SOMETHING I NEW IN BANQUET ' HALL DECORATIONS. This full-size model of one of the latest Canadian Pa cific locomotives brought |__ forth a cheer when it was unveiled f|> the ballroom of the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec, the other evening before seven hundred C. P. R. executives gathered to pay tribute to their chief, President Beatty. Mr. Beattv's photo adorns the headlight of the big wooll en locomotive, which was built for the occasion. — DIPLOMATS iIIKEE. Sir Esme How ard, Rritish Ambassador, Secretary of State Hughes and Ambassador Jusse rand of France, pictured in an informal get-together outside the White House. L r FLOBIOA PIPPINS. This puli hritudinnus trio a;is chosen by the City of Tampa, Fla. (the Fast oast community boasts a p ipulation of 100, 1)00), as its representatives in a recent beauty contest conducted at St. Petersburg, Flu., by the American Legion. On the left, Mrs. Joan Claire; on the eight, Miss Grace Hanes, and in the cen *er. Baby Catherine Bozzell. t/«arrwood /f Sweet v Load* TAKEN ON ROLL* FILM* k FILM PACK I Start this year’s cam- B era work by using fi this film, world fi famous for its high B speed and clearness. fi Adk for AGFA FILMS at your dealer*. /Vtx^arcid, ju. rriHEASt 13rSt ^NewYo* "I'tc Tl'KK To Mr,MT, TUOSK TM t l>" fit -Vfitt 1 VMIITI Tin nrti. c *nty >|U«rtfl t;n l i" I •» • • i * i *i |* • rnf** HinMitr. V* V'irk, tfnlnp thtif luM • • * H* _ unto i I(i»p harmony. I'h<- Iml*. Kranki. . 11• ■ * i I • % anrl Charlie, nrr realty pnml, ainl »hnr ‘-alimlm tifltr nnntt mntienre* include lu*th *lnil 'lc hc« p*t printer** devil*. pu* any n*rr* *mj. i r',‘ Jff what you can do on this remarkable C?7(eu> . Story & Clark. P| personal * , / Reproducing piano ^ REPROPHRASO/ ____,i^ OThis new personal repro ducing piano does what the ordinary mechanical player can never do —gives to the individual the power of choice to play with all the liberty and freedom of personal expression that marks the differ ence between the listener and the creator. A Demonstration will be a Revelation n . . j/: gA ami Freight added Convenient Price Only 05^1 up Terma arranged if detired Call, Write trr Phone AT 1858 for Guaiofue Scl—iHir t MutHtr Haw to. 1514-16-18 Dodge S«., Omaha -*--a --¥ fWaBg-*. ■ aim,- . nlglfgliin? -w. r Corns A Pain Slops Instantly Here’s instant relief from that burning corn! Blue jay will stop the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Does away with danger ous paring. Get Blue-jay at your druggist. (Q II A H 1121 Blue-jay jr * »^****^ • ^ ^ u She Found A Pleasant Way Tof ’ Reduce Her Fat J She did not have to go to the trouble ol diet or exercise .^he I found a better way, which aids I tfie digestive organs to turn food into muscle, bone and smew in stead ol fat She used Mat mala Preamp ■ lion f'ahieta, which are made from the famous Marmola pre s< nption I hey aid the digestive ■ system to obtain the lull nutri ■ I merit of food. f hey will allow I ■ you to eat many kinds of food ■ I without the necessity of dieting I I «»r exercising g * f housands tiave found that ■ 1 Marmola Prear nphun tableta » 3 give complete relief from obesitv | ■ And when the ac cumulation of ■ ■ fat is ( her ked, reduction to nor W U rnal, fiealtfiy weight soon foflcrws if 4 All Rood drilK tore* the world nvrr ■: I ■ ell %i irrm$l,i /* t r $r r tpt ttm luhleta B a» mif dollar a tun Aik your druffiil I Inr (h«-rii in order direr I and (hry will fl be sen! in plain wrapper, postpaid MAKMOI A COMPANY HAS EARNED HIS PENSION. Harry, for twentv-five years of faithful service — seven teen in the fire department and eight in the street cleaning department of West New York, N. J.— has been pensioned by a group of townsfolk and will spend the remaining days of his equine life at ease on a farm P- d. Gray Hair Unnecessary As I Have Proved I proi rrl It rna n y your iten I*y rfutorinir th«* or Iginnl « olor to rny own prematurely gray ti u I r wllli t h •• Hu mo Ifi ntoror I now off or voti Thin f lino lit* I |irr |m r i i ion no’• < r I iIIh ih him llforlx of Ihou- • ml of Kray hn li * i| poopl« Hinoo have learner! Tli* r*1 ix not *|» i» o in Ihlx .**1 ortixemont to Trial Mottle Absolutely FREE I el I III \ - t or V S'• lid f or Free Trial brittle and le.irn * 11 Mary T Hoidmnn * Hair «'.»ior Iteniorer in a r I •ar. r olorleHM liiftmJ, « :• m a outer. No i:r> i \ •ohioeMi to in ii . • • ar tialr wtl* kv and ntrlrifcy. nottiiiiK to •» . ti or tub off Npplicaflon • i » r* l*n*d • olor perf* • f in my NkM I < -1*1 in ■ !. colored hair Mi“t 1 only and if* i r • or* «l a« hair n it or a IIv Kf • V M\ll Mil HIN TOM IV for ... patented I'r* e Trial and foil i n ••' r n< I ion* for niakiriK the con\ln*ih>' I ' oi <#n« Irak If pi*"*vdile, di- lo■ ■ lo« k of youi hair in your Idler PImm print imh.nut ■ / n < —i I MAN* » am OMAN 1 3 1 t) •*««•)■ BO( II e«.,i M,,.n l • ’!•**-• **n«l »• *ir i.afentaH li** Inal I —J "'iifti If (halt cii*. h | Hark In MM ilium brown .«,ii• • • > .iiik J r»*t l.**a IrroWn llfftii autrurn IlflileH ' I hloli'lr | I Smmta | I • | fr**rl CiO j Hcyn Photographs play a most important part in this interesting series of advertisements of "The Robert's Milk family." I hey should playan equal ly important part in the true portrayal of your i hildren’s photograph. I Just m Prcisman 2 2H Tran > __ m Carl Fredericks 19IS */« bi ter st. Home Jr Benedict 3574 C u rt is Art Mnunt Vansku 1 _3oitS laj^yatie -4ve j lri/in Beitc 1 i I I 3 3 c ujd rd 3 b Walter W- ?lummerW 50 M i\/o 5u $r j billy Curry 2504 ri4rcv i/" Betty Jdne Benedict Juhd fotricd Buck >ey SOlS North 4S 5^ Jdt h Russell Wrst\ D St. Roberts Milk family. The fourth °f a most interest- i miseries ofhealthy baby pictures* {(hdriofa riitx.he//\ ; !Ui Cdstclir St- I Ich4 s Cd I to 217 8 Daw « no r t [Irvina. Woh I r\Cr I i m /n? n 1 iinai Lot s an />o i4 >r Ihjrru Solomon I / 909 Webster I ^ I Chdi Mitchell 11 2 i c* 5 t*i4t i r