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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1924)
Buy an Auto Today-Settle the Transportation Question Howard (barter, Hark. I Io|m*s to (iontimi'1 Work ( »i l >i*<m i rrr of I iiI-niiUi atiii ii * I oittli I Miigli* mi I rgrml of on H»|»lori*ft. Now Ymk, April It— llowinl «'Mil r, Ml (111* mci*r tilth l«an| tot tint Von of Tut-nnkh (i»irn'» limit In th* r»l|ry of III* km**, Milt'rd tut Ih* tlrrPngai In today. II* Imp*,i, h* Mid, that Ih* pi***ttl litigation Mwwn lilHiMlf Mini th* l.gvptktn govimnnnt might l»i **t tint *n that hr roultl Mramn pork «t III* tnnil) tlrxt fall, Young looking, Vlgotaiu* anil raRrr to fnlk of *xo*vn( Ion*, mum ml** *ml IlH'ptlan Iriirnil.*. Mr. t'tutor Intightd «t ntrnllon of tho siipoihiltloii that th* eurm* of nn nnilrnt gi>tj iIp*opii<1> m| upon pxplorrt* of tomb* and »nr oophagl. liven Natives latugli. Even Ilia 700 natives who worked with him in the valley took the curse lightly, he said. He Insisted, how ever, that he did not believe In per manent despoliation of tombs, and he advocated that when pending re searches were completed, the mummy of King Tut. as well as all other royal mummies now adorning the museum* las returned to their native resting places. In answ er to one query from ths re porters' questionnaire, Mr, Carter said: "On mony ancient, tombs I have found this Inscription: 'Let all those who love life and hate death, wish thousands of geese, loaves of bread and beer to my soul.’ " "Canned In Gold.” “That Is what the old Egyptians ihought of prohibition. And I be lieve I agree with them.” The explorer Bald he expected to find the body of King Tut "literally canned” In gold, with the sepulchral regalia adorning the mummy and "the finger* and toes encrusted In gold.” Mr. Carter said he was "hopeful a novel would he found with the coffin —a story placed there for King Tut'a delectation In the next world,” and he hoped the narrative would disclose things about ancient Egypt which were available from no hitherto dis covered source. GROUND GLASS IN FOOD, CHARGE Chicago, April 19.—Fiftee* persons are under physicians’ care and Ella Kedich, a house maid. Is held by police, while food, thought to con tain ground glass, served at a dinner party last night at the home of Dr. Vale C. Freedman, prominent physician. Is being analyzed. Two are seriously ill. The girl was employed at the Freed -man home, when she was discharged because she had broken three glasses. She denied all knowledge of the food. Dr. Freedman was one of the physl eians called several years ago to at tend guests stricken during a banquet given In honor of the then Archbishop Mundelein. britishIsles” AGAIN FEEL QUAKE By Aftoorlated Pmm London, April 19.—Violent earth i emors were again reported today in the Midland Colliery district be tween Alfreton and Sutton In Ash f.eV. They lasted but a fear seconds. The characteristics of the disturb once were similar to those of the recent quake In this district but It wn* of less severity. Little material damage was reported. Clara Under Knife. Fort Wayne. Ind., April 19.—An op eration will be necessary to save the life of Clara Kimball Young, moving picture actress and atar of the legiti mate atage, who waa etrlcken here during a performance of her play last Tuesday, phyalclana In attendance at her bedalde announced today. The actreaa, who la suffering from •cute appendicitis, was Improving rep Idly up until last night, when she suffered • relapse. It wss at this time that a conference of physicians was held and the operation decided upon. ' Hoars of Labor Reduced. Chicago, April 1*.—A decision ex pect'd to reduce working hours of railroad yardmaaters and yardmen from 12 to 9 houra was made today by Federal Judge Cllffe In the case of the Interstate Commerce commission against the Atchison, Topeka * Santa Fe railway. The decision affects 8,000 yardmen •mployed by American railroads. The case was based on the point eif safety since yardmasters and fore . .men handle orders by telephone. --■—> ‘Shutiru Hold Communion in Homes; Castor Leads Flock bx Radio at Church _ _—-_* New York, April 19.—Holy com munion service, broadcast from the West Knd Presbyterian church, was participated In last night by scores of people throughout this part of the country. As soon as the service was finished the radio communicants began tele phoning the Rev, Dr. A. Kdwln Keigwln, pastor of Ihe church, to ex press their thanks for the opportun ity he had provided them to Join In th» communion. More titan 300 “ahut In*/' member* of the church, had been tt'dlfl'd b' forehand and were supplied with grape Juice and bieud for the serv ice, while others had sc* a announ<e • ment of the service In the news papers. "We are living In a radio age,” I’r Keigwln eald, "and radio has opened an entirely pew book of opportunity to the church. * JWffra iiW in t'tmlmitn Tour 1 immtmv HrgnttU00» nj U hnl In #*«#• ft j\ l III! - - I ■ - ■ ..I .... I. ■ I..— —* Mt |*inmm* nth *n< Mitra lltth-IMI a m —IMhaga, tpli j tj, Hu) I ling am duht M) lataamtfcuMl »«n Batika I t ‘hii igtt. A|alt all aigna gad I* logon*, I'tngv I,ting, pat |*rkin**a »f Ignat a Jan IMilritailll, la d*-ad and i light in la hut h>< hunt aim la | laming faintly tmlng and lha maalar ph»nl*t tntnplrd hla iMlr I ** t n» in gili f nvor hi* |>rt mill Ima fur hla art .Inal tnfnra ha roll ml In hla hail In hta pttvnto r»r nflrr hla awitlid all night vigil Imalda I’lngv Iding I'ndarnwahi giinnuniad hla Inlar ill fit nil ninrait imir mould lui ragtttftad w ith hi* aohadidl'd Hpppnrnnrn a I Rwkfttrtl, III., Tuaailiiy night, Irtw ajmillva of nhat happana to I’lngy I ding nirnnwhila 'Senate [inquiry Resumes Monday Mrl S. l>iiugli<Tty Is Center of Spotlight Now in Washington. Washington, April 19.