The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 13, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART FOUR, Page 1-D, Image 33

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    l The Omaha Sunday I ee I
\<>l. m \,i 4< IM m M)l! || OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNINU, AHUU IS, It* 4 1*1) _ MM. UIN!>
Tom Wise's
Mmt lie lie• Pldterf
I%m1* Hefete lie 1f'|»
(IM Swlr** fit 9 III f ume
fMiiM mm who *111 H> with **
•eon «t th* Brands* th**t*r #%
A «l,a stellar t%nt* In htm Mar
uiiti1 gay awiiii "Th* nM Bogy s ' I
an actnr aha etch'' d»***te* la h*
l><'hra n| aa "a hmiaahald ward "
I nr Ili a ntnltiatta, rotund *«d warn*
■ tiit,| plntrr haa ha*a hafora lha
pin'Kiting ptiltllr f>>e tft yeatW lla
haa bam a alar In fail aa aril aa In
t.lla for neatly half IImI lima; ha
hat held Important rotes In S* plays
if Htnadn ay ralihar and ha haa
play ail al lea*l ont-a In avary town
yya have that's larger than Plea'a
Knuckle, Arl*.
Mr, Wise bream# a Californian at
lha age of 6 or «. and not only grow
up In Ian Franclaeo, but began hi*
fontllght o-traar there, tlla early as
sociates In that town'* theatrical ae
ttvltlea Included auch other distin
guished ones aa t'avid Warfield nnd
William A. Brady. They were all
(uat klda (ogelher—Ulda with the real
hlstrlonle spark.
William Gillette "discovered" Tom
for Bmnd'vay as long ago aa th#
tilllettean "The Private Secretary"—
end Toni haa been Broadway’s favor
ite ever since. He’s starred In "A
Gentleman From Mississippi," In "Mr,
Rarnum.” In "Pal* First," In "Cappy
lacks” snd at least a doaen others.
I’e’s plsyed In muaicsl comedy—In
farce. In sll the traffic# of the stage,
snvs tragedy and grand opera. .More
-•over, he’s done hla bit In Shnkeapear*.
loo, for he was Falstaff In the famous
.ill-star production of "The Merry
'Vivas of Windsor,” given In New
York a few seasons agQ: And he
-lands ss the greatest Falstaff the
American stage has ever known!
Tom wrote "A Gentleman From
Mississippi"—In collaboration with
I iarrlson Rhode*—also several other
nifty*. And Just recently, during the
five months’ run of "The Old Soak”
i Chicago, he found time to finish
|.,ls book. It s tailed ”1 Remember,"
Ynd It holds at least one world's
word. Tt I* the only autobiography
, er written that hasn't s single “I”
i It,
"The Old Po4k" will be the at!rat
ion at the Brandnls for four days,
•Anitlng Faster Sunday, April :o,
a 11 h a Wednesday matinee.
Margaret Young. Ragtime
Songster, at Orphmm
. .... -- j
Afcrgaret Young, singing come
dienne, whose Brunswick phonograph
records have a wide distribution be
muse of the Irrepressible personify
expressed In her voice, will be one of
ibe headliners on this week's Or
plieum blit. In stature, facial cast,
comedy material and method she is
virtually a reincarnation of Msy
Irwin, who waa a reigning favorite
among the leading comediennes of
another generation. Yet the person
ality of Margaret Young la tier own
and the aum of her talents, which
make her different from any other hu
man being, are bringing success on
her own merits.
Cart Ztmm prcaidcs over one of the
iazzleat Jazz orchestras In vaudeville
In the other headline act. 7,lmm's band
Is known as the Chicagoans. A one
act version of "Twin Beds" will he
offered by Helen Raymond and com
pany. The only difference between
'ITwItt Bede” now end the original la
the fact that tha laughs come closer
together, "Senator” Ford offers a
monologue so crammed full of wit,
wisdom and humor that ha has been
"elected" vaudevilles "funniest
mnnolnglst" by an overwhelming ms
torlty. The Barr Twine, beautiful and
talented, present a refreshing song
and dance net In five scenes. Their
material la 10 years ahead of the
times. Rnsll Lambertl offers what he
has atyled, "Lambasting the *ylo
phone,” while Martinet and hla
famous crow will entertain In the
opening act.
