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REMARKS-' [ N *» «• t M*m Il iM to *•*»«♦«♦*§ *• »<»*,* ««f M #*«• «• « <• M •NM *>•«. • *♦ fM It* •% trtkot !»«***»►• * tanhm» “faktl *•>*>* m *-*>' +*■** |« TM MM|M • «• *« «• l « d • »*** *♦**# tM M-M« Id IM «• Md M*M»1 •* < *• *1 d1 di*4 MtdN*1* I* *< **• i ^WHUi ^ M»t< d*di M I 'dM •* pM1 Id M*d*d an «lrt M* *>.*• Mi |MH lliwj it Md *4 Mm td* n*M M MM Add t «M M*d •*«•* tUHrdd MhM wtaMhd did . tt Nk.lt* 1 Mw t * D>i«n to H. pwiiMto m to sto to it* Mu# tltoto M tto to* ***** « • twtor, M .mHM to *»*-♦*•• tot** •* *ito» to*# l»*H lto*H tot******»gij # #*#*•** * *- * I* $ ton*# # ***».#, i * t* to**. .*4 t# *to to Mto to# tow* *#***»*'* M to M»*i (#M#t *M ■*• I- » *- <«•*• i ♦tM ‘I «HMI l*| 4* N WMM*i t •«•«** * H ** t l#>« I** I *«#>' *•%•% **>4 ' • il»>4i4 * I *-4* l*-«#**»4| *•♦***• «4M»* *M DIM «4* «* »* t|f*M M "I*** <4 IM 4m '!••** *•»« »# 4«MHH 1 t •# lit lull *4 l« t»n4 .dans not breathe during its tame moments lest you dispel the charm that has been woven about you , i. ■ -3C Hlade more entartauiutq by Ute 0un Concert Orchestra Direction Louis Schnauber 9 written production PIECES For the First, time anywhere DA.1LY MATS. ^ EVEN1NQ3 rom the _ LOOES SOe Producer LOOE3 7S« H Shorn Today 2:00 4:90 6:46 9:10 An Banter week attraction that’* nippy, laughable, and \ wonderfully ntnged by the \ BERT SMITH J Comedy Players k featuring ( Vi Shaffer 1 Billy Van Allen | Joe Marion j and cait of 28 favorite ' ontertainera in ‘TRIFLING POLLY’ A Musical Comedy Romance About a Girl Who Simply Couldn't Behave. EXTRA—WEDNESDAY AT 8:18 “GARTER NIGHT” Repeating by requeet one of the enappieet noveltiei of the year. Bigger, better, funnier than ever. | FRir>AY-AMATEURS | EntertainmentDeLuxe! All those things which you love best in a screen drama you will find here—but on a scale of magnitude never before approached or even attempted. There is an engrossing love story, superbly mounted and enacted; there are magnificent sets—authentic reproductions of the wonder spots of French history—and tingling thrills, the like of which have nevfr before been seen upon the screen. They all combine to make An Unforgettable Picture! I e attt »I||«M W****«4 Ml * *« till »Mk MM lit tmMIMk, TM tiHthil ' |t tM thl*Mt ttlMlH TM mitMt tnMlM M tM* Ml Hlmflml#, M tM |H*4 (Ml'MHtl uTii'Htm t* M»» win Nftit lit tiM«# H it IM iimnM »t llf •*it*' 4 |A«fr mIM it Mi IiiMmM K»»M nil t»t»i Mu uMiit !» M* | 4* i * mhm* MUmtM •#« I i*t i Ml | M4 tl wait Mf tin iM «m» tMI ImMwMiii it tt»i III Ml ittrt, Mil tM art »t ll|lit M* IMtit t>«*Mi (Hit** thin inr at Ml • it fimii ti*ran*» III Hint,urn ll tin I HtMl paatt M IM MUMI. IM mm a# aN nh Aa MM Mta a • Alia a* • *•« aa a tHaM ipauat t<«Apnaiit«Mt. ana aa map* pa taitnA l« •*» I Aa A a (AlAltfl* At a i ■«« Aa* Ma»lp a«pap*M IM" tA IM arA aAia* lAa atl *f It*A! aim Aa a *Aflatia Palawan IA an In.