Summrr Radio h Knjoyablr With Rrflfx C'irruit I'l'rtiWf M» Ni«r Portable IVofriMt May Hi F.a> All Year Rntimi flth l ate Ailtinm. The ewtea NiMMr. hi the eft* >• n of radt* etpana, will dawmoetWf that tadla It not almpty an Indoor i«im, nor ha wee confined te the winter time on every hand are indications that radio will ha aa popular during the nimmer moot he aa during ether parte i>f tha yenr, The meet Important faster eon tohuting ta this result te that, for tha first time. portabla eels which tre welly portabla will ha available, nines laet summer a great advance in the radio art haa been brought tbout by the «»e of nMlo frequency traneformera, and by tha development nf reflet circuits. The owner of a imtln eel who has enjoyed It ao much in.loots during tha winter would not be content without It In i he coming months of outdoor life. I Br**tB BiMpolnl _ „ "liob.mi.** *11*1 ■_ ***]■• |tv**i** *<■»• 1W *»«*!*>« tit,)* Uin r'tab 1.1 Vtattn •«!». IIt. id 1 w*»*»f »»»hrmb*rb __. V»t». **r*t***r I'lrd * flllWMMi uiti» ni*» «M ownwri . M.rrh "Tbir'ai* Winnrr". T**»bot # »• M nit>l* *mdr, *M*r !♦< ■on.I dlr*ftl»« »f Mr* r.rl n ttf*p. I I* M Mum nnln hr *■ ritw pr..h« l.rl.n rh*tr|i, Bt. M»l« >1 J.nt,. tnrUf, _ . I.r.-nr.l < rtfM *tmr.-l. atmrl.i l."»t*» J»n»»n Wjtl*. »«|>r»«.. and dlr»*t«ri Mr* V.rn# /*»Jt*M'». It,,.. M |olin.«n, t.ner, A. 1. lt»M».. I..M; I oat.. Bli.d.liKk*, yrom ptoitt "vifnld T. rttUlf.,1.. ^•Th^Kord I. Mr ■b**lt*td".0*dl n.rltsn. lol*l __ "Ood Mr MUmr*...;....Babol. Mr Hohb*. Da.t— "fon.ld.r lb. tilllr*’...... TopIKI Mr*. Writ* *"d Ml.. Mlll.r. "*,,i7*0'.nd tinroorl.lltr lo t.lfHI." t>f. Edwin H. J.nb*. M.dltntlon: from 'TMI*... ll.ttr Zabrl.kl.. ’"BHj.h" *!'. .T*Ur . .”.**(MVnd.lV.o'hn, Mr. Johnton. "■«**t*B*lto of E.olor Tim*"... B.ln«. Quart.t. Boto: "11*11 Joyou. Mom"_....■c« P. M.—Dinner program by Ran dall'* royal orchaatra of Brandal* ator# r*Vapr*M*— Dane* program by Garden orcheatra; Frank Hodey. dlractor. Tueedar. April *1. a y M — Program oy Lyrle mala auer tlt of Lincoln. . ••On tho So* .Bae“ Melody of popular enng*. That Old Gang "f Min*. Quartet. . .. Baritone aolo. ‘Off to Philadelphia^ .Archie' N.' Jon##’ ‘ Travaaty on ■•Cornin' Through the n*|" ....a*,,,. .**,«••*••«•• "Weaver of Dream*"...... Jaa* William* Medlar of old faahloncd aonga and read Inga. q rt t Personnel: 3. E.“>ahlWg. flrat tenor: Oscar Bennett. aecond tanori D. D. Dirk a. baaao; Archie K. Jonee. baritone, and Manager Jaea William*, accom P*«!fo P. M—Dinner program by the Naughty Buffoon*; B. ftevan*. maneger. f P. M.—Program by courteay of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Ilk*. Omaha Lodge N*. It. featuring Overture., "Fauat’.....