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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1924)
Million Dollar Sale Household Needs Furnishings of Quality for Every Room in the House mmmmmmmtmmiwrnmu m .. mi ■ . *■ T" ■ Monday-Bed and Bedding Sale Herr is your opportunity to make those necessary spring renewal*. Though furniture for every room hi,reduced at tnis time, we call your special attention to our most complete bed, spring, and mattress department, where we feature tomorrow some of the best value* wc have . \er offered. You may buy any of this furniture on * EASY TIME PAYMENTS 14.00 Felt and Cotton Mattress, 7.49 Contains 50 pounds of nll cotton with heavy layers of felt on the top nnd bottom. Full rolled edRo. ReRulm sites. 33.50 Steel Bed, Z5.00 Two-inch continuous post, steel bed with <ane panel insert beau tifully finished in the dull American walnut. You may select either the full or 3ina;lc size. 500 Gray Enamel Army CoU, 3.49 We have just re ceived a hew ship ment of re-painted and re-claimed army rots that should sell rcEularly for 7.00. Just the thinfr for the slpcpinp porch or spare room. 27.50 Steel Bed, 21.00 A guaranteed ,, b e d made of all square steel tubing and fin ished in the American walnut. You may se lect the full or single aise. 17.80 Stool Ceil “Hingod-Locked” Top Spring, 10,00 A fine riouole deck steel coil spring made of heavy gauge wire, carefully tempered and securely locked in place by a patented process. Finished in the French gray enamel. Regular *iT«**. 35.00 “Oslcrtro«r” Mattress, 25.00 This famous mat tress contains 45 pounds of extra lonp staple eot ’ ton felt carefully selected and built 'up in the Oster moor w ay. A .mattress that is n pillow for the body. The Famous “Hera” Double Day Bed, 39.75 The lift-over couch that open* into a double bed without ecratehing nr marring the floor. In the American walnut finifth. Complete with heavy cotton mattres*. The Brendeis Store—Seventh Floor 25.00 Day Bed, 17.95 ^6 'Sa*rAn all - atccl frame in the American walnut finish, complete with a fancy cretonne covered mattress, with a long flounce. It opens into a double bed. Dinner ware Specials Kitcjisn N'tceesitfe* Pound butter motildr, 190 Orange and lrr«on juicer*, 100 Pitcher:-', 2',C Measuring Cupe, JiO Sherbets, 100 Mixing Bowl.*, ''.-piece «»t. I?9<? Gold Band Dinncrware 32 piece*, . • 15.98 42 piece*, 4.98 60 pieres, 7.98 Mitv (lower 318—Green and rose border;30 pieces, 17.915 Colonial slier L -‘ir, 5<* Bavarian China Rose blue am! I'.nck border 50 pieces, 20.05 100 pieces, 55.05 Coloniul Tum blers, at Nippon C ;j p and Saucer— gold hand; at 10* Inc Brcndeis Store—Fifth Floor Springtime House Furnishings Brand*!* Best Horn* Paint Covers well; wears well; per gallon—■ 2.5» 014 English Floor V/aaer and Polisher Latest model, light ens labor of -w» < in< floors; ‘ 1 at. to. bag* fail* fumigated galva nized iron, with cover; three nizes, at, each— 1.19 98* 79* Family Mop Wringer Keeps the hands dry; makes mopping easier; regular val ue, 1.39; special, 98«> Droonu Four - tie house brooms; painted handle; regular val ue. 59c: special— , ao* Mirror Aluminum Pio Pan Extra deep, firat quality; special, 20* Leonard Cleanabta Refrigerator* Save Ice, food and labor. Their scientific construction makes them the most economical box on the market, easy plan of payment; 75-pound size; porce lain lined; special, 43.50 Lawn Mowars Smooth run ning; 14-inch size; regular value 6.75; special, 5.75 Oil Mop Sol Consisting: of oil mop and bottle of fur niture polish 49# Rigid Ironing , Board* when in use; regular value, 3.98; special, 2.70 Wnar E»tr Aluminum Meuataia Call* Pan. O-in. aixe, spe cial, 20* The Brandeis Store—Fiftli Floor Special Feature 900 Real Serviceable Net CURTAINS Priced for Monday Only, at 98c Each Made of serviceable quality nets, plain or fancy designs, with 3-incb bullion fringe across the bottom. They come in white, cream and ecru ;2*5 yards long; for the home or summer cottage. In this lot of curtains you will find values that sell regularly up to 2.25. We were fortunate in purchasing this lot at a great reduction; do not fail to get your supply while these wonderful values last. The Brand*!