The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 17, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2
f inr \r,o poi ifF. MOP-UP SQUAD * i '«|i tii* **> *« «-*(• *# • I*- «r* Ml* « t» M W(imm I *••*(! »«*»*•* ****#« •-inl»ni»*»'.4 k* M |S.\r. | « «| MM f*‘- ♦ '«»*»» mmm MwM iim1 f •*» *■ f m r>MM M i HIMW| ! ♦ *4 tM.w* «•(«•«•>* 4|« »HM «4K I* h»» nfnM *» *t I Mh W kb« »*« t **<• «f Hi >•* **>*• ' Mm In#. <M .•*'•*> In • 4 •• I# **-» »• In-«M Mi l>w m niton* M M M*i ** WM M *••*•<#**• M'feN* * l*«M «t •*#» <MM $*•*«(>* ... ... IM>. >«H>t *H*«’ » -» •*•** ► "**• *fc» itfMM «4 »♦'<• •*•■» .*•♦< «• m i**»* ■* |(N M M M T»-*+ '*—• • t« «*»* «■«*% »*•«* fc» M »*• ln«l Wwt. f*«* »*»«*» »w Herzblags 'c Accept With Our Compliments, o Beautiful Dresden Photo of Your Baby *Babyland’’ want* to welcome your baby Friday. A beautiful photo await* you. Size, Mounted, T Vi* 11 Vi You got your choice of any one of three or four proofc. A photo of your baby a* illustrated fraa every Friday. Photos by Heyn assure you of an exceptional quality. Every Friday Is Free Photo Day You may ha»« tho •ailing* takaa aay lima up to Oclobar 1. 1924. An order for your Baby's Photo graph given Free with each $3.00 purchase made Friday in Babyland T HIS unusual Ftee Photo offer has * but one object, and that is for Omaha mothers to acquaint them selves with our wonderful New Baby land. Come Friday. IJNUSUALLY broad atockt await ^ you, from complete layette* to baby toy*. Thi* dainty *hop i* *plen didly prepared to *erve baby'* every apparel need. Babyland is crowded with the daintiest of creations for babies and little boys to four years Awaiting you in Babyland la a careful, considerate service —a ataff of salaaladiea who dalight In serving the baby. They are anxinua to ahow you the graat array of little toga that we have aaaombled for the wee tota. Bring In the Baby Friday— Get Your Coupon Babyland—Meaaaaiae Fleer 9k FLORS HEIM SHOE ^L0RSHE1M Shoes are the re sult of the most experienced thought in fine shoe build ing, skilled workmanship and best materials—a prod uct of unusual excellence. THE SAVOY A refined style for the Man Who Cares $10 The Florsheim Men*s Boot Shop 315 South 16th Street Btlwtan Faraam and Harnay Tho Immigration r lni|tnlnn il ltaw*ti '«»• |MHi|nl Nllillr wf i lutp* Nil MrlfllaJ IN IMMOMI r*M* Hd*ot>*t* *pct II I r w *"• I t*|*l a W*| *M#HO 90 »b* »a bn* H**#** e»t**wl »l*o#»d ** **#i**att,<*» awao««o#4 tnd** fk*t Will 1*1 ■ M l» *!,*,*,» !*»• *> b*..ww *!**»* I »* n* 'i,i*i t* im mainland •"** tk*' \\ i*.« *M lft*p#olof J#»k »** MlHitan, Pb* k»*» »• II* Mon* The 0 "o« tm pfytM ii* imbt* il** Mtyr* of Ik* rk**f## (tif>W* »*• IntfWlil nbuff 11 Hi II h* tie»*d *• i<* in Kimu mi, mm«.* m *u*peod#d vMitrlti Kliny Wiyill l*ol aev *h*tk« tk* tttaponMnn of Ik* two WM oooor. I*<l with •** International plot In amn««l* Chino** Inin I ha 1'nlted bialo* Ihmuah llawrall r*n**t*d y#at#rtl*|r in Wm*hln*tnn hv OmmlaMnner Ii*’ eral nf Immlrmitnn IliiMwtuI It la estimated by J»lr*rtur Wlznn that between t&OO.OOO and 11,000,000 waa paid In Chlnoa* amuzzlln* operations. It la hollavod by official* ! hor* that conspirators ohialnod II* l lairal *t*try for clients hjr nwltrhln* birth o*rtlflral** and paaep'.rts of honaflda American rltlnon* of Chlnoa* hlrlh. Tho** wor* turned ovor to lh* Incomln* Chlnoa# at Honolulu, who than mad* th*lr r**ular wrajr unmo lested