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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1924)
Sltnr|i \<I\iiiht Mttdr l>\ t »rain^ in (llii«*4i^o Pit I nlhi'g Off in < itrn Mstf* NMl lliil 11*« l (h rtf iltI■ ^ i»mhrr UniMi Sinn* $h«irt • <i wring. Hi | Mimal M»iI» iM. *» AeM I* ***•)-• | *«*», 4*»*i*t’*4 • IHfl IH»»rM*4 •*«*( | (, N, .n4 *4*A»**4 •flittrft' N ’* * **••>»* A .41 t» 'A* tan* mPM, revived i * tit in meet Pn*r h*t» ia4 ItM w#all**» f»t planting tutta* *h*fi <-•**** **« • Mtv t"« ffeah #w|*» »M W he* ***| pf Ik* #tr**i«*h *» iP'i • inert a*we e»t*o«t ft*n*M Wheat fin*t.t t> » « I »f httnet ruin tM I k« t« I He #<»*•* d ***• **J* 7 fo *%! hither abd r*e r »d %» In *%* «l* A *»•*•! d*at of lh* bn* la* *** thought loir* again*! ealM at W inrMpef in the nay *f iifidottif p i»ttt»H| •ftna* KUva'er §«M#te#t* <ni".1 May end bfiuftM Jill), «MI* » »>"»«* n..t • ■■ Int lit. ***| 414 Hi* r*v*M- '•*>» r*ftl» I* fm U)«ir *li*t* ft • ■•MIHJ Imlwih )*. poll.4 Ui» Ml* »f »*#,»<•» BM*hn* ml e**n •ete to go east. t om manifested a bokfant t«na kharta W4i« tha he*t hitv*f* in th* *a»ty Ired* Missouri river market* writ Stilt ottr bidding the t*hl«'«go territory for refit to go weftt and with receipt* light H*ra pue aihUltb* “f May accumulation* waned, y.aatorn demand for turn line been li*ht, •tooka »hei* being u**d the! we»a original ly Intended for eaport. «>k 4 worked higher and m*t reallalng • sire fin the herd *|»ot«. Tlia shipping demand for this grain wee freely com* triettted on. Il\« followed wtieat higher, th# buying being largely In th* way of short cover ing Mulling horlay aold at th* be*l level of th* year today. Provisions were firm and mor# acllv* Lard and riba closed 2Ha to 6a higher. Pit Mute*. Traders In the wheal pit war# mor* cheerful and Inclined toward th* buying aide. Th* resolution of protest again* the MrNary-Haugen bill Issued by the Chicago Association of Commerce and sent to tha president and congress was In no small meaaur* responsible for th« better f**llng W'jth business intercs* carrying on the fight of the grain trade against this price fixing measure. It began to look as though 'he Pill la going to have a difficult time In gating through. The movement of wheat to primary markets was small and Indications that visible supplies would decrease. For four day* stocks at Minneapolis decreased 21,000 bushels and southwest markets also ware expected to show further sharp eduction* Premiums throughout the country were well held, Minneapolis noting a heavier demand for the choice milling grade*. Frop news from ths soft wheat errltory was Increasingly pessimistic. Messages from Ohio claimed mor* than 60 per <*ent damage. Illinois and Indiana said farm * wer* In th* fluids plowing up wheat ground, Th* report# cam* from scattered sections and attracted more attention than at any time on (he crop ao far. Foaboard advices for some lime have birred that foreign buyers ware watching crop developments In ths United Htate*4 apparently basing their buying activities on th* news therefrom. On this basis thoi* who figured that a possible crop scar* this season east of the Mississippi might develop pointed out that It would probably be accompanied by a broader foreign inquiry- Th* political .situation abroad le In a healthier condition than for months peat and ther# I#' little r«a»on to believe now hut that Europe will again begin to anticipate requirements rather than buy from band to mouth. CHICAGO CASH PRICES. »y Cpillka Orain Company, Allin'l,- nil. Aft. I Opan. I Hlah. I Low. I Cloaa. I Taa. Wht. I ( Mar 1*1% 1.0;%' 1.11% 1.02% i am 1.01% .I. 1 02% . July 1 01%' 1.04% 101% 1 04% 1.01% Sap 1.04% 1 0S%( 101% 1.06% 1.04% May .14% .06% .04% .01%! .44% July ! .00 % .07% .00% .07%! 00% Corn I I May : 70S ,71% .70% .70%] .71% July ! :?*% ".70 " ".77% ".70%I ' .70" Sap. 77% ‘At" ".77% *70%I .'778 . 71% .77% Oata May 40% .07% .40% .47%! .40% 40%.!. July 41%, .44% .41% 44% .41% Sap. 40 I .40% 31% .40% .11% Jt% . f.nrtt I 1 May in*t '10.07 10 09 10 9f 10 9* July II.1S 1 1.22 1 1.75 11.17 11 !r> ! Hiha l ; | May 9 *7 : * 22 9 >7 i * 92 < f 57 July 10 20 10.20 I0|7 10.17 ?10.»R Apply thickly over throat cover with hot flannel — V'CKS tw IT MUlim* Jmr, IW Ymmrfr All VKHTlHTMk vE Siyt Hit Prescription Nat Powerful Influence Over Rheumititm Mr Jam** M Allan of Rochester, N. Y . suffered for year* with rheumatism. Many time* this terrible dlaaaas left him help!#** and unable to work Ha finally derided, after years of eaaaa ' «a study, tha* no on« can bs frea from h*urn**l*rn until the accumulated ImpurJ flea, commonly called urb; acid deposit*, * era dissolved In tha Joints and muscles end a spelled from the body. With this Idea In mind ha conaultsd physicians, iqeda experiments end finally ■ compounded a prescription that qubkly *r.d completely lain I shed every sign and symptom of rheumatism from tit* system If• freely gav# hie discovery, which hs called Allenrhu. to others who took It, with what might hs called marvelous sue • ***. After year* of urging he deeded o la* sufferer* everywhere know shout tils discovery through the nawspapars He tea therefor* Inatructsd druggists every where to dlapenwe Ailenrhu with tha un derstanding that If the first pint bottle •loss not show the war to complete rs ' ovary he will gladly return yo»n money 'vlthowt comment. Be*ton Drug Com puny can aupply you.