Brothers' Iru Aroused uml Blows Dealt Km of >l«in I’liunlnr, Mtoi Aftrr QMinrl, Ac rtitrtl Mail Near Vir lim*a Itmlv. AngerM at eight of Ftank C, Maunder*. SIM t’apltol avenue, the matt charged with shooting and kill Ing their brothel*, Frank and llenrv Barnes of Ml. Rant, Winn, attempted to assault Maunder* *■ he w i* twins taken from fh# Hrafey A lleafey undertaking r tulillahlm nl Haturdnyl morning following tlte fn<|urst over ihe Imdy of Joiln U, Baines, 2*. a plumber. Several blow* were struck before 1 let active* William Oumett an! Tbomta Ryan separated the men while Maunders pleaded with them to let him alone. Barnes died lata Friday afternoon from a wound in the abdomen. George B. Hollis and II. V. Harris, witnesses to the shooting which took place In Hollis’ room at Harney hotel. Wednesday night, testified that Maund ers entered and shot without warn ing. Testimony was that Saunders said he shot Barnes “to prove I am a man of my word.’’ They had quarreled while at work Wednesday morning. The Jury returned a verdict recom mending that Saunders bo held on a charge of first degree murder. Frank and Henry Barnes will take the body of their brother to St. Paul tonight for burial. Reparation Body Is Marking Time French Await Report of Oth ers Before Commenting on Dawes Plan. By Associated Press. Paris, April 12.—The French gov ernment will bide Its time, awaiting Germany's action, before comment ing on the unanimous recommenda tion of the reparation commission that the Dawes report be adopted, it is stated in well Informed quarters, Moreover, It is said. Premier Poincare Is anxious to have the chamber of deputies off his hands before lie starts negotiations with the allies to bring the experts’ work to full frui tion. Expect Reply. . Once the chamber and senate have adjourned it Is said he will lose no time in sounding out London, Brus Eels and Rome with a view to speed ing up the settlement, which would be a trump card in ills electoral cam paign. Government circles admit, however, what Germany's reply will bo on or before next Thursday, the date upon which its representatives have been Invited to appear here. Meanwhile the first of next week will undoubtedly see the French diplomatic representatives in tho various allied capitals starting In formal conversations with the foreign office to prepare the way for even tual agreements. Kdltorlnl comment on the reparation commission's quick approval of the ex perts' report Is mostly optimistic. Form Respirations. Only the nationalistic organs con . tlnue gloomy. “Pertlnax’’ In the Echo do Paris declares M. Barthou, French member and president of the commission, formulated two reserva tions to yesterday’s decision, namely that the experts’ report must bo com pleted by a definite system of super vision and by definite penalties ap plicable, “if, ns one is entitled to fear, Germany breaks its new promises." Elaboration of the system of super vision, says "Pertlnax" would be ac complished by the reparation commis sion, while that of penalties is a task for the allied governments. Both, he says, will find their paths beiet with difficulties. hoaglandIstate SET AT $2,720,125 The late George A. lloagland, lum ber man, left and estate worth $2, 720,125, according to the report of the appraisers filed in county court Sat urday. Tills Includes the building on the northwest corner of Sixteenth and Howard streets, worth $025,000, and stocks and bonds worth $197,120. The federal Inheritance tax on the estate, according to Chief Clerk Clyde Sundblail of probato court, will be aliout $250,000. State Inheritance tax will amount to $20,000. The will left $40,000 in bequests to eharltablo institutions and the re mainder of the estate was divided equally among his two daughters, daughter-in-law nnd son. SLAYER SENTENCES AGAIN DELAYED Sentencing of James Griffin, Wil liam Walter and Jui cy Banker, con victed of manslaughter for the. death of Henry Me Anile, was post poned from .Saturday to Tuesday because of tlie illness of one of their attorneys. The law provides flat sentences of nny length from one to 10 years. rr—;-V Bride Prefers Death to Annulment of Vow She Took Before Altar -- Chicago, April 12.