to th# main land. Tha appar I *nl correctness of their pap*ra ,d* calved mainland authorltl**. Wlzaon aald h# had r*aaon to be* llav* tha conaplratnr* charted thalr Chin*** tl.SIO apiece. Wlzon will leav* for Weshlntton, D. C., Wed* neaday. Five Place* Visited in Ashton Dry Raid I»up city. Nab., April 1« — Sheriff J. A. Thrallkall, with hla deputy and ••van atate law enforcement offlrera, vlelted live place* In a dry raid at Aahton and aelaed aeveral hundred bottle'* of beer, four gallona of whlaky and on* at 111. In county court John J. Goe plead ad guilty to 10 count* charging poa aeaalon of Intoxicating liquor and waa fined $1,000 and coat*. Ray Ault pleaded guilty to a poa eeaaion charge and waa lined $100 and coetd. Mik* Koamlckl, a farmer, admitted he had three quart* of whlaky and contributed $100 to the arhool fund. Vincent Crerwlnekl pleaded not guilty to the complaint that he had bottled beer In hla aoft drink parlor and hla hearing waa eat for May S. Troops on March. Beatrice, Neb., April 1*—A detach ment of cavalry with IT head of horgM, In command of Captain palm er, and a detachment of field artil lery, In charge of Captain Wallace, will arrive In Beatrice next Saturday and camp here over night. They wtl reach the city about noon, coming here from Fort Riley and Fort Laa» I enworth. GERMANY UNAIU.F TO PAY IS Cl AIM •a Im* »»*• IM* I • ati* *■> *••** a ******* M In M Bn*'* ««*..**•< *%4* (** ***»»«**» m ***■# *. a *.4 «a*i<i*«iM*» »*m**M* I* mmli» ' ■ H >a t* m *1 »*»* (Ml H • ^••taafHI *«**• **ia4 a iWfiMii imaiiM *1 IM ****** I* an m* t>44 Ml** h ■»•>***« i (4tMMI l>l Hi IIIH 1*1# Bn •***( »• ** rinai'l-4 *• fctMM'lnMl |4<m**i| MInhiI *)*•**'*•€ M Mat** 1 TM atmlH im»M that IM •**•** iwimIiih m*4a *!>**• a*'r-aia **" i haa|aa I* IM MHM "*1*1 ** •*** mk* In IM I'l'M I«4i4i*l i« m* |j"*4«a laalwaata •*# IMI f *M m«M a*'i4 mull M IM nwMl mmtmtiM imM*t, armtBlnt *** ***• 1*a»M IM*I*|II» •*** BailM"* i>*' Mt'i'i'*• CM m* Ml I: IM*. I*!l I. ' !*#* It‘t *•!#• Hi* BHMilnn • MiMr n*mia*i' ran t**f t *m Mb *ni4 naaffc* a ***r l»t*maliy wlthmil rrvtalllna ll* hnBt*!," h* rnn tlnn*>l “ll nii*hl 1* ♦*• imlnlM mil IMI Ihl* atnniint |<rmlil*i1 ** IM |«a*r* nimmllir* *111 >**•* P»v I#* ml»r**t rhart* nn hnnB* »f **rl**A n *»,# H*b iwi f**1 iiiii *■# j but * hnihi ♦ * Tt« *rn t Ml itra <**btb4 F**#*b (mil.i rf lb* Mb i b(i*|i *Wib |lh« •*■**■ b ill*# ,«i ib# 0*#l+*»b . |W 11 it #»t «f*4 b Ml •#** 1 • 'll ***** mam ••**« Ml* Ml lb* b**lbb*l **♦ Ml' MM "bb* *« ••» ibM, I4i• 1 *it*M* pwtbl •***• i«bi*M bb blM ttMlMtfi HMIMblWt lb* »*t • •nob I# lb# >**>»* burar 1 **• b*i* •Ml IbMI Hi IMf »HH •-MmIf* *M lira MpHlMiira 4 Mb#* bi'iM'ira #ra *»!#»*•• TbbM tb* H I* b*l *'*♦ b, *Ml la *b«b Ibbl I*b*bli» H*«* [bo Hi Hi b *M ***** bb* bn »*'«* •« inn |*****lb I# lb* I *«M *•»*#*, milniMMli fi*** **##»** !»*•* P*b tbblib lb** fiMHrt* b l|*#*l til ‘■III. **4 ib# i*b*l '*m» *>f iitbbl ,«* **nb*Mi* blbbt • bo*tt*t bb*4*H Ibbb (Mlitbii*1* Ib F' • *■ * "Tbb*b *** it'****' |*b***« I* lb'* biibbll** 1 b* *4t#b * Tb* ***i*m**'» bib* • **1*' bb* It H ***• lb* obli *** ib* tif*'M*tii *<niM Mv* b**n miiIM |nn« •■* FiiM*m*t*i»IW, ib* <t#H*lon trail * II h IhblW* T*v1» Y, |l li Ib* biiNil**l Mllll*ra |***l '•* Kinop*. If il wHIim I" ilibW *l*f man* jmlltloaMy, •• *’•* il" »n lb* l>rni**i* of llrniU tlrllblb »«*l Iblb mimin' will h* bill f*#bl* tin**. "If II bl*ht*» In