The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 18, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2
Rich Farmer in llrnrl Itnlin Suit \»kr4 (iff t*M» |« Hofiit T«n ll«Nirf •»( n«mWM» Cwttwwti*?. Nm oi» v*# a#.* II cw* «** of h«« • If*'* 0*0. "(•». tTtt*i#fn I* |hbfn#l*#l, *0 M««Wfl mohldw. OHiil *itH In |m,oof 4mo **** n*#in»4 KMeMofc If MarAm* praanfcMat *#otw>n»»* **d #*•***■ * tiratdeo ad IhiAtWlMi county, I* Wa .ttWHef mad la fa flit# aftnowo Hardin* haaMoft th# r* wttf, *• H waa *r*nt#d »o attaehment .if lltM a*#tn»i Marmot* hreF**** In His emunty without ♦**»•»« revi'ra* la ih* hand Th* rt hm*l**ia war* married In Fall* City In 1*04 and wer* «*r*r»'*o in Jun*. l»ro »h*n Pohm*!**' • h*r*e». In hi* notHInn. h* dtannyyred hia wtfa'a *ll*#*d Intimate rotation*, with Hardin* Acoordina In l*r hm.d *>l, Hardin* Irft for Colorado several month* arc to avoid th* reurt *um MM. Hardin* ha* horn a resident of lh* county for alwnit 40 year# and I" t.umliarad amon* lh* wealthiest farm ora and atocktnrn 0( Ihl" vicinity. Ho i« ahout #S year* old. whllo Mr*. Hohtnelaol I* about 40. Mr*. Bchmol 1.1*1 present whoroabouta la unknown. Th# Srhmo1*r1* have thro# children, i wo aona and a daughter. DRY AGENTS POSE AS ENTERTAINERS New York. April IT —Prohibition agents early today used theatrical methods to carry out two raid*. Pos ing as cabaret entertainers, they made three arrests In a Broadway chop house. Then deftly applying burnt cork and changing their make up, they raided an Inn In the negro section of Harlem and arrested the two proprietors and five waiters. Tractor Sales Increase. Columbus, Neb., April IT.—Farm tractors are being purchased in larger lota by Platte and Loup valley farmers this spring than at any season previ ous. Last year's tractor buying showed a tendency to slump. This year finds some of the farmers with larger acreages even buying steam tractors for plowing and cutlvatlng. Deposed Banker Dies. Hr Associated Press. Kansas City, April IT.—John Moore, deposed president of the Fidelity Na tional Bank and Truat company,died at his home here today without mak lng any statement aa to a discrepancy of $600,000 which had been found In hla accounts. _ Nebraska l) Co-Eds Ire Aroused Over Threat of Male Boycott IJaaan. HrrH AihA tt A H*»t# # * »• • » a* Mm »H* at o~*‘* hm At th* t «Mr*r*tty *4 Ar* ImAA 04m »•« tlAtl »*H *** » '# IhnA, tmt H'tfl t"«>* AM trpMWMWH It *n w*<tM t#»Mhr rt*» th* ft* Hr 004**11*11, • fwW ftH'l |,t,l*4*hM 0 H* *U»M*Hl Bf«*i IMi fftMnt A W1« * A Ft ***t*ll tf Ml* pntnA »*ff tt*>inttniH*H»at*rr »M*W* A*N *«M Th* fMtWH'lr MM* «►**!« •a r»f aa t* MV »MI Amarttf #if«* •tt* 't’ii*|rai*MV* of th* IM**H*t firm th*Ht Hr th* m*h," IMI tHar **»* • f*o*r Hunt* rraAtM***’* aM H* ImplorM tH* r**t «f th* fi*t*t*ifti Hirat t* V'Ht Apwltto* It** * H* lolit of thA MNi of t*htln« fltn-ar* oh All **A*t»« * M*msA "At* th# «tHA no will th*y Ar* uh*HI* l« rratbt Ar* lH*y too proud to rMi oh tH* »'raa( o*r t* * d*H0*? It ***tn* *o!" Tint (tty th* oood» he*la«ad th* *4*1 *# *# IM »- pn*i Mr*' *» •*** • »♦ «M »♦**• IM »rtM» A*4 itot bmH* I* |w4 iwrt llwf wi AM and Al-nla I fill i* f»* **»* pt it-i#4 W *m»M| l**»i wtW IM iw**i • MW Aland i* **’d fw MM •*♦* AakM