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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1924)
n.ym - _. Bora of (>mahn Are Ready for Their Big Week I rtlrr Rare (red From l*(e»l •lent < nnliilge Parade i« Hare MarrBera, l».„*,»atv rhatafnaeMilp of National j lt„, mt+* Mi h**« hwofrtod (*» j i>, ..Moot ohMc* to a i*»i*r Ualtrt W. IMI of Omaha. oh*1»W»", j • he Idea* paeeaa I '• P'-»’ " t * • « • * • *"* >v < a da* '»a »"• u' hr follow* * a aaaat ia —i*a Wtiita* I,.. . eairoeS^Baiery .* tha|. it .. «—a MUM"'—. •** iha dal* ima at r»pf**i(h*a*i*a h«wa *h» »ao»* •lih him 1 «aa r»—Hr ratva thUf lhaNa(l»a «a Iha law ar a>. »hair«awah(a af t*«r» •and, ana Ihrw rt pf e-yiil—caara ta »*»lt mat l f— I a a—"'** lalaraal I" ’*• nurra— *h"h »<**i mat*— t* ’"[TV. ihranth th* ranranwaitan of nallanat • * laailaa itirn iha haft of Iha aenotry, aaa II la oi» aari»»»l hapa that 'ha »aar ♦ffnfi* In tha *a»alapm«M "I a hat la? rli'-oah a loajr m«t SB » *«r aa*— ewoMwiw Haya’ w#*k will ba nh*#ry*d from April IT in May I. f»n* day durln* the weak, bora will rule the city. An other day 1*00* of thorn will parade. Ur, Hoad, who w«a unable to bo in W»*htnirton at tha tlmo of tho au dtanra with Proaldont Cool Id pa, hut wfce to actlva In tho movomont, aalrt that thla year 1,80* ottloa art *x jtitTl to colobrato tha weak. In com pwMon with (OR eltloa laat year. Mora Next Tear. •Ta liU we expect te have every •tty of any else Join the movement, MU Ur. Head. •'Buameas men enter heartily tntn the plan," said Louis Hiller, Omaha executive chairman, laat night. "It bring* back to tham memorlea of the •14 swimming hola and tha old bicycle dayo." John te Kennedy, honoary Ohalr naa tow Omaha, will be tba first •paaker ef tha celebration. H!a ad drees will be given next Friday night at Temple IsreaL ' Temple Israel will open Boya* week aetfvltlee two days before tha week officially opens, with Mr. Kennedy's address tha feature on tho opening night. Sunday all churches In the dty, Jewish. Cathollo and Protestant, will’put amphaala on hoys’ activities, both at the regular services and apo dal meetings. Each Day Ellled, Monday, April 1*. the hoye will get special attention In tha schools. Tues day will he a big day, for than the hoy* will replace the dty commis sioners and other dty and county officials, end taka charge of Industry for * short whlls. Election* have been held In city schools for the posi tions. Wednesday will be hoye* day In music and entertainment. Thursday hoye In Omaha from the Fourth grade to tha age ef II yaera. will fall Into line for the loyalty parade. Fifteen thousandi are ex ported to be In line. Friday win ha hoys' day at home, with spedal radio programs. Saturday, tha final day. will tie boys day out-of-doom, with a program of oporta. Special moving pletnraa advertising the day hegsn today at tha World, .strand, Rialto and Sun theater* PRESS BODY ASKS CIRCULATION LIST Special ntapstak te The Omaha Bern Bteii*, Neb., April 1*.—Tha South eastern Nebraska Press association. In session at Falla City. Friday, pass ed a resolution, asking that audita of th* circulation llata of the news papers of the district be made before July 1 when Ole Buck, field manag er, makes th# new rate book for gdr vortlslng agendas Th# Falla City Journal tnd Hews entertained tha editors at lnnoh at noon and tho Chamber of Commerce la tha evening. Mr. Launch of tha Warfield Advertising agency, Omaha, lad tho round table conference In tha afternoon. John Mullen, president of tho Chamber of Commerce, was toast master at tho banquet. YOUTH LOSES LEG UNDER WHEELS M*0**k. Web., April 1».