multi* H»t nnmv i'*v a* 11 iifigj ii NHI it*** 4* •* «, * ti! , , Iff* » VMM •*♦ Wi^» WPH* 4* __ KURTZMANN Outstanding Piano Value We Are Now Showing Beautiful New Uprights at $475, $485, $505, etc. Grandsat$950,$1050,$1150,etc We List Below Some Prominent Kurtzmann Patrons: Edith L. Wa»*on*r (taeckor) John P. Wabatar Dr. G. A. Reader J. E. Catchall John How* Ganr(* Wiaa Thao. Srainak A. J. Saldlar H J. Studanroth J K. Skrahaa J. H Schmidt C. A. Danfala Mr*. Marl* Culob G. W. Bichlmalr F. J Barr Frad A. Anderaan Horae* Fallon John Finlay Will Hathartnftaa (t*ack*rl D. F. Canlay F. B. Bataa J. F. Guppy E. E. Hoffman, Vail, la. Mra. Anaa Than*!, Norfolk. Nab. J. W. Tannahlll, Norfolk. N*k. C. O. Stewart, Norfolk, Nab. W. L. Carpontar, Skidmore, Mo. Goo. J. Church. Peru, Nab. Freak E. Schlatar, Plattamaulk, Nab. Reap B. Tawli W H. Guild I ala L. Kennedy Werld Raalty Cempany Rama Millar Ira J. Kltcken F L. Hack! 7am E. Graaneufk F. S. Freeman C. O. Daraar Varda L Wyatt J T. Wklfam, Jr. H. W. Tkeralea j H. A. Saraaaaa l.arayaa M. Skarman Fly Raamuaaaa (teacket) Laker Lyceum Iran* Z Kinney F. W. Jnkneen Jamca W. Hanlry W. R. Patera, Stanlon. Nak W T Pkilkrlck, Cralfktaa. Nak A. J. Great, Narfalk. Nak. J L. Gerrunf. Narfalk, Nak Dr Eleda Black. Gutkria. Okl Flrat Baptlat Cfcurck. Narfalk. Nrh F W l.ouia. Rivartan. la. Alkart Back (taackar), Ca Rluffa, la. Tka B»ky Grand Star* OifiSSP 410 S. 1 0th, Omaha BETTER FURNITURE A! Lower Prices Each eprlng It lc the STATE’S policy ta offer •paclal value* la *ulte*. Our u*ual low price*, maintained through a low eapanae in rant and operating ce*t, CO EVEN LOWER at thi* time. Came la and tea theae value* before buying. Wa charge no Interact en time accennt*. DINING ROOM SUITE Eight placaa, t Iw^tr »ilu» an4 ana which will ga quickly. Paring daaign in walnut, a ragular aalua at IIU.OOi Afi TC thl. waah at.# 9 LIVING ROOM SUITE 3-pioca, in either tapoatrr nr valour. Spocial aonatrnctian aaJ ia a balf-#| 91 prico bariaia al.» BEPW00M SUITE Raautiful walnut Hadranm tuita. thraa piacaa la pariad daalpa. $91.50 I Money-Saving Specials Gas Range $36.75 $1.00 Down $1.00 Brooms Go*4 ...lily Maja.lle raf.lar $1.00 »«!• ■aa, .pa*la I M..$ay.J*** Smoking Stands A mIhmm •taal wi«k flan raaaptada far aiKaa. Rifular IS aalua. S7 iackaa simw'i>i 69c Complete Outfits Furnliti aa apartmaat ar a kaaia camplat# at a praat aa»* lap. Laak at thaaa 3 raama camplata..! 4 raama camplata..| 3 raaaaa camplata ■ . EXCIMIE IEMITMEIT Trad* ia yaar aid faraltara far aaw. Ltbaral allawaaaaa far aid plaaaa. Lawaal pricaa far aaw;^ PRE-SEASON SALE Refrigerators *12.75, *19.75 Up Front icar with hard, whila anamal lining: haaviljr in«u latad to »a*a ica hillt. EREEi SO Ihi. of ica with aach tala in thia offar. $1 Down Sprint CluraaM of High-Grade Phonographs Upright Phanagrapha, $39.75 ad $49.50 Canaala Phaaagrapha, $19.75 iRd Ip A (aw damoaatratara • I lawaat pricaa. 11 T«k Mofel | f 1 $150 [I tf§H£frtWu£ -—-’ $4 CLir this couroN I n r In( (HI* MW '» w I ilnt. Il li *•» I*** I l>»ll»r »«r ^urikM* •< ■ *10 mr •»«. STATE FURNITURE CO. 14TN m4 I8D8E J». 