—With both the Walsh and Wheeler Investigations adjourned until Monday, the senate's spotlight of Interest centered today on the possiblle Institution of contempt proceedings against Mei S. Daugherty, brother of the former attorney gen eral, for his defiance of the Wheelei Brookhart committee. A formal reque.-t for the contempt chation was In the hands of Senator Itrookhart, republican of Iowa, the committee chairman, and there were Indications he would submit It to the senate during the day. His commit tee recommended the contempt pro ceedings a week ago. If the senate confirms the com mittee’s action, the United States dis trict attorney here will be instructed to begin criminal action against Daugherty along the same procedure followed against )!arry F. Sinclair. Conviction would subject Daugherty to • penalty of both fine snd im prisonment. Refused to Testify. The contempt charge grew out of Daugherty’s refusal to testify when subpoenaed by the committee and his refusal to deliver to the committee the records of the Midland National bank at Washington Courthouse, O.. over which he presided. The Daugherty Investigation will be resumed Monday, It was announced by Senator Wheeler, democrat, of Mon tana, acting "prosecutor." The sub jects to be investigated n«t week, he said, would center around the handling of anti trust suits In the Department of Justice. This phase of the investigation, It was said, was not expected to reveal any derelic tion on the part of former Attorney General Daugherty but would be un dertaken merely to round out the in quiry. Wheeler Hearing The separate investigation into Wheeler’s "fitness to hold office." conducted by the Borah committee, as a result of Wheeler’s indictment by a federal grand Jury in Montana, also will be continued next week. A respite was ordered over the week end in order to allow witnesses, sum moned from Montana, to reach here. Among those called will be members of the grand Jury and the district attorney who obtained the indictment. Thus far the Borah committee ha* brought out evidence favorable to Wheeler and in direct conflict with the indictment, which the senator charged wag due to a "frameup." Wheeiei also has subpoenaed a num ber of wltnessea, whom, he claimed, would support his charges of Irregu larities in the grand Jury’s action. FRANC SOARS TO NEW HIGH LEVEL New York, April 19.—Growing con fidence Jn Kurope as to ths success of the Dawes plan, combined with an accumulation, of buying orders for commercial requirements, today carried Sterling and French francs up to a new high level for the year. Demand sterling made a brisk ad vance of almost J cents to M.38 3 8. while the frsnce moved up several points to a new 1924 top price above 8.39 cents. Daweg London-Bound. Paris, April 19.—Brig. Gen. Charles G. Dawes, who has been snjoylng a period of recreative travel sines the reparation experts' report was handed In last week, left Faria for London today. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 11a per Una •a'ih day. 1 of S dar*. 12c par llna aach day. 1 or 4 day*. 14n par Jin* aacb day. 7 days or longar. Claaalfled Ad* acc*pt*d at tba following office*; Main Office^..17th and Famam Ufa.) South OmalflL .N. W. Cor. S4tb and N St* Council Bittfr*......**,.14 Scott St Th« abov* rata* gppry to oil advertise ments In classification** I.oat and Found . 4 Help Wanted Femal* .. 1< Help Wanted Mala ....... . ......... ift Salesmen and Agents .. 14 gltuafion* Wanted Female . 31 .Situation* Warded Mat* . 13 Artlclea for Sal* , .. .. 44 Farm and Dairy Products . 44 Homemade Thing* ....#.* >1 Household Goods .................... IS Swap column . ..ISA Wearing Apparel .. 44 Wanted »*» Buy .. 41 Rooms With Board .*.. 42 Room* Without Board . ............. 43 Room* for Mous'kaeplng . 44 Rooms Unfurnished ...44A Suburban Board .*. ft» Farm* for Rant .. 74A For all other classification* our regular rate* aa quoted balotv apply. CLOSING HOUR A FOR CLASSIFIED AT)S Morning iMillon .. .4 I*, m IKvanlng edition . 11:4* w m | d-.irofny Kdltlon .. 9 oo j. m. Hal Unlay either '‘h.-args* or • ash order*. Telephone ATIanllc 1440 These rates apply to Tfl* Sunday Omshs Be* *e well a- Th Morning and leaning Rec All weekday advertisement* sp jpe*r In both morning *nd evening edition* at th* one io*t jlto per fin* **rh day, 1 or 3 day*. I Ac par line a*< h day. 3 or 4 day*, lie par llna **rh day 7 dave or longer Til F CVKMN'i BEE I TUB OMAHA MOHMHU BBS. ANSWERS? Answer* Is Want Ad* which M** km number* m addressee may be phoned till dost phone AT lantie lotto ash fer an ad taker and tell her ■ j which advertisement you with to a newer, 8he will do the rest. Phone AT lantle 1000 to answer Blind Want Ada—you'll be pleased. j . . ! n.vomi \tiov \NNiM M KMr.NTf inii'Mi % afire* l 3 anil* anil M'iimiumbU . ! I it tier a I Director* . 8 t emaVrrle* . ... • MwUb •••! (aril of Thank* . f lodge Nailer* . ? Coming Event* .. 4 I'ersoWi I* 9 l.o*l nnd I.. . ..19 Automobile* for Sale ....11 Truck* for Male .. 17 Automobile Arm lc« . ........13 %lotorr«e|e* and llicvclr* ..14 Automobile* for Ivielianga .J3 Auto Acressorle*. Part* .§4 Service Mtat Ion*—Repairing .1* Attfo 1.1%ery fiaragr .1ft Wanted—Automobile* ,19 Oarage*, for Rent 19 Ill SINKS* SERVICE. Business Services Offered . ............fl llutlding Contractors . !t Heating and Plumbing ..7-1 Insurance . 84 Millinery—UroliNtnnkInf . 18 Moving—Trucking—storage .14 Painting anil Papering . .77 Patent Attorney* .78 Printing stationer? .ID Professional 8er% Ire . Repairing .. 31 Renovating and Dyeing . Lanndrien . 88 Tailoring nnd Pressing . 84 Wanted—Rtialnesa Mervlce ..85 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female ...84 Help Wanted—Male . 87 Help Wanted—Male nnd Female .84 Salesmen and Agents . 