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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1924)
| zs | The Omaha Sunday Bee | ima: ] VOL 111 NO. 41 PART TWO OMAHA. MONDAY MORNINO. APRIL XO. 19X4. I R FtVK ORNTM ; University of Nebraska Tracksters Lead in Points at Annual Kansas Relays Snl Hurt man Smashes Slml Put Rm>nl < <tintiu>kir W ♦•iulit Mail Timm** Shot 12 I- **«'l 7 .’1*1 Inch*** f**r Nt’w Hrlny Mark. l.awreno*, Kan, Aptll 11 Thr l‘ntv*r*lly of Nehraaka Irark and f old athlete* were leading the field m the annual f'nlverally of Kanaaa relay* her* thla afternoon at the end of IS event* The Oornhuakera totaled ?3 point*. Sed Hartman, T'nlveralty of Ne t.raeka ahotput entry, smashed the relay record for thla event when he hurled the ahot 42 feet, 7 3 4 Inchea. The t'nlveralty of Nehraaka half mile relay tram of Hatch, Oritea, Hein and I.ocke won thla event, hut y^mldn't amaah a record. Of the 15 eventa received, new ircorda were hung up In 14 of them. Trwin of Kanaaa State heat I.ocke of Nehraaka In the century dnah, clipping off thp 1(10 yard* In :1fl flat, and thereby setting a new meet record. The result*: 826-yard low hurdlM: Won bv Stanford Burleson college; Crawford. la. second; Jackson Texas, third. Weir. Nebraska, fourth Tim*. 26.3 Breaks meet record tOO-vsrd dash- Won bv Trwin. Kansas Statu Agricultural college; T^ocke of Ne braska. second ; Buckanan. Occidental, third; Nash. Occidental, fourth: Time. 16 pcconds: new meet record. T’nlveralty quarter-mile relav: Wnn^ bv Occidental. 43 6: Nebraska, second; Kan sas, third: Oklahoma, fourth. Special 126-vnrd high hurdles: M on by Crawford of Tows: Blanchard of M ssh ingtop university, second: Stanford of Burleson college, third: Clark of Missouri Wesleyan fourth. Time. IB.6. Two-mlle T’unlversltv race: Won bv Northwestern university (Calhoun. T.ove t-.nd Kahn. Martin); Nebraska, second: Kansas unlversitv third: Creighton, fourth. Time. * 04 2. Breaks meter rec ' rVlroad lump: Won. hy .Tones pepauw % Inches: Jackson. Texas. .3 Pet 9 Inches, second: Graham. Kansas, third 23 feet 4’, Inches; Shotols. Mar quette. 22 feet 74 Inches. New meet record. , , Shot put: Won by TIartman. Nebraska^ «■> f #■.#* f 7 4 Imhes: T’suary. Illinois 4. feet v Inch, second: Burma. Pittsburg. *1 feat 1 oV4 Inches, third: Vault. Texes 41 feet. 6 Inches, fourth. New meet rTa!liege half mile- Won by Occidental (Argue, Btirkman, Spangler. Nash): Fm "nrtla Teachers' college, second: Butler, third: Pea Moines, fourth. Time: Ml 5. Breaks meet record. rnlverslty medley relay: Won by T*xa a (Ritchie. Hacker, McNatt, Reed). Vote* Pa me. second; Kansas Aggie*, third: Ames fourth. Time: » :3a.-. Establishes new Intercollegiate record. High Jump: Mon hy Poor. Kansas, a Pet 4 Inches; Turner. Nebraska, second, r, feet 3 Inches; Blrgln, Southwestern ell-•reify, third. 9 feet 2 Inches ; ITsge •ronln. Wsahlngfon university, and Fowler Of Kansas state normal, tied for fourth, r, feet 1 Inch New meet record. College medley: M’on by Occidental (Powers. Montgomery, Carter. Morey); Butler, second; Baker, third; Pittsburgh Normal, fourth. Timet 7:46. New meet record. __ . Half mile university f#lay: Won hr rnlverslty of Nebraska (Hatch, Crlfes. Hein. Docks); Iowa, second; Kansas, third: Wsshlngton. fourth Time: 12# 1-6. Discus won bv Platt. Denver university. 111 fesf 4 inch: Elllaon. Oklahoma sec ond. 136 feet. 14 Inches; Helnrock. Iowa, third, 131 feet. 14 1 Kv" ssa Agglea. fourth. 12# feet. 64 Inches Breaks meet record. Four mile university relay: Won by Oregon Agricultural college (Dodge. Walker. Graves. Mason); Wisconsin, acc ord; Iowa State, third. Time: 16 min ute*. 3# second* Breaks meet, record. Pole vault: Won hy McKown. Emporia normal 13 feet 4 Inch; Meder. rnlverslty of Iowa, Mitchell of M'ashlngton, and Goodnougb Occidental, tied for second. 12 feet 6 Inches New meet record. 460-meter hurdle apecls! relay. Olympic event: Won bv Invan Riley. Illinois Ath letic club, from Earl Frails, Baylor uni versity. Time: 66.t. . . . One-mile college relay: Won by Occi dental (Burklln. Spangler, Ellsworth. Powers); Dee Moines, second: Butler, third; Baker, fourth. Time: 3:26.1, New inset record. _ , Javelin throw: Won by Oberst. Notre Dame, Jf7 fee t 6 Inches: Llngenfelter, Drake, second. 