I* IWlfWl*l • Ml "IM I>)1 H IM Moil If r*4Bf •»•!» pm ** ■ w m aiatiM **n«>n* abim aamaa**” pm IM t* IbN An* w-«I«b, AM dnwiP «»»•*«♦« »i* Ml *1* la * "M*** I* A BnBAlABf ft I f*>» (M r*M nMItihtiliM fl*l, I’ill llm *• IM (•Him (Mi litliM <4 M»i In IM tnnWi* Hum In *)♦ N iw •M Inmfc for IMP 1 ‘ It* an *utPr**P *t •« t»od*t«'»«t r*B1 Ipal Pa* P**n •■ li t amiin* IP* natBpiia N*r fnnnlpa TPata la talk nfj pBiMiitm pit la, Pn|inii(Bt **ni** Pnfih, And tha Ilk*. Pn mini l*n*r* h*v* M*« l«rn*d In hr hoip wiab and p.-m*n that IP* Bdlinr had in pm up » aUn "No l*itrra lontar than If* nnrda." SLAYER ASKS TO BE HANGED Chicago, April 17.—A plea (hat he be hanged wa* entered by Sam Rosen, a tailor, arraigned today for »laylng hla wife. ‘I plead guilty,'* he answered, when the Indictment was read. "Do you understand that I can sentence wou to hang? Judge Caverly aaked. ' "It doesn't worry me," Rosen said, "In fact, I want to be hanged " Rosen declared that he had killed hi* wife and the mother of his two children because she had been un faithful to him. "I would rather see her dead than blacken the name of my children,' he said, "but now that ahe Is dead, I have nothing to live for.” Good Farms to Be Had in Richardson County Palls City, Neb., April 17.—Plans to "sell" Richardson county farm land to the country at large are being work ed out by a special committee of the Ft^ls City Chamber of Commerce, which will co-operate wdth other com mittees In the county. The plans In clude compilation of data and Illus trations for literature describing the wealth of the sail, to be distributed over the country. Arhor Day Next Tuesday. By International Nows Service Lincoln, Neb., April 17.—Tuesday. April 22, was officially designated as Arbor day In a proclamation Issued by Governor Bryan today. JEAN F. DUFF1ELD The Steinway Has (Supreme Qualities —iejr« Jaaa Duffield Mr. Jean P. Duffield says: 'the Steinway has supreme Qualities and represents the highest point of accomplish ment in the building of pianos." Mr. Duffield is an (artist of more than local fame and his recommenda tion is worthy of note. You, Too, Will Proiio tho STEIN WAY Steinway (the instrument of the Immortals) is the acme of piano perfection. Artists of national, international and local fame pro claim its leadership. Yet you may own one of these wonderful instruments by paying only a small sum down and then easy monthly payments. Come to our store and let us show you the new display of Stein ways for your selection. Satin Mahogany Uprights, up from . Art Mahogany Grands, dj 1 up from .* Sd^fe&JWoJer^oQ Exdual va Stainway Rapraaantatlvao la Nabraaka and Waatara Iowa Now Is the Time to Install Your RUUD TANK WATER HEATER On Our Special Limited Offer of 50c DOWN and $2.00 per Month With Gas Bill, Installed Complete $26.50 We can only Install a limited number per day. First come, first served. Save delay by Ordering Yours NOW! GAS DEPARTMENT METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT AT 8767 1509 Howard Street AT 5767 I -- ----——---- ■■ - SLAYER SUSPECT CONFESSES CRIME Pueblo, April 17.