The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART FOUR, Page 4-D, Image 36

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«| lamia —Hi» Trail Ml. I*. A«**!••- Ml*»m» JHi
ii ii.rnk Hlil*. A11** i a AII**UTr**l *14*.
k___„_ _■*
When certain of tha goml things that nature
hnd to bestow wore being paused around, Nebraska
was out of luck. No great coal measure underlie*
the stale, no oil pool* have been located, nor ex
tensive deposit* of mineral or building atone. To
t ompcnsate for thia, Nebraska got a soil ao fertile
that it will grow anything that can be grown in the
temperate rone. Most of it can he grown better
than that produced elsewhere.
All around Nebraska coal ia found. Every state
touching our borders has its coal fields. This is ex
plained by the statement that when the forests from
which the coal was formed were growing in Iowh,
Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and South
Dakota. Nebraska was a great salt water basin. It
is said by scientists that in those days the Nebraska
waters were connected with the Gulf of Mexico, and
extended across the northern boundary into Canada.
This water subsequently was drained off. leaving be
hind » great basin, formed by a synclinal fold in the
earth’s crust, tilled with sand and gravel. Geologists
have estimated that near the center of th# state bed
rock is from 15,000 to 20,000 beet below the sur
face. Along the Missouri river at Omaha, for ex
ample, the depth is around 2,000 feet, while at Sioux
Falls a jasper ridge sticks above the surface, and at
Wall lake in Iowa a similar phenomenon is noted.
« • •
While it does not pay to be dogmatic on any
subject, the geological history of Nebraska is against
coal, and probably against oil. But when the wild
winds that swept the world after the glacial age
were whirling about the Ice ground dust, Nebraska
got its share. “Loess” 1* a word meaning dust, and
the great deposits of the detritus of that faraway
time are piled up in the loess hills of Nebraska. Only
in China and Russia Is similar soil found, and 1n
China it has been cropped for more than 40 cen
tunes. It will last as long In Nebraska, and bears
more because It la better handled.
• • •
Only a limited amount of water power Is avail
able. from Nebraska'* shallow atreams. Mud in the
Missouri and sand In the Platte provide the obstacles
to development of either as a source of power. But
Nebraska has another resource that is latent, and
somo day will be used. Timber will grow in the
Many acres are now allowed to go unused that
might be put to growing tree*. Not In the sand
hills alone, where the possibilities of pine forestation
have been demonstrated, but along the Missouri and
other rivers and creeks. One does not need a great
expanse of open land to set up a profitable woodlot.
Just a few acre*, the banks of the creeks, the steep
sides of a ravine, places where only weeds and un
derbrush now grow. Trees planted there will serve
many purposes, and in time will return sure profits.
One of the indirect returns to be bad from for
ests will be the checking of the erosion of the lend
by rains. When the Missouri river passes Bismarck,
N. D., it is fairly clear water. At Omaha it carries
760 pounds of mud to 1,000 gallons of water in nor
mal stages. Every pound of that mud is from fertile
farms. Hundreds of thousands of acres of rich land
is the annual tribute paid to the Missouri’s devour
ing current. Proper planting of trees will save most
of this land.
Is it not about time we set about a conservation
plan that will mean something to those who will be
h(*re after we are all gone?
A debate has Ipeen set up, and an effort Is being
made to calibrate the effect, concerning woman's
advent into polities in America. At the outset we
think it wise to say that no definite opinion can yet
be arrived at. Women as such have not been so
much interested in American politics as they have
been in American homes. As a wife and mother the
American woman stands superior to her sisters any
where. In no other country has the woman been
given the place she has had in this land. And in no
other country has she made such a good job of man
aging the matters that are left to her control and
Charles Edward Russell, basing his conclusions
on the fact that not many women have aspired to
office, and fewer have been elected, says it is proven
that women will not vote for women. He is mis
taken in this, for the experience so far proves some
thing very different. Four years ago the feminist
group, attempting to seize power, sought to herd the
women of the country into a combination that would
dictate to the men. That movement failed, for
obvious reasons, and its failure la the only certain
thing so far demonstrated by experience at the polls.
