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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1924)
r "" ' ^ i-.~* [ Omaha (train _ a mi ti * *h * **a* •* i |i*«i i* kfk** a* fiiyil tfca a* >,*#. « «h**i m Ml*' »M ft b4 »# HliiiM * f|# »*•* ***4 l»f mMH » •«*»**• •H i a M«4 M *!• 1*041 <l|k 1*1 | IpRf MHaf # •# 0*4*1 1^*4 taaat f*d ****** •*(I t* • a *** ■*•# - {** 4*4 IN RMif I |4«4 »* 1 « 1**4 •*•*4 * aa*d pa**«#Hf !* £*-♦***«» •f »«!• **♦< IM I* #*f •*** • laa ••! **»• «t *M Mth t**' *• |hM!9 * 4»* f>i* >wM**4 *M I Ml 1**4 *i*l *o# •**• vifilll! ** • M I |H H4»f *# * t»a*a * * * * »*4 Oka* •*#*» «*t# • *-* »k* »*4 4a t* *•»♦*!**< ***** a*oa§ ♦0*0 a* a t***d ^ ** !»**» Po«**9»*a «**a *4 e*»* ft * a*d bt'iat a**t*d a* HMfH alii RNfMli aalaa »m# r*f**tM e*, MtH 1 Mia al |4k| *• h**» ttatM 4 a#l**i •*!*• WNIAt At | h*»4 1 ra* •» M 4 liniri* «aia*4 I aat, li* rttpA N* I «kM* I rar* Yl%f| I car fir j N* I *|»m# I rar ?fe N« I aim* 4 ra*. fir Nr | itfiro 1 • at. ftkat • r*** f**1 j | *|4|*« 4 t •** I rara. H • «ar* 14* 1 r*a» fill* Sf. 4 J* ir* ft ••*» tl* I ra 1 a, !fHr I **ara. 9m*; I tar ff> armpta I ••». *> A* # ipiaad t rara »l* No I tufted I *-*. ilH- 1 r»r *?r atr**?'la mii*4 1 ••* Mf. I *»*. **» ! OATS At taltt rapart tt to If It t *0 Rally lt*ytrHtn of l*raln f«rl»r4 WIIK, AT Wtrd vlnitr; I **r, Na. I: • rara, Na t; I ■-***. Ko t * Mired: S rar*. N" 9 1»ur*im S rar*. No I. Total. It rara CORN Tallow: 1 rar. No. 2; 7 rar*. No. 1. 12 rara. No. 4 1 « ar. N'o. * Whlta? I **ar. No 2; T rara. No. I; t f*ra. No. 4; 1 rar. No b Mlard: 1« rara No. 2; 1* rara. No. 4; 2 car*. Na «, 1 rar, aatnpla. Total, f2 rara. OATS Whtta: II rara. No. t; • rara. No. 4 4 rara. aatnpla Total. 27 rara. R T 1C Ooo rar. No t. Total, 1 car. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlo! a. > Raralpta— Today Wk A*o Tr. A*n Whoat . * * *• Corn .. 1** ** Oata .. *4 ** Rya . , J Barley .. 1 Shipment*— Today Wk. Abo Tr.Aa* Wheat . ?o 2* Corn . 1M 141 227 Oata . ** fj . Rya ... • • 1 •* prVmary receipts and shipments. (Buahela. > Reoelpta—- Today Wk. Ago Tr. Agn Wheat . 679.000 328,ono 972,ooo Corn .1.270,000 775,000 B73.00O net. .1.029.000 439.000 67*. 000 RhlpmenU— Today Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. Wheat . 698.000 427,000 604,000 o rn . 985.OO0 890.000 471.000 Oat. .. 942.000 668.000 657.003 EXPORT CLEARANCE. Bu»h»l»— Today Yr. Ago Wheat and Flour . 356.000 82S.OOO Corn . 17.000 103.000 ' CHICAGO RECEIPTS Week Year Carlet.— Today. Ago. Ago Wheat . 1* J3 ,33 Corn . 60 108 104 Cat* '. *1 55 ®* KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Wheat . ** *3 216 Corn .126 65 84 Oat. . 2* 1 22 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Wheat . S3 31 144 Corn .174 91 1J» NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Mlnnaapolli .130 36 268 Duluth . 36 31 15 Winnipeg .311 J** 13* Minneapolis l.rnin. Minneapolis Minn . April ?! «T” rash: Ng. 1 northern. ll.ll%#UtS; Xo 1 dark northern spring, choice lo fancy. I1.JIM 01.29H: good to choice. 41.1734 01.I2H; ordinary to good. »11»> 01.1IK: May. 11.11%; July. $1.1»V. September, 41.11*4 , . rorn—No. 1 yellow. 72J407S’4c^ Oats—No. 3 white, 44%®4l*4*. Barley—410 73c. Bya—No. 5. 41042c Flax—No. 1, |2,4;h07A7H. 84. lamia Whial. St. Louis. April 1». —Wheat —May, 41 'i.3T40t.#4: July. *1.05*4,. Torn—May, 79*.c; July. 49T*e. Oat a—May, 4914c._ Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis. April 14.—Flour—Market unchanged; bran. 432.00. RITES MONDAY FOR GRANDMOTHER. 84 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Petersen. 34, known to the neighborhood of Forty fifth and Cuming streets as "Little Grandmother,” died Saturday at her home, 457* Cuming street. She Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. C. P. Hansen, and a son, Sam Peter sen, both of Omaha. There are four grandchildren and four great-grand children. Services will be held Monday after noon at 2:30 from the residence. Rev. K. H. Jenks will officiate. Burial will lie in Forest Lawn cemetery. Mrs. Petersen came to Omaha from Henmark 37 years ago. DOPE PEDDLER TRICKS SLEUTHS Narcotic Agents "William Carroll end J. J. Manning have been waging war on drug vendor* In Omaha. One suspect in particular they have trailed for several days. Saturday they arranged to buy some morphine from him and armed with a marked bill the two officers repaired to the rentezvous. A capsule was delivered lo them and they paid with the bill. Then they arrested the man. An hour later at the Federal build ing they avamlned the caupsuls. It contained confectioner's sugar. No “Look Out” at His Home, Drug Peddler Is Nabbed Harold Washington, 1 SI 0 Jones street, was arrested Saturday after noon by J. J. Manning and William t'arroll. United States narcotic agents, for selling drugs. HI* arrest earns at his home after twice evading the of ficer* At Hi* South Fourteenth street. ,, The agent* declared that Washing ton worked from a room over the Monarch pool hall, and that s sliding panel In theMoor wa» used by a “look 9Ut.” ADVEKTIHEMENT Deaf Hear Instantly Annudiig Invention Brings Immediate Relief to Those Who Are Deaf. A wonderful lnvrntlon which en ables anyone whose auditory nerve Is still active to hear all Bounds as clearly and distinctly as a child, has been perfected by the Dictograph Product*! Corporation. Suit* 1304 A, 210 W. 42nd Street, New York fitly. Thera I* no waiting, no delay, no danger—but quick, positive, Instan taneous result*—you hear Instantly. So posltlv* are th* manufacturers that everyone who suffer* from deaf ness will b* amazed and delighted with thla remarkable Invention that thAr are offering to send It absolutely free for 10 day*’ trial. No deposit— no C. O. V.—no obligation whatever. If you suffer, Uko advantage of their liberal fra* trial offer. Send them your Add Address today, t I^w——w I Hi wa Chicago Gain I L , - ■ ■— ft . . T If ~-.IT - -1I1W1B 1—1 * ift *|* i#*H *• lH4*f kM *| •» fft* M **#W t# twr*** * * ft ft* 1 •• • is* ** t •’ •»**'**• (■♦a •(.. ** '•**$' w - *»» ft-* g w i •*» a ma m*im» i* i *•* «* ***** i«#**»4 •« *.* *-##» “b# ©ft*©* I’* »#» •#** m a*©# a «-^ft Hi! a* « i* Mi*< p« * • * • ft* *|* H* Mw* «M * * *§ ««•*•» * |i*rw# ift*#**** «•#•** ♦*•* *M« t'H t* *V» H* #*e*«4 !