The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 14, 1924, CITY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 oday
Mr, l.cilrr'» Sock*,
Mr, I, c It n n 1 i 111 r r' *
Jit/Min II nrn« V*.
Chicago learns with unjustified
scorn that Joseph Leiter, of the well
known Chicago family, ia bring
surd for $1,332, the price of lit
pairs of socks. Twelve dollars a
pair for socks shocks Chicago. Chi
cago learns with added horror that
Mr. Letter changes his silk socks
twice n day.
Whrit of It? The great Ruffon
1 ever sat down to his scientific work
without beautiful lace about his
wrists. And Tycho Brahe, prince
of astronomical observers, always
put on clothing, his very best, be
fore entering his observatory, say
"I am here in the presence of
my maker.”
Mr. Leiter may have just as good
a reason for two pairs of silk socks
a day, at $12 a pair.
Mr. LeBoutillier is vice president
of the Long Island railroad, and
nevertheless, a rude government
seized his private car, stocked with
choice liquids, and threatens to
seize and sell the car.
That is pushing prohibition
beyond the joke stage. Keeping
beer from working men is all right.
Keeping chnmpagne from the vice
president of a great railroad is
quite another matter.
The Japanese ambassador in
forms Secretary of State Hughes
that “grave consequences” may fol
low passage of the bill for exclud
ing the Japanese effectively—
which has not been done under the
“gentlemen’s agreement.”
Observe Japan’s attitude toward
the United States and Australia.
knows the sides of
Hew York life that
make first page
headlines. He told
some of the “inside”
in “His Children’s
Children,” but he
goes farther in
his new novel in
May On Sale
j The**# are Americana
Abe « flcom* Japan*** student* and
traveler* Australia *trtetly *«•
rMi* Japan*** and all «tk*r A*ta
Get, itt|t Japan doesn't threaten
any "grave consequences'* for Aua
The Japene*# knew that Au*
tralta mean* It. They are rather
doubtful about lb* t nlted Rtalra.
bring well a war* that aom* of our
larg**t "lnt*re*t*" and porkethook*
would be glad to get chrap Aalatir
labor, Hut that labor t*n‘t coming
In, and It I* betraying no confidence
to tell Japan that th* people of
the United State* are quit# readv
to accept the "grave consequence*.
The allie* gratefully and cheer
fully aerept all finding* of the
financial expert* led by General
Dane* of the U. S. A., and will he
glad to accept the German billion*
a* outlined,
Xo *uch gladne** and eheerful
ne*» arc observed in Germany, how
Republican leader* in Chicago
suggest that General Dawes of
“Hell and Maria” anti reparation*
fame, may accept the republican
nomination if anything should hap
pen to President Coolidge.
At present, however, Coolidge
isn’t planning to let anything hap
pen to him.
Some one in Wall street bet
$2,000 against $20,000 that A!
Smith will be the next president of
the United States. You would call
10 to 1 good odds. But n thousand
to one would be better.
Dr. Thomas, president of Penn
sylvania State college, says the
bucksaw drives boys from the farm.
You know the bucksaw, of course.
You put a log of wood on the saw
buck, put one foot on the log, then
you saw back and forth, occasion
ally greasing the saw, until that
chore is done.
The work is good for you, taking
fat off the front and strengthening
muscles of the back. But it is work
no longer necessary. You can at
tach a saw to an automobile wheel,
jack up the rear axle and saw in
one morning enough wood to last
all winter.
(Copyright. 1924.)
Los Angeles. April IS.—Mrs. Mar
garet B. Willis, real estate dealer,
formerly Mrs. Albert Schultz of Den
ver, told police today, they said, that
she shot and killed Dr. Benjamin
Baldwin, Los Angeles physician, for
merly of St. Louis, kept his body In
a trunk In her home for two days
and then hurled It over an embank
ment north of here.
Mrs. Willis, a middle-aged woman,
walked into the centra! station here
and told of the killing voluntarily,
it was announced.
