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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1924)
I iff Mu*t Kacf Slminj: fliarur Mt* Mlnnt# IMftfi hi I nrnnfi t Inn nf Hilling I nfm#r Hinlnnd ' **«*i 'Hi I'm* , %|hN II Mi* HMltW #1 **.,«* «tlf* «l •••>»• «a«t AIM l»kl N Mm* fit* a* ■*» «kk *m *»♦•• lMk| n4 Mf |NMi fc .,»*-»» A f ■*« 4*> at#** 4*»- » « .i ■ mM lAftt*' lit* *«i«a**i »»• *>»4» *M» » wffri i '•*•* *>•* t**w*«*4 • *♦<*»♦** 4*.i**mt i*-» «»i« t* ip*MM* k** In In • 4*41*, Mi ***»«<§ il 4*4 Ml k**» *k*«Mf Ik* 4hiMM| Mi MdlNilk 4 Mi !***•• •» Mk* i«4** M>* l*i- It*i t**titt-4 l**t *»t* |M |4.*n *tit iti*| Mi IM h'lii I »«l<«wN!i that IN* 4M****Ml »M <k«I *»• »iia(|W I mi* **< ***•« k«t«Mt*4 * **« k« IMWaaMMMHMHMMMMflMIMHMMHt i *•***» n t« IN# M*# «m 4 iN ***«•!«#* (tiilti Ntt Hi# lit Wit tN|t« m<4 IlMH •#*** *N# *H««* l«%# M l tNM ##f IN •*»«••*# * MIN f»*|l IN Nf*t# ■* «M 9n*t«f Ml #«M •#tfc*4 MHfli Utt *(»!'» Ml llt*tl«l(lt* *»f I llllr I Ik M* ll< III*** H m«-*4 M l» *l"*t I* •***►] Mh ihmtf ln4Nl|i # II* j »•*»*+A »ift* •till Nl# !•** tll*i •* Ni# I hp»t«4*t* ?#••« **M» • •*♦*» IM Pt*'«* - tit-n-t* m*'****'* MM M Ml MIDI) lltM It it ttl inn M I M***••*♦*<«* ttl ItttttNt iM . ♦ in a ni*t t< A t* I* In him M Mm ittwtMl In iMtnfml MM I* lit it>i tn».i *«*t IM mtt-1*4 wtt H**t null • *<-nn #*• V mint tint I In ti ll Mltnl Muiim • |l, A Mil »* A* "** tilt titi linn tut Altiti I N At#* tun tti tlmiM Mvw »M Jtn#n Mtl Mnt riit* • • natititi Hat HtM A At ** ,4 »# UtMlWl OtirMitU'ir Sim* Talk "Vaar itara allkli • iltia 4nala4 la apaaial lim I* • *Ml »lartlia( f aalur* af IhU ItailtHi. la all af aayurtaara, Iraaalina (raw aaaat la aaaii. I'aa aaaar haawa a alara la caacaalrala aa hard-la id ■aaa'i alathaa lha way yau da. Braadaaal II—fat d la aaaryltady'i allaaliaa. Yau'ra la a data hy yaur aalf," Mid a national fig ura in tha rlothci world, a aiiitor at our ilor*. "/ lif ( lnlhmfi ( urnvr nf Oninhn U—fc—————— - ■ » Copyright 1*24 Hart Schafincr ft Marx I Easter Quality Clothes Headquarters Emphatically so much more for your Easter clothes money that the Nebraska needs only invite inspection. Your judge ment of values will instantly respond to Nebraska’s offerings. Your mind will grasp the immensity of Nebraska’s selections at a glance; you’ll realize an en tirely new opportunity in clothes satisfaction is yours at the Greater Nebraska today. In All the West No Other Store Offers Such Vast Selections of All That i New in Men i and Young Men i Clothes $3oand $oO Other Smart Suits, $25 to $65 A Great Feature Young Men’s Smart Suits $25 and $35 Single or Double-Breaated For Utility Wear Nebraska Gabardines $20 and $25 Others at $15 to $35 p— Big Sizes; Small Sizes- ji Big Values A great demonstration of clothes service for “hard to-fit” men. A store for you within a store. Stouts, long stouts, short stouts, stubs, young stouts, slim men’s sizes, big heavy men of irregular and regular proportions; all sizes in new spring suits. $25 to $50 Nebraska Junior Extra Valuo First Long Pants Suits $20 $25 $30 Knglish models, sport models, single breast or*, double* breast* ers; great showing; sires 31 to 30. Extra Panlo at ft and $5 LmhIm Liiil’Ii Nliikrr* ^ innrr* < hHIhI I ililnt • HriiitnM In Ittk *** Mr|l*lrlttl l« V Itmnp *|*K, H ttM It at# I** at UM Indaf a„n tt.aaiat tuna ha tt. ton* itaam, Omaha I atOtmp ihaaiai Omaha NautttM thaaiat. OMt«l nif Nth kth lilt thmitt, M-1 hut Nth Mat* tit latiffh and Ota tottdaat Inttah will latalta fttat |n taa of It th* natl *Pl I# awatdrd |» tha Ihltd aattt l.a |ltaa II amt thata at* aim It additional ptlaa-a of It aat h That# p tta #ta »U'it »t»it waati for tha hat! attaint! Ink** atihmtl'ad to tha