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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1924)
Today! Wrtnv ( himtri I *ft, is I ft# /•»/•««♦•**• Unr ty, *** /low'i I H h It mff ion. 1'tmhletl If* tn$hh Mftfi By ARTHUR BRISBANR^ Th*r® are plenty «f rhanre*, jilMhg and eld gentlemen, if you , mr i® Uk* them and work at m*; „ * Twenty-tw® year* *g«, 11 tiff n (Mnne*. Just dead In Uetmany. want tn work with a capital nf Ilft.nOO. lie leave# at l«a*t • !**,• Oim,000, And what la mere Inter eaflng hv far than the ammtnt ®f mUncy la the fart that hi* enter pt t*e* Cover the world great fac to#?*, newspaper*, mill*, mine*, *t«Biiu*hlpa, gigantic forest* in IIii*m», oil well* in Amerlea. ralche* In South America, rubber, co(*er, gold, Iron. Chanrea to get ahead are not nil goie. There's one on every cor nef; one at every desk. If you like figures, work out how much Hugo Stlnne* wa* worth in muj-k*. You ran buy 1,000,000,* 001.000 for 22 cents, divide JI00, 009.000 hv 22 cents, multiply the rcstllt by’ 1.000.000,000,000 and you have Stinne*’ fortune in mark*. There is a little complication be , tween the United Slates and Japan. It won’t amount to anything. I Our Japanese friends, through ^^#,ielr ambassador, allowed them selves to be carried away by theii admirable confidence in their own military genius. And Japan sent to this country a rather rough in-j timation to the effect that it might I be dangerous for us if we decided to exclude Asiatics in earnest—j as little Australia does, for in stance. Naturally, the senate by an overwhelming vote passed the bill that the people want. And it doesn’t sepm likely that Secretary Hughes will now urge President Coolidge to veto the action of both houses, and by majorities over whelming. ,SU'-h a veto -would look as though the president, alone among the people of the United States, shares the belief of Japan that this ■ nation requires Japan’s permission to decide who shall be admitted to United States territory. Japanese bonds fell In all mar kets yesterday, and that is regret table. While we do not intend to have Asiatic colonization in the tJnittd States, we have great ad miration for the Japanese, and deeply sympathize with them in the misfortune that recently overtook' them. Japanese credit is good. Japan has never repudiated a dol lar of indebtedness and will not. AM O **# IMI fttl in >HoMijr **• * r«*.,i deal tafrt I be* earn* I n»*H*e b*M* *h«t* tmerieen riiir*** ere *f*e»« i*HN( Aw*rl*an «wk« ere • IHH# 4i» eweregwd *!*•* l<#t'e h»n# eeirtetre hr«k*t», IneeMnre *n»l gemM*** ef the I'nttH (tlele* er* n«t eer4ne*l» ftighleheil hj lb# little ,l*|»nr»e rtnrrjp. He #ewer (bet hleetn*, be Mrrl that Him, I* mere **n*lllv» iken ymif Well Mrrri r*eMrr, bwl he wnuM heHIr be f*»ll*h enough I" t* t eurh e **»ell meller Inlerfrre ellb hi* hu»ine*e, Varletl* thing* h*ve been lM*r feeing *»Hh Amertenn *if»rk war* Ve| prlfe*. Anil while there |trlee» are net imi*.»rinnt In Ihemrrlve* — nnlg the value* re|ne*enlei| being Important Meet net ten* In Ibe ■lurk warkil efTiit hurlnrr* Wen Ill