After her confession, police said,
the woman asked for a cup of cof
fee. Refreshed with the coffee, she
led officers to a spot on the state
highway, near San Fernando, a su
burb, w-here it Is alleged the doctor's
body was found half way down the
embankment, partly protruding from
a wardrobe trunk.
Knmit/r Church
Confirms Record
lliviikinjr Class
217 Mm ami Inmni Arrrpl
l.utlirran Kaitli Overflow
SrrvirM Mark I’alni Sim*
day in Omaha.
Tha latiNl confirmation claaa In
Omaha, an ordlng in Mav, O.O, Italia
ly, an a confirmed I'alm Sunday,
when 14? men and women varying
from lh» age* of 14 to to were con
firmed at the Kountaa Memorial
My organltlhg what l« known aa
the combination service*, the church
hoard has anfved the Sunday achoot
problem, tn yearn gone by Sunday
school student* would return home
Immediately after taking their Hiblr
lesson, To prove that the combina
tion plan la a aucceas, 1.002 children
intended the combination services
Sunday morning, according to Rev.
Mr. Daltaly.
One hundred and one other persona,
who have been confirmed In aomo
other Lutheran church, will he con
firmed Wednesday night at the
Ivountze Memorial church. Thursday
night the 247 men and women who
were confirmed on Palm Sunday will
attend their llrat communion aervices.
Friday afternoon will Introduce the
three hour services.
The people who were confirmed on
Sunday morning after receiving five
and one-half months of Blhle training,
are ready to meet the future In a
most satisfactory manner, according
to Rev. Mr. Baltzly.
Special Services Yesterday.
Falm Sunday morning, warm and
sunny, was marked by large attend
ances at all Omaha churches, where
special services were held.
It was an auspicious beginning of
the busiest week of the year for the
Christian churches of this city and
of the world. Commemorating aa It
does the entry of Christ Into Jeru
salem, Palm Sunday was a day of
confirmation, baptism and com
munion In many churches, and one
of song and devotion In all,of them.
Augmented choirs sang carefully re
hearsed selections, pastors delivered
thoughtful sermons, which Inspired a
more close application to the re
ligious side of life.
New hats and gowns also made
their appearance yesterday, presaging
a colorful Easter, the day marking
the resurrection of Christ and a re
juvenation of humanity In new ap
Busy Week Ahead.
But In the next six days the
churches and church people are plan
ning to direct more attention to
Christianity than at almost any other
time of the year. Holy week noonday
servlcee will be held starting Mon
day, from 12 to 1, In the Orpheum
theater under auspices of the minis
terial union. And many of the
churches during the coming week. In
tervening between Palm Sunday and
Easter Sunday, wilt hold service*
every evening.
Bee Want Ada are Booster*.
The 3-Door Coupe ~ •
$1535, at Flint
<* t t
Have us demonstrate this Dort Coupe in competition with
your car or any car around the Dort price. Compare ap
pearance, room, size, upholstery and equipment. Drive
them both. Put the motors to any test—speed, pulling
power, idling. Try the riding qualities over rough roads.
We will satisfy you that the Dort is a better car in every
way. Without obligation on your part we will do it
today or any day you say.
Dort Sixes $1095 to f1595, at Flint
Distributor* for Nebraska and Wettern Iowa
2421 Farnam Street Omaha
(looli<!"c Fares
Supreme Test in
liH|nirv Ouarre!
Dciimm rat* ln*i*lrnt I poll
l’rr*glllj| Hrstilllliotl (dtillg
Mrlltm finminillri Nil*
thnrity t«> Hire < oimerl.
|ImNm«I flMI rate On*.I
Wilth and Meed and la ready fm I he
anrt of fight hla iadira have pr*dpl
Prealdent r’nolldge'i ptoteat to the
■mate agalmt tha trend of senate
tnveatlgallona may roma befnra the
republican innfetenre tomorrow, hut
tha dedalon of the oraanlaaitnn lead
era to aland by the titular leader of
their party In thla fight alteady haa
been made.
