The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 20, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 10-A, Image 10
Union Outfitting Co. w. cv*. »*«■»< Union Outfitting Co. *• » H %'>C Union Outfitting Co. W» ntN Union Outfitting (*o. A Year and A Half to Pay Ihe Step-in A Year and A Half to Pay Monday! Opens the Sale - and April Demonstration of Gas Ranges You will be delighted with your baking results on this range as the oven has no cold spots—top, bottom and sides heat uniformly and the four powerful gas saving burners cook quickly. Pay No Money Down During this demons!ration you can make your first payment after thirty days trial. Easy Terms of $4.00 Monthly We Do Not Charge Any Interest Gas Ranges Connected Free 34 feet of fuel line used If necessary, and a liberal allowance m-ce for your old stove. .A. Free! With each range A aturdy “Hoosier” Kitchen Table *lth bolted, whit* rmmeled frame, oomy drawer nnd sanitary, porcelain top. 11 Piece Alu minum Set Thu Week Only Lunch Served FREE to all Visitors Hot btaentu mad* of "Hwaat Tooth" flour amt "Snow Drift" ahortanln* a*tT*d with dallrloua ADVO coffaa to all rialtora. No purchaa* la naraaaary. PRPP Souvenir if You M Bring This Coupon An Ideal Outfit for Easter Brides STYLE, Quality and Value are happily com bined in the four-room outfit pictured above. Easter brides and brides-to-be will be delighted with the selections as it is the kind of furniture you can live happily with for years. No Interest Is Charged Not content with making this the greatest home outfit value we have offered in months, we’re quoting unusually convenient credit terms —giving a full year and a half to pay with no interest charged—so that the greatest number of young couples can profit by it. ' The Living Room In the living room we will place an attractive two-piece, velour overstaffed aulte, a long ma hogany finished Davenport table, a beautiful bridge lamp, and a handsome 6-3x10-6 Axmlnster rug. The Dining Room will be furnished complete with matched period aulte constating of oblong extension table, buf fet and six chairs in walnut ven eer and a beautiful 9x10-6 Con goleum rug. The Bedroom Thin room will contain a full alia bow-end bed, a roomy chif fonier, large dresser, dressing table and bench to match In wal nut finish, a comfortable spring and mattress and a 36x63-lnch Axmlnster rug. The Kitchen This will be complete with gas stove, porcelain top table, two unfinished kitchen chairs, a top icing refrigerator and rug. Pieces Can Be Purchased Separately The Living Room Dong Davenport Table 914.95 Velour Overstuffed Davenport for.989.50 Velour Ove rstuffed Chair tor .939.50 Stately Bridge Ump 914.75 *-9x10-* Axmlnsfer Rug for .938.50 The Dining Room 4*-1neh Walnut Veneer Buffet for A.932.50 Walnut Veneer, extension Table at .927.50 leather Seat Chairs .. 95.75 Congoleum Rug In 9x10 * foot •l*e .;..915.75 The Bedroom Walnait finish dresser with plate mirror .... 929.50 Walnut, finish Chiffonier with many drawers ... .917.50 Dressing Table complete with Bench .924.50 Bow-foot Bed Is.927.50 Bed Spring and Mattress for .911.70 BBxBB In. Aimlnster Rug 97.50 The Kitchen Porrelsln Top.Whlte Enameled Table for . 95.95 4-burner Gas Store . 