THE SEA-HAWK |M»*4 iM*#4 ' (M *#-**< *ra£fw« — <**. nm< I fcwM, »ft* »l »*»• '**** ■<,*■4 IM fn-*l **♦*•* ♦***' »*'»')*•< %m ... = l« »«4* »» H*** ►>* I »wM IWHf'l fci* r* "** ' i #M (♦* A •# *»* *•« mw '»**» *W>*» jiMi M *«4 •* *«#i»**t*M4 tm I ||*MI> (t IMI tflMW 'Ml I! |.Mhm |M 4*M • i«i«< | ->-■« #**4r* kk *»•# |M »4|»**** 4 *4 '*♦' ♦ MM frt*w *KM»»tkM***l #M»t4 *•**% fc - A ••♦(♦I*. M «*»4» MM# '• #M 1« M T» M ' A**»>lkH ^mlkl* kM #h»><4» *• M M# it*.** ni* ***** *«*•• ***** »* ** * ***** ** *** .«* ******** ***■4 ****** IMM* * ■ Ik* *•**><» *#*»k. *k*»4 *4 M«k I** ****** > >t«r* •*•* *'*» *•»' ( *« ik* < * i *s *>* ***** *•**'» **.4 **p»ii *»■■ ******* I**** I*1** **«4' »* k'*> «*l Ml f»**M |»** Wt»** i* k* ktp** lk«k *r.* fc*#l»<4l*t I ******* »*** « 4**1 *» *k* «-•* * *•« »*** rt *»■»«’«'* ■ I II- - • «* mr*** I #«» •**■< | fc* «****•*• W*rl **fc*i IN t*« t ■)»•** llttiH |Mk»l* tfcHM m n»* •Mi» t*»t **'*• *••« | *n ♦**» Ml »i * M •»! H*t Hf% M j«*l !•» ** **f **»*« i* 4 *>h* i ■»• I * ** , l. . «*f «M»l a...a 1W« !-.*»•' mi* 1 wwl 4Bti»ly« fcl* • **• »**♦* •«* f.,M*afct, *»• .IMM »*«» • * I M« ♦». «MW ft**," M 4 IM 1 U a *>>’♦*» anal »«* iff>(■■• If* «ai » a m« THE NF.BBS JWT A WISH (»UY |)ir«N te«l fi*r lh» Ow«h* h)r S»1 »!••• _-- — - —— - ^ ^*—M***M*t* * le • I IK 1.1 • i • Wl r>M. totwi Cot on ii>R\.. mam on iwOMftK4 NaimO StMOV »N TMt 0*vr namc text tm>s ujowottituv. WA'Tt't. ^ *50*# watcm A00«i5svjTTf.r> To RuOT NEtSft CA*t 0* THt l PAW fcAAAAAA -““r “ CA\.tft«lNRODj AGENT »S tUGWT ON , TMl tiOS» O—► ll 4 Iff %?«u\ y*ONt* B r uv. 18J5Sa ' yyMTf Q. you'Ht / . ! 'JLUNrt "» / WWA r UW* *1N < V MLl Nr’ siCHNi$fj wi*i ) ,t oot »t tiou / k«* \ am wom« - I u ,t n H**t *■**!* j nTAQ kW * , AO wo**W I bOOCM '— ' i rlfis \ nr ooc© XI ^--I t'M 1*4 OINtltniM^HW 1 Ufkit U (.0>"^t,^ «• 'i l lOCdnO IN NOVMVlUt 'B""iSt"* SVwt \AJ i ♦ <1 < t * ' i ^'■*,^«^ ^ , _(Gapfrtjfejm hr n» M tytef Iik NouOe.^Nrikst \ V -tft* rrwm.1 • 'T ^ ( HOT Stt «»no ''VVO*^ \? u <% - ^ ^t *2*9 r^x,. 8SWE,'*5^'%W*-T*li2 SB5*I ii&SS iTuTi^^r*.y __> Ck ^U MOT DISCUSS TVit COMING match BAGS A6MMST "Hoot mom" tics we sizes u«* Tut SCOTCH AMIMAC . The boat CA«BVIW6 Tm* Famous Thorough - Bo to is soMewMtBt i on Tm* wkJh s*as ■ . ■ m - •■ ■ Make a*> bet*: s IM1TM BASE BBAMNlCANS ABOUND TbuiN 1 - MlSTAH GOCGlt ‘ MlSTAM COOGIt ScM? man pwtsssp p» IN I.AP'I S j ' Cictm* <; is / ( COMIN u» \ To f;v'i*h* UJ* ► 4 1<»* | mac IHTCSM MV N • name TH A fcASUtut. mo** x AND X D»NNA KCN HOW to TALK “To ANN Boot BUT y r x Molu U)HAT5 ON SCok V_X. BRINGING UP FATHER . SEE JlGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL , U S.*%r£t CWIc FACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY »F.E Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManu* (Copyright 192 i* _ 6ET UP: it’^> I NtARLV nine ^ .OCLOCK AND TOU 1 ARC DUE AT THE. $ OFnce AT tlCHT! ----'i ‘jGHHY- '*■ AMY CMC C ALLAs TOO, ME’TtLL THEM fM Y • AM I AT rive o'clock- [ Cone IM MY OEDCC ) ] AM WAKE ME OP' i VE«PJ"^F 01%**, J L, /4\WAwiE 5— i-fi. I* I M **»♦* *>**• "*«**» '* ***• M*eta» •■*»* iMt *#'I jrf »M N4 *»!*** ft* *♦* *** .,•4 k4 HM *1*4 H* ** •“ft lefttM fcMtUH—V ►***•># *W M *f* (fw mi weMM ft*"** «M« Mft ♦ 1 '**• ’ ', ,a *»*e teMft* ****** tie bi|VI teftttMi •'*• * ** *• I ’k*TV*l»**e4 *•* *«HV*a m tftHj ik" aa>4 • ft* ftipm Wftftt • • he *#«*■,< ft*"*™ **■*• *»?* »«*»•-# and »*• *»** ***** •* j»M .«* ift** tft *•’•**••*'» *a « M«t«M* »a** tft’l ft**1’ . ! ffta .