The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 19, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3
Saturday Presents Unusual Buying Advantages on Women’s Easter Apparel * 6 Grape Fruit for -5c 3W (lift •Ium\v t*r«fi#fnii9 Of i mHium iml thin tkit'lt?*} Hp* inili pft<^<| fr*f HutUttfft% f(f A fm aftr tit* Rt«*4*H MMf—(MHiHit- tn*M I ■ Flowers for Easter Sundt) |»«r*tn iiiltn* r**W*r M4H »H«I br^lnlb. W™? EXCEPTIONAL!.Y LOW * I •« M»M »»»•»«■*■« — »**■ r***' fine, Healthy f Baby Chicks * Very Special ' Saturday 10c Each , Imatiil—nm ' Two Remarkable r Hairnet Specials Fukionette Human Hair Net— In single or donblp mesh; cap or fringe style, in all colors, at each 10** Tk# National Human Hair Net In single or double mesh; cap or fringe style, all colors. Box of 6, 39** Notion Sales 25c Doria Curlers—For long or bobbed hair. Special at, per card, 21C 49c Swankin Sanitary Napkins— Special, per dozen, It.V 98c Soloos Sanitary Bloomers— Knicker style; light and com fortable. In honey-dew and flesh color. Special at 69c^ 50c Hickory Pars Rubber Sani tary Aprons—In white or flesh. Special at 35<’ 75c Hickory Sanitary Belts— Special for Saturday, 59<* Main Floor—West New Arrivals Imported Real Lace ’Kerchiefs All are Bel gian made, of hand spun linen, of the \ finest qual it y, edged ' \ with rose point, real v a 1s and |«l mvvrn mivo, - embroidered and hand drawn corner*. These handkerchief* arc ex traordinarily beautiful, in that they are of the highest grade material* and finest workman ship; yet, taking all these things ’ into consideration, unusually low 1.50,. 7.50 f The Brandeis Store—Main , Floor—Eoat_ I Extraordinary Special Values Saturday for Easter Wear I Modes which offer ths well dressed women the most successful ideas of New York and Paris Womens Coats and Capes i At Two Special Prices 39= and 59= Charmccn*. twill cords and velours lend their dis tinction to cnjics with clever braiding and tucks—to coats with novel ideas in cording and stitching. All smart hues. Summer furs, bandings of braid and pleating* are a few of the Paris inspired notes that find their smart way to these models. Newest Fabrics—All Exquisitely Lined and Tailored In Regular and Extra Sizes. Chic Blouses In the Newest Styles Specially Priced 5.00 Tailored simplicity Is the keynote of these dis tinethe models. Fashioned of Crepe Lucille. Net and Printed Crepes, in the popular over blouse or regulation styles. Kaeh is cleverly trimmed with the new, youthful, boyish collars and smart mannish cuffs. Net blouses come with Irish and Filet lace trimmings. Hi# Brandfla Itara—BlMM Dapf^-Btetid Flttr. Novelty Scarfs 2.98 to 12.75 Un usually Fine Qualities Scarfs that add the color, note to the Easter cos tume, are one / of the most im portant acces sories to the correctly a t - tired woman. We have a wonderful va riety in chif fons and crepes, in the new bntik and printed de signs. There are also a pleasing assortment of the swagger bouele knit scarfs in all the latest Spring color combinations and at tractive shades. Th« BrmnMm itarf— Rloase VI—r. Silk and Wool Frocks For the Smart Young Miss > Very Special Saturday 23.75 j .Values to 39.75 I Perhaps a Dress to serve for several I happy occasions, but such a becoming 1 one that it wins fresh approval each | time it is worn. ' Straight in line they choose velours, crepes, twills and roshanara for their fab rics and color themselves in any one of the smart new springtime shades or black. Many variations in sleeves for they are long, three-quarter or half. Size 14 to 20 or up to size 36. Truly Exceptional Frocks For This Low Price Tfc* IraiMi lUrt—lmil n«r—WhI 10,000 Concord Grape Vines Special Saturday 3c Each 35c Dozen All hardy, local grown, in apeeted utock. Specially priced /or Saturday, at each. 3<* per do*i*n, 35£ Tli» Mrindrla VI n Ml 9 m •— %% « Special Prices on New Neckwear For Easter Saturday Here, in our Neckwear Depart ment, you will find a very com plete assortment of every kind of scarf, for every kind of wear, to complete the Easter costume. There are Lace Scarfs, Knitted Scarfs. Fiber Silk Scarfs, Chif fon Scarfs and Crepe Scarfs. All are remarkably priced at from 1.69 t« 3.50 Dainty Collars and Caff Soto Collar with Jabot attached. Suit able for round neck. In a pleas ing variation of pretty designs and coloring?. Priced at, set— 3.98 A Wonderful Assortment of Collar and Coff Sets Fashioned of pleated lace, em broidered linens and fancy or gandies; in all the newest smart styles; set— 98C «o 1.69 Real Lac* Jumper Guimpos