-Oounoil Omaha Elk* Band. n (at Plano dual. "Luataplal Over tura”.. Margaret Killian and L«ena Janaa* ~ .T*’. ■ Laola Janaan. (Pupil* of Karl B. Tunborg > Remark* by Herbert W. Jahnaon. #* aited rular Omaha lodge No. •#. Fan teal*. "My Old Kentucky Horn*.' Arranged by Dalby. Omaha Blka hand. "Swing Along" ..... •• ■ • ■Cpf}* Elk* quartet. Council Bluff* lodge No. til. Vocal aolo. ‘Till I Wake"... .Plndon Ml* Velma Mlchanar. Mlaa Marguerite Brown, accompanlat. ▼tells aolo*: _ . , (el "Paradlee” . Kreteter (b) "Pollchlnell* Sar^nada"., Kraleler Katherya Buvlngar. pupil ef Henry O. Cow. Vocal oolo "Tho World !• Waiting, for the Aunrlee".Sqlt* Florence Baaler-Palmer, accompanlat. Mra. Dayo Crano. Intermesso. "Bamballna"........Toumana Omaha Elka band. "Matrimony against Bachelorhood." John J. Hlnchay. "An Yrtah Lullaby" .O'Hara Elko quartet. Council Bluff a lodge . .e. Ml. Byenade. "Harlequin's Millions7’.... Drlgo 1 v Omaha Elks band, vocal oolo. "The Trass With th# De licate Air".,.Arne Florence Baaler-Palmer. accompanlat. Mro. Dayo Crane. Vooai aolo. "A Perfset Day*’...Bond Mlaa Valma Mlcnener. Mias Marguerite Brown, acmrn panlst. Cornet aolo. "My Heart at Thy Sweat Vole*".Saint Seen* Victor G Belknap. Tntermosao. "Simplicity".Lee Omaha Elko band "Rose of Aharon"....... George W. All ar Council Hluffa Lodg* No. Ml. Elka quartet. March, "Parade of tho Wooden id* diere”. Jeaaet Omaha Elko bond. Eleven O'clock Toast: Charles R. Dock arty M A marie*"...Omaha Elks Rand Parsonnsl of B)ks quartet. Council Bluffs lodge No. Ml; J. R Gorko. first tenor: C. A. Hayaratock. baritone; A E Rengtaon, second tenor; J. F. McCargar, baa*. Thursday. April «4 • 9 m , Every Child's otory hour, con ducted by Grace Aoranaon. editor and publisher nf Every Child’s megssfn# • to p m. dinner program by Ack armen'o orchaatra of Empreoo Rustic Garden. Plano(a) "Dawn of Fates—March. . Hughe* (b) "Poet and Peasant"—Overture. .. Auppa (r) "Scarf Dance" .rhandnade Orchestra Cutting & Washington “ Coast - to - Coast ” RADIO SET Couplet* with tubes, head phones, batter ies, antenna and installed in your home. Biggest Radio Value Ever Offered! This Cutting A Washington "Coest-to-Coast” Radio Set Is the biggest radio value on the market today. With it the world of music and entertainment is at your command. Don’t invest a cent in radio equipment until you’ve seen this wonderful set. Liberal Terms—$5.00 Per Month Trade in your phonograph ae a part payment. A beautiful Radio Map given FREE to visitors to our Radio Department. Write or wire for exclusive dealer.’ proportion. mas* (Me •*•♦**• SHtobee* liiiftti 1 |***««#**• llAll •**•!* till My l»l i.iij,i* ,i* ottM#*! Wyi# >i til ‘HftHft tHilil iiIM lUHtift nrlftiMfi fit M*»*4tft ,, ..***«, Ba^*'****1 i*l %|l7i| imI f*t«Nn IMhllMMf. (•) v*f«i |ii«ft' Ottft* IH . > • . . « WfK Pf «\ hty«*i (ft l ttiHl 1114 K*ftH*tt !*•*»*-*•.. • * OlMM* »M '‘liuMtft |»ftnrf ' (|l 'fl!#|.||*M ft •>•**•’* (41 li !••*(» fftl **T4»# ftmftfleftn ...>*.. •»» M»*r|| UK, l»ir h*sl-A fH4a|. AfHI tt. If fw Wf»*ftli*rft‘ n»if h*nt. « fft r M l*'«nftf ftrtftftfftA hy Ttmmk ttn>Mnfthftt", !»