Senator Wataon of Indiana, one nf
the republican "wheel horae*,'' haa
given notice that he will preae hla
reaolution proposing dlarharge of the
special senate committee Inveatlgat
Ing the Internal revenue bureau, the
activities of which brought a sharp
remonstratlon to President t'oolldge
from Secretary Mellon and In turn
from the president to tha senate.
Hay Pinrhot Responsible.
Democratic leaders are equally as
insistent upon pressing a resolution
giving the committee authority to em
ploy counsel. Adoption of tills reso
lution w'ould make possible the re
tention of Francis J. Heney of San
Francisco as "special prosecutor."
Senator Oouzen*. republican, Michi
gan, who haa had the dominant part
in pressing the investigation, had
proposed to employ Mr. Heney and
pay him out of his own pocket, but
President Coolidge has taksn ths po
sition that this would be In violation
of the law.
Senate organization leaders charge
openly that Governor Gifford Pinchot
of Pennsylvania Is responsible for
the suggestion that Mr. Heney be re
tained and they assert that the whole
purpose Is to Investigate the federal
prohibition enforcement unit, which
frequently has come under Are from
the Pennsylvania governor.
Senator Watson, who is chairman
of the internal revenue bureau Inves
tigating committee, declared flatly In
the senate yesterday that It was not
proposed to go Into such an Investi
gation at this time and that any such
move would be resisted. Moreover,
the Indiana senator charged that the
real purpose of the senate Inquiries
was to aim arrows at President Cool
Democrats See Victory.
Democratic leaders ar# confident
that when the Anal test of strength
comes, the internal revenue bureau
Inquiry will be ordered forward under
ample authority for the committee to
employ such counsel as may be
deemed necessary.
While the president's message to
the senate has aroused democratic
leaders to a new fighting fever, there
is little Indication that they look with
favor upon a proposal by Senator
Reed, democrat, Missouri, to expunge
the executive's communication from
the congressional record. Senator
P.eed has offered a resolution for that
purpose and has announced his Inten
tion of calling It up. Its adoption, In
the bslief of senate officials, would be
without precedent In American his
Tbs warm spring wsather haa
brought a noticeable Increase In busi
ness to the Auto Electric and Radio
corporation, £313 Harney street, ac
cording to Don T. Swain, manager.
Motorists art getting their cars In
■haps for the open road, this being
tha rsaaon for tha larga demand on
tha firm's service. Tha servlea de
partment la busy refining brakes,
overhauling and repairing electrical
sy*t%ms and testing batteries.
The new brake refining machine
Installed several weeks ago Is much
In demand. Ths machine counter
sinks the rivets of the brake band.
The Auto Electrlo and Radio corpora
tion sella the Exide battery and Is
living 14 hour sendee on recharging.
Remove all old paper before you
repaper, advisee Fred Parka, paper
hanger and decorator. Otherwise tha
rough edgea will show end cause the
new to crack and fall off. Parka con
ducts one of the largest paint stores
in the city at 4701 Pouth Twenty
fourth afreet. The firm usee a spe
cial steam process In removing old
sail paper.
The quality of the work la such
that a oca-year guarantee la given
on Its paper hanging. Advice and
estimates on papering wtll be given
to thoee calling nr writing.
Unless you take Nebrin you are
not using the safest and most effec
tive remedy that science has given
you for the relief of colds, grippe,
headache, neuralgia, rheumatism
and pains in general.
Nebrin tablets are positively saf
er and more effective than Aspirin
tableta and are superior in every
way to cold and headache remedies
containing the heart depressing,
habit-forming drug Acetanilide.