—Lm Rich ard*, it. Alma, beating hi* way, fell under * train her* thie morning while attempting to alight from th* blind heggag* before th* train atopped. HI* left leg wa* crushed and was amputated at St. Catherine hospital where the youth Is In serious condi tion. Harold Dohh# and Raul Gregory, ala* of Alma, were riding with Rich ard* on th* train. OMAHA GIRLlT MAY DAY QUEEN Miss .lean Tllford Pilmer, daugh l#r of Mr*. Georg* 11. Palmer, 4915 Dodge street, has been chosen for th# role of queen In "Th* Play of St.. George," to he presented by the student# of Bryn Mawr eolleg# at th* sixth quadrennial May day fes tival, May fl and 10, on th# eolleg* grounds Just outside Philadelphia. INFANTRY’DRILL DEMONSTRATION The Seventeenth Infantry will give a demonstration In th# Auditorium next Thursday at 7:90 to show that arrny training makes better rltlsens. War strength platoons and squads from both Fort Crook and Fort Omaha will participate, end a dance will follow to th# music of the Seven teenth regiment hand. CRIPPLED BOYS TO ENTER PARADE Special arrangements are being mad* for disabled or crippled ehll dren who wish to participate In the hoya’ loyalty parade Msy 1, *a pari of National Boys’ week. First aid Station* will be established along the march lln* for emergencies. Washington new* thsse days Is ol a kind to tempt the Congresslons Record to rea«yt to ecar* head*.—Bo* ton Transcrlp^ Hertford Calf Triplet! TKrivt on Nehraika Farm1 t'amhrld##. Neb. April 1* Triple! Itetefot d r»l*ea «•'* horn or* the *Hhur HtMdM tern* new Om Nidp April », and are *U heallhr end without • defo.1 ,*f any hind Tlier are pmnawhat lat e»r than Ihr ordinary ealf nf the earn# *»*, Th* calve* were luat 1* day* eld at the time tht* plnur# waa tah*«. EX-OMAHAN WILL WED AT HONOLULU Word haa h#en received of lh* anenaement of Mine Jeaale * are*, former auparvlaor of muelo In lh# rnrnim arhool, to Walter Hatcher, •cl#nr# teacher In th* nlfh achool at TJhn# on th# laland of Kauai, Philippine#, where aha la now teach in*. . , „ . Th# m«rrlafa will take place In July at Honolulu, after which they will make a tour of th# lalanda. They will live at TJhue. Mlea Dnrle Perry, another format teacher at Itarnam achool, who ac com pan led Mlaa Carey to th* Philip pine* will return to th# United State# after tha wrddlns. » ‘ . ■ *** 5-CENT CORN SOLD 1861 IN STATE Special ntspatrU to Tha O—to Bee. Beatrice. Neb.. April 19.—Speaking of grain price#, Tammle Zimmerman. 90. pioneer of Beatrice, stated that ha sold corn In 1*91 for I cant* a bushel. He hauled tha grain from hi* home stead northeast of tho city to Brown villa by ox team and It required eev» eral days to make tho trip. Ha pas tured hla oxen when bo made stop# for tho night and slept under the wagon. EVANGELIST WILL SPEAK IN OMAHA Rev. Dr. H. At, Torrey of Is» Angela#, head of a great Btbl# In stitute there, will make an address In the First Baptist church next Thurs day evening at T:*9. Dr. Tor ray, with Charier Alexander as singer, conducted * notable revival In Omaha auditorium tome yean ago and later the two made *n evan gelistic tour of th# world. Ho was formerly dean of th* Moody Bible Institute. GRAIN MAN FOUND GUILTY OF FORGERY WWtl IM) AIMlt II. IWI i MM ••• N mWM •**! 