Montana, Oklahoma, Illinois and California have
each elected women to congress. This in itself proves
nothing, although it does indicate not only a ca
pacity for politics, hut a responsive inclination on
the part of men. Locally, women have fdled many
offices throughout the different states, and generally
with credit. This, in itself, also proves netting. To
attempt to predicate the Whole case for or against
woman suffrage on the sporadic instances in which a
woman has sought or obtained public office is unfair.
Women are slowly acquiring the habit of voting.
If, as is alleged, they side with their husbands,
fathers, or brothers, such a result is not unnatural
nor unexpected. It exhibits a community of inter
est. It was not intended that politics should divide
homer, any more than that one or the other in the
home should dominate the political choice. Wo be
lieve, that were the truth known, the choice of the
home is generally the result of consultation and dis
cussion between the partners in the home.
American women always have exerted an influ
ence In politics, Just because they have always been
lattMFi Hi |kt HMi •> 4 M mImMuimI ]
Ikil IH el m 1**1 N Ml *wl I N«t»
Ip* m#4 Me MftmH B nwn H*iM Me ;
My #**fM#y #« «• ih* immi'i e#*rt I* j
•Mta>ui tHre I* H Ht #*»ty )e* H tee eHiHi IH
|4mi Mai f|)M *f Ha IH **ly IMHtf IH< |
a* far Ma* fatten H IM# atf t* iMa .IrtiWi«i« a#arl
•f ih featiniM* la #n»* tea agate** *** S» *«•>M |
#,er a41 eareeed Hi A**#fva,
i not iiM.f umi in ihi n ut
1 Me paittMiee af P?**td**'l ( oatMlge, aarefy lr*trf
My paHina* |*veMtg»t*#*a |M#| H<* taaatad ta IH
aIMa Mure* af i* HMllH, e* (ietenaa iftM iM
dl*,h*tf*il fedetel employes, ea< M af »M«*e mmy
ported late* Mae Me*a ajMrt IMa* Ma yre4e<esaat. j
Mat ft**tty glee* way,
IM* y»IM upon w Mi, M (Me piiMidenl Hat I Mined
Ma* Mee* IMa arrange me *1 My hitalM * nMtena la
Mira and pay f*f **l *f Ml* «** i*iHt*n* a apaetal
"prnsecMlitr'* 1* dale* 1*1* lne«M*e la* eoBeetl***.
I'a**#**' scheme H»* been a»ilM*rl*ed My lha In
vetrtigallug committee *f Ihe *nn*l* aver the pmle*l
of Ian republic**! member*,
The president eeverely rriliriiri ibc renal* for
abdicating H* power* and surrendering il» aulbnrily
lo a private Individual, wllh evidenlly a private
grudge in **lt»fy, and be demand* lhat (he *enale
rail a halt lo aurh a debasement of government.
The president'* message to the aenate transmit*
a letter to him from Secretary Mellon in which Ihr
secretary advises that he Mas already supplied the
committee with all Information concerning Ihe in
come taxes levied against the so-called Mellon com
■panics, and in which he also state* that: "All con
structive purpose* of the committee have now been
The people of the United States, who In primary
after primary have endorsed President Coolidgc,
will also endorse his courageous message to the
senate. The president says:
"The constitutional and legiil rights of the senate
ought to he maintained at all limes. Also the same
must be said of the executive department. Rut
these rights ought not to be used as a suMlerfug"
to cover unwarranted Intrusldn. It Is Ihe duty of
tlie executive to resist rucIi intrusion and to bring
to the attention of the senate its serious conse
quences. That I shall do In this Instance.
“Under a procedure of tills kind, the constitu
tional guarantees again* unwarranted search and
seizure breaks down, the prohibition against what
amounts to a government charge of criminal actlpn
without the formal preaentinent of a grand Jury la
evaded, the rulea of evidence which have been
adopted for the protection of the Innocent are
Ignored, the department becomoa the victim of
vague, unformulnted and Indefinite chargee, and
Inatead of a government of law we have a govern
ment of lawleasnesa.