Rarr Twins Really Do
Look and Act Alika |
Duplicates In tastes and thoughts
ara tha Barr Twins -Gertruda and
ICvalyn— at tha Orpheunt theater thla
weak. Thane allm and pretty young
mlaaea—alike In looks aa wall aa abil
ity—hava been separated but little
during thalr lives. On the stage and
tha street they ara costumed tha
aiime. they Ilka tha aama peopte and
find that they choose pretty much the
same food. Tha beat tlluatratlon of
i heir perfert accord la aeen In thalr
dancing—whether In a Hpanlah ral
here, a waltr. claaalc or a Bowery ec
centric, which they ara praaantlng In
this aeaaon'B repertoire.
They hava been absent for several
araanns In musical comedy In which
they have been star dancers. Origin
ally they appeared In vaudeville with
l,ew Brice. Barney Zeeman la the ac
rompanlet and eololet with tha act.
I “Radio Girls” at Gayely
Promise, Live Wire Fun
V__ /
"The Itadlo Olrls" show at the
fiayety theater the current week
borders closely on eafravagenwi. Billy
Gilbert, ranking among tha funniest
of burl#s<|tia comedians, heads the Hat
while In tile Immediate support are
I’aullne Glenirmrr, llerel Alger. ftmma
Wllaon, John Uulgg. the accordion
king; l<ou and Bert. Marks, and Boh
Wilson. Surrounding these la a
chorus whose members poaseas the
art of conveying their Joy of living to
the audience. These youthful beauties
have been trained In the various
dance* and ensembles under (he dl
reel loti nt Holly P’leld*. while 14 tunc
fill niushal numbers hava been pro
Vided them, a- well a* for the prln
cipel*. by Hugh Hehnbert, Vaughn Pe
t..-itb and Heart Allan. Today's mat
Anas starts at I.
fe eavd Sci»ee
>nvaKai 4^
m * t ^
0 Ina.
W* JrtC+ick,
o4el&]aitt& Tfiiia t-eC
and Totn Wise. **
k d
^cie. Qaniels
FCuik*. £»*<£is
^ *■ t-j y
— -—s
IT orld Gets Ready for
Rig Birthday Celebration
The World theater will be two
year* old week atari Ing neit Satur
day. A bill aelccted for th* theater'*
"Second Annlveranry" will carry a*
a headline attraction one fit th* big
geat drawing card* now In vaudeville,
Irving'a Imperial Midget*. 25 little
tnen and women.
The lllltputlan performer* are aald
to offer a moat Intereating act. Dur
ing th* 40 minute* they are on the
atag* they offer a aerie* of drill*,
novelty number*, dancing apeclaltle*
and aong aucreaae* that mak* them
an attraction of entirely different
character than one ordinarily aeea In
a vaudeville troupe of thl* kind.
Prominent on th* aupporllng ahow
la th* act preaented by Sant Howard
nnd T.llllan Norwood. Other act* will
Include th* Diehl Slater*, Ttaaao and
company, Bland and Warner and
Arthur Hay* Introducing a *pecl*lly
written organ number called I'An
nlveraary Antic*.”
In th* two year* th* World haa been
preaenflng Ita diver*!fled program* of
vaudeville and photoplay* It haa play
*d to more thin 11,040,000 people.
Bert Smith Players in
New Piece at Empress
*■ J
"Bet's Get Married" la the musical
comedy which the Bert Smith Playera
are offering at the new Rnipreae thla
week. Thla marks the beginning of
the fifth week for thla company and
attendance has far exceeded that of
any similar period thla season. One
of the outstanding points of merit In
addition to a talented cast of princi
pals and a anappy chorus la the slab
orate fashion In which, each produc
tion Is staged.
Joe Marion la given hie biggest op
portunlty In the new hill, the role of
an Italian street musician, and Is said
to prove a surprise auccees.