—According to Chief of Police Grady, John Barg fred* held a* a auspefit In connection with the fetal shooting of Judge II. II. Low yeeterday afternoon con fessed at 1 o'clock this morning that he had committed the crime. According to the alleged confession BargfTed* said he killed the attorney following an argument In the latter's office over fees demanded hy Low and alimony asked hy Bargrede’s wife, who had sued for divorce and who was represented hy Low. The confession. Chief Grady said, was obtained after 20 houre of grill ing, following Bargfrede'a arrest. 2 DEAM HURf IN AUTO WRECK Gary. Ind., April 17.—Two were killed and four Injured early today when a large touring car, speeding through Gary streets at 60 miles an hour, hurtled against a steel trol ley pole, flinging Its seven occupants at least 30 feet from the wrecked ma chine. The dead are: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry, Chicago. r~—-s Nebraska 1 Nubbins --> Ord.—Ord chapter of the Order of DeMolay will give lie first annual mother, father and eon banquet In the Community Service eluhroome. Friday. April 2S. Ord.—City council la getting esti mates on putting In another well. The present well w-aa sunk about four years ago. and since then the number of water users has almost doubled. A contract probably will he made this summer for another well. Shelton.—J. A. Eight, a civil war veteran and pioneer settler In this community, la dead at the sge of it. Ha came from Keokuk, la., In 1271 and homesteaded land In western Hall county. He la survived by hla wife, one non and one daughter. Beatrice.—School debating season closed her# when the locals won a decisive victory over Brock, becoming a possible contestant In the south eastern district. Wymore.—Mrs. W. A. Carrico and Mrs. J. C. Glenn of Wymore left Tues day aa delegates from the local Ne braska Federation of Women's Clubs to the convention to be held at Aurora, Neb., this week. Blue Spring*.—Mre. Ella Wonder, formerly of Blue Springs and wife of Dan Wonder, one time postmaster at that place, died suddenly at her home In Elncoln. The body was brought to Blue Springs for burial. Beatrice.—Bernardlne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gormley, was struck by a car driven by Roy Ritter bush at Eighth and Elk streets and received an ugly contusion In the forehead and cuts In the face. The driver stated that he did not see the (Mid when she attempted to run a( rose the street. Falla City—Falla City's first style show and trade exhibit will open et Wight's hall Thursday evening. April 24. continuing for three days. Vaude ville and dancing will he features. D.ivIil'IiI IlmnlitR f,rl SSUMCwh *t«p \ mif k«l)lin|," man 1*11* d tinea* «*( m n*wt M-oh, at* d H-ttea* d*• itrM I setdHS M MM ps i lit * sf a *w« nf Mi -sew# •■Mti a pnl'c* I"'*** In* tl>M tM i ad» awsjp, h#*d up »** M*lt rtaM n* * if*Ml w»'n« litlti it a< i*#0t i«d*r *M torn f»«> matt i*f» , » rf a utrfc a i**a,*s «• coM.lo ft *..m nf mow** h*t*i •net I* IW A own,If ps* ft Ini pletM her* f«l f*« P* < mfl, d't# tods* Th* trata ••* #»a**dtpg I* Ik^witk a, Paul Miliaa and I It*ik and a auaid an* unlnadlnf mill from th* j • »f I" t t> k t * Inn** nf Ih* hold lip ran in * polf eman *nd mid Mm I nf ih* rchbe,*, hut th* nffl, at a*Id I W«p \nur kidding and did am In Th* hand!