%• IS ft*tbft« ftj.ft kf H' *#k*' H*l IH* Ift %• ***** IN -*• r«'*4 *M *• *t **«%)« •%*** Hb* »**ft*** '• ik| | *'*»a * * i * Ift* I Hu* t**> Wit||i tiift *<.. fliiftl iiftitiikftt ft* I|m , f ftiftt ff fiftft# ftf. •ftftvft *• **•-♦•* «♦ ‘iif. *tt;* * a ** #* nt« I* fc< tft# 4 vftftftHt'ft fttr y ft rflftfli ftftft |Hft ftftMhftft** 111 4***ft§* *HM»t tftHH ft ***** iiuft- i iHffctui tftfftftifti ** an##* ... *•) «#>»* ftf n* b (.i Id • MnlftliH » 11 »f M »l ftf ftfe*ftf #f *Hft i*4 *r Ik* rift* **ftftftft i|»a »♦*( fiift «d4m**«i la im mark** « «a ftf *♦>•« «»«* lV. •• *Ht » ih" Hit |1 M%9I Ha. a*4 J«t». H «*S«H . ft^mft »*♦*»#>* w«4» •• -•* «t«r 'eg the *ftftHiftft fed** ftftd ti*i*4 *»** a Nlf* and *»«ftt*f Mi> *'ff an **H> «* ♦ tttft ft* IMIH r<| ft#1M*lf *»? *ft* Ha* llkblii ft ftlHtfc ftftlbfti V !.**»!• fo?l«Wftd km* fftvftred In* •» P#ft *H»ii failed ift ftr#k»ft Cash • »»! ft demand ift 1*1*1* ilftfHftied with »h# premium* UH y. S'« <M|Mrf*ftl trlhl'ti ftftifted The c'ftfte ft** f'«*M *1 «He **ftift •» Thu»ftd*x ft # tibftft to »*r hifher May 7 i ** • * ♦ S fte* I ‘ tlfti.* *«'*-• ill oft** .Mf»Mftii»d through «he day and pH'** backed and filled. finally fialalitnf with a fta*!l*mol lee* Ryw f.»l!nn*4 whaat h'*her Short rev* ariftg w*e Ihr day*# »n tht* grain. l»*o\i*ioo* tier#* eiieedlngly *l«w with pHrea little rhnftfed Ijird net we *hanfed and nh* w< re t>|r hither. Ptt ^«dr*. Chicago, April It The bulk of the bad crop report* come from the win*e> whaat field* of Illinois Orowint weather It apparently umotering wider anrtad dam age than had been previously reported and high figure* on abandonment being predicted one eg|»ert as lng prob ably 17 p**r cent and perhape mora If oeather ahould prov# unfavorable from now oil. Haulage on the Kentucky and Ohio alao haa been Important. The excellent outlook In th« aouthweat to date counteracts damage romplainta from nearby Today the reports of drouth in Washington and Idaho and the la< k of moisture In the nearer northwest state* was freely commented upon On the whole, the trade In many Instance! wm Inclined to regard the domestic wheat situation i*on»iderablv Improx ed and ft-orthy of conatructlv# Ideas at prevail ing prlco levels. The movement of old wheat off the fauna 1s light, and the trade look* for a big decrease in the United states visi ble aupnly figures, to be posted Monday. With the opening of navigation strictly shipment* out will fti^.e up fairly well, no doubt. There were two boats that left rhifago over Friday night carrying about 400.000 bushel* of wheat The Stralta of Mackinaw are open and the Son about to be opened What is the sentiment among farmers, country banker* and others directly con nected with agricultural product* regard ing proposed legislation at Washington on price fixing” Judging from the xe*i that the politicians are expending to put over thewe uneconomic bills one would imagine that the entire farming element were back of them On the contrary It arrears that they are not. From Sioux City. Ia.. romes the information that far mer* and bankers there and in the Mis souri river territory are satisfied with price*. They object principally to the nleh-prlced machinery, all of which hB§ led to less wheat acreage. CHICAGO CASH PRICES. By Grain Company. Atlantic Ml? Art. I Op.'P- I High. I l.ntr. I Ctnae. I T-a. IV h t. I I May t ins*! 1.04V 1.(12* 1 "4* t.M* | 1,05 t. I.! 1.04* . July 1 1.o»* 1.04* I 105* 1.J6* 1 os 1.06% I.!. 1.66 % j 1.05% Sept. 1.06% 1.07% I 1.06% 1.07% 1JJ% |.I ...... . 107%| 1.06 Mn .os * .MV .os* .00441 .«»«* Julv I .07*; .*«*! .07* .«s*| .0744 :«a! .-»» ' :?« :?25i :«* Sept, i .78%! .7*%! .78% -79%. .48% i.!.!.79% I. May j .47*1 ’ .47*j .47 .47JjiJ .47% Julv .44% '.44% .44% '.44«J| 44% Sept. | .40%! .40%! .40%' .40%| .40% Mav* 1095 110.95 10 92 10 92 110 92 July 11.17 11.22 '11.16 111.16 *11.16 Mav 9 *7 10.00 9 97 i 9 00 9 92 July ! 10 22 [10 25 110 22 '10.22 110.17 New York OiMWl. New York. April 19 — Rye—Steadw; No 2 western. 75%c f. o. b. New York and 76% c r. I f. export. Wheat—Spot, firm: No 1 dark northern eprinp. c. 1. f. New York domestic. It 40. opening navigation; No. 2 bard winter f. o. b. 8122: No. 1 Manitoba, do. 11.16%; No. 2 mfced durum, do. 81.20 Corn—Spot easy; No. 2 yellow end No. 2 whi*». r. 1 f track New York domestic, all bv rail. 97%*v No. 2 mixed do. 96%^ Oats—Spot, steady; No. 2 white. 590 E9 %r Lard—Barely steady; mfddlewesf. $11.80 011,40. Rye Flour—Easy; fair to good. $4 000 4 20; choice to fancy. $4.2504 50. Hope—Firm; Pacific coast 1$23, 86 0 39; 1922, 26029c „ Pork—Steady; family. $27 00. Barley—Firm; malting. 91 to 94c «. t. f. New York. Flour—Quiet; spring patents, 66.000 6 50: soft winter straights, $5 0005 80; hard winter straights. $6.5006 00. Cornnmal—Quiet: fine white and ye! low granulated. $2.22% 02 25. Feed—Steady: city bran. 100-pound sacks, $28 60; western bran do, $28,500 Hay—Firm; No. 1. $.10 000 31.90; No 2, $2< 00029 00: No 8. $23.00 0 26.00; ship ping. $19.00021.90. Tallow—Dull; special loose, 7%0<%c, extra. 7*ic. Hire -Firm: fancy head. 7% 08c. Other articles unchanged. Konan* City firuln. Kansas City, Mo, April If--YFhrat.— No. 2 hard $1 0001 24: No 2 red. $1,09 0 1.11 ; May. 9«%r, split bid; July, *8%r bid; Beiiiember. »9%c hid. Corn—No. * white, 74 0.6c; No. 2 yel low, 79%0*Oc: No 8 yellow. 77 077%*'; No. 2 mixed 75076%.; May. 74c bid; Julv. 76%c asked: September. i4%c bid. Hay—Market unchanged. New York Dry Hoods. New York. April 19—Pry gf.ods mar kets were very quiet in the primary di vision today owing to the wide observance of the holiday Trading was very light In cottons, wools and silk goods. New York Poultry. New York. April 19.— Poultry— Alive: market steady; fowls, by express. 89021*-. Pressed .Market firm and prices un changed. _ New York Dried Fruit. New York, April 19 Evaporated sp plea. dull; prunes, irregular; apricots, steady; peaches, firm; ralalna, steady. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. April 19. - Poultry—Broil ers. 2e lower. 290 44c. Other produce unchanged. Duluth Flaxseed. Duluth, April 19- Flax f’loee* May. $2.39. July. $2.84%; Heptember, $2 21. New York silver. New York. April 19 Her Silver—«4%o. Mexican Dollars—49'xc. N. Y. Curb Bonds V_J New York, April If—Following la the official Hat of transactions nn the New York Curb exchange giving all bonds traded In Domeetlr Bonds. Rales High. I.ow Close 1 Allied Parker »•... 