3D Situations Wanted—Female ..40 Situations Wan tod—Male . 41 FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities ..42 Investment—Storks—Honda ..43 Real Estate lean* .44 Money to loan .43 Wanted to Borrow.44 EDITATIOVAL. Correspondence Courses ..47 liornl Instruction Classes .48 Musical-Dramatic . 49 Dancing Academies . 8n Private Instruction . .51 Wanted Instruction .32 LIVESTOCK. Dogs. Cats and Pets.53 Horses. Cattle. Vehicle* .54 Poultry nnd Supplies. 35 Wantrd—Live Ntock. 50 MERCHANDISE. Article* for Male.87 Business Equipment.AN Building Materials. .59 Parm and Dairy Products. 4«i Fuel and Fred. . ..41 flood Things to Eat.42 Home-Made Things.88 Household flood*. 84 Swap Column.45 Jewelry and Watches.44 Machinery nnd Tool*. 57 Meeds. Plant* and Flowers. 4N Mneeial* at the Afore*.ON Musical Instrument*.10 Radio Equipment.71 Wearing Apparel. .72 Wanted to Buy..73 ROOM* FOR RENT. Room* With Board .. n Rooms Without Board .75 Rooms for Housekeeping. 7* Room*. I nfumlshed.. ’ 77 Where to Stop in Town.74 Wanted—Room* and Board.79 REAL ESTATE— FOR RENT. Apartments—Furnished . .80 Apartment*—I nf 11 rntshed .81 Rusinean I'liu-e* for Rent . ...82 Moose* for Rent .43 Houses—Furnished . 44 Office* nnd Desk Room.45 Out-of-Town Property .44 Mtirburhan far Rent ... 87 Farm lands for Rent . 88 Mummer Place for Rrnt .49 Wantrd to Kent .90 REAL KATATE—FOB SALE. Flu*lne«* Property .§1 Real Estate—Investments .97 Farms and land* for Mala.93 f Ity Acreage for Mala . 91 House* for Male .. . .95 Monsea—North . 94 Ho usee—Mouth . 97 Houses—West . 9ft House#—Benson . 99 For Male—Dundee .190 Far Male—Florence .181 For Male—Council Bluff* .192 I.ota for Mala .103 Real Estate foe Exchange .104 Wanted—Real Estate .105 AUCTION M. Auction Male# ........104 Real Estate at Aactlon.107 ANXUI’NCEMENTS. Fun oral Notice*. 1 WE wish to extend our heartfelt apprecia tion to our many frlenda and neighbors for the many dssda and beautiful floral offerings during our re< ent hsreavsinent In loag of our dear wife and mother. MR and MRS. JOE PUZYBT0W8KA. MR*. MICHAEL OBLEOKT. MR. and MRS. O. L. PKRQCBOK. MR. and MRS C A. SMITH. _Ml( nnd MRS FRANK OEI.BCKT, ft All Maater Masons ar# cordially Ipvlted to meet with Capitol Vnf No. 1. A. F <V A. M . at the Maannle Temple, Ifth snd ' ” ' iJougla* Street, on \Ponday, April ft. at one thirty p. m . to attend the funeral of our Brother and Frl*nd, luring K Griffith T.fTTK M WAVA<1B. Vaster Vault* ami Monument*. t "Automatic *«alln»" cnncrar* burl«l »*ull« r.rornmand.d by *11 loading undartakar*. Mf» by Omaha Conrrat* Onrltl VruH CVv Funeral Director*. > HKATKT A HEAFET llndortakara »nd Embalm*™ Ptann* HA. >12*5 Office 2*11 F»rn*m (ESTABI.IBI1ED SINCE 11*1) KORIBKO FLNERAt. HOWIt 2Id »nd O 81*. 1**0 •• l*th Bt. MA. #««». AT. 1*7* » - - ■ ■ -- ’ 1IIH.HK A BIEPEN. Funeral dlr*cIor*. J1U Cuming, JA. l..» C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HONE. 2*1* N. 2*lh St. HE. *2*7. huffy a johnbton. Ill 0. lid. new funeral home. HA* Ml". CROSBY MOORBk 24th And Wirt. WE. 0*4* BKAII.EY A DOIWtANCB. lilt CI7MIN14 BT. JA. **2*. JOHN A. OENTLEMAN 1411 Farnem Ht. _ 1*22 fludaon Coa.h New P*ln(, re built. look* And run* like a n»w car, *»#»• K«»*» 4 R<.ad*t*r Mechanically fine, new paint, good rubb#r.(ir*d, n.w top, a good buy, *200. Hud*nn Modd M — 7-i'****n**r~ thi* I* on* of tho*e car* >b*t ba* bad wonderful car* -wir. wli.rl* n»w paint mechanically Hn. and i* worih mor. money, 1600. i Model J Hudson 7-pa*aeni?er touring meihanirally g»»«d throughout. Hew tire>. paint and fop. good. 1.100. j T.pasfteng«r OI<l> mobile toxrinr Look* gteid. tire** gi*o4* -nd worth all w« ask for It. It 05. 1020 Columbia Hi* louring disc wheels, good rubber, rune good, a realty i<* >*i hai gain, 1196 OrftN F.VKNINOR Omaha Hudson Essex Co. , Hit Harney SI* AT SOdR I Good News for Someone! Someone’s name is printed among the Want Ads today—ia it your*? If you are the lucky person, just call at The lice Want Ad counter and claim your tickets. Remember, a different name is published each day. Watch the Classified Ads. Your Name May Appear Today WNOI NC KMIiVrS. HOFFMANN AURUUNCI Dodge et 24th. Funeral Director#. JA. 1*61 N. P. HWANRON. 17TH AN1J CUMINU Quiet, Dignified Supervision VISIT FOHB8T LAWN. WEST OF FLORENCE. The cemeterv le very beautiful. See the dleiiley of plante In tb* greenhouses Order* at# being taken for apring plant ing _ KloriataT6 HOUFHH. Florlat. 84th Farnam. JA. 140t JOHN HATH, 1604 Farnam. JA. 1606 i'artl of Thanks. 6 \VK wteh to thank our many friend*. Un ion Pacific employee, Success lodge. No. 135. H. It. T.. A. O. U W„ No. 17. for the eympathy and beautiful floral offering# during the aieknee# and death of our father. John Murphy Signed— Mra. Frank Woolaey, Mr*. J. J. Hourlgan. Madalnn Murphy, Mr*. Hubert H. Briggs. Frank Murphy and Leo Murphy. Personal*. 9 LONELYT Join our correspond ence club. Hundred# of member# everywhere; particular# free. Na ttonal Correspondence Club, 746 Arcade Station. Central At*., Lon Angeles, Cal. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home eollclta your old clothing, furniture, mage, aine*. Wo collect. We dlatribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and tnepect our new home, 1116-1112-1114 I)r«i1ge HIrttt TOUR1NO ? If you contemplate a trip weat In your car neat summer, write for your In'ermatlon and protection, to the Idaho Mat# Automobile (A. A, A ) aseocl »tlon. P. O. Boa 1l«». Boles. Idaho. Proatallo troubli a treated without surge-y nr drug*. Dr. <7. B. Hunt. 632 W.-H Bldg Theatrical historical rnawiue costume# for playa and_parlies at Lisbon's, Omaha. MASSAGE—Violet Ray. rtoem ll_ Deueiai Block, S. E. 16th and Dodge. AT IIH. M ASS AUK TREATMENT. _810 X. 17TH BT. 1 MAGNETIC hatha, violet rays and mae aaga AT. 8177. 