THE SEA-HAWK I i« i iimrt haw t mwMi i l4"»*l hi »*»•* »'• Mwhf «•! I • M rtf H « flati I Mil »h *»»••« Wwi i*»M*l M MmM> MW* »»«<••*> «t» M »• '« i't ♦ tfcM »M* M* » M*» «M M §»*»«lll** *l •• It* ** * «■! ♦**.. **** i« I* ■***• •*> iln*i *M ***** I* • »t »*# *. I*| *Ht <■' »*i*l *•** ««•«* ,4 mi OMm • I «*ttf*=* *« .*>«*! * ***** ***** II *♦"•' ♦*«•* •*»MI in «*>»! .<*** i***il I* *m4 n* •* • • |.«*.* W* Min**** I* !*• n.Wi*K*l» f%* **#*•*♦ *♦ fc*» •»!»* •**1 la irtftl *M t«*** •** ***** *»||«*M* PM**| M IMi h« **-*M ♦* h , §,«*•#. «»f *to« « to to* to*’* «i to* to* tot* to ttott tot* ,nM »«** to.* to into to* toto* *♦**• ■ » • t <**» •• "'it * *"■ " ** >«4 tovMF **« t*» • •»•* la tot •to * * to**# »»***•* Uto (to* toto • *»« i tot* to *v*« ttot *> »W »**to liw* ti-« at** • *M ftnto W M'to •MttoM *w tototot t* to »• ttott* tan •• ••• toattto «M ,»t.i *....»! >» 1H* ttot * to to* *riM l#IM» N Ml *•' •»' pul Mmm l«) Pm t*»* •** tm m>i> ■—rt fc* *# j-thiti kwi m «m*i ** «nfc 1MM«| IP *< U P>*-4 TIhP M «|h* ** «*• *• *<*4 **#*»« pMt ll«l P *. » pp»in-l III I'lMIl »W .Mil M «.»<• *■»> WW-pM-4 •t* m» n»*t«it«Mf M •«*«»•-» t »t • M M*4 M MM Mfffe (*« 4M t« M*» qwtMMl (tkll * **-'! «* • K«4 M thU tuttfW *W*t4 to«t I t* ft •• «f IM« ttw. •»•■***** *« >.!•« w t> Mil) Wtftok »B t*«"M 4*t #M tit*' »*4 N t« (tel (tt !»«*« M* Mi *«« »M tot %«*M ttt IMktlir M*M M ttWftM MP *t»4 ttoK **>4 « *l*«t t».to»4 tt* port tMT*4 tt*t —< to to* wy THE NEBBS THI I fTTKE TfGmss |,|r#,,M"n' ifc-b** »vmh— wt w»vt N AKrt 1MIN01*vk a xtw’i TMt r dcwo Awfv* _ ..I Turv^Aiifl vtv CwQCi AIt (h00 WlAklH O'ON t I 'tU. you TO \ OOWIN AtWOOl vuATia 1 \ TOO«l AOOUT A*UkH‘UL*& AtH0*t*,i Si iSSIU-ma Mto>. TV* / CXXV &f*s vnNtlt W Ht»t • *®** A MAN MltM NO MON IT TOu CAftOT MOat KiTjS *4 TOuQ POOtIT l V4WAT oo you caqpt im poa - ballast V&o tmi wind v*cWt CV.ow you y AvwM 7 _ _ V V ’.•^4 * ' '■ liFJP N0»« 'OO t M OOMMhaUO \ ca h»us \ vww owi 4MI 00 - ^QP * you fil*MTiNO •ItlA'I *»iw • I ^ m9 I * H6ot"mow: fAinous Scottm » " HlOOOuduBOBO ON\ OCEAN UNfR> BOUND .fOR ' flMHIEA r. ^COntractTpoaVv .PRlVIATt (AAAYOU RACE } WITHy SPARK . PlUG'i ' UlH-t-V®* t'S»GN«» BYV __ I GOOGlGfAND . MACTAVlf*« ' As^sixjw’As^assieiBV '• eager' ►or£tI<6 . BlG\ • :3cont*st£_ • * Makes statement Jra ^ ‘That mis grown-- tt. i PfiC B~(60 oabv couio <^jr\ 1*J|M ^RUNNtMG (HOOT MOM '■' MOOT MOA»! HOCT MOM » = - r / < This scotch _ ( House is qctting / „ Mt coo coo lUlHW D0MT*T>»6V 4 \.,VMAIT»'nu. THt BOAT, y docks;before S^TMEV.- AAAy^/ ) A*' V' ■1 i I ) > /3* d BRINGING UP FATHER Registered U. S. Patent Office see jiggs and maggie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE ICoprrlpht 1924) rOR COODNEb's *3 \f'NC HOOR ^>AAE WHAOOA WfOOTOCiET UP vm \ Mn*NiN . .._ the AWERACE mam I^nr^ow- r ^haltaoaV, / r APOOT MOW. j V/Q„K OONC. ^ NO'w r HURR~< UR and I'M 60»H AT HIS YOU WUZ. OFFICE AT TAKIM’ ME TO SEVEN IN A FIRE,' - THE © I9J4 V Ur t. r««To*»* Sr^virr lx •_ I jHU I L‘“’ WU BY SOLLY- I CO TO YOUR ' HE CERTAINLY '-p OFFICE! IT 77, JERRY ON THE JOB ’ light on the subject . Drawn tor by Ho an f X MUKT To TAKE A ^ 1 Look i* tue- Saggaqf" J , tSDOW AyiO Sit IP 1/ "twneo out r ~ I\ 'The be*r.j - ' ' )«,*. H * *H 4 *4 j if«4t#9 tlfri AfW> It « !tiiivtAm * *f •W ^ **** L,*Wd*d. Hi «M « *n# I Mr IN *** U. »— • »** **. **♦. ** flH !,*# § *»* . M«A MhM ♦* 1*4 ***** '*♦ *,4 •*••««.4 |Jp«t*t f 4**4 M‘i In INI N '’"•»«§ • - >i«f mt IftN »M f W*t *• |pN j j<|*$ MMn IM **•* 1»‘ « »»* #m MM j ^| in n > M4 in IM* N M4 n In ifttMn Iflrtftgi | l>«N i„niM M M4 'wm* I# XT' It few |*MI In »M# llUtrWi'«4 in • 4«kWMj t4|M >’ 1 n •Hf*4 *1 *t l»l|ii wlf * Wfa? 4*« i»<4 I t Ittf ifettt MM IN Aie lilt* anWM old r|wft* M gt«»«H*d 1144«( it iiH th* (rrilstlMv that' ih had ta»a |iaatN| th him •Hr f*tti*f MM r«y**d »tth mild .»»