7 2% 72% 72% I Am I, A T 4a _104% 104% 104% 1 Anglo-Am Oil 7%e.l01% 101% 101% 24 Assd Rum Hdw «%■. 10 90 90 2 Beth Rfccl 7a MS...102% 102 102 1 Charcoal Iron 2a... 27 97 97 7 Cities Service 7a C. »4% 94 94 % 1 Hon <laa Tlalt 8%a . »9% 99% 99% 2 Hon n.aa Balt fa...102% 103 103 3 Hon Textile 9a. 48% 48 48 6 Con P A H € % a §2% » * *4 1 Deere A Co 7%*...100 100 100 I4 Detroit Edison *a..J04 102% P'4 1 Fed Sugar 4s '23. . . 94 99 94 1 Fie her Body 4a '28.100 mo loo 2 «lair Robert 7a. 97% 97% »7% 1 Helena Hid Oil 7a..lUf> 108 108 1 Int Match 6%a... 9.1% 9.1% »;i% 8 Kenn Hopper 7a... 168 104% 1**8 :f I#ehlgh Val Harb 8a §7% 97% 97% ¥ i. Mr% a i. in.ioo<; mot; mo% I Manitoba 7a . 97% 97', 97% 14 Mkt Rt Ry 7s.100 »9% 100 4 Nat leather 8a..., •« % 9« % 90% 29 Neb Ht Pow 8%a... 99% 99% 9f % * Phil El 8 % a *83_100% 100% |0«% 1 p r (* of n .r 7s...io8% 108% m«% 2 Pure Oil 8%s. 98% 98% 95*4 2 Khawsheen 7s .2«H101% J0:i% 8 Ht. OH N V 7s MS.. 101% 101 % 101% I Ht nil N Y 7a M8. .104 104 104 7 Ht OH S Y 7s ’24.. 108% 108% 108% b Ht OH N Y 8% a... 10«t; 108% 108% 4 Hup OH 7s.103 10? 103 14 Hwlff A Co bn. .91% 91 % 9|% 10 Kn y, I# A P 8%a . 98% 98 98 I In Rys Hs v 7%s. .107 107 107 1 Vacuum 011 7s. ...108% Iok% 104% I Vslvoline 7s .101% 101% 101% Foreign Benda. 4 Netherlands 8a .. . 90% 90 »e% 7 MmI'S flnv 4a c*fa 42% 9?% 9 \ 4 Hwlsa S%a . 98 97% »7% I Ittln la .«••••••#• 91% 92 91% Omaha Ijvmtock rtwftM Af4*i It i h* * i i •♦->• ia*id p i* •• ••§ i diittii y ♦**» 1**1* J « *i*i*| . . - ■ »— - - ~ - ~ -, i 4 I aft] IMINII snwfftftftf it f*»Jl Iltodi t I .♦ft I* • J*4 * t eft , • tfe « *#• * H «M IMt * i*| !•>» *%» »a Helm I* **o flpjff UftMi i bat if» ** *W n [N l$b«i I bfteNft i ft It ft tfft fcf if* It* IM M*m *i III *Mfl CmH| * at**# bft.ftffdft h*ft4 tb* #|M eft 41 ♦ I Tfti **»M* pMeftft **###S*>4 ftftl t-“4lfte j »b*| * ft'-* ftfteb 0ft ni f*a#*a *-f *"*< »**41 Vwchi ibHkft #«»•#***§ ftbne »aa*'4«ftga »M fttfti* t* •*.««• ft«f • .»•(• *•! ftftbfe a *41 l»|if| ***• Owe* ft#4 ftbfth t* [>».#:*•* W*v|tH| <#(*»• III ft*-’j lift limtM taw •»#*’* b'ttft fell 1ft till* ft..11 •* a |t|t» <#»•• *♦»>•>*] •• b*t> ft* I* *• **•**! *i*e *(Hi • *•<! tft#y • •a ftftift ft*ftftdr bet M0VH ifc'i a*4 **ft4* It iftftfte* ftftift dftH iM ftftb t* f H 1* ft * I 1 kft ts#**ii flCTlfell •**• *•♦•• tl t*M>4 tftdfti ft gftfttbftt ftftft • •SAlftal**] | WoelftMftftft ftft Ifttllft *> tft *• »»'*«*• j la*****. lift f*p Mil, fiMl tft rpnfoftj |ii#*t#ft III Iff I* lit ilii I* |«*4 bftft * •• I |ft 11 p 14 •*> t i'fttni«# *• *• f pft* * ftft. I* t»i * i ,*»*# t» fttim* tftiHmpft lift «•' fell M, g»«*d (ft file** ft |r«lt1iMt •*•*•'* | if Hi fait *• ft*'ftd |ft*i tliftft !• (cftftniftftf* *«• fair yaathese |l 76# « 76. ItitHi im * !ift*t * fM iHitftift. $1 lip lit.] Ifttr fa f*d tifttfftfte |* tom | I ie«<n tft fat* fed bft(f«*# la. f I# ft t* It hot ft i ft J.tttft* fed I ftft * ft ♦•*‘01 6" f«M»d (ft t bo left fed • aft », •*■ ft! |t T Ik. fair tft gftftd f*d roftft. |6 !•«••»(». >90111101 (ft | fait ted i on •. $*iafrtf!, g<** d t*i • *«<*• teed* tft, M II #1 I*. fair to not'd fft* dftt *. | IMif M*. on mm oft u fait f**d*n. la • " j f i II, Iiood lo thill*# Mo ftftfft. •' up I I If, fair tft food at ockata, |aia«»7 !u.i jrointnun fb fair •*©» kera, |6 76|i, trashy stoker# |( l«#Y 61. •(•< k h»tfeis, II Itfi i«. f»a4t«f caws 1*610121; Hot k ■ » /7 4.2s, atu. k <»|wi, 94 < hftlia, stag*. ft* M :J#7.I« Hot*—Receipts, 1.100 head A good ion* again dominated local trad*- An other light supply waa at hand and firm to allghtly higher quotations at other points tended to ••lengthen prices and movement tt* shippers ft as under way I early at la\ala fully steady with Friday., Tha packer market was also active at; mostly steady figuiee Hulk of the sales ! wee at 97.0007.20. with top for tha day,1 97.20. While a alight touch of easiness pi availed In the trad* early In tha week value* strengthened on th* cloaa being I around 1601'>c higher than last Batur ! day. HOG F No. Ac. 5th Pr No. A v. fth Pr 72. 1«0 ]»ft 9 6 76 4*. .1*7 9 6 » 3ft. . 170 ... 4 *o 97. ..142 320 - *2..212 70 7 05 to..201 74 .... 3*. .213 ... 710 sJ..27* . 44..244 ... 715 *6..206 . 71. . 260 . 44. . .143 ... 7 20 45. *19 . 61..24* ... -] 8hesp—Receipt*, 260 head. Tha few 1 | lambs at hand were hilled direct and tha market nominally steady. A llttle| weakness was apparent In tha killer lembj t trade during the greater part of thia: week and prices on the close ara a big quarter lower than last Saturday'* level*. Shearers also slumped and are fully 601 off for the week Fat wooled ewes show a decline of around 26c with ahorn off He. _ Quotations on Sheen snd La-nba— Fst lambs, good to choice, $15.60016.26: fat lamb*. fs*r to good $14. >0015 60; clipped lambs. $13 00013.76; shearing lamb*. $15.10015.10; wethers $9 00011 50; year lings fio.00011.00. fat ewer light. 99.00 011.25; fat ewes. $7 0009.75. R,<-»trt« and dl»pn«il!on nt llv».ti>rk at th«* I'niun *tock 'srils, Omaha. Nab., for :♦ hour* anrtlmr at s p nt . April It. 1*.4 R RfEI PT!4—CAR IjOTy Cattle. H't*a. Shaap. C P R 1 . *-1 1 r * N w »aat. 1 C A N W wear . 1 42 r St P M * O. IS r. R A- 4 -am ■ ■ • • • ,1 r R A Q «**, . J 1* C. R T A P . 1 c <i W R R - J - • Total r»f«ipt. .... 4 !*• DISPOSITION—HRAt) Hoar Armour A Co . Cudahy Pa.k Co .3??J Morris Packlnr Co .11J4 swirt a co . Kenneth A Murray . J W Murphy y. "* Total .:. «” fhleHCO l.leeatoek. f’hlrago, April 19— |U. f Department of Agriculture)—Tattle—-Receipts, &,^0. head: for week < hol« * beef steer* and light be* f h-|fer*. 25 0 40c lower; Inbet wen grades weighty steers and light yearling* "bow ing moat decline; extreme top »teer». $12*0: highest of the season: »»eet y*ir ling*. 111.SO; bull* 10©lSc lower; vaster*. Tfr off; Mocker* and feeder* 2Sr higher, bulk price* 'ollow: beef ateer* and year ling*. SI.S0O10.7S: "torker* end feeder*. $6 _'6tt7.75; f*» *h« etock, IS oO©a.5, canner* *nd cutter*, 12 8503 19; veeler*. If 00© 9.SO Sheep—Receipt*. 2.000 heed; receipt* moatly direct; few sale* good clipped Iambi. 114 3ft: eteady; for weak around 7.000 direct; 17* rare feed lo»*. compared week ago. fat limbi around Sie lower; sheep, fto to 75c lower; top fa» wooltd lamb* for week. 115 50; b«ilk price* fol low; fa» lamb*. 