Bit Memory of Shot That Kang Around the World MMAW Some fit nm On III*k* do M knrfw aimul • certain holiday that com** this week And la ratted "Patriots' Pay " New England boys and phis, especially those whs llva In HMm nr nearby, could 1*11 you thM April 1* I* Patriots’ da* School children may he a hit entry this year that it fall* on Saturday, for other*lee it would he a holiday. Those of you who have studied American history know that tut April If, 1778, were fought lh* hauls* of l,*xlngton and Concord lhal were the beginning of the war of the revolution Almost every young American ha* read of th* midnight rhla of Paul Revere, In 1894 It waa decided In M***n chuaett* lo make April 19 a legal holiday lo I* known aa "Patriots’ Pay.’* It la observed In no other slat* but Maine, that wna a part of Maaaachtl asfla until USA. > Each year In Boy (on la now reproduced lh# famous rid# of Paul Revere and that other young patriot, William Paw#*, Jr , who helped to rouse the sleeping countryside. Each rider la dressed to represent the original cos tumes of 1778. Paul Revere atarta at 10 In the morning from Salem street, Boston. You remember that the signals lo Revere In 1778 were two lantern* If the British went hy water and On* If by land, T.a*t year on the eve of Patriots’ day Mias Pauline Revere, a descend ant of the famous rider, bung the lanterns ss of old In the North church Paul Revere Mart* hla ride each year from North square, near the old Revere home. Ho follows the courso of the original rider, galloping through Charlestown, Medford and Somerville, while Dawes rides through Brookline and Cambridge. They meet In Arlington and rldo together to Eexlngton Oreen, At each place they are met by crowds tit men, women and little children. Band* play and speec-he* are made, while thoa# who watch and listen live again thoa# stirring day* of 1775. In 1917 25 children, all de scandanta of tha Mlnuta Men, fastened th# Stars and Stripes, the union Jack and tricolor of Trance to th# Uble near the old North bridge In Con oord, In memory rtf the British aoldlars who fall thare In tha battle. We are all Americana wherever w# llva and so this week l» muM t„ THE SQUflW USJ/ Nynooale Killtnr hlilrlrv la alone In hla newa imper nfflre thinking of the trip hr nlahee to taka with a friend, hut hating to leave hla mother alone, duet then •lark Carroll. rhlef of the tio-Hatvka. cornea to rail and Mr. Nlilrley trlle him hla problem. That evening .lark (all. a meeting of the tio-llawke and auggeota to the hot a that they look after Mr.. Shirley ('h lie their friend, the editor, la aaar. They hoi a agree to the plan. Note On tin With the htorv (Continued from l,a*t Sunday) In Indian faahlon the <3o Hawk* filed down the gtalr*, struggling mean while Into their wrapg. They separ ated at the corner, three dragging their bohe heeded for the long hill, while their chief, “Sitting Bull," who hid been known to hoaat that he who "the terror of the pale faces," ac companied by hi* faithful dog, milked briskly toward the Shirley home. CHAPTER III Mr*. HlilrJey had drawn her chair closer (o tha open fire, near which stood the library table, covered with late hooka and magazines. Her face reflected the soft glow of the fire light and the reading lamp with Its long hanging ghrrn and roes shade. She waa still sweet and fair to look upon, although many years had passed since ehe came to the brick house a bride. Her home, high up on the river bank, commanded a fine view both up and down stream. "The old Shirley place," aa It had of late been called, wea a picturesque spot In summer, with Ita tangle of vines and quaint flowers which Ita mistress waa fond of planting. Back of the house was a steep ra vine and a bit of woods, whera the children of the neighborhood were wont to congregate and play. No one dlaturbed them, for both Mr*. Shir ley and her eon loved to heer the glad young voices, and even went eo far as