173 feet 10 Inches; fox, Oklahoma university, third, 171 feet 104 In' he*; Smith. Ottawa university, fourth. 166 feet 16 inches. Ons-mlla university relay: Mon by Inlversity of Iowa (Morrow. Roberta. Coulter. Brookline); Dartmouth, second; Northwestern, third; Nofrs Dame, fourth. Time: 3:23.6. 'Dacb JKesults Yesterday's Results. TIjUUANA. Flrat raca; % mtla: Ooodbopa (Baker) .1140 4 SO 4 40 Hookworm (Hoagland* .9 40 4 40 Pay Off (Neal) . • .. - « ** Time: 1:14 3-6. Flat, Ollla Wood. Noon hour, Cannonball. Inauranee, *ev#n Heae. Clad Hand, Hmlia Again. Hlkhlm, Llttla ^Snilla and Brldgett# alao ran. fterond ra#*: 1 mil#; Zlllah (Clark) .4 40 2 40 2 20 H)ar4c Rhaata (Porbett).3 20 2 20 Conmalon (Fray) . 2.20 Time- 1:411-6. Quean Catherine and Little Thlatl# al«.o raa. Third rare: S mile. Yon Hoc (Neal). 44 40 9 20 4 40 Kilmftn t Bakeri ..3 00 2 40 Nettle A. (Smith).....3 00 Tim#: 1:0l4-t»6. Runolathe, Our Boy, Norma Tafmaof*. Holhnant#. Koarnan, Huby March and Hup*r Lady alao ran. Fourth rar#: % mile; Ftavenwlng (Baker)..2.4.40 t 4 40 4 40 Marl'd) North (Frey).21.00 13.20 A charm*. (Roberta* ...• • V*° Tim#- 1:01. Wild Th tughta. Regular c;jr I Big Indian Hettl#. t»#1l flCvana. From* W 1111ami, Dan Ktona nell and Blue Van alao ran. HAVRK IIK GRACH. firn* rar*: four ,n<1 onr-half furlong.: fr.rol.o If.rrnr f Mnrrl.). .. 16 ®n lO'.fl out fivmkh.n* Id. Woimj.» >» nut rm.pllnnrl (B.rnr.l .®u' Tim*; 66 2-6. Both«r »n4 S««mgrt «l»o r""»rond rang: Mil* *n<1 7D y*r<7*. (Sub .Hint*. Orlglngl tlrol.r.4 off): ...... Aggravating Pan* (Wllllgm,)6.79 I DO 2 JO AUrMln fColtllattl) .IDO HI Johnny Dund** f Wllinn)• • Jj 70 Tlmo: 1:60 2-6. Brkah, D*b*4ou, Wir r»r, l.ynrh, Colon.l Vfhallfn. filing. fllh l.*rtyg!bb*t, Hra Wolf anil Bolat.r alao I bird rar#: Three quarter* of a mile: Yank## I'rlfl' Mi (Kha *ik»). . . . 7 30 2 00 out K .rko (Kroble* .2.20 out 11 non Pine ( Wall# re).out! Tiiim- I 16 3-6 Broomfield alao ran Fourth rare Three quarter" of a mil# T <,r»1 OrmMe (Wallnee).19 40 4.90 4 10 1 • n«ior Norrla (Hrobte*.11.10 6.10 Hi mgalong (MrAtn** .2<0 Time: 1:14 4-6. Hhuffl# Along, Martin >i lid Heeltap# a Jen ran Fifth rare Mil# und a Mxt tenth: Hrmt Cueh (Hf#v#n"». 1190 6 00 2 40 Flint Mloii# (Hharii#*.J 90 2 30 j.Nc-v Ifampfthlre (P Walla) . * 10 w* Tim- I 49 2-6, ftfgtermlnalor, Gonfalon n n,| K r*ol*ble aleo r«n Hlath rar#: 1*4 mllea: Wrack (Mariner* . ... -6 .0 1 40 2 70 IP. Will*) .ID » DD ll>nw*on) .. Time- 2:09 2-6. WmmI* B. ffirkory, 1 .arl y »ua. Attorney Muir an dOwaaro. aleo ran Hevenfh raea: 1U mllea: Freeay Hr. rrxy (M l.ang* . 620 3 10 210 FI .l##n»*r c Mariner* .1 10 J JJ l.jMlf Arumle (Khanka) ■" T : 7*19 3-6 ffpug", Annl»*r**ry • * u.ickiebaro i'iDu alf \ §fgi Riseball R*snHs and Standing M Ml I 91% I 9 Mil ¥ W i, Mil W * (.«*• « I .1ft« •*» §9** «Vm I I **• I I* 9M 4**a <** !•**»* 4 i9»r I | •*»* 1-M» ♦ »* t ,♦** | f t.aa «tft 1*4 1t " 19* ft** M»* •i I«f4iph I 9 SI* Ml f** U«m4M • MftHlu. Hnialia ft( IMthila, ft 1m!m 19, I*»• M»uf*** I, t.inootn ft K« jnat|)h 4 i'kl»h.H. » i*»ty, 9. f‘anvaf, | IniWri Twl.»i. "m«h» at Wkniift l.ini oln at Ml IntafiH. Jianvsr at nklahoma MMrat at ThIM mtwmi. r.r4<it r.. fttaiMliai* Won |,oai Pat, Win l.naa rhiaatn . 4 1 • ** • ** ftft7 Nan York . 8 1 7ft* • ** .Sftft ponton . I I ft** ft«T 8*1 Pittsburgh . 2 2 9** ft** 4** Prouklyn ..2 2 ft** ft** «** (MnHnnatl . ... 2 2 I** ft** .4** Mi f.nula ...... I 4 :** .111 I*• Phtladalphla * 2 *** .931 .*** liiimhi * Kaaiilta. rhlnago. 2. i’in« Innall. 1 Brooklyn. 11 Philadalphla. 4. S»w York. I. Boamn. 2. Pittsburgh, 4. Mi f.<>nIs. 2. 4»i«mas Totlai, Pittsburgh at Ml I.ouis, 1‘hirago at ('tm-lnttatl. Moaion at Naw York. Brooklyn at Philadalphla. AMERICAN LEAGt E. Standing*. w f. Per. w. T* Chicago .3 1 .760 *ftft Detroit .3 .1 7 fin too «no Poston .3 J 760 too .Min Philadelphia .2 2 Ron SO® .400 Washington .2 3 .Ron ,rn# .400 Clevsland .1 2 .336 .600 .260 New York .I 3 .260 40n ,200 St, Louis . 1 4 .200 .333 167 Results. Detroit. 7; Ft I.nuls, 4. Washington, 7; New York. 2. Boston. 