*»**>" n™*M ft» ft***4 T> I i ,* Hw Mir tMlIr hr^*»*l .ad *ft»ft ■!» ** ft»ld I la tic* *« ft-** • tftM aa hanging, aad <+ry>N*lr »•** H>Ht..,w*t>i I* a man# bln Tt - he Wtmi IMr **"'** .. T (a i la an t tied M#a'»' 14ft „»! altmftt» And Hi* I**** The aaaffiar eblf*ftd ttft lit* *“rt^ • ••itdr t*«. and Mi face »*•* «***'* ■ A h„ndtad P««n4! M | ftHIt Y*» fur a ftatidted, pound# ' «» tha promo* ft**’***,, t! pr.itnpt that i• plain lftl«»i ha had driven a fool ft !>atgaIn wM« b H war inrumbetit upon him m am*nn "That la a hundred pound for my aelf," he r*trretted aloftl* . ™" there b* lh* rreft reckon for—to heap th*lr rounaet and land a hand 'I will m**n fttiother hundred at th* iMUt.** . Maater I4on*l conaldered a mo men! It I* more than I CM J*t\ my handa on at ahort notice Bu» look you. you ahall hava 1*® pound# in min and th# balance in Jjw*» Vou ahall not b* lh# lo**r In that. 1 promt** you And when you r om* again ami bring m* word that all I* don* ae you not* undertaka ther* ahall lie lh# like again " 1' pon I ha! lh# IJtrgain Wa* *d And when I.lonal tame fo talk of •va\a and m*ana h* found that h# had allied hlmeelf to a man who under e'ood hla bualnaaa thoroughly. All th# aaalatano# that the akipper a*ked wna that Maater Lionel ahould lure hla gentleman to mm* concerted apot conveniently near the wateraide. There Leigh would have a boat and hla men In r*»dln**e, and the real might very aafely be left to him. In a fiaah Lionel bethough him of the proper place for thla. He awung round, and pointed ncroaa th# water to Tref.iaia Point and the grey pH# of (lodolphin Court all bathed In aun thine now. . . .. rounder, at Trefuala Point In the • hnd< w of (lodolphin Court at * to morrow night, when there will be no moon. I'll ae* that ha la there.. But on your life do not mlaa him "Truat me," aaid Maater J>*lgh "And the money?" "When you have him aafely aboard come to me at Pena crow," he replied which ahowed that after all he did not iruat Maater Leigh any further than he wna compelled. The captain wna quite aatlafled. rot ahould hi# gentleman fail to diabtirae he could alwaya return Sir Oliver to ahore. On that they parted. Lionel mount *d and rode away, whilft Maatet 1 ,elgh made a trumpet of hla hand# and hallooed to th# ahtp. A* he atood watting for th# boat that r am# off to fet< h him. a anille alowly nverapread the adventurer# rugged face. Had Maater Lionel aeen It h* might hava a*k#d hlmeelf how far It waa *af* to drive e'tch bargain# with a rogue who kept faith only In ao far *» It waa profitable. And In thla matter Maater Leigh *aw a way to break faith with profit. He had no roneclence hut h» loved aa all rogue# love to turn th# table* upon a auperlor rogue. He would plav Maater Lionel moat finely, moat poeti cally fala*; and he found a deal to ••buckle oyer In th# contemplation of It. CHAPTER VII. Trepanned. Maatar I-lonel waa absent moat of I ha following (lay from Panarrow, upon a pretax! of making certain purchases In Truro. It would be half paet aeven whan he returned: and *« he entered he met Sir Oliver In the hell. "I have a meaaage for you from nodolphin Court." he announced, and •aw- hla brother stiffen and hia face change color. "A hoy mat roe at the gates and luide me tell you that Mis tress Rosamund dealrea a word with you forthwith.” Sir Oliver'a heart almoat atopped. then went off at a gallop She aaked for him! She had softened perh»pa from her yesterday's relentlesanees. She would consent at laat to era him! Be thou blessed for these good tid ing" ' he answered on a note of high excitement. "I go at once." And on the instant ha departed. Such was