l,nral I a f adllnr of Tha Omaha |tt*a I nriaavnr to tu tka vmtr pik** nrlatnat and limit th*m to In atitdi aarh Raatda* tnaklnt mopay you mar It* mm* fantniu thtouphnilt Omaha and tl* totini'tald* a* an nilalpatm of t'latar joka* Tnur pi It# pika* and tntti natna will appaar up tha at raao* nf larlnii* niovl* thaalai* In Omahp amt in vatlnu# naarlty toon* nf Na biaalia and Inna Turn your nil Inin dollar*. Kanin IndrtV In aand In your Joka* Hand ■ a many a# t mi with Tha I,oral Ijtf atlltnr haa nothin* lo do liut look ovar tha I,ti'al laifa Mom* nf lha |nk*a *nbmlt*»d hrtva marlt hut tin not quit* m a k Ilia pi Im i In** out of that* lha Loral taif aiillor aalai ta thrar avrry tlajr ror thla mliimn. Todav'a ai* Mha Am! what would you do If I atioutd dla"* I la Why, I'd *at ma anothar gill. Slia Aw, now. tla Not now whan von rroak Miaa Jaaai* D#vla, Round Yaltay, Nab. Satn—What am yn' doin' now? Bo- -I a* an axporlar. Main An ajportar’ Bo—Ta* tha alaapln* rar company jtjat flrad ma Olio Hall, Connrll Bluff*. Taarhar .lohnnla, uaad tha word#, ''dafaat, dafanaa and datall" In a aantanra. .Tohnnl* P># faat of da cat want ovar da f#nr* hafora da tall. Thomaa Hanaal, Pol imhtia, Nab. Burgess Bedtime Stories i ___/ B> THORNTON « BIRGEftfl. A'w*yi tint tha tuna af fright Or It will haunt you 4ir and n'tbt. — Mother Beer. Httleel Bear la Freed. What happened after Htlleet Bear dlaappeared In the Oreen Foreet after her mother, of qpurae Farmer Brown and Farmer Brown'a Boy couldn't aee What did happen wee thla: I.lttleat fear, atlll hewtlng. raced aftar Mother Hear, at ill howling, raced after Mother pall upalde down on hep head, held In (dace by the handle around her neck, rattled and hanged again)# the buahea and treea. Tha nolae not only added to f.lttteat Bear'a fright but It added to the fright of her mother, who waa aura that aoma dreadful creatura waa rhaatng her. At. laat JJttleat Bear ran under a low growing, atout huah. It caught under the edge of the pall and It brought Mttlent Bearupwlth a Jerk that pulled her off her feet. For Juaf a eerond ahe felt at If ahe were being rhoked to death. That waa bet auao that handle \\t go barb and find mil about It," dwlarad Mothar Baar. waa pullad an tightly arrnaa hai throat Than aa aha arramhlad to har faat aha found haraalf fraa. Sh# did n t know It at flrat. Tou aaa aha wa« too frlghtanad to notlra It But aftar aha had run a llttla way and no longar fait that draadful thing around har nark 8h* atoppad and put har paw up. 8ha rouldn t faal that draadful thing that had hald har a prlaonar. Pha didn't know what had haroma of If. and ah" didn't raro. Ph« onra mora hurrlad to trv to ratrh up with har mothar. Pha mill whlrnparad. for aha waa at til frlghtanad By thla tlma Mothar Baar waa ha ginning to gat ovaa har fright noma what. Pha waa at III auaplrloua. hut har rurloalty waa Itaglnnlng to nvammia har faar. Pha atoppad and llatanrd Pha hraid UI Ural llrar whltnparlng and frying, blit Ihara waa no longa. tha aoimd of that pail Iwnglng again*! tha trara and biiahra Pn Mothar Itaar wallad fur ldttlaat llrar to ratrli up wllh har. I’athapa von ran guraa hnw l.lttlrat llrar frit whan at laai aha »#w Mnlhar llaar no Inngar running from har. Pha rualiad up to har. Mothar Rrar nnaad har all nvar, and mail* aura thara waa nothing wrung about l.lttlaat T1*ar Than vary ahatplv aha wanlad to know what all tha tmnhla waa AM that l.lttlaat Itrar rmild tall har waa Itinl aninalhlng diaadful had raughl liar around Ilia nark. "Whara la It now?" Mothar Hrar aakrd rrnaalv. "I don't know whlrnparad l.lttlaat Itaar "It lat go of ma whan l w*» running aftar you," "Wall go N»*k and find out about It." darlarad Mothar Baar, who