T II K FRF. K 1)0 M OF TilF. I’RKSS? An inci ilt nt of the recent King's levee nt St. James’s Pal ace, London a pres photographer under ar rest and being hustled off by a bobby for taking cer tain photos against or ders. A.lefi/m iti/tht—TEKKO CKNCI, New York sculptor, puts the finishiti'' touches on a bust of the late Charles P. Steinmetz, the fore most electrical engineer of recent years, which when completed will be pre sented to the City ol Schenectady, where in the shops of the General Klee trie Company Stein met/, worked for so many years. /• .< i Don’t hide them with a Veil; Remove them with Othine — Double Strength This preparation for the treatment of freckles is so successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold under guarantee to refund the money if if fails Don't hide your freckles under a veil, get an ounce of Othine and remove them Fven the first few applications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely fie sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine; it is this that is sold on the money-hack proposition H E I. D A S It A N K BANDIT. El. •anm Wul .Iron, twenty, in her cell at Bakersfield, Calif., whiTe she is under arrest on the specific charge of hank robbery, following a hold-up o( a hunk in Taft, Calif. She wears the same attire she wore when arrested with a male companion following the robbery. i.„,m . A SHIP rHAT PASSED IN THE NIGHT. A mo jnliffht camera shot of the Moor ish iralleaas of Sakr-el llahr used in Frank Lloyd's ' \nema produe ion of SabatiniVThe Sea Hawk." Kri/Mtont — Left— A N I) W HAT’ S MORE, IT RUNS! Two fourteen year-old lad1 of silverton, Ore., Charles H. Drake and Delmar Brown, feelinjr the need of a ear of their own but not havinjt the rash to buy a real one, jret busy ind produce from an old notorcycle enjrine, a Ford steerinjr wheel, a coastei wajron and various other items the sportinjr phae ton pictured. >' * K I' Otyf/ THK JUNIOR WHITKS a juvenile polo quartet compostd of the chlldr* t of socially prominer 1 New Yorker*, who ha\> been showinp gome splen did action recently h their matches with th< Junior Blues at Aiken, S Left to npht they ar> Harry Nicholas, Miss Vir pinia Wilson (who mor< than keeps pace with her male teammatesi, Johnn> Fell and Bob Davis. I,r\ i# k _ _I — Venida Nets Aristocrats! Vcnida Hair Nets cost no more than ordinary nets, yet discriminating, s m a r t I y dressed women know that they cannot wear other nets and get the same quality and quantity of service. A Venida wears longer, looks I better. It is the one perfect, incomparable net. Sold by de partment and drug store. 'i fi/r i'n —(.up mill Irmt/r Shupri. Sim/lr mill Ihiiiblr iMrili (druy anil If'hilr 2*>i Em h) I (»*• kir^rr to I fit Nch \ ork I hr popular and faa< Inaling iiamr Mah Jong $ 1 < iimplrtr -rl, mil i Imj: **f 144 | »|r , I I <• ( inn frr r, Ka< k , rule , |*l.»> |ll|£ illlr. I inn imt j*» i j*r iii.il +4 4nr • j;.i, Imi 11i.ii<| on te* ripl of #1 Satisfaction luaranlrfd or money hark I DON'T DHAY OHOIM TODAY AND BTOIN TO PLAY ORIENTAL SPECIALTY CO. lii mi 44ml Si Ih’pt "/ So* tmk A HKKNHAKin M KM( >KIAI. dedicated on March i!(! in the little French cemetery where rest* the body of • most famous actress of all time. Ambassador Herrick officiated at the ceremony. The plai|uc was designed by Fred I Humphrey, Minneapoln art student, at the direi tion of the Orpheum < n cult of theaters over whirl Sarah Bernhardt made two American tom / M i• I mil imin Come Vacationing to SEATTLE Habit's I’aradisc Healthiest City in the World N-«vt there* i t y |»|i m I St'.illl*' Imla Y«»u Will nee | Vl«l«« like him I f 1 Health* tounr inokieM with the hi h hl«Mtm of health in then eheek*. j- \ ami eontent in th« tr t vet toll- «»f tat and tllllMeh* on tloil Mnllilnflll little iHNtiWH No them no hot da \ * ot ni^htM t lit ea I *ti theli live*. «»» woven ulMei* to k* • |l III* til »hllf III N • till In the U orlil of • • f iii I of laitfei I## ( illation h i** o |o«% in n\ • i ik# annual it* fh rat*- the adult ,md infant nun I all v tat# in H«attl« is Jew- than half that of vai ion- inofiiinent Aum i< .m rilli * Seal lie * re mar liable health r«-< 01 (| I* line In .ilwo-tue of eitirmew of heat or coM, rvHone* hurrhane*. earthquake* nevrr*’ •'lei 11 bn I wloim* a »lunate xoothln* to nervouw trouble* anot» out *»f iIinum the umi imind an abundant «• • •f pun- until an eiiept tonal milk |N-if« t rial mil ilialnaio . • heap .«n«l plentiful \« k* tables and Keren hunts the \eai round no nIiimi dlrtrh In and a « nlr tt nmlef la ltd V4 hi. h k«*«’|** |nh|«|(- In t hi- o|nn Make thi* \ Me ntion a "I'h.irmnl l#and' \ a • .i flop K iiou thi- )••>>* and I* autl# * mental and ph> *i* al SEATTLE /*»• u • not twin* hut l>. ill Hritlieri, Hr po'iif tu llu«tratr thr thrmf of ihi« • *» llth la Naptnnlwi 401 h. $72 OO Srr that four tirkrf to port of *hr I'anfir t'nait rrail* "iia Sratllr Writ* fhamhrr of Ur mmr *17 Ar^tir Hl-la , Haatllr. Huh tor a ■»4 l>ur illaatrathl t'hirmnl land ' hmkl-l ilr .rripi i% r of thia romarkahlr «it % vi-' an un»urpa» «r>t \ me. t • * ! ami Center of Anierxi'i Summer Playground 1 hear advertisement* paid for by Seattle ciliiem who invite you to see* the "Charmed Land '