____ Don’t Sufferl With Itching Rashes UseCuticura Boils THERE is a reason for every thing that happens. Com mon-seme kills misery. Common same also stops bolls I 8. S. 8. is the common Heme remedy for boilfl, be* caute it ia I built on rea • o n. Scien tific authorl tiea admit ita power, it builds red-blood*cclIi* That i* what make# fighting-blood. Fighting-blood destroys imouri tles. it fights boild. It fight* pimples! It fights skin eruptions! It always wins I Mr. V. D. Schsff, 957 15th street, Washington, D. C., writes: , *7 tried tor yearn to get relief from a bad caae of boila. Every• thing failed until I took S. S. 8. I am now abtolutely cured, and ft waa S. S. 8. that did it." kh. B. i. is sold st stl good drug stores ia two stsea. The larger sirs is mors economical. ,CC^Wnr,,1,B*rt I.J.JL olttort Medicine. Omaha (train __ _ ■ ■ - - hJ t>w»h*, li»4 It lilt *kN< Mt It# I# flmt w*t • NHrt •***»♦*♦ Mil • Ml 4«o4l* in *4 MSI *♦>«*• *♦♦# In |M W»lM fmfltw*, Mow. n«f, »tt m'mni M • wmH «* W»# KlM MlMtai* HnilM1 • ! I M« •!•« *<-M I I# I* M#H« I mm *•• • *•»■**•■! luqwhl Inr I«« •ml mMn mm# well *4e«»*eH nj* j the •4«*in# h* H» Iwtuff* ! in *trew«l#*ew lh# r«*h min | l(fi,l|,*» IMI M HI* •Ml* nr*e In rM tHwnt *4 I MM It hl«hti Mnelpt* ■#«» ft t«H Ml* *1111 hsiln SWntM ItnMtittnllj mtt h*ntnl llll III 4 I IMI lit *\l I *. (ttnt. Ntt, S willin' I HI, tar; I mr. Itr >n. 4 wlilies I mr, >n, f Jeltnw: J mm, *l*rj * WMW, 7lr; t mr», 7aHe. >n. 4 Jfllnw: 4 H»r», Mr; I r»r, 7* Hr. Sample jnllnw: I r»r, **r; I rnr, «Jr. >n. .1 ml*ed; a mr», 7*Hr; « mm, 7«i; S rnm, 7#r. >n. 4 rolrert: t rnr. Mr; I nr, 71 Hr; I rnr, «»«■; I nr, it*Hr; * mm, «*!-. >*o. # mixed: ! rnr*. fid Hr. >n. II mixed: 5 mr*. Hflr; I nr, HA Hr. Wheat. No. 2 hard winter; I mr (•niiittj), 9fr. Oat*. No. I white: 2 mr, 47 He. No. 3 white: 5 rnr*. 47Hr; I mr, 47r. No. 4 white: I mr, 46He. Sample white: 1 mr, IflHr; I mr, 45 Hr. DAILY INSPECTION OF GRAIN RECEIVED. WHEAT. Hard winter: 2 rara No. 2, 1 rar No. 3, 1 rar No. 4, 1 rar No. S. Spring: I rar No. 4, 1 rar sample. Durum: 1 rar No. 3. Total, 10 rars. CORN. 1 ellow: t3 rars No. 3. 0 rars No. I, 1 rar No. 5, 1 car No. 6, 1 car sample. White: 1 rar No. 3, 1 rar No. 5. Mixed: 2 ears No. 2, 11 rars No. 3, II rars No. 4, 3 rars No. 3, 5 rars No. 6, 3 cars sample. Total, .19 rars. OATS. W'hlte: 8 rars No. 2, 21 rars No. 3, 3 rars No. 4, 1 rar sample. Total, 28 cars. BARLEY. 1 ear sample. Total, 1 car. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlota ) Waok Yaar Racatpta— Today. Ago. Ago, Ahaat . 0 1 «1 Corn . s» 4! 40 Jata . 21 14 ]« Kya . » Barlay .. 1 1 Hhlpmanta— Whrfat . 17 11 27 Corn .....121 111 43 Mia .. 1* 14 II Rya . 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Buahala.) Waak Yaar Rac»!ptiK- Today. Ago. Ago. Whaat .221,000 110,000 771,000 lorn ..620.000 110,000 601,000 Data .420,000 410,000 121,000 Hhlpmanta— tfhaat .,.427.000 393.000 111,000 :om .137,000 110,000 104.000 )ata . .m,ooo 021,000 149.000 EXPORT CLEAR At TCH Waak Yaar Buahala— Today. Ago. Ago. Whaat A Flour . .140.000 276,000 torn . 114,000 [Data . 20,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS W**k Yaar < arlota— Today Ago. Ago i\h*at ... 11 21 U t'orn .. 00 70 101 uots . 21 If 41 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS Whaat . 04 32 jof torn . 69 31 ?0 oata .. 2 10 27 ST. LODI* RECEIPTS Whaat . 29 21 If! Corn . <0 109 42 oat* . 11 m NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Minneapolis ........ 13 113 1*0 Duluth ......14 If |04 Wlnnlpag . 270 114 002 Chlrago 4 *»h Drain. Chicago, April If.—Whaat No 1 hard, ^Cono—No. 3 mlaad, 77 0 77‘Ac, So. t ytllow, 77S®30c. Data— No 2 whit*. 00 01014 c; No * whjta. 4334010c Ry«—No %. »Mi«. »rl«y—7I*»0e, Timothy M..4—$» D»®1 «<v rtortr hhl-llt 110 «S. Rltm— lio.oo B.IUM— Mlniwapolli 4 ••h Oraln. Mlnnaapolla, Minn., April 14 —Wheat, 'aah No, 1 northarn, 9i. 10% 0 11*%v No I dark northern, aprlng. choba to fanry, 11.22 *4 01.24%; good to rholca, II 14»i .0121%: ordinary to good. U ll *4 0 l ir,%; 5w»r, M Itfli; July, IJ.IIH; A»p tern bar, |l .11 %. Com No. 2 yallow, 72% 071%' . f#ar* No, 2 whlta. 44% 046%' Harlty- H074e tty# -No 2. 99% 4940%e Kla*—No. J. 12 44%02 41*4. Kenaae i lly taak Ornln Kanaaa City. April |i—Wbtni No hard. »le0|1 |j; No. t rad. 11 07b I I'• May. 94%/; hid; July, 94 %o apht ,. , -I keptamher, 17 %n aakad corn- No S whlta, 74 07ft#; No I low, 74 % 079r . No. 3 yellow, 77 0/ , w No. 2 mliad, 7 4 0 7 4 64 e; May, 72%. *f.|lt aakad; July, 7ftc bid, neptombar, 7 4 %o apllt aakad Hay ■ l/n'.hanged. HI. Cm# I a faah lira In. ft Ceuta April 14.— Wheat—May, No. 9. II 43% 01 43 >4 Corn—Vay. 79'4 071%#; July. I9%a. Crata—May, 4#e Min nan porta flour, Mlnnaapolla, April 14 —Flour—Up changed Nran—122.99. Now York Maggy* New York. April 14 The raw augar market waa firmer today, but atfll on retried. and after eelling aa bifh n* 0 4#»# for Cuban# duty paid. reort#d and rloaed j«t 4 1 fir Trading waa rnpr# active with aalaa of 14,000 Page of Mono t(i«ao« mm 1 16,000 bag# of Cuming at • 2*o duty paid, 1,000 baaa Cuban# at 4 40c and bag* Culiana «t 0 jfic, all for April and »»rly May ahlpmini, 7 h# raw auga# future# opened at rung it advert'e« of 21 to 24 point# on trad* nifyln*. reflecting tha ataadlar tone in j 'he fpot mark'-t. Tha upturn, howavar, I ! tt**l renae/ed Ibjuldef Ion and half tba | gain waa loaf, with final prlcaa 7 to lf,« /-dot# net higher May Hoard 4J4r, July, 1 kentarriher. 4 60c, Iie» ember, 4 20* Meflned augar waa «n« banged to 26 point# higher; fine granulated, *000 - 26o; a hatter withdrawal den,and waa <*-ported for dorn»«fb> account, whll# i«* ral thnuaand ton# w#r# reported gold for eg pert. Itefined future* were nominal. t Irlrago Butter 'hteage, April 1 *, Mutter -Tha butter j ruarkat today remained weak and unaet 1 "d With trading dull Ho rue early galea I "f 93 a# ore were 81*44 at 17' nut later 1 10 toe day the* grade waa offered freely |"» 34tyr l(a#elvara w*-r«* free a#||era on j ill grade* out buyera larked #onfldeti'e J jimI ah owed very little infereat avert j vhen 'ofireaalona were offered '/be <en I'retired < #r ruarket continued weak and i n ee t tied *# a- "re being fl *ely rrffered, there waa a alight in# UnaUon #0 ahade } prl#-ea In e#<m* ouarte>a 't here wee e 1 ted eupply of an point# 'are and for the aeaeon '» #/ wera - loaely held If rwah hatter •? *'"•#. 