, a pa**aiH, "Tb« Tr»* of
Life" will b» *lren this Eaatar afur
noon at th* V. W. C. A. by tbs Stu
dent Club tllrl Rosarvaa. assisted by
i ha Junior Olrl Raaervaa. Th* cast
first o*ni'jr(s>i Al "• JsnsS
k-ropd f'miturlon . . J*s*phin* J*!*n
Jos*|iH of Ar-mnth** .Ruth Wltlsrd
NloWimm .. Perolhy ilp-r*
Msr- Msrdnl*** MadsllB* MMI*r
Th* <">ih*r »nr» .flor-m* Cnrlsll*
Th* Ang*l of ih- r.*surr*i-tion
.M*rls B**U*
Th* Pilgrim Who Hslh S nn*d .
..<l*r!mde Tslbsd
Th* Pilgrim Who Hsth Muff*r*d.
.PoroiKr S' of!* M
Th* Pdgrmi King Msrl» rrl**
Th* ntgrim sf iha howly Hssrl
, y.... Msrlon R***
Th* Pilgrim >.f t'n»»U«( . ,B*tty Hlckr
Tli* t'n-rown—l King . Ir-n* Psmp
Th* Third, King . ..Ports Hfsd:*y
!;is|d*n«: Mildred Abbot! I.utn
R**hard* J a r <• Him.*. Un«U Brad*«>.
fc|c*nor Brow"*, MHba Burk*. Mar*a»-*t
flu rk* Marion Clarkt. Kraft'*** I
Ement Dttnnaway. Esther Elll"i <*olo
|Rt» f)n-othy H'lmar, Franca John»tnr.
f?i• fUMHi. • **’* •**
*r1». JiRif *' 1 **
NfM). M ♦*!»•*«!**« «Mh»» R***
*e l *«■„ .4* '*»'
• •rpt Mari^ti V-f. »W*
WllwR —
IM r R»i»H H^fcrnif ».-*•
itl>« MMi. 0U4*« IU|4r»f*
I •*•«!»>' | "ftll, %<** M* *»• f*M# ilU
Ml»|*r \,f|inu H*;«. *Jia4*a ******
*•»* i-m*
’, |.,1(M 1 It**' **
1 *nm ... kiu*i**th t*>4f
Rock tslend railroad wmmM eetiad
ul*«. effective Humtav. April 2i, Iti
dude the follow in? rtallg*tl
Train No 14, 1 hk-agn lltn.t*-** will
leave <nr.sha (ifv p in iiokeejj of .V^ji
p. n.. «rrjvt’!if at Chiropo at ‘ :3n e
m. iitrleid of S 3T. R !*».. ladlirln* the
(line one hour and 3d minute*
Train No. 1. tlhirapo *xpre*». will
leave Omrlia «t 3:2" p. m. melfad of
3:10 p. in.. arriving st 1 ‘hleego at J
a. m. InateaJ of T:% a. in.
Train No. 5. Colorado ejtpree*. tvd
leave Omata at 1:15 p. m. I net end of
! 2 p. m.
V:.ln No. 3T. Kan«a* end Oklahoma
express, will leave Omaha at 5 p. m
irateod of 4 p. ns., arriving at VV .eh
if* nt 7S*fl a. m.
l.'-c clgaia man)
2 for 16c
10c clgarx, including
Campanella. General
Joe, I.unn Park aril
man/ otbei a.
2 for llC
Box of J9 for. 82.7o
AOc pipe and 1 can >'i
bacco: Velvet, Blai
and While. Tuxcdd.
Prince Albert.
! pipe and t can •!
tobacco for-r
This Sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 21,22,23
Ligget’s Opeko Tea
200 Cups of Tea
for 1 Gent
Orange Pekoe,
Green Formosa
Oolong, Mixed
mack and Green.