Away Goes Eczema
Peterson’s Ointment
"On* day a druggist told me." says
1’ereraon, "that Peterson's Ointment
waa tha heat remedy he sold for
eraema. Rut you’ll never make any
money on It," he added, "because It
heals so quickly that only a little
ointment Is used All dnisglsls. JHc
^irrliMlni ttfwti f?A#r» ■
memher nf iM Am*fh-«n AiiiiruMmi
**f ,S,urMritn»ii l« *«• ted bf J. M
Mitfiilli fMprtetaf lh* Uil* (ktli
iiHriffi, lit* I NnftH fifty mn tmd
tireel The An-*H Ateriitlnn wf
N'itr*Mi»ffl |i r*rgtnltrd fur |»ui*#<
Hun nf the puldh Mi'ir |e»e*t»« Mu
been duped itMu buying lr*ferti*f il<»rl
by itnielitlde end fly by night nurteiv
m*t»f Mid Mtirnette A mettthei nf
the muh iMtion mutt Ihe up In the
hv Ihim No treet thruhe, duteert ur
tny bind if pith! life It told hv «
member r»f the atom let Ion but frhftt
till irov httf tnd he aa iep
retented. Tbe fiete f*|ty nurteiv
mrrle* n umnplete line nf nttreeiy
a|<M*k, t»ee», nhrtih# flogttl, hedge*,
ft ilf ehtde *nd nmomenttl tree*
A 10 per rent dtermmt It mtde nn til
order* of HO or over.
Vidor II Runs, Harley Davidson
motorcycle dealer, la conducting a
contest In which a new Harley• David
son motorcycle I* given free to the per
son selling the most of 50 machines,
new or rebuilt.
Much Interest Is being shown. Many
contestant* have already aeveral aales
to their credit. The Arm Is offering »
second prise of $75 In merchandise and
a third prize of $50 In merchandise
A feature of the contest la that $10
Is given on each sale
Rons urges all persona who would
win a motorcycle to call at the sales
rooms, 2701 7 l.eavenworth street, and
obtain information on this contest.
Out-of-town persona ran obtain In
formation by writing the Arm.
Up at the building department in
the city hall, records of new building
show that a great man/ dwelling
houses and other structures will be
erected in Omaha the coming sum
mer. Oast year there were over
1,600 structures put up in Omaha,
and the prediction Is that there will
be 2,000 buildings during 1924.
Most of these buildings have some
fc«M nf A be* Hug pis t TM flint |
thii IA rami affinem **■ t will J
lM boil A* A^MAtfljr **4 *>11 fw A j
«»im aiM# f*ri*e I* A*irA In N *b» j
t»n*t f*t|tnlat
Hi# M«m«t4 IHavi iM fiirAlti |
rompAAr «»f «HI !l Wit l« *M A !
(Afft jam 1 t»»n nf thlt intAtn*** in %l#w j
nf I He fid tbit the firm* nrti4«f< ]
fuiNiff IA efficient A»%4 Mt»* »a*Mv |
11Me*l The fitm sella i*>t ihaI «lle j
ftlintiti dlt eel front th* factory j
AiViti |i I hue mad* I he » yammer.
l»f. Alb e It Mr4'«Af)« h** fno\ *4
In larger office* g| |J| North Teen
t v p*« ond atreet Dr. M-Ciim* he*
been successful In the treatment nf
d'aease b' the French *v*tein of ele
trlrlty, The popularllv nf fhla meth
od nere**tt»ted moving In larger nf*
fire*, »ald Dt. Mc« anna
Th* French »y*iem u**» a ?l cur
rent battery, combine* the different
current*, affording a successful treat
ment for many ailment*. Dr. M<
fauna, during the 2ft year* of
practice, ha* treated cancer, pneu
monla, tulierc ulosls, Mrighf* disease,
diabetes and con*tl|w»tlon with aatl.i
factory result*. (’onaultntlon 1* free
to those writing or calling.
London Morning Post Sold
to Conservative* Croup
London. April 13—Lady narthurst,
owner of ilia London Morning Pott,
announce* sale of the paper to a
group of conservative,, headed by the
duke of Northumberland.
The reason given for the sale was
"heavy taxation ."
£C mi less
for Cat, Oil and Repair!