12; Philadelphia. 0. t'leveland-Chlcago train ) Guinea Today. St. Louis at eDtrnlt Cleveland at Chicago New York at Washington. AMERIC AN ASSOCIATION. Standing*. Indianapolis . 4 1 .vOO .*33 647 Knnena City . 3 1 .760 son fiftft Toledo .....2 1 .447 .760 .60ft Milwaukee . 1 1 .60.1 067 .333 Louisville . 2 3 .4011 .600 333 Mlnnei,polls . 2 3 40ft 600 .313 St Paul . 2 3 4 )0 .600 .nr. I , Columbus . 1 3 .160 .CIO 200 Yesterday's Results. Milwaukee, 4; Columbus, 3. Minneapolis. 7; Louisville, 6. Indianapolis, 11; S». Paul, 2. Kansas City, 7. Toledo. 6. Gtime« Today. St Paul at Indianapolis Minneapolis at Louisville. Kansas city at Toledo Milwaukee at Columbus. SOI THERN ASSOCIATE * Nashville, 12, Birmingham. To ■ 'hattannogs. 0; Atlanta. 12. Mobile. 1 ; New Orleans, 3 Little Rock. 6; Memphis. 7 (11 Inning*! INTERNATIONAL LEAGt E. Syracuse. 17; Reading. 0. Toronto. 3: Newark. 4 Rochester. 14; Jersey City. t. Buffalo, 7; Baltimore, 3. COLLEGE BASEBALL. Iowa, I; Purdue. 4. Oakland. April !•: R H. E San Francisco ..I 4 0 Oakland . 2 ^ 1 Batteries: Scott and Tell#; Boehlsr and Read. \ Sacramento. April It: R H. E. Portland .. ...1 • 4 Sacramento . * 16 0 Batteries Hchroeder. Hedlent and Daly, Cochran: Hall and Shsnf. Salt !«ake City, April It: R H. E. Seattle . • II t Salt Lak* . a 11 4 Batteries: Sutherland snd Tohln; Mul cahy. Coumbe. Kalllo and Peters. CRACK RUNNERS ENTERED IN RACE Havre <1* (Trace, Md., April 19.— The feature rare r>n today'a card here la the Philadelphia handicap, I5.00D added, for 3year-olda and up, at a dlatance of one mile and oneslx teenth. Seven thoroughbreds are en tered, prominent among which are Fllntatone. winner of the Harford handicap here thla week, and J. K. X.. Rosa' New Hampshire. Exterminator, another Rosa tk W. S. Kilmer entry, carries top weight of 125 pounds Knobble, Oonfalon, Spot Cash and Sitting Sun are the other entries. Rain, which fell almost steadily yea terday, has made the trark extremely muddy. VON ELM LOSES TO FRED WRIGHT Pasadena, Cal., April 19—A num b*r of hotly contested matches and the elimination of flenrge Von Elm former Transmlsslsslppl golf cham plon, featured yesterday's play In the southern Csllfnrnla amateur golf tournnment here. Von Elm was de feated, 4 and 3, by Fred Wright, Pa sndena. In today's semlflnsls. Wright Is matched with Dr. Taul Hunter, for mer state tltleholder, while J. J. Mc Hugh, Han Francisco, Is pitted ngalnst Willi# Hunter, defending tltleholder. CLARENCE DE MAR WINS MARATHON fly Auorlal^d Prw*. Boston, April 19,—Clarence If. De Mar won the B. A. A. American marathon race for the fourth time today. HI" time, 3:29:10 l it, breaks them American Olympic record of 1:41:39 2-5, made hy Frank T. Stuna at Baltimore Inst month, and the Olympic record of 2:32:35 4 5 mad* by >fann** Kol»hmaln*n at Antweip In 1920. Checker Players Pjepare. Chcago, Aprl 19.—As chess master* depart, checker master* *r# prepar ing to enter New York for the sixth American tourney to be conducted by the American f'hecker association April 29 to May 11. Numerous tro phle* and 14,000 In prizes will he of fered to the 50 contestants expected from all parts of the country. Asa I,ong, 19 year-old Toledo boy, will defend his national title won a; the last tourney In Boston two years ago, Hoppe to Play Kxhihition*. New York, April 19 Willie llopp*, world's 19.3 balk line billiard cham pion, Is <-n route to the Pacific coast, where he will play a two-month ae ries of exhibition games with Younx Hehnefrr and Welker I'ochrgn. Their Itinerary Includes Denver, I/>* An gc|es, Kan Francisco, Portland «/id Seattle, r ~~ Star Buffalo Southpaw Hurler c. £•*. Harry l<ee, eouthpatv pitcher, and Bill Bailey, another portaidrr, ai e ronaldered two ot thn heat left hander* In the VV eater n league. I,ee loat thn opening game ot the aea aon, hut It wun't all hla fault. Hla leammatea didn't give him the beet aupport. Burrh eiprrta three two hurlera to win a lot of gameo for the Huffaloea I hi* m-aaon. SHADE TO ARRIVE IN OMAHA SOON Ticket* for th# Dav# Shade Morrle Echlalfer fight at th# Auditorium on April 2X will b* placed on aala todai at th* regular ticket depot*. Advance eel* Indication* point to a record houae when th* Omaha alug K*r attempt* to taka tha meaaur* of the apeedy Californian neat Friday. ftufua Long, promoter of th* ahow, announce* that tleorge Judklna, run ner up In th# A. E. K. tournament In Europe, will meet Red Wllaon, Omaha middleweight, In a four round opening preliminary. Th* bout between Shade and Wnrnle Smith, which waa to have been held at Cincinnati on April 21. haa been called off and lb* Call, fornlan will arrive In Omaha In a few day* to complete hi* training for the Schlalfer bout. College Tennis Teams to Invade European Courts New York, April IS.