to add attrartlona to lure them to their choeen playground rather than to drive them away. At the end , of the block was the famous hill, the ,loy of the no-llAwka end the tenor of their parents, because It sloped down to the river. It was safe enough this November night, for the river wag frozen solid. Aa Jack, followed by the faithful King, trudged up the driveway he could hear th* voice* „f hla Indiana ns their boh went spinning down the hill In tha moonlight. Ills mind was Intent on the task before him, for he wag eager to render a real service to thg friend who had stood hack of him In so many boyish scrapes. As hg grossed the veranda he glanced Intg tho windows, for no shades ware drawn, and the firelight streamed out across the drlfta of anow on the lawn, lie was glad when Mrs. Shir ley was atone and that the fire burned eg cheerily -and then, lie found him self within th* hall and shaking hands. Mra. Shirley triad not to betray that ah* was surprised at thy unezpected call, "la this tha famous dog of whom I have heard so much?" She patted King's head, and h* wagged hla tall sociably. "King alwaya goes where I do, and so you will not mind my taking him Into th# library, will you?" "Not at all, and Just lay your coat and cap here, that they may he warm * for you later." She lad th# way Into the library and-drew anothar chair to the fire. "It i* lovely of yon, Jack, to pome to aee an old lady, when I know that your playmate* muet all he out rotat ing, for thla la atich a fine wlnter'a night, and It la Friday, too." "It la a good thing It la Friday, for then T ran atay up later, and If It hadn't been 1 couldn't have come over." Mr*, fihlrley wondered at fh# na tore of the errand that could havo brought him, and ao aha aakad gent Iy, "Do you want to ae# ma about aorn'thlng apedal?" "Mra. Hhlrley, my mother tails me •omotirne* how aha lovee me belt* than anything In tha world, and thla la the way I auppoaa that you feel about your eon. lan't It?" "Of rouree It la, dearie. Ha la ell I have Iri the world, you know." "If there wue aoiriethlng you could 4o td make him eery happy, would you like to have somebody tell you, *o you could get busy and do it?" Mr*. ,Shirley did not smile, for »he realized how much in earnest the boy was, and that he was about to tell something which not only touched her life, but lay very close to hi* own heart. "Ve*. indeed. I would thank anyone who could make Robert hftPP.v, for he 1* always Art good to me.” (Copyright, 1 *24.) (Continued Next Sunday) It la always nraa (•» me when a tin |Iank atmla word that ha haa mode ai>inethltiR iiaeful for hla mother or for other rhlhlren In the family. Mere are the illreotlona amt ilrawIn* Tor a antall etand to hold n plant or two. It wan aent to me by a 0 year old hoy whnae name la Herbert Wood. Ha lives near North Dartmouth, Maaa. Ha tiaerl for hla top a pleo# of wood 10 Inrhea aquai-e and made the lent out of the rollera that he took from some old window ahadea. They were aliout 28 Inrhea hl*h. The eeeond shelf, to hold a fern pot, la about 10 Inches from the bottom. After the stand was finished he etalned it with shellac. Herbert write*: ,"I thought this might Interest some other little fellow to make." PETER. Gertrude Reseller of St. T.ouls, Mo., has Joined the Go Hawks because after reading their png* she felt n* if she wanted to do something good every day. f..■■■'" ■' ■ ... 1 ' THE SINGING DELL — ON PATRIOTS' DA) By HAPPY. WHEN I was born my mother called me little Paul— Paul le my father’* name and he U big and brave— And *o, the say*, with *uch a name I must behave .She thinks that ndthlng else would do for me at all. It's fun to take my flag and march on Patriot*' day All up and down and round and round our garden walk, And with my flower soldier* drill and to them talk, And'then, that I am Paul Revere w* like to play. N When mother bring* for me a lantern way up high In her own window, then—oh, then—I always know That It la time for me td mount my horse and »ro To rouse all those who still are fast asleep nearby. My flery horse 1* sometime* only father's can*— Tt seems to go as fast as any other thing; And. oh! I think I hear the hoofbeata loudly ring To arm*:" I cry and then I clatter off again. And when T stop td knoek on mother's door and call, "To sima! The British rdme!" she cries. "You little dear I surely should have named you Paul Revere. (luard well your country’s flag that It may never fall.” s.