—Threatened by her mother with annulment of her marriage, Helen Metzger Tabor, 17, bride of four days, Is near death today In a hospital from poison, self-administered, A note to her mother read: “Hear Mother: I ain dying now to make you happy.” At her beside her young husband, Nicholas, begs her to brare up and try to overcome the effects of the poison, although physicians say nothing short of a miracle can sate her. Her mother continues adamant, “If she gets well the marriage must be annul$>d,” she Insists, and re fuse* to visit her. Teapot Dome Oil on 792-Mile Pipe Line Journey Crosses 33 Railroads, Three Rivers and Touches 3 States I'miipittg Miliitm at M N|»!«■ Illlrttlli, VV itli Mmlcfll t ullages fur Imploxrs. TTrBtmW, Neb, April H -ftfft wl l» lh« rK-rnilp c»*mplwi*4 Hlpctalr OH company'* pipa tin* Im tm*s*4 lb* Nebraska IvriiUi IIP* *• mil** Pest of XV > more. amt arrived from *t<« Peahltr, Neb. pumping plant at H>* XVashlngton (Kan t plant, on lu way from Teapot Don**, XVye., to th* re fln*rl*a at f'renvm, XIa, and on into th* Texvs-ChUag* pltiellnea, Th* line, conatructed of 10-lneh r* "t Iron p.pea on tlio levels, and spilt Into two six Inch pipes on grades, to lr m n pressure and friction, was built by a gang of 100 men, In less than two years. Is TD3 miles long, and eo«t a total approximating $20,000,000. Tlw pipe lays Just below plow line as It crosses fields. Oil now moves at the rat* of two miles an hour, or from one pumping station to the next, a distance of 41 miles. In 21 hours, but when th* line 1* thoroughly tested out and gets In full operation the flow will b* aliout six miles an hour, and will pump 40,000 barrels, or an equivalent of 120 railway tank cars dally. Air is forced out of the pipe line ahead of the oil by pressure and safety valves. There are IT pumping stations located an average of 44 miles apart, each a complete small cily in itself, and each costing an average of ? 100,000. At these station, a brick and cement engine room with two huge oil burning engines is located. The engines are cooled by water 6tored in four outside cement pools, or vats, each 40 by 40 feet, and eight feet deep, nnd connected by pipes so that they act virtually the same to the engines as does a radiator to an automobile. Telegraph offices are maintained with operators on duty continually. Each station is in charge of a super intendent, has a repair shop, two stor age oil tanks, of 55,000 barrels each, and a row of modern bungalows for employes to occupy. From 20 to 25 employes are kept at each station. In pumping oil the storage tanks are filled first, taking about three days to fill them, and then run out on the lino as needed. H. A. Fell is superin tendent of the Washington, Kan , plant, which covers 20 acres. The pumping stations, in order, are located at: Teapot Dome, Welch, Glendo and Fort Daramie, Wyo.; Mitchell, N'orthport, Oshkosh, Key No. 1. Cottages for employes, modern even to radio equipment. Em ployes are just moving in, oil having arrived at this pumping plant from tile last station in southern Nebraska. $ No. ?. One of the 55,000-harrel storage oil tanks with dirt dikes to catch oil in case of release by fire or leakage. No. .1. View of brick and cement engine room, housing two huge engines and telegraph office. No. 4. Intake valies and a “switch yards" of the Sinclair pipeline at Washington, Kan. stone. North riatte, Cozad, Kearney. Ayr amt lJeslilcr, Neb., and Washing ton, Bailne, Eimont and Eudora, Kan. In Its course the pipe line makes SI railway crossings, and crosses the Platte, Blue and Kaw rivers. Kiddies Drive Prize Ponies Garden Contest Becomes Real to Youths as “Dream” Is Exhibited. Determination to have the beat garden