The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 20, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 7-C, Image 27

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    Fascinating, Quito, tho Now Silver
1 Josigns Which Art* Offered This
1 Spring Gift Season |
inftPf MKsXU RlRtN \s fci, (nitMfet)) • •*! « m"**
I M toft****** tl* l**itit ftfft i*l fm IM ft*ft***M#*§ »*l
^ tM • »•'*% I r% -I 1 ■» «***!«’§ • »* IN# *•« * *• •»*-«.*• « 1
• III r*** |fft * # *»ol fimtUlt •Mil **’• dimi h*f • *
•MvMt-ftUI MUM *n ih»m, i ft tit It »Hv«i Mu MffttMil ****?«•
l*ii* n In *•»»** Amifti Kif*f Alt***, Mi'pfeM, |#4y
|»*t* *!**.*, MftUftH! *«4 Ml*#*** ft Ilf mHH tferf* ft**
Ininjp iftal|tk| |l «f| In 1*1% (tft*6tt% |tnit It HI* ll (ill MtHit f f fl«r l
• M ftifl Sniff la f f Hftfiy Jttti tM •!-*»*• tmrftltifti M\l*| l*r#fi uti
»(*<• till. ftltegi ftf fvtftll ftt llttHlrktuli • Nfil ta«If ttfui^PM
for ft fttft t*l»* IImi,
Fresh Homer Squabs—Spring Chickens
-Succulent Spring l^amh Assure
_Success of Faster Dinner_
MR8, of the Tiffin IMnlng Room at the Wellington Inn 1*1*
Earnam, Atlantic 5*01, ia planning a aplendld hoiiday, Paster, din
net Kfeah ll»mer squabs, aprlng chickens, and succulent spring
lamb are lha Inin citing main Itema round ahk h the other noiathina of
the menu revolve onuaual creations In aalada and dessert* which em
body the new aprlng green thinge for which we have lieen longing thta
long time. Redecorated la thla lovely dining room and the Ikiater gneata
may well he complimented by lha preparation* made for them, exquisite
floral decorallona, apeclal mentia that apell hoapllallty plua. Dinner at
$1.50 a plate will l>e aerved from 12 to S
Pretty Little Coats for Spring Wear
Show Preference for Summer Furs
IAMONIVS, Seventeenth and Earnatn, have an excellent prcspn Lit Ion
of pretty little coats for aprlng wear. In* the aoft woolen fabrics,
■"* chartneen, Polret twills and kindred weavea, they're to the anklea In
length, are very apt to Iin\e high atanding collars with a notlceabla fond
neaa for the lovely new aumnier fura dyed to contraat or merge with the
coloring of the body of the coat. Surprisingly moderate In price., $49.51),
$09.50, for these masterpiece productions In charm.
Men, Get Your Panama Hats
_Ready for Summer Wear_
D RUSHER BROS., Twenty-second and Karnam. have Issued a first
warning to men to get ready their panama hats. This feature of
cleaning Is exeellpntly managed at this scientific cleaning establish
ment—the old and battered pahamu—the finer the quality of the hat, the
more battered the panama—comes forth from the cleaning and blorking
processes looking quite like new. Don't delay, hot days are on the way.
_ LJ
They found Him In the nalltary glare,
Thr lonely glare ithere lie hod gant to gray,
Th*u nouaht Him udat fully and told Him than
"Hrhold all men nerk after Thrr today”
”All men nrrk for Thre~-” Well I hr Hauler knelt
Thr motly throng that ii'allrd Hint to mmr;
Thr rraien outrant and thr Irprana onr.
Thr tortuoun lame, thr ntrlrkrn blind and dumh,
And with rompannion motTd lie oner again
Among them, down thr old familiar uayn,
Hre**ed hy rt pitmu* throng that nought rrlranr -
Karh from hi* oun gnat grlrf. Thu* pa**id Iti* day*
\nd Hr urnt tit* uay to ( alien u,
) rn, \la*trr, nil men nn k Thrr nttlt today,
Kirn a* of old, yra, tn thr nami old nay,
Karh for Hi* oun great grief. O t.ord, forgi I
Thr uttrr nrlfinhnr**, Hrninnhrr yrl
Thr *amr rarlh throng* upon thr old rarth nay,
And hr Thou *till rompa**ianatr today!