__ - — Whm | tr>M mother that today I wanted a patriotic !Wr Ijie for tny tlo Hawk rooking circle heiause It eo near Patriots’ day, »he anld, "Why not uae ogo for custard, hecauae 1'te always heard lha Ana gentlemen of colonial days wero very fond of rue tard.'' This made me think of some thing, and I anld, ''Why, mother, tha vary thing, for I have just found a euatard rarlpe "* So here It la and mother suggested we rail It COLONIAL. CUSTAKP. Two oupa milk, two or three eggs, one-third rup sugar, on» fourth tea spoon salt, nutmeg or vanilla for flavoring. Beat eggs until blended, then add augar and milk. Cook In a alow oven until smooth and velvety. Try with a knlfa, and If It comes out clean the eustards are done. Bake In small custard cups ast In pan of hot water. CARAMEL SAUCE Three cups of sugar and one cup of boiling water. Cook sugar until It melte, stirring all the time to keep from burning. Then add boiling water. Put a table spoon of sauce In the bottom of each custard cup, then when you turn out your custards on plates the sauce will run over them. Frances writes this recipe will make enough for six people and that the caramel sauce may be kept In a Jar In the Icebo* for a long time. rOLI,Y. Bf^ TINY W TAD y Stales {q Mother'* father and mother ere rather proud of their little 4 year old'* ability to count and to even add a little. On# day her father Baked: "Bather, what are two and two?" "Twenty-two, daddy," waa the quick answer. COME PLAY WITH ME Pour Hid Ntlilitl. This will prove a favorite rune with the younger children, one of the players, with hat In hand goes along the line pretending he is an old soldier. “Kind lady ' (or “kind gentleman I, he says, "1 am an old soldier, poor and hungry Will you give me something?" or "What will you give me?’ or a plea of some sort. The child who la spoken to must then either refuse or agree to give the old aoldler something, but In doing ao he muit not mention the words "Yes" or “No," “Black" or White." If the old soldier trlcka him Into using one of these words, then the player caught has to taka the place of the old soldier. InT775. Here Is a good gams for a patri otic holiday. All but ora of the players are seated In a circle. Kaeh player Is given a name, such as gun. awnrd, fife, drum, bugle, canteen, boots, spurs, flag and horse. The one player In the center Is the cap tain, and sa she walks around the r---\ Another If ay to Be A Good Go-Hauk. A good Go-IIawk loves his coun try and likes to read about the great historical events which have made It free and Independent and a great nation. Try to learn all you can of our American heroes, for they are good models for us all to follow. Bo remember thla way to be a good Go-Hawk. V Letters From, Little Folks of Happyland (Prised A letter by Mr*. Oriole to Mre. Robin. I-arge b'oreet, North Pine Tree. Dear Mr*. Robin—-I received your letter yeaterday. I wlah 1 had aome nice thread* to build my neat with. If you have found any I wlah you would tell me where you found them. My but I’ve had an awful time trying to build a neat. At flrat Mr. Oriole and X decided to build it In a nice walijut by the road. We had It nearly flnlahed when I waa carrying back a feather and I noticed a aparrow tear ing down the neat. Then I aaw an other aparrow carrying off the nice threads and thing*. 