■a 1 rNI a UK M *ti I ratlMlt* tM 1 Ml•*•**," ••• tiiwil iMt* tut IM iMki^l mI *■*>».«■» w# *<(f*» h* a jati r*f iMrit («•♦»•<►*« i* Mr Ufln rr» a aril M» »*i Nrlti iM Imiili tmtrl a* #• a Hylflnt f »*r> fkgrrtr »Mrli irMMrwi |M- »> NmiltnmJ It #wm« iImm) >*nt»l*n that a Injwul ,, l, ti mo at |aft oil* h a lu|uut *M thrtntfh it» irmaft *M* hawtffuta i*f thouaM* ff t wiW>i (* Hi t* »t ‘ fi 'ii t* i i ■ t«; it 1 Mat I ■ I Itiia ' I ai.at it «u!to tit a auk _ N« matter what tin tot iw t iwlnt was, h**tor Hak will feature it, and it will (iir the hair a briullful natural irlow*. renewuHT'ltf#" amt lustre, and make it wilt, tieautiful. "younir ' aifain It givea a (‘•ad, ft'fresh III a sensation In the aralp makes it clean and make* it feel clean. It la not atieky. greasy, mossy or unpleasant to use It la lust a clean, colorless liquid which is a proved substitute for the natural pigmentation It is aa eaay to uae aa water Kolor liak ia actually a scalp and hair tonie because of ita cleansing, stimulating qualities which promote health and strength thus Nature to bring about vnormalconditionof the hair No need to furnish sam ples of your hair. The one clean, colorless liquid is for all hair. Several people whose hair was originally of different colors could use the same bottle of Kolor-Bak with equally satiafactory rvtmlVh fi'ro-foo *U fm* Ik* j*k! Kolor-Bak Hanwhm Gray Hair Mr Hair Wa« Quit* Grar Hr fctir *•• »»•? II • rr full.*-* ■«* H< .-rl* M.+..I rint I.-4r»* IflMtU * tr* »!>*»*• i <*<• t.1 H*l hair '«»* «Wl *'»’• )• »va>n ita «»r*#»r«al #*»4*»r I »«* Itr^ra ,ynv*0rt lA typuvi Utter) Send for Trial Offer Write for Trial Of* satisfactory. Address fer, and Free Book on Hygienic Laborato care of the hair. You ries. 204 S. Peoria St., pay nothing for Kolor- Dept 4JI 'k - Chicago, Bak if results are not Illinois. Dealers everywhere sell Kolor-Bak. I . r,„ - WATER PLAY HOARD, a new Pacific coast aquatic sports de vice, is a cross between an aquaplane and a life pre server. Peggy Burke, of San Diego, is shown with the board, to the bottom of which is fastened an inflated section of rubber tubing. • F. * A. ^Hmji as ijou choose Vausing here hurrying there shading from loud to soft. picking out the melodg at will ~ ana ohlainiMj sniloniito effects all at one ana the same lime, only on ihe Jjefiw Phruso/ With the Repro-Phraso you play as your moods and fancies dictate, putting into the playing your own personality, mak ing your piano respond to your interpre tation of me music’s meaning and appeal. A Demonstration will he a Revelation » i • _ . , and Freight added—Convenient Price only *Ojv up Terms arranged 11 desired i n**At£T trf- - — — Why each day should now have its “washing hour” IT used to be so easy and so harm less to toss one’s soiled garments into the hamper to await washday. But crepe de chine and georgette have taken the place of muslin, silk has replaced lisle—the whole character of your wardrobe has completely changed. You cannot leave delicate silk or woolen things rumpled and soiled for days at a time! They suffer. Per spiration fades their colors and injures the fabric. So we offer this suggestion: Find, each day, a few moments to wash quickly with Ivory suds your soiled silk and woolen garments. If they need ironing, and you cannot at once spare the time, dry them and lay them away clean until ironing day. You will soon notice a difference in the appearance and in the life of your precious things, and it takes so little time, really—just a few moments of squeezing the pure Ivory suds through the delicate fabric, one or two rins ings that is all. This is the modern method of caring for the delicate garments that fashion has brought to every woman. And with Ivory suds, quickly made from either Ivory Flakes or Ivory cake soap, you can be sure of safety for fabrics and colors, as well as for your hands. Ivory, you know, is so mild and gentle that millions of women use it every day to protect their complexions. An Interesting Comment: Many women use Ivory Soap for their general weekly washing. It costs very little more. PROCTER & OAMBLE A conclusive safety test for garment soaps lr is easy to determine whether or not a soap is gentle enough to be used for deli cate garments.' Simply ask yourself this question " Would I use this soup on m j face ’ ” In the case of Ivory and Ivory Flakes your answer is instantly. ''Yes,'’ because you know that for forty-five years women have frotected lovely complexions by the use of vory Soap. Let us send you a Free Sample of IVORY FLAKES It will give us great pleasure to send you a generous sample of Ivory Flakes without charge, and our beautifully illustrated Look let. "The Care of Lovely Garments.” a veritable encyclopaedia of laundering information. A request by mail will bring a prompt response. Address Procter &c Gamble, Dept. 205 Cincinnati, Ohio IVORY SOAP IT F GUeSt j0 protect face and hands it t /^v ta -m r Guest Ivory, the dainty, new cake of Ivory, wrapped charm I \ / I 1 IV ni||ly in blur and whirr, has been made especially tor your A Y V-VAV. A toilet soap holder. It i» truly a» tine as soap van be. yet its modest price is only *> cents. Five Cents II f/«, »'J He l*r. t. t m liawMs I'. Iiss. Wwhui ___ ______