* Iti ill M fit «M|. Ill.r r»..- ** Ilf*.. V II i.,,it *11
Easter Greetings on This Joyous Day
TT1 All'll-: It fU'NDAY tuny the * firing punihinr fitut every nti*» nf m> fr|eti»l* m |**a.«* with n ..yout hupplftf*** |...uIhm Iii lfti* »!.v Hin h n i*i
' ■ i pollutes . f ths * e »»* | • . * «!•> r|)4 i lie* 'i »• tini Mil tin t *
for the n|MMliig «»f the vnriotm chib* of the city—pretty little Ibirln fri»»*kii of umiiKlngly Inti h ate Umllng* etqulftllt «tr«|>lnK», trim little r|mn*
outfit *—ernnrter «n«t lovelier then we’\e hud In former »f*Aiu*nt.
^ Mirror Sale Begins Monday—$9.75—Marvelous
Sale Price on Art Mirrors Selling at Regular Prices
to $24.50—Heavy Silken Cords
yr^llh UliANDhlS Picture department, sixth floor, will have a one-weeks' mirror sale beginning Monday— mirrors -ale prb-eil at $975 which foi
| nierly sold ns high as $24.60. Could a more lovely addition to your home’s Interior be mads than a mirror of exquisite shaping, finely wrought
flaming, excellent quality glass-' Silken cords for the hanging of these lovely mirrors are also specially priced this week the week of home
furnishing. A splendid time to make selection of anniversary and wedding gift offerings.
In Time for Spring Decorating Season Furniture Store
Enlarges Floor Space—Rearranges Stock of Odd
Pieces and Period Suites for Every Room in the Home
CORTK CORZINK-DOAN, furniture dealers, Twenty-fourth and Farnalli, have enlarged their floor space a third rnoi<* stra.ght b" k with the at
tendant rearranging of stock which makes this a most Interesting place for the selection of odd furniture pieces and period suites for every
room of the home. Surprisingly low are the prices quoted on rarely beautiful furniture and In the newly org nlzed firm Porte <'orzlne,
one soon realizes the advantages of shopping furniture here after asking those of their friends who have made their recent purchases here. W hen
down town this week shopping for your home -•emember that you'll find very s|ie* lal price quotations In this spacious store.
Exclusive Dundee Beauty Shop Gives Distinguished
Clientele “A Little of Everything” With Great Success
MARSON' J.ORKNZO, Fiftieth end Dodge, Walnut 8014, la meeting with a huge success for aa Lorenzo whlmalrally remarks we (five them a little
of everything" and when one la talking of the varied accompllshmc nta of those whoae time and talent* at<- devoted to the making beautiful
of Rndy Fair the guying of "a little of everything" |e Indeed lnduilre. To elaliorale—the permanent wav*-- whirl! is flret and foremoet In
the plana of fashionable woman when ahe la laying out her campaign for a zur. esaful social season. Lorenzo's permanent »n. « are unquestionably
charming with all the beauty of Lorenzo’s marcel hair (Ireaae*. 'Tig a a hop In which to have work In electrolysis and hair dvlng done by the
akllle.1 alaff under the watchful eye of Lorenzo. When Madam’s work Is done—she Is very satisfied, t'ould more he nld?