Tha entire atrcngth of the cast will
he seen In tha II musical numbers In
troduced. Among tha aong numbers
are "you're In Kentucky as Sure as
You're Born," “I Hate to Go Home
Alone," "I'm Going Buck to My Used
to Be^' "1 Bike You," "Down Melody
Bane” and others of a popular no
For Knster week, storting next Sal
urday, tha Bert Smith Players will In
troduce their musical play, "Trifling
Polly," the snappy story of a girl
who simply could not behave, Ama
teurs will be an added attraction Fri
day evening, with successful talent
being given an opportunity to play
small parts In the aiiheerjuent Bert
Mrnlth bills If they so desire.
r 1
Comedy arul Songs Fill
Hill at the Worltl
l /
Howard Mangford anil Ina Frail
rick, both "f whom have bean fea
tured In mualcnl comedy production#,
headline the new vaudeville hill et the
World theater. They present their
clever comedy eel Ire, "Shopping,"
written and ataged hy llowitrd laing
ford. It haa to do with the trotthlea
a aalnarnan haa In catering to the
want# of a woman who vlaita a tin
gerla ahop for the ptirehaaa of a lot
of feminine Anarlee. flerlruda Avery
and Raya, aeven entertainer#, preaent
a apeedy program of dance# mingled
with aong, whlla their ftnlah la a
vaudeville aurprlae Marla Sabot and
Oaorga Brook# add to tha laughter of
tha bill with their wlaa cracking dia
logue Intereperaed with aong and
flue Klmore and Mather offer "fir
cug Itaya," Mlmor* eaaiiya tha role
of the "Wild Man From Borneo,"
while Mather la a airnple country girl
who I* making her flrat vlalt to the
"big top*,” Md and Ida Tindall have
a combination hinging and aerial act.
Igniter and Wallace coipplela tha hilt
with a faat moving blend of comedy
trimmed with aong*. "What Do They
Mean by Jove" la tha title , of the
organ aolo to ha offered hy Arthur
Beginning next Saturday the
World preaent* It* "Second Annlver
aary Hill." 'I lia allow, which la to be
on# of Ilia beat of Hie aril eon, ia
headed hy Irving'* Imperial Midget*,
Vi tittle men and women. Annlier
aary week lent aeaatm ton Hi* liig
gaat aucceai In the hlatory of the
theater and thla yaar plana ar* being
mad* to outdo tho flrat celebration.
\\ Kett-X/ AT THE"
\\ MUSE,
r i
Xanthous Moons Yellow
According to Webster
l --->
llnr.el Alger, priina donna with
"Tha Radio Glrla" at the Gayety the
atar, la ganthoua and aha alnga. Be
Ing ganthoua will make Mlaa Algci
particularly attractive to devoteea of
Columbia hurleaq lie; her Vocal attain
mania will Inrreaa* her popularity
with lovara of artlatic alnglng, Rim
Wllllarna, the producer of tha ahow
takea reaponalhlllty for the alatament
that Mlaa Alger la one of the moal
artlatic plnyere In burleequa, poa
aeaaed of tha dual accompltahmenta of
Ringer and actreae. Rarely haa the
theatergoer been entertained by a
ganthoua girl who an completely ful
fllla the requlrernenta of prime donna
and lending actreae, In her local ap
pearanc# Mlaa Alger proinlaen ,|o die
play an equipment of wardrobe that
will make tha dally matineea for
woman a aource of delight to Ita pa
trona. And when the dlaciiaalon of
her appealing attrlhutea turna from
atyle nf dreaa to ahade of tialr, aorne
one will dlaeover that to he gnnthnue
la nothing more or lean than to ho
| “Hrriiage of l)r.%prt"
| I\pw Zanp (irpy Film ^
On* of the moat daring, original
and novel Hlmaxea ever Been In a
photoplay forma tha rrux of a ecrlea
of expertly eonelrurted and perfectly
dovetailed altuallone of "Phantom
Juetlce," Klrhnrd Thornna' greateat
cinema achievement.
A* a contractor hullda a houea. go
ha* fUrecior Ttioma* "hullf" thle pro
duct Ion- from the ground up. He
ginning with an ohvloua fact for hla
foundation, ho gradually tear* *
atruclure, completing ll with an end
Ins that enve|o|at hla entlia work
with the atandlng of real artletry.