4 iwum iiw iw* <***• ,*"A**' %m ****«»• •• • **»• ** !♦•*• M4 * •* «**«•• *• • ***** *• ft** HrM »* •*»*« »***• *• **>* »—W*» tun __ . „__ fto *M **•» *•>•* If** *M ••*•<•* to «•»* '*>• #*«* *♦ »M ******** «*•<. I»f DfMl to »-(•»**»« ***** to to IM <*»*•*» *H **"♦*» •***•*•* > fttof NmH***>. CHI-IQ-PMC-TIC For Hoolth )C Kanpa *•< Yn Wall |»f, Rnrknrn pravtdaa awry mad arn 1 hiraprartia ranvantanm far )<«ti tn Hi. affka, »n.ludtnf aaia fnrlaMa laMai, tanlU, arlanUfl* ad JuMmrnlai prompt, affifiant, faur lanua aarvlra and H Individual privata adlttatln* mama. r,.u.«n»<tn« ti **.•*■** tm**» «f* i* •» " for Ml, Hon** ******* ***** **<*•*<•• t» ******* »• H** •“*♦. Ninth Ynnr nf Pr**tl«* In Omnhn DR. FRANK F. BURHORN, the Chiropractor Suit* 414-M 8**nrl»l*. BU|. C*r. ISth *n4 Farnnm St*. Ph*n* JA S347. Om|»Ui* XJU* L*h*r*t*rir. Ln4» Attendant* A Peaceful Easter Peace is indeed uthe. gift of Gads love.** The nation that is at peace makes progress —nations at war retrogress, and tear down the bulwarks of Civilisation in their efforts to claim Victory for their own. This is a day peculiarly sacred to the Prince of Peace. Let us give thanks to Him who holds us in the hollow of His palm that the Dove broods serenely over our land—unafraid. & Hulse & Riepen FUNERAL DIRECTORS K2Z2-14 CibIii St. #A ISM»^l? ■' ■ ^ Special Purchase and | SALE 1 t New Spring Footwear Over 500 Pairs Values to $12.50 CHOICE In tbla grant aala we ara combining a apaclal pur chaaa of 300 palra of Springtime'* naweat pat tama with abort lines from our regular atock. Style* of (be hour In all naw leather*, now color*, new beela and now mode* In trimming*. ALL SIZES Metz$nint Floor Orchard -Wilhelm RrXTKKNTH AND HOWARD HTRF.KTS For Those Who Winh to Make Their Own DRAPERIES factorial Rei'ieu' Drapery Pattern* ana I net ruction* 50c Book of Stylee 25c For Thono Who Wtah to Make Thoir Own DR APERIES Our (hen Honk of Draperu Sketche* and Suggestion* FREE Annual Sale, Special Display and Demonstration of DRAPERIES This is Brighten-Up Week—a week of effort toward a bright and happy spring and summer. NOTHING brightens up like new draperies—TEN-FOLD are the returns in home enrich ment that you reap when you hang new-curtains and overdra peries to your windows. COME MONDAY. 1,000 Pairs of Ruffled Curtains , for Bedroom or f Living Room use. Plain manralMtta, pair.1.25 Dotted ana figured marquieette, pair— 1.05, 2.05, 3.25 Plain roll#, pair .2.85 Dotted and rijrtired voile*— 3.25, 3.50, 4.75, 5.00 Plfured and dotted awirae*— 2.75, 4.75 Of tpeeial Intereat are three deaijrna In aheer white dotted marquieette, 30x214 yard#, with ‘Jebaclta. Per pair— ^95 10,000 Yards of Curtain Materials of almost endless variety for any style window, room or residence, including VOILES, MARQUI SETTES, MUSLINS, NETS. Grouped to sell at, per yard— 25c 38c 45c 48c 58c 68c 75c 95c Special interest center* upon group at, yd 45c 1.000 Pairs oj Fringed Curtains In many styles, at many price*; for living room or dining room. Figured filet 4.85, 8.00 Punto Tirato .5.50 Tuscan .4.85, 8.00 Escola .7.00 Casement ... 9.50, 12.75, 18.75 Filet Grandee— 10.00,13.75,18.75 Oxford Crow— 12.75. 13.75. 