isjsgssri The ("imam a Moris mg Bee j it t J ___ ^mhhhhhhi '-#Mi w*i*<** CITY WITION | VIII. 4a"™NoT5T™,—ll,™—IB,—" OMAHA. KHIHAY, Allltl K OWE* TWO CENTS* WSftglWiJP* L» 1 ■1 ■■'■■ -—" —* • l ■■■ .. *£ YUU **■ „,M„ M • . ■ • »»» *r*-» | * *-.■ _££- • * - ».E **£:.•■ SS,.g ----—> -i ■ — - - 1"""’" t - - ‘Tramp Car Evil to Be Eliminated Regional Advisory Hoard l)r rlare* War on “Food Scalper" a n tl Hi* Mean* of Operation Farmer Is Big Loser War on the "food scalper' was do dared yesterday afternoon by the central weatern regional advisory hoard In lta meeting at the Chamber of Commerce during a discussion de voted to finding a remedy against the evil of the "tramp car" that may he reconslgned, several times befor1 finding a market for the food or grain It contains. n. d»y. It results In a glutting of markets, Insufficient re mill- to the producer, car shortages i,ii,I loss of the irroducts themselves, . hr sold. |j. i;. Shepherd of Jerome, Idaho, cliniruaili for that state, declared that while the problem Is primarily one for the producer and the conttumer, the railroads are vitally concerned, and that Ihe obligation Is on them to assume Hie leadership necessary to work out a satisfactory marketing plan. "Kvery railroad dollar originates from the soil, the ntlpe, or the sea," Mr. Shepherd said. "In our western territory It comes principally front tne farmer. You must see that the farmer gels hi* dollar If you want to get your shara. May Resume Mr*nehig. . The western producer* agreed that unlea* prompt means were devised for ot,lei |v marketing through co-opera tion of Ihe producer, coimnleslon men and th# railroads, a strong effort would he made through congress and Hi» state legislatures to revive the li censing system that was In effect during th# war. The whole subject was referred to the fruit and vegetable committee of the five slate* for further considers Hun and for such Joint action »* Is ultimately agreed upon. I^ater It I* expected that the appropriate corn mlttee* of eastern regions! boards will be consulted so that the produc ing and consuming factors can co ordinate their effort*. We Have With Us Today If. O. Kalll, Kansas (1ly, Mo. Kailroad Man. At the age of 13 Mr. Kalll »«» a full fledged telegraph operator, the youngest In the atat# bf Mlaaourl. And although hla work la In quite a different line now, he la etlll proud of that youthful accomplishment. Born In London, Knglatirt, Mr. Kalll came to tha United Wales with hla parents na a child, and has lived In Kariana City aver alnce. Ilia flrat job wan that of office boy for Iha Mlaaoilri 1’uclflc railroad In Kanaaa city, and hla duties included sweep ing out the office and amptylng tha wantepuper baskets. He obtained a big thrill from bis flrat promotion, when ha was mads a car clerk at the Grand avenue depot. At that time and for soma time before that, hla ambition had bean to lie a telegraph operator. It w»lh an ambition which at that time was shared by most young railroad men. Having succeeded In that, he continued hla advance toward higher offices, until, after he had bean with tha Missouri Pacific six years, ha Joined Iha Union pacific forces as a soliciting freight agent. He has h»en a member of that same railroad's • force* ever since, a period of 40 years, and he Is now general freight • gent for the Cnlon Pacific system • t Kansas C,ty. Mr, Kalll la unmarried. He came to Umaha to attend the meeting of •ke Central Western Regional Ad 11 wry hoard. Car gervlca division, of • be American Railway association, which hus held In Umaha yesterday. f.. —\ I'roiui l itlhrr Mnkr» Snifriur Chh fnr \lm h Travrlnl Hnhy A / New York. April 17 In and Mi*, t batten II. lb, httt consider* th* condition n* not highly consequential, It wne •aid today at the trenllury *h*r« It waa dlacloaed alao that th# general all nation had been dlaeua-ed at * re cent cabinet meeting. Moat of th# cabinet It waa ##ld, hold the aam# view a* the treaatiry head. Who be lieve* that there I# sufficient n#w hnalnea* originating to cheek the