Toilet Goods
50o Klenzo Liquid
Antiseptic, 2 for 51 £
25c Jonteei Talcum,
.* tor get
50c Jonteei Cold
Cream.2 for 51 £
50c Bouquet llamee
Talcum... .2 for 51f
1.60 Bouquet Ramee
I Toilet Water,
3 o*.2 for 51.51
250 Medicated Soap.
.* for Z»#
25c Klenso Tar Soap.. .2 for 20*
15c Rexall Toilet Soap.iJ for 16#
50c Alma Zada Pace Powder,
.* tor 51#
50c Rolling Maaeage Cream,
.* lor 51*
$1.00 Quinine Hair Tonic,
8 ox.8 for 51.01
50c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo,
.8 for 51*
35e Cream of Almonds, 2 for 36#
50c Bay Rum, 8 ox.2 for 51#
75e Harmony Lilac Vegetal,
.8 for 76#
50c Cocoa Butter Cold Cream,
..2 for 51*
25e Klenr.o Dental Cream,
.2- for 26#
50c Jonteet Vanishing Cream.
.2 for 51*
Rubber Goods
Maximum fountain Syringe, guar
anteed for one year. Regular
price »2.26. Thi* , nr*
tale. 2 for . «J>*.fcP
Maximum Hot Water Hattie Guar
nnleed for one year. Regular
price $2 l»0. Thi» d*0 /\ |
rale, 2 for. ipA.VJl
9t SO Hath Spray, 3 for .. .$1.51
75o Rubber Sponge, 3 for-76^
What Is a Rexall One-Cant Sale?
It !• a mI* whan you buy an item at tha regular price—then another Item of the tame hind for 1c.
Aa an illuotratlon: Tha atandard price of Jonteal Vamehing Cream la 50c. You buy a jar at thla price
and by paying 1e mere, or 51c, you get twe jare. Every article in thie aala i» a high claaa atandard piece
of marchandiaa, Juet the aama aa we cell yeu every day at regular prlcee and have eold yeu for yeara.
Thla aala waa developed by tha United Drug Co. aa an advertialng plan. Rather than epend large
eume of money In ether waya te convince yeu of the merit of theae geode, they are upending it on thla
aala In permitting ua to aell you a full alia package of high atandard marchandiaa for 1c. It coata money
to get euetemere. Tha loaa taken on thla aala will ba well epent If the gooda plaaae you.
Face Powders
$1.00^lary Garden...1 (or tl.Ol
50c La Jeune French Powder,
. .3 for 51#
$1.00 Marla Mai d'Or.S for $1.01
35c Satin Skln..._....J for 30#
75c Lexell’a.-.3 for 76#
$1.50 La Boheme Aria,
.3 for $1.51
$1.00 Lournay Compact,
.3 for $1.01
$1.50 Cofide Double Com
pact* .3 for $1.51
50c Antiseptic Powder,
6 ox*.3 for 51#
50c Rexall Eyeto, I ox., 3 for 51#
«0c Rexall Gypay Cream,
.3 for 41#
35c laxative Aaplrln Cold
Tablet*....3 for 26#
11.00 Rexall I.lvar Salt*.
14 oz.3 for $1.01
15c Toothache Stopper, 2 tor 10#
25c Castor OH.2 for 26#
69c Aaplrln Tablet* (100'a),
.2 for 70#
15c Aaplrln Tablets (12 *1,
.3 for 16#
$1.00 Mineral OU.
16 ox.2 for $1.01
30c Ca»c»ra Aromatic,
2 oz.2 for 31#
13c Doric Acid, 2 OZ....2 for 14#
50c No. 6 Dl*lufect»nt,
16 ox.2 for 51#
12c Rochelle Salt*.2 for 13#
15c Tincture of Iodine,
'4 ox.2 for 16#
15c Zinc Stearate.2 for 26#
23c I’urcOeat Epsom Sailp.
.> for 26#
$l.oo Tcptona Tonic, 2 for $1.6l
Specials for Men
30c Retail Shaving
Cream.2 for 31?
:0c Retail Shaving
Powder....2 for 31?
jOc Retail Shaving
SUck.2 for 31#
»0c Ray Rum,
.2 for 51#
r»o IJIac Vegetate.