915 50© 16 IS ; spring lamb*, |17.00© 21 00; fnt we(h**r*. It" SOM 1? 00; fat ew*f. 110.59© 11.71; clipped limbi. 114.00© 14 65; flipped eye*. 19.75 ©1" 25. Hog*—Receipt*, ft.ono head. alow, most ly steady; hulk good *nd choice 240 to 310-pound butcher*. 97.6007.60. bulk bet ter grade*. 100 to 210 pound weight*. |7 25 ©7.05; few choice, 200 to Soo-pound av erage* topped at 97.99; bulk parking aowa. $6 .ft 0©6.»O; killing pig* alow; mostly ateady; bulk deMrabl* etrongwelght. 9*.oo ft6.2:,; estimated holdover, 6.000. heavy weight hog*. 97.4007.05; medium. $7 40© 17.06; light, 90.9097.00; light light*. 96 00 ©7.90. packing sow* smooth. 56.*0®7.0ft; pecking aowa rough, 99.6091.80, slaughter | pig*. 94 7590.50. *t. lanl* Uvealock. K*at fit 1 #oul*. April 19—Hogs—Re ceipt*. 6,000 heed; early "ale* to butch er* and shipper* moatly I«c higher; bulk | god light hog*. 97.OS; few be»«t load*. 97.70®7.76; most heavy butcher* unsold, packer* hid 5 to 10c lower; few sale* 97 5097 56; light light* and pig* Mead*; 110 to 140 pound*. 99.2507.01; bulk pack er sow*. 96.60 ® 6 65. rattle—Receipt a. 500 head; compared with week ago: native beef ateera 26 to 40c lower; native Texans, 16 to 2Su lower; quarantine T*x** 25c lower; llaht yeur linga and heifer*. 60c lower; choice beef cows steady; other grades 2 Sc lower; light vealef*. 25' lower, other r|*«*es Heady; top matured steers. 111.75; long vearltng* 91076; light mixed yearlings, 19.11: hulks for week: native beef steers. 97 25fflOf,0: T ex m * steers 97..’5®*.00; \earlfng* and heifer*. 17 2661 % 50; beef row*. |.i 6 60 <■ tinner*. 92 40©2.00; bologna bull*. 14.256' T..0O. ypeep—Receipts, ISO h-ad: for week * fat lamb* and yearlings. 50 to 7hr lower; ahaep market 2S to 50c, lower; hulk week* supply wool Iambi. 914.7ft© 15.71; fop. 916 00; hulk clippers |14 «0©|4 7ft; hulk wool ewes. |11.00©11.60; clippers, 99 0009 §0. Many City rattle. Sioux niy, la.. April 19 -CatlU—Re ceipt a. 100 hea-1 Market compared with week ago: Fat ateara and yearling* ateady tu 16c higher; bulk of aalea, 19 60*10 SO; lop, lit.71; fat rowi and heifer* atrong; -ennera end cottar* ataady; veal* 60n lower; lop, *11.60; bull* atrong; feedera eteadr: top, |6.60: alockera w»ak; atork yearling* and oalvea ataady, 26o lower; feeding rowa and helfera ateady. Ifoge—Receipt*. 6.600 head . market etaady; top, 17 26; hulk of aalea. *7 00 *7.20; light*. *0 60*7.10; butcher*. *7 10 997 26; mixed. 16 90*7 10; heavy packer*. 16.00; ataga. *6 26; good plxe. *6.26 Sheep — Receipt*, 100 bend Market rnmpared with week a*o: Steady; wool lamha *16 25; clipped lamhe. *14.16; aprfng lamb*. 61100; light ewea, *1126; clipped awe*. 110 00. Kuneaa I'ltJ Cattle. Kona*. City. April 19. Cattle—Rerelpla. jno head; calve*, 60 head; for week Reef aleera eetllng about 610 00; ataady to weak; other fed eieere. S5«5o0 lower, week * top heavy eieere. Ill 66; hand walghi*. 111.21; yearllnae. 110 60; heller prod”* eh* *lncl< etron* to 10c higher; other eh* elnrk lo e ehed* lower; hull* eirong. calve* 60«76c lower, practical top veale 19.76; heller grade* alockera and feeder*, eteadv to etron* other* ateady; top feeder*. 19 00, hulk price* follow: Fed aleera. 11 00*10 50- Tern*. 16 0(1*7,*6; yearling* 17 00*9 00; beef cow*. *4 60*6 76; half-re 16 16*4 00; Con ner* and culler*. 12 26*9 76: bologna bull* 14 26*4.6*. alockera and feedera. *6 50*7.60. St. Joarpll l.lyeelock. St Joeeph. Mo, April 1*.— Hog* R* celple 1 600 brad; tnareal eleaily lo 6c lower; lop, *130; hulk of aalee, *7 I6W Cattle—Receipt*. loo head market nominal; hulk at-er* eah-a for wa-k. *6 60 * 10 26; enwe and helfera, $4.16**16; calrea, 16 00*1 00; alockera and feeder*, • 6 «o*a,on. And tjnitNI Racalpla ftSO n»im; ma-kat *1 •*>ty ; lainlm. $ 15.7$ O I • 35. ••^a*i, flu 60© I I |i Turpin line hii«I ftvinnali, da Anrll Ik -Turnsnllni Firm, *«©*$'»« . amI. a, 6|« Mi1» : «*• cal p fa, it* Mil* : ■hiptnsnla. 4J hbt* . mi ... iv. i7 i.i.i Roaln Firm; 1.AA4 rs*k»; "btp IT.*ntA. Ilf i asks, mnrfc. 54.177 « "aka • jindatInn* n $4 15©4 4u; l» $4 504$ 4 fir. I. $4 Aft* 4 Aft; F Mini II f< AO If, $4 AO© 4 70. I, *4 7 . K 51 $4 70«f » 75; W4l. * . tin, WWX. *P -n-n a in lion*! KnlrH ToUl hf*nd "all* $7,4$a non A V*ra*#» Ra* Tl«ur* T*n fir*» *ra«l* roll* aa 71 T*n **l«n*Tarv rail* . ... 14 71 T*n public tiMlltla* ...» *7 55 *7 M Ta,( ;udiiatrlala 54 31 • 'imMitad . . . , Al.AA lit* ! Combined month ... 17 1$ *... | Com bin «4 r «#o «... *$ 7» •••. f* .*4 i H *4 »M Ml ****** *4»M» » » (Ml I1 *> **» pTff ?** tftfl *|i *$ »♦• I- It ***** **•»»**## 41 I« 1*1 m#w «l *t H I |h, flit MM »*•; II M H,* **»4 Ac • !• *1 t*M fc-*4 *♦ *• I ■**• I* -• t*‘ 4#*** • Im* lit 1* 4ft MM **• 144**4 f»* *te* Hit. **t »!»• •***•*• *4 *#■§ «• (Mil 4 *4t4|4i|* •**» It hliH HI |**H4I Mil »*kMH * # ■ »« 4*» *t»* **t»**4 HI «M#t*§ *»• *fe**«4f ’ * 4If ft* 44 «M 4k*4ft4* rl n |4* *»4*lrt **4f fM 4 **•>•<!** •*• tfci IHM. ftf **•*. 4< f4t#«Ht *:*l Ml fWftlHk. r***»^il 4*4 **4*M» »*t*4 44tl»t ** *** 1*4*14 fM III* t»t |w|HHM9 HMfM 4M | .*to«4 *fi ***rt* tfi»*t »4*t* •’*»** |t M 4*4 f fr**M » »*M*t fn. ?»<* I* *t«**fki It*- **14 •f*#*' M* .ftf* * • ■ **>* • •* * * - **-» ♦ * IH*4 TH* orfftft* 4«H** ** fc*H»f*4*4i ** • tint** ■‘.ff* 'M ♦►* ww* »Milful 4*4 M»«MM ftt4lf*« tfc* f*fP4«4l '**4 f*44* |p wpi nil • th * * ** *4»* f*'1 *M l* !«*• »f*«*4 4# *nt« ♦•»* *f *t#k*r friiM f*t Hm*« ti*4*r «r*4* Im*» M • r>iM4 *r *4tm* 44*** *♦• ftMM t»* f**«t9t' lifIMp* fVtf*l**** M*t44«ftft 9*4* At*** lift* It, * **4 *"l«'ftlt «'tt *9 ‘'4!i f #>**»>• AtaM*i.1 *M| rt HI* Ji***' l»r*l.* k4M»* ft I* »H4 **• *4» ftlH Ik** I 441 tMirino »..»»r Btoforrod Mop* *’ • •» than * pnlM ia it* a *>•«► l*f« Withl* If. HIV atol iha lomn.n* 0io|.|.*4 •«* *•»’ (rg of thoo* 1oo»oo •I'BMWBIlr *>»>«• l» fiooo. id III On* MUUr ronroo of rto. moOtlr r.i-o« foliar, mi .ho nul>i|ealla« of (ho go.ofr.rr.or.1 »o|*or. lari .ailrti a ... ,1 warid rrofi of oogaf. New York Quotations | t./ New York Stork VCt«lM|l gustations furnished by J S, Barba A Cn . 1X4 Otlt aha National flan). Bldg Aja t Rubbf-i . ... 4 V Agrt chamlral .. .. .. »* • Allied Chemical . 7* 41 49* «»* AHi* Chalniara ... .. «3* 43% Am. Mart Sugar.. »4 An« Hraka S F . .7* Am. Cgn . .. 