present tendency toward* a |e*##nlng In aetKlty. r • Can You Fawncv It, St. Janies Court y to Reeeive Women of Working Class l______ */ Ilf I filter**I Mvkf. London. April 17 King George ha* Juat taken the hlggeat afep In hlatory towarda the democratization of the Court of Ht .fame*. Follow Ins the a! fetation of the regulatlona an rerom mendw! hy the court chamheibln. women of the working Haaxen can henceforth he preaenfed at * ill Heretofore, the hneUind or f/tthri of a woman prcaenfml had to have high aortal avoiding contorted hy Uhl veralty education, n comrnlealon In one of the armed four* w ftarllamautarv Mtttt, or Important family connection*. Thla iijle aheolutely hnrred women of the wot kins * laaae* The only ex reptlon to the rule wna afforded In Ihe care of women |*f earn ted to the king and i|ii«*en lo the wtvea of am b.iaamlora whom »c lection of foreign fhltiK* fur pr»aentallon nerer waa f) neat lotted. The klnc line no# conferred on the wl\e» of vablnet mlnlatrra the prlvl lege hitherto reaerved for «loa of iimhnaaadora. Aa a conaenlienee, any labor mlrilater’a wife will b« able to preaent frlenda drawn from the artlaan elaaa or tmde union olfli lal (torn. The tlrat rourt of Ihe aeaaou will t* held Stay 12 when n niinitwr of work Inc women will to p rear tiled. tn order to rater to the new demand fur cheap Vnurt dieaaee, acveral of the Ida at area In lemdnn are allowing a t«e-i> hi If til cow n with the traditional tmln Ihree \arda Ion* and tha three pliltnra for headdreaa at price* vwy inic from Ilf* t«* $7!». Th« rost of (It* AVtnigm roilrt • p*' I«ll\ mads by West Und tailors is about 1100. ♦ I nonius on Pan: Slights Law Officer Sheriff < oiidit of 1 County. Say* Omaha Re *pon*ihle for Knforce* merit Trouble*. To Be Fixed, Says Chief Fremont. Neb,, April 1,.—Sheriff W. C. Condlt 1* somewhat "peeved" over the first official act of Rimer K. Thom*#, prohibition enforcement officer for Nebrsak*. who Isaued a report on the drynesa of various coun ties In the state, but omitting Dodge county. Condlt, who lias been pushing dry enforcement In L>«dge county, says Dodge county would probably he the driest county in the etata If Omaha was not ao (lose. Thomas expressed hi* satisfaction of conditions In Doug (as county, to w-hlch Condlt takes ex ceptton. “What can he expect of ua up here when a pipe Una of l«oo*e Is run nlng out of Omaha,'' Condlt asked. "In an hour, Omaha leen pictured aa a hopelessly helplee* dependent. Back of all this ther# ha* been too much of a desire to cash In on the farmer for political advantage ’ 21 NEB. WOMEN AT G. A. R. MEET *f»#rial INgMlfh to The Omaha Baa. Waahlngton, April 17.—Twenty on* Nahraaka woman ara In Waahlngton thla waak attending tha national meeting of the I>. A. R. They ara haadad by Mra. Rllgabeth Ollnn Hmlth of t'hadron. atata ragant. Othera In tha Nahraaka delegation ara Mra K, O. Itraka, I’aotrira. Tice ptealdent general; Sira T. P l^rmon. • •maha. alata raglatrar; Mra R. SI, Andaraon, Omaha, atala rorreapond Ing aarretnry; Mra Mai Hoatettlar. Hhalton. vice rhairtnan. geological and hlatortral raaeorch; Mra. A. C. Troop, Omaha; Mra. Kllery Hume. Omaha; Mlaa Catherlna Oreen. lAnmln, Stlaa I.Milan Wllaon, I An coin; Mr*. Paul r.oaa, l.lnroln; Mra, D. O Cleghorn. regent at t'hadron Mra Virgil K. Mr f'arlnnd, regent at Islington; Mra. Dntiglae, regent at Coleridge, Mra. Cook, llaatrlra; Mra N. A H Me t,ean, Slorrtll. Mra T. tl Taylor, l.ln coin Mlaa Nora#. Omaha: Mra. Walk' er, Da» Id city; ffra. Hvron Hart. Omaha; Mra llnhert Hlmmona. (trotta bluff: Mia Andaraon, Heward. Today Cnpgreeman and Mra Robert Hlmmona enlettalned lha following memhera of tha dalrgwflon at lunch eon: Mra Hmlth, Mra t leghorn, 'lie lloatettler, Mra Mct/ean, Mia. Cook, Mi»« tliaan and Mra MrKarland. Miirl.Hrrn Kraclira Cairo. Cairo, A pi II 17 Htuart Mai't^ran. the r.rltleli a\l«tor. rearlied Cairo thla afternoon from Athene, haring aafely negotiated tha tranamadllarra nun iinaaaca on hla attempted globe eiiUultng flight A Mart Srrk» In Si*m$ Imp in Kin tilinn of Hi* Son'i Slnycr l . 