* Store—Sixth Floor— Curtain* and Draporie* Just IS Peerless Upright Phonographs In Mahogany and Golden Oak A v“L0.000 OQ50 While They Last TIi* BiiWtU Store—Mate Fleer—Wert A Special Sale of Wardrobe Trunks Regular 45.00 Value 29.75 tfull sizo Trunk, specially equipped with shoe box, lock ing bar, hat box, hangprs and plneh top. Built with • 1 raised head. Tho Brandaia Stora — tha Homo af tho Hartmann Wardrobo Trunba — Fourth Floor—Woat. 3.45 Boston Bags Monday for 2.25 Spring Bargains in Rugs 39.00 Deep Pile 9x12 Axmineter Rugs—They are of soft, silky finish and will give exceptional service, 26.75 Finest Wool Wilton Rugs— Closely woven, fringed ends. They will lie smooth to the floor, 9x12; regular value 90.00; special, 67.89 Velvet Rugs — Extra velvet rugs; 0x9; special, each, 22.95 Fringed Velvet Rugs -27x54; regular value 4.60; special at, 2.95 Velvet Rug* Seamless; :»xlz; regular value 32.50; at, 24.95 Finest Saxony Carpet Rug Pieces -Sirged at the ends; 27x54; regular value, 8.50; special, 3.98 Closely Woven Rag Rugs— Slightly soiler; 36x72; 5.25 values; special at, 3.49 Tha BrtaJaii Stora—Siath Floor Monday-An Kcortomy Sale of Yard Goods Spec wily Priced for Monday * Domestics and Wash Materials^ | £ rl/ovely new color*, aided by new pattern* and design*. gnpW promise of a tub frock fashion for this aeaenn. You will delight ^ in our display* of gingham*, linen, ratine, voile* and awi**ee, and they are exceptionally low priced. 36-Inch Dress Linen In n rang* of popular naw shades. Guaranteed fast colors, ‘7-1.25.. 1.50 Mala Floor Caatar Non-Krush Dress Linen Thoroughly shrunk, in all the new shades, at— Yunl 1.39 Mala Floor—Caatar 45-Inch Swiss Organdy With genuina permanent cylin der finish; white only; regular 1.00 Talus— 69c Mala Floor aad Baaomoat 9-4 Aurora Sheeting Bleached or unbleached; 10 yard limit to a customer, at— v'r. 52ic Baaomoat—North St. Gall Swiss Wide range of beautifully em broidered materials in eontraft ing color*. yh 95c Male Floor—Cooler Normandy Voile Beautiful Swiss dot effects. & 59c Mala Floor a ad Basement 36-Inch Suiting A mercerized fabric. In a range of guaranteed colors, at— & 35c Basement—North English Tissue Gingham In a variety of patterns and color combinations, at— Yard 39C j Basement—North 32-Inch Zephyr Gingham Consisting of Rraeloch, Toil* Du-Nord, and Renfrew merit*', Yard 35C Basement—North 36-Inch Percale Punjab and Windsor percale, .»t Ymd 28c and 22ic Basomont—North 36-Inch Royal Irish Linen With a beautiful shrunk finish; made of pure golden flax, at— ™ 98c Baaomeat—North ~ 44-Inch Printed Voile With a beautiful soft chiffon finish; in an exclusive range of new designs and color combina tions, at— Yard 59C Basement—North 38-Inch Flock Voile In large variety of patterns end colorings; also the popular dot effect*, at— Per Yard Rate men t —North 32-Inch 7” Shirting Madras Imported and domestic qualities in Madras, Jacquard and fiber, silk mixed, at— r'd 48c Basement—North 36-Inch Cotton Charmeusc All the popular color* in plain and shadow stripe effects, at 59c Basemoal—North 36-Inch Indian Head Suiting In a range of fast colors, at — &* 49c Basement—North For MondayShowing an Importation of Laces This new shipment includes a wonderful selection of all trimming laces, in a splendid variety of widths and styles. It is seldom we can make such a showing at such remarkable prices. Also inserts in ecru and white. Many beautiful