"Agnlnst the continuance of such a condition I
enter my solemn protests, and give notice that tn
my opinion the departments ought not to be re
qulred to participate In It. If It la to be continued,
if the government la to he thrown Into disorder by
It, the responsibility for It must rest on those who
are undertaking It. It Is time that we return to a
government under and In accordance with the usual
forms of the law of the land. The state of the union
requires the Immediate adoption of such a course.”
It Is Increasingly evident that ‘‘government under
and in accordance with the usual forms of the law of
ths land," however, does not suit the purpose of the
senatorial Inquisitors. They have gone mad with
their lust for the blood of cabinet officers.
Now that th# president has entered the lists, club
in hand, we will probably have a howl go up from
the self-righteous.
It la to be hoped that the issue thus squarely
drawn will be pushed to an Issue and that. Couzens’
personally hired man will be kicked out not only by
an irate president, but by an awakened senate. They
will he supported by an indignant public.
"And a very great multitude apresd their gar
ments In the way; others cut down branches from
the trees and strawed them In the way.
“And the multitudes that went before, and that
followed, cried, saying. Hosanna to the Son of David:
Blessed Is he that cometh In the name of the Lord;
Hosanna In the highest.
"And when He was come Into Jerusalem, all the
city waa moved, saying, Who Is this?
"And th# multitude said. This Is Jesus, the
prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.”—St. Matthew,
xl, 8-11.
That is why this is Palm Sunday. It com
memorates the triumphal entry into Jerusalem of
the Man who a few days later was to struggle along
the road to Calvary, bearing Hia own cross, until He
fainted beneath its weight, and Simon th# Cyrenoan
was called to carry it.
Nor can the reader help recalling that the crowds
that shouted “Hosanna in the highest!” on Sunday
shouted ‘‘Give us Barabbas!” on Friday. Such la the
ficklenesa of the mob.
All testimony in Holy Writ supports the belief
that Jesus knew He was near the end of His earthly
pilgrimage when He entered Jerusalem at the begin
ning of that Passover week. The hour draws near,
He warned the disciples, and gave them much in
struction, and advice, counseling them as to what
was to be done when He was no longer with them.
On Thursday night, when he found them In the up
stairs room, complaining that no servant was there
to wash their feet, and quarreling as to who should
do it, He wrapped a towel about His arm, and with
a basin of water performed the menial service. It
was His final and sublime lesson in humility to those
who had received so intimately His other teachings.
Palm Sunday deserves the importance the Chris
tian church gives it. The world needs a little more
of the spirit that was shown at the Last Supper.
_ _ t
Promise of a building boom, indicated by reports
from different parts of the country, discount the old
story shout presidential years upsetting business.
Perhaps it is the certainty of the outcome that really
encourages folks to go ahead.
Still the republicans are unable to do anything to
suit the democrats, who find great fault with the
primary election results. If they will only wait until
November we will give them something to think
about. They, “ain’t heard nothin’, yet.”
Senator Simmons whs not nearly so considerate
of the little taxpayer when he was chairman of the
senate finance committee. However, it makes a dif
ference which end of it you are handling.
Senator Borah will be chairman of the commit
tee to investigate the Wheeler indictment. This at
least insures a square deal for the Montanan.
Secretary of Labor Navis is trying to establish
the status of (Jrover Cleveland Bergdoll as an
Amorcan citizen. We would say not so good.
If Colonel l-e sen can soften the water by ex
pending $24,000, Jet him hop to it. He rouldn’t
gain morn women voles in any other way.
The total vote at the primary will he somewhere
up around 181),000, whirn still is less than f>0 per
cent, of the total for the state.
“What everybody says must be *o," therefore
business is getting better.