.2 »«>• 76?
0c Shaving Ixrflon,
..2 for 31#
So Jonteal Talcum
Powder_2 for 26?
21 25 Shaving Brush, 2 for 31.26
22.00 Thermo* Bottle, 2 for§2.01
Hair Tonics
21.00 Retail "93" Hair
Tonic.3 tor $1.01
50c Egg Shampoo, 2 for.51?
25c Q Ban Shampoo... .2 for 26?
26c Danderine Shampoo,
.2 for 26?
35c Lavender Shampoo. 3 for 33?
50c La Creole Shampoo,
..2 for 51#
25c Cocoanut Shampoo. 2 for 26?
l.lggett’a assorted chocolates,
"Original Package.” Regular price
21 00 per pound This #» ? A|
sale. 2 pounds for.. V 1 *v A
Penway whole cherries In liquid
errsm. Regular price 7Sc per
pound. This sale 2
pounds for . #OC,
21.50 Curling Iron...2 for •1.51
75c. Pocket KnBes.3 for 76«*
2200 fountain Pcns.2 for 32.01
Toilet Waters
fl.00 Georgia Rose
Toilet Water,
2 bottles for $1.01
*2.00 Trirola,
.3 for $2.01
fl.00 Lournay VlTMife,
...J for $1.01
11.30 Lournay.
.2 for $1.$1
11.50 Sytran.
52.00 Mai d'lXr.I for $2.01
#3.50 Dazlra....I for $3.51
11.00 Melba.3 for $1.01
11.25 Florida Water, 2 for $1.26
11.00 Symphony Lawn atationery.
consisting of 24 sheets of paper
and 34 envelope#. £ 1 /\ |
2 boxes for. W * *w 1
15c Cascade linen, full pound
package. 2 pounds
!oc box of linen envelopes to
match Cascade atationery. 50 en
velopes In a box. .
2 boxes for. OOC
Hair Nets
Nets of highest quality and
carefully selected. They fit and
last longer. g
Standard price, each 10c. vs
This sale. 2 nets for.... 1 1C
T5c an ounce perfumes, ev/? _
2 ounces for... * VV
31 00 an oz periurae, 1 /\ |
2 ounces for. wl ole 1
A bl?od of high
grade coffee of
exceptional *a!ue.
roasted and
packed by the
latest machinery
During our One
Cent Sale wc are
2 .r 56c I
Talcum Powders
35c Georgia lio»c.
.2 for 26*
50 Mai J'Or,
.= for 51*
50c Jontcel. lor 51*
50c Ixmrnay, 3 for 51*
50c Tokalon Pctalia*,
.J for 51*
50c l*a Bohcmc.
.* for 51#
50c Boquet kwmee.
.Mr 51#
Brush and Sundries
31.50 Hair Brushes .3 (or $1.51
35c Jonteel Wool or Velour
Powder Puffs.3 (or 26*
35c Perm edge Natl Pile. 2 for $6*
$1.25 Shaving Brush. 2 for $1.26
75c Cloth Brush.1 for 70*
35c Tooth T.rush.2 for $6*
31.00 Ivory Nall Polisher,
.J for $8.01
3oe Nall Brusft...... ■ ■ •* forjXtf
Pure Food Products
The Pood Specials offered
In connection with our le
Sale represent big savings
and we quote them because
of their remarkable values,
Syntond's Inn Vanilla Extract.
..* tor 41*
Symond s Inn l.emou Extract.
.2 for 41*
Symond's Inn Cocoa, ’j-lh.
.2 for 26*
Symond s Inn Biking
t bo -o'a'e. Hl>' 2 for 26*
Orange Marmalade. 13 or.
..2 (or 40*
Oii'e Oil. 12*u or.2 for $1.19
Strawberry. 15 o*.2 for 55*
Raspberry, 15 ox....... 2 for 55*
This Sale Will Be Held Only at These Stores
16th and Harney 16th and Dodge 19th and Farnam