dapper Seen as doolidjje Mate to Appease West SrntJment Favoring K a n • a a Senator for Vice President Nominee Growing in Wasliington. br r. c. nmitix. VYashlactna (tnoponlnl Tire Omaha Hr*. Washington. April. It.—With the nomination of Calvin Coolldire at the Cleveland convention practically ns aured the question of a vice presl ientlal candidate la causing consider able comment and all signs point to a western man. Senator Capper of Kansas, continue* to be the man talked of most, with Senator Borah • if Idaho receiving much mention In eastern newspaper*. However, It is not believed Borah would consent to the nomination. In Capper's case there apparently Is every reason to believe he will ac cept. He Is geographically in the center of the mldweatern trouble zone. HI* publications reach more farmers than any In the country. He la look ed upon as sufficiently progressive to keep a majority of the middle western radicals In line In the election. Kansas contains a number of In fluentlal public men who desire to get into the senate and undoubtedly will ace to It that a Capper hootn fdr vlee president will be launched at Cleveland In order to clear the track for their candidacies. This demand of tlie middle west for representation on the notional ticket Is being carried to Washington dally. The most recent message of this de scription was taken to the White) Mouse by Stanley Washburn of Fargo, N. D. Mis ideas of the west ern s.tuation as quoted in newspapers follow: “The people in the west feel that Coolldgc is on the square and will not play polities with big questions. “The time to hand carbon monoxide to. the menacing third party move ment Is now and not in November. The vice presidential candidate should be a man from the west. I expressed the same views to the president to day.” M’MULLEN FRiENDS GATHER AT HOME •pedal Dlipatrh to The Omaha Bee. Beatrice, Neb., April 12.—People in every walk of life gathered at the home of Adam McMullen Friday eve ning to congratulate him over hie success in winning the republican nomination for governor. Ex-Jteprcsentative D. S. Dalbey presided. The Beatrice municipal band furnished the music. Attorney John Dclehant spoke briefly and pointed out that McMullen was Gage county's candidate irre spective of party. Miss lkiltie Hummers, bead of the Beatrice Woman's club, spoke on be half of tlie women voters of the county. McMullen thanked his friends for their bum ort and stated t'nat if elect ed he would serve Nebraska to the best of hifi ability. FIREWORKS BODY WANTS MORE CASH! Tho Fontcuello Celebration oasocla tton announced that It will start n new drive Monday to ralae 15,900 for the big Fourth of July celebration In Fontenelle |firk this year. The fol lowing mnounts have already been re. reived: Previous!v . »2«*.oo W. A flsbcrslrsh A Hon.• 0'»! Wm. Ward .;. *•»<* j •lades . New Ormihtt iiiiprwetuent club .. ;• "<> Clyd* Koru** . 7 m I A. MlercfifJorn . 1.00 , W. A. Uevras . Tetel .IJJH* Checks may l. M*l«w«a ta' •*«. rail Mi»i»aw (It.cn.nl r- .nil t - t.-amISi ' Ps* Ire a«r Ma tlarwi .* Ucii. Kaater Kgga Spr« tally Drroratnd Ord*r« laltnti fur drr. orated and wttawtwN Ydwu-r a git*. Com In and aitlrh ««r tli*eorntor on 1 hr main floor, Burgess-Nash Cohfant "EVERYBODYS STORK" Everything to Assure the Success of the Easter Outfit at Prices Exceptionally Low I — A Novelty Pump for Easter Wear $1375 Correctness, smartness and comfort are all combined in this novelty pump of jack rabbit gray suede. As a com plement of the new Easter costume, no other model could lend a more authentic style touch. Gracefully strapped, it is trimmed with narrow strips of gray kid over the vamp and quarters. Made with hand turn soles and covered block heels. Other dress pumps are of black satin and airedale suede with Spanish, Louis and low heels. The New “Chin Chin” Sandal $8?5 One of the latest New York fads la a pe tite little slipper in jack rabbit gray suede, airedale suede, and patent. Regular $10 values. Included at this price are tailored cutout satin strap slippers with low heels. Main Floor Women’s Sheer Chitton Hose - Full fashioned, clear chiffon hose, with Hale garter tops and silk feet. These come in all the latest shades such aa beige, light fawn, blush, belgique, mode, cinnamon, creme de peache, dawn, gunmetal and black. Mola Floor Individual and Distinctive Easter Frocks $4J5° $o05O $p(05O Frocks that are distinctive in their newness of materials as well as in style and spring-like