designs; some to match; in all widths and insertions—many in matching designs, together with the new binch and round thread and needle point. \ French and English Val. Laces 10c Value, 4c Yard Chinese Filet Laces and insertions, all hand made; regular 15c value; special at— Per Yard, 9* Bands, Inserts In French vala, binch, round . mesh eels, hand made Venice and needle point. Priced at, par Yard 75* 1.00 2.00 2.50 Tfca Braa4aia Start-—Mala Flaar—Nartk Monday Specials in Linens and Towels These items have been specially priced with an idea fur replenishing needs at housecleaning time. Hand Tufted Bed Spreads For full sis* bed*; In pretty floral and conventional design.';: a wide selection of colon. Priced at, Each, 6.98 The Bread ci* Store Mala Fleer Win Turkish Towels Pretty patten* and attractive colored border*; 22x40 incbe*; very special at, 59* »• 98* Linen Scarfs Ecru linen, lace trimmed, 18x54. 1.19 72 in.Table Damask Bleached and silver bleached, ef an ex- ! traordinarily fine quality; assorted pat- j terns and attractive designs. Special, per Yard, 2.49 Napkins 22-inch all-linen: will match the table damasi;; . Dot., 7.98 BrtWtii Star*— Main FImt—W«*t Monday’s Exceptional Sale of New Spring Silks Every line in our Silk Department is now complete and embraces all that is stylish and up to date. These vast quantities of beautiful silks will be plated on sale Monday. They are especially beautiful fabrics and at very special prices. Silk and Wool Sport Silk Firm, soft, wearable fab ric in dainty snowflake design; one of the sea son’s sensations; comes in all the popular light, me dium and dark shades; a regular 2.95 value, at, per yard— 1.25 Printed Crepe Francaise 40*1 nch Printed Crepe FrancAue In tho most wonderful designs and color effects. There are over 100 patterns of this very popular fabric, in all the new vivid colorings. Formerly priced at 2.96; special for Monday at— 1.98 fa 36-Inch Knitted Novo Sheen Silk A dainty, clinging material. Thik is proving to be one ef the most popular silks of the season; a charming array of all the latest spring shades in many beautiful designs and patterns. Formerly priced at 2.96; specially priced, 1.25 fa Tbe Brand*i* Star*—Main Floor 40-Inch Baronet Satin A toft, lustrous finish of ex quisite beauty. In plain and sport stripes; an assortment of pretty shades that range from the soft pastel shades to the rich dark tones. Rlack and w hite are included. A regular 'J.'JS jtflue; specially priced for Mon day at— /vw1#25 High Grade Notions Specially Priced Organdy Loop Trimming — 5-yard ball*. St Biat Lawn Tape—In all color*. 3 yard*, 5<* Alexander King'* 3-Cerd Machine Thread—Dot., 21 <1 Pel and Pan Cleaner*— Rath, ,">«* Mercerired Ric-Rac Braid— Variegated or plain, at, per yard, 2t 80r Fancy Barrette*—Spe rial at, each. 38<* 10c Star and O. N. T. Cro chet Cotton—Special at, 2 for 15* 49c Swankio Sanitary Nap kin*—Special, dor, 30* •9r Para Rubber Kitchen Apron* Special, each. 30* Curtins Iron* —Kach, 5* Bobiy Curler*—Four to the pkg- per pk*., 10* Moth and Dutt-Proof Garment Baa*— 1.10 24x37, special at 08* 1.50 24x50, special at 1.25 1 76 24x00, special at 1.50 Dressing Pin*—300 count r»r Arcs Thread Silk at |p tOc B u • y Bee Basting Thread—Special, at per spool. Bp 50c Shiaola Heme Sals— Special at, each. JJ9d» Wright's Bias Tape—6-yard holt* at, each, J P. Caats* Darning Cettea —Special. 3 balls for 5<‘ 35c Dr. Shell's Cara. Cal leue and Banina Pads Special at. box, v lift/ Tlit Brand# i* St#r*—Mala Floor—South 15c Monarch Gold Safety Play—Special, per card. 1©C 10c Shoe a ad Slipper T reea —Special, per pair, 7c 10. Kah-I-Near. Wilsaap ae DeLeap Saap Faeteaer* Special at, per card. 7# Domestic Twill Tepe—3 jd belt*, per belt, ]c 35c Pare Robber Rebp Paata -Special at l»f Children’# Hiabery Gartars •t, per pair. 85p>