1662 Farnam Rt. Room 81« I/oat and Found. 10 BOSTON BULL LOST. (.oat—Black *aal Hooton bull, whlta hreaat. whlta daah In hack of nock and undarahot Jaw. Had on harnooa with J lata Call \VA 4106. "f com# to *124 Mili tary Av*. Liberal reward PARTY finding two diamond rlnge, one opal. In court heueo lavatory, return. No oueatlona aeked. 2210 Karnam St. Re ward ___ LOST-Bunch of key* In *4ene»n. WA. 7402. Howard. FOUND—A horaa. an Iron gray. 1MI State atrrot AITOMOHII.KS. Automobile* for Sals. 11 MURPHT DID IT. Fifty yeara ago your grand father did bualneee with ue True. It wae horeea and wagona than, now It la automobllaa and trucka. but Ifa the aame Murphy and tha lame location. Think of what 44 yoara of aatla factory aorvleo maana to you. OUR USKD CARS ARK AS REPRESENTED. 1022 Ford Delivery .1124 1»2<i Ford Touring . 00 1022 Ford Touring, etarlor.. 140 1023 Ford Coupe . Iff. 1011 Ford Seden ... *74 1013 Star Hoadeter, renewed. 360 1*38 Star Touring, guaranteed 460 1424 Durant Coaeh. new paint. 0.1 1022 Durant Touring . 474 ALSO. Ford Ton Truck, body, eeb.. 114 Rco lVl-toa Truck . 440 ANDREW MURPHT A SON. Mil Jackaon. AT. 4411. Uaed Car Dept. EVERY CAR UlTID WRRR GUARANTEED FOR THIRTY DATS. ltlt Ford ••dan. motor good double HMotor ahoek absorb art. loek wharl. naw aaat cov ara. tlraa evcallent. To day .I2«» 1122— Ford coups. fond lira*, good upholatartng. natural wood wheel" Mechanical condition excellent .. 9S10 lilt—Ford roadatar. motor In A-l ahape. four new rord tlraa. apaadomatar, tailor mad# cur tains $2*9 1912- Ford oedan, motor vary good, large fork wheal, aun visor. upholatartng good, original paint . 1299 HANNAN VAN BRUNT, INC. Farnam at Rlvd If A 0191 Uaed far Dept Open Sunday*, 9 till 9. FORD COUPE—Purchased November 1*12 Naw paint, good tires, many aitraa Must Ih» seen to b# appreciated. Private owner. Priced right for crah. 1919 Jonas *•AT, 99T9, BRAND raw. 1924 standard tnaka als-ovl* Inder cars at factory prices Your oor*of. tunity. No trades Po» D 449 Omaha B»e USED CARR. O N Bounty Motor Cw. 2 ft ft 4 Farnam. N~A 8 H - V rTkpF M A AUTO CO. USED CAIl *TuJ»F *049 Farnam__AT 4910 1*22 FORD touring in dandy ahape Don't fall to •#• thi* car. 9 I d<». AT 441? Mr T.aufhHn <}im>D USED CARS BUY YOUR* AT OUT ?.. RM1TII_ OAKT.ARD 9. IfuT "port to...i.i i .mi naw, at hnrt*tn prl*e. .»r trade f->i "rtiolle* ear AT ?4?rt day", evenings, HA #o®7 ri.r.i-rnii Pah nmuti il»n* «V,nn., fine shape, newly painted tYieap WE 1 M«____ FORDS DODOES— HUICKS 1701 R 24th _ Tal %f\ >0*0 I.ATE *21 Ford touring, like new. drlvati ■ 9279 Ha 991*.__ run iD Ford tot ilng In «end running con dition. $94 HA. 0l9l Mr. Olaaa Ai roMoiniaKw AiifoniohilcA fur Hilt II1 NASH l HKD CAR STOTUC Bulck all 4 paaa caupi Dodga touring. Naah 7 paaa touring. Rulek touring. Vella light all touring Hulck 7-paae touring. Durant four eport. Ford aedan. Durant alx aedan. Ford coupa. NASH USED CAR STORK. 204' Farnarn AT 466b.( CHANDLER Coupe, good condition. | rood paint, aeat co>•-'rm white wire wheelt, a bargain, 1376. RAT.PIT W. JONES. Inc. 2423 Farnam StJA. 1H6 CADILLAC 61, 6-pa**. New paint, motor good, bargain price for 'julck aalo. Crora town garage, 612 H. 24th or owner HA 3104. Truck* for Sale. IS SPKCIAT. PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING Ford 1-ton rxproaa body and cab; ono *i ion, one 1‘4-ton Rc<> Speed wagon*; Maa ter 2-ton worm; Maater 2-ton Internal gear drive; Republic 2% ton dump, Re public IH-ton dump. ANDTU7W MUR PUT A SON. 64 yeara In bua.neaa 14th and Jarkaon 1?* _i i USER TRUCKS. Mack, Packard, Pierce, Maetar and Doug las dump and ataka tardy trucks at bar gain price* MACK TRUCKS, INC. 1H« Jon** si, AT. 4074 TWO I'4-ton Lincoln model Patriot lank trucks, closed cabs. Will e*ll with tank* Price reasonable Standard oil Co. >. breaks, room 400, Standard Oil Bldg USED TRUCK*—Two I <4-ton Packard chare,e and cabs. Good operating condi tion. Eor sals cheap at lion each. MACK TRUCKS, INC. 1H« Jonea St. AT. 4071 ONE to tbraa-ton usad trucks: tarma ran he arranged. International Harvsslar Oo of America. 7U-U a 10th «t, Motor!) t in* and lilrycles. 14 111* Indian moiorcrcla, gnnd cnndlflon. l-k. Ilk. naw. Pets Maglstratl. tilt Reel Auto Arreasnries, Tarts. 16 GUARANTEED raw atid uaed aaio narta at a special rut Dries Nebraska Auto P»rta. 10141* Harnav St. JA. 4)11. and ;t04 Cumins St.. AT. 1070. SPECIAL ON NEW TIRES. 10*1 and JOalta alaea. It 50 and up. Other alaea In proportion. Kaplan Auto Part*. 2111 Nichols*. Service .Stations, Kepairlng. 17 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Rayfleld carburetor and Kisetnann mag neto earvlra. AT. 2516. P. MELCHOIRS A SON 41T S. 1ITH HI SIS KWH SKKVMkT Iliisinrs* Keryirea Offered. II • I A DAT TAKES TIM: UIRTV kWW. RELIVE It ED. MR, BARNES AT, 1011. Millinery—Orrsamaking. *5 ACCORDION, aids, knlfa, hot plsattng. aorarad buttons: all styles: hemstitching. buttonhole* Writ* Idea) Button and Pleating Co, 205 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephona JA. 1226. NEB PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1104 Karnam Second floor IA. 4470 Moving—Trurking—Storaga 26 EIDELITT STORAGE * VAN Ct£ MOVING PACKINO STORAGE SH1PPINO Household goods, offlca furniture, autaa. 1107-11 HOWARD ST. JA. OtM. oi-onr: van and storagr! PACKINO. MOVING, SHIPPING, STORING Eallmalaa furnished AT. QUO or JA. 4111. nKKINS OMAHA VAN * STORAGE™"" 14th and Lanvanworth Bta Packing, mo?• Ing. storage, ahlpplng. JA. 4141._ GORDON’S r 1 ItEl'ftt>Or~\VH*E * VAN 21 • North lttb St. Phone JA. lOlij mov Ing, parking, storage, shipping. MOVING, hauling, ritv country; aehea. rtjhhlah retnoved. Black dirt. WE. 5104 Tainting and Tapering. 27 A NO. 1 pap*rhanftnv Wall papar. whol» aala prlra. Fr«4 Parka. 4iOI 8. 