Killing a plumber for. making a mistake seems a
Uttla bit aeveia. ,
Sunny side Up
>*#< Ahnb*
1 Ml IDUM4HH Ml 1*41 \
tie I iniHi k mf i|Md ffHetl * kwi. | if* Ml nit
f, .#>.« •*« *• *twwa I ••« lt»d«4*t#d f« 4h**4 kwil *4
■ H*ip*h|oO*4»* 4ti*| 10*4* Mt* I*** *«•»*» *M4* I
|n ||WMI4 ft < l.«*i t* Ht*HM*t *4 (b* Bead
It* On «Htf **# !*"«•§* t*IW *N *" *
Ha 4t4»4)( IM fctk iteeidu *4 •*•**•»
« ,|,„ «f r,.. * .■•■■■**• ' ' ■ * !'•"• * ,A
t Nit him •• bi«4 It4 *• htSkh
tie tfstri fit# sit. tik# ******* t» *4 44,
F"4 ihi ti*tn« *«••*»* *4 an**'he*
Thi«*Mth th* hetttti t4 daf, far tot* (lit hi* *
With tb«tig*t# 4 th* t.’ied *.*>** WhlM tit•*
!(• *tie< in hi* duty th* he«t 4 hla might,
And right nit ih# t**t* mu "tit dud him
||r ratyir* a pi ml n of ihoee tie (nva* l**l
W In* eegerlc wait lit* tet Mi fling
And thrnuih th* ton* day. m »n ninth* of f»*i
HI* haait for til* luted one* I* m*Fnlhi£
Iteailv helmed, a# d»«lia In »m 4 to y«il ?hla hii* it • ■•*< d *
da* morning of I tinea who go about ■« apnatiee of good elieei ,
evangels of lieiter bo*itie*e and radix I Hi# feilowahlp and |'«d
faith In th# future We take for our teat a portion of th# Brat
veil* of the «3d rhnptet of l«at»h. rending thu-dy;
"Who ta IM> that rtanelh trout Wnui, nllli dyed
garment* front lb>trah? TtiU Ihal t« glutton* lu his *|i
IMtrel, Iratrllng In the greatnaaa of hi* atrenglhf"
Possessing fault# roinuion to humanity, the traveling mlr*
man I* nevertheleaa always an optimist, nnFt, Ilk# John of old,
who prenehed In th» wilderness of Him that was to rome, the
traveling salesman hies out Into the highways and byway* of
business, crying aloud: “Make way for the return of confidence
and prosperity."
No grouch, no pessimist, no whiner snd roniplnlner, lasts
long ss s traveling salesman He does not demand the eight
hour day; he reckons not of overtime; he builds upon s found#
tlon of confidence and holds friendships because he plays th*
gnm* squarely. Me has faith In himself, faith In his house. He
Is anchored to his Job by thought# of the wife and babies at
home awaiting his return.
The traveling ealeaman Is never losing an opportunity to
extol the merits of the goods he sells, and »IUs, dearly beloved,
Is an example we ahnuld follow. The greatest business In the
world Is find's business, but are we who pretend to be Ills fol
lowers doing our full duty by living our faith by our dally
works? Are we extolling the plan of salvation that Is ours to
give the world?
The traveling salesman has heen given his commission, but
long before he received It th# Christians were given a diviner
commission, to go Into all th# world and preach the gospel to
every creature. Are we doing the task assigned to us? Are we
forever extolling the merits of our house—the Father's house In
which there are many mansion#?
Beloved, shall w# not go forth from God's house today
more firmly determined than ever to he whole-souled, earnest,
tireless workers In the Kingdom of Our Hord, even aa th#
traveling salesman la tireless In the service of hla house?
In conclusion, let ua stand and sing "A Mighty Fortress Is
Our God," and may the spirit grip our minds and hearts as wa
sing. _
Having occasion to mak# a little drive the other day, w#
boarded a hired flivver, which drove up to a filling station for
gas. W'e asked the station man for the time, and when he told
ua he asked:
"Want to buy a good watch?"
Wa did not, but being aomewhat eurloue, w# asked tha man
why he was trying to sell a watch.
"Gosh, man, I've got a dozen, every on# put up by aonie
tourlat who was out of money and gas.”
“From State and Nation"
—Editorials from Other Newspaper#— v
_ j
Real "Better Movies."
From the St. Paul Ptspsteh.
At a time when scandals hav* be
come more or less of a commonplace,
a state to which member* of th* mov
ing picture world hav* contributed
their fair ehare, a movement euch ae
the one eetahllehed at th* Unlverilty
of Minnesota come* a* a distinct balm
lo th* thoughtful mind.