in Omaha took a stronger hold upon the imaginations of several hundred school children this morning. To them tho Shetland ponies that are to be a prize for the winner of the contest became something real. A. D. Burnham hitched up one of the ponies and drove it around to schools that were in session. At cacli school the children were allowed to drive the poney around for a few minutes. There was joy In the hearts of the kiddles that covet a pony. The pony that was used as proof threw up its head and heels, acquiesced oc casionally to being driven and more often displayed a desire to back up. The 15 years that the animal has lived have done nothing to subdue its spirits. The children who had not registered signed their names on the dotted lino and others who have already been to the office of the Omaha Real Estate hoard expressed an intention of starting work on their gardens at once. There are now more than 300 children who have entered the con test. GEORGE SIEH. 88, ' DIES IN HOSPITAL George Rich, baggage oherkcr at the Hotel Henshaw for 14 years, died Wednesday night at a local hos pital, after a short Illness. Mr. Sieh had lived In Omaha for 40 years, coin ing here from Plattsmouth, Neb. He was a member of the Douglas County Pioneer association and of the Ger man society. At one time he was head of the German homo on South Thirteenth street and was Interested In t lie plans for a new one. He had often expressed a wish to live to be 100 years. Ho Is survived by one brother In Germany. Funeral services will ho held Sunday at 2:30 p. m., at the Hulse A Rlepen funeral home. C. N. SAI.TZGIVER DIES AT HIS HOME Charles N. Hnltzgiver, 73. salesman, resident of Omaha for 30 years, died Friday at tlio home, 1733 South Kif Iteenth street. lie is survived l>y his wife, Myrlu; one daughter, Mrs. Vern | on Smith, and a son, George E. of | Oninha, and five brothers. Funeral services will he held Mon day, 2 p. m.. at the Brslley and Dor ranee ohnpet, Rev. Arthur E. Atack of llanscom Park* Methodist church officiating. Private burial at. Fore: t I.’iwn cemetery will bo under the auspices of the Elks. Thief Steals Fishing Licenge and—$60 William T. Harrison, 1812 Maple street, likes to fish. In fact, he lias a license to do so; that is, he had n license. Frlduy, while standing si Fourteenth and Dougins streets bin pocket was picked of the precious II cense as well ns $60 in bills. In 1749 Benjamin Franklin elec trocuted a turkey for Ills dinner. This is a sail tale of one fasci nated by the false, gorgeous things of life and carried away by them. A little 5 months old bird dog pines away at the home of A. Ij» Ke !a, 11.10 South Thirteenth street. All because of a brother gone astray. A shiny motor car with a gilded bird poised on the motnrnieter is responsible. T'ne brother saw tlie, gilded bird Wednesday. Ho was a bird dog. And ho a good bird dog he was fascinated. He gu/ed and gazed at tlie shiny creature. He was en tranced by the brilliance of tlie creature. Something within liis blood railed to him to pursue it. When tlie motor drove away he did. Police have been asked to search. OFFICER WANTS $15,000 DAMAGES Earl Bean, police officer, filed suit In district court for $15,000 against Charles E. Nelson, 3026 Hamilton street, for injuries ho says be sus tained when ha was thrown from his motorcycle at Twenty-ninth and Cum ing streets, April 4. In trying to avert a collision with a truck belonging to Nelson and driven by Wallace Carl son. The truck backed out of a driveway without dua caution, he says. BOY TRUCK DRIVER IN JUVENILE COURT Bay Brust, 4523 North Fortieth street, 16, was In Juvenile court charged with driving his grocery truck recklessly. He works for « store at Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue. Judge Day nsk^cd him to find out the name of a boy who drives a truck tor a grocery at Twenty-fourth snd Fort streets, which, he said, has en dangered his own car several times. WANTED