Before and after seeing the monkey. Grand children of Mr*. Charles T. Neal Top row: Kmilv Florence Baker and Nancy Alire Baker, daughters of Mr. and Mr*. Samuel F. Baker .of Kansas City, flower row: Alice Bndman Neal and Marjraret Thomas Neal, dauirhters of Mr. and Mr*. Charles Beebe Neal of Omaha. I If-1 Chormmq ' *T t QuoliiyM / #7 • v ^doroblfe - QualityPO 6xquisifc #< * ’ Qualify C I* .iJUl ',7«0 *—^ -O ^ ~ *5000 *Distmctiuely Differed HICHf IIIU PtABtS Jff "I*!* n A“‘ u> » v J H M 6 IABOBATOBIIS Bt • /' N < Join the Summer Migration to I Seattle and “The Charmed Land” 1 .'•now euppeo mountains, great stretches of prim« val forests, him dreds of lakes, surf of the Pacific, the largest ami most scenic inland sea on the continent, thousands of miles of wonderful highways with paved roads diverging from the pros perous, interesting, hospitable cities and every out-of-doors sport you Have ever enjoyed with additiomd lecreations peculiar to this region make this the Summer Playground Supreme. This is the sportsman's paradise. ^ ou can fill your creel quickly Suit water, lake and stream fishing is un matched There are trout streams almost without number Automobiles, small steamers, sub i i ban and steam lines, make these 'roams, lakes and salt water fishing - pots quickly aecesaible at a most luminal coat. fool and invigorating summer days the average being 61 degrees are 'allowed by restful sleep under blankets every night, fold, sparkling mountain water always. There are no flips, no mosquitos, no ground pests, violent wind or ruin storms. Winter, too, is mild, ax the Japanese trade winds hrinif warmth Flowers bloom out of doors Thankxyivint; and Christmas. Snow is a rarity. There is abundant health in Seattle, Amen ra'x healthiest city. No vacation, or home land affords so much of interest anil benefit at so modest an expense. Kxccllent accommodations everywhere and no ‘ tourist” charters. The Hospitality Bureau of the ( hamber of Commerce will hi Ip plan your vacation upon arrival Seattle ix a picturesque, huxtllnK, metropoli tan "Out West” city. Knjoy new ex periences, scenes and people, a new world to our friends in the Middle West. Write Chamber of Commerce, 917 Arctic Bldg., Seattle, Waxhinir ton, for free .'Wl-patrc illustrated "Charmed l.and” booklet, or rail at The Omaha Bee Travel Bureau for a ropy. Kouml-trip, Omaha !i> Sraltlr, May lf> to S*p trmber .10, $72 00 Scr that your tirk^t to Hiiy part of thr Pn< ifk Coast roads "Via Srattlo." SEA I I LE~Metropolis oj the racijic Northwest IIIKSE AbVKKTISEMEN IS 'All> H»K *i Y ^KATH.K CITIZENS WHO IN VI I I. VOU III ,sM. IHK ITUKHtll UNK“ j The new nurses’ home at the University of Ne braska hospital. It has been named Conklin* hall, in memory to Clementine C. Conklin*, — whose will provided for a scholarship in the Uni versity of Nebraska School of Medicine for de serving medical students. The three photographs ■how an exterior view of the home, the recep tion room and the big parlor-living room. I The popular and fasclnatinc game Mah Jong s 1 Complete set, eon- -in sisting of 144 Tile*, — I U Counter*, Dice, Rack*, rule*, playing direction* and jsrrpetnal score card, no*tpaid on receipt of f I Satisfaction guaranteed er money back DON'T OCLAV. ORDER TODAY ANO BCOIN TO RLAV ORIENTAL SPECIALTY CO. IU Weet 42nd Si . Drpt. “7." New York r y On NORMANDY VOILE—the dots are fast! HAVE you seen what perfectly adorable designs have been created —with distinctive little raised dots—on the new Normandy Voiles’ There's a whole flower garden of new colors, as well as modish dark shades The umc hide jpplujur .lot* which are ured ro make there entrancing drrtgnr, alro give a denrahle weight rn Normandy Vofler, that keep* them from crumpling. The many poor imitationa make it advw able to buy only when you nee the words "Normandy Fabrn" on the selvage, or in the label of the ready-to-wear drew F red Butterfield Co.. Im JM-3GJ Broadway, N Y c. ."Mokrtt dlto of tkd fdmoot L mgdttr \ / She is No Longer Fat She found a way to reduce her fat. It was a way far more pleas ant than dieting or exercising would have been. This new way I allowed her to eat foods without danger of becoming fat again She found Marmola Arwnp rion Tablets. They aid the diges I live system to obtain the full nutriment ol food They help Nature to turn food into muscle, bone and sinew instead of fat. Marmola Prescription Tablets are made from the famous Mar mol a prescription. Thousands have found that these handy tablets give complete relief from obesity. And when the accumu lation of fat is checked, reduction to normal, healthy weight soon follows. All food druff worn iKe world over •ell Atarmalo Prasmeliam Tablets si one dollar a boi. Ask your druggist for thfw, or order direct and they will be gent in plain wrapper, postpaid MARMOLA COMPANY 225 Garfield Bldg . Detroit. Mtrh