hla eagarneaj, indeed, that under the hot spur of It he did not even etay to fetch that parchment which waa to he hla unanswerable advocate The omis sion waa momentous Master l-lonal said no word aa hia brother swept out. He shrank back a little Into the ahadowe. He was white to the lips snd felt aa he would Second Honeymoons . ____ ^ BrffgW / /HAT On in ( «l«VATC*f» __ »P B* ASHAMeD I'M A6HAMEP, YoU- 1oO HMWffN '▼ Tri« A Cow . ^_ ■ -nT~y ' 6V«AT MAM »M TmaT «U»V*TO« MMOv/«D HIS MAT OUT Y0O-I-’ 4 Tor 1 •LAVUIM4 Do Tmim* Jw»4T bpcaoj0 IM YoUA Wire. You OOW'T M/kv/« To AWOVU MB 0*DIMA*YJ ««Sf«CT!? I WA» /^jmamh o row you y«s • was --—, I RjMfMBfW WH€kI W« U/«AB PtPftT MAMlBD Vc>0 ICSP« OciOG lb puwcm a mm) t*J tm«t Jaw str CAVS* Ht H«PT HI* H/STOM IM MV pp**e*/c« - • mv- V- 6gop»/«.*.s Mow) U)oK at Voo r— IM4. •' T 1.+m~ lM *£<*? ^p . ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha bee by Hershfield \ filial * rUSTB». ABC, 1 WANT 'tou \ TO COME To PTSKIWD’S . I EOR SUPPER WI'm ME*. I | SHE ASKED ME ID BRlN<, WHOEVER l UKED! SHES A WONDERFUL COOk.WiU 'you COME W»1H ME Wlniqht * ~ Jr ('MtS, THIS is\ / TXtS MlPTPR ' 4520 AUOUMM-V KAB,9WE'U)H° TV,.*.. LOU QEKSLCR tH - , m.«*«*» /yT2££J^2S? / Vou M?E \ (Wou M,Ml> / MORE THfSN \ l ^uRt / WWCTW* 3k Ft* SuMYR?/ THlft IS SORT OF \ / ' T>°^T WANT rr°S I smStv^mTat *' “ V,MT / \ NOON,*To^AN-l\) yMOST Tou / RATHfcR CKUOV n^knou) ncx) 7frAV^r •* #< a* **># »■ "* •* *• t x y • »* •sUmi w» »i t*t * • ♦•#»» * * ■ Hi• • i ai * A* * mM M M v » , . * 1 * Im( **• i* A « »«w »*x« M *'•>**•» M twin Hed • Pa* •■» pIMPil *■ M **■«** M •tag** pM * Ifcal •p*«** “* Ha Ip«M HA laMa aa* he* a- a** aa (R that mm a«p4X pXp M N* •Mn*fp4 w *1*4 a **M •* > * (.^t ,, Ha I«X fm aM *♦#»***»■* * Mt tipvap Ha 4b *•* *pr»«* ■ P •*« ••a. , Ha .*h*p#M » *he *** »«* a' !••• *M)f W#*4 ad M* M*4a i» lit* HI*a* II* an 'ftf M4 a* * vwiH *pd #M*I 4H t.aaiHti a II » •Hf if»*k tlaliaiM tVbhwtaa **»«•* t* ** k***» X * amvM an* II* anawev «d HP*1** * * «Ha* W4H* the !•**•'*♦' '* *X 4* *i H* would ••»'* »•* ** . *«•*** #t.»*.*d a *«* • * t# ( i Iflt |#l II* went ***** * fvfb***' a** * I wax* pm vWtli*< r*P*i*l I l> ;t « *4 h* It not Ilk* In l»a k*wa ahaetti i p# *!**i h» at*mla**4 ih# **Mpx| *n4 Wit huddled there * I' ** •«**■»• i,l »,,**. , ,» «k a »»>* * * !*'»• had * * W Oliver ma<1a to ahteld him* T *rt\ a*t much love pod a*lf aarrtflte H* * * pant ha Inrllnad lo argoa n«w *ha* not aval* In ealrema pari! would hi* brother betray him. And then *h*> had atraak of fear which mada * villain of him reminded him *h** to argil* thu* waa to ergo* upon • ip poaliion. *h»' ' would la parboil# »" iriiat »ii> H an mumplki*' *hat if *fi*r ell dir Oliver ahould f*H h — in th# crucial t***, than ws* h» Mat indeed When all la and. a man'e final ji d*. men* of HI* fallow a mu*1 h* ha«» 'non hla knowledge of hlmeei# v Monel. * n*i» Ing hlmaelf Incapahi* of anv ail. h iwrrlflrv for Sir Oliver, nr !d not believe glr Oliver capable of p* plating In auch a aacrlfica aa fu* '• event* might Impose He reversed thoae word* glr Oliver had uttered In that very room two nlghta »g and more flrmlv than ever h» cor eluded that they could hava but on» meaning. Then came doubt, and final!* a* aurance of another port, a**1 ran • that thla whs not *o and that 1» knew It: ssstirsnre that ha lied tu hlmaelf. peeking to condone th# thin* he did. He took hta head in h - handa and groaned aloud. He wa* ■ villain a black hearted, aoultess vil lain! He reviled himself again. Theta came a moment when he roae shud dering. resolved even In thla eleventh hour to go after hi# brother and aava him from'the doom that awaltad him out yonder In the night. (Te he f eaPaavd Tvaamw.l ■e "■ 1 1 —.