99* 94* 58% *4% Am. car At Fdrjr.144 Am. Hide A L. 4% Am. Hlda A I. . p. 4 t * MS ^*» *** Am. *»nt. Corp. 2°* 2** Am. l,fneee*l OH.. .. 14 Am. Locomotive. 71 Am. Ship. At t om.. J2* Ain. Smelting . . 40 % 4«* 40* *»»•% Am. Sine.ting. pfd.. . .. . MV* Ain. Steal rdritl. .. 34* Am. Sugar . 4 1* Am. Sumatra . IX Am. Tel A Tel.124* 124* Am Tobacco . . 143* 14** Am. W«vd#n . 44* 45* 'in 45* Anaconda .32* 12% 12* 22* Asad Dry Good*. . . . 9: Asa'd Oil . 3ft % 3ft :.ft 1ft Atchison _104% 100 !*»«> At)., Gulf At W. 1. 12% All** Tark .. 4% Austin-Nichols . 19* Us Auto Knitter . X* Raidwv, .117 111% HI* 111* Raltinrore A Ohio iiu M* 9.3* 41 Beth Steal . 50* 50* 80* »«* Bkyn Man Ry- 17* 14* 17 14* Bosch Magneto ... ... . 23% Bkyn Man pfd- 42* 42 * 42* 41 * Cal Tacking . 82 Ctl Petrol . 23 * 22* 23 21* C A A Mining .. 45* Canadian Pacific.144% Cerro de Pasco.... 44% 44 44% 45 Central I. rather . 12% 12* Cent Leather pfd . 39* 39% 29% ?9% Chandler Motora.. 44* Chet A Ohio.72% 71 * 72 71 CAN TV . 5! % 81% CM A St P. .14% 14 lt% 14* c M A St P pfd . . 25% 15 21 15* C R t A T . 23* 23* 23 * 21* c PI P M A O By. 12 chile Copper . 27% 27* Cluett.Peabody . 45 Chino . 14% 14* Cluett-Peabody pfd . .... 102% Coca-Cola . 45* 44 * 44 % 45* Colo Fuel A lion.. 30* 29% 2ft* 29* Columbian «%rbon. 4H* Columbia Gas . 34* 15 Congoleum .13* 5ft* 82% 53* Coneol Cigar* .. . 14 Continental Can 44* 44 44% 45% Continental Motora 7 4* 5% 4% Corn Products.145% Corn Prod (new).. 14% 91 29 ."3% Cotden . 2.1* 22* 92* 11* Crucible . 54 C C Sugar. 13% C <: Sugar pfd. ... Si* 54% 54% 5%% Cuban-Am Sugar.. 92% 32* 32* r:% Cuyamel Fruit ... 85 8.1 44 47 % Daniel Boone .... -4% 25% 24 2«% Davidson Chem... 45% 4 4 * 4 4 * 4 4 * Del Ar Hudson. .104 Dome Mining . 15* 1«* 14* 1«S Dupont Nemours.. .. 121* Faatman Kodak .... .. 107* 107* Krle. *8* Klee Slor Bat. 51* Famous Players ..49* 87* •** *7* Fifth Ava Hue ... 12* 11% 11* 1J% Flelschman'a Yeaat 49% 43* 49 49* Freeport. Tex .... 9% 9 » » Gen Asphalt ..... 94 * 34 34 14* Oe" Klee trie ... .211% IJo* 2t«* 2>2* Gen Motora . 14* !4 14 14* Goodrich . 21* 21 U 21* Ort North Ore . Ort North Ry pfd 54 . 55* 55* 88* Gulf States St 49 83 * 43.* {** Hayes Wheel. •: JJS Hudson Motors • • •• Hartman Trunk JJ* *8 34 18 Houston 011 87 44* 44* 81 Home.take Mining .. .1? liU i t !ntPEn«lCofn Corp. Jt JU* U* JJJJ Int Harvester. J * Int M ere Mar •••• ■ . j ■> 4i'tx 31 Int Mere Mar pM UH UK JJJJ JlJj Inter Nlrk.l . y* Int.rn.t I’.per .. ?:> Invincible Oil ... >*% 14 ;JU ij* Jordan Motor ... .1 •• * ;!«, K C Southern ... .. •• ‘J? K»SM. v::: 1U i?l }j% lKi.s'vIWj;w « ;% i|., liSS.wS?.": »u iu“k Truck”. : . ;•* •;* M.y Dept Htor... H’4 44 - J? * JJL Maxwell Motor A .. •• 41 Maxwell Motor B .. ■■ j| ni* Marland.-•••* ?{u 18 u n Mex Sea board 18* 1*% »" * ’• MU ml Copper.....484 4,4 Middle States Oil. .. * jJiJ M'dvala Steel.... •• -,a, Missouri P*c. . . •• # ji? st, Missouri Pac pfd.. H j J Montkomery-Ward 23 * 2 *% 8 Mother Lode. »* * J(|l. Nat KtiamH. % S1 g:«* ....'..tu* 1!4’* N T Air Broke.ju xi: ? Tr %-Vn,?:!*• . x* 4 N Y N H * H 1<V J}i» I','4 ji** North Am Co. 2* :)84 I14. North Pan. •• *1* N a w Hy.W'S rirnhaum. US J* 14 • Owana J*oltla. ■■ ... Paalflu Oil. OS OS 44 S «» a Packard Motnr... -• 4ju <«', k.n.Amartran;.;; OS OS Os OS pJnn«ylv«"la n * 44S 41S 44 J}^ r>rT'MaHiuad'ta... jjjj 4JJ* jjS JjS Phllllpa Pata. OS >*S ns riarra-Arrnw ..... ... • . **, Poatum i araal . ”x 4 Praaaad Waal C*r . 1)2 Prod A natm ... » «S }» ,)J4 Pullman .1 * J IMS J, Punt* Al Pug .... o* OS OS o • Pur* OH .... tt OS -*S >»S Railway Staal Pp. • *?I> Hav Coniolldaiad .... ’* Kparting . »% 4444 'Js ?}? R.adlng PH** ••• OS O 1J 'J 4 Rapubll* lr A PiI . «iit OS 44S 4J> xksw.'..:::: :::: * \\< SihuUaPIgar Pi'! j”: ^ ... MS Paara-Roalmt-k ... OS M JJS *4S Mhall Union Oil .. US II H 'JS Plnrlalr Oil .. Its I"S ») J! 4 Nlnaa-HhafdaM ... ■ fl }’ « Pkaily OH . n .IS US *4 pomaarn r.rlfl, . .1 M *» S « • Pout ham Railway II kis }*S Mandard o of 0*1 MS OS 4*> Plan OH nf V .1. MS 1*S J* -*’• ptawart-Warnar .. IIS 7*>S US I* Plrom farburalor .. 44 Ptudabakar . OS *4S OS }“S Hlurl* inaw) .... ... .... •••• n a Triaa to .. 41*4 44% 41 41 « Tel*. A Fertile . 17% 27% 27% 37% Tim km Roller . 34% 1* Tobacco Product*. 14% 11% 34% 44% Tobacco Prod "A”* . •*% Tran* Oil . 4% 4 4 % 4 % rinlon Perlflo . Ul 1*0% Un % Ml I rl'rd Fruit . 1*1 )** l»l H*% •If x i:»m Iron P . l*% 74% 77% 77 l! A Ind Alcohol . 47 04% 44% 44% If H Rubber .17% 27% 27% 24 If A Rubber pfd . 74% 74% II A Xtl .•*% •*% »*% »" % ft A All pfd . 11* lft*h fopprr. •*% 44% \ •lindlul'i .**••••. 23 \Ivnodon • * Wabimh .ft.ia R 1f’% 14% 1*« Wntmait * V* . <»% *'■> % <&% 4 % Yellow Cub . r. 1 44% 44% 40% Wr etein 1’n . 1*4% WnIIMI Air n. *• % •* » Wrntfpjr Kirn . 40% 40% 40% |f»% Wrntltiff till on . 1% While K*ff1* Oil . ... If* % 14% Wool worth (new) *•*• 79% 74% While Motor*.. »1 It s Wool won h i*o ...».31% Willy* overland . . . * % * % Wills* Over pfd 41 47 47% 47% Wit non 17% 15 13% 11% UiliMin pfd . ... 41 Worthing r . *4 V\ rlf l*v t’o 34% 34% 34% ’'4 hi Total **l*» nf *lnrk* today 117.1** •hir*4 Tnlil rale* «f atock* for the week 3 f.34 00 ghnrr* Th»jr*d*y total **l**. 110,100) bond* IIMM.404. f Ntw York Bondi ] i t«v ftd •• t«lilfj H rl 4 fc ft*# * fc-.-ft ft%| I n»i>it411 tMH n* *#m * * ♦ * f 14 f ** k* A ft «*‘» t»v*’ ft«*t4jtf fenftYkft* : [ 4 $«*««* wMit ■ •#*# * * ** * » 4 ' # MjlNNjift * ’ * * *%’ f#»Aft t*AA« (w* ! M#*_ l *»*♦•* *«ft #4 |•* *ft*ftH*«* w i| ft Mn#| #»’«*■» *4 fcl | IIM > * '»iH ftif :l|»t m**f-ft* * lift* ♦»*»n4 I* ftftift *1 »ft tllifH ♦* *•»♦ HI#* * *%* ft* *»=#,# An# • *M*k# %*•*# (ft >»*l< I* irftft* . «*»*■*,.» i« ft*«l * Ik* rftft*t*ftA fJT 1 In | !«*♦#■ ft *ft* 4 tf-ft*-* «• t|««t fef Mft (Hftflftl 4 k* ' <fftft If « *ft* mftftk »***♦ t|ki» In ft fiftHA #|4 f«» Uft* wnpm’A*#** ftiftnl ft* *i* ft* ♦ ft# * ** «t«ft»4 • « »■* M H»**§ Nf 4** ftlfttlk (Aft f (Id ft MtlMH * t A **- 4 *> ««<ftftl# ferf ft | |«»r . A#' ft #4 *|k# • A • • ♦ > * * »♦ * *f |ft**n ft f iHflBHt' ft**#"S* • *4 »ft* * »■* i • • * • * ft Mt Jft HA*+>pAAft *ft* ft* =_f»* *■!•*» *4 *ft "tl ***»’ ftft*( H*A ft**s fifa'Aft * f kft* fftft* t • RmmI* • ftftkftft tft |! ftft# • I* Aft !