That tti* nrl of Hi* allver acrecn
inn he laired to Hie nth power by a
director unhampered my inualy tra
ditlona ia tha contention of the direr
lor In preaenlliig Id* picture "Phan
tom Juatic*" la at Ilia Moon Ihla
week Hod la Ho<|iie end K*lell»
Taylor carry the leading role*
Hid Vou ever aci a aeaalrk tlon?
Probably not, but If you never have
you will ere on In Marl: Mrnnett'a
Inteal comedy, "Me*rein Much,” A
aenan i< lion la one of tha Incident*
that aliould provoke aponlaneou*
laughter from every one who area
tlila iinuaual alght Mum*, a trained
and more or leae tame African lion, I*
th* arraen performer who futnlah**
the fun, .
&rrma\ Wilson, at
“Woman to Woman”
Stars Hotly Compson
When aomeong «ayn “The Moulin
Rouge'’ your thoughtn Inelenlly re
vert to the gey en<l erinflltntlng
I’nrlelau rate, which le deer to ell
thoee who would learn dull cere he
hind, tt dnee not eeem poeethle thet
a Illy could bloom In the exotic at
moaphere of fhla taataurant. but (Ira
ham Cutta' photodrama, ’’Woman to
Woman," now at the Hun, proven
that Innate purity will thrive re
gardleae of tta environment.
The alrllar role |e taken hy Rctlv
Compaort. Ae l>c|orv*c, the exunlalto
flower like little french dancer, ahe
exudee a frcahneaa and charm which
la untouched hy her aordld eurround
Inga Then lore wlrtga lie wey Into
her life. On the eve of their mar
rlage her fiance (played hy Clive
Mrnokl la unexpectedly called awav,
A blow on fhe head rotia him of Ida
memory and ha cannot return to fhe
girl who haa ancrlflced alt for him,
Tatter fate hrlnga them together
and whlla (he inane hear! la wiung
with the wrong lie h a unwillingly
dona Oelorywe hy marrying another
woman, Itelorynee one thought la lo
protect the future of thrli non
The anivlng of thin problem Imparl*
a tain litaler to a photoplay which
haa no dull momenta In If.
The entire product Ion la lavlaht)
ataged The «'enaa |n the Moulin
Rouge art taptcially magnificent.
6's(eLfe Tl/tflot at the /vsoor>l.
n —-——-.-— — —•
r t ^
Cruzp Made Film
al Natrhrz, Wim.
James Ctuz* and hi* entlr# produe
In* company of actor*. aetr****», elec
trirlan*. /-amarmrtn, extra*. etc.
traveled overland a distune# of t.JOfl
mile* from Hollywood to Nateber,
Mle* , for arena* for "Th* Klahtln*
Coward,” at the Htrand today,
Within a abort dlatanc* of tliia hi*
lorle eoutharn city, th# man who
mad* "Th# fovered Wagon,’• and
other succeaeee. found th* exact lo
cation# called for In the Booth Tark
Inglnn story, on* of aoulttern Ilf* lie
fore th# civil war. Keel old aoulhern
mansion*, steamboats, lessee and
plantation* eerv* a* the background
for the dramatic action
Natch#* turned out lo a man to
seal«t the director In making hi* new
production a faithful motion picture
record of th* Ilf* In th* south about
F.rneat Torreme Mary Aetor. Noah
ltcery, rhyllta llaser and fullcn Isn
die arc featured In th* picture.
Other* Include Carmen t’lillllpa,
llrm* Coving)on. Helen lumbar snd
Frank Jnna*sou.
londl* hit* Hi* ml* of Inin Hum
ford, •outhorn born bill northern
bred, who return* lo hi* homo In th*
aotilli and l*innn *ngn**.| In hi*
roiMln. II* «in-ounl*r* th* terrible
duelling rml» which prevail*, and of
which h* I* Igniiranl. II* I* chub
lengeil lo * duel bv * rival for Ih*
girl'* linnd, and refill** h*r*ii»« h*
fltiuly liellevr* th*l Ihl* I* ,lu*l * po
lit* form of murder. H» l* drlien
ft inn III* limn* *ttd d*»cil*il even by
ill* aapcthoiirl
Th* nlory of til* final triumph ami
ill* fnifllni of * new lout form* lb*
Hmidlnl I* touring Ih* country glv
ing UolutM on “Fraud Modlum* and
Mirada U<tg»rm “
“I'hantom JuslUv"
Offrr» IS hi' Anion
\. ..._J
A whole town destroyed In * apec
tnriilar battle which brought laatlng
peace to th* great plain*—th* strife
of primitive men for a great patriotic
can**- an epic in national prngr***.