*•• r%y**tt>r bMiJn. miMhlin iM ftiHftf • i» in HftWllil ptftftkm kr nf Marty Hrftvlfoff l|*lftn**» ftwn Will HatheHbsto" ctlolm and aeauphens), Mia* VlelotT* l«*Mt*#li#r. Vlotla Bolo—"A Anna of Summer" .. . Brow* Herbert Hoick. •■Minuet In O" ..Boat boros Vivian Btaftn Plano Bolo— "Well* Araheoqu#" ... .LOB* Orac» Dsnaky. Vlnlln Anln—"Nobody Know* da Trouble Pvo B»«n" Whit* Mlaa Oartrud# Karryman Plano Bolo—"Military Pnlonalao". .Chopin Albert Flnkol. Plano fluet—"Valae Brilliant*”.. . Moakowakl Orace and Paarl Panaky. Baaaohoo* Aoln— (a) "Mr W'lld frlah Bo*#." (b) "Aasophnbla " Harry A. Scot). Plano Anlo— (al "To Aprlnc ...Uroia (b) "March of tho Itwarfaf.Orals l.llllan Chuderoff. Violin Bolo— "Paradlee’ .......... Kralalar Mr. rita Woat. Plane So’*— , __ • (al "Thom# and Variation*” Baothevan (b) "Narclaeua" .Navio Ratty Tollman. Plano Bolo—"Ruotlo of bprlaf",. .Binding Krloda Bolkor. Violin Bolo— "Itondlno" .Kralalor Ruoooll Hpraiuo. Plano Solo—"Butterfly".Parallel draco Panoky. Violin Bolo—Selected. Mre. Rosaline Alter Haneen. Plane Aolo—"Bhepeody Hunfrolae No It" . Llest T.llllan Chudacoff. Plano Solo—"Hhepherd'e Hey". Oranirr Albert Flnkol. Saturday, April IB. • F M—Aptekar*1 half hour. «;Sn P M—Dinner protram bp the Blacketonlane. a p. M — Program by Hotel Fontanella Coneert Trio. Poul* Culp, dlractor. Au eplcoe Mid-Waat Electric Co. _ ■TCt»rnc#Maa" (wait*) .. .Waldteufel •Calm Aa tha Niaht" (Claaaieal Bona) . Bohm "Wa* Bltiman Trauman" (What Flow ara Praam) .Tranalataur Entr’acte Valao. "At Pawnln*" . Cadman Brilliant contamporary Amorlaaa com poaer of annaa. arch*atral placa*. ate “Tho Saranad*7, ..Harbart The Serenade le one of the eartlor work# of Victor Herbort. Tho ecor# I* on# of th# many food one* that Mr. Herbort haa (Ivon ua "Boaoty* »y#a" . Tootl Farorit* Bona •••■, v-- -. •To# Bpattlah Pancad*. .Moakowabl "The Poet Chord1.Sullivan I II P M —Bwodo program larludlns Orpheus male choru* Arr*nft4Tfty Oui IwinftM. Movements of Balloons to Be Followed by Hidio Ran Antonio. T#*., April 1#.—Mov# monta of tho al»ht fro* balloons whleh will taka off from Kelly fl#l4 April 21 In tha national balloon elimination rac# will b# followed by radio ama toura and th# nawi r«ported to th# balloon rac# executive. In thl# way check will ho kept on th# progreo* of contestants and valu able Information on air current# may b# obtained. The Information le: I/)c*tlon In which th* balloon la sighted, data and tlRfia, position, high or low, and di rection It la traveling. All messages should ha addressed to "Balloon Rac# Executive, Ban Antonio, Tax." Radi# I<*v#y, pupil of Cadi Berry man, will *1v# a redial at th# Bur geos Nash auditorium May I, assisted by Kathryn Parker, aoprano. pupil of Miss Msry Mnnehhoff. Mr. Berrymsn also will havs chart# of th# WOAW radio program May I. t i M U S I C" Itrlnald Wrrrenralh. Few singer* hav# had aa broad nn experience in the field of song