Little Silver Made for Chubby Hands Makes Each
Mealtime a Pleasure—Jewel. Shop Announces Baby Week
TUB C. B. BROWN JEWEL SHOP, 220 South sixteenth street, are cooperating with the Gorham Silver company and have announced that this
week la Baby Week. In readiness are gift pieces of "little silver" made for> hands that make ••.« • li mealtime » plea sum A
varied line presents many gift possibilities and there Is something for every small person In Omaha I'm sure, silver bowls, cops, spoons srnl
sets to exsctly match In design the silver service that makes mothers table su. h a Joy. Silver for small people moderately pi ted. ,
Simple frock* of English tweed and
cheviot are mad* by almost every
house. Many of these little frock*
have straight Jackets to wear with
Satin la imi'h u«ed. It l« often
tailored carefully and Immaculately,
a* If It were a wool fabric It la u*ed
for the ennemble. too, with a printed
crepe frock under a coat of e itln.
TIhmvs u laugh and a Lilt In the
Music ami Words of the New
Foxtrot Songs _
»»**•» A »««•• i» niticINT, I * !*»*•#»•« k»v* *«*■ *»• •# '***
• | * **Mtfe »**d • • '**• •'**’** ***
I * <1.
a ,4t
AftM IN (IlilfW, t (ft IfNH )i»#tM#f
H |if n (Hitt |Hifi iff
i*H*m ,4 uitu ft**# I Mtftttn 1
11 t„J„ pitting, humming and lit. list* !*>•<••• *M •*»
far *.. h •# Ik*** __
I Delicacies of Springtime Season
Offered on Easter Holiday Dinner
Menus in Downtown Dining Room
»t « lit: Ml Tltuftil.lTAS dining f'»*i! H'lH K'-n M*ht»»rh and M*
'I nn an* » o«t.i delightful menu f»» t-**'*'* dinner—Ml *
i. tip dele, table vw**f.W** and frufla for » hi.h *e hsv* ,ailed
eagerly throughout ll«e Winter months vegeialdc* .onhed ailh a **•*'
right amount of seasoning and earn e, fruit* wovOwnli i»rfe. I eeireil
In aai* *pi«*lln» from II at noon until » In the evenlna dinner uill he
served at • I &0 a |dale, liveryo«# la Invited «'*ll Js.kann **<*• for reaet
\ mIIohi,
Permanent Waving Worries Now at
an End for Months to Come
m|IK Iierm.-nent waver giv-n by the three l.ene Hrsy I'.enuty xhop.
T., ,, i Shop lilt Dougina. AT ITU the MarliM lo '■‘•■•n**..
JL shop. .«« Hrandel* Thealri lllda JA *♦«<'. and the tiny
ll-Htilv Shop, Athletic Club Mid* , Seventeenth ami Ihmalaa. AT 4l2o
nave wave worry for month* to ronir The Frederick* OH end Ih* Eugene
fill permanent waving method* are the onee (htt.rn h«-«u*e lo quol* Mr*.
Mrown, manager of the .hop*. "They ar* the moat laming. ’
will b# i«#dy <•» dr*** vou up to look your You'll m+*t »prtngtim*
mor# than halfway aftrr having glvrn th*» Umy "hop* a«ay ov#r your
grooming and portninant waving.
To Avoid Moth Damage^
_Scientific Cleaning_
MI!. THOMAS of the Pantorlum, Sixteenth and Jon**. i* »n expert on
the avoidance of moth damage *nd hi* advice at thl* atage of the
atiaaona progre— i- To avoid moth daman* to rug* drape tie*
curtains, upholrtery and clothing, clean them tiefore summer storage. ' And
surely we’ve all heard many lime* that moth* are not at all Interested in
absolutely clean fabrics and surface*. A word to the wire'
The evening neckline !» eitremely
varied. The V le having a revival.
The square neck, the shallow or deep
ly cut round neck, are all good. The
deep V In back la good.
Summer Apparel
Deridedly Different la the
Merchandise Heady for
After-Kastrr lllaplay.
We Have leaned Forth From
the Winter and Spring
Henson to Midsummer
I liveliness.
I.lttle Frocks Choose Tlielr
Accompanying Hmnrtnesa With
a Thought to Color Suitability.
Polly the Shopper
Omaha Ilee, Omaha, Neb.