1 dropped my feather and went away to tell Mr. Oriole about It. Then we decided on tlila tree. Nothing haa happened ao far, but I am frightened all the time for fear something will. I am sending you the recipe for I’lnkroot Halad: “To allces plnkroot, one tenth of an Inch thick, one billful mllweed milk one-half leaf wild cabbage, and two blllfula butter, churned from milkweed milk. Rake In the aun for one hour and 2d minute*. Well 1 gueaa that* all -ao I’ll close. Ooodby, Your friend, Mr*. Oriole. Wil(fn by Opal Orover, I’eru, Neb. A flood Member. One day emit naughty boy* were nicking a dog on to a white eat. The dog Juat about ran It down, arid Daunt wit* Juet walking up the aide walk. She any/ the eat and ran and got It and aaked why they were hurt ing It. They eeld Juat for fun. Hhe ram* up end allowed her pin and they wanted to be Oo Hawke ao eho aald; "Do any of you take the Omaha Bee?" Juat then a little boy named Torn aald they did. She aald there la a coupon there and aend a 2 rent atamp and you hava your pin. But obey tha rulea or you wouldn't be a 00 Hawk, So obey the rulea any Oo-Hawk*. Biddy. Dear Happy: I am eneloalng a 2 cent atamp. I am 10 year* old and In th* fourth grade. My teacher’* narna I* Mia* Orlfflth. I have 2 pet cat*. I will name all mv pete I ever had. A pet hen, two rata, four doga. My hen'a name waa Jllddy. Ovary time I called her ah* would eoma. On# day when I cam# born* from arhool I began to call her. She didn't com*. I went to look In the roal houae. and there waa a dog. That dog killed her. I cried and cried. Daddy wa* eating dinner, I made him dig her a grave. After arhool 1 went down to the ator* and got a hog to bury her. 1 am aenillng a eturnp for a button. I rnuat cloee, Arlene Hugh**, Oozed. Neb. A Pair of floHaali*. Dear Happy Mty aleter arid I wlah to Join your aoclety ao I am encloa log two 2 cent atamp* for which plea** »*nir* ti* two button* W* promla* to help *nrn* one every day. W# will try to protect th* bird* and all dumh animal*. Wa have been In th* habit of qunr rellng which annoy* our mother very much, ao we will try very herd to break Hill bad habit, too. I am It and my alater, Margaret, la 7. W* have a baby brother, 21 month* old He I* al> k now but will get better aoon I hope. Rlleeil and Margaret Wilson, Mitchell, Nab., Boa ti26. Dolly. Dear Happy—I want to become a Oo-Hawk. I am aendlng a 2 cent atamp for a pin. I am 11 yeara old and In tha eixth grade. I have two alatere named Klale and Marie. Marie ia the oldeat. T atn the ynungeHt. .My two alatara and myaelf have each five brothere. Do you know how many that will make? I am aendlng you a atory along with my aetter, thla la It: Once upon a time there waa a llttlo girl named Dolly. She had a very nice mother and father, but no broth era or alatera. Dolly waa S yeara old and waa going to go to the Mg achool houae on the corner In the fall. One day aa ahe waa walking paat It ahe heard • little anund ao ahe looked around and there waa a little baby kitten. Dolly liked kitten* very well ao ahe picked thla one up and carried It home. She decided ahe would call It Fluff. She came to love Fluff very well and had very nice timea with her. About two daya later a little neigh bor girl came over to Dolly’a houae and aaked her If ahe had aeen a little baby kitten. Dolly waa about to aay no when ahe remembered Fluff and would not tell a lie, ao aha allowed the little girl Fluff and ahe aald It waa hera and ahe took Fluff home. That evening when Dolly'a father came home he found Dolly all In team ao he naked her what waa the matter ao ahe told him, hut he anld, "You ahouldn’t cry over thlnga that don’t belong to you but 1 think I can fl« It uti ao It will be all right with yotl, but look,” and he held up a allver dollar to her face; ahe anw bow ahe looked and It made her laugh. The next evening when her fath er came home he brought her a little kitten and It waa aa cute aa Fluff ao that waa what Dolly called It —fllady* Heebe, Clay Center, Neb. Tim Plahing Trip. Dear Happy: W* have had very nlca weather, It la an nlea tha* I feel Ilk* going without my coat. I think I will writ* you a atory, the name of It la "Tha Flailing Trip .'