ff ith sleeves. Fashioned of filet and Irish lace combinations. A great variety of styles and pat terns— 7.50 and More The BrnndoU Store—Mein Floor—Eost, ' Modish Novelties in Gloves r At Remarkably Low Prices for Easter Long Silk Gloves— 16-button length; in cocoa, mode, gray and black. Made of extraordinary 1.50 quality silk, r Novelties in Heal Kid r Gloves r A great variety of attractive styles, with one clasp and fancy cuff; in all the popular shades in suede or glace kid. Perrins and other well known makes. Regular 6.00 values. Saturday at 4.50 Long Chamoiiette Glove* and Gaunt lets— Plain and novelty styles. In all the latest spring shades. I AA Regular 2.00 value," * sW Silk and Fabric Long (iloven and Gauntlet* Novel combinations and plain effects; in al| the latest spring shades. Saturday at 2.00 r The Rrandei* Store—Main Floor—North Hats to frame the face of Miss or Matron. Becoming models to match the Easter costume. New Easter Time Hats In a Radiant Collection A wonderful selection that strikes a ^ > r’A I dominant note in the smart styles for spring. J M | Among them are beautiful models in large I brimmed styles, drape effects, the popular I V- ^-— cloches and the new tailleur. Novel com- l binations of silk, straws, and bangkok add ~ a greater interest to the group. j A/[nrp Chinese Red. Narcissus. Almond Green, Poudre Blue, *■* Orchid. Sand. Wood, Black and many others. Tkt IraaJrU »«ar»—IrMak Klaar—KhI. Smart Accessories for Easter j Newest Arrivals in Bags Under Arm Models In seal cobra, vachette. atlk. moire, satin and jac quard silks; in the new est pattern*: priced from 2.98 “ 37.50 beaded bags In pouch and flat effects; in all co|ors of beads; jeweled lilifrree frame*; beaded and chained han dle*; priced from— 1.29 “ 35.00 Tk« Brandoit St or#—Main Floor—East | Women’s Wrist Watches Lever movement, cut balance; just the thing to finish your Easter costume. 25 year case; guaranteed 15 jewels. Greatly reduced for Saturday 1 A CA only, Iw't/v Necklaces and Chains In all colors and all Myles: cube and melon cuts, to match your new Easter dress; in *Bd 48c “ 5.98 Sterling Silver Rings Something new in women’s stone-set finger rings; in all colors of stones; , very fancy mountings, • The Brandeit Store—Main Floor—East r _> . ..— r I Savings A Plenty on Drugs—Saturday AOc I’ebecco Tooth I’asto '.III* oOc Pepsodent Tooth Paste .‘JjiC f 50c ftynlhb* l»ental Cream .UC . 1.00 Cotj’s I,’Or!pan Pace Pow der 7»C f 1.00 Piter's Pace Towdcr 69* , 1.25 Manon Lcsnant Pace Powder §9* t AOc data Rl« Powder 35<> r 50e It A K Cold Cream 38C Ur. Pond’s Cold Creem £7* 1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream 83C f Btarclsses de Clime Talcum 2jW Maris Talcum Powder 171 i I'lniiud'* Mine de France HOC : l ute* Cuticle Kemorrr 2HC Vic tilain 31C 3ftc Mnrron Pnllnh or I ullclc Oil 27C 1.00 Mu I l»or Creme HOC Vic Mui Hor Itnuirc 31C Idle Htein'a Theatrical 1 re mil 44c i 1.00 Hta-f orl HOC Vic Fan Tot Hnlh Salt 30C Vic Million l.escant 'talcum 30c Vie I lecro Shampoo 33C M>0 Kotor Bac 1.10 "ftc Mary Oarden Tale 17C 641c Scmpray Jorenay 15* I,co Depilatory 20* S.'»« Aubrey Slater* Iteantlflcr 23* 60c Arabiaii lloupe 30* I .Ml Krank'* Facial Park 1.10 Mic I’alm Ollte Shampoo 20* line Sttanklna Sanitary Apron 30* I .INI l.yaol tjO* >*."«? Hellin'* Food 50* 60c Sanitary Apron* 30* .Hie Sanitary Belli 2J* 46c Pluto Water 20* UN) Horllck'a Malted Milk 70* UNI Hath Spray, hoary tnblns 75* ‘.'Ac Hat lirlta 15* 2*e tV rlght'ii Sllter (ream iil* Powder I’nffa 10* Knbber Sheeting, at per yard, rill* •'die Tooth llru»Dr« 10* l.lertrlo furling Iron*, war ranted 3 jrnr«, 80* AO A I* SPECIALS. IOe f rente Oil, Jap Itoae, Ollte I ream, or l4tnn Snap, at earli tt* nr per dnren f{0* Woodbury Soap 10* t ntieara Soap If}* Stork faatlle Soap 10* 7 | Tkr Kurr-MHln KlMr—Itw. | ■ . White Rabbit Faster Fgg l)vc* Special 3 Packages For 10c Drug HrHloR Main n««r Easter Specials on Imported Perfumes llw«c i^flaM «H*» H.tlN 10.00 Caron's Black Narcissus Per fume—Original bottles, 8.40 Qolliwogg Bulk—Per ounce, 3.40 5.00 Ambre Royal Perfume—In orig inal bottles, 3.08 Ambre Royal Bulk—Ounce, 2.08 Vigny Chick Chick Perfume, 10 08 Coty's L Origan Extract—Original. 2 ounce bottle, 5.40 Coty’s L Origan Paris Toilet Water, at 2.00 Mary Garden Toilet Water, 1.39 R A 0 La Jade Perfume—Original bottle*, 2-99 5.50 Rosini Nuit de Chine Perfume, at 3.98 DJer Kits Perfume — Bulk, per ounce. 1.29 Narritaes de Chine Perfume—Origi nal bottle, at 1.89 Hubigant Qu-lque Fleur Perfume— Ounce individual. 3.98