24lh 8t MA. <*141. AT. 7464. PAPBnMANOIN«t- tx»wr. coli>r AT. 1347. Patent Attorneys. 28 PATENTS Procured Send eket« h or model today for examination. prompt report and ad vice No charge for preliminary advice, Write for free booklet and blank form on which to dlarloaa your lde«. Highest referen*#* Promptnaaa aaaured. I'larenoe A. O'Brien. Reglafered Patent Lawyer, 2«* r\ Security Hank Building. Directly acre ae the afreet from Talent office, Washington, D C. i7 w. MARTIN^ IU Petera Truat Hldg . Omaha; also Waahlngton. Double aervlce. alngle fee. Also help well patenta. Printing—Stationery. 20 COMMERCIAL PRINTINO Eddy Printing Co. 211 South nth St Pb»oe JA. fcnSt Proftssloiml Scrvirr. 80 Sale* representative wanted for high grade French perfumery line on mminlwlttn bnala N» drawing account only IHom areklng a permanent connection and In tereated In an Income, men mired by th»!r own eff.irta and ability,'need apply. Par fuma Lineal re, IIP LingoIn S» Itoeion. XU ENTS Make |y’i„ f?no weekly^ ft«t ■ amnlra Henutna gold lettrra for OtOfO window*. Liberal offer to general agent*. Metallic Letter-, tJ.’> N t lark, OiTeago. Kr|i»iriii(. :il i SI • and new aewing nog Sew. Ing machine* and Vletrola# repaired Rent ma« bin**, |i per week; I per tno. Ml. Kit. Ml KIC 1 l < * t' > | • iMh and llarnevAT PHI Vfpnotdfing avid lliritig, 82 —■ * —— ... —-»■ - ——•-*—.— - I OMAHA PM.I.oW i'U Kent her mn tt re*e«'* made frum your nqtu fintb* - We will «M .itnl delivci »i**j timing IN I'm KMl't.OVMKXT llrl|( U milril—I rnuilr .11! IIOltSWRI » -fined ladv, uni »• * umbered, for lefmed bom On* tn family «*wner «l»e full n»rg* Hefei |uict required. Hux K iill, Omaha B»e I NPinWM ^ |*ll* W amh4>-4hmi£*, w W ♦ *" d* ' 4^Cftf4«*-^S3^ **•> at k*" • I ***«« war I )»#♦?**»*■( * a A. • ** » 4 aw »#»» #• Nltip • M--a*e N<mi, *• »V UMOftf, UlL * t « C M - r* * • »* * • * • * * * » *%lHt4a a* MM Min* 444»**a KttftftN I * ♦ mf»*M MM n »at^», t»- 4 « 41)14 •» )*i>| LtiM *»♦•**• i«4'fct# ! i‘t § * t h a «*, t4#**4 t * m Cat) M»»t FR M d i,»)4 th# a Hth *•*» )#*'*. Tea 4 • • a •*•* family *i p»* A t«*a |oh l«t a frN «i*I *f*a !>M M’, HI * T*a f4 i * I Sit, 4AVttflb A h*«awk«H*f»rF <a a fa*m M •• a *t4*-a *f»A * »♦ <AHi h r !■ Sr. f ftm ll»hf tt S*h fcAHX H 1)4 we**!)^ opHrg Mr.M a-T iddrea** • P»n4 ••atnt*»4 Htcelef* f «•< t aniiiian )*»!«(♦ rttg <*a, 7«t#4o H llalp tt inN-Mi i V, !A« 41. MAN; WANTED At •*»• • I1* lafa*et * ««* *rn «f <'• fctad !r IH| *ntl»l 1r* i|fi^!op * i 4 handle I*** ai # nf • «f H«< *•»; iLtfi# l« fiat## artifi** f»*at yea* according to population wiNNtefdns) N lure jmaalhft tie* Staple remmwdtty «It It ftmiiM unllfi)itf<l demand. W* undersell all .omprltlol Red A« >t Coat I n, 3 ) Ota I E*«haPge flblf . < him#-_ Ml. v wanted every whet# *#. make * un fit) ent t a | (redlf *ni| * l»U«or tfiveattg* finna for national credit and installment houses Year ar«»*trid «■ Ret „ .** more ne<eaaary than e x pe r tent e Writ* at **#ir* ten*Joeing »*amp** for full de tali* National iYe*t '’bar ng House, 12* Davie St . Evanston, Ill It KM A BLK men wanted everywhere to distribute sample* booklet* efr for P» tlonal a-lwrtieer* Xu selling or capital ne* ea*i»ry Permanent bustne#* Write quickly enclosing stamps for 'ontnot *nd Metnlla National Distributers’ aaaortatton. Sant N Paulina St . ( hlcagu_ in TO iiisTHfHITTOPS l*el ver five gallon* nf Lightning, the wonderful but tery compound which charge# batterle* fnatantly, to garage* We give you Light ning. you colled the money and profits *»n w*pr*t* Lightning Electrolyte. Hi. Paul. Minn. ALL men. women, boys. girl*. 17 to fie. willing ro arrant Ooverimett 1'oei'ions. Ill" $250 (traveling r>r stationary) Write Mr. Or.ment. 146. St Louis. .'to. tinme «l lately,__ AK'ltir E< *T IK A 1. I * ft A FT S M F X Experienced on hotel or office building design who are willing to go to fhb-ag«j Apply to Architect's Superintendent. 5*0 S. lith Sf . i 'mull* at S ;« in BK A IIARBKR Lig morn, Short *our*e Start row Finish at bueteal sea son for barber*. Day or evening 'all or write fur particular* MOLEIl BARBER COI.LEDE. taa S l|ih S'. _ UTATE In California Po-'t ona open if qualified; Investigate our plan, esenitjve, salesmen. clerical, professional technical Ewing-Brurner Co. £11 Hobart Bldg. Han Frapclaco, Cal ______________ BE A detective. Sf.f* IIP* weekly, travel over world: experience unnecessary American Detective Agency. 744 Columbia. St Louie _ AN opening for reliable, active men ’ak in? orders fur guaranteed hosiery stock Full ur apare time Pay weekly Brown Pro* Co. Rochf***r, V Y. FIREMEN, hoki-men, ber'nneys. fl.'o. !?>• (which position?) Railway. Y-2417* Omaha Bee TWO colored men wanted at J13* Far* nam. Can make from f* to >10 a day. I trip Want'd—Male ini Female. M TYPISTS- Earn money at home typir.g authors’ ms nuecrlote in spare time in teresting and profitable work, high rate*. Send dime for i-ookl-i '» A. Hirsub. Author*’ Ag'iit. 151 Franklin St. Buf* fa lo, X T TYPISTS—Add materially to your Income by typing aufhma* mAnuar ripta in *psre time. Easy work, high rate. Writ* Mr*. R. J Carnes. Tstispoorn. t*a TYPISTS—Earn »r^* to monlhlv dur tng *.'*re time typing author* tuann acript*. For particular* addree* M. M Ttlson. 2^*9 Blvd Jersey City. X I .S.tleMiifii .iiid Afipnt*. 39 AGENTS—New wonderful *«ller. fUc profit every dollar sales. Deliver on spot. License unnw**wrjt. No competi tion. Hample free Mission Co. 11* N Haleted, Chicago. 111. AGENTS wanted to advertise our goods amt distribute ftee »amp>• to ennaumera. #0c an hour wfie for full particular American Products i‘o . 