—A combined Yale and Harvard tennl* team, a team repreaentlng Stanford unlveral ty and. In all probability, a team from I’rlncetnn playing In conjunc tion with aom* other college tennl* team will Invade Europe thla year for a eerie* of International match** with aom* of tha collage and club team* of the old world. MtoUh tM KNIGHT? - «/ tht GLOVE? lea Angeles, April II.— Kddle Anrier lon. Illinois featherweight borer won an easy decision from Frankie <lar»la of I .os Angeles >n a four round bout here Bakersfield f al . April It.—Man leaf ford, the "Boston Tar Baby," hero of many ring engagement*. «ai awarded the derision oyer Hammy Olsen. nf has Banos, after four rounds of madlocrs fighting Mew lfnrk. April It.—Jimmy Nlalteyy, Buffalo boxer, who outpointed Tttm| Htrlbllng In a winter bout, was algnert to meat Jack I.ynr h of Phoenix, Art*, in a ■ ii round preliminary to the Harry Wills Hartley Madden 11-round baftt* at the Qussnsboro stadium on May 12. Mileage, April It.—Joknny Meyers. middleweight wrsatler, tonight defeated John Kllnnie. Oreek. taking the first fall rtn a foul in 17:10 and the second In II :!•. Tampa, Ha., April It—Tim O'ftnwd of Atlanta end Antonin Velde* of Havana, fought a fast and furious 10 round draw h**re, Moline, III. April If.—Bailor I Arson. Moline featherweight. kno* ked out Johnny flarrie of he* Molne* In th# fifth round «*f H scheduled 10 round bnul »*<• for* the Itork Island puat of the Am*rl i i,n l.egion A right «rots •«» the • hln knocked Harris cold. Physician* wotked over th* he* Moines boy for a half hour before he fegelned i one* Icusnee* Oakland. I al.—Jimmy Huffy, world's Junior \velterweight title claimant. was matched to meet "Bermondsey* Billy Welle. Knglleh welterweight champion, on April IS. Port Bragg. M. I’.— Bddle Burn brook. welterweight champion of the atm' n**v and marine corps, won a technical knock out O’-er Bed Mhannon of I »• Uannvllle IT 4 , when their fighl was stopped in the *ucond found. HAVRE l)E GRACE. Flraf rare Purs*. II 2**. maiden t vear-old roll* and geldings. 4V« fur Jonga Prince Hampl'a 11* Alate 11* Karla Hahy . 11* flam Orenet .. .II* To»*panMe .11* Rattlsman .114 aHhenghel ....III flearnan .til at'loudland .114 Harlan .II* at'oaden entry. Aamnd ra«e. Pure*. 11.20#: claiming. I year olda and up. 4 furlonga: flout h Hreere ..111 Vacuum . .... 104 Joseph Hrant . .10* Dan Hulling . .144 ■ Admirer . .104 Tidlnaa . . . 14* l>re«m of the flt Quentin . to* Valiev . ... 10* xMarv Maxim 10.1 The Gaff 1*1 Venal Joy .l«o Hraaa Hand ...,|0J tHarlevrorn ** ■ Align •’> xDoughnut 1 oft xlitimhle ** xFalth 100 Ft IIHxa . . in* Honnrman . . I«*0 Hound Robin 111 Third race Puraa II 200; claiming. 1 yeer oM* *'9 furlonga. llnvtclua 114 lihonv Halle 11C !#*•• the mood II* Mlea Domino 111 Flax 10* Toecanalll If** Buck Pond If** * fie put v 1*0 rl.ieuf Farrell M*7 ■ l.eonard O to* Thomaeln . . lfi* Duak . to* ■ Aperian |0* xHlatk Art in| Much Ado .. II* New Rival . Ill Dr Mayn 1«* Fourth race Tha Delaware Handicap, purer |f ion 2-year-olds and up. mil# and 70 vard* Mtnto If tot Holden Hula in* Hettlng flun .10* Hama .10* Thimble I0J Onlden Billows 100 aRedatnna II aFipwarful . 40 eHregrau* stable entrv. Fifth rare Puraa. It.lO*. S-vaar olda mile and 70 yards Modaet Iot A. .7 Hula ... 104 flarho ... .10* Auppllant ......144 Nancy fdingh rh 104 Alxth rare Pure# 11.100; claiming; 1 ycer.otde and up: mil# and 70 varda: gOn tariff 144 Mluafltreak .10* Ruddugla .114 Khb Tide .101 r»na* rltit .... 10* Mat hlehern ■teal t* f'hnpetlrka ... 