^ One* upon a lima there wan a boy and a girl, they wera going on a flail ing trip, the hoy and the girl wanted to cateh 20 flah, tha boy had to eatch 10 and an did tha girl. Whan they wera ready to go home a man raine along and aald, "I-et me ae* how many flah you have caught." They let him aee how many. When they handed him >0 flah h* ran away with the flah, tha children eald, "I bet that waa a thief." Your little Oo llawk friend, Helen Iveraen. age 0, Wlnalde, Neb. New Member. Hear Happy: I have a brother and wo hav« two doga, King end Frit* 1 am In the fifth grade and am 10 yeara old. I prornlae lo ho kind and 1 will Iry to do aoioe good thing each day, I hope aome of the Go Hawk* will write to me Your friend, Helen !,ovell, 1214 North Kenaaa, llaatlnga, Nab. \ Seventh Grader. Dear Ilapjiy: I wlah to Joln'th# Go Hawk*. I am In the aevanth grad*. My tea-her e name la Mra Hpiage I Ilka her tine. 1 am aendlng a 2 cent alatiip for my button. I am 12 yeara old Aa I don't know any more lo wtlle I will cloae. Yoiira truly, Juanita Mcl'haraun, Fullerton. K £3 % The Wtehee. Once upon e time there were some animal*, they wanted to change their voire*. The Lion wanted to "moo” like a cow. The Wolf wanted to bleat like a sheep. The Fox wanted to crow like a rooster and th# Cat wanted a squeak Ilk* a mouse. So after they told each other how they wanted to talk. They had a wise man coma and teach them how to talk their different way. After they had boon taught their new way they thanked the man and he went away. Then the Lion went to th# Cow-yard where a baby calf wae. “moo," ealrt the Lion and the calf thought It was Ida mother and went to let her In, whfn th« door wa# open th# Lion Jumped upon th* calf and ate It. Then the Wolf went to the eheep yard where a baby eheep lived. Th# Wolf went up to the door and bleat ed Ilk# a eheep and th* lamb thought It was her mother and opened the door and tbs wplf pounced on the lamb and ate It. Then tha Fox went to the poultry yard and began to crow Ilk* a rooster, the hen thought It was th* rooster with a fat worm and went to let him In, when the door opened the fox pounced on the hens and ate them. Then th# Cat went to the ham where some mice were In a nest, ha began to squeak like a mouse and the mice thought It was their grandfather with a Id* piece of cheese, so^thsy opened the door to let In the cat, when It was open the cat pounced upon the mice and devoured them. When the wlee men hearlT what had happened he called th* animate to him and told them they would have to take bark their old volcea hecauee they didn't make good uae of their new ones. Dorothy Snyder. Age 12, Orlawold/ la. v Ultra School Dear Happy: I am 10 yaara ol T am not going to writ* a atory. I hava a pony, a dog and a cat for peta. My pony'a name la Hen. He la black and while. The dog'* name la Frit* and the cal’* nama la Ruater. I hava a brother and al*t*r. My alater'a name la Ruth. Hit* la It yaara old. My brother* name la Iatwrence. lie la It yeora old. Your true friend, Fern Tyler, Kirn Creek, Neb, Hhep. Dear Happy: I am aendlng a t cent alamp, for I want a pin. 1 want to be a Go Hawk. I go to achool. I am » year* old. My inocher'a name la Miaa Ranka. I hava two alatera and on# brother. Their mime* arc Alice, Mavla and Gordon. I have n dog end two cate Mv dog * name la Hhep I will l«e kind to all dumb animal*. Your* truly, Pauline Mumby, Helvey. Neb. Second l«*ltrr. Dear Happy: Thla la the necond Urn# I have written I am * year* old and In the fifth grade. My teacher'* name la Alice .Tone* 1 have a pet ring, hi* name la Hover. He I* a Scotch collie. I will try to he good to dumb animal* I wlah aorne of the tin Hawk Irlbe would wilt* to tnr Well my letter In getting long and I have nothing