922.50 Top-lelng Refrigerator 914.50 t’nflnlshed ( hairs, ea. . .91.49 7-did Congoleum Rag 911.25 |v . will gladly assist you to secure a suitable loca "Cpt. tion without charge. Window Porch Box 69c These are handy window nr porch boxes made of un finished hardwood full 3.1 inches Iona. 8'4 Inches wide and 8 inches deep. These Special Values on House Cleaning Helps Are for This Week Only Paint Brushes Good Quality Johnson's With Good Screen Paint Ploor Wax Bristles, Only Quart Cans at, Pound Cans 24c Garden Hose W a * h • r, coup ling - 25-rt- lcnath— $3.49 50-ft lenalh— $6.49 37c Five-Foot Step Ladderi Every itep bolt ed, Monday at— $1.98 59c Lawn Mowers 14-Inch slra with keen cutting blades at only — $7.95 "MOTD" Baby farriace* are beautiful to the eye an«l com fortable for baby. Many etylea anil flnlahea. See $1Q7f» the 1924 **f.loyil" at Xe7 w Sid* Irln* Krfrlgfr»tor« ol M lb Ice capacity with whit* enameled Interior and two rood compartment* 90Q75 Sjjerlalat^^^^^'^*^ Exchange Department If you have some old furniture that has outlived Ita usefulness or have some pieces you are tired of. our Rschange Department will take tt In at a fair value on any new mas or furniture you may select. If you cannot come to the store, phone .IA-MOO. "Florence" Oil fnok Since* create An Intennely hot, quirk cooking, gna-llke flame clone up under your rooking. (pi Delivern a "Florence” I’nrrh Swine* hull! of hard wood In fumed flnlah com plete with ruat proof chain* *nd hooka JI09R for only ..... m Brin^a Ediaon Electric Washer A Guaranteed Model at $69.50 which we will gcrvlce free for one year No Interest Charged Good* Sold Out of Town it« !•*» t*m< *Ht# M lihrMltM WNkli • MM of W MtH ml (HmIi, »!%►**! •* r*iM |W| imwftl* tt oditti fj'ii riitiH nf IIMM pt lit»> |t* |M<' I 1*1 $%*-!? *l*w»f u4 * *11 Ml *<»»***• «p l« Urn mHm* Prize Dance With Many Pn*« Award* and 8our#nlr* k#trt •***t«t. A>rtl tM ** M»M mu !*»*»» m*.* »t | mptum lm»M» «• 4»« «Hk Mill • »* 1* >* '•*< *• M MH M l»m»l* *»*•f» ltrk»*« Mill *» ««»h< k* »p klkl il Ik •l4», Tk*» *•* l'« Are Now lie niff Made On l lie Buy Now—Pay Later I The simplicity of our convenient Charm Account I’lan makes it extremely popular with well dressed men and women. /j It is a pleasant, sensible and convenient wa\ i of buying clothes, and your credit is good here. Instead of paying cash at the end of thirty days, you merely pay a small amount at the time of purchase and the balance as convenient i over a period of three, four nr five month* while you are wearing and en'lying your ( clothes. New Spring j Dresses^ k Surprised you will be and delighted with the ^ charming spring styles that have just arrived. There is everything—bloused effects—panels— • pleated aprons—tiers—bouffant effects and * long, slender line models, moderately priced ^ '14s, 'ITS 1 9 Up j Spring Coats \ All the late types of eoats. models you ean ^ wear until late next fall are shown in rich k plaids, new stripes, fleeey. soft velours, bo- .. livias, etc., in every fashionable shade; prices | $1/i« *1 079 '{ " 1 Vanr Krtrf elevar »h«p« In #OQ7 **. flna Italian Milan*. W 1 B*ncalln*. Melr*. Cr*p«, " Millinery Taf?«ta*. etc, at.., up J i Out-of-Town Accounts Invited ^ S & H Stamps Free With f I * All Purchases -V Buy on Credit True Blue Serge Suits Monday at Men who are seeking unusual value will be delighted with this offering. The suits are carefully tailored from a neat, fine weave. 14 ounce, true blue, all-wool, Metcalf aerge in a medium weight you can «ear the year round. Regular, Wear proof Boys’ $ Suits (food looking styles tailor ed from fabric* that will stand the hardest kind of . wear-all w ith TWO pair 4 if pant*. ... A aide •election of the re«r?t W OniCll S aprlnt la?ta In fine colored a c.irs. tan. black and patent leather? at a PllllipS pair ...