1)17 ———— " " I nhnmpson-Bekkris Furs Repaired and Remodeled II t Art S»m 7 hit II (ttk Our farllltlea for the work of repairing and re. modeling are unenrelled, Vo«ir fur* are miniated only »« akilled workmen, enperienred in designing and rutting During the summer charge* are about 2S'- le*a— a worth*bile economy. Allow Ua to Estimate Your Work Storage ratee are of your valuation, which in*urea protection again*! moth*, theft and fire. THIRD FLOOD ===s‘T/ip Hrnl Plate to Shop, After Atr^sssniL I I Glove Silk Lingerie of lovely Luxite quality Luxite lustrous silk, woven for beauty and strength. Women who wear Luxite know the extra ordinary qualities of this superior lingerie—glove silk that wears and wears—for years! Plain heavy Luxite »eta of vest with either bloomer* or atep-in*. Lare-trimmeH set* of Luxite; vest with either bloomer* or atep-in*. Union suit* of Luxite ailk: perfect fitting in regulation and bodice top atyle* • Bridal let of white Luxite g!ov» silk with edging and medallioni of lace, t est bloomer*. Each piece of Luxite glove ailk is carefully sized— an item which has much to do with the attainment of the slender figure. STREET FLOOR Hotel Rome Cafeteria The Beat That's All America'* Cold Remedy 150 MILLION Tablets Used Lett Year You can depend on Hill's Cascara Bromide Quinine to break your cold in 24 hours—la grippe in three days. There's no guesswork about Hill's. It has been proven in millions of cases. More than 4,000,000 American families used one hundred ancf fifty million of Hill's tablets last year. tor headaches, constipation, acute pain* due to cold*, la grippe and wtntrr complaint*. Hill's Caicar* Bromida Quimn# has no equal. Don't delay— get Hill's today in red box bearing Mr. Hill's portrait. All druggists, JO cent*. uUl'a S HUN in Mrn nr hki r TRV OMAHA HIT WANT Alls AIM KHTI»r.¥K>r. Pretty, Wavy, Curling Hair Without Hot Iron Here* a •imple method which !• a favert t a of tha hell** of a certain waive'*• •octal • It will five your hair mah • beautiful wave and luatra and fvrm't * Ito da away with tha rvineva waeiuf 're* | forever Jaaat f et from any dniff «t a few ounce# of pure liquid atlmeHfte aid •pyty a little with a clean tooth hr»ah iutt before dmrf up the hair. Th • w c va you a real aurprioe Tha faacinat if> p*e'ty wavy affac* will epr**v •* and there wi| ha no freaar. • freaky me nthar unpteeaant trer# *f th-a harm'#*** »iu»ld. Yau ran aaarciaa for heart in • hr w onatium. dan»*a all avanint in a beefed hall roam nr taka a lout metre irip. without faar nf your hair laain* “a mrl indeed, you won't need *e ayai* Ititruerine tor a coaatderahle time. --“T MY DAUGHTER would cor AT EVERYTHING Narrow and Irritable. ByTakiof Lydia E.Pinkkam’sVefftableCoae peaad Became Entirely Normal Clinton, Wi**oMin.—"My d*ufht#r vii tn » wry run-down condition,*nd mi irritable, arm would fry at every little thing abe waa an weak and nervoua. Aa Lydia EPinkham’a \eg c table Compounc had helped me when 1 waa a gir 1 gave it to her to build her up, and the reeulta were all that we could wiah for. 1 wiah that every mother with growing gir* would try it for three trouble* girl* often have. 1 had taken it my*e!f before my girl w*a bom. and ahewae one of the nieeat babie* anv on# could wiah to hare. I recommend the Vege table Compound to women and girl# and cannot pratte it too highly ' — Mr*. I. A HoLrrnp. Bo* Clinton, h iK-onnn. Mother* can depend upon Lydia F„ Tink ham 'a Vegetable Compound to re lieve their daughter* of thoee trouble* they *o often nave. They know from experience the value of the Vegeta ble Compound in the treatment of (Hear complaint* and many, like Mr*. Hclforri. gtv* it U> their daughter*. *>