It I* leas than two yeare line* ad*
quat* housing waa arranged to pro
vide for th* car* of moving picture
film* at the diversify of Minnesota,
under th# department of community
service In th* general sxfenalon di
vision. For th* *am* length of time
a man h»a been giving hie eervlc# to
thl* department alone. Yet laat year
*7 countlea In this etate aent raqueate,,
which were filled, to thl# department
for flltna. Thea# film# a*kad for ara
not th# lateet sensation, nor th# moet
emotionally appealing plctura*. Th*y
■ ra raqueata from p*opla In (mail
towns and village* for plctur** which
t*ach them something, which provide
clean entertainment, and which ehow
some of th# big movement* taking
place In th# world today. "Th* Gam#
Warden'* Work," "Th# Life of Then
dor# Roosevelt,” and "Tha Cricket on
th# Hearth" were three films, for In
■ranee, for which there were many
requests. Well filmed fairy talee, for
showing to children, definite educa
tional film# to he preeented before
evening claeeee—thea* ar# type# of
picture* alwaye In demand. Travel
picture#, euch ae "Cameralng Through
Africa,' 'are exceedingly popular.
Th# total attendance et ehowlngi of
thee# film# was 1*1,000. according to
Information furnlahed the extension
bureau. Practically all at the show
Inge took place through the co opera
(Inn of echool or church officials, many
of thorn In th# echool or church build
It appear* that Minnesota Is a plo
n#*r In thl* movement, as w« have
been In aeveral other educational and
welfare movement*. Th* eervlc# pro
vlded by th# Unlverelty of Minnesota
extension department la one which
*»rvee huinnnlty at large. Such move
menle a* they ar* fostering will do
much to bring Into good repute an In
dustry which, by commercialism snd
low Idenls, has only too often horn#
an odlou# name, but an Industry
which, nevertheless, abounds with pos
sibilities of service to mankind.
A Girl John Vlampdfn.
From the Kanins Cltr Tnat.
Mis* Vivian Simpson, who. barring
sex, might ha called tha John Ifarnp
dan of Maryland, haa made good her
resistance to tyrannical government
In tha university of that state.
Tha supreme couit of Maryland,
speaking through Judge Charles W.
Ifeiilsler, adjudge* and decress that
Miss Simpson aliaII not he debarred
the benefits of atudv at the unlver
ally because she defied what the
court deemed oppressive rules, regn
latlv* of the conduct of women sfu
dents, which the university author!
ties had promulgated and the presl
dent of the Institution, Hr. All*ert
Woods, had attempted to enforce.
Wo have not hud opportunity to
examine tha court's opinion, hut II
mnv ha ssfety assumed that the court
declared tha law to he that rules
made by school authorities for the
government of tbs student body must
he reasonable, and that the rnml
field flint the rules In question did
not meet that legal requirement.
f.lght* out at 10 o’clock p m for
tha girls, whan men students might
burn the midnight oil sd lihlliint;
man caller* on the med* so numerous
In the dormitory of evening that
a voung woman desiring to lame liar
room must either dies* f*ic tha or
css Ion or go In her kimono, contraiy
to rule, Mias SImpaon choosing the
letter alternative. Bm-h was the con
dition of affair*. To quote Mira
Vivian'* own word*: "It was men
everywhere; In the halls, on tha steps
—It wna disgusting. I couldn't dress
every time 1 left my room.”
Worse than all, the real reason,
Mis* Blmpaon avers, for barring her
from the advantage* offered by the
state to the youth of Maryland, waa
her refusal to peach on the other
The learned opinion of Judge
Heutaler exhibits symptoms of a con
sulfation with Mrs. Heulaler.
Mias SImpaon is described by some
of the other girls as a man-hater;
but^er picture shows her to be chic
and pretty, and evidently ehe does
not lack spirit. When she loves she
will love with a vengeance; and If
this writer were a young fellow
'round that university, unincumbered
and good looking a* he believes he
once ware, derned If he wouldn't try
to win her.
I <lk« Other Men.
From the Wyoming Tribune.
An eastern motion picture produc
ing company needed a character with
certain peculiarly developed natural
hahlllmente, auch ae, for Inetanre.
horny handa. and a rural gait. Scouts
found an excellent example at Sara
nao I-eke, N. V.. and promptly algnad
him to a contract.