Three Experienced AGENCY MEN AT ONCE Well-established and amply financed advertising agency j offers excellent opportunities to seasoned men who can qualify. Contact Man Who now con trols several accounts. Copy and Plan Man—Who has been at it'long enough (o have a successful record be 1 himl him. Artlat—An all ’round man who can set a good pace for production. Personal interviews will ho arranged with qualified appli cants. Sell us your services i in first letter, relating all past experience and salary require ments. Applications strictly confidential. Gribben-Harris Advertising Co. St., Mi.touri Senate to Probe 6 Weeks Longer Vi heeler Says Mel S. Daugher ty Will Be Cited for Contempt. Chicago, April 12.—Thera are still many leads ts be developed In the sen ate inquiry Into the administration of the Department of Justice, and the In vestigation will continue for at least six weeks, "despite the official oppo sition confronting the committee," Senator Wheeler declared today. "The ultimate results of the com mittee's course,” the Montana sen ator said, "will depend upon the atti tude of the new attorney general to ward a reorganization of the depart ment." Senator Wheeler declared today that Mel S. Daugherty, brother of tha former attorney general, would be cited for contempt before the aenate. Omaha Bank Clearings. Dank clearings In Omaha this week are »35.S02,901; last week. $38,799.93?, and this week last year, 348,423,411. Slul ionrrs Urn* hni"li ill (lharge % | Urn* Nii\ Hrrriil Mlrni|*t il I'niT I Uilljl, I* 'Itailr i Ml* |tr* 1 h* Omaha • h| ft Nhtf diiinlM'Kxii «*f »laU*Hi | *ry n»*t». In la Ua NiUam)' Aviation «*f ai«d Malta fuctuivni ®*f tha I mh'l mat©*, ha**a | (ir^i * h>t fit d nth unfair n^lltodi ef I j •'omprtllMl in a «<*io|*iatnt irurd bf I tha Nml ttada cnminudoii at | It thilnfln'i. I « h«tlm alto haa 1>e#n pr#n lent (if tha omalta nunc iailon aim* it »M found 2® yeais ago, denied hoi unlay morning that tha local »a violation haa horn guilty of any un fair practice or of anything lending toward restraint of trade or price fixing. "t don't know what It's all about,"! /aid Moyer. "Tha Omaha aeaociatlon ' haen t met for four or flva yeara. At tha la/1 meeting I waa reelected president, and there haa heen no election since, ao I suppose I'm still president. Price Regulation t ailed. "We haven't attempted to get to gether on prices for many yeara. We tried it once and it didn't work out. Too much competion. and the mem bers didn't always keep prices where we had agreed to keep them.” Asked for details of the organiza tion, Moyer reached into a secluded corner of his desk, pulled forth from a pile of paper* a dusty envelope He whisked off the duat with a feather duster, and gingerly opened the envelope. "The organization was formed for social, rather than business reasons. The last big affair we bad was in 1912, when we spent 12,800 on a din ner for 500 delegates who were at tending the national convention of the stationers here. "The Omaha association Is still in existence. We pay our $30 dues in tlie national association, and get the National Association News and an an nual directory of all stationers in the country. I think the trade commis sion must have taken that directory and charged everybody in it with be ing unfair.” Other officers of the local associa tion are C. C. Cope of the Omaha Printing company, secretary, and Guy McKenzie of Corey-McKenzie, treasurer. Moyer hopes officers of the national association will appear before the commission and make a trip to Washington unnecessary for the Omaha men. BABY FOLLOWS MOTHER IN DEATH Albert Erickiion, jr., 1-year-old In fant who waa burned when hla moth er. Mrs. Killian Erickson. 