2627, Aineitcan FiMg . C'mlnnatl. «». T- — . ■■ — .... . - ..... . .... .. AOKNT8 represent a real mUI sell the original guaranteed Wear Proof h<ieier>, ail colors ration, lisle, allk rialary or commission full nr f art time. Interna tlonal Knitting Mills. Norristown. I*s. AGENTS: I make the beet chocolate, bare and chewing gum. B* tnv agent j Everybody will bur from >uu Write to-1 •lay Free sample* Milton Gordon. C*n , t Inna f:. _ | SALESMEN—Maklnf small towns place our O. K Mint Venders with merchant# on dirniwlon b*sla Write u* for more tnfnrmattori |nw>* Novelty Company, lit Bever Bldg, Cedar Rap'd* AGENTS make big money new auto Invention Jfoffenherg’s acid *00 in 2 months Profit fj.7#0. For full partiru lara write Rtransky (*o„ Dept. 20*0. I‘uk wana. B, p, f*A LEf*M EX—-Lighting *trange battery compound. Chargee discharged batter.ea mstantly Eliminates oM method en tlraly Gallon fre* to agents. Lightning Co . Ht. Paul. Mir n AOKNT8 Start Camlymai; mg Hus nea* Home or anvwhere Fverythtng furnished. Big profit Men-Women Experience unnecessary Superior Candtmakers Oo. *S Hudson St , N Y. AGENTS $6 dally taking order. for Thomas Guaranteed Hosiery 27 different kind*, latest styb-s and color* T»*ur si*e In free ou*fl» of sample pair* Thomas Mfg to. Mill 4 73 4 Dayton Chic RAT.KRMA.V #to sell highly advertised phonograph needle* to druggist# and stationers. bl* rommlaslon also on repeat bualnev* Rtr hard Euler. 3S Irving Pla« e, N»»w York. W A NTRl>—RPECIAf.TY Helestnen calling on retail trad* to handle sure selling auc»« Mobile specialty on rommimnn. only lire wires need apply. AiMtrtt bo* 267. Glen roe. Minn. • AOENTh ITS 00 daily taking orders for Walton-Duplex Reversible Doublewear , rihlrts factor, to wearer. Pay advanced , We deliver Walton-Duplex Co . Brooks ' Rldg . chte*gM SALESMEN .100 per cerf profit. f.0c ar tlcle, merchants buy. Altogether new Free Minpl* showing article* t'bditx! Show Card Co.. 206 Mass Avr . Boston. Mass • * M II A W AY I Al i AJM.AN whit# nraserva tlv# mag* tin# flr#t published In Amer ica on this ■••Me, f Agent# forum* t* f. Wthaway. Kdltor. Florence. Neb. Ki; M<d 1 AUFNT8 l»nn‘t I** without nur gtfraeitge popular rr'ca.i «hfrt Ima, sell direct to wearer: boost* any line Write Fashion Bear Shirts, .larkaon 8t Cincinnati, o 8ALR8MKN, dlttrihQfora Hlg profits to star# manager* Must b* financially r* | sponalhle K*rln«lve territory now open. . tleorge Crosse. I tea Moines OROCBftY saleeman aid* line I? Sfl ca*h on each sale Mnmnte* free !H*t# terri tory lift National Hank of Commerce llldy . Lincoln, Neh RARK opportunity. Men and women make siiicmott* profit# Article coats f»* Hell# quickly for ll III to fin daHx Particulars free Boa 44?. Dm Moines In A* I K\ T*4 Ilia profit* *nd fast #*1#* Pure rum rubber apron* sell on *.ght. too per cent pref't. For «ampt*s write to day. Koenig x*ie* Co Oak Park III. PA! WMB> s'-- . I I >.'• r • ‘ >• x Coats you only !i fto |pg repeater Write for sample. Merchants Association, Pon ilac Building. Chicago HALLS M F.N \V A NT FI*- Will be a t Th# Loyal hotel Monday April at. from 1 to % <'ms ha and ari.tuinlng territory for right man MAl.FMftlKX Two sales of out* Itl radio mix <■ 11Islii# nntohian pava you >. ^ a tax Knowledge of radio uoneres**«% l)«ah^i aslaa guargniead Hog 4*7. Iowa CBy la AtJFNTS |4n (o 1106 weekly #a*x selling nexx- Jumbo My letter hangoahtc i<|m Kverv nut. lunl bin * Catalog fre* Pen pie’s Mfg . iM W Handolph JH , Chicago AUKN ri| Men wanted ararywher# to open umiii'it* » sale*, enormous profit# Particu lar# free Salvage Headquarter*. IINX hotith 11 h 1*1 en d Chicago. Ill MAl.KNMKX crew manager# joa per ent profit #■" 111 n g Nemo Safi ty • •#* Tank Cap# K\i lualve territory. Nearn Sate* Ve 2*4 Merry St Fort Warn. Ird l.d-AFKftft Keep your *eat! Ileal *.xle# to an xv anted for nor Id’# N-t.*i -Ml mg *»in#ii*H,Hn Ho hit for s#" pie and par i tieolar- V. \| kendtu k Sprorei N C | Viif.NTS Patented *.necessity X ■ Hril. le Ilk# it Four *ale* |n o nil# Trr Miendous profit pm 111 ter Mpengter I I .omnia i'o llld Harland Bldg. Alt «go | AtlKNT.A TbOMe fife To!~ft.c Wondet I ful medl. tn# H■ a lopsater B'g ptoftl* LgcasCa Co. t>*pi 4?, 8b Lou.s. ftJe j ^ali^nnw ami ggomta ** I aHV-STf «~ ^tV7*J #iy4*f.*»rr • •* #*• *' {*••*< *m*a*4ai ea *■♦ N*f,t.8>tltl>i *!*?* ja*# e.e • « pd m li*Wf *• **• ]•««** »> ••"**#• *# *♦ !*•* 1*V ^tM \\vzg« IfefvtftbMi M *ihP* ^ikM eats* Ktf 9*+ if'* b*f* «*•*• *b*«* ** | *#W* • Will* failf a*aLn|| Og#. jmVM bsbll i e , 1^1 Hit ImhA R***e 1 ” - ■ #11 II- M II. {•JUfeSVl K «->* Mil# 4*1:* •****« ||iM *-#♦ m-SWi P»w •***•• •• *** lit Mstn •• « 4*H«a* W*»*»•■••* MR ■ ilk *444%t »*a*M«» kMHU ill *»_.***» aSPaaS'&r'-te fH^,«a^iii demand Ames -* P*#R*• "H»t *!■»»'* ♦** l^*» »m#i luffer and ><*«*■ ’©4 e** **M tAlMI^I .,**!. lOf (• l«»l if. a#en4 llai^da | |l tr k _ 1 PA I.Kg M A N V, ". ,* hT f <* •© •“»« ** e«, h it* d* 4 *« * Prde** *©*k * WM Jfwr pe»4n*»t* nlfcl '=«* r©en,*nwnt plan# worth I* »« and wn •aamm •*■'««©« e»*m» pr»d»rt naked »<«•» r*s« .•.v«r,T! in nit tin** ift tfat!)#( miihimhIiIh ?«!*©• tall* I ntrfdk iftiNUa«M Pi*f* only 4«<d-a»« Halts Utntf> 416 « l< l mo*’ | T*»e* Bglldfng rhhat© AGENfA |M '« II6 1 *"•' t«»««r*f ip ad»' motley maker <r» t n#t*d JHtlr» Hteady r*ia|l bn»-«•*•» t ‘inn pint a bfif numi trllirti fi unirf t, .*fr f©» men n uttirn and (kM4rta. Including B* a eat *rt o» Stilt* K*|M»fl*ntr suhiw 12 hour fur pa11 i lute Beautiful tamylt Mufti fiun >h»«f Writ* nun k -lay fur full > forma n>,u Jennings Alfa CV, Line II 5a? I »a j t ..f • • IV ANTKI*—**il and distribute ©ur line |lttH<uiii M’i*i finlti1 L&t Lnftd. *!© '•ollMifip Origin,! .••••'©tint *ft«*r first need V .th ny» l»n «y *a*t '-otnplefe w th any jot>t»rr in state Auto . • ' fjr iS* •••mi i •■♦* f. r«l BKAR CAT I'ltMlM CTH t’OM * AX?. OKUIIUM.I I Try * Kit IIO.M AflKVTK *; Mid yon r Mfg c 22 • —tAoudyear Rids . Korsai CHy i|» , la making an <»ff--r t© onA a iu» ■ •ant* rainroRt fre** to one person In /each locality who will re corn • t.