Store of Specialty Shops Makes Big
Purchase of Coats, Suits and Dresses
in Dame Mode’s Most Clever
Conceptions--A Sale Feature
GOLDHTKINCHAPMAN'8 STORK of specialty shops, Sixteenth end
Farnam streets, has mads a big purchase of suits, coats and dresses
which they're placing on sale at $ 18.75. .Suits to fit every type, coats
In the chic short length for the youthful figure, In the long graceful modeling
for the more mature person: coats In the season's favored fabric, twill aa
well aa the ever popular polo cloths: dresses for spring and early aummer
wear. A most unusual sals offering quits to Madam Ornaha'a advantags.
T1IK ClOLlJSTKlN CHAPMAN BOYS' SHOP on ths second floor has
amazingly attractive coats for boys from 2 to 8 years. Smartly cut
after the stylea affected by "reglar fellows" they're sure to charm
. the youthful wearers. This is the shop In which to select the lovely lit
\ tie white eult for first communion—or ths suit for "paging" big sister’s
f wedding. Boys' Shop prices are figured on a very narrow profit margin.
( lilldren's Own Shop Offer* Much of
interest to Smart We# Person*.
THE Children'* Shop. Aqulla Court,
Sixteenth end Howard, offer*
much of Interest to th* email
person of smart Inclination*. Half
sock* In merrerl».ed fineness have
Jacquard assorted colored tops and
ar* shown In a complete color rang*
to appeal to boy* end girls. Moder
ate In price (which eppoals to mother),
they're 40c, two pair* for 78c, 80c,
76o and fl.lf. For th* first, warm
day* are B. V. I). suit* for boy* and
bloomer *nlt* for th* girl*. Children—
your shop—visit It!
Ijftdy David million (lift* Created for
Spring Wedding Tronsaeaua and
(lift Orcaalnn*.
LADY DAVJD I* now wtabltdhcd
tn tha Hamilton Hat Hhop, sec
ond floor Aquila Court, where
ono may view tha exqulaltrle* of rlh
bon and lace flnlahed In time for the
aprlng wedding troueaeau and gift
occaalona. lively. Indeed, the anchet
baga of purple gauge which awing
from tiny handlca of allver ribbon,
theaa filled with teal flower pelala,
e e •
Ttie allhotieiie for evening remain*
■straight. 'i'he evening gown ha* mut h
of the movement of the daytime ftot k
• • •
Well Known lleauly Hltop Annonnrea
Ft cuing* for Special Appointment*.
TWO Delft. Beauty Hhop. second
floor City National Bank Bldg.,
Sixteenth and Harney, JarkNon
1795, announce* that beginning this
week they will be open until K by tip
polntment on Wednesday and Friday
evening*. An opportunity to have
"Inat minute" work done, fellow bual
ries* women!
• • •
I inhrelbt* Ket titered iiimI lit paired In
latok l.lke New.
TWO Western Umbrella Company,
Eighteenth and Harney, ha* «
*ervh* unexcelled on Ihn repair
ing *n<l recovering of umbrella*, one
will find that It I* nn excellent place
to replace tip* nr ferule* or the pretty
strap* and ring* for the wriat.
Ribbon Trimmed Chapeau for
Youthfulness; Little Scarfed Models
for Milady’s Golf Game; Gracious
Dinner Hats of Transparency
THK HAMILTON Hlfop. 2d floor Aquibt four!. Sixteenth and Howard
the wonderfully decorated new hat shop which haa quite taken
Omaha * fair one* by fttiirnt I* showing absolutely beautiful mllllneiy
creation*. Rlblions establish the claim to youthfulness, of a cunning lit
tie model, a fray georgette •• arf one of Fashions charmful whims "f
trimming decorate the severity of Milady's golf hat 1-tr I turned and brim
less, trimmed and t rimless. the hat showing in this hew sheep 5* of un
usual fa sc inalion, the price* from $12 -*0 to $22. «*
Made In Franc#—by hand the
Wondroua new "brotdered net car*
r age rnbea and cape for the twiby'a
head when it proudly llfta to the
spring aitttahlne The robe* are un
lined and will be truly wonderful
when oxer a colored aatin lining.