•<>*!.aa Ma aAll r I** l» aM A*aptr aff* t a' MM ad Nat* aa If Mat *ln|ta i ■uiinaniii ppMaa—H At I hr tanml. Rt A*r| Wali«A Tull}’'* aintp pftM (lalita M »t, * il, i.i, * 'it MU im mu* *M Ann* U I# *M t*#4«ng Nw, m*4* IM Ultll M #*«n» 'hi* n**i "pniiy »Mli • m* ion, *m MU»hH.| 'M«o#*< Nt*4a» M|M hlf I**111' **'• know in mmM ktl IM M»* r* • mpfHnOi in IM W*’ |MI|« *•*•*■« tM Wnh# H IM *M N«in IMnM, l* ' K*lli nf IM Non#* 'Nf'M II, w MM tM NMmMo* #M tM WMt. Nmo * «M l» W imiNMIi f»m 4«HM nl 1*1# I# IM #«iM», •!*»* MoroH l« •#•• Ml. *tH *M« IM • Hi Mmliri N»«*M#*irtil, »M Ml ml## Ml N*« #M«r# I# Amul.o I# Mon," will* I4'll fl**#H #• IM Hof. HII IMi# I# An Hftoconr# M»***n UMilnn Mrf fnroi#n molhml* •# mil*In# Mrl'ino# Mlh In Mt# pii #M ###r #M#m. “HELLO, OMAHA" Here We Are— 25 LILLIPUTIAN ENTERTAINERS Bringing You the Greatest Attraction in All Vaudeville VaudavllU T.4«y X:00—4:20 4t44—-•ilO IRVING’S 1 IMPERIAL MIDGETS ^ The Mighty Headline Feature of the World Theater’s Conliaaaui Dally Fraai 1 P. M. SECOND ANNIVERSARY WEEK Attend Early 4 Shows Shows Please Today 5 OTHER ANNIVERSARY VAUDEVILLE ACtS in addition to Herbert Rawlinson in “Stolen Secrets"—a great photoplay booked especially tor this occasion. NOTE—Vaudeville weak day matinee* etart 3 :30. Midget* appear darting 4:13, thus giving school children an opportunity to attend the afternoon performance*. i uramaig tonight »» F 'VSSF , EXACTLY AS to* X /TOMr*fm" C#/CA60 AMMUt MpPBM 6tiWffr$ 00(1 nMQun A Aad tha Brilliaat Caaapaop Intact That Brought Bbaata ad Jar I rua^ ItO.tM Chicago Faa-Larara Thla Baaaaa Nlghta——a, II.—. II JO, W W aad MW. Matlaaa Wadaaaday—Brat Baata BIAS THURSDAY, f THOMAS WILFRED PRESENTS HU INVENTION april i4, THECLAVILUX AT Plrtt lactramaat la Make Paaaihla tha Uaa af St IS P. M. Light aa a Flaa Art AUSPICES OMAHA SOCIETY OP PINE ARTS Mem hart Praaaat Card# at Baa Offka far Raaarvatlaa Public Bala Tomorrow. II A. M.—Tlrhata II.M aad MM t ■ ■■■-■ Oaa Night Oalr, Naat Friday, April M. Tha Ubiety Thaatar (N. Y.) YIDDISH PLAYERS PrMOht “IN A WORLD OF SIN" WaMrnar <1. Adame Pfgggili PRESENT DAY SWEDEN A Two-Hour Motioa Picturo Travel Tour I'.creptInaallr Interacting and antartalning Traral Film dialing with praaant-dar vwadrn. tha Gothanhurg Eepneltion and tha racrinallaa nf apandlng a cummer In tha "Land ef Sunlit Nlghtc." Contain# come af tha flnoat photography arar •aan In a film. A production that (Ivaa tha aama rharm. faerlnatlnl aad adura tlon >c If eaan In a tracal lour throughout Swadrn. FIRST AND ONLY PRESENTATION IN OMAHA SSi'iuSS Brandeis Theatre All aaatg raaarvad. Tkhala au aalo at BRANDEIS THEATRE Raa Offka. Mali ood lalaphana ordart accepted. Prkaa II OO and Ma. pluc It pm caat taa. SECURE TICKETS EARLY. FLYING THU WAY AGAIN MAY l-t-1-SATURDAY MATINEE ! I lltMfm ltd•«« Ihntnt VNIfiln To apeak of Indian ringing bring* to mind chanting braeee