** find In a mm or r»r I w hit h the* abandoned out*ld* th* j Minn**poll* city limit*. Postal authorities **tlm*t*d th* In** j it $ 10,000. Nebraska (iirl’a K*»ay First in Training ('.amp Contest Columbus, Neb., Aptil IT.—Mis# Mary E. Rohrlrh of rtetlwond I* th» first girl tn Nabraaka to submit sn csaay on ths subject “Why a Young Man I Know Should Attend a Cltl ren*' Military Training Camp." O E Engler. Omaha, civilian aide to th* secretary of war for th* state nf Nebraska, working tn connection with th# War department and th# Womsn's Overseas Rervlc# lesgus, to encourage military activity among the boy* of th* stat*, announced a na tional essay contest on th# subject for which national and state prise* will be given girl* who writ# th# bast essays. Maj. A. I«. Rollln of the Nabraaka reserve officer* corps. Columbus, re ceived Miss Rohrlch's essay today and believes that it may bs th# first thus farThibmltted In th# nation as wsll aa In the state. Daugherty Probe in Recess. Washington, April 17.—The senate Daugherty committee Ptood In recepa today to permit Senator Wheeler, the committee prosecutor, to attend the opening hearing in the pennte's in vest Ration of hip indictment in Mon tana. ‘On With Kissing," Accedes Omaha Doctor; Science Frowns, Love Wins fin mii W»m *• *•**# m * Mi ■* iKiwitm II W Ml •*« •*»! Ml *M M* wimi *■«>** mi mmmm !*•>♦■» • IM* In I I WHl » IHM M» in* »•<*** M >**• »*' »l ItMWl In <•«** N **•♦ m *»<»* mi »» MM** M ***w*** Ml wftMl MM* «tli|ll»*l •infllMn «M* nmm I nhi• V*• f*l* p*M*h**M *M • i • *Nn* M IM (III in* M • M*“ m*i* rn till* * *1*1*1* WMlIM N PHI* ml *** n* IMmuii* !•»»*** * V >»• In IM mmwlw* *M • k»M M IM M M**l*| **!*•• IWMWIl • KinMnf 1* A*w***n«* *1 Mir dm* • n4 in WIM* Mil MmM mm • ■*•*•4 im *tir Maliii «m*wi»ii***M*»* * H **** Inn4 *nmi uw*u*r**«lwf »»* I* MM ilMMir, fw *1*1*pl* AM iPtnk ** IM Ml|>l»*« rhlMmn »M mnl Aw * BRITISH NOTE GETS NO REPLY Waahlngton, April IT.—-Th* reran! not# from rremler Ramaay Harden aid, outlining th* Brltiah govern manta attitude toward th* I>ewe# reparation report, la not conaldered by Btat* department official* aa call Ing for a reply. It waa learned her* today. In ezplalnlng why th# Britlah com municatlon had not been anawerad, officiate fall hack on th* uatial **• planatlon that tha 1‘nltad Btataa ia not rapraaantad on th* raparatlon# commlaalon nor officially In th# Daw** commit!#*, and coneaquantly la not a party to th# reparation# negotiation*. Rail Employea Organise. Mora than 100 employ** and tarn iltaa, romprtatng all department* of th* Miaaourl Pacific railroad, mat Thuraday night at Crounc* hall and organized th* Omaha Booatara’ aaaocl stlon. F. M. Nlchola waa choaan chair man and Franrla Weynant, aacretary. Short talk# were made by Oenernl Attorney Mclaughlln, Dr. Dodga, It. J. Hall. W. S Wllaon and R. H. Re cord. The object of the aaaoclation la to promot* co-operation among am ploye# and a rloaer relattonahlp with shipper# for 100 per cent aervlce. Meeting# Will be held each month. Julius Orkin --1512 Double* Street-1 ■I Friday=* Choice of the House . Sale V of HATS k»5 Wonderful Values Styles of the Hour Buy Your Easter Millinery Now Millinary Dapartmanl—Third Flaar Supreme Values in the Gift Supreme April Is the Diamond