18. threw kerosene on smoldering coals at their horns In Kakoma addition near Kalte Manawa. south of Council Bluffs, died Friday night at 8 at Jennla Edmund son hospital. The mother died a few hours after the tragedy, after being rushed to the hospital. The little cottage, which was de stroyed by the flames was almost paid for. according to the young husband. Funeral services for the mother and baby will be held at the Woodring chapel at Council Bluffs this morning at 9. Rev. F. A. Bonham of Council | Bluffs First Methodist church will officiate. Burial will be In Falrview cemetery. Holdup Reported in West Leavenworth District Armed bandits secured tii. a dia mond ring, and a valuable stickpin when they held-up J. P. Keller, 2011 Beverly apartments and Miss Ruth Bolsen In front of Miss Bolsen's home. 4G22 Marry street, Friday night. Included In ths money taken from Keller was a 820 gold piece. [ Men Who Are Making Omaha One man in Otnaiia fan point to his I monument, no matter where he :«■ situated. Almost an>where in town ho ran show a building ho has de signed and supervised its construe tion. The beautiful Central High school, whose loveliness crowns the city: the Douglas county courthouse, the Braudels store building, the Bran deis theater building, the Soottisn Rite cathedral, the < 'relghton unlvers Ity law and dental buildings, the Uni versity of Nebraska hospital, some 30 grade schools, and numerous office buildings, warehouses, stores, resi dences and the like, all over Omaha are tributes to the creative skill and artistic genius of John l>atenser. John Latenscr was born in Lichten stein in the Swiss Aliw. He was a private student with Ulrich, archi tect in charge of tlio Strassbourg ca thedral at the time of the Kranco Prussian war. He learned the trade of stone cutting ns a technological school requirement, and worked ul the trade on several French railroad bridges during summer vacations. Graduated as an architect in 1877 at Stuttgart, he came to America in 1SS9, ano began as a draftsman at Jnd: n apohr In 18t7 i-.-* rime t<> Omal.a Eitu entered actively on his profes sion. lie was employed by the Omcha hoard of education in 1890, and with in the next two years erected 19 fine school buildings. President Cleve'ar.d appointed him superintendent of the now postoffice building then being erected, and President McKinley m.idc him supervising architect over a dis When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome ^ B-^t-<-^-^-u-ij-u-Lru~i_rLnr~w> i-% .-i.i i—--—n FLOOR SPACE FOR RENT square feet facing elevator Formerly occupied by Flitton Optical Company. Suitable for doctors, dentists or lawyers. Call Mr Flitton. JA. 1953. or Mr Grossman, AT. 0729. Immediate Possession. Flitton Optical Co. yon Located at 1716 l>ou«ln* SL - SSTABL19HED 1SB9 Milton Pogers AND SONS IV COMPANY Hardware •«« Household Utilities 1515 HARNEY ST. Rogers t ui naces The Assurance of Superiority Spring Installation Is Advisable Prepare for a warm home next winter NOW. In the spring is the ideal lime for installing your Furnace*It is not advisable to wait until the fall rush of Furnace business is at hand. Throw* your old furnane or heating stove out, for good and equip your home with a new, modern heating plnnh Have every room warm and Vmifortablc next winter. Modernize your home NOW. A Reliable Furnace The Rogers Warm Air Kurnsc'e holds an onvt sble reputation In Omaha. It ha* proved It self a furnace of the finest type Thoroughly reltaole over a long period of year*. A Reputable Organization It require* real Intelligent, skilled work to Install furnace*. An organization that hae been heating Omaha for M year*. Install* every linger* Furnace. Why don t you benefit from that eiperlenc* with no added expense We 5e?I Furnaces on Small Monthly Payments Phone AT 0414-One of Our Men Will Be Glad to Call trie: of seven slates. At the T:ans miialssippi exposition lie was In charge of the government building. Later be made sn Investigation and report on the ventilation of the house and senate chambers at the national capilol. .'.fier seven years in the govern ment service he returned to private practice, and specialized in school [binning, with such success that not uni'.' did tiie Omaha schools he tuilt rtiract national attention.-but he was offered the pest In charge of the schools at Washington. Mr. Latenser has watched the revo lution wrought in building methods In America, seeing the skvseraper de png i ,• , ;■**!•• im in ««ts* M Miokit tie MW M » 'iU *M tw*f', M Me piamiii w*i lh»< * Thomas \iil«* U Yet l mleritleil Mfril i tinliHiifi for Po*l i >muarflt« k Mill < •«•» of l.ifv. lOtner Tit1 tnM. new IMo il pi < ImMipmi direi tor for N»i*i *»i * ••• at oos k today lit tin olfi**i frttBtiHf pc cwM by r m HiAw, n»(* t nhmariJlcli, at hum Thouwe want* for bit grtittp chief, t* tn Min tirtpilM amt wilt irlyin Sunday John lit.on, former > hl»f of pr lt'a 4»fi* tl\ • t.n 4,i | «• am)' Hif TIiim trtlp air taJiibdites f*r to* fioelft* t ' Thomas haa a man's sine Job." avid Prank William.”, former bead of the I oil* r morn la mu ad, “If he ran get tyaniatstick to be hta right hand man tie will gel through all right. Samar ‘dirk la honest. f-arl-sH and knows th» i-uelnena, Itut If he dor an l Bid Samar dirk lie w ill he .4 b?ownuii l*»by " Mr, Thomas said he ha* not ye* decided when lie will appoint hi* ■leputlea nor whom he will appoltiv Th«* Gideon*. The u*ui.l Sunday afternoon meet dug at the 1’aston hotel will be h».U Sunday at 3. AH invited. EDDEO 1415 and 1417 DOUGLAS STREET QUALITY-A Credit 8tore for the People-STYLE Wrist Watch ! | Dance FREE Call at the Store for Free Tickets. Emprecs Eus'.ic Garden. Wednesday Eve.. April 16. Men’s and Young Men’s Easter SUITS *35 Men, Too, Want to Look Their Best on Easter. Why look all around town for that new Easter Suit’ If you haven 't the ready cash-CHARGE IT. But select your Easter Suit at Beddeo's—$35. Coats - - Suits Dresses for Easter c $29.50 COATS Plaid* and aolid col or* In avary naw spring (had*— $29.50 SUITS Boyish suits, so ne.v this season in hair tins stripes and '•$29.50 DRESSES OrctM* in tailored, sport* or after noon models—in all new stylet ...$29.50 1 BUY ON PAYMENTS I W\ r.NThr.MF.NT STOMACH m . 1 . v » Poaa Your Stomach Diilien You !• ^ Waok and Sore. Tandar and Painful11 l'«* >m* suffer from Acuta nr Chrome In digestion, Dyspepsia. Catarrh of tha Stem-. ach. Welching, Haarthurn. Sour Stoma* hj 11 radar ha. Nervousness. Constipation or any form of Stomach, Uver. Kidney or! Dowel Trouhla* Would you like to get rid of these ao you aould eat all you want,' what you want, whan you want to? A Dollar's Worth Free Pend l"a to cover coet of pmMng and making and wa w III a»r*| vou In return mafl % full dollars worth of our tinp'm*d' ■ Prptopad Treatment fraa and prepaid. No I I matter how sex are or chronic jwur caaa 1*1 no matter how many treatment* you* Ilf'* ill*'1 without relief sFN|» >tiK i tmip tNKR mrTorAD today. ur. ik c. m. Mm \1>VERTI>EMSM, Cured Her Rheumatism kncsiiiy firm te--,Me experience the suffering caused by rheumatism. Mr* J L " 1,0 !"o* * '*'♦ Da> • A e H t.** blooming ton. I t. m t„ thankful at having cured hf*c f that out of j re gratitude *he is anxious to tell *n .vhr sufferers ju*t how to get *-, aril Meeele cut out this notice, mail it to her v :»h >our own name and addrea*. and .he gladly *end y%'u tbia v s uable in'- - mation entirely free. Write her «: e before jou forge* \m fctlllhKMtM Vou'U Get Kid of Klackhrads Sure There is one simple, safe and «u^ that never fails to get rid of bsektioa»l that ta to dissolve then lo do this get two ounce* of e*% * te W"der fnvw any drug »uvs sprtn\>e a mtle on a hot. wet cloth rub over -he blackhead* hi »h|) nash the jv* ■ • * *'■ i xou will be surprised how the bleckh**. ^ h»>* .il*aw»rr<4 fiiC )„• , Markhrads. no matter where the* a 'imply dissolve a*»d «lt»apoe«* Rlecfches.u are a mixture of «1u»t *•* t K\ rj **,.■ \r cretioii' that form u -he ts-re» of the •hin. The ca'omte pn«d*i and the w* c dissolve the h aekhead* so they wash t^h* out U.vmg ib* pore* fie* and clean ant in their natural eoaditkm. BSK WANT ADS MUNQ URUt