Thl* la th* apertacl* of "Th* Herl
tag* of the I'eaert," an adaptation of
/.an* flrey'a atory, on th* Rialto
w reen today, Th* hnttl* la for water
right* th* thing which turn* the
tillatrrlng heat of th* d***rt Into an
earthly paradla* of fertility.
Auguat Naah, a patriarch of the
deaert, live* with hla follower* In an
o**l*. while tanged agalnat him are
lloldern*aa and hla gang who oorttpy
th* fortified town of Whit* Rage
Th* quarrel la advanced to open war
far* when Jack liar*, a tenderfoot
who had been driven out of White
Rage, la befriended hy Auguat Nabb.
Naab has a ion, Snap, and an
adopted daughter, Mrarat. whom he
hope* will eventually marry. Jack
Hare, hnwerer become# a rival of
Snail for the affection* of Maoral.
Mr*i,»hlle tha gill fall* Into the of the Itolderneaa gang When
Simp gnea In reclaim her h* la killed
hy llolderneaa. Knragrd by the mur
der of hi* bny. Naali rail* hi* follow
era togdlier and rides down upon
While Sage Aa alllea he ha* a tribe
of Navajo Indian* The lown I* fired
and. In a apectarular liatlle. Holder
n«*a |* killed and the menace to the
peace of (tie de*ert wiped out. Mearel
la readied from her captor* li> .lurk
k'riiltiiid In tliia picture at# H.-be
I'anleta a* Meecnl, child of the deaart;
t'rneat Torrence of “The Covered
"agon' fn me a* Auguet Naab, Noah I
Beery aa Holderne**. leader of the
daaert gunman, and Uojd Hughe# aa
I Jack Kara, tha tenderfoot.
No Regard for Radicals
Mrs. Hike's I\eu< Comedy Shorn d.itlie Respect
for the Yount Liberals and Their Revolutionary
l\onsense Retardint the Old Social Conventions
N_ J
TNew Tork. April 1?.
HE drum* the** d*>* I* not treat
ing th* young Intellectual* with
sufficient generosity. It decline*,
aa In !Vfr». Flak* a "Helena a Boys "
to d*«l aerloualy with th* aoclal r*
volutloalst*. and It always m*k*s
(ham out to b« shallow llttls poseurs.
Its practice ia derisively to exhibit
th*m and their glib palaver for two
acta, and then to aumrnon life and
the old»r generation to equash them.
They chatter foppishly alotM the free
dom of the Individual, self expression,
the new love and pie new poetry.
They denounce marriage tt* a hu
miliating padlock, detrimental to the
free and easy movement of the sexes
Th*y advocate all aorta of elbow room
for llteratur* and the other appetites;
and ao they look with disdain upon
the monotonous view* of their pre
decessor*. Invariably they are smug
and humorlea*
» ■ .y- . -
Till* correspondent* experience
Wflth the youthful radirala la not ex
tensive. for all he know*, they may
ha the aotemn and Itidlcrnua prat
tier* that they are now represented
to b* upon the stage. Nevertheless,
h* believes K would he.a sporting
thing if th# dramatist* were to picture
them a* Intelligent aa well aa Intellect
ual. and thus make the conflict with
their elder* less one *ld«d. F.xprrl
eneed promoter* of change usually
have a sen*# ,if humor with whi. h to
savor their unrullnesa. They com
bine pleasure with anarchy and ate
seldom a bore to themselves or their
adversaries. The small Insubordinate*
In "Helena * Boy#" are merely loqua
clou* germs.
1l*l*na (Mra. Klak*). a widow ahow
)*• *igwa of aprlng and remarriage,
haa two aona. On* of th*m had horn
•uapenrted from pr*p aohool h*. ana*
of a alight addition In tha ootirae
of a atar apwngled adder** hy a |
truato* of hla collage h* had about*! !