••*(*• th Sta (Ha"'• Th»t> from Lumet hia »»#* IrittlM t«* IM l*tif aiildva v "It rain*.** M **td "it *ai not jour wnwt ta It* drif*h 1" th« Ria*|tt« | y rain Hut thtn if shin* 't |a im tit* Mttti Toy never "fo «hat arid* * quoth glr Mlvtr • tth th* **tn* milt"***, hut a wrinkl* •if twwtldefttunt cnming gradually 4*" tarift hi* ilm(| hr*!** I "> )•*i|* pna* | Im* tii Meet lowering glsti-e* to a*« h**d* approach on* another a» that confidential cur*** of mt may h* tnutteiedT" "||a"' cried f,t"net. ahort and eliarp, hi* aunken */*« blaring gnddenly. "I* ha* corn* th thta, then, that having voluntarily dura thta thing to shield to* you now reproach m* with it," "I?" cried Kir Oliver, aghaat "Tour very word* are a reproach It’ ye think t do not read the mean ins that Ilea under them?" M|r Oliver i' «* alnwly. **ar!ng at hla brother. He ahook hi* head and arniled. • L*|. Igtl"* he aald. "Tour wound ha# left you disordered, boy With what have t reproached you? What wa* thta hidden meaning of my word*" If you will lead aright you will *<•# It to he that to go abroad ia to Involve rnyaelf in freah quarrel*, for my mood la be'"me ahort, and I will not brook *nur look* and mut tarings. That la ill." He advanced ami net hla hand* upon hi# brother # shoulder*. Holding him *o at arm'a length he emeidered him what time Lionel droontd hi# head and a alow Push overapread hla cheek* "Dear fool!" h« aald. and ahook him. "What alls you? Tou are I ala and gaunt, and not yourself at til. x have a notion. 1 11 fumiah me a anip and you ahall aall with me to my old hunting grounna. There la life out yonder— i fe that will restore your vigor and ; our zest, and per haps mine in well. How say you, now?” Lionet looked UP. his eyes nrlgtlten ing Then a thought occurred to him; a thought so mean that again -he oilor flooded into ii * cheeks, for he was shamed by it. Yet it clung If he railed with Oliver, men would say that he was a partner In the guilt attributed to his brother. He knew—from more than one' re mH,r|< addressed hire here or there, and l»ft by him uncontradlcted—that th* belief was abroad on the coun tryside that a certain hostility was springing up l-efween himseif and K;r Oliver on th score of tha' happen j ing in GodOlphln Park. His pale lopka and hollow eyes had contrite j uted to the opinion that hl» brother's ■in was weighing heavily upon him. He had ever been known for s gentle, kindly lad. in all things the very op posit® of the turbulent Sir Oliver, and it was ar«umed *r-at Sir Oliver in his present Increasing harshness used his brother ill leisure the lad would not condone his < rime. A deal of sym pathy was consequently arising for Mono! and was bring t -stifled to him on every hand, .Tore he to scccd# to such a propotal as Ollv-r now made hint, assuredly he must jeopardize ail that. He realized to the full the contempt ible quality of hi* thought and hated himself for conceiving It. But he could not shake off its dominion. It wa# stronger than his will. His brother observing th?