Uto a
for Delivery
HA 2406 2701 Leavenworth
t_ *
t<t*ni rtimn! rottipeiiy. 1
TfcIHrfitft' i**4 AftnuMlfig AMI In,
i.MHIMi In liiNf 1 VH«r flrift I*’ Ml* ‘
rt ntn |t)iM U« fnittuf*' l ilfi R
llh# *>f «>%•»« !#*• Infill iN pnftlm* fur
nllnif. This Itn# ItM l»i l#n Nrd l»*lhi
fj. n r f Vnnti |mh ll In ■►!, llffl
i>#h< li#n, mil Alibi ifiA »»•*«* bill*
mid# In Muttb nniWNil
gtitiMi wnmi*
UtnttH* rflUiffU lb# pnn
jultin fill giantt* itnn*. Tbi prwlufl
Special Prices to
Reduce Our Stock
('•ftford (#»•!*••, per 100 If 00
Apple !»••«, wmK fO
CMfl f It—*, h AO
Spiff* Skrulu, rath . 10
H*dg* Plant*. each 02
ftaaea, Hardy. ee«h io
Howtrlai Pinttiall, ficli IS
Prany Plant*, **cb . SO
Phone u* your order or drive out
to the Byrd Nuraertea.
We guarantee to aave you money.
Our treea and ahruba freahly dug and
planted ere moat aura to grow and
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
•SOI Dodo St. WA M7«
Omaha, Neb.
V** • fiat rMrk. tt 4**M* *f
fill* t*4 I* mrttMttr
>*>• ih< aiMltNurif T*>» f 'M Si!
*.*i #laf*lav a I nfti| Ma ttn* ■# »*i4*n
Nf«NW* •« ,h» ah*» rwn* 4 >*• *“
ltt«at*«t*4 ekil |«i • N »*•
In# HMliNl M|*i*l
r—- %
With Raybestos
A new brake-relininpr
machine haa been In*
atalled, Avoid acci*
denta that are rauaed
by faulty brakea.
Drive Into Our
Service Station
Auto Electric & Radio
2813 Harney HA 0822
. -r
Screen Doors and Win
dows Made and Repaired
F. H. Turney Screen Co.
707 S. 27th St. AT 4737
Screen Porche* a Specialty
Concrete Blocks
Mortar Joints
Build a
To Be Sure
31 SI and Spaulding St. Phone KEnwooo 0456
Light or heavy
shell or gold
frame. Crystal
lenses. Work
2502 North 24th Stroot
24th ait Lika Street!
(Over Tuchman Bros. Grocery)
Phono WE hator 449*
a__ J
Made in Omaha
The Famous
Overdraft Furnace
Every part made in our big factory. We
sell and install our Furnaces in Greater
Omaha direct from factory—elsewhere
through dealers. The Overdraft saves fuel.
Phone Ralston 52 for representative.
Howard Stove and Furnace Co.
Ralston (Omaha), Nebraska
“Watch for
Blue Light*
at Night"
Call AT 3322
If you are a stranger in the city you wit!
find the BLUE CAB COMPANY a wheeled
tone ef safety. A request from you will
transform the driver into an adviser and aide.
Low Faro Malar Ratal
Blue Cab Co.
Rough Dry— Semi-Flat—
Par lb .Sc Per lb.7«
Dry Wail— Wet Waeh —
Per lb.Sc Per ib.Sc
. Pbonc WE 1029
Expert and careful packers
of fine china, paintings, etc.
Our method of carload ship
ping saves you money.
10tk and Jonas St.,
an Viaduct. JA. 1504.
a .a
Dr. T. E. Sample
M. D.
Using Dr. Abrams’ meth
ods and practically all
forms of electrical treat*
ments except X*ray.
106 Arthur Omaha,
Bldg. Neb.
On Face. Festered and
Burned and Itched. Lost
Sleep. Hated To Go Out.
" My face broke out with rad,
rough blotchee and than pimple*.
Tha pimplea were hard, large and
red. and were acattered. They {al
tered and burned and itched ao
that I could not aleep at night. My
face waa auch a eight that 1 hated
to go out. Tha trouble tailed (or
over two yean.