The new actor had a different point
of view of the engagement than the
director, and In new pride he thought
that he would taka on the appearance
of tha city man. Ho, he had hie hair
bobbed, hla whlakera ahaved off. and
hla face almved and bought ready
made, ahowy apparel.
When the character appeared at
the etudln looking like a dlfterenl per.
eon, the chief of perannnel gava him
due notice of discharge. He had
ceased to he an actor before he ap
peared in a picture. With the mow
ing of hla whlakera ha had dlapoaed
of hla moat valuable financial aaaet,
aa far aa tha moving picture art waa
It I*'the an me with each of ua with
regard to aomcthlng we can do. Each
hua an aaeel of which he le Ignorant.
• Ithere do not ace ua aa wa aee nur
aelvca. Whnf we rnnalder merlta they
look on aa faulta, and aome of our
email good appears to them to tie a
great virtue.
It la unwise to trim off whlakera.
They are Individuality. Every tg>dy
muet tie hlmaelf and not try to be
aome other pereon.
The Temporary Krltpae.
For the moment the Hok prlr.e win
ning plan for peace has been loat
sight of, owing to the fact that there
waa not a word In It about oil, alcohol
or pugllletn—YY’aahlngtnn Star.
for March, 1924, of
' Daily .74.860
Sunday .79,860
Doe* not include returns, left
ovrri, lamplrt or paper* spoiled tn
prlntlnc and includes rut a per ial
• al#a nr free circulation of any hind.
V. A. BRIDGE, Clr. Mgr.
Siiharnhert and sworn tn hafnro nra
thia 4th day of April, 1924.
I (Saal) Notary Puhlle
Ontoli'i * ami Forest
9 k*t tfm f\#% fW« 9 ,ik tK>
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( uttoifl Mat*. » -»**t.. ftttlit
I I town* to ftftft* * >♦** raft
V/ f... *♦, fh* f. •*<
• of r|M< OimM ttdr«* *tohg th*
Mufti ».«tfpiMaf tt*0 tiftorovt tftfi
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Irfi* rot ...ntn# a or I irttraf ** **•*
,ftt, 11.0 »d»* «4 a rtf. ft.**** >*
o*o tn .otnblrA M ofllt tha dtr
*.,*o of out ttram fMofta t*
•.thing to atwotaa* *4 lt«hrt and to high ptb*r of «.wd prod
m-tr It fat iraat fodttWr for rtttor,
•nonttoa. and ovrn tnonahlp* tn on
gag* tn ratal nf limbo* nr.rtal Hit**
In tbo t'nllod Ptaioa at* **tnbtl»-blng
foroata, and In Maora* huaoiln and
nthrr ooadom atatoa toon and «ontnt*
p.rorta ara aim bring <*r*atr l ttom*
of tha nttinliipal fntogta > t lump*
notably In (Irrman| and ftoltgortand
not onlv pay tha ripanora of tha idly
gotrtntnml. hit! alan >rturn dltidrndi
to Ihr India Idiial Milton* At tha
tlmhor rtipply l»Oo<Mi>o* fnrthrr ra
4mod and fr*l#M mat lm rrrar*. tha
doinand for lorol llmbot o* III feooomn
grratrr Thr *Mt drvrl.tpnofti of
Ihr mlddlrortl oaa piwalblo horouao
of a noarby rbonp aupply nf llntbor.
If groolh and driOlopmont la to i on
tlnur, tlmbrr at roaaonabla prli-ra
mint oonllnur to b* avallahlr Now
la Ihr 1lmr for Omaha to protmt Ita
Intrrrata anil malir aura of a futuro
looal aupply.
The attractiveness of the cl*y would
be greatly enhanced If It controlled
and waa developing not only the for
est areas mentioned, but also the
wooded canyons already within the
city limits.
A forest can be used for recreation
while serving the utilitarian purpose*
of * regular forest, and it would he
hut a short time before Omaha would
he known throughout the land for It*
beautiful forest and for its forestght
efine** In planning an unique revenue
producer. Not only would the ordi
nary wood products he grown, but
black walnut, hickory and other nut
trees woulld make an additional In
The forest, too, would protect wild
game, and when properly stocked
with deer anil other animals and
birds, would be doubly attractive. The
surplus game would furnish additional
revenue, just a* the European forests
do. Experience In the United States
prove* that wilt game does thrive
even In our thickly populated regions.