*•■©•! it »o friends Wri** today HAI.EAliKN 13® dally selling new a deer, tisinr tail and *top light All automobile dealer" garage*, Industrial • nmerai buy • >n eight No romprt 'ion Write f< r free *ample en»i liberal proponlt.on Mr Mar* inard Veilie-Dell Co.. 2416 Afirhigan Avt.. Chicago biKvrs iio into h’jRi.i -«• i <r > -.u^r f .Make money j arkellng proprietary ei>e (ialtiea under yuu own lnue]a We fur ni>h everything and "how y*»u how r«cek • et free VnMur't! Brian'Ifln |,aInrratofm*. 260 Atonro* . Richmond, V* AGKNTH— B*f on.r repreaentaitye large • ■oncer n F>!a l>'i*h v ©tir.seIf uermenently Simplified method aelllbg *ho"a. factory to wearer Profit* large Sell •*»/. Apply ir;* lediatcly. Htjle-Arch Shoo*, f «■ :u ■ jpatl, HA1.ESMKN war fed fur world a fin**? valve apring abt^alr v new , noth rg like It ever offered ‘•■Its on aiah* wherever cars are used, he first In your territory with ’bis r*opuiar tool Slonaker •Mfg »’o. 24n H Olive S* Los Angeiea. IaUKNTH -Clear libs per week "*IUrr hprsypumps and Aujowashere Tmttt sold |4,06'' AO In h months. R g profits; new feature* h.’tclusiv* right* Free Ham pi* Offer. Write Hay Rue*l*r Company. Jbhnatown. Ohio SAI.KHMKN—Hell < oal n carload lota. Hide ur main line Ktperlen* e unneces sary Karn a week’s j»sy in an hour Liberal drawing account arrangement Washington f'oai C© . AGi C’oal Ksrhange Bldg . Chicago HALK8AIKN—Diamond aensKtion' At last! Amazing tllaeovory of Hajah Oen startle* Jewelry World. fibs weekly introducing these niagnifli <*ot gem*. Sample case free Write <jun k Rajah Company, Dept. A. Salisbury. N c AOBNTB—$10 «i >y ra*% H'-l! MUton ! Pure < u< OMittt’ Oil Soap A new. qdl< It • ha.tifoo for gveryone Wonderful toilet and bath ►o*p. Every housewife bu>« Write Milton Products, ->2l Gevrge. f ‘hh ag** HA LESM EN —Ca ll'ng on dry good* clothing trade t»* »a11 women* outing garments i knl'lters. Norfolk *oats. mid dle* shirts, el*- » attractive liberal ■ 'ommtaelpn A-I references required P-K Mfg. <:>■ -1" Wrst loth, Kens** City. SALESMEN In «per»n«e.| or etper en< e»l, .Hr or traveling Write for free book. ’ Modern Bn teaman ship B.r de mand fur men iairn $S.5e* to $1 yearly Addrus National Saltomen'a Tr. A«sn . Dept tot. Chlrafo. HELL Madison "Better.Mad*’ Shirts direct from our factory to wearer. No capital or experience required, easy acid big profits Write f,.r fre* sample* M«di#on Mills, $02 Broad xrsy, New York City Si 'HOOLB* *ARU Hale-omen. $2$ to $'* daily. Hugh L. Nicholas. 449$ Sheridan, < 'tin ge liu*incv« Opp«»rtunities. 4t Mt'NKV in grain $12 *9 bOya guarantee* 19.990 btt wheat No further r'.sk More, meat 5c opportunity take $.'$#; 4o $499. etc. Particulars, market letter free In vestor* fluids. 225 A TI Bldg . Kansas City. Mo. FOP. NALE rhe*C metal and furnace shop in countv* seat town of ,n *outh western. It. Tools and s'ock will Invoice It 9 do ,,r better «* $4 4. Omaha Bee ANY bitaine-*. anywhere grid for t**h No publicity Federal friUrn $95 Taaton Bidy AT nu» MEAT Market wanted, country town, $99 oo» rr « *-f» r 1’40 Omaha 14 *e InvMtmmt—Stock*—tloniN. 43 I/iW RATE on city property quirky closed; no monthly payments JA 1523 W T (Ira ham _ M A ANDERSON CO $!97 Rea' » »• e Su-cM bond* nr I kindred |p» Krai Ixuuia. 41 OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB FARMS •»*K EEFF REAL ESTATE CO. • lfQj om Nat Dk B d* JA Fl$ MIX twr tent loans on Omaha residences Cash on hand Prompt «erv$c#. E II Lomree Inc., $H K-gilnc Bldg SECOND m-rtgatra or contract* pur chased hr Tukex Comoanv. t?o First Na tional Bank. J A. 4222. 1 WILL buv mortgage* and contracts Oorkin. 144 Om Nat, Bid* . Omaha Nsb M* AND « PER CENT—No DELAY ' ***V>N BUOS. 4 4.' < 'ma ha Nat B d« Farm l^ang on we*! Neb. end N E tVo farms. Kloke Investment r« Omaha Motirj to I .turn. 4i | rills COMPANY is URBANIZED To auiiplv \»>ur *n«n*v «t.nt» :n th* mnt *«> that banka oippl? the mono wan *» r*t the l»uatn*-«« lommuillt. Any * noun loan*' un to tfcftt and ton j ran reoatr It in eaa* monthly payments Our equal payment ulan ttia'a th* loan . ard all charge* Me hate been in buetfirs# tn Omaha oter 1 3# vetira and can aaaur* von of a oulcfc confidential and square daal. OMAHA tX»AN COMPANT HI Karharlt Block Tel JA *«* South*'**' uirtitt K*th and Pouaiae 8te * Omaha Bee. _j DIAMOND lonna at lowest rate* buaaesa 1 *tr|ctlv confidential The Diimtmd Loan f<< \k\4 Pons'** St t-'stahfhol 1*»4 Kl>t < \TION w t t»t rr«|M»iHtc(i< n ( onrvea. V, M vKi: M• >nkv whWkTc Yor a?u; j Me tea. h ton Show feral l.*t »- ng and Poster Pee i git in your spate tlrt* an! furnish you work *»•! (urtl'uiars. IMKHY MPRtP'SH SHO* t' A R • > SK.tV Lake 4t , Put 'Vrtf.l Minneapolis. Minn ft.4#*-ir.Sfh year Rati a-ay Mail t*lerk Examinations May 9 Sample que« tion* free Franklin Inatitut*. Pent J®» tt Roche*ter, N Y } I .nr* I Invlrmtlon Omr*. 48 PAY 8< Ht*r>! NHIUT SCHtk'L. BOY!.£8 SCHOOL t’omplds r-'urae *n all tn: mi err tat I branch#*. bookkeeping comptometry, j • hoMhand. typewriting telegraphy se. * tarlal. hanking. aaleamanafclp, cull eerv-| ire English You mat work for bn ard | while attending Illustrated .atalog fr*e ' HOTI.K8 St HOOl. Hth and Hamer St* Omaha. Nrb JA UH» TRI CITY BARBSIt COl.1 EUR UOt Pods* Si ISM Imuaiaa 9t t all or wtlt* for 'nformafoe 1‘IUHT to 13 week** ton *ef * fin* off:.* nnefvtoi fall AT 7?T4 e* t writ* A inert, aw college It 1 ? Tarnam "VUHAK IM SIM SS .X)|l,gi:r Stenograph* and B.o..k*#pin« W I'm! Hi.ia Pth and Karnjtm AT T4IC ; ' AN S’ NT til* ’llm\K>a l»ar and leaning schoo s i it JA. uv| t’ARV hHi's learning b« beaut\ special-1 let L Charm* s. h I, 312Couito*y. AT.tflfc. _MH I UtfiN M. I *• *1 IttiMii ll*« I Wmh li raMi M lj»_ _ MR *R b W W Willi ir ?♦ •* •H m**mi *t ’ •* !