Month The nine rings illustrated are especially excellent values. All rings are 18K white gold, set with blue-white diamonds of perfect cut. A lasting Easter or Graduation Gift and the April birthstone. No. 1—$17.80 Raautlful full cut diamond, lion* agon filigraa mounting. No. 4—$32.80 Salaried diamond, octagon or kti< agon lop, ftiigraa mounting. No. 7—$75.00 Octagon or hanagon top, haautt fully mountad with filigraa work. No. 2-422.80 Octagon nr haaagon tog, flligraa bat*. Hand rarvad. No. %—$40.00 Baautiful octagon or haaagon tog, with aatra flligraa haaa. No. 8-4100.00 OctapnJ top with air llna rantar, lour amall dlamnnda on aldaa. No. 3—827.80 Hasafnn tap. HI if roa kaaa and •Hank. No. 6—880.00 Squara, art of on ar koaafna ran* tor, witk air lina. No. 9—8138.00 Finest fillfrnn mountlaf. witk lour small diamonds In samara ORDER BY MAIL Sent prepaid, subject ta in spection. Order by number, jfivinc sire if possible. C. B. BROWN CO. Diamond Merchants-Jewelers 220 So. 16th Street "The Treasure Cheat of Omaha** [ttuHf Hut ft iM Mil *0; |a «ni «Mmni At *a«ot af<e*o t*»*t I Oewn tw» Mlw*t * 4%i *••'+* k • * ■ ♦' UhM hr r A ■»*<»». **** •• *♦>♦ Mm <4 km# *41 <M>« mi •*.# #*••■* ♦* ^mn * >• »>1II1 il m **»• **-•►* Ww»i •*<4 l«* *4P» M **•* M* ’*•♦< mi m *m %4* im» ! 41 <M #MM W tktl *■*»**. •*# •** It* Hum fwituti «m MtM't rt %*##** I <. , |*f !• O ’*tl «l» j« t».*4a*a I |t Ml Mea *♦>*♦*§ (,a ^ l Orttllni ! %oori ioA a ft ,*# a fwimri* |nifi,l> **a!fa hM fv OaAtarafc j ic tari ara a **ia« of la*# *e»A • Mm* H main to lo%0 •rtaai O'fk* oat aa «t!t ceawt Into a 0* *# aat W!a ail# 0. l*w> a Witt fl* ' at ktvt fa fuH Ml a t* h a triMaf a a tHa Ha*w*«a# oti watt, ahtf w**itA Ha tlia ua# r*f It* On will* ffca lilaa* * Otaato, twin* IfWttv fafnlt. na ♦ Mo’ a : market I ha rl»»aa nf Iff, Mta'tk i| oration H. C.WITWER Introduces you td “Baa’s Knees.’* BRUNO LESSING A story called “Lova Laughs st Lspidowitz. DON MARQUIS The Old Soak’s History of the World. (P opolitan | May On Sale ! Maady Jfoir lEasteirh U 13 Apftarol i %hnp 2d Floor I \ a Swagger Suits Style-ful Frocks Value marvel*, every garment, in such a satisfy ing assortment! Smart, serviceable, boy-type suits of tweeds and attractive mixtures. Dresses for street, sports and afternoon wear, delightfully fashioned of new-season fabrics. . .__ ______ ^ --— - —-a a a , USE BEE WANT ADS—THEY BRING RESULTS Banked Fires Draw No Interest— As night comes and indus try is stilled, the demand for electric energy de creases. As the great part of the populace sleeps, the fires under the mammoth boilers at the power plant are “banked.” It would be a great finan cial saving, indeed, if the fires could be “killed” every, night. Banked fires draw no in terest! However, it would be cost ly to the people. They would be the ones who would suffer. Electricity must be ready to serve every minute of the night, as well as during the day. It must meet many uses and emergencies in the home, in hospitals and oth er places. Enough fire is kept always under the boilers to meet all demands for emergen cies for our company is anxious to maintain our present high standard of service at all times. POmaha Is a Great Place in Which to Liiv't Nebraska ® Power €.