and the beating ©f tom-toma. Chief Slleer Tongue, who appear* on the Strand ■tag* thl# week, l« the exception, and atrmnge to any hla name, "Slleer Tongue," waa given him for hla ora tory rather than for hla elnglng ability. He le a Hoopa Indian from north ern California and waa educated for the law In the Oregon law school. * Hla flret bid for fame waa whan he waa choaen aa the leading Indian tenor et the St. Ixjuia exposition Since then be haa been over the whole United Statea In variotia profaealonal engagement#. In 1>1I he aang with the Kanaaa City Rotariane at the na tional convention In Atlantlq City. ■ ■ ■■ 1 1 ’ 1 " '' \ 1 Bert Smith Says Omaha Has Many Promising Amateurs \-—— -s The development of amataur stage talent Into that of a profeaeinal 1* a hobby with Bert Smith, owner of the musical comedy company now playing at tha New Eenpress theater. In addition to the Omaha company, Mr. Smith also controls two other or ganizations of similar character play ing in the east, and It la with the view of finding new talent that he has Instituted a aeriea of ‘amateur nights” at tha Emprsas avery rrlday. Two of the*# opportunity contests have been held thus far and have proved a most popular Innovation. As a result amateurs will be given an opportunity to appear on the Empress stags svery Friday ovsning for the next month. "From what I bars observed thus fsr,” ssys Mr. Smith. "Omaha has an exceptional amount of stag# talent. Thera Is always opportunity for those who have entertaining ability to fur ther themselves In thst line, and I will be glad to give advice to any one who wishes Information In that re gard ” C- y Clara Kimball Young Is Coming in Spoken Drama An Interesting event will be the appearance In person at tbs Brandeie theater on April 17. 21 and 21 of Clara Kimball Toung. motion picture star. Mis# Toung has returned to the spoken drama and Is appearing under the direction of Harry tiarson. her former film direc tor. In tha Eon dun stage success, "Trimrnad in Scarlet.” by William Hurlbut. Mr Uarson has surrounded Miss Toung with sn excellent cast Included art Eda i on Beulow. Harry C. Bannister. Oliva Meehan. Hugh Banka. Esther n Stewart. Kkhard W. Tempts and U. T. 1 >«» Is,__ M.«M» ».1>— WEEK COMMENCING TOOAY*S MATINEE -E.wrt— hm CLYDE DOERR Hr* Siiiyfcutol >i|rm and Hi* Orchestra WELLINGTON CROSS la -ANYTHING MIGHT HAFTU* A t iaily la Faar Irw ■ LYNN A HOWLAND _ HARRY HOLMES A FLORRIE LE IERE U » Camtty Ml t—MI.4 "Tlwilw.* TABOR 4k GREENE "Twa Dark Kalfkla" GROH St ADONIS -rTk# rt«w r ~ - VADI & GYGI - ou With FLAVIA WATERS A*4 a Cmpur af 1 Im«I> (Nab.) Daatara la TWalr REPERTOIRE OF DANCE-POEMS AND MVSIC Mar* laaal at tha Ptaata AESOP'S FABLES TOPICS OF THE DAT PATHE NEWB j vert own MAGNIFICENT COMPANY t Incl. Walsh A Adams and a Peachy Chorus Ttliy i Bnim Mat. At 1:00, 58* fx'SZ USE BEE .WANT A1X>—THEX BJUNfi iSKBAJUS _