-v New York --Day by Day ' nr O. O. M'lNTYRF. New York. April U.—Thought* while strolling around New Tork. Millinery girl* carrying their boxes »nd reeding paper backed edition*. A ■light shower. Almoat a* good a* Be la urn could do It And th# aim pop* out again. The old woman near the Plan who rriea: "Violet* for your aweetheart!" A movie atar In an electric brougham Sh» gerea at gaper* with a alight ting# of Insolence. After aII. they made her. Handsome WH Hem Courtenay. Still the Beau Brummell. Whatever became of Robert Hilliard? Th* gaudy and glit tering aplendor of the Jewelry ahope. Th# glrla have atopped wearing flapping galoahe*. Goody! A "Lec ture on Color." There* Rodman Wanamaker. Th# aheik influence in cafes. There's one called "The TV# ert." What next! What next! Soon Coney will open again. How desolate and whit# it ie In the winter. That line haunt* me: "It ia th# little children, running up th# road before u*. who hide death from our eye#: ' A famous lawyer who reaeru ble* Lincoln. A aever* brown fronted mansion where a gambler llvea. And ha* a hall of fine painting*. Bines th# Knickerbocker bar closed on# never sees a professional south erner And on# wonder# who gare# now at Maxfleid Tarriah a Old King Cole. Frank A. Munaey. Lean *» a sapling. And a steady flrat nlghter. Wonder what paper he'a going to shoot out from under th# boy* nex4* The old Garrick theater Muaty wt*h age old romance. Apples Id cent* each I used to go buggy riding for ?0 cent* more. And everybody oriea save. save. save. Just try to do It. Sandwich men hearing their croaee* with a martyred air. Ram Harris, th# theatrical man. Anoth«w shower. And no rubber* or anything. The silver gleam of th# Hudson. Fa. forv glrla smearing pale cheeks wllh dshs of red. A side wheeler . burning to Albany. Spring - tra la la la peeping through Jersey hills. Th* tragedy of a play that die* a horning 1* a disheartening spec ta. I* Th# other evening I watched s plav doomed to die the second ere nlng The notice had gone up on th# bulletin board- ' We rinse following Iht* performance ” Here were stage people miscast who had rehearsed for many week*—hoping agelnet hope Tomorrow meant th# dreary round of th* agencies I^ong wall* and perhaps another failure yet to night they must be light hearted and g»r- _ The old Rarnegat I.lghf. which for almost a osntury haa stood guard over the shoals of the .Terwey coast and eent warning signals agwlnet treacherous seas. I» aoon to be a tra dition of the Atlantic. The sea haa gradually washed away tho base. Rarnegat I.lghf was flrat erected In USS on the north end of Is*ng Reach. K uur*' on bureau haa opened 1n a Ktfth avenue building It aecVa to supply Information on any subject about New York to visitor* The fee t* fid a year. High optimism aeema to have Inspired the hacker* for the truth l» that nearly every Mg hotel and all the big terminals have infor mation bureaus that dispense all in formation free. fifteen years ago at the old A«tor Hiuise lunch i-ounter down town one could have a filling lunch of chicken pot pie. creamy mashed potatoes, brown bread and a foaming tankard of nut brown (Vtoher ale for SO cent*. The twins lunch at a smart uptown ho el sana als s evactlv $1 In thoao dais New York wraa without a rival for lla ruietne. Today Ira rule In# la mostly tndtgeetlbia french pastry and |c* water. tcoyrngix. H»U