l**aalW**il i*4 *« laiptta* (In* ImmiM* •llll IK» •' “«I fc,i |* Mm antaWH »**wtM**n**nf>l of ana *"t aMa *•«*« In Mm pH*.I Mml M«h4* ***** mral* •nlita 4«*n fill* ***•*». •! *»•***. Mml h» ha<l **» • •«*«• **"• *' alnrlm In* ••*«< 1**1 W* M«*»r Mi* In* •*«*• ** «„* *l*< "Mum** aM 4*l*»mH***l |n Mill Mark* 4<i**i Mm*. tMnklhf 'I •••*•» »" «•» M««n in H*M, W I**'* *««**»>•»• Mini tml|wl III* ll*»>p. Than lh*-r* I* ala all Mia n*»«H*ir «f hwmlraJt nf mltllana Inin •*r«HH*' !*»•« r«r tin Inm** l*», **•!* n-ui», flnjut*-« *•*»»» lit#* IffM nliMi in**** I* imH »• wmmiIii »M fn**w«n*M \mnlr*M M** HilM IntiHH In I nNi| In f*MW*n I* nwnlnf ilinnnnnno *f I il«*n MttiKntM W*n4n i *n*4n ih* h*« tn»t* lurwatnMit# In « »»<• nr* *"tn4 !«»#•< m^nU I'ultnn* nr* IM#lllf*nl *n4 InrfnH *!*«*, Ih* it Mnmlnrn nf 11* Inf tf*** IHnlf |»lnn4 ■I*.ml *i Mf ni III* •!»!* "f P»nn •ylvnnin, |* *n* ««f Mi* tfnMI •Min »n *U IM Mrtli, rlrli In M* Urill* null, II* Imn, rn|»t*r nn4 mil RMrtnk j If j mi hnv* minty I* lm*H, frr c'nl*n. nf 1f»* *W*»I Aw« rl #a* i*nan*t#»* ar# »*#♦*»♦*# liratth \ llin, Van It* *M I ***•»> Sm#tl**i* IMI**n Nil 4m»1 **! atlhiiUi |MM|, 11.* l#a»*#4 N <1, fctl*. a* K* half #f ||t Xtfti* TliM»*f**‘*! MNINlI' "f NMMHj !»** **»*l*ll|' atw| », UhIi«i»II> **|*l»f*4 uMM ft*** af f*#i#*Hn» af*i**4 Ih* ***** » • *>* aM a*Mt«fM »|l*f‘«t#ly «f lit# (nc*ll*f» »f fcaii*» aM II* ilfflk , . Till* I* ***•' »M#r**lln* l*l»i**^ attUtut (* Mil#*#, *M lfwM*4 l*f 4nuM, ll W»«M M 4«*Mr 1*1*1 i-Hlittf If U *H«mM p»«*i aw, m lanllflrallr, ih# »f 1*»* wlf# rKanjt*<l Ini* a pillar *f aalt. «mi, kii.r «*♦* fe.* *W 4*?, «Mn *M *fc«*M*i'» 4mm* Hi I'Mtl fNn »*n» »*•*•* I**4r »* ••»*» *NH (Ml M4 *»m tfc* H**»* nf nil. ■ tut Hwl »h* kKH < l»tn #*♦* »»n*iMlr *•«» t<« t M p* in IM *rtMi > t »N f*N, ***** •nett* *#M, 1*1 INI #lnw*i 4,mui r«r* am . . .. »IH1* HI H»*I*«iii *»f mlMHif linli Yrt’iiJiH »*• I* ***f r«4*lH w* rnW** MMf nf Hnilnw •«! tlMKHIHh, «M yAv'fi ntwfnrtH, Mil *• ** firWti GEORGE ADE Aw editorial ow humor. ARTHUR SOMERS ROCHE--“TheKiss of Papa doff re.” HEYWOOD BROUN Experiences as a dramatic critic. (Ssinopolitan Mail On Sale kV~ Nothing Is I I ton r^'nd for I I ft any a! I I tbe start. They eat I 1 »« 1lt*le that for the difference of a few I | cents It pay* to boy tbe best J I M,’! "aurtrtta" Caw rwtblMS I I Sign safe sol nsnplal* fonC Ofi I ■ atart baby *Web*. (ximonaed a"lf tea f ■ 6hoi',Ml|fi|Twh«nl>; anund, ***rt pr%tn*. m 1 KtnUlfi’nrbftfUMimaJtn'J prf> I 1 umi in th« efrtTKt pnipcftwni It (**•>• I B mnfro rapid and thrifty growth It wm- I % Uunfi a 7it»*r*J a'mntlty at b'lttrrmtlk', § \ U>« la^t.f arid bam* vary banaftnaJ to # % bnt>y rf.rkv and hi »h* anm ram- # y *»«*• f<*»d 00 whM:h 1°* t^*°° # n » *a ehaiv-ee. # I /.Vf. a rouw MOwrr MCR IP / I jga Sl MOT urrwsaoiY. / *£S tux/ For« by Thr Nebraiha 5»td Co. I5th and Howard .Sti. Omaha, Nab. FREE—Wrist Watch Dance Call at the Store for Free Ticket* Dance, Wednesday Evening, Empress Rustic Garden BEDDEO 1415 and 1417 DOUGLAS STREET QUALITY —A Credit Store for the People — STYLE BUY ON PAYMENTS '/s. EASTER