1f,0 Pocdla •* fiff Mprlnaa .. 1M Halle of Ply* Hccliattltc M4 moi|ih . .... M eTrannettlnn 10* flag* •* Itr.I lire od |04 ■ Polly f.flghfnn t'i fltevene .104 eHtofler A Wood lawn entrv. Atventh rare Pure# 11.200; claiming; 3 • ear olda amt tin mile and 70 varda! Royal Duel 1-0 v Wltchst 11* Rnyc* H«r*'le I »>4 l.umlnlet .10# Hoaa Teta H»* Mnwsprtt 104 I ae a I da 141 *Hon f I re 14 4 Jaccruee .1**4 ■ Night Hairier .104 ■ Nfockidn ..... 104 I »a nd vbrtieh *1 lArrcgosa *0 Heth'a Flower ** xKirah .... 4* Dancing Foul 1*1 iTltiir- . *4 Front v Hov •* l*n| WhafDn 10* Harlilan 104 ■ Apprentice allowance claimed. Heather, clear, track, heavy. .%flrr giving a %erv nelly evhikHInn for eight Inning". Hev Kramer. Donat league recruit of the Plrataa. ata'ked *n* Made to a 2 run rally. I to 2 t ail Me*" got r rad 11 for tha rally although eiaed otlf hv a pm h hitler in tha Hh. Tha Hade obliged with la'tn errors Vfestem League1 HIGWf 1 I Mt tMK I «t Mil thUlilM IHt. I9t Hhum, $ tw«Ni Hi ! wing*. HMl, Mpllf. t*t VwImi t Ml# Ml« fe| lie* tlttlPM I Me*t V til , At *t 4f*»f»l> t. I %*t IMM « MMMI I l«A ~ M I Prl 1 iHNiIhmmm flit lit M III! ImIm ... HM «1 Ml II I* Min ...... IM ft* Mm. Omaha P? If AM I I let Mtltn ... At IP HI <M 4nnept» . Pi Ml <»« «l«a« fill A* IPA .AAPI Item tr AP IP? *AP START WOMEN’S PIN TOURNEY TODAY Tndianapoltg. April 19 — Play Mill begin harp lata today to datrrmlna tha hatt woman hnwlara in tha l*nltad Stataa In tbraa olntaap—alnglap, dou blaa and flvimanilpr train*. Tba rhamplonahlp tout namant, tha sev enth annual av*-nt bald by tha Wo man a National Fowling aaoriation. (will aonllnua two weak* f'art May*. pitching for < incinnatl In hi* Nation* I tee gu* debut allowed the IMrpte. ett hit* In eight inning* He wa* j relieved b> * pinch hitter The fled* won :i f0 2 bv peering two run* In the nfrtth, when K^emer. ■ f’mii laggtia recruit, weakened after previously pitching great hatt Iftr—————————— —— ILLINOIS TRACK TEAM WINS MEET perkeley. Cal . April 19—The Uni versity nf Illinois track team de feated the University of California to day, T2 1-2 to 5* 2 3 OHIO STATE DERBY DATE ANNOUNCED Cleveland, O., April 19 —The first Ohio state derby for running race horses will l>e decided at Maple Heights track here May 24, according to an announcement today by S. N. Holman, general manager of the Ohio Mate Jockey club. It will be at a mile and an eight for 2 year olds and v III have a guaranteed value of 15.000 ftnlrlea close May 7. The values will be doubled next spring. Mr. Holman said. Will Organise (iolf Association at Shenandoah Shenandoah, la.. April 19,—Two representatives from each of the seven golf clubs. Red Oak. Hamburg. Creston. Corning, Clarinda, VUltsca and Maryville. Mo., have been invited to meet In Shenandoah Monday to form an Interclub association. Plans will be mode at a luncheon at the Delmonlco hotel. In the afternoon the men will play golf at the South moreland club here. Taylor After Goldstein Rout. New York. April 19— Kddla Long, as aorta ted with Kddle Knne In the manARement of Bud Taylor and Hammy Mandril, pfnted today that he did not Intend to leave for the wept until he had eloped a bout between Taylor nnd Abe Goldstein. recently inAtnlled hantArmvel*ht champion. The Iwnit probably will he held pome time next monrh tinder the nimptcep of Tex HIckArd. Lincoln (iris First Hascman. f )kl.ihoms City, Okl , April 19 —chill Mr Da nisi, first haarman. ha* horn tranafrrrrd from tha local cluh to I.ln coin, N*b., of th* Western league, It was annotincad today. -;-;—; American Association V____ l*oulsvllle. Ky . April 1* IX If K Minneapolis .7 4 n hoiilsv ills A 1 « ; flatteries: Kng and UtshowsM. Tlnrttp sn«l Meyer. India ns pfil la Tnd , April If R II R At Paul t • ? Indlsnsptdla .1114 n Its Iter lea Mm kin, F'neth nnd Mr Men •mjr; llurwell nmt Krueger • Columbus, O. April If ft If Milwnnkes 4 f p Columbus ... .14 1 llatlerlea Keefe H- hits, k sn.t J»hln stilt. Ambrose. Iletnane. H.toiteia and llarlley L:¥.lbLi9uneBVB«ar aouji.xjirBc fblragn nnd 4 In* Inmol flpltt It out nt Itedlsnd field In the Natlonnl Inigtir and 1*111 shti t g It meets Ai hauls ItinokUn *tt»s New Ymk