* hesfts tlon. snd misreading It drew him to the fireside snd made him sit. "Listen." he said. *s he dropped into the chelr opposite, "There is s fine ship standing th# road# below, off ISmlthlck. Tort'll have seen h»r. Her matter Is a desperate adventurer named Jasper I,eigh. who Is to be found any afternoon in the alehouse at Penycumwick. I know him of old, and he and hi* ship are to be acquired. H* Is ripe for any venture, [from •cuttilng Spaniards to trading In slaves, and so that the price he high enough we may buy him body and soul. HI* Is a stomach that re fuse* nothing, so ther* be money in th# venture, go her# !* ship and master ready found; the re#t I will provide—the crew, the munitions, the armament, and hy the end of March we shall see the Lizard dropping astern here In this place of gloom." "L'll ... I H think of It." *ald Lionel, hut so listlessly that all Sir Olivers quickening enthusiasm per Ished again at one# and no more was said of the venture. But Lionel did not altogether reject th* notion. If on th* on* hand he The Day® of Sport ^ Briggs _ __■ Jill1 ittTTW Ca&fetM. HU. M I t>*a> la* Horhets ^g||7 TJ-JE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield 11* Know* When Hi>'« ✓ - — ■ *n Body laughs at "BLEcho's* ^ s Because 'tvipibe cheap- 1 \*! rt«r AIN’T (,PlNc, to STOP OM QOINCi IN AND BUY ONE ^ 7 \Y'S MCI '■{ ' KWO*. , m , BUT tY >0C®i / -tto V a fivy M'muxnct*y ^ *CK®*° ** A YAtVOR V ui»U. DO £* I 3 \^M»mcK.t»? Quay's theX • vm afraid V MATTER UUTH \ ?>« v WOWbW'T \ TV\E STORE WHSRf >[ HENbV-E ME A \Yoi* Boui^HV tY71 ffc\R OEM. j X^— -j - YWEREV^ r=T r*.\ ' thev remember \7 nes, BUY t Took You Bouqtfr I Y^EIR LABEL \JY FROM iRIMVy 1 Off - AND UKE \ A Fooc, 1 THREW V VY AuAYV. cm _ * *' *# i m I 1 ”*** i * a #jN, t| ...... ,r.T.,r:.T.r «& r^r'»“«•?«« ■ ?,! * JZ 2 . ,*» t.. own I m* sod •*■--*• M b»* * letup *bt»» |M bad *m «■ bcre* _ tm4 |i *•* I ^ Ma**#* f',»»etlt*« bd *>• I*' f* bare • Hat W h*in§ t«n«a*tM h*»a ega'ne* r«uf brother * ' tftlsM my kNMf‘ m, Hi tb* MH*f f( IM bliUe» jnf M.bir I*#ter flodatpbln last * ,„a. Me-em* tlwt lb* futMi•* waqM • ■ * * * * ! ,>I"! (h# lieutenant of rnynw#|i It,, . . Mmi>fl tbetn »o grant • wa* off}, #,'•♦♦ • ’ '»* n —rr* ">‘ 1 ' " tin piirti a nwitter they at* anewerahi* j»» bona hut h*r grace. And now I hear that a petition !i* rn* *** d*.o to th* qiman hertwlf, Wrlr» to command bar Juetl^s to r* rform their duty or quit their office* t.tonal drew a sharp bresth, snd with dilating •><■* regarded the me rtner. but mud* hint no attawer Jaeprr laid a Ion* fln**r «*»!n*t I hla now and hla ayes grew cunning • l thought Id warn you. air. * as you may bid Mm Oliver loo* to Ihlssclf. 'T l* a line seaman and flrte I seamen be none eo plentiful Lionel drew hla pure* from hla lltocket and without ao much a* 1<“ ling Into Its contenta dropped It Into II he aeaman's ready hand, with a mut tered word of thanka. He rode home In terror almost It was come. The blow was Shout tq^ fall, and hi" brother would at lest tot forced to speak. At Pencrrow a fresh shock awaited him. He learn"! from old Nicholas tWtt Sir was from home, tby»t he had rHT over to rjodolphln Court. The instant conclusion prompted by Lionel's terror was that already the news had reached Sir Oliver and that he had Instantly taken action; for he could not conceive that his brother •hould go to Godolphin Court upon -•Day by Day ------ Bv O. O M’lNTVBF. New York, April J< Two rf U* most successful play* of the •***>" nn Broadway deal with common place Incidents among commonplace people. In