more to any I gueaa I will Hoar Your* truly. lemur Nel eon, Qreelry, Neb. Age I. WEATHER fuaos \VItJ< WAVE ALL WEEK IN IIAPPYIjA Nil Peg If Jene’e Adventure. Peggy was a little girl 10 years old. She asked her mother If eh# might go Into the woods and take her lunch. Her mother said, "Tea, you may, but don't go too far " Peggy said, "No, mother, I won't go too far." When she got Into the woods, what do you think she saw. There she eaw 20 dwarfs. They took her to their home There aha cooked for them and claaned their house. She was gone one week. Everybody In the village was looking for her. Homo of the men went Into the woods and they saw her with the dwarfs A dwarf ran with Peggy. They ran to their house. Hhe cried and begged them to let her return to her home. They would not. Th# next day she said, “I am going to pick berries ” She took a bosket and went out and ran all the way home. Her mother waa eo glad *o seg her she did not know what to do.—Clara Jsne Hop. ton, aga I. Nanny. Dear Happy: I haven’t written for a long time. My button W'ould not stay on my dress. fto one day I thought that I would wear It. I lost It and I could not find It. Will you please send tno another one. I win try not to loae this one. Enoloaed find a two rent stamp and coupon. Wa have a Nanny goat for our pet. Nanny got up on the houae this morning and eh* wa* playing and felf off. It didn’t hurt bsr. 1 wish aom# of the Go Hawks would write to ma. I hope Mr. Wastebasket la busy when my letter reechos you. Joanna Rosa, Age !> years.. J,ouls vllte. Neb. ColH* Ho* Dear Happy: I received my button and I like It very much, I have a collie dog, hla name la Hpnrt and he la very good He won’t let the pig* lake any chicken*. Today h* ran out In the pigpen and lw wouldn t let tha pig* coma nenr tha gate. lla would clin*e them away, then lie would look toward* tha houae a* If ha wanted u* to Coma out thara, than finally papiv want out on the porch. Ha heard a han yelling then ha waat out thara and there wa* a han ■ aught In tha gala. Ho let her looaa. Than we gave him a good din ner. Mae I,nni|iil*t I.oomiIh. Neb. Age 10. ' Sallle and Snowball. Dear llappv: Thl* I* my flrat letter to you and 1 would Ilk* to Join the (|o-H*wk« I am 10 year* old and In tha fifth grade. My teacher’* name la Ml** I.*th* Kemturner. For i>et* I hava a pony. Har mini* 1* ftnllle. And I hava a dog, hi* name |* Snowball, becauae ha I* a little ftplt* dog You will find 2 cent* In «tnmpa In my letter for my pin. I wdlild like to hava limit of tha (In llnwk* to write to me I premier to be kind to dumb animal* Vour frlond—SylvIa t:n* mincer, llajubuic, la. The Good of • Go-Hawk Club. I waa out walking with soma of my frlenda on a freezing winter day In December. Aa I walked by a large enow drift, I saw eome kind of a froten body In tbe mow. I got down on my knees to examine It. It was a dog. My friends Juat laughed and said a* I tried to pull the body out: "It'a dead, so what a tha use of trying to get It out.” I proudly showed a badge I had and started to dig the anow away from the dog Aa I pulled out the dog I noticed It wa* alive, and waa a St. Bernard. I carried It home, and took care of It. It became well and loves me very much. It haa aaved my life and many other people's. The frlenda that were with me when I saved the dog got a badge and belong to the Oollawk club. Dear Happy: I have written before but I loet my badge, soma tlma ago, and am sending for another on*. I like very much to be in the club. And to be good to dumb anlmela.