'i4c; 'id aeoye. 16%', *♦ a'ora, I6e, ** •'•or*, *4%«, 17 a# ore, *4' f'-ntraltyed earlotgi 94 genre, 34'*# if * _ *1 Joaeph l.lveefork. k* Jpeept Mo, April M# fettle— H* palp'* 2.600 he-»e rf.arket *»eedy to *-hade lower, bulk #*f ateera, $1 60010 00, ! 'op. 110 60 and he|f*ra 14.26 09 60. *lve« |6OO0fOO; atneker* and feedeta, 1* 600 * 26 tf'<g* Receipt#. # 000 heed; mark*' v*nii f« !#'■ lower , l#ip, 17 2t. bulk of • «#la* 97 f 00 ; 3* kh*«t Waratpta 4 00o haed mark** ..imiii, f ift.ftO 0 1ft.«»f a waa, $10.U 011.1* ^ .. ^ Omaha Lmfock | TO TO TO I IfMfV «* f !***»» f if I I ifi fi*| i * li tw tt}| li iti| *M 99* ft ft 1 ft If *f* M»* ||f • if# pp*4 r1 ft i* i11 ff ]Mi |t* - I id I tii ||« t* * u| M |.| I tM ift ji HI *f • i ‘OH! i#t mi *t niH if •ft it lit t*a tiiMk^ *»♦ iv | • ♦ * '• * *at ♦ "atftt.Wfi . *"* i * |i• * t it ft i ifitdi H«f* Pi*** |<* H A • - r lit I ft itatfi ft ft f »%» lit a I IV ** V ft II Vi It v i ft w ***< l] i ft ft IM M, I 19 •* f i ft p 11 ft,, ti i * i Dili MM *. • * If I • ( I » tj «»« «* it i ft | A r pm* « • i* ft I A »' 99*1 ., « | I ft ft ... • » i *1 ft ft ft Tefal tpftfpti ifi lit *t ttlPfitpf T»**V ItftAl* tftlUt Hoff* Pb»9f* timcHf A V« IMS tfl* M? *. 1*9 in lift ifl ISM f» ' I » ’ •* ‘ ; I M«ttta N'kf*t P* . tit MM tit PtHff A ... lit* tl»« ini ■ *t • Hoffman • «* ■ Matrt''*bfc A Vatl ,, "1 MliitrMt I’*' Mit| Vo , It .... ti.. "mahn Parkin* v* it • *.» «••• John Pin'll A P*ma , 3? .... .... « nmihi Park Vo I Murphy J W . f|t * • pvrarti A Vn . ,Si* • *»•» t,ln«ftln Park Vo ..* 1*3 4* *• •*** ftnai* Pa*ktnp C’l i>« 3* * * ’ • U liaon pNfklnp Vo .Ilk ... Kenneth A Mntray ... ... Itmflur from ftanva'., 4< Amlemoft A P»»n ..* M **• null* J M . h '• li.nnl. A Kr.nrl* ... 1% ■* Rill* A «’n * • •* Harvey John ...... 4'* Inghram T T . • • • • • * • * Koltnat . Kirkpatrick ftroa ... ljj .•• Krahba a <*■> .•• ff . Longman Itroa . of *..* lMib«rp«r Henry P ■ ff .•*• Mo-Kan C A C Co.• • If Hoot .f ft A Vi* ,.. i> * ... HmienfHork Tlroa . It* *••• *•" Hgigont A Kltineggn . d • ••. Pmlley Proa • • ' ’ • * - • Worth*lm«*r A Pegen . *3 .. Other buyer* **" j Total . *141 12704 4615 CnUla— Raralpta, I on* hud With « mod.rat. run of .attli th- m.rkat w.» fairly a-tlv. and haat wal.hty at»ara ""r» strnii. lo I Sc higher Tha lop. ill 40 waa a naw hl.h mark for tha s-aaon. Or dinary yaarlln.a and Main baaf rattla warn alow to a llttla lowar and atnund 2*0 40c lowar than Inal waak. t nw .turr waa Inactive daman d and ataady and there we* nn mnterl*l rh»n|i In the mar ket for etocker end feeders. Quotation* on o»ttl#—Tholes to prim# heeve*. *10 66011 60; good to choir# heeve* |10 00010.40; fair to good beeve*. 10.2*4010.00: common to fa«r be#v#a. »*» j»o 00 2*: choice to prim# yearling*, lit-2J #10 90; good to choice yearling*. 19.0JW 1.2*: fair to rood yaar in... common to fair yearling.. *! ;?®? "J; .nod to Chol.a fa.l half.ra. fair to .ood fad half.ra »7 .0 0^4 n.: com mon to fa I' f»d h.lf.ra, 4S7I0..7*. choir* to prim* fed cow*. 9ft# 50. rood to choice fed cow*. *4 9107 7G: fair to good fed fowl, |G *009.90; • ornmon to f»|r fed cow* 12 6004 76: good to choice feeder*. |3 2*09 26: f*lr to good f»«d#ri. 17.2*04.00; common to fair feeder*. •*.6ft #725: good to choice *tock#r*. IT.IJj# * 10 fair *o rood gtocker*. MJOJT.BO. common to fair »tork*r*. 1* 7609 60: tranhy atorker* 14.0007 60: •toch heifer* 14 6000*0: feeding row*. 14B0#>6?6 •foek COW*. 112604 25; atock cglw. 94.00011.00; bull* *♦*»*. etc., 94 2*07-00. BKRF STKEiW. Vo Av. Pr No. Av. Pr *.'... . s 762 9 7 60 41 . 001 f * ;6 20.1070 * 70 19.1092 9 00 20 .112* 9 40 17 . JJ7 9 60 21 .1264 10 00 24...... *96 fn 10 34.::::: too 102b u.12;; #40 4ft.1060 10 60 2*. VJJ JJ •* 12 . . .1251 10 7* 24.1007 10 90 I 1225 11 00 20. 1 23* 11 1 * iii::::::!"* ft SS !•.mo n ** 23 .1401 11 40 ST KWHS AND H BITES®. 1.. 6*6 7 n. 11. .1* • •» 14.nil t 76 21. 47* » 16 COWH 1. 1.4 4 60 6.112> * J6 7 11.7 7 26 J.II’" » SO J Jill • 00 2.104. 4 40 I.1176 4 4(1 HEIFERS. ... , 1.142 • 76 6.Ill 7 0. . . 76. 7 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 1 . 770 « 00 I*. '70 7 16 24 .Ill I 4. II. 172 • ** HULLS .... . .. |.lilt 4 46 1.171" * •• 1. 16. 4 f 0 CALVES. ... . ■ .... 244 « "S i. *"* * ’J |. It* 7 S. 1. 222 » 76 I. Ill HI 24 Hog*—Kecalpt., 11.202 Iranda gt nlhar rantar. had a baartah «r_ fact !,n prlcaa locally thl. morning .nd Initial a-alaa to .hlpp.r. war. mod* no a mostly 6c lowar bail. Fack.ra took a at.od to lowar tbair coat aroun® 10c but up to lata hour had tnat with llttla aucraas Hulk of th. aalaa w«. at tu ft 7 10 With a.rly t'»io 17.10. hods No. Av Pr No. A». Pf 62.. 172 248 « «» 2« 1*2 ... * J* 94.. 201 ... 9 90 74..174 ... •••• 1,(1..2.4 ... I 46 41 24. 4. ..j. 22.. 221 . .... 71 .221 .. 7 00 22.. 20. 14. .... !•--i!T . 4. 21.6 . 7 "» JJ* • • •1 • 47.. 26. . 7 10 *2 226 ... •• • • II 212 . Sha.p .ltd L.tnba— R.-alpt.. 4 S.0 h»»d , Paaalml.tlc ■ dv|. a. from aaalarn pnlnla gav. local trad, a waak Iona this morn ing with Initial bid. by local pa-'k.ra off sharply, but nothing of r onaatjuanna chang ini handa on tha aarly tounda Orly a taw ahaarara war. at hand and tha mar *at ouotatlbta ataady to waak. Ag d thaap rulad ground ataady. _ , Quotation, on Shaau an'*„1' ,7 V«T t?! lamba. good to rbolca. |IAOO®16,10. fat Iambi, fair to good, 214 >*#l* °. 'W'1 iambi, 214.0# 14 <*l •haarlog Umb". |16.17«14 00; wath.r., 2»00®l2 0#, y*»r (lug.. 1IM.