f«»r Philadelphia nnd l»sve Vtstn mft htlngs Ins league lending Ifnsiitn tram tn the I’nln grounds for * ttrles With his fount! teammates. Missouri Valley Trurk Mei lin^ at Nebraska l ni CoiifrrfiK-r I ram* \rr (iwring fur llipt < nnlrrit at l.innitii Max 21. The t'nit entity of Vebraeka w ill l>. hoet lo all Mfcwmiri Valley confet once athlete, on May 24 ehen the 1*th annual Mlaaourl Valley tfack and field meet will 1* held In Lincoln The treateet aaarmblnte of ath lefea ever (fathered totether for track and f.eld competition In the valley are expected to fake part In thl* big claaalc. Competition In thla yeai a meet will he much keener than waa exhibited In the valley champion ahipa last year at Amee. Kanaaa and Mlaaourl are particu larly atront thla year In all eventa and Nebraaka will have atront con tendere for honora In every event. Captain Maurice C.nrdner. fleet half ntller of the Cornhuakera, will he aeen In action again thia year, llardner copped flrat place In the 880-yard run at Amea laat year in the valley meet, lie la certain to be a atront rontend er for a poeltlon on the I'nlted f*tate* Olympic team. Hurdles Should Be C.ood. Coach Bob Simpson of Missouri i« grooming his athletes for the eham panlonship this year. He has already developed Keeble, the phantom hurd ler of the Tiger squad. With such stars ss Weir of Nehrasks. Blanchard of Washington, and Taylor of Grin nell competing for first position in the hurdles, this race should prove a thriller for everyone. 1'p until the time there has been little If any competition Ik tween any of the schools on the cinders and it Is hard to determine who will be the strongest contender for champion ship honors. Missouri copped first place In the valley indoor champion ships at Kansas City this spring and Coach Simpson expects his men to carry home the bunting In the out door championship. Winners To Try for Olympics. The 1924 Missouri Valley meet Is certain to be the greatest meet staged west of the Missouri this year. The winners of honors in this meet will lie allowed to compete for places on the Olympic team at Boston later in the spring. Kvery school In the val ley will undoubtedly have one or two or possible more representatives on the Olympic team and this will prob ably lie the last chance to see these men In sctlon before the final try outs for the Olympic squad. One of the greatest crowds In the history of the university Is expected to fill Memorial stadium on May 24 to witness these contests. Coach Henry F. Schulte of Nebraska is planning a number of feature events between outside competitors for the valley meet. The t'nlverslty Nebraska has an unusually hard schedule this year. The Kansas relays are booked for next Saturday and the Drake classic will come the following Saturday. Dual meets with Kansas university at 1-awrence and Kansas Aggies st Lincoln will round out the schedule before the Missouri Valley meet. Coach Schulte is predicting a hig year for Nebraska on the track and In the field events. The Cornhuskers lost a large number of good men by grad uation last spring, but the squad ha* a large amount of promising mater ial in this year. MOHAWKS CHANGE NAME OF CLUB Th* Mohawk*. m*ml>«r* of th* Junior Omaha league, have changed th#lr name to the Kalman Insurance Agency, according to Johnny Rosen blatt. manager of the insurance team. Th* Mohawk* have on# of the strong est Junior team# In the city snd sre playing th# fourth consecutive season together. Ah* Kalman, former president of the old Greater Omaha league, which was th* fastest amateur league In 1917, la th* new hacker of Rosen blstt'a team. SPOT CASH WINS BIG HANDICAP RACE Havre d* Grace Race Track. Md„ April 19.—Spot Cash won the Phil* delphla handicap, fS.oort added, for J year-olds and up, mile and one-six teenth: Fllntston* was second and New Hampshire, third. Time: 1.49 2 R, Kxterrnlnator. Knobble and Gonfalon also ran. Two dollar mutuela paid the win nrr 111 90, |i, $2,40; second. |J 90 and »:.!«; third. $2 in. Colome Hiph Trackstcr# Win Marathon Meet Gregory, s P.. April 19.