—Idella Corcoran, age 11, Silver Creek, Neb. Waul* letters Dear Happy: I have been reading the Happy land page for a long time. I have been wanting to Join the Oo Hawk club. Enclosed you will find the coupon and a 2 cent stamp I have one pet. He la a dog. His name la Rompus. I have one slater and one brother. My slater's name 1* Isabella. My brother's name la Jack. I wish you would tell some of the Oo-Hawka to write to me. I am 9 year* old and In the fourth grade In school and In the third grade In music. Aa my letter I* getting long, I must close, Jeanne Ro*a, I,oiilsvll|e, Neb. A New Member. Dear Happy: This la my flrat latter to you, and am .tending a 2-c«nt atamp. I am 13 veers old and In the alrhth grad# In school. My tearher'a name la Mlaa Pltxpatrlek. I like my teacher very well. I have always known the motto and tha pledge. I have no sisters, and Just ona brother. I would like to bwve enme of the other members write to m«e I have several pet kittens, and they are black. I stand true to the motto and hope to receive a pin, I will close as my letter la getting long -Marietta Mun son. a^c«l 13. Champion, Neb. Mud). I*ear Happy: I rend your letters tn the Sunday Hee every Sunday, and I enjoy them very much, and 1 am sending a 2-eenf stamp ao I can Join the do Hawk club. I am * years old and In the third grade. I have a little rat terrier We call hltn ltudy. lie does tied look much Ilk* an ostrich. I would like to hear from some of the Other member* Kenneth Smith, llsr vard, Neb. A New Member l***ir Happy: I am going to Join the do Hawks, and I Ilk* outdoor sport very much. 1 Ilk* to prot*rt dumb animal* tuid bird* and I think I will like the club very much. I am 12 year* old and In tb* sixth guide at school. Inclosed find a 2 cent ■tamp, so please send me a button,— I.ester Kmnlierg. Age 12. Kennard N*b, • What tha Clock ToM. “Oh dear, I am ao tired of alttlag here day after day with nothing to do but tick,” aald the clock. “Tou might tell ua about your life',” aald tha pencil. “Y>», I ehall. I was made In Switg erland in a factory. I waa then taken to a ttore. Then I waa put In tha window, where I could aca tha moun tain*. But one day a lady came in. She aaked to look at acme clocka. The clerk showed me to her and *he said. ‘I will take thla one,' and ahe pointed at me. “She then took me to a large home. When she got home ihe ehowed me to a man and aald, "This la what I got for my slater, Jean.' "That la otir mlatreea’ name,'* In terrupted the pencil. *‘yee,” continued the clock. She then «*t me on her dreeaer. Oh 1 loyed It there. The children were *o sweet. One waa 3 and the other *. They never complained like the chil dren here do. Next thing ahe took me and put me In a strong box. Then I wae taken to the poet office. Next 1 waa put In a train. I liked It. But my Journey soon came to an end. The postman brought me here and here I am. Now tell me your story." “I waa made In a factory, too, and then,” but the pencil never finished her glory for Ann, the maid, came In to clean up the room. Your faith ful On-llawk, rhylUa Chapman, Au rora, Neb. Egyptian Peasant Woman. T am the wlfa of a poor Egyptian penaant. I will tall you about my life. My home la not a place of beauty. It la made of reede plnetered together with mud. It te low, almost flat. In shape; In fact, If I stood erect I would thrust my head through the roof. As th«re la little or no rain, my coun try houses are made to keep otf the burning eun. They do not have win dow* and there la no lock for the door aa there la little to eteaJ. I work very hard. Sometlmee we do not have enough to eat. When my huahand la hungry he beats me. I will tell you something about the kings. They ll\V in beautiful temples and have bright dreasee trimmed with gold and silver luce. When u king dlea hlu body lu called a mummy. He worehipe Mnrduk, the god of the eun Here comes my husband, so I will close, for he may beat me.—toddle Walker. 