15.00 Sunshine Casement. ,19.50, 21.50 Of special interest are six patterns of ecru colored coarse nets. Regular values 6.00 and 7.85. Per pair — 4§5 Cretonnes Hundreds and hundreds of yards of most desirable Cretonne—many of the patterns just received are grouped to sell at, per yard— 25c 38c 50c 68c 75c 85c 95c Overdrapery Materials An Intereetlnf variety of OVERDRAPERY MADRAS, SILKS and SUNFAST FABRICS. Almost any color can b# found In this offering of orer one hun dred kinds of fabrie. ,_, . . . . Many of these materials are reduced In price and are mark d o •ell at from, per yard— Spring Sale of Wamsutta Sheets and Cases The Very Finest Percale Sheets Made Percale Quality Plain 3.76 63x99, each.2.75 4.00 72x99, each.2.95 4.25 81x90, each.3.25 90c 42x38 5*, each...... 75<* 1.00 46x385*, each.80<* New Bedford Quality Plain 8.2R 83x99, each. 3.85 72x99, each. 3.75 81x90, each. 4.25 81x108, each. 75c 42x38H. each.$5# 85c 45x38 H, each.60# Spring Sale of Fancy Bed Spreads that will add a delightful touch of color to your bedroom. Made ef eplendid quality unbleached aheetlng. Stenciled—ApplJqued—Candelwiek and Crewell Embroidery In practically all colon, or eombinatlona of color*, auitable for h*d Single or double bed sizes, prices up to.11.75 5.25 stenciled designs, single size.3.05 5.75 stenciled designs, double bed size.4.85 Outstanding Yralues in Charming, New RUGS The woman with many floors to make comfortable and inviting will find her ideals realized on our Rug Floor at prices lower than she has dared to hope. Table FREE " with Every Detroit Jewel Gas Range High Oren Style*. 49.50 to 139.00. Harr# illustrated ... 62.50 Kvery woman who purchase* a Detroit Jewel Gaa Rang# this coming week will re reive a white porcelain top Kitchen Table. TERMS Account* opened for those who wish to defer payment* to the first of May and thereafter at th# rat# of per month—5.00. Fuel line and connection* FRF.F. A liberal allowance mad* on your #ld St#*#. Bundhar Wilton Rurs Rug* “that wear lilt* Iroa" in the moat com plete aaaortment of beautiful pattern* and color •rheme* we have ever brought to Omaha. 0x12 Bundhera .110.00 0x0 . 69.00 30x03 . 18.50 And many other amaller and larger sixes, in eluding the largest rug "ataahed” in thla part of the country, vix: • 11-3x21 feet at . 285.00 Guaranteed ConRoleum “Gold Seal" Rurs We are ahowing a complete line of three beau tiful rug*, the fact that, they era absolutely GUARANTEED (replacement without question If you are not aatiafied) recommend* them to housewives everywhere. 0x12 Guaranteed Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs ... 18.00 0x10-0 Guaranteed Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs ... • • 15.75 0x9 Guaranteed Gold Seal ( ongoleum Ruga... 0.00 0xfi Guaranteed Gold Real Congoleum Ruga...2.50 0x410 Guaranteed Gold Seal Congoleum Ruga . 1.05 Olhar Siaea la Proportion. 9x12 Heavy Axminster Rugs ( haraeterixad by Oriental and 7 *7 CH Chinese pattern* in very Rood \ / Cl" color*.'7/ «= I 8-3*10.0 Axminster Rur* ....34.50 6x9 Heavy Axminster Rur* 21.50 9x12 Seamless Axminster Rugs In allover and Oriental desifn* « /«*-A with eolor achemea that are warm 4 »A<1 comfortable. 1 “jsb 8-3x19-0 Seamless Axminster*. 50.50 0x9 Sc*mlc»» Axminster*. .. . 20.75 9x12 Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs The** ruRS *re extra heavy, while the com pact, abort nap resembles very / f\C A closely the finest of French Wit ton*. A/^-3-. 8-3x10-6 Seamless Wilton Velvets, 01.50 Rattania Fibre Rugs in the newest, rayest spnnR pattern* for sun parlor or hedrooma. 3x0 Rattania .5.50 4-0x7 « . 7.50 «X» . 12.00 7-0*10-0 . 17.00 4 9x12 . 18.50