1 ■■ —' Moreno# Arl* April I?-Th# will Inlet|><>M no ottjrt'llwi In l#qu##* by tV It tlr«*h. »t*«t f»lh#r of Twl Ur..nit «lmn tinlv*r*lly »tud#nt. to ■print lh# rulin'** tr»P In ut# tt ilium B tV*rd, Olnl* n*«ro, who ws* convirltd of th» youth”* tnur d#r, It w** »nnounc#d todnv by B H Aim* #up#rlnt*nd*nt of th# Aft ym« #t«t# prluon. "tv# will offer no objection. If Mr Oi*n*h wanu lo I* lh# »»#outlon#r,” ■eld tlt» »uperlnt#nd#nt.__ Iowan Op|K)ses Muscle Shoals Project of Ford — Party Combatting Relinquish ment of Nation’* Re*ourre» Into Private Hand* to Be Approved, Say* Hull. New fork. April 17.—'The political party which in th* coming campaign makes a wall defined declaration against relinquishing Into private hands the nation's power resources, will receive th* approval of the Amer ican people, Representative Harry E. Hull of Iowa, today told members of the Women s National Republican club. Criticising adversely the McKenzie bill by which the Muscle Shoals pre set would be turned over to Henry Ford, Representative Hull said; "I am convinced that those * ho try to do It wilt be held responsible for It by the people and that the question of Muscle Shoals will there for* become a great Issue In the com ing political campaign. Wrong Vear. "The Teapot Dome snd other na tural resource scandals which have been occupying the attenUon of the public as a result of the senate In vestlgatlons prove that this I# the wrong year In which to try to give away the people's natural resources. Mr. Hull traced tbs history of the Muscle Shoal* project which, b* said, waa second In magnitude among na tional enterprises only to th# Fanaroa canal, snd saeerted that th# best way to eolve the difficulties of tha quae lion was to submit them for Investi gation to a committee, creation of which, h# added, had been suggested by President Coolldge. "Acceptance of th# prssent Ford offer," ho declsred, "would nullify snd rspetl ths federal water power act In the sense that It would create a precedent for Ignoring Ite easentlal provisions.'' Compensation Inadequate. Th# compensation offer, h# con tlnued, was wholly Inadequate, add Ing that It waa "unheard of proce dure to turn over to any on# man or corporation to be formed by lilra so much power at tb# price eontemplat ed." The congressman declared the gov ernment had two other reliable offer# for ths properly, both of which, he asserted, would yield more than ths Ford offer. Its declared tha nitrate plant* were really araenala for n* llonal defense and that they should under no circumstances he sold out right to any Individual. MORE AMERICANS REPORTED SLAIN Hr tiWlaM r«M Athena. April IT.-—It ta rumored here that two men from the eteam yacht Coraalr, belonging to J. V Morgan of New York, have been mur dered at Tirana. Albania. Tha rumor lacka official confirma tion, , The yacht Coraalr. with J. P Mor (an and Mre Morgan on board, left NapJee laat month for a orutae In the Adriatic and Mediterranean aaaa Lata In March th# Coraalr waa re ported aa rrulelng among the Greek ialande. Rohert I. Coleman of Aan Fran clem and Ge«,rge F Pel-eng of New York recently were murdered by ban dlta near Tirana. Shootinp (jnc of Normand Chauffeur It Postponed Ie>a Angelaa. April IT,—The caee agalnat Horace A Greer, egchauf faur for Mntiel Normand. film actreee charged with ehootlng Courlland ft. Ptnee, Penver oil operator. Near Year'e night, waa pnaA’ned until May St. whan It waa called In the m perlor court todey. owing to the ab genre of Mlea Normand who la re garded aa a material nltnraa Danirl* Won*! Run. Raleigh. N. C . April 17 — Joeephua Panlela todav Informed the eierutlar committee of the Raleigh lumlelw for Preetdant oluh that he muld not accede to the deal re of three who eanted him to be a candidate \ The Weather \-/ >Vr 7 4 h**tr« MUlIrg 7 p *« . April *7? T*i»f w? (dii! »tn • .linui'r I J •» .!#• ft. 109 •<% . 