"Hunk"' r*fualng th*r*afl*r to apolo
ala* III* *ld*r hroth*r la a arlf arilt«
flod po*t and lpaiirr*i tioniat. glvrn to1
pretonttoua apoutlng about truth and I
tha n*w ordar of thing*. Ho *poak« !
fa i ora hi v of,|i»* fro* lm ora of hi*
acqualnlanr*. and of ona lady 1n
particular, who had had th* coin ago I
to got drunk and fall upon the fl, r !
of a roalaurant. nonpluaalng iho
w alter* II* rogarda lh* prearni to
ha th* twilight of mmentlonahtv, o«
III* dawn of III* Individual aa a licit.
It* la alao th* literary *dltor of Th*
Advatto* '• a X*w Tork nuci.'inr
dod.catH to Improvement
Ro 'll a Klak* aa Helen*, In «<■ In
In r*Iliady the** afflictlop« Jvrelrnda
to got wry drunk al dlhnri and an.
noun*** h*r Intention to Ilia, unnm
rl*d. with h*r aiittor. a nonp.*»t<,.’
manufacturer* of raJncowta gh* do*a
It vary wall. With tha twinkling Up#
and the lifted eyebrow* of which *he
1* lh« deftest exponmit »he swindle*
h»r victim* beautifully. They had.
•he Infer*, stricken th* shackle* from
her behawor and made her feel liberal
Thereupon they fall Into a panic and
entreat her to do nothing of tha kind
At the end they turn tall for New
York, retracting their sermon* and
having her promise tliat aha will re
main an honest woman.
•"Helena * Bo? a" I* a brightly grtt
f.clal antjre, performed In Mr*. Kiak* •
brightlv artificial manner. It I#' a
drnmatlaaMon by Ida I-uhlenakl Ekr
Itch of a Saturday Evening 1‘oat store
by Mary I tree tit ruber. Willbrm
fourttelgh play* Helena'* middle,
aged suitor, and It la be w ho describes
a toper*' life a* a long, aweet alco
holiday. t'onlra*ted to that splend.d
pun are some observation* about tha
month of April by Helena's hoy poet:
April ta a Passage—
Am It ta a aiaii
Mia. Kiake has a lot of fun a* she
repeat* and repeat* that eliujuent
All that one need* to know about
Paradise Alley, the ‘t mine* new
musical romance, la that It tlnklra
and that Ita scene* ars a* follow*:
Paradise .Alley, a comer of Ihe Bast
Side, New Turk
The MrcsiMlly theater. Tendon, two
year* Idler,
The fnvrr on the o| night.
The stage d<s»r during the per
The star's dressing room
Thd stage door after the perform
Th* garden party.
Miss Helen Shipman la lark ttke »«
the lowrly East Side vorabst who coti
oueia l.ond->n by her song. Arthur
Aleut appears a* Spike Muldoon. a
pugilist, and George Rh'kel a* Ru
dolf Slot*, a New Y'otk musical com
edy producer, proving that the no
menclature of the play t* #* original
a* the plot.
I ailir anil (»vp Arc
(Online Hark \r\t M rrk
\--- >
Utir of lli* i»ipli»iiin circuit • mwl
arttatio offcHnu* t* to ho pmmtnl
hy Mir* or Voile A marten n prom (era
itapneuao, mill <*ta Crgi former I In
Unlit to tho murt of Spain, at lh«
• •rplii'um tlumtrc iteyt work Thao*
KTint »rti»ln *10 i drrlltp a I epartnira
of iUii.o sum and nwir, in «hh*»
they Bra n« Me. I hv Mt‘« Mary Imnt,
•'•'•cert |o.,ii|«i. mnt four ('aliform*
•In ro am
Tha |-rpait..|ia of ilinn pg*IBa and
minm- prraentad <» thi* product ou
'•»» from i« lirvoy nk* walk hy Mu*
' Bitia In moral aymhnlin, nla«ah-«l
Aanraa In- is# a i *« Thla nlfartn# ta
rnlorfullj- art and rrihiMi