Demurely Veiled, the Little Hat of Knit Braid for Wear
With Georgette Mantle Costume—
Tulip Yellow, the Hat Whose Drape of Georgette and
Satin Is Printed in a Riotous Mass of Red and
Yellow Blossoms—Envelope of Pin Seal a Vivid Chinese
Red With Banding of Gold Braid—
Coats of Black Have Heavy Cordings—Bands of Tucks
LA BOWHtN, Motel Fontenelle, Kigftteenth and Douglas, preaenta to Omaha faahlon folk the Inimitable, the Irresistible the |c> ,>i > • 11< mantle roe
tome. Straight of line I* tha llttl* frock, cltmtrr tucked at Interval* embroidered between tut k rlttatera in thread* of flame ml stiver. Hut 'tin the
mantle that attract* the *ya of M19 necker after (harm—th* dashing llttl* affair that, online.|, .* .inline ...llarr,I an,I ought .,11ml the tin at In
-oft little ribbon* of aheernca*. And of * lovellnea* the little rl .peaii to be «• n with It, 11 dainty rrcatlon of Imported brahl th It* ,1*11, ate wh.te
chiffon length" which may b# drawn over milady'* rhin after th* moat approved manner. Similarly drafted la a yellow hat with ., g.- ,l» ,,ration In
bonier and crown of vividly tinted tulip*. Thl* to l.e worn with a aport* fro. lt cf yellow with hand fagotted collar and ruff* attached |>v , ir* rlbbot
very French, very black. Big. aquar#, amart la a yellow leather bag to la> tucked under th» atm of the Niun person who anufiter* forth In thla clever
costume. t>r If ahe wlahe"i a not* demur* *h* may select that quaint llttl* pouch of aatln, fietlt point embroiderer! which aw tig* frun gold chain
and frame. I.nt* arrival* at l.a Bombin'* give every evidence of the vogue for r hlffon and georgette f.. t thereat* llttl* gown* for evening wear which
depend entirely upon quaintly pointed and rounded draperies of their own mater ial for Mnartnes* with nut a* much *" » hit of ribbon, * *ln«l* feathei
flower or bead for ornamentation. Of * richness, Ihoae new all-envelrtplm: silk trial*. Black with n heavy 1 id outlined , re** their weave they
truly fascinating trimming of padded tuck* or deeply caught he tut* running hoi l/ontally mir-r their graceful ei.lrt" < 'oat* whose Ida ne>* l* r
lleved by cocoa dyed ermine at collar anti ruff line* Amazingly lovely or'-,lion* In width to meet event* of spring and *umtoet
BHANDI.IH BTORKH have declared thla a week «.f home fuimahlng and t he lieada of different departments hat. put froth iinu« i t ef. rts in
displaying the iiecewsury Implemenla and furniture pie. 1 a for t hr idea nlng ui> and refurnishing of the lawn p. , mil 1 I i.«
ping aheara for pleating up th" lawn anil hedge, paint* for Inside and outside of Hie house, gaylv covered awUig* for porch and linn, summer
furniture for porch amt eunroom. Three floor* of the yr.'iil si. ate drvuii.l to household need- mil they oe to hr. . .uoi lu ■■■ nt. up.u I cik*.
of I heir furniture assemblage on t lie seventh floor with It a ad loin lug I In Man villa In which the finished pi ..duct ..f . v|« 1 u rn ed ,1. mat, ‘ . to c n ted
The skilled member* of the decorating staff are at th# servhe of .Madam Shopper amt will give suggestion* upon request -Invaluable Interior decorating
hint*. On the sixth floor ate dtaprrle* and plctllics, marvelous cohr spl* she* In drape- pvi tte I,it* of nt in pc • r * ml t « V\ I pm.