waa l aglnnlng to faal aahamad for having run I don t want to," whlnad Lltilatt Baar. But whan Mothar Baar ttarlad b» k l.lttlaat Brar taggrd right along at hrt harla Pha waa afraid to ba laft alona At laat thav r**rh*d lha tra# whara l.lttlaat Baar had h»an aat fraa On tha ground lav a haltarad old tin pa with tha handlr faat nnb at ona and Tha nthrt -nd nf I hr httttdla bud brru torn liMiaa. Mnlhar Itaar anlffad at It —V It *t ni «*f *to* 1 toff AH tto lr»i gf*A r#lrH ito *Af ^ i Hn giefM pt IlMH.I Hwli I *r« It • NM •’ • 1 llPiNH ffwto ttol *M pnd M M# t j 1 Mt em* p • **d Ato A#d« f *•» '*#*4 «k|« P lMpt| e#ttH tot epatf j I %|Mto« Nn* tlHpt p****MN* to* t ■•* to I I tAf HMptotefl 1*1 gotfg to* H to Pa*#***' 1 HrwH^'H ****** to**H* tot* §<♦*****! |*M yiMW N»«I tod to*** p+ *t*to* »MfMtyfc It Aft ►» Yto t I'M*# j kHpl lit* fteta tto*f tto tto* >4 Ito I 1 fp* 'Hf • **• >i«!H mi to# fell Hmt ' JtpP'l Hitj ; Mini ItHPAtf ft 11 tome Nk rit of I rmr fm * Knl«« Mli i I ui|i< i\ • utt» H tion tjn.-t.m A(h I I* * will «f •*'**• ttMilPf! IH tto t Apr Alto * aw# I h» Ml «(l tutu * f» I*mM I k' ft* f"* m*f p*nlf*t i f ft ***** MM Ilf i**enll) ti iiMitM r»t* IN • ton* ft ftt<|iAK l|i* name #f hi* f iff t airier In a Half f i *• I? ton A ml getting <he tnt»9i* from im»»Nr took tie til f etna tided to jail tklihnul toll j •*y the trial rmtlH, pending appeal Kntpp mi pteelden* nf a bah* f hlrh rwrentljp wee th*H*d and Ip in* in a -e. elver p hande ■ -- - —~ ^ i Klin f !rn k l)rlial«*r» I in Diolrirl <!ham|iinit»lii|i Kim « reek, ,\eh , Atoll 1* film 1 f eek won the dlrtfl't » hamiNonahip in debate in weatern iftetrlrt No 1. Thla yeai m team HiniiitH **f Kred Kh l*tor. Margaret Yoder. Hay Mr 1 ai land, Korreat Cartel and Wray llitafelt MI"• l!ltle Travie *nai hed the feam. In all they debated nine (liner with only itfle defeat for tt»e pea Pori Thla war only the pet find year for Kill* Creek hi the league, A now ope* lea of pptder with eight long leg*, pink and «t iped with hlark lire made Mr appenrnrtre in Colorado 100 Used Desks (With chairs to match) Trailed in on a big refurnishing deal are offered for sale at prices designed for quick clearance. If vnti need s d* *k snd (hair, Hut do no* wish to put much into them, now is \our chance to secure h gh grade furniture at very low prices. Mahogany ami Oak. Hat top, roll top or typewriter styles. Many sizes. Many qualities. Desk prices as follows - 12.00, 17.50, 20.00, 25.00 and 30.00 And some very fine de«ks in large sizes at equally reasonable prices. Oak and mahogany swivel or straight chairs are offered in wide assortment. Orchard-Wilhelm Sixteenth and Howard Streets STYLE WITHOUT I5J 9 J5|> EXTRAVAGANCE DOUGLAS ST About 150 Spring Suits To Go Saturday Choice ** Every Style— Wanted Colors - Hairline Stripes— A Tremendous Offering Fourth Floor COATS Dress coat*, sport coats, wrappy type* in the smartest model* we've seen. All spring color* and material*, including new plaid*. Fourth Floor Spring's Favored Models Every one i* rharminiH.v expre»*ive of the new *tyle», color* and material* fa vored for the newr *ea*on. Satin Canton Canton Crepo Roakanara Flat Crepaa Beaded and Plain Geor|eltea Knitted Frocka Sport Flannela J Dreaaea—Sixth Floor New Fitted Corsets Add the Finishing Touch to Smartly Dressed Women Our facilities for fit ting correctly are > complete. We spe cialise In fitting f r figure* that are or dinarily difficult to style adjuatment. A visit to our Corset Section will delight you. Beautiful model* In white, pink, fleah amt Mu*. also fin r«!»; *ty1a* for arary ooraiion, alaMir fir dle* for »port wear, Of roar** you'll need a eoraat to r * m p I a t a your Ka*ter roituma. CMmuiim Fl«*«r j