recital as Relnald Werranrath, th* eminent harltnn* who will appear hare Friday, May 2, at th* Auditorium, under aus pices of the women's division of tlic Omaha Chamber of Cnmmerca. Mr. Werranrath sang her# laat at the Rrandela theater Jan. It, tt22 for the Tuesday Musical club. At that tlm* Th* Be* critic aald of him: "Commanding In atatura, of a man ly dignity of bearing, Mr. Werren rath gives vole* to tha thought* of th* masters of song with perfect sin cerity, with complete poise and with tremendous effect. Th* vole# Itaelf Is a rarely beautiful one, rich In profu sion of coloring, capabl* of us* In moments of dramatic passion or of tender sentiment and compassing all the Immediate gradations. Tha singer explained In the course of elucidating remarks that to him each song has It# own feeling and form. Th# ex planation would have been scarcely necessary for he Interprets with auch faithful regard for mesnlnga and shades of meaning, as to make of every number a complete picture, and even th* aongs sung In foreign languages ar* changed with signifi cance even to thosa unable to under stand th* words.” Signor Tolomeo has accepted the leadership of three hands In Iowa. He will conduct weekly concerts with the Cushing Ha.) hand, the Holeteln (la i band and the Me neon (la.) band. These engagements will necessitate his closing his studio tsmporartty for ths summer months. He will resume hie teaching September II. Karl E. Tun here announces a re cital by Mtsa Regina Intone Franklin, assisted by Warren Watters, bari tone, Wednesday evening at 1:11 at the Hchmoller A Mueller auditorium. The following la the*program: Sonets, opus >1...Ssettiovoe The Evening Star (Tennheseer)..Waener A sens Del.Bleat Mr Watters The Hnlbevg Suite . ..Orleg Berceuse . .... Chopin Csncort Arabaeqeae. Blue Danube Welteee . Bebuls-Evter tune. tculu Jones Pownlns Pleedlns .Edward Eldar The Easts.......Cert Beech Mr. Watters Symphony Mo t. In C minor.. Beethoven Mlee Franklin nnd Mr. Tunbers. -A- * The publlo school music department of the University of Omaha, assisted by the university male glee club will give a program Wednesday evening, April DO. at the university gymnasi um. The old fnmltlar songs with tab leaus will be given followed by the YOU 'Szrsn m DONT NEED^SMSS: tubes sragjg beiar. SeadselfaA am ■» Vet state. WkhMs. Item Monday Radio, Specials “The Best in the West" 5-TUBE NEUTRODYHE—lining Freed Kisman aet of neu t reform ere, all American transformer*, Front jacks, and a drilled, and engraved panel. All parte mounted, ready for wiring. Complete with full wiring instructions. Regu lar 80.00 value; specially priced at, 44.95 Headphones Braudels Superior Headphones—Regular 600 value; ape rial at, 4.75 Automata Long Range Headset—9200 ohms; specially priced at, 3.65 Wlndaor Caaftc English Phone*—Regular 6.00 value -spe cial at, 3.65 Condensers 11-Plate Variable Condenaera— Priced at, 1.35 