SUITS Tomorrow. . .Hundreds of Fashion’s Newest Suits Are Offered at a Price That Makes Them MATCHLESS VALUES Tim very NEWEST of the new boyish suits, sports suits, 1 mannish suits and embroidered suits are featured in this 1 /rent selling. Knits of the finest twills, HAIRLINE stripes, I homespuns, velours and tweeds. Shades include navy (due, I tan, pray! In workmanship every model is I’ERKKETI mmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn mm m m m m m m ■ WANTED fcvrrv automobile owner to Know the HI'RAfll’K MU.I# c*m mipply you with balloon tire* that elll fit your preaent rima. Call Atlantic 3032 for Price. W» tell FORI) alee Urea aa low aa $2.9ft - - ||< • W*M t-»# • • I'** "* ife.. .— .—Ill—I Fur Storage We are equipped to More your fura and winter jrar* menU in moth, vermin and duatproof vaults. Permanent Waving Make an appointment for a Pennine l.anoll oc Hf| The entire h-a.I. Thursday If Third-Floor Day Important Sales Are Featured in Every Department on This Big Floor CORSET REVUE Free On Our Free Eighth Floor Health and Beauty Are Served by the Art of Corsetry Performances Daily 11^30—1 P. M. 2:30—4:30 P. M. Living Model Demonstrations Entertainment Music Dancing Secure a Correct Understanding of Corset Science Health Lecture at afternoon show by one of Omaha’s prominent physician*. Beautiful New Models Are Added Daily to Our Novelty Shoes for Women ‘An excellent stock of shoes chosen for quality, style, newest colorings and evident workman ship. The styles are of marked variety and the size range is always complete. Values to 10.00 s Suede Satin l Kid Calfskin Patent Leathers Unusual Sale of Easter Sandals “Carla”, “Norma” and Patricia Three different etylen In red, blue, gray, green and white elk ekln, In patent leather alredale and gray euede. These Wonderful Sandals were made expressly for the Brandeis Store under their supervision. Each pair carries our stamp of Quality, Style and rit ~ _ Tfca BraixiaU Star#—Tkird Floor, Eaal Very Reasonably Priced at Third-Floor Day Third Floor Day Is planned far in advance for each week, and planned with an idea of economy and savings in money, time and effort. Every Third Floor de partment features impor tant sales on Thursdays, enabling you to minimize the amount of time and effort spent in shopping; and in the same instance, secure the best values. Third Floor Day brings to you domestic and im 1 ported merchandise at prices that you are un able to match anywhere. The Brandeis Store poli cies of buying give you the advantage of cash purchasing in all parts of the world. Plan your shopping days to take in Thursday Third Floor Day at the Bran deis Store; for Thursday is Economy Day. Begin the Easter Outfit With Dainty Lingerie fn our Muslin Underwear Department you will find delightful lingerie and un dcrthings. You will be pleased with the 1 o w prices. ' Crepe and Radium Chemise 2.95 I,ace trimmed and per ^ fectly tailored; with bodice tops or built-up shoulders. Flesh, or chid, peach and white. Sixes 36 to 44 Crepe de Chine Drawers, Bloomers A and Step-Ins ^ 3.95 Trimmed