I* excellently displayed on the fifth floor, practical household needs of r\rt t kind as well .as cl, in and g!,- f,..... u • nlc t,, ■ ,nn ted
arqulaitlon* fur the fastidious home keeper Refrigerators, ga» stoye* and sewing machine* Will also lie found on ihi* flu. If you'i* 1 hune
maker, you re sure to lie Inter rated In the splendid offering* at liiutidel* thla week. Watch fur the mh erti-eincnts.
Compo ( rraliftix In Fruita and Mow
rr* Make I oraly Wadding and
(•railnation l«lfl«.
TUB IWIj and 01ft flbe»ppa, aae
e»nd floor Buahman blork, fllg
taanth and Irotlglaa. ara faatur
Ing for tha apnng wedding and grad
uation gift oiunn tha nawr ('omyn
frulta and flowara on Mg roaa <-andla
• tlrka. traya. vaaag and rompe>rta.
With ailvar ard Mae ara tha roaaa
margmg from pilaat pink to daap
rad. grnpe-a of rlrh purpla—on a pur
pla and gold liaokarotind ara tha roaaa
of gold with cr;-pea of tha aama rich
coloring. Inlaraating!
fur rhokara for Farly Wprlng Waar
\ra unusually l.nvaly in I’altry
Malar! ion.
HaVIH-TN |:ROfl. flixtaanlh ami
iJodga. hava an uttttaually a*
tanaiya »»lection e*f fur rhokara,
atona rrtarten. Bourn martan, mlnka,
platinum and polntad fevxea, a world
of Itaromlngnaaa for waar with tha
ault, aporta frefc-k. dainty aftarnnon
tit aaa and w rap. Mndarataly prlaad
ara tha aenaona rhokara. fit up let \ *|il< ndld hat of after Barter
• buya."
Th# tut)# or l»*!tl#»» acenlng (town
with movement below th# knee#. i#
• e e
I »larged Marreting «*taff Make* It
Kail In (>rt \|i|u>inlmrtita
TIIK I.# Rijou Meanly Shop. ;a:
South Ktghteenlh atreet, AT
tttl, now h-ii thr## npert mar
f#l waver a In addition to th* tat#nl#d
Prudte, ' owner of th# ahop, who*#
•Mil in* long delighted her patron*.
Inerto dvc work la alao a specialty at
the Hljon ahnp. Work that a guar
anteed Interesting'
• • a
The tunic btouae. a long #tralght
plaited or tucked bloua# In white
aatln, printed crepe, nr plain bright
colored crepe worn over tailored aulta
••f wool and »atin. la another amart
) eraion of the tunic frock.
• e e
llal# ItchlorKed, I un, IVdlier* and
Marabou It *-made •
ri^lli: K )i*. M , ( 505 Market
I htftelr, Fifteenth and Farnam,
doe# ei.-eiieiit work in reela m
Ing to beauty th# old hat. rehlocklna
It lo a freah lovellneaB Their akttl
in remodeling feather#, fur# and mar
abou ia umiaitally finer, tTn*ed at
2 on Saturday■
t'hlneae moo r work hardkerehlafa
rnae ifeaiyn, ii rent* each. make lor*
!>■ plfta.
• • •
■ riir Rook I’eddler,'* a Mmp in Wklrk
In Mnd a Hare *M Book nr T»«.
l<"’K PKl'IM.KR* !• a
6 tin* ahnp opened on Mn«
^ t* • t’t •- and Harare by Mr>
Walter lltxrntwuih. jr., who haa
long be* n the del #hted rollador of
unuaual Imokr. rti hlns*. eniraetny*.
ph« tocraph* and letter* Fttr a small
»<im one may pick up really rar*
tree»nre* |n thla ahop. Vialt It at
leant oner a month—rou'11 noon ao
'tmulatr a 'eli.ahle rollM-lion of tho
unuaual. ,
- T • irt a«a marai P a
Paraat Ptfia