<•*» * «ft# til jjftHit i«a» * til tti tit lift irftHkr |Ai ««%A till lift HH IH 14 (<«» il i| it f* lit* Ml 14**14 M ('(• iftftf lift! Iftftfc 11*1 l4M !¥ • ' ft «\A 1ft* •• H ift Iftftftt if i ft lUtfti* l(%ft tftl tl 1*1 I Iftilt l'"M|i ’ >1 M HM )l ft% !t% 7t% 1* (| t* 1*1% 1*1% "1% { At tMMilf «| „ lit, I* 4* it A ilovi wti loan ?a It', aa aa A Ilia »f Potd Aa at % At •)% It i i«A*ati«tia i<at aa 114 a* a I‘Hr Itf l.ynaia Aa 11% 11% alia a illy «t Mar At Ai% It 11% 1» i* X A. Ian II * % *1 »l 1 1 Id ha Nrn *a Hu *4% MU It |»pi i>r Srlnr ti 17% »!% *7% ' l< V 1% nntra 'ft 1*1% |*|% 1*1% 1# ti »f r la at **% aa% aa% II l> Rail Indira Aa at at tt% at 1 £ K Indira at,a 'll 17 !<% 17 H Framartran 7%a .. a»% aa% »* *1 Frmrh Hr,. aa t*% aa*, aa% *4 Frarett Rap 7%a ar 41% t< 111 lapanraa a % a ... a*% an aa It .lapanraa lat 4%a 47% a7 % 17% !i <• .7* 71 7* ttrldum la .1»S% l«t )**% 1* Brlalum 7 % a .I*; 1*1% 1*1 It nrnmarX 4a . as tt% IS II Italy a % * . aa % aa% aa«a A Nrthrrlanda «a .... *1% at St at *4 tt Norway (a '41 ... at aa% ai It Sari.a Cr Slov aa... 7* 77% 71 a, I Mwrdan aa . . 1*7% t»t% 147% 7 rirlrntal Bay drli 4a as 47 as II r’ I. M la . 74% 74% 74% 14 Bnllvfg |a . aa «i% ai% S Oilla la '41.141% 1*7% 1*1% » 4 till* 7* . 14% *4 44% >* '',bI ,'V »<*a **'* *• % 7 El Salvador a 1 «,!**% |nn% 1*9% M Finland 4a .41% it% »1% I Haiti a* A 'AJ. at a*% an% SI Qurrnaland fa .14* 7*9 ]** i San Paulo a f aa... aa% aa% aa*; 17 Swlaa la .117% 117% llt% ti nnii a % a la..1*4% mi )*«% At tl B * 1 t%a '17 .1*1 1119a; i*na sa Brain at% as It Braall-rrnl It E Ta »n% a* «*•• 4 U S Mrxico 4a r-lfa. It 7f «S Mnmr.fl* * Am Agr C 7U. . 3" l!U 3* » Am I'.Minn Oil 3* «l>, 33 l, )|i. « Am Mm.lllnj «. . .injji, inj. 103:, * Am*r 3. ... . . MC3* •'**. SI Am.r Au*»r 3* ..KIOU 39'. ,3?, ” 7 I* TaVl" «<• »*<>!* 1«»’» l”\ *2 i Tr*,.r CO' 4* 44 *»3* 94 J 7 VV„W * K *71* *7i* *->, * Ana Cop 7a '31. . *7 9; 9 7 J* An* Cop 9* '63. .3* 9s* 3SV * Ar 6 Co D 6U«3n *3w 333. 3 AunilttM Oil «*. 87 *4 37U 31? ' -Z * ^ ^ 4# *’H 37 u 37 W •I *! c I* >S r ?• 4,1 "p *' S 3 1 ■» 81 S tl . ^ 4 N f t 4» lji| » 3 % »3 1? deb Si... 99 98 98 8 Balt. A o 8 a . .10; 101% i©iu ij 2* !! t i? cv 4Ha. 18 *7% 18 5't P* 1 r2M.4* *♦£ »4% 18 r T I* l*t a rf* 5a »« ft ft , i B «a S A . f«% M% 98% 12 Bt'.h Ftl £U| i»i- fcfi * Brie- HU Stl 8%s. 95% !{!? 2 Calif Pit «%. ;: 9*2 MU IIS J £*n ** dab *%• ..112% 112% 112% * i, ■" C**” dab 4a . 7|% 791 ■«]' it T r. * oh,° *•.... 07U 97* 97 ?* **ntr*l leather 5*. 94% 9 4t4 84% 20 Tent Par *rd 4a.. M>! la *;,* ! *']}*• * °b,o c* la.. 91% 9:14 93% *2 Thf"** *'*■ ,,43 »>H 71 7. tchn*« *V"V 34 34 34 * r,. * Q rf ** A.. t:\ 97% 97% ** f-hl * E III 8a .... 77% 77% 1 Chi Gt West in 53% fcju 11 r m A S» I* f 4%i IJiZ {ij H 4 4J Ch|M*W i* “ »*2 « « ‘ n£Vi£ Pwrfrff'.,‘r ??u ”s ?? *J lb,,# J’opper 8* .100*1 100% H»n% a !mVa 1" Tr *H 4-104 104 104 J Jo! A South rf 4%a *5% »4% 85% J £°LU4KI *B •*••■• o*% »*•% >M% * tom Pow Off 90% 90% 90% 1- ran# Coal Md in *7 88% 87 n i on pow Ss. 88% 99% 84% 14 rn H* d 8a.. 9t% ft% 94% JJ rub Am 8* 8« .107% 1«7 % 107% ^ T>el A Hud rf 4a . M% 88% 88% 1 P A n G rf le.. 15 3S 35 J r» A R o ron 4e 88% 88% 8*% * Pat E'llaon rf*% jo* 105 * Ppnt Mem ?%a....J97% 1«7% 107% 2 Duquaana Lt «• . 104% 104% 104% Imp G A FI 7 % a 90% 90% 90% 9 Erie pr Han 4s . . 48 48 as I Fr|a *en Pen 4a .. 84 S’. 84 84 88 Flak Rub fa .100% 100 100 11 Gen Elec d 9a ..loa% 100% lon% 11 Goodrich 8 %« .... 94% 94% 94 % 11 Goodyanr T 8a SI .101 180% ini S Goody*ar T 8ff 41.118% 118% 118% 10 Gnd Tnk Py C 80.103% 109% 103% 21 Gri North 7a A 107% 107% 107% * Grt .North 8%e R 98% ft % 94% 1 Hud ir M rf 8a A 83 82% 82% 3 Hud A M ad Inr &n 80% 80% 80% 9 Humble OAR 6%a ft % ft % 9* % SI 111 Pell Tel la_ 94% 94% 94% 10 HI Cent 8 % s .101% lop, 101% S III Cant 4s 83. 81% M% 81% 3 Ind Hteel *.« 101 101 101 38 Int R T 7s .87% l«% *8% 41 Int R T fa . 84 85% «S% 229 Int R T rf 8a_ 93% <0% 91% 14 Tnt A O N ad 4s .. 44% 48% «4% 13 Int A c» N 1st «s 95% 95% t&% 39 Int M M sf C»«. 93% 93% 98% !• 10 K r Ft SAM 4s 77% 77% 77% IK C. PAP is . 91 % 91 % 01 % 1 K C South la .... 49 98 % 49 10 K C Term 4s ... 82% 82% 82% 30 Kan OA Kl 4a. 94 04% 04 4 Kali-Spring Ta 8a 97 98% 94% 1 LI* A My la >8% 96% 98% 8 Magma t*r»p 7• J1&% 115% 118% 3 Manat! Hu« 7%a .100% 1»0% 100% l Mid Steal cv 5a . *i% **% *«4 11 M St PASHM 8 %a 103*4 102 1«2% II M K A T npl 5a A 82 81% *1% 19 M K A T n ad la A 82% &2% 52% 1 M P lat !• . OS 05 01 * Ms Pa*- **n 4s ..54% u8 % M% I Mont Pow 5a A .08 08 04 7 N K TAT let >4% »*’4 001* ]« N O TOM Inc 8a... *4% •*% **H a N ▼ rant d 8a....l0l 1M 105 ft N T C rAl la . 07% 07% *■% 5 N. T. r A H. L. 8a |0t% le|% 101% is N r N HAlf 4• 4M 49% 48% 48% 9 V. T Tel 8a. *41.105% 101% 10* 8 N \V. Te| *--n 4%a 04% •* *>% H N T. W A R 4%a 44 4 5% *> % M i m ft * li It* t III IN 1 i' t •* »■§ ‘ » »f*l • i* .. j if r*4>*| t ft H|| ill ill *♦ ?■##•* H •» t {* * i* m 5 ** u 1##% i If f* • M«M Itf it MS M % M I rt'!* r# m H liil 1*1*4 IffM I f I ft ' I i N I1! US If hftNft |H«f Vft It 111 tt| • I n»» ii«. <ft i* m » it i f«ii| tUiM i ♦ # iiiu itim ttfiii 11 |«4in >1* ih* if% **% iK I ImV*| t**r it P'j t**| HU li Iri ^lftl, A ft ft 4ft || ft If Htt P I •* *1* *‘S **il If St] i •* I | if I i A 1 *•% Itm tf% m *» I ft t f • *• Iff ff« it i« I » r im §♦ ii * ifti if* it i#»Kft*4 | f, mi HI ll HI tf Pft* A*r |, § || M M M • I#* A> I. 44 IS If iiii M * ► i r *» Off 1| || If H it m » iftn «*t ft»#, its Mu ifU • * ft Ifti# If IN I ft# IK Mil HI i p ft r«f» t. M if ft MS Mfi ft **««».#'* f»» rt ll ll | f« MS f« M'Mf# r»‘ 9 ti I* if l* M *-* Hftii *S* IM | Iftf |4« M |U*ft«P Pi i ft** i* li ft MS MS ft ftft^tfi pMl M it‘ft li * tl% •I hm I • It f»S If Aft *S It *'v.k| fl#It T t H 111 Its US I * i* « 4 If rt ««ti ii ft its i s fl ft'Mt TSm t tit ^ ims |*l S I Put F« ftf Of ?ft I? tf ti 1 t>« K III ii It 9t % M t Hm«4 %«• ftd* l# it 49S ti f* n »4 At# 4« U i U i t 'lift.* U ti?V IMS Ills IA T*»l#d. fift |* ft W «• Its US 74 S • I’ftf fi tftf li 141 S Him l*l\ fl I**,, fftf «• 44 S M1* ll S I I n !*•«.lf»i ■ v 4t 14 tft S *4I| I 1 '«i1t«4 f» »• MSS fits Ills 74 r ft n th ts* tiis 1*1 i#i ft i* * ftKl. ?