•• t * * ±4 ***** »» * itti Orafgf* »» < ► *« * s» I | * fl *% *# f It r | *•* » • ** f k*f* ^** |* I ‘i*P*** i w R | *.* RM k m mil at tin R*t At iii» ■ ■—■■-- ■ ■ ■'■■■■"■ ilAiHl«*c biRnnU* Ml I *»•**’ A*P* ** H**M« ** Or* •** "rtk*^# # * e»**p*i ! »»*Mf*a Moret, romr i i\ him u |ln(*, l it* and IViv i.1 IMI.A* h *»•*' life *ai w*t#*« r .» l i» -» f frt J**llW WiLr.1*, * r«*tt PAi.r. •«*!• • fti» Opkf* M*t h tMIk iM Ma*'t*»s IfriR PAM. *» T»*<0 ItUr* Phtssir i jl'flf | *• fe'H* * I t|e •» a Hr N . |. — " —■—■■■■.— .- ■— 99«*r«*r*, l ,ii:lt, Wbirtrv *1 i * n\Vi f*.r •tic T)i<>«n, ihtrMl J0*-* » * ■ - •» All f***h ar>i1 • nttiltra f.**h ri*** i ?••;** v*. Hr. M' I I'UWI fu * «*i#, «*t*ral fowl t *»h n«* * IN Ml II.) RtHl Supplies. 5*» ‘Ji ALITV * h 'Ha tm.fuaid )»• !.«nnf II* R... *• Re tt Anr-ufii* Orp « v|. * U Brah n * I A ■*.»• . ! |: < » ioa Vi**©url Poultry Kami*. C*oSum< - I?A BY * he k* l*» t # »irh u-. k f • r> »»-br«d la' re fa ro flock Itc and u:> Phone Black 3Ssf FrnnkPn Hath' F’-^-nmn Ave. ro Bluff la * Hli'K* l.erknrna il~n I • < t~Ti ■■* * is l»: 1 «»n Jatneo Wtla** Rule \* _ BARRED Ro* *t be* thing egg* **»d •••*■ her* WA tfclf.F. Baby > hlr k» TMOP.f d-fjll BRED TWr*d S^I *xh Hon ami utility Kgg*. 1700 hundr* VfftH( HANDISK \rf*«|pw for Sale. 57 Tv. O-t'* 'P.TV Ten 1’i !> tai'on o* * *** *-r» 4-fiMtptefa af|| t»U»* fitting* Alao 12 rh« heater* IshIr* AMERICAN en< ye'opedia. re'., sell f .r if *>rjj;!uh 1 < oat. Call )iA 5104. Rii«fn*-* K*juipmmt<i. 5K FC>r 5A US—A bakery and confection*' •fort located In nr>r» heaatern part »f N>l» S* Ming on account «f health For further reformation call T F Xaughim Co AT Sill WE BUY a*l! *afe* make d*ak* •1 * w etc Omaha FI g fur* A Suotdv Cn W - Q-. *I;h and fo.'ie ; « *» r' * Fuel anil fVetf. 6! KINDFINfi— fi trackload, del vered; a* • » uat arr«\)ng% Phone JA ST4 0 Household CrOori**. Gf BETTER value* fn n*wr and «««1 fur lure. Sale* made privately or a' a- ■ t on We also buy your furn .are a’-d pa rash. A trial of our service will c©.* Vfl*C» v#HI. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE i;0f CA PITOT- AVENUE Al-lan««c r‘tli UKA VT1FVI- brown inahoganv H- n? cabinet Englander day led rMnirg table and chair* Electric perrolator. Smalt ;uga HA *3«» Ct/4 MT ATE—Four-burn*r perfection • stove, high ©ten. in good conJin jb Re« *<■»*» g,bte. A roMPl.KTK fu- *f *g n? a "fu*-rc «. home for aale. AT. Jill Hamilton. WE. IStl VOR REAL furniture arid rng bargains •** Herne Furniture C© Sou * h Side FOB iAliB- Household good*. i-r©om >um». great h«rg> n AT RI> 10. Swap Column. 65 F“‘'K t*w'e -r Tt*'W—1# fe**t « a ii oak 4 rot a* I ran** ? box kali alley*, •mwll urn. elect rk heater. n.*«etiy I «»x. viim vending machine, 'and* refrige*:.. tcr c*ee A, motor A. C. I phi* Bo* 14. WtietHy. Ta NBl‘TRt)DTNE receiver in beautiful * *b - ne*. *t* hang© for g<r»od camera with h»*h •peed lena ar d shutter. D-J42I. Omats B***. , FIXTURES for <*ff!( * and booth*. Vpp-r nanel*. glM»a door*, duura to raat :h me - horarv finish. w!l! fnetjll t omplete. F: 1147 Omaha B*» A GENERAL Electric Stove •nr a front room rug ©r some rath i. -4*1. Omaha Bee ct »TTaOK and membership ta I-akor i Count re club clear. U.lOft. to trade fnp v^hat ha\e xou Omaha Bee SERVICEABLE a*’o*>iane r'oreller * fe*t diame'e- for what have you? E-lltl. Omaha Bee. IS ?dk inmyn mo-tgage on Omaha progeny. Firm* payment on h<>nae. for w hat have you* P-3M. Omaha Bee * BAKE*’ * ' e*-h.«u’ed. rail** II fr- good lot or furn tur^ K 1144. ikfie ha R*<* RXPRRTFVrgn piano te * h*r will ex change !*«•<*• for typewriter or viol.n. I*. 4?*, «>maha Bee * tli | duty magneto new to trade for Ford #r bat ’■-?* FUb i*n; a ha H*f FFT A upright plow©, good raadttlon. to trade for good Ford touoe. D-19B *»mgha Bee *-Tl HR radio set. good condition n V for Ckavraiat nr what hate jou* K I MV Omaha Be# ?$#*!.TV Alam t* p»e*eura gun coo* f?'. H fradr for old Ford or radio emft. r. IKS. Omaha Bra. " ILI. *v*att Allan car In running onj*r for Ford or what hat a von. B-lia*. Omaha Be# STKKI. rang# trade for "hnrnar cl **ote ..r KM rang#. or vha* h o* reu ? K 11 “ t t 'r*e ba He# rV»R *a!e or trade. dining room oat ho** turner. haaw angle ham**#, tanorv imd* K K S3*; VIF?\% am era. . #t *’: trod# fo- rad,.« F I* Feterx.w Ja g»|> ST**RK with fixture* and small Btock o *ra,ia for auto ♦»£ N l«th St Hart#' Davidson for Ford chaw * F-H 7. t >tn a ha Her 1-Tl‘BF radio eat, Hawaiian #taa gu;**r far Ford ryipdlar. Omaha Bee Il-jf*. XX II.!, «wtp l«n< h room for Fo**d cor or rooming house C -**4 o aha Be# E* ,H*-K **•* mangle. |i(| value. IS* AT S3HAI.I, raoldaora f1m payment ta *e - end mortgage on Omaha R K XAA. 5917. MOLSK Painting to exchange for need car K-Ml* Omaha 11#. Mi.h.nrr) imhI T.m.Iv «T t'NK ROB iiater, gc -davit cultivator 7. I I'ttggv and pole tu F • . utter IT 1 r»ad acraper IS a; *727 V J* h *t»d second bond motor* <l*nam.«e. i -Bren Klarfii, a; Wmka I>t-r» Sc |fth Musical Itxstmmctit*. *0 piano prick* PPT IV T'VO I Hiring Oar Big Clearance Rrt# of Pn r gh» tlrand «nd Plav ar Plan,.* VNW PI.A V Kits »3i* $1* . HA Hf 1 • 11A\14 144* |T SS i>er we ll NR XX n'KMIlTl |171 I S# s»r nee,. r.AKa; « TO S v k IKS T'' I1 AT C.pAUANTKKr RKlUMl.T H AN S s-iuara Orand | JS #* * h Krr itg g Svt» l>r;|ht ... ?• * Norrt* A llvda 1‘tvri* " Hard l eright . .... n> ^ Kimball l pnght ... . 1H -% t'haaa Ppr gbi , ... 14' 'X XVtng A Son \>rtght . ... 14** "aljlngtcn Pjwlghx . tit •> leal a r Ppught . US** Milton I’ni ght . ... Ige ra * A ! , „ Brt* A Pond l p!11t t* I'hriAtia oran«t , s: i f paring A Nona Orand * a Fflington Hav er yj j, *# Xv err- Pie v e - » Aoe « p »>. \ . * t mi take adv antage of th<a- jo , e« and ■** MMiH.IJ »; a Xt’ VII KR PtWO t 1 M4 1* * IV*. tj, e St Telephone XT lt|A S ' vx VSHIU 1. ao ta at tra •' j A 4111