with dainty laces, insertion* ann ribbons. Numerous styles to select from. In a variety of pastel shade*. Radium Silk Costume Slips 4.98 to 16.50 Each garment is perfectly tailored; with slight fullness at the sides; each has a hip hem. White, flesh, maiza and pastel shades. slzeg 3g to 44_ Tha Brandai* Slora—Third Flnar—Canlar Easter Apparel for Youngest Ones You will find everything for a complete Kaater outfit for the youngest member of the family in our Infants’ Department. A wide range of lovely accessories and underthings and a beautiful variety of coats and dresses. Taffeta Bloomer Dresses Brown, Copenhagen, sand and toast. A great variety of pretty little styles that are individually distinctive. Sizes 2 to 6 Years. Priced at 12.50 and 14.98 Confirmation Dresses Painty voile*, net* and orfandlei; beau tifully trimmed with lare and ribbon. Size* 4, 5 and #; Q Qfl priced at, * Wash Dresses VoiW, Dotted SwU« aad Fraacfc Gin*ham Dr«ufi Daintily faahioned; in nil new color*; with and without A QQ bloomer*. Sirea 2 to «. Easter Hats and Bonnets Made of straw, taffeta, straw braid or silk faille com binations, Becomingly trimmed with ribbons and a rosettes. M 4.50 Brown 8 Tans I Copenhagen Rose l Tka Brandaia Stora—Tkird Floor—Eaal h Baby Day Specials for Thursday Only Silk Half Hose Crochet top*; white, pink, 45c blue; §i*e« 4 to d, _ Baby Bootees Knitted of eoft whit# wool end delntlljr trimmed with pink 44c or blue. Stork Pant* Ventilated and plaint email, medium and larre *l*e». White OQ. and fleeh, White Organdy Bonnet* Very fin* quality; lace and embroidery trimmed. All Q O _ aizea, J/OC I Thursday—Specially Priced Knit Underwear Kayser Union Suits Regular and *Q Extra Stzes Fine cotton, in bodice or band top, with tight knee; full bleached. Glove Silk Vests Bloomer* and Step-in* Plain or drop*titch; open or i bodice *tyle». Fle*h, orchid. and whit*. Regular anc Extra Sizes 1.98 Carter Athletic Union Saits w Teddy or open atylea; with bodice top. Made of tery high grade dimity and nainrook; flerh and white, Ail aixea. Regularly 1 00 and 125 each. 79c Children’s Union Suits Made of good quality dimitl** and fin* Halts. Drop or closed-stat stylts. Six*i 2 to lt> 49c Th« Brand*!* Slora—K«»t Uad*rw*ar D*»«r»mrn»— Third Floor—C*ol*r Smart Nellie Don Dresses For Home and Informal Wear More than a “wash dress” are these pretty frocks, so favored by discriminating women. Kach dress is perfectly tailored and in wide ran^c of fast col ors. Keguiar xize* 1.95 to 2.95 Extra Sizen 2.50 to 3.50 I ha Brandon Stora Third Floor South Home Brighteners for Easter Perfume Bottles Hand pairttrd gprayg and flnw rrt; l«*nicth»nfd O CA gtoppgr*. £»•%}%* Artificial Fruit Rrautifnl, natural lonkir* *«x fruit of all kltnK Bud Vases Hand paintrd, with pihk, lavan drr. Mu* atld frrrn a |?A| drromtiona, 4 »Ww Artificial Flowers and Ferns Tuli|» Cnrnftnwara, rh»rr) M»»*<>ma, I.ilara JoiujuiI*, 1 Of? to 2 00 G.raniuma, Swpet I’rao, \a»tiirlium>-. OrrhUU an<l othar* a VfW IVJ 4*,vv Tl»# Rtta^fii Slow rktfJ Haar Waal ..•= -- . ....-- xxsrasT ~ ~ =*=■“ —c.-_C'