—In the trt angular track meet In Ihillas Friday afternoon between the boy* snd girl* of the Colome. Gregory and Dallas high schools, th# Colome boy# won the meet by the score In points of R2. Pallas, JR, and Gregory. 2*. High point man waa Al Green of Colome. with a total of 2R point* Males of Pallas was second with 18, and Sin clair of Gregory hail to. The Gregory gill* won the meet by score of 29. Colome had 22 ami Pallas 22. A large crowd attended. Track S<|iia«l al Doanr. *>ete, Nel» . Aptll Ih Onnnp col U*K»* h«* h Im miuad out for truck »nd pni*pfrl« for a winning toom lire tl 1* reported. The (tonne Ri'hrtt lilr follow* April Kf hum Nottn»| at *p«rn»v May 9 Hnltne county lntprs> *t I’te'lP M*' • Wnlsun t nlor ■ttr Plnr# M«' *'•!• cvtthiriiit tl lUmthi*. W Carpentter Signs lo Meet Gibbons at Crtcago in May ! I*»in \|«M It — In MHTWrnl Int • hud MH» w* »•«••*•« I il pmllnt •Ml |m« il I'M <»t" MMfMoi W »»» Hr"'d l«t• I<«•!• < In JMk ( min *nrf tY»n i**•* IYmmiii**, rti»ttn«n« *1 llw RlMm v- - J Terh anti Central Lead league Tethnloat and central are tied for brat honor* in the Inteieity Hl*h ^‘horij ]\***\mu |«opup taf?er the flret w**k of play Te* hntml hop a win over the South iMIsh ntne and no defeat*, while the | Purple have a vtrtnry chalked up npuinet the CVsuftcil Bluff* nine South and freight on. with one v|r tory end one lo**, ere tied for pprofid plane. The Courted Bluffe RgRr^ga tlon orrupie* the relhir berth, ha vine !>een drubbed by both I'Hihtfln and Central. Stnnilini* Wo*1 !.*»«!, Pet T*rhnir*l .. .. 3 n jo*. Central . I a iooo Cr*l*b!on . | 1 f.u q South 1 ] ’00 t’oum II Bluff* . o 2 ooo I nion Parifir Store Team Still Angling for Game* Th» T'nlon Pacific Store department which ha* on* of the fastest semi pro teams In this part of the country, is anxious to book Sunday out of town game* Thev also want to play some out of town team on Decoration day. The Store department team will play at Valley on April 27 and have three tames hnnkei! with North Platte, the dates of which have not vet been settled. Buzz Chamberlin 1* hooking the game* and hi* phone number after working hours is Walnut 0S61. Dur ing the dav he can be reached at the t'nlon Pacific Store department. American Express Wants to Schedule More Games The American Railway Express company baseball team Is organized for the season, and Is looking for game* with fast out of town teams. Their lineup Includes such fast men as Andy Grave*. Fritz Clemons, Fred lllatt, O. Mertz, Roy Herlch, Roy Reber and Swede Johnson. Those wishing games communicate with Joe Krejci, American Railway Express company, Burlington station, Omaha. Neb. Frank (Ihnmv Returns to (least; livers Manuse* K«nn**r “IWrlr** I r" Ur ilrmi l»y to ( *li« forms May Vur lik* \rtivs ( Imr^r of Sot. irAflO, April I* -Frank t'hanr* will return to ralifornla Imtti* rttately tin advie* of hi* phyalrlon*. and t h • r » la every probability that he never will take a e 11y« rlurtf of t h * Whit* Bo*. It wa* stated here today following an n o u nrement b y Dr. Philip Kreul i«her. at Merry hospital that Cbatire’a health I* not improving The former "PeerJeail" leader of the old time world * < hamplon rhl rago fub*. and later manager of tnr New York Yankee* i nd Ponton Bed Hox. signed a rontrirt last fall '< manage th^ \> hit a Sox ntinng >ni 1934 season. He did not go eoutl for The training trip, remaining in stead at hi* home in California. H* joined the team here when It *r rived to open the season, but nevei has been In active charge s day. Or, the day the Sox opened the season Chance underwent an operation at Mercy hospital for sinus trouble and ha* not recovered. Johnny Ever*, former second base man for the old Cub«. later for the Boston Braves and more recently manager of the Cub* and a coach for the Giant*, condiltioned the Sox in Florida as Chances lieutenant and today was appointed manager to stir red Chance. Expect Eargc Entry in Grand Gland Track Meet Grand Island. Neb., April 19.