23-Plate Variable Condenser*—Priced at, 1.35 43-Plate Variable Condensers—Prieed at, 1.65 Couplers “Starko Supersensitiva; 180 degrees Varioeonplert wave length range 175 to 850 meters. Regular 3.00 value; ape eially priced at, 1.75 Dayton Variometers or Varloconplera—Priced at, J5.50 Signal Couplers wound with green silk wire. Priced at, 1.25 0. X. L. Variable Grid Leaks—Priced at. 1.05 Freshman Fixo Leak and Condenser—Priced at 55f Thordoraon TranaformersS-0 to 1. or 3to 1; priced at, 3.95 Homchargeri—With 5 ampere charging rate; priced •t, 16.95 “B” Batteries 22!£ volt; large size, priced at, 1.65 45 volt; large size, priced at, 3.30 Dry < 'ell*-Testing 35 amperes; priced at IVM COMPLETE parts for 8 tube 8uper Heterodyne, with drilled and engraved panel; priced at, 92.50 MICHIGAN MIDGET One lube Coast to Coast Radio Set —Complete with tube, batteries phones, And aerial equipment. Regular \alue, 45.00; special at, 31.95 The Brandeis Store—Basement—Arcade. Mm r §■**•' • *•« Mi*' Ml II Twuftluft fcf |l»* ** *** 4*1.1 »*4 !***»» HMt •»•»««*• IK* *•» •*<•**• p**l *f IM »*•< »'••* M lh* **l*Htm*ft |H *ft *>f IM *"M «4wli* ll Will »*4 mill IM nMlI* |ft|< In ftliMl Ml* IK* »«44*** Ml* KIM Wr*vl**r4, *n4 Kin* HllllMM W»|*l Mmkmm, •** ►»««•*! u' Mnry flwIMl, ,| r>»»phinft t)r*plnr ri.*4n WnMerf, Mnry H»lm»r, ■I*'* ftH MAff*»*l M* W«HM* ImkHA IMAAfikf HW*4*»* »*•••* M iWtf M*U«, «!*»• ***•*• tit*, MAR Mw4 M mtm** AR* Bam-a IImimNW' ' *”*• *•**•* IlIrklA mm H*A*k (M 4A*tAA, r*t»* *,-.<>i. m« rimn ** **•****.•• kM nun >*4« MmMti will ArmX***R» K***i«# Haw** wW f**kw*l I** W inniKf t>ttt'M» In iahiaI Al • * w . kt.H| t« a! iRa »<"'«**• V»*h ah« i>41itnt llrr.i Mk» MkHl.* HI H*aA**»4 *•'•» Him IImRwI IWHaM. 4**»«k 'M4 DM, IttM IHHAWka htllllf la H*»l IlklAM R»»*r*nAtt, H»*»M RbAWRAA I trill ml* lltltm «t*.itt*IIA I'hAtlmt Mnlt JitRtiAtwi, Mm» WlAkhkiR JnAkA, Jlithn R4AIA Mm A All a, Mktf Jaa a MrArA. IakIHa jArk NlMnuti, l.llait VlrfflnlA MaaH, IHMiN Hrlinrr*. iNtmOir Hr* iti Il>4i*n khlrlry, VlrftRlA 1N»» r*« Anti M»rl* l'hll« - # — A filrfin r*»11*1 will I# flVAR Al • Thnr*4*v tvMlni Al II»a 8>hmnll*r A M**A>H»fli«W M IN* UHII M It*,, tl»*W* *M in**, l,n, I •«• RlWdt, BMtl W»B NwN, Mill I «•***«« u****t*»« IW kt, rh«M l<*M, !**«« I,«w4***. ii,,<•»*• I ,,*»»•» M*»*^*i« ItfWWW M*»l«*M «**••** ►**•♦#** I***, IN*,, M **•••, M-l* I.*****. j,MM mrtwwiH., ?,»*** »jmm »..» umimM rNw*w* WAhtor, M«r*»„l I Anklr** M*rtl» Iiim n**i*i R"*» Mirn*»l tlwtld A w>—tin* *♦ IN* II**** T»wrN**w‘ ***w**H«*» *•! *■ R*M WMkMAr *v*«ln« A*Ml M, « IN* I.IHM M rwtr RK*H, !•** •nwlH r*-Mt ,i*tnh *♦**•* r>'ii-wt»i* in* ,*«,!M, NUWnM* *M*tHI MU* M»I*W M„ kin will I,Ik «ll IN* nt*MN ,N,|» t„ frmn Jihim P»r,lwl*»i *M Ml,* Mtth M,r Mill,* will *1,* * f*»Mi ■>n Ih, ,«n„nll»« ml IN* N,Nr**k» Hint, Miwlc Tn*cN,r» **w*d*ilHi h*id «l flrwnd l,*,nd Mr* C R, ('tunmr nn will h,v* rh,rw* nf IN* fn'lMawl owrtwnt I