# t| s **H H 74 i* t «<t t f it 1«« jt s til ft Mill rn* A l,t ii •• it it I ti C *7 7# 4S s MS MS f Vi tv |« t«S Its ♦ «% 1 WiSftli l»« Ip t*s ** *4 •••« I Wa»»t#r ii M*f ;» ,ims IMS MSS 4 Wni plf ft it i« S 4 W#itiR« r.w 1*7 S 1*7 S l*7H 1* Wftif ft l« t^S 11*1 IM, • 'V'k ftt#n Art 7* r« *&S «* 14 1 Mil A • « ■ f 7 S• *1 71 71 St Wllioi 4 f*« j*t «• «#S •• »l . II Wli 4 r> ev «• 7*s *7 *7 i Tottrtriiwn ft A T tiltN tf-S »4H Tfttil *•!*> i.f hnnd« I7SS.AM. f hlrtfii Nneli*. Furnished h> f S Ma< he A Co, 114 Omaha Nat’ona! Rank building Phone JA &H7M 13 R-d Aaked Armour A Co. U’a pfd . 744 74 Armour A Co, Del., pfd. ** *4% Albert P|<k .1« 13 Hassirk Alemlte .. . 34% 3| Carbide . ... 4«4 t7 Kdtar.r Com . . .127 1574 Continental Motors . 4 T4 Cudahy .. II II Daniel Boone . 2*4 74 Diamond Match .11* l1* Deere pfd ... •* *4 Fddy Paper . It ' 2« Libby 4 4 National Leather . 2 4 Quaker Data .54« J"4 B*o Motor* ............. 14 144 Swift A Co .1#*H 1**4 Swift lot .A . . . 5« 2«4 Thompson . 42% J-V wahi .** Wrigley .*« JJS Yellow Mfa <"0.4« Yellow Cab 47 I Foreign Fxrhange. New T« rk. Ay.rii 13 — Foreign ex ha f# strong Quotations in cant* Great Prlta In —Demand 4 37%; cable*.! 4,34; 40 day hill* on nanka. 4 IS % France—Demand 4304; cable*. 4**24 1 Da!**—Demand. 4 444. cahle*. 14 4:> Belgium--Demand. 3 42: r-ablea. 4 44 Germany—per trillion, 22% Holland—37 24. Norway—13 *4. Swed*o—24 Denmark —14 4f, Switxerland—1« 42 4 Spain —13 *4 Greece—1 03 Poland— 0 0**1? Caecho Slovak's—5 3*. Austria— <101 4 4 Jugo Slavta—1 24%. Rumania— 424 Argentina—33 00. Bra nil—11 24. T ok lo— 404% Montreal—37 31-32 I h lea go Potatoes. Chicago April It —Potatoes—We* k on while stork, firm on red receipt*. 74 r*ra; total t’ntted State* shipment*, ill ••are Wisconeln aa* k*d round white* II 20#M 7*. hulk 11.5401 40 Minnesota and North Dakota earked Red River Ohio*. |i 401x144: aacked round whit**. 11 10 01 20 Idaho aacked ru**ets. 17 44 02 74. _ New York Produce. New York. April 13 —Butler—Market steady; receipt*. 3,MI tuba. i:gga— Market irregular: receipts 23 ♦ 34 egaee. freah gathered, extra Grata, regular packed 5£02«c; frexh gathered, first" regular packed 2340244c. freeh ga»hered second* and poorer, 2303ljAc. Cheese — Marlret steady; receipt*. 14* "3. pound* Chicago Produce. Chicago. 4pr!l It—Butter H'gher; creamery extra?. 3*4^ »tand*rd*. 14 4c. extra Praia. 144055c. Grata. 330314c. eecond*. 7 2 0 524c Kgg*—Higher receipt* 2t.427 cases fir«?s 21%22*- ordinary firs’*. 200 244c •torage.pgrk extra* ?44c f uti. 24c rhlcogo Poultry. Chit ago April !• Poultry: Alim—t*n changed, fowls 230 24c; broiler*. 44 0 Mr; roosters lie. __ WHEN Will the Stock Market Turn Her the market reached bottom? * Which .ecuritie. will lead the advance? Our market review ha* a comprehensive article cover ing above question*. Copy Free o" Request P. G. STAMM A CO. Dealers in Stock* and Benda 35 S. William* St., N«w York .. Corns Lift Right Off-No Pain! Doesn’t hurt one bit! A drop of "Freezone” on a sore, touchy corn instantly stops that corn from hurt ing, then shortly you lift that bother some com right off with fingers. No pain, no soreness. "Freezone” removes hard corns, soft corns, corns be tween the toes and painful calluses on bottom of feet without soreness or irritation. 1 liny bottles cost few cents at an> drug store /■ ■ ■ 11 ' ■■■ *"**‘ mm V (IVtxliK r IHA •• MVHK ! *»•• k|< »« fit H»*»l t* 4* *4 **M j MU PMwII #*? : f|fp* tl p*im» •** pd?'*• t,+ 4m *♦• (Mft ###409 H tf|| It I ‘I* ft#’I# t*' «XNMMM| I#1411| #4*1 4 f ••* M#4 • * »M4Mt4 4tH*H |A ih vftiftkf « Hi |U ff* **■ #1 t**4*»f *•• vt Aetttwaed On*#ill »*t«M Mlt.K If || 0« IM f *4| m I UIMH I I IMHMI M tiw? imtlli MAI I* »■#! Ilinn* t«|i ft# to***# Wm##* M I MM Hi | ||| 1 **. | ffM * » m |M • * Mitt pm #*••**«# * » *« l|»« if #*»ndi §♦ *• Hi It PAMI ►»* *• | Hf#» #| 4 -0*1, ♦ #<1*4, KHMd M 4»*M4 *M» ffcAPwd *b« iftP m »Mt 4*4*04 • ««• h4r*'» end it* --*»§♦# »• • **'’* tbei* -tt» et**aey> tm Itrtf «e«t end f«t * ♦• ••« ** t «'*• tw #*• I t»H| *«t» ft'it*r»4 Iff oeo «»t>* I# *4, e*.«e4* lf> !*• Ml'Hf MHH t«* »•*•»!*** ' I 10 • tti . I I Mint 1M W0I9 »M<«n It afflH'i ft. • ..**♦*ff tv# 14*. tea I aiwert. II*. »b*<ka |#* ruuiiltT •** po****g at* <**d the t* !*»• > | p« • • # • for No i atm# All*#— M* Altai a up n I imp ee* # t « pat M* ; i*4«r im 4 foe a# 1 •«»* lit, t to 4 IP# It* HA hi fffrt Iff epr'nga »<*•>«!a in •- * «•§• « iwgi n • • • it#* a* V«i a*«4 full fe#lbored Up ll* a*-**. f#t ml full fNl4»i«4 II# jk lyrifia. Hil<4| IffRtff and he«s Iff «*d <«»»*• 1 »*4 N ? n..» Mill It* . pige*>ne |l (• per rl*. V Iba and «««r !#• far lb wh-Im iba . Ik* i<tr lb iff epita a>«# or rrip* pled txultrp wauled IlIMPt — liU»ett a*a pfftiffl f-c d r *•»•<! • hl'kiQi durh« and !•-**• Ml It a*l%b prt* ee and for d*****.j turkfte. I 4 4c above It*• pH tea detn« d*il**i art accepting •bipiuenta of drea»td poultry and aallfni same on la par i«»t turmr..* ■ion Paata Jobbing prices of dre*aed poultry to '• tallara Apriiigs. soft Ike: broilers, No. 1. tic; No 2. 12« . ben* **c roost# r» 244»22r; ducks. 3l#24r gee** 2««t2#*. turkeys. 12c. No S tur*e>a. considerably lata. FHKfllt rifllf Jobbing prices quotable at follows Kanry white fiah SO . lake trout, mkt . hali but. Jl< ; northern buiiheada. Jumbo. 2Sfp 24*. caifiah lvflM#c, fill*! of haddock 27c; black cod cabl* ftih ataak. Hr. ■tnAl'ff .ffUllc; flounderi 2«»t. craopHe. 2‘Ml 24c. blai k baas, 3kc , Ppaniah m»* h atel. Ik to : loan 24c. Kror^u ftth 20 Ic l#*a than price* above Kreah oysters, par gallon. 12 4«04.0«* Shell oysters and cisma. per 149 42 #0 CHKESE Jobbing prices quotaolo rn American cheese fan»y grade, as follows Single data Ira, 21’#'' doubla 21c: Voun** Amaritaa. 22He; longhorn*. 21 Sc. squire printa. J2c. brick 22Hc: Ilmb^rger 1 ib block. 11». imported Roquefort, Ike: New York white. 3t* nr.T.r cuts Wholesale primer of beef cut* effective, today art an follow* No 1 round* 15c: No. 2. 17c; No. I 14c; No. 1 loin*. 35c: No. 2. JJc; No. 2 Itc; No. 1 rib* 23c. No 2. 23c: No 3.1 lie; No. 1 chuck* I24c: No 2. 0V*c: No 1 plate* Il*c. No 2 3c. No. 3. 7c. FRUIT? Jobbing price* Applet—In barrel* of 145 Iba Iown| W'moaapa. fancy. I* 23. NBasourt Black Twig, fancy. 35 50 Jonathan*, fancy. • 3.60; Ben Davie fancy. 14 73 Jona thans. Iowa, extra fancy. 13 71; Ganot * 5 ; Lemons—California. fancy. par bo* 14 bo choice, per bo*. 33 to Avocados—(Alligator pears/, per dozen. !« 66 Apple*—In boxe* Washington Deli ciOul. extra fancy. 