407 Bast Second Street, Me Cook. Neb. line Many Toys. Hear Happy: Thta Is my first letter to you. I am sending a 7 cent stamp 1 for mv pin I want some of the children. to write to be I will be kind to all dumb animals I have no brother* or sister*. | have an auto mobile and a wagon mall car and a Irl aide sled, end my daddy and grand pa built me a Baraga and so 1 have lots of fun w ith my to\« Jack IVwey, J90S North Twenty third Street, Omaha, Neh. A Seventh tlrader. Dear Happy. Thle la my first let ter 1 have ever written to you. 1 want to join your club I am send Ing a ieent stamp Please send me the button as 1 pn^itiso to be kiln! lo all dumb animals I am 17 years] of age and will he In the seventh! grade at school next vest I will] Plow, hoping Mi V, tgk ing s nap t'eillta Thompson tier I Ing, Neb., Uox rnrl* eh* .nil* then* dlffersn < name*. and a* she rails tha playe. whoa* nairie Is mentioned gate ut■ and follow * the captain. W hen a th* players are up tb* captain sud denly calls, "To arms! To arms and runs to one af th* chairs. A* soon as aha la seated all th* other players rush for a chair, and th# on* who falls to get a chair becomes the captain and give* hi* name to tha former captain. EBEji What do thay call a black eat m England? Answer—Why, "kitty, kitty," of course. What flower resembles a bull'# mouth? Answer—Cowslip (cow's lip i That Katharine Kelly of Laxlngtsn Mo, has read lots of Jams* Whit comb Riley's poems and enjoyed thtm very much. "V In Field and Forest \---_y Aa aach naw season cornea It aaema tha beat one of all. Especially In the spring am I glad that my little house stands so close to the woods, where I can watch th# trees wakening frem their long winter's sleep. Among the dark trunka of other trees tha gray beeches have looked almost whit*. Hidden In tha silky brown bud acalea of tha beach, with Its many layers, have been the young shoots This Is tha month when they puah aside thalr wrappings. Tha outer scales are falling while tha Inner ones are growing longer, and now the silky-coated baby lea res are ar pearing. No tree In all tha woods seemed quite ao lovely this morning aa tha beech. Its twigs all covered with tender baby leaves of green. One almost wishes these hablea might stay aa they are always. Roma of you writs me la March that you had already bean la tha wooda for pussywillows that tall ao early that spring la on tha way. Tha brown scales of tha poplar tree loosen In March on tha buds that are plump. Then tha fussy gray puastaa, all fluah ed with pink, puah thalr way out and wavs at ua from avary branch. Aa soon aa thalr golden pollan dust la opened their catklna fall and are scattered to the wind. Often do I wish thee* early spring days that all my young friends among tha Go-Hawks might find tha little winding road that leads to tha wooda. If ever you do, then look for a brown cottage with many windows, and un derneath each one a ahelf for the birds1 uee In the winter. Tou will know the house because the path leads from the front door straight Into the wooda. Better wear your buttons when >-oil come to look for me. Then 1 will “now you are Go Hawks The very minute you see me you will guess that I am your UNCLE JOHN. Good Book* for Childrm j Hood Hook* for < hildren C'hooe# cm# of th##* hooka to react each w##k. perhape you had b#tt#r cut th# Hat out each tint# and tak# It with you to your city library. It la prepared for tti# Happyland boy# and flrla by Mia# Alloa M. Jordan. *UP*rrt#or of children* work. Boot on publlo library. Thla ae*k ah# aug «**t»: t'atherwood, M. H, ' Hero## of th# Mlddl# We#t." « errant#*. S., ''Don Quiaotw* Edreworth. Marla. •TaJ**.•• Icanr. Andrew. "Brpnn rairy Book." Sterenaon. R U. "Black Arrow.' 'Vlftlk. K. P., "Mother Carey's Chlckena." Coupon for HAPPY TRIBE Every boy and gtrt reader of Ihla paper who ntahee In join the Cio Haw It*, •( which Jame* Whit comb Riley waa the rir*l Big Chief, ran ae care hi* nfirial ballon by *end lug a ! real • tamp wltb ynar name, age and addrea* with thi* coupon. Vddrro your letter to "Happy," care thl* paper Over lid.MHI member*! MOTTO 'To Malt* the World a Happier 11 are." PLEDGE “I will honor and protect my country'» flag," "I * prn*nI.* to help *otne one every day. I will try to ptolerl the bird*, all dumb animal*, tree* and plant*.'* V — - I ->