Ten years ago Pennsylvania waa prac
tically shot out, but under a wipe
protective policy, Including the crea
tion of more than 60 game refuges,
game has Increased remarkably, and
the harvest la furs, meat and trophies
last year Is estimated at $7,500,000.
More than 6,000 head of deer and BOO
hears were killed during the hunting
tVhst 1* good for Omaha la good
for the rest of Nebraska. Not only
will a forest for the city prove a good
Investment, but the good work should
bo extended over the state. There Is
much waste land along th* streams,
especially the Platte and Missouri,
that Is of no value except to produce
timber. At present there la some tim
ber growing along these streams, hut
much of the waste land ha* nothing
on It or Is supporting brush, and only
a fraction of th# timber that, with
proper cere, could be mad# to grow.
Too often these patches of limber are
badly misused, being pastured to the
detriment of th* larger trees and th*
total destruction of the young growth.
Often, too. th# owner holds the wrong
mMm that hwintl'B WtN iM '«<»•
■hi **♦•»• H # ait it t*4ih |
, trmm Ik# h#i It** It I ** nnniai
!< ),»*»« K« tM» lot* M 4"*# • KM r*
\ MHt ItltttlH lh* It* l>t** had
• ♦**#• lh#! til Mill
Mil I l*t th«>i N<*t
* «*» t*>-.t * * M -tlll ihit* *k*ft
1* thriHl !• MM MM * Mlh *1 Hilt* *■♦)#
» *gt.Hg (ttrl |mt.k»> **14 hi** * M
*****it*' and IM htliwH ih»!t:
I |M MM* rn« !•#* M'k IMF h M
itiM *tHt IhM t*wl**<ll M Ik* * *»♦*
1***4* *d Ik* at#!*, MM ***•
land pn4t4lt* and fwntth *ddu|i>rt*'
*v filial ***** i* ik* *i#i# Tk# in*
t* n*d f»< t*4 nk*n nut d»* »iipn**rt
* ill ha atf knialy It* rtdn* pi *1 hr a
• •**■ and >*|**rt** * a Iftnkrf tukpl*
I— «
ktkraaha, *f hth know# a* IP*
it**iM* ***** 1*1*1 *i*ii*t ik* gold
*nra of J, pt*rttng M ■ ton of Athnf
Mr kml fir kt*»v *nd olkat*. ••
Hi* lr*a plant**# *i*l* k** in r*
t*r*l ***** nid l*|*i **p Ik# pa***
Thar# I* a llm# In plan• Iran* and *
llm* In bar* **t th*m *nd kn*k op»’»
Mon* mutI k* iarr!*d «m in mat**
ftmllt a paying hu*tn*aa. Horn*
. ikar *t»t*« am #-*1*1*11*1*10* *t*t*
nuranrl** and furnishing 1b* f*rm*ia
tin** *t noth of pr-odin lion Thay ar*
alar* Marling hat* for**!* and parka.
For**!* ar* utilitarian at writ aa
plat*** of AK-matlnn, an at* rand *tat*
park* only In praaarv* arm* hlatnrlr
apnla, hut ** dn P**d alata fnraata.
W* plan and hulld for th* futur* our
road ty*t*m, achoola, public building*
and manufacturing Induatrl**. Why
not do th# aam* for our forest**
OI)l)S (Ml ENDS.
iVirs wing*, tinted to »nv shads,
are fashionable In France,
Devil worship la practiced by the
Tezldeer, a sect In Armenia.
The dome of the Pantheon at Rome
la the finest dome In existence.
A 16 Inch telescope was recently
completed for use In Argentina.
It Is estimated that ons pound of
sheep's wool can produce one yard of
One-half of the world's supply of
gold Is now In American vaults.
Only 15 states definitely forbid mar
riages between divergent races.
Paderewski baa seven parrot* and
a big white cockatoo In his home
Mauna Loa, on the Island of Ha
waii, rises 13,630 feet above the sea.