4# IIwmHv 1»mivrilnrr« » • Ml IT • « m . M 7 m »ii .. *• • • m ..... •• » • n - M I • • ■* ** t t • MS M I! n*»n I* i r m ? p. m.. n * P w M * n m «# * P m •• * r * ** ? P *tt 6? f P us *1 Girl Left on Wedding Day Is Held Dorothy Miller La Houc la Married. Robbed. Deserted and Arrested V itliin Week. Nebraska Farmer Victim Dorothy Miller La Roue bndeof *-day, who was deserted by her hu* band, Jean La Roue, oti Tuesday night, was arrested ihla afternoon and taken to the office of Assltant County Attorney Dan Grosa. when ahe confessed to raising checks giver to her by another man, Art Nedrow of Stella, Neb., to the amount ol $1,200 to pay for a honeymon with tha other man She will be held for investigation awaiting word from the Bank of Stellla, Neb., upon which the check* were drawn, the alleged charge be lng forgery When nursing at Auburn, Neb., last August. Dorothy became ac quainted with Nedrow. a wealthy bachelor farmer of Stella He had always been an honorable man. ehe declared, end only gave her the money because she represented a need for the fund*. Intended to Marry "I Intended to marry him.’' #n» said. "After I married La Roue, he asked me If I didn’t know of some man that would give me money, for he was broke. I told him of the man In Stella whom I had not seen for several month* and told him I had already raised some of hla checks but he didn’t care when X told him about tt, although he objected at first. Sine* last August I have raised checks that he haa given roe in $60, 75 and $100 amount* above th* original check. Th* check* wer# written In pencil to they wer* easy to change. "I went to Stella by automobile on Monday with two boy friend* who offered to tele* me there. I mot Nod row'and be gav* me two check*. >15 and $15 each. t'pon my return I raised the checks to $271 and to f!75 with th* help of La Roue, who told me to raise them aa high as possible. I think In all I h*v* raised nine check*." Th* charge against Dorothy Is for *1,100, No word ha# been beard from Nedrow today. "I am (1*4 I am caught. ' aobbed Dorothy, with Mg tear* rolling down her cheaka. "What kind of life la It at the peni tentiary?" aha aakad Mr. Qroaa. "1 have found out that La Roue was really on tha Orpheum circuit aa a buck and wing dancer," aha said. "I love hlnj In a different way from Ned row. "I'll be a good (port and I blame no one. I have reason* of my own for living this way." aha said. “Here a tha key to my hotel room. I have nothing now.’* The man, who eo carefully eacorted Mr*. Dorothy Miller La Roue s« and from the police station, sheriff* office and county attorney'* office tie an effort to have her husband of a day returned to justice, la Roes Hell yer. It was learned Thursday Ro*a llellyer ha* had plenty el matrimonial difficult!** of his own. Monday night ha caueed the arrest of Paul Berger* in hi* wife* apart ment at 1*1* Jackson street on a warrant. Mrs. Marie Hellyer, who has been trying to obtain a divorce, branded the arreet a* pure spite work. Drop Pram Sight. Mr* Hellyer married Berger*, but Berger* got an annulment of the marriage when he learned she was not divorced from Hellyer. her first Rtiehand. It was Hellyer who was In the theater party at tha Orpheum when Jean 1st Roue escueed himself fvor. hla bride of a day to disappear with her money, clothes and diamond ring r Summary of The Day In Washington Th* nauph*rty commits** waa tr r*o*e*. Th* aanate ipr»*d upon two per cent of th* 11*4 oeneua a* th* h**l» of Immigration apportion m*nt. Mnator t'nderwood. democrat Alalvtm*. mad* a demand for a roc# on the Font hid for th* Muaol* 8t)o*l* prrpertl**. Tha 8<-r1p provlalon *u tllmtnat od from the Mo Vary Mac pen apr,. cultural axport hill by th* houa* aprtcultur# committee Th* houa* ahirplnp hoard Inveet-. patina committee continued examt* natt«n of Huntlnpton T M«ra* Eu* rop**n director of th* Fl**t cor poration. Itearttipe on postponement of th# *T*oii»*> day of Mellon tj of th* Merchant Martn* act w#c# held h> th* Intfrttat* Commerce comms* alon Mualc puhltaheoe and reanpoaer* oppoeed hefoi* th* a*nat* petenta committee the I'lll hut to r*|)»\ a broadcattln* station# of rayaltle* on m title. »