M ! began uaing Cuticura Soap
and Ointment, and after uaing (our
cakea of Cuticura Soap aod (our
boiea of Cuticura Ointment I waa
completely healed." (Signed* Miaa
Haiel Lewie, 1702 Jonea St., St.
Joaepb, Mo.
Uae Cuticura for every-day toilet
purpoaea. Bathe with Soap, aoothe
with Ointment, duat with Talcum.
■wWatMteVdl utm. "
eeU. iw,. a. ana. *.. mm. awe w.
abf« tM.a* oia.aiw. M.^W.-T.’-waMa
Wm Try aur near Stick.
Gill Piston Riqgs
We are now distributors for this line.
Gill rings will end your ring troubles.
2212 Harney Atlantic 3394
Pleating Button*
Hemstitching Braiding
Embroidering Beading
Button Hole*
Mail Order* Promptly and
Carefully Filled
Free Cirrular*
20S South 16th Stroot
Oppoait# Brand#!* Store*
JA ckaen 193d Omaha. Nek
v /
U/oMm/o ^
rre mure cm. »>■
at tha
Lowest Rates
Why Pay Mora?
Phone AT 1866
“B” Line Transfer Co.
ISIS St. Marya Art.
Altar 8 P. M. Call WA 2S74
l __>
Auto Top# — Seat Covert
812 S. 24th St. AT 3683
r \
Retail Merchants Should
Use the
J. J. Cameron
Credit Bureau
217 L*fUn( Hldf. AT. 7M0
Srnd Your Walding to
Omaha Welding Co.
Eloctric and OayacotyUno
1501 Jackson JA 4397
■ ■■ ■ ■■ im*J
Thii Ad Good Cor
50;: Discount
Wall Paper
We Gift Estimates on
Hifh-Clatt Decorating
Fred Parks Paint Store
4708 S. 24th St.
MA 0)01 AT 7404
N ■*
Niagara Wall Papers
Work Dona an
Eaiy Payment
Write for Free
Wall Paper
616K»*lii,e BMf. JA 4180 J
Stationery that Satisfies
Omaha Stationery Co.
307-9 S. ! 7th Phone JA 0805
t_ ^
* \
The French System of Elec*
tricity Will Cure Cancer (if it
has not been cut.) Consult jl
Dr. Alice B. McCanna
321 N. 22A St. AT J605
ProlmtoiMil C«i4
Dr. W. R. McGrew and
Dr. O. F. Pecblrr
Annonnr# Tfcrir Rfaiavut T rt>m
TK# HM( t»
[ 353 AQi'iLA COURT
I A ]
W. A. HaUerstroh & Sons
The Furnace People of Omaha
(Eetablished 1898)
Phone WA lnut 2971
It l« Good for
10% Cash Discount
on all orders of Trees. Red res.
Flowers and Shrubbery to the
amount of 110.90 or over.
Gate City Nursery
3 Blocks South of Kmr Pork
52d and Erskins Sts. WA 2945
Northwest Ready
Roofing Company
3122 Laaaen worth HA 2574
To »«t your money and gat
quality on typewriter!, adding
machines, duplicating machine!
•r dictating machines, see
All Makes Typewriter
Cenpany, lit.
“Where Quality and Low
Price Meet”
205 S. 18th St. AT 2414
?\ P'^AT 1 A palatable
4 BRAN and tasty
« t JSAHL product of
fgsf'^gg whole
^ . «t»r>e K»*t wheat.
XL"^ Made by
Uucle Sam Breakfast
Food Co., Omaha
Where Fre»h Farm Egg*
Are Alwav* Sold
Automatic Printing
Saves You Money
AT 2351 21 •! and Cuming I
l ✓
Nebraska Motorcycle &
Bicycle Co.
Motorcprlra. Rn.tki and Cnh Sup
pt.p. Mail Of dp- a Filtr-d Prumpllp
1812 Howard, Opp, Cdi Of fir*