Emmerson, the essayist, descended
from eight generations of clergymen.
Three women In the United States
are Insured for more than $1,000,000
each. ,
French styles appear In Constan
tinople almost as soon as they do In
I,afayette visited America In 1824
1825, and was received with enthusi
Schools are being establlehed In all
Indian villages In the Mexican repub
lic. __
UH* A>l VI M (k* »*k« • lk»»
M *<Hm •' 4 fMM
AM |Utk4 ami *.#**<*
fW Ikt kVkn Mk **» •AAfAH
Mf ni'INif Wilt »• •• A H*i»
A* >A lk( k**k*> «n**
H «•* ‘ ***#*11
(f it4 ttk'A*
I—» AA* A»*A
fVk AA kM lN«t
fkM kA MM ••• ♦’ ffM
AM «M4 h*A #A4
A n>M4<« 11M i*AA* • *» *■»»( ia i«t*«*
Auk A n«t BA» A i lk*l ktl
* «w 4a« M
But *4 A Aaaittlfwl HAAMHH'
AM k*< iAmM aNa« ••» H "■*
m*4* lk*ni
f«A« A for m I* H»l*
Mima a*m im» ••mm a •**
Mf i ..«!>*• #*># 4*4, IA H* lAlAM *1 A
AM If* »»rl*t 414 a*i a*.*Mr«l )•<*
ft*' Iha A*o* n I Hal OwIM At*
atiaaia load* Him atoll*
But mMMIt a»»4 mia* «a* UtoUfM
full* a»4 --
Hot for iha krtmk of bar nut.
hrman*4 half
Th4 ha. r>aa 0\* foilh IbAl wlaifut
Itul alia Ihouflit Of hi* IhfAAt t* tf«
Ilftla lad.
And oiahad that Ih# lot bar Aland
Inc I bat a
Could bob h*r jaara a* wall a* har
— flay nil Ni Tral*.
srn r. of life.
"Doctor, what la the heat poaiti.n
In which to sleep?"
"I usually lie down."—Boston Tran
She la angling for a huahand
With a rare and dainty touch.
But ala»' ahe tear#* the Ashe* ^
For thla maiden talk* too much.
—Boaton Transcript.
Children, how Aba may lead to worse
That honest man can tell
Who started out to Ab for Fall
And then for Fall's fibs fell.
One friendly little Ab he shammed
And when op 'him 'teas turned.
Some aay h# uttered "I’ll he damn
And others, "I'll be dumed!"
Chicago New*.
Friend—And was his proposal a
surprise to you. Miss Ooldlgger?
Miss G.—I'll aay It was! Why, he
did It before T even had a chance to
look up hla financial standing —New
Tork Sun.
When in Omaha
Hotel Conant
Occidental Building & Loan Association
100% Safety
6% Dividends—Paid Every 3 Months
Assets ... .. . . • • .$13,250,00
Reserve.. 450,000
Increase in Assets of $607,248.25
Since January 1, 1924
35 Years in Omaha 18th and Harney
Select Your Undertaker for
, Skill - Not Acquaintance
00 many people select a Funeral Director “because
they are acquainted with him.”
These same people, would not think of engaging a
lawyer, a doctor, a plumber or a contractor for the
same reason. '
When they engage the service of such men. they make sure
they are getting TRAINED SKILL and are assured of the
right service at the right price.
A Funeral Director should be selected just as carefully—
—For his known skill.
—For his ability to render the right kind of service.
_For his willingness to give that service at the right price.
Hoffmann Service is superior in each of these respects.
Twenty years' experience is behind it, backed by a specially
designed plant, equipped with every modern convenience
and a skilled and kind organization of men and women.
Exact accounting methods enable Hoffmann to know his
costs, and to give his customers the benefit of the many
economies that only a business of such magnitude can give.
Hoffmann Service offers a perfection of burial refinement
not obtainable from an institution of less magnitude, and
at a price which meets every requirement of any family.
"Funerals complete" may be arranged for adults from
$100 up.
For infants from $20 up as may be desired.
t4" «Rd DoHO* !*<»<•
Ambulance Wvice Phone Ut,Mn» 3901
<r»rrri|ht ArrllW For'