72-S6 *i*e. 14 00: Wash ington Wirefap* extra fancy. 12 75: fancy. 13 23 ; choice 1113. R«"<ma Beaty, ext/* fancy. 12 6; fanev. 1173. white winter Pearmain extra fanev. |2 $0f*; 75: Grime* Go»den wrenoed ll -75 Strawberries—Louisian*. pint*, II 25 per cr*te Grapefruit—Per box. e*tra f*ncy. |J«0 • 4.50: fancy. 17 25 $4 90. Fior d*. fan-*>. per ho*. 33.661} 3 36 Ornngea—California naval fanry *r cording to size. 13 35 & t, 60 per bo* choice. 25e !•*• <''ranberries-~J*r*ev. 56-l*v box**. |4 I Bananas—Per lb. *c; aoni* roller* aell Ing while they !a*t. 7c VKG KTAHI.KB Jobbing prieo* Kgaplant — per do* . IJ.d#? "6e p*r ’b Shallot*—Southern. f6c per do*.; home grown onion*, pe- do* . J»e. Cabbage—T#!erv cabbage, 16c par »h new Texas cabbage. 44« P*r lb ; crate*. 4c per 1U New Root*—Tare* b*e»* nnd carrot*, per do* bunrhe*. tfc; do, bushel. 12 66 Oniocs—Yellow in aa'-k*. per lt> . JV*c; rad. sacks. 4^r; white, sacks. per lb.. 3c. Spanish. r>er crate. IJ.f* T*m*foss—Mexican. logs. 12 I4g4 M Osier y—California, wr dor. . according it H lt#|l9f t 49 % |« t *9*9 J* " UiiiH H»4# | »# #4 MM 4* « |l I* Hfi * * | 1 44 9^ it* tf ft I i flr4»* fc»ifc» * **§<* ** 4 9m HHti 1? H |0»( *!-.>-* t H»u m* 1 fi» If tpi * |4 (W Wi t-. ■9Nf'9 9*4 *9* *• »» »» 8 91* _** g. . r>J9it4 *99*#?* ■#♦*' /•• w ***. KiuniHf 99 99 f*4 4*9 f it* * »l U* »« I* M Ffwii lN^ti4«9 fM 4 l 1^1**, #Bill4 lf*« *♦# Mf ** I** It* |F i 4 § | 4f fifN fM |l 4fWi -j* liMtiti 1 9 i* m If I* AtMiff# I*#* ft |p r *•►,*» *«.►*•*%* mi at »♦» l»* • • §• *‘V* p ii**4 PftMl |r H* it i Hfltt H*9**l 9»‘ in (I H hi itt i *»*# i*» f4* M It rsti* W|)|i Itstliif HI ilfiMl IW# ft! «f»p f i v i^iki i l *. |) fw> ifn* Ml t# * |rf*a*af 9*•*> m TtoM#*—44 p*» mii Mi i» ftp*#* f**4# *«*at*§1 , w 4 . »* i • |f • * • * If It ri* *&•# a til 9* *p44f« • A !'%}?• M«#> * I*1 • t*»mf If* **» ! *| Is 1 t- i 4*4 9 I *9*9 V Mam || par imiHM* • MH jaff I IH y<*f 1% . fllll ko**ao*»M*< l ||»M!! |Rl ff. *4 |" t-i-t til “• ,4f 19* Mftl.ti IKKt* Semina! qu .iircnt «l~n»k4 *«4 * HH* * fi Ifs*#ff* fh*t 199 f-a P f a i fa |l* IS# 2*» §p -4 rl#w, ll*M# |( ft*. |*-»1 « >••%#» Ml P4HIP99 IMH - «p |i Up* t| P‘ioan fffaa. lift# c ■ . t.M *■ 11 It 19. * im-.fl m ,* |* ft unman IS Ik rt,o\ n f*t mm fltfnftHia »eend |o«a itaa® *Mo tpriad}. f * t »'n •**• Ml«* 9 ** Titan* la M !** Mfa I* '.!•* I* r*t ht! faro ritar in if it unfa M *.*'• < ’* y<«f t9l »ht<• 4f nlk»* firlmMi ftf a»» It f# HAT I pi9Ml riai* ?•' v« V fl* No 2 |1^ I 'Vlf |«. NO * |TM#*OP M diat l Frair . I t’.»*#lll9; No 2. 119 34# It &9 Sn i 1C oo flan Lowland friin*—Ni J, 99.44# 19 II; No J |i an# I «f\ rack np May —$1 *94lt 14 Brraw—O®!, SI $9#) 49. aliMl. IT 19 9 • A# A if atfi—4?holr# 99194# 71 ••: Nn 1, •94*4H7144; atandaM. lit. >9#lif». No 2. $lzS«**M4«9. No 3, It4 99^l2*9 nif.vo woou tallow Prim qyoiaHtf a* follow* 4**’ »t»1 * * • HWan • Pfliotilhl1- No 1, k*.. So. ?. ♦c, rr*‘- 4c and Pi milia 4c and %■ . l>r»rd»H « (Ivf h<d*a. 71* Ml*. 13c and lot,.-; ktp t‘»r and Ik* , ®i*»9 »kin«. ,%1 i. s.ry f ' t hidaa. 10': dry talttU •'• dry g|!j#. tc: <tMf nn# T Sc aAffh: ho*** h*iiaa. I ?k and 12. aah; pon *• and ffluaa. Si .V4 titoh, rolls. 24c hop • kin* 1Jr ^ar*h Wooi-pHtu. 9190 to 1174 as'-h iamt« to f! 10 t*ch: rlip». no valvs. wo> . so# I V Tallow and Or*aar—No. 1 fa.low. I r, n tallow. V No. : inflow, \ fm*«r I'ff B trrcsir. it*, vfHoar praam. *’>»'■ brown »rr.,«* 4«-, nork * ra-k’ npa 15* n*» P^r tor If ■ f c*p klmf*. S ^0 par ton. i^paw^x. 120 90 par ior, -. — rtutter Market. Chleaeo. Apr.I 1* —The week end*** April 15 n the butter market* brought p- ■ »e to th» lo*Mf level* alnce Auf'Jrt, 1$22 but th* low prices csuatd soma reaction r*n buying to add to depleted • md *^T»e epecu'atlra Interest va* apparent The wh.o>«alo pr cm for 11 «• ore butter reached 31c at Chicago, IS1*** at Vew York SfftJftycc at Benton and 3<H<* *? Philadelphia on April 17. Fr-9?r.'y of centralized '•ara probab’v prevented n.ore abrupt decline#, accord ing to the Lrlted State* bureau of agr crl’ural <cconomir* in It* review latu*d today There «n ro explanation of the * ar- *v of ce^iiralixed Hi view of ‘n ^re®#*■ d product op a* reported by the Atner'ran Affectation of Creamery But*er Manufacturer*, eh.^h reported an in* rreaae of S *< per cert over the pr avion a week and <7 per cent over th# asm# period a rear a so At present pr e* fc-e'en arrivals whf'-h we-e ' omt>ara* ively !!gh* exerted little nfluoare n the butter » tuat.on. 1 feririnra Increase. New Y r.' Ap'-I If —The actual con dition of clearing hoots banka -nd fr’;*» nv/1 L*l C'ee for • fi* »'h-k rOnM an •* T C * «• In reaerv* ■ f S22.f7”,Btt. Th;» .* an in crease of |4#.7a5.?7«. AfM FRTT*F.MFNT. MONEY IN GRAIN *9» bay* fua*antee option an It AW frmhata Of wheat or cors. Hm Fwrikmt BtaA. A W*i» sent of *c from option pries ft#nn pun an •pportaB.ty to take last: te. |wt; fle. two We. WRITE TODAY KOR f ARHCUt-ARS and ERIK MARKET LETTER. (■vector* Daily Guido. S. W. Braack, Dept. S-2. 1016 Baltimore Awn K. C-. Ms. WANTED Attractive Business Loans PROMPT CLOSING Firit National Bank BMf. PUBLIC £& GRAIN STORAGE IN CARLOAD LOTS We are operating three large, up-to-date terminal elevator* ia this market—now at your service. WE ARE IN POSITION TO ADVANCE REASON ABLE AMOUNTS OF MONEY AT CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ON CRAIN IN STORACE. Write Ua for Detailed Information Updike Grain Corporation Omaha, Neb. J. S. BACHE ©> CO. Fatabltabod 1**2 [N»w York Stork Vtsrbargo u , I Chicairo Board of Trade Mambarr Now York Cotta* F.vcbango land otbor loading Exchange*. Now York: 42 Bra«4wijr Chicago: 10S S. LaSallo St. Blanche* and corraapondanta looalod ia principal fitita Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Foreign Exchange nought and Sold for Cash or 'arried on Conservative Margin 224 Omaha Nat'l Bk. BM|., Omaha Tslephenes JAdtsss itST-M "The Unoho lUTftw t#nt on npplt««M<M»—L«rr*»P«n n^** Updike Grain Corporation (Privftt* W»r» DtHTtma!) f Ckk«ff« Board of Tradi MEMBERS s V. AIT Otkar 1 ra4i»g Kt#k«R|M Order* for grain for future delivery in the prin cipal market* given careful and prompt attention. OMAHA OFFICE: Phone AT Untie *112 618-25 Omaha Gram Exchange LINCOLN OFFICE! 724-25 Tertninsl Building F’bone B-123S Long DisUnc* 120