on* the hero 1* a young man whose mind blot# up *11 the cheap catch phraa*a of advertlflng slogan*. In th» other there !» • dull-in.rd **-! husband and hi* enually dull minded wife who live th* drab Ufa thousand* live In complete content One siirr:.)»e» th* theater t* going through considerable purring of the unreg'-n*rate theme# that hav# char aeterlzed It of late The play that portray# ordinary lives ha* always been popular from the days of -The Old Homestead Pec,pie hav# grown rather tired of popularizing th# jaunty Magdalene* and their castigating language# of the brothel. Rich old roue# and gaudy girls may hold Interest for a time hut th# bulk of th# theatrical going public enjoy most the ordinary person with whom they rub elbow* every day. The success of the#* two play* con vlnces on# that censorship 1* neceaaary. Public taat# will purge the theetes Juat a* It will literature Vaudeville haa deleted the amutty joke and ths suggestive gesture and never In Iti history has It received ao much P* tronage. Burlesques too haa clean## house and found profit# growing. There waa a time when bedroom farce# were the rage. But when they grew too vulgar *1* that **r« pre sented lingered only for a few daya The *cahrou* spectacle of a per formance being played In the con fine# of a bagnio resulted In an en tire cast being Indicted. Th# theater does not need squalor of language to make It Interesting. The two excellent play* that are such successes haven't a line or situation that could not h* heard or seen by Aunt Prue from Boston. There I* a Pari* perfumer who has opened up a perfume aalon on Mad! son avenue HI* specialty Is blend ing perfume to personality. He studies th# patron carefully, and claims to he exact In hla science. HI* product* are only for the rich- A small vial of hi* personality blend ocsfs 130. He haa been h*re only a few months, hut he does a big velum* of business. The perfumer'# idea show* how easily New Tork will be gouged for swank. II# permitted me to Inhale the fragrance of on# of hla blends concocted for a rich dowager. It might hav# been a high grade blend Ing but It smelled to me like the mix ture of a hors* collar and the Inside sole of a sick shoe Another Importation l» « French man who haa opened up *f "aoul ron* trol Institute" where young girl* b* pome master* of themselves. Ho la th* typ# that wear* a flowing rob* and rhaae* tha buttercup over tha dewy lawn at dawn He haa about it student* and on# of thatr atunta la to hnid hand* about a tabt# laden with rosea and rec ite aome flowery phraaaa to their Inner conaolousnee* On# of tha beat waya for a modern young girl 10 get a atrangla hold on her soul thee* daya. J helley# I* to tackl# the dinner dishes or wreatl* with * mop In th# kitchen. A man alone at a matinee feel* quite con*plottou# for soma reas-'tt or other. Also he feel# a guilty slug card. I waa at on# the other day two rheumatic old men ntad# up th# rest of the male w tl.'n of th* and: enoa. 1 felt Ilka gctng out and bor rowing a llnotypera rard. displaying It In my hat to ahow them 1 labored at night. Thera la a New York business man who has received about IS new hook* from friend* recently. He has r# piled to each that h# "enjoyed penis Ing them " Ha did peruse them but did not lead them Gladstone Had the heat fnrmulif. H* atwyvs »i e "I lost no time In reading jour book." tCsprrlght. I»f« | Barney Google and Spark Plug A HIGHLAND FLING iw- rh, Qm.h. by Billy d^c