*I2 60; tit aw., light, SS 00 8 «11 20; fat *wa. »7 *"•» 7*. FAT LAMIIS 212 fad ...*1 '* 16 VUrtMt atf ,^,rv,v $,!•' rp l,,,vy atyar«. Ill l!>: handyalchta. Ill 'in. va.rlln*., IlD.KI; bulk fad mi (in; «h» ■(("!« •i««dy; *>••! I,-if... *« bo«p7 SO. c«nn«r» •id Cllljr*, II bull*, •'“•dr. b«lo*nM. I*.*' |®4DD, (•!»«• itaady to weak, prantkiil top *#«!*, I»«0: madluma «nd • 4*Dto7.*i; aln( K#r« and faadara, alow, arriund atrady; bulk, ID.*0#7.ID IIdii— ftaralpta. I I.non haad, *yJI" tow,* . pa'kar and ahlppar lop, IJ.I®. bulk of aalaa, I'. 1*07 2'. bulk 4ajlfaW. 71o tn I'll) pound butrhara, 17 I'lJT *a, 170 In 200 pound* moatly M *107 »«, hulk lit) (o (do pound avaraaaa lDDOO D (D: pa-kln* anwa moally ID S8®D D", ntnrk pica alaadjr to waak; bulk II MB * Vhaap llaralpla. D <100 haad, it*ok*1 vary alow; lamha. a»aady to 26c topf $1 4 20. ot har aarlf aalaa ranging downward to $16 60; aharp •boiit ataady; madlum to good woolad awai. »I0 I». Wont <»$f litaalwrli. Ill on« City. I*. April ll.—Ca tig 4-alpta. f.600 haad; rnarkaf alow; klllara afaady; aforkaia at®ady, waak; 2at a»®«ra and yaarllnga, $7 0001176; bulk. $4 50up 10 60. fat row* and halfara. $• 0000 6", < «nn»'i and cuttara $2 6004 00; vaal", $4 001011 00; bulla. $4 2606 50. faadara. Ji| r.ii'a i f.U; atorkara. $ . 5007 76, a*o»k yaarllnga and ralv*a $4 6007 46; faadlng rowa and h»*ifara $4 0005 6" Moga Raralpta. 0 600 haad; rnarkat |r I In war; top. $7 10; hulk 4 4607 05; Jlghta 4 5004 06; huf/hara. 17 5007,15; mtiad i $4,7504 96; luavy parkar®. $4 26ft 4 40. afaga $5 0006 26 good plga. $<0004 26 Ho a a h and /.am ha- Haralpta, 200 haad I markat atrong to 26c hlghar; wool lamha, I $14,16; a wf*a $11 ?6.__ HZ’FOR TENDER, I SORE, TIRED FEET Ah! whnt r*11*f No mor* tlr*d f**t; no rnor* burning f**l, *woll*n, h«d »tn*lllng, *w*nty f**t. No mor* pnln In corn*. rnllnu*** or bunion* No rn»tt*r wh*t nil* your f**t or whnt und*r th* inn you'v* triad without grttlng r*ll*f, Junt un* ''Tl*.'1 "Tl*" dr*w* out *11 th* polaonou* oxudntlon* which puff up th* f**t; "Tl*" I* magic*); "Tl*" l» grand; "Tl*" will rur* your foot trotihl** »o you’ll novrr limp or dr*w up your i fnc* In p*ln. Vour ihnaa won’t 1 ***m tight nod your f**t will n*v*r, j new r hurt or g*t *or*. *woll*n or I 11 rod. f)*t * ho* *t *ny drug or d*p*rt I ,n*nt *tor*. *nd g*t relief for * frw canut Advartiaemenl. Turllirr* Rffii<lfr«l l»\ Stork IViro "Innt |ntHt*li \aam I «i»♦**•!* Mutt nf lint inf I'ntrrr. Parttmlarlt I Ifwlitr in ><ifar« anil lmln*lrial», f - • 9'** 9 ** ( ft Ilf if-4 [ i«(Mi <w4w**fi*t9 i«xiir4 lift* i i # * tttnt 4k t, 9 i 99 i M «f llH. I»l it »#*, 9* If TifM* liOfrwM II *9 |4 9VI I^*t» H*b 1911, 19 If II 99 ki« Y«Hh, Af*Hi II* *«* 9 p*»999 »»gi***«e<t funk*' frr-t'* *** efnefii **♦ • #H»#U * is| rf If} 1.,g» • »M*» % pi ix§iftft iftiPtpMi tf ii* fa* n«#b»4 h< »»* i pf ip# ti«) i%i ysf *» »9 r9 *«» perifm lafl| tfft< ijt t n IN #nge*t and flipt H*f* Hli , th* pin nipt *< M1**11* fu *h* report by Mr«ii Mtiiam, FteUra nt,| i|»imni hai b*4 t hftiful effect «*n ii^, yiiiiit •> viitnirtH, trade t»,„* * nunfitted i <i i* the dominating fa* i«>r In *b» iB tar mfneflnn <>f price m«ve hiMti iiiMPni tta-t# repoii* whUb In* . iud*<1 |»redifti»na i«r an #*f1y advene# in * alifirirt a oil p fleet and net earn liigi |.f n |»i.r f»« tmately M # abate **« I riled Stale* Steal rotlltirtl In **t9 fttet quarterly report, which mil !<• made public April 29. h*'* bad a tended*y »« restrict < ommittnente un the abort aid* of the market. Money Iran* of Wall afreet broken are now oatltnated at approximately |l. non 99ft, the lowest in abfut two yeaia •nd v r*dvi tlun of *bout l o since March fl Brokers* bnrroainga have been declining Handily aln«.» the flrel of the year, when they totaled about IM#". QUO,III. United State* Steel eluted urn hanged at ft1*. Baldwin, which had touched 112% In the early trailing, dropped back, to 1lu?%, «l»o unchanged Studebaket closed nearly a point higher at 46%. after having *old a point above that figure. American Can crossed >9 and then fell back to 17%, up H Kleher Body waa th* Individual fea ture, soaring J4 polnta to 219 on reports which owned 60 per cent of Flaher Body that the tieneral Motors corporation, stock, wa# negotiating for the minority Interest. Other strong Industrial apenal ttea were i orn Products, which cloxed 3% points higher at 167%; Wool worth, which closed at 812%, up 4%. United Fruit, which moved up S % to ih8%. and United Htafea Cast Iron Pipe, up 2% at 74%. Another hear raid against Tallow Cab forced that stock down mora than 7 polnta to 60% ,a new low. but It snapped back later to 64. Chicago Yellow Cab closed fractionally higher at 63% after having sold at 60, alao a new low, In the early trading. Strength of th# augar share* waa due to an advance of refried price*, net gains of 1 to nearly 3 point* being regis tered by Cuban-American preferred* Cuban-Uoinlnlcan preferred. Punta Alle gr** and South Porto Khan (Tail money opened at 4% per cent and then dropped to 4. where It clown. Tim# money and commercial paper mar kets were quiet with 4% per cent th# ruling rate . , ,, , Foreign exchange rate* held relatively steady except for a further break in Japrticee yen. which forced them below 41c to another low record for the year, pamnnd a’erllng ruled between 14 34 % and $4 34 and French fr*nc were quoted Juat under 6%c. f New York Quotations V_—-—-' New York Stock exchange quotation* furnished by J. S. Bar he A C#., 12* Omaha National Bank building: Tues High. Low Close Close. AJai Rubber .... ®VI {% JVs Agn Chemical . * |Jb • . •}* Allleii Chqrnlcal 67% 67% *7% ®J % AlllS'Chalmera 41% «! «*Vg <4% Am Beet Huger . .... 31 Am Brake Hhoe. .... Jf 7# American Can 97% 97% 97% Am car A Kdry.•• Am Hide A l.eath.. *% Am Hide A L pfd 63% 63 63% 63% Am Inter Corp ... 30% 20% 20% 19% Am Linseed DU .. .. 14 14 Ain Lecomotlye 71% 70% 70% Am Ship * Com. 12% 12% Am Smelting . 91 40% *0% *0 Am Smelting pfd.. 99% Am Steel Kdry ... 14% 24% 14% 24% Am Sugar ........ 44 44% 46% 46 Am Sumatra . 12% 13% 12% 11% Am Tel A Tel_127 121% 1:4% 126% Am Tobxcre .. 140% Am Woolen . 41% «T 67% 47% Anaconda . 11 12% 13 13% Ass nr Dry (loods *4% 91% 91 91% Asao'- Oil. 10 29% 30 29% AtrhliOll . 99% 99% tf% 91 Atlan Oulf A IV I 11 12% 12% It At lea Ta« k . 6% Austin N* I c h o I * ... .... .... 19% 19% Auio Knittsr .. .... 3% 3% Baldwin .112 110 110* II1** Baltimore A Ohio. 52% r'*% Bethlehem Sf*e|.. f,o% 49% 43% 49% Brooklyn M By... 14% 16% 14*1 ’*% Boerh Magneto.. 23% 22 Brooklyn M pfd.. 42% 63 42% Cal. racking .... .... Cal. Petroleum.,,, 24% cal. A Arir. Mining 46% Canadian Pacific .147 C*rr*> da Hee'O... 46% Cent’l Leather. Cent’l Leather pfd. 39% <h«dl**r Motors 46% f'h**»peake A O.. 72% Chicago AN W 62 c .. M A Ht P C. M A Ht P, pfd. 26% C R I A P - 23% C Ht P M AO - Chile Copper 37% Cl nett-Peabody . .— Chino .. 14% '*1 pfd..>«»'» t'nr* rol» ..._ 99% ««% M 99% Colo. Fu.l A Iron,. 99% 3.*4 It 99% Columbian f.'.tbon. 49% 49 Columbia 0.1 . ... 11% HU .. IIH 94% 19 44% non.oitd.t.4 rii'i.. . ... 19*4 In.nt.l n.n. *9 '4 44% 41% 99% t'tinf I Motor.. 7 4% 9% 7 Corn Produrt...114% 1*4% 147 1*4% Corn Prod., 14 99 It 12% ro.<1.ti .. 11*4 19% I* »9'« Cru.tbl. .. 94% 42« 91% 91% Oub* Can. 3,. 11% 19% 11% 11% nub* n. I. ufd_ 94 V 97 17% 99% i'mb. Am nug.r,, 12% 81% 11% 11% f' Fruit.... 97 ly 44% *7'. ** Pint.I Boon._ 27% 74% 29% 29% Pavldynn I'h.m... 44% 42% 41% 42% ft.l.w.c. A II.. In* 1 "7 % I>om< Mining .... 191* 19% 11% l«% i lint N.m .......111% 120 % 120% 119% Ki.lmtn Kodak ... .. 1M ln* Kri. .. 29 21% Kl.o Ptor n.t .... 9* % 9(% 99% 91% 'muoui Pl.y.r. ..17% 97 97 It -Ifili AVI fill. .. 111% 10% l»% 1i*#i 8*1.14 nuhb.r . 4% 9% •% *’. ri.Urhinn i T...t «•% «• 49% 4* % *r..nort, T.g ...... .. 9% 9% Ion A.phnlt.9* 94% SI 3 4% l.n Kl.ftrl..911% 210% l!*% J||% l.n Motor. . 14% 14 14 14% loodrtoh ..... ,. 2u% 90 Irf North Or. ... 27% 27% 27% 27% in North Ity pM 9* 99% f.9 99% llillf Mint.. 31 .. 91 97% 47% 94 May.. Wb..| .... 14 44 29% 24% 19% llud.on Motor. .. 81% 71% 71% 21% It.nm.n Trunk. ■ 19% 94% 99', 99% I ■»»■>»-» *W H II H fMMHIl M * ns II I : • • *»♦••* if* *M» U% *11* •*1,*• •* . Hu * t * h| l .. ill* It 14« 14 * | 1*4 !»*•« »«*«** , I I* 1 I** *». *4** 4*1 41% Ms ‘'a tlj* .v~ ii? lit tt* •*»! MS MS US MM l«id * If If SI I .%.«*,«* I|k l#k Im |*% IkukF** tf* vi \'\ \\\\ I»t4(M>i |1 l>4 fc«*4(M |*S I*i f|% I*! ! I#4*4 4*4*4 II l)< *1 111 ' . »• • *1 * . |J*M l*4M 4* Ii 4* 111! LattWi * MSI {,«•«# Sk %*** , . |i fig %*A Uft 91 s “I f» Mfe ill left INnrl # ft|% S*t**»i Sue* a. I S ♦»% * S • N its MS MS i»S Mastsed. Ml if MS Ms M* « m*t*—B*4 5* i‘S MS }!% a im, * MS mm *lf ii fddS **•»«-•*« *»1 4% 4% Midtaie diei w ft iltMMVit !*•* r«* . \i\ is ■ it Ilf ifd 'ftS t ilk |iS V.rt# Ward MS III % M Math** ii ( i » S*tinti• i tnem*t Its ft S It* % Me fi*4 Hi** a it tt % 99. IIS M Si'Ihmm li#ed IMS I It S Ills IMS I N \ Alt Stake , it % ! If f u»dl Rite* is i • % f Central l»»% I ft INk IMS S \ N M • H US U s Its ITS **««•» Atntf « » II MS 91% 11S N»t lb Par if tr 1 S fits 19 S Its f • w Hr !H% Iff lit 1ft s • irpheum Its l*S l*S »*% "»*M Uni i la . 41 S 13% Is* % 4 V 49 , Pft*lftH Mnltt* MS 1** )fS l« pan Amtr 4?% 4ts 47% «* s i Pan-A mar ft 44% 44% 44% 44 | lennarlvawa II W 44 41 % 41% 43% people* Oia ,. 93% 91% I’eie M a nt uetle 41% 41 s 41 % 41% Phillip* Pete#.. 19% ift% 3»% 11% I I'lfff*e*Arrow ,... . ft% Postum Cereal . , , Id 41% 1'mmH HU Car ...... . 4? I‘» » A ll *1% 2* % 2, 2k % Pullman ..111% lift 115% 114% Punt* Alegre 8 . . 69% 17% 51% h% % » Pure Oil 22% 32% 11% 21 ‘a i Railway HU 8 ,. , ]«| | Ray » ona . . JO % 1m I«i % Jn . Itaaltlnff . 6.1 fcl% M 62% Read h| Rites .. it ift% 14% J * % Repina I« . .. ft % Rep !r*»n Ac. Ht 1 46% 46 44% 4*. Royal l»u!rh NY 64 64 % St 1. A 8 r 30% 20% 2«»% 11% At ljoula A 8 W. . 24% Schulte Cigar 8 . 9** 94% 91% 99 Hear* Roebuck . . 44% 43% 44 43% Shell Union Oil . 17% It 17% 17% Hlmmoni Co ... 22 22 .Sinclair Oil ... 21% 20% 21 30% Hioae-Sheffield ... .. .... 66% Shelly oil 24% 23% 24% 2J% Southern Pac .... 49 47% 44% 4* Southern Ry . . 63% 62% 61 M% Standard O of Cal 69% 64% 64 % 69 8 OH of N J ... 14% 34 % 34% 36% Stewart-Warner . 71% 49% 70% 49% Htromher* Car ... 69% &ft% 69 67 % Htudehaker . 46% 44 45% *4% Sttidebaker (new) 34% 31% Teraa Co ...... 41 % 4*% 41 % 40% T"»n» A Pac . 27% 27% Timken Roller. . 36% 35 Tobacco Prod..... 6#% 64% 56% 54% Tobacco Prod. A. 45% 46 46 % 44% Trona, Oil . 4% :% 4 3% Union Pacific ...140% 139% 1*0% 12T% United Fruit .. .149% 1*4% 1 * % 144 U. 8 Cant f P 76% 72 74 % 71% u 8 Ind. Alcohol 47% 44% 46% 4* % U 8 Rubber. .. 27% 24% 27% 24% U 8 Rubber, pfd 74% 71% 13% 74% IT. 8. SteM... 97% 94% 97% 97% U 8 Steel, pfd. 119% 119% 111% 119% Utah Copper .... .. 44% 47 Vanadium _ 22% 73 23 % 22% Vlvaudou . 9 4% «% «% Wabash . 1* U% 16% 1% Yellow Cab 63% 60 63 % 62% W aba ah A" . . 45% 44% «45 44 % Weetetn Union .1°4 104 West. Air Tlrake *9% M% Weal. Klectrlc . . 40% 40% 60% 6n West. Ritee . 1% 1% 1% 1% Whit# Ragle Oil. ?'% “5 25 2.7 Wool worth (new) 79 77% 74% 77 % White Motors .. 6* 61% 6 2 61% Wool worth Co 116 210 11 5 203% Wlllys-Overland *% hH fcS Wlllya-Ovar pfd *• 44 44% 44% Wilson 10% 10 10% 9% Wilson, pfd . ** Worthington P.. M JjH WUgler Co . 14% *4 34% 16% Two o'clock sales. 631.100 shares Foreign Fsehanffa. New York. April 1«-Forelgn otehanfe, irregular Quotation* In *ent* tlreat Britain—Demand. 4J«%; cable*. 43f,, go-day btfla on banka. 433% France—Demand 6 23; cable*. 4 24 Italy—Demand. 4 44. cable*. 4 44 % He Ig him — Demand, 121%. cablee, %. • let many—Demand fpar trillion), 22% Holland—Demand, J7.14 Norway—13 7». Sweden—ie 17 Denmark — If 6f. Switzerland, flpaln—13 6 4. Greece—1 .68. Poland— 00611, f'ae. ho-fllovakta 2 tl Jugo Slavla. 1 26%. A uatria—6014%. Rumania—.62 % Argentina—S3 06. Brasil—11 20. Tokla—Demand. 40 %. Montreal—87%. __ Nrw ^ oik Bond* ViLI W—WM I'U — 11 i*H III r | ft (§ f r»| %J*f* f§ i >*»** sftl *H ’ ft j ** '» fe# #* f*»< *t . y *^^^*** * I M i'' -■ **- ft ,!f 9 14-p** \* .».» 6>«f«4 * y»oi *l i».g ttii #*;*o#4 **tj lit* liAlfHlVM Ml M i I# kHS * * 1 ft '4 a fain M * I ^wh |* fwmt •»*•»** *• 4**t is|p »m i*fcd*»*y.ip *r a«#** tt*«ttHi IHi l*«m a frdrfc won nt it! i it . f IM<|I *f*e**» ♦ >i*'f-.* •* n{ |af|rti i>t rufttM trade 4tHh^w % SifHl »itlM !*»#!*• la ft at*i Mt|h 1^* Cel#* 11 (• »* 111 i4* el t Ml Ml I l.b. nr f«l It ,, Hfl Mil Mil f* I, i !»*.#< * 1 *t 4ft • , Ml# MIT tflli 11 l..beny Id 4ft* III! M tl Hi. Iff# | ,t*ft* sd is* 1"** Ioe | )**t 1 ft I.lbtfif Ifb is* ft It II ft M Hi III \ N lie ft I |tf 1*1 I *7 Ill I I irfdlt f Ant Jttr M a i« Ttfe Us Tife 11 Argent Hurt it 1*1% I»14 IMS *1 Atgent Ouftl I* . 1*4 H 1*4 j |« AuM line ft In *• |B ftftS If! j 36 ('Hr nf limdeau* 6a *v*4 7*S ***** I - 1 t: of Ur I'rag 74* *« *1 M I 1 •' I Ur r.f I.) Ufa 6* 61 |6% M 2ft C "f Mat aellle* ft* M'H 7*% ft -a 1 1 t; ..f Jl .1* J* la 4 7 Ii S ». it t **m ho sioft h t* I*, s it % r * s It Depart of Mein* I* *?S »*% *74, 2 7 D of C 14 4 n 2» I'd \ loi*% Ilia* 51 1» of Can 6a ‘62 , MS II', MS 20 hut F I nd ft* (2 * 4 » 94 *% *3% Jl hut 6: Ind 54a '63 *7'* 67 ft Framerpan 7 4a... 90'% ft* % ftt •% 37 French Hep 6* *»S »>S MS ft I Fr*n» h Rap 7 4a *6% »6\ 16% 1007 Japanese *4a . . . II 904 *°S 26 Japan lat 4 4a .... 174 17 4 I * 3ft Japane*« 4s ...... 71 % 7* 71 4 Kmg Half iurru^a. .. 1*2 102 102 64 King Belgium i 4a. lol 4 1*14 Ml 4 14 King Denmark fts.. 95 la >.* 7 King Nether fts... 91% 91 91 13 King Norway 6s |l. 93 % 9" 4 934 164 Kng Serb* C H ** 7ft 7ft 4 7«4 1 Oriental Dev deb ft»‘t »<* *• 64 Fans Lyon* M t*. 74 7 *4 734 2 Hep Bolivia fts .6*4 HI 4 9»4 15 Jt**p ChUg Ns 41 103 2* J lft2 ft Hop Chile 7* . . . I*,4 'jft Va 4 Hep Colombia 64» '* t.’>4 * * 41 Hep Cuba 54a . 14 * *4 •* *4 * H Hep Kl {Salvador 6s 100 S 1014 10■> S S5 Rep Finland ea si 4 *14 **4 2 Hep HMitt 6s A 62. 91 91 *1 6 .St ate yueenslnd 6s Mu 4 Mo Mu 4 6 State Wan Faulo 6*. *94 **4 *94 .! S*is* Confed 6 _114 1124 112-?* 64 L’K OH| 1 6 4a 19 .107 4 107 4 107 4 100 IK UHftf 6 4l 17.1004 190*» 1004 3* U H Brazil la .... 96 *44 95 1 I'M Hrar.ll «’ Hy 7a 90 4 79% 6"4 13 CM Brnfll-Cent 7a 604 79% ft" 4 1 1'?^ Mexico 4a ctfs.. 29 29 .* 20 Arn. Ary C. 7 4..* ft* 4 694 99% 1 Am. Chair I* . 14 4 94 4 *44 10 Am. Cotton 011 6a ‘ft I ft 66 2 4 Am. Smelting 6a.. *24 *-'4 924 4 4 Am. Sugar t# . . . 10u 4 *9% I0u ft6 Am. T. <v T 6 4a. 1004 100 4 M0 4 20 Am. T. <v i. is... M 4 s'‘ 9*4 7 Am. 'J St T. Is. . . *4 92fc M 7 Am. W \V A C 6sS7 4 *7 67 4 27 Ana. t op 7a. *|ft . . *6*% 664 *14 41 Ana. Corp 6s, 63. *6 96 4 9 5 4 16 Ar. A Co. D 64a. .69% *0 % 69% 17 Asao-iated Oili ta. 96 4 93 4 9*4 9 At. T. St rf. F 4* . It4 *7 17 4 I At C J. A N 4s. It *3 7 Atl. Helming 6a... *4 97 4 9* 7 Halt A Ohio fts . .101% Ml 4 Ml K 4 4 Halt a- Ohio 4 4a. ft7 S *7 4 12 Ball* Tsl of Fa. 6a *7% >74 i.% 11 Beth. Mteel aer A US 97 % 93 43 Balt. A O fold 4a 644 *«S ft 4 4 3 Beth Mieel 64a. . S94 Mfe ft»4 lo Brier Hill H 14*. 4 *5 96 4 Bklyn c n* n 7s If lot lo * 3 '* 321 Bklyn M Tran. •>* 77 4 77 77 *4 10 Calif. I’et 1.4s- '• 4 4 MS 96U 4 Can. No ...112% 1124 1124 6 i a.. Pacific 4*. . 79 S 77 4 77 S 1 C C A ohm 6s... 97 >7 97 4 Cent je-atber 6» . . 95 94% 94% f rent Ps gtd 4* ■'% * \ Ifi\ 4 7 Cheaa A CJ tv 6a 93 4 *3 4 9s 4 9 <• A Ohio CV 44s.. 914 914 914 «0C A Alton 3 4t... 3«4 36 2« 14 O li A W ref 6a A 97 4 97% 97% 16 C Sr E*»t 111 6a.. 77 76 4 76% 6 4? CJt Writ 4* . 63 61 61 17 C M St Mt TP rv 44" 63 6-4 624 9 C M * St I* rfg 4 4« 55 64 % 16 si c hr a wt p 4* *26 ss4 *24 as II (1 % N W rfg 6* 92 4 >2 4 9*4 2" C Hya If . ,74 76 4 M 1 c H 1 A P «en 4a . 60*4 SO4 *0*4 15 C H I A P ref 4i 77 4 76% 7ft4 7 C A W Ind 4a .74 73 4 71% 31 Chile Cop 6a M04 1004 1004 36 CCCtft L ref 6a A 103 M3 193 4 C L’n T 64a .M4 MS4 104 3 «41n A M ref 44* *5% *6% »i% MRS. MILLER PRAISES TANLAC AFTER 6 YEARS I ——— Popular young Nebraska woman found relief from indigestion and nervousness — “Tanlac has meant good health to me,” she says. "In telling about mjr Tanlac expe rlenca, I feel that I am showing others the way to good health, for that Is what Tanlac haa meant to me," recently aald Mrs, urai-a Miller, popular young business woman, of 1817 I' Street, Havelock, Neb. "HI* year* ago my strength had dwindled away till I was almost too weak to keep going, My <^>petlte was utterly gone and when I did ven ture to eat I suffered Intensely from Indigestion and nervousness "Tanlac gave me perfect relief from these troubles and I was anon eutlng and enjoying everything. I also gained several pounds and felt Just fine, However, If my appetite and digestion ever show signs of wavering, I am going to taka mm a Tanlac and have no doubt as to the results.” Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug <5ilack,\ MILhtfX, > Slut*. Accept mi eutietttute. Over <0 million bottle* inM, TeU» Tenlnc Vegetable Pill* Ail vertleement. Muny Ice Stations Now Open We announce the fallowing liateen municipal ice Italian* to be opened commencing n**t Friday and Saturday, April IA and IS, and to continue a* lilted below until further notice. Station* Open Monday*, Wednesday* and Friday*, Commencing Friday, April 18 A. M. Station* Open 7 A. M. Until 12:30 P. M P. M. Station* Open 1:30 P. M. Until 6 P. M. No. 23—41 at and Grand Ave., A. M. No. 10—20th and Missouri Ave., A.M. No. 4—16th and Hickory Sts., A. M. No. 17—24th and Locust Sts., A. M. No. 41—33d and Cass Sts., P. M. No. 27—30th and Kansas Ave., P. M. No. 6—27th and Jones Sts., P. M. No. 29—45th and Grant Sts., P. M. Stations Open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Commencing Saturday, April 19 A. M. Station! Opnn 7 A. M. Until 12:30 P. M. P. M. Station! Opan 1i30 P. M. Until 6 P. M No. 1—24th and P St*., A. M. No. 7—16th and Corby St*., A. M. No. 11—39th and Q St*., A. M. No. 13—24th and Davenport, A. M. No. 3—19th and Oak St*., P. M. No. 2—10th and Hickory St*., P. M. No. 16—61st and Military Ave., P. M. No. 18—24th and Camden Ave., P. M. 31a new elation* have baan added thia year and wa now have a total of forty.(even municipal lea ■ tatlona to tupply unlimited lea to thoae who come, and wa are arranging to operate theae atatioaa at eurh hour* aa will be convenient to the public. Our large atorage houaea ara now filled with a total of 29,000 ton* and with the rapacity of 200 ton* per day, we will be able to aerve you without interruption. Price 30c Per 100 Pounds Which Meana a Good Sized* Chunk for 5c tl «%- *4 HI ft ft A (i»,r Jlii HI ft If SI t . •* » . M H| H H f »- i t A M* H » • * ft I t *» 1 I ♦ e km AM . »B® «tl»I I I*** a H. »*» H »• ■* **A **Aj »♦ I • M *■* It <** A 1*1 t*i% # §**» f An i%i it y ft i I .» 4* ■ j«M I* A iJll •* A ' • **>■ * ' ** If iM| 1H| I 1 fjtt iff a in * * < i i t 'ft ft N| Ha . ft t. <•% tif Hi ** »►** m«* t# %■ i«i l**f • t • * | • • I ** • I M Ml •»' A l**% " >T i t • * * 1 I It) hi i «i i li •» • ttjf itia tits •• isti it?i I lit % Ia» * MI III Hi t Iim A M M M A ft a It i tt t t Ifwi A a **» l*» t» fig ft A M* I) i HU I it.1 I a* Ilf ha ft* i ttf m f mi I* hi m tt it t iii <• M »i tii ni it A i l*i tit Ait t* it* % Hit In a II l*i*» l t h Mi tl »t a if ItlA |*f f H . **# MI 11*1 tt (*i H t i*« t* «**■« ttf tit t*Al s * |»<> A *11 ♦ t* It a ttf t* A 1 i# l*t*t A I tM M HI t*A ft AI ill 1*1*1 t M l t H Iti III t*A| ♦ hit f.iw* tl lit ‘IA I f a** I I" A l« » tta »*A Mi I I p*o tilt ft t* . *t€ ft f*A I I A»* in* T*f I* t»*j Mt HA I hr n I'ii* A M A MI tl A ♦' N f R, Mt A Ai •• ti tt ft A I I.* i) i.f *• t • if A tl A tIA i »,**. p * m t H i I I f M P M II MA *l*t Mi < I ... i A M.« ..* I. *■ S ** N Mi t t,*u'* A A t* H If*A l**A l*fA f I,*,* AW A*t I* tIA t*A MI • l.imlt il * f tl ‘II it A **A I Mifirii t'srfif *1 Mil HI II* It SlMIBli P*«i*r iA* l»* A ** A IMA ** Mid**)* jh**i M **A **A HA tt M if A T «■ t»H HA »'i 1» V K A T t* A tl A H A ft *1 M K A T l* A,. If A ft A Mg II llo »*#> 1** ** . tt tIA MI III Ut l’« f I- I* tii I«'i It A « MonUr.t P »» A M »»A *< is I TAT : U ti A tt A »* A I H, it T A M »* ‘T IT 1* S V fun, h I#! 1**1 tf'» tr w t »*. , ** t?A tt A MM « w V r * At I. *« A 1*1 A 1*1 A I *t A I N T t:,1 r*f *A* 111 A 111 HI A r, NVSHaH Ir T* TIA "* A T*A 1* NTNHAH rv *• *• » * *T A 11 Jl V V T*l r*f *« 'll 1«'>i lots !"■ A I W T T»l »rr> 4 A* t* A ff A HA } W T W A M 4 A" <*I l»I MI 1* J* * W *» n tt' IS1 IH 4 Ns orn K'l * f *i l:i ttA 1*1 Jl Ns nhlo TAI. «■ A tIA »*i »' A 11 No Mac r*f «■ H 1»*A IMA IJJA l*r No p»o «r ll*n It MA »IA HA 1 No st Psw <• B. to: , 1«;a llli t N W T*l T. IOTA IOTA IOTA 4 Or* A LAI 6*... HA HA HA 55 O.w It lit N «* to A »«A ff’t 10 Paririn n A K t« II A tl A M A !* pao TAT 5- AS IIA HA MS 1 r A P A T T. 101 A 101 A 101 1. tS P*nn Bll *A* 110 l(‘tA 11# , 12 P»nn H P. frn f.< 100A I"* 1""A 4 l’*rn I! 1*. **n 111 t«A to A *0*. It pt*re Marq ref t4 #3*4 t4 « ThiU f'o rrf ..1Q1S 1«M| J*»]S 3 Phre Co 64* .*14 *1 *‘4 m f * n e t i t> . jja «I JiA 1« Pl»rr» Arrow tl... *5 A ‘*A i;A 4 V A R 4* w w VISA I1* « IMA t: Publl Sorvlc* ft. . tOJi »»A J# 27 Ttnrliri* **n 4A* • !*I 4*A **A 5 Ho*rllng *»n 4« , to A 1*1 JJA 4 RrnrlnK Arm* *1 4* *3 #2A J.A 4 R«p list 6A" »“A *»A J#A 1 R 1 A A I. 4A. T6 TO T4 5 St I, 1 M A S rf 4. *7 A ITS « St I. I M A S *■ T« TTA T; A J« SI la A W P t.l 4a A 4| A *4 A 44 A 5 St I. A S r ad «• 72 A TIA T V, lit It I. * H P IIIC 4a *.:A 42A 42 A 15 St V t'n Up 6* . . tT A Jj J' A 44 Friboird A L cn 6* 7* 9 hoard A I* *d '• 54 i'1, % 63% f, F^aboard A L rf 4a 62H ->-S 62*» 16 Fsnriair Con 7» .. »J *a ] 5 Mnclalr <’^n IH« 67 6 7*4 *‘l,» 1 Sinclair Crude PS *kt% 3 Flnrlair Ptpa £a .. *1% 63 *3% 14 Fnuth Par cr 4« .. >4'% 94 94 24 Fouth Pac rf 4« 6r.% mi4 MU 4 Fotjih Pac rn| fr 4* 4':% *"S 62 K k F.iuth Uy gn 64*.104 103% 1*3^ 1« Fouth J if If t* . 99 16 South By ton 6*.. M t7H »4 30 Foul h Jtv |n 4a 7 J % 71 % 71’4 44 South Bell T rf 6* 9i% »3 91% J Stand Git 151 cv €%• 65% 9'44 9L% 6 Steel Tube 7a .10|>» 1 * 4 1*4 2 .H«if E* Or 67 17 *7 I» Tann Klee rf «a ... #* f: \ *6 6 Third Ay ad 5a... 41% 43^ 43 H 7 Third Av rf 4a ... »|% 6i<4 4 Tidewtr Oil «H* .!<t2S 1f?S 10IH 3 Toledo Kdlaon 7*..107S 1#7»4 167‘4 12 T h* I. A W 4* .. 7«S 76% 74% 39 I n Par rf 6a .10P* 1M % 161‘, 1 I n Pan Jet 4« ... >9% 9 9% 99% 24 1 n Par rv 4« .... 6»S •« H t T* S Pub 7 V%a _ leiS I#1% 44 J- S Rubber Da . . 6 1 % *1 61 7 r S S*r*l af (a ...103% JftJH 1'‘S Jfi 1'tah PAIa 6« 49% 49 49% « Vg.Cr Cbm 7%e.. an* 11% 31% 45 V».(*f Chm 7a .... «S% 42% €2’, 12 V% Ilf tm . >4% 94 Z 94% 4 Wabaah Jet (•...§» 17% tS 6 Warner Hg Rf 7a 102% 162% 1<*2% 4 Went Md J«t 4a ... «!% «1% 41% 15 j-a< (a ... 14% *4-t T We*flng r.\ 7a ....167% J07 1 Went Shore 4a . .. Mi % 1! Wlrk.Sprn Ft 7a . 47 73 Wllaon af 7%a .... 74% »o WHeoii Jat fa . fo *4 W Mf.n r» h ,, .72% Tf.’w! »i f» of bonds Mi v mere _ 637,00# compared wifh 112.441,00# prtvioua day and 11 1.462,040 a )ear ago. KEEP POSTED | Important development* contained In this week'* market review re garding the following eeearitieai • SI mm* Petroleum Pennsylvania Erie Railroad Hudson Motor# St. Paul Humbla Oil A R. K. C Southern General Motor# Iron Product# Pubilfer Radio Missouri Pacllio American Sugar Writ# for free copy. P. G. STAMM A CO. Dealer, in Slock* and Bond* 35 So. William St , Now York BKtt WANT A11W WKINO RKSW/IH., [ Ni Y. CwbBmA j Mf if*#* It IN ' i »M (if >, ftaM *# i fti'i | Ml *s# *** '» . ■ p t « * Mi**#* 9 --* •« Pi • iiti tt __ _ ^ H a# I *# * *M j I »H<M (l *lft *** *'* I Ih-*4 »•»'*•« M H" !]> I 0 *w« ■- ** * 1 I ■ » * . M I -f t# *f#S IMS IMS i |#|^| I’htw • It MS *1% MS « I Mi l ! ir**‘ t ft ! I | IMS !*)H t m»♦».'*>** It ♦ * it if « M**w*t *( Ht ft IM ** S l * II M. »*»• * f'm *S* MS **S *fS it *f»i I !># #•» »* , * S ** 4 **’ |t S (| t'lh R*f i* *«s * « *» MS ft ff fW 'V "is Ms t*S 9 OlHq |*ttftt*f t • ft it % it s ** i ft#11 let is* it !«•»% i**s !**S !» r m> s j it i **• s i«*S IWH si Nn on *s» its M *i 1 p r#i fciftnf, t# ft ts H |t p< OH f*' v *• ti tti 1«is ftfS i PI I HI ft T *»** .MS IMS IMS It p«« oil «* »*S i*S t*s • F* ft * r , k* 0% •! % 11% I TMftf * »t*9* 1 ' i I 1S l*lfc l« 1 *•**« H S ii* |ut iiS 0* 0 I I’nlftM i»*l Vr * l It IIS tIS !S |R 1 * ft* fltt^n* Hft »<*? I«* 1« WtMPtr Hi « < s* IHI It IS I % I i-tfifn ft r* An inn P f U* M M •• St M*)jin Ooy M ri|a ‘I S2!J SIS S ft itn ISt cfft If C It If M 11 PftrTpt £>*,■ - *?st f'S *'S i P Ml M M ....MS its 9“lt ( nffr# future* New Tnrk Anril 14 Th* market * » coffee future* was quiet toOtf with few' n*e* restricted to a little evening up V t over th*- approaching Kaeter fto!Ma> The opening w»e un hsng*d «o H> t ' ' ^ lower under a little realising or liquid* tlnn with July felling et 12 >0** The market closed 5 to 14 point* n*t lower, Hai*a total# I 12 000 bag# rinsing quotation# May. 12 72c; J j y. 11 p!f; (Uptetlfher, IfJOc; October, 12 Ike L)e« ember, 11.26c, March, 11.62* Mpot >off**e qui#f Rio 7a, 164 0 1S4': Hantqe 4s, lM40194c New \ tirk I ofton. New York Cotton Kxrhang* quotation • furnished by J H B* tie A ro, 22* Omaha National bank b If. Phone JA to: I I I I I Tea v Open High Txi w Close •» Mar ’.0 20 '30.42 29*6 47 ’« * July ?• St 129 IS 2* 4* :• -* *0 Oct. 2&.10 26 40 24 9® 24 24 126 12 Dec. 24 *2 24 76 ‘24 40 24 *2 24 II Jan. 124.20 24.21 24 06 24 21 iff.20 >>w York !*rmlnre. New Tor’* April 1« Butter—Unset tied receipts. 10.663, creamery h‘gh*r than *' tra*. 244 0 274c. cre*m*ry eitraa. * score), 2*4'; creamery fir»ts <11 to 91 score). If.0 3 4c Kggt Irregular; recelp’S, 6S.944 n»'» fresh f*tb#r#d extra firsts, regular pat*, ed. 2440264c: flrs'e. riquUr i*4*’ 224 0 24c; storaga packed, 24402 •'»< »#(ondi and poorer, 2240734c nearby and nevng w«»tera hennery wb 'ea, liras■ to average *x»a# |o0** ; Prif't coj*' whites, flr*ta to extra firsts. lOffJSe. Cheese—Unsettlad . receipt*. 149 244 Ik# atate. while milk, fiats, held, tesrage rga. 220224c. ________ New Turk Poultry, New York. April It.—I.iv# poultry—Ir regular; broiler* by exprese 4*0'' fowls by freight. I7e. turkeys by frelgh* 26 0 4Or. by express, 40 0 66c. Dr***'-1 Poultry — Firm; prtess un changed _ 6% First Farm Mortgage $18,000 loan on 720 acre* in Dawson coun ty, Neb., appraised at $42,665. Available in $100, $500 and $1,000 bonds. Exempt from Nebraska Taxes ^Qiahalrust Gnmanr Updike Grain Corporation (Priest* Wb* Department) rCAkage Board af Trade • MEMBERS V and (All Otkar Leading Eirkange* Order* for (Train for future delivery in the prin cipal market* given careful and prompt attention. OMAHA OFFICEi rhonn ATlantic 6312 616-25 Omaha Grain Exchange LINCOLN OFFICEi 724-25 Terminal Build in# Thone R-1233 Lon# Piatanca 120 DANDRUFF HUM! v our hair la fall out. • ?i **»t kail I* af “LUMCO” will #inP h. Any Drug Star*. Vl»% FKtlsrMt NT. Mothers, Do This— When fhe Children Cough. Ruh Mualrrnlc on Throat* and Clieela No telling how goon the symptom* may develop croup, or worse. And ihen'a when you're glad you have a jar of Muateroi# at hand to give prnmrt relief. It due* not bllater. Aa Aral aid, Muatrrol* I* rgrellent. Thousand* of mntliera Know It. You ahnutd Keep a jar ready for Inatanl uae. It la the remedy for adiitla. too. Re llevea * throat, bronchitis. tonall lltia, croup, atlff neck, aalhma. neur nlgla, headache, congestion, pleurlay, rhclitnallam, lumbago, paina and ache* of bark or joint*, sprains, eoie mu* { i lea, rhllhlain*. frosted feet and cold" of the chest lit may prevent pneu men la). To Mothers: Miolerole Is *l*o made in milder form for hahiea and small children. ’ l«k t»r Children's Muster ole. tie and S.'.c, jars and tube*. Ret in Iban a Mustard I'Uatar, Mighty Healing Power of Peterson's Ointment Heals a 30-Year-Old lleer "I wish I could publish all th" grateful letter* I get cvsry week ' sny* lvtereon. "I don't hellev* an> .ns on llils earih line such a h*n time at work as I hav*. All I do < mniir ivtrrson'a Ointment and rsr lettei* like those that com# right fro, the heart. "I hail an ulcer on my ankle—H* II SO year* and could not get It hinted h r <li* hr»t *:* yeara I hi sewral doctor*. 1 gut ons bo* of your ointment and It a 1 most hnaled o and It wss entirely h*a!*«l before I had used th* second on*. I don't thin5 (her* t# a better remedy on farth Mr«. 3. llsndeiwon. IJO Sgrsgi.« Street. tYmelon Salem, N. C. Peterson's Ointment ta just ss good for pll*s as it Is for old «or** I stop* Itehlr* of errenia *lmo*t I stantly There Isn t anythin* tn the way of plniple* or fare blemishes that tl won t chase sway, and for* re feet, ehttflng, sunhurn. aonMs, fill* snd bruise* theic |* nvfhlng so * , or speedy. lie, I (hr. It or Advr tleement. “Lt AU» UKIMu KMILIJ