— Much Interest is being shown over the . tale In the snnual Invitation high school track and field meet to be held at Grand Island college Satur day. April 2*. Thia event, which will bring many schools of the state to gether here, is expected to lower some record*. Preparation* are being made to handle large crowds. About 2i0 athletes already have been en tered. and many more are expected before the entries close. F.RTIUBUFVT AIM FRTI'IFSIFAT Man 74 Yean Old Is uRejuvenated” In 3 Weeks Without Gland Operation Kansas Contractor Tails of Wonderful Results Ob tained in Test of Re cent Discovery. Thom** J. Glascock, 74. well-known old time K*n*as contractor, declare* he ha* virtually been mad# young again by the recently dl*covered korex compound, which by many users 1* pronounced nuperlor lo “gland treatments." a* an Inrlgorator »nd revltallxer. "I feel like I did at 18," sars Mr. Glascock, "and seein to be getting ttronger every day. During my three weeks' use of the new discov ery, pains and weaknesses of many years' standing disappeared almost magically. Today I am as vigorous and supple ** I was In the prim# of life. Furthermore, when I began using the compound, my memory su virtually gone and I was almost blind. Now mv mind Is clear snd active and I can read the finest print without dif ficulty." In order to find out whether the result were lasting. Mr. Olsscock waited six months hefor# reporting on hie test of the discovery. On this point he says: "Every passing day strengthens my conviction that my restoration la not only complete hut permanent. I can't express tha happiness this great discovery has brought to me. It ha* made me 'young' again.” Similar reports are being made al most dally. For instance, 3). W. Wood of New Orleans, past 8# years of age, says: 'The compound has brought ms bark to as good, healthy physical condition as I enjoyed at 18. I am apparently a* supple as at 18 and my eyesight I* belter than for year*. I would not take 88,000 for what the discovery ha* done for me" The compound referred 'to by Mr. Glascock and Mr. Wood Is put up In tablets for easy us# at home h)J any one It has won the prsise of thou sand* who suffered from nervous exhsiitio'n, diminished or depleted Vigor, neurasthenia, premature age end lack of animation and vital force Elderly people h*^ pronounced It a * fountain of youth. • I THOMAS i. GL% STOCK. Prepared especially for acting di rectly on lower apinal nerv* centers and blood veaaela. gratifying benefits are known usually in a few daya. ac cording to tbotiaands who h*'* uaed It. Enthusiaatlc reporta from usera acclaim the compound a* giving apeedy aaliafactton In ohatinate cases that had defied all other treatments prerlouely uaed. Rselltlng that thousand* of en feebled, half alive folk may conelder auch newt "too good to he true," the American distributors hare agreed to aupply s regular ale*, full atrengtfc treatment of the korex compound dis covery on a guaranteed trial haaii to everyone who feel* the need of auch a preparation. If you wiah to teat the corn pom! under a money-hack guarantee, write to the Melton lgib oratorlea, 1471 Melton Ruiidlng. Kan »a* City, Mo. Tou may enclose two dollar* or a mply aend your name, without money, and pay two dollara and prat age on delivery of the plaln »ealed package, aa jou prefer. 1* either case however. If you are not aatiafled, the lahoratorlea aril! refund the purchase price upon request. There lahoratorle* are national* known and thoroughly reliable, #o anyche may feel free to accept their guaranteed offer Sure Way to Get Rid of Dandruff i nert it one sure way that new fails to remove dandtutf completely and that is to dissolve it. Then you destroy it entirely. To do this, just get about tour ounces of plain, ordi nary liquid arvoit; apply it at night when retiring ; use enough to moisten the scalp and ruh it in gently with the finger tips, py morning, mo«t it not all, of your dandruff will he gone, and two or three more appli cations will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign ami trace of it. no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, ton, that atl itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will he lustrous, gto«sv, silky and soft, ami took and feel a hundred time* better. You can pet liquid arvon at an\ cfrnu 'tore ard four cnmcea n all v<m will need ThU «imjvle reemsh hat never hern known to fail