color. Ultra-modish models that portray the latest fashion whimsies for Easter wear. All moderately priced. ' Canton Crepe Cashma Crepe Georgette Flat Crepe Chinchilla Satin Crepe Elizabeth Crepe Satin Romaine Crepe Satin Canton In these groups there are styles for business, afternoon and dinner wear; all with a touch of smartness, of clever trimness and of chic individuality that is greatly coveted. In all the popular shades of green, blue, tan, cocoa, stucco, brown, and black. .Women’s and Misses’ Sizes. Third F*^*r Novelty Suede Gauntlets $goo and $595 One of the most attractive acces sories of the new Easter costume is the suede novelty gauntlet glove shown in the prettiest of shades—gray, beaver, mode and log cabin. Silk gauntlets in gray, beige, pongee, mauve, French gray and frA AP white ... 12-button length silk gloves in PA the same colors are priced at.. 16-button Milanaise silk gloves ^A AA with Paris Point stitching.'P&.UU Chamoisette novelty gauntlets in desert gray, camel, mastic, d*A PA *A AP leather and beaver, $£ot)U to Main Floor The ‘New’in Handkerchiefs The Mah Jongg, $1.75 The Chinese influence stops at nothing, for it has now invaded the vogue of hand kerchiefs. In bright Oriental colors, they are very smart for wear with the tailored dress or suit. Linen Handkerchiefs, 59c Colored linen handkerchiefs with hand embroidered corners, or white with colored woven borders. FI#or Stamped for Embroidery 75c Rompers Cunning little rompers i stamped on white ar A weave, in two patterns 7 made up ready to em X broider. Sires 1 to 3 "j years. J Dresses Made and ready for your embroidery needle, are these little dresses stamped in two different patterns on white art weave. Sires 2 to 4 years Second Floor Toilet Goods $1.00 Mary Garden Face Powder. 75c Rubbing Alcohol, 39c :10c Phcnolax “■ Q _ Wafers . 75c Fitrh Dandruff Rc- A Q — mover Shampoo .•TvV 26c Mavis Talcum "t C _ Powder. Aa/V $1.25 Mavis Perfume CQ/» 1-oz. individual bottle. . ”57V 50c Mary Garden Van- OQ _ i.-hing Cream.“vt 50c Palm Olive OC_ Shampoo .Oa7C $1.00 Lilac Vegetal EQ_ Imported . * 00c Odorono for Per- OQ _ rpiration .057C $1.75 Hair Clippers £« OQ for Bobbed Hair-A .057 mm _ a f I "■ Attractive Wash Dresses All \ew Stylet . _ ? All Sizes Included Lovely little wash dresses with an air of refinement and simplicity that will meet with the instant approval of women who appreciate being well dressed about the house. Fashioned of the finest ginghams and trimmed with hand embroidery, swiss emroidery, or two-tone pipings. All the bright, new spring colors are represented. Sizes 16 to 44, 421 > to 62Vi. Wuk Drone Section- Second Floor Collar and Cuff Sets 95 (0 $225 • Val lace seta with round collar and the large gaunt let cuffs. Trimmed with narrow black ribbons. This set makes a very smart complement to the long sleeved spring frock. _ Mail Flair * Spring Dresses For the Larger Women $2150-$6950 The Easter season is a pe culiarly fitting time to glorify the smart, fresh, new styles of spring. And the gowns for the larger women aro especially charming this year. Models are no longer made only for matrons or for the more mature figures, but there are most attractively fashioned youthful frocks in sport styles, coat dresses and more elaborate creations for afternoon and eve ning wear. The fabrica are heavy quality Roshanara Crepe. Canton ( repo and Georgette Crepe in soft shades. Orchid dray Cocoa Mack White Xaey Powder Hlur I TMtrf Floor Daintiest of Spring Undergarments Moderately Priced $125,0$345 SflMld P»«» - - ------ The loveliest of novelty voiles, dainty dimity and nainsook sots are featured in the spring stylos in un derthing*. These eome in the pastel shades- nile, coral, flesh, light blue, peaeh and orrhid, and are beautifully trimmed with hand embroidery, fine lace edges, filet and Irish medallions. T h e mn terials are practical, daiu ly and very ser\ ieeable. The prices are within each of even the most modest purse. Vests— .$1.25 »o $2.25 Step-in Drawers— ... $l.25*o $2.25 - .'Itemise— $1.25 ‘o $2.25 N ightgowus— $1.95**° $;{. 45 - : - __ Non-Lacing Corsets 4 * Lily of France” Spring Models $5°° to $2750 Before selecting your new apparel for spring, it is most important that you choose a cor set which will give a i